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Public defenders help uphold an important legal 1

right for American citizens. 1 Nevertheless, they save A) NO CHANGE

the legal system and the American public a great deal of B) Besides,

time and money. C) Specifically,

D) Moreover,

There have been many advances in the tools that 2


nations can use to communicate with one another, A) NO CHANGE

2 but technology has not yet been able to make B) and
simultaneous translation into multiple languages an C) for
automated task. D) so

When a child feels safe at home, he may 3

communicate with ease. But put him in a stressful A) NO CHANGE
situation like a classroom, and suddenly his ability to B) Consequently,
articulate his thoughts is gone. 3 Subsequently, when C) By contrast,
working with a patient, a speech pathologist must first D) Meanwhile,
try to make him feel as comfortable as possible.

Those who believe that the U.S. embargo on Cuba is 4

an effective method of influencing the Cuban government A) NO CHANGE
to change its policies cite several rationales. Primarily, they B) Regardless,
believe that the embargo pressures the Cuban government C) In effect,
to improve its human rights record. 4 More specifically, D) Furthermore,
they argue that since the Cuban government controls
the economic power of the individual in Cuba, lifting
restrictions on trade would benefit only the Cuban
government, not the people of Cuba.

144 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

After three years of marriage and one daughter, 5

Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn beheaded for adultery A) NO CHANGE
after he had the marriage annulled. 5 Similarly, there B) Moreover,
is something odd about this sequence of events: if the C) However,
marriage was annulled—and therefore was ruled to have D) In fact,
never actually existed—how could Anne have betrayed


Negative reciprocity makes rational sense: of course 6

people would want to get as much as they can for as A) NO CHANGE
little as they can give. Then there is balanced reciprocity, B) For example,

which appears irrational. 6 By definition, balanced C) Still,
reciprocity is balanced, which means both parties D) Therefore,
essentially give and receive equally.

While endorphins themselves are not well 7

understood, the effect they have is. Once their release A) NO CHANGE
is stimulated by exercise, they lock into special receptor B) As a rule,
cells called opioid receptors. 7 Regardless, endorphins C) Then,
are able to block the transmission of pain and D) However,
simultaneously produce feelings of euphoria.

In early human existence, time was strictly limited 8

by the natural pattern of day and night. Once the art A) NO CHANGE
of fire-making was established, humans were able to B) Foremost,
stay active during the night. The progression from fire C) Initially,
to more developed sources of artificial light was slow, D) Nevertheless,
with little change until the advent of gas illumination in
the early 1800s. 8 Furthermore, the biggest change
in night activity was in the workplace: artificial light
enabled mills and factories to employ their workforces
for longer hours. Following the increase of nighttime
labor was an increase in nighttime entertainment.

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On the one hand, a drop in the fertility rate can be 9


good for a country’s economy. Children are quite costly A) NO CHANGE

to raise in developed countries. Fewer children means B) On the other hand,
that people can invest their time and productivity in C) In fact,
growing their personal wealth. 9 Therefore, many D) Likewise,
argue that more children are likely to serve as a benefit

to the economy rather than as a drain.

The chemicals that leach into the public water 10

system over time in locations where fracking occurs A) NO CHANGE

have demonstrated harmful and long-term effects on the B) In conclusion,

local populations. 10 However, because of the strong C) For example,
support fracking has received based on its economic D) Besides,
value, it’s unlikely to end any time soon.

A couple of decades ago, there was a belief that by 11

now there would be solar panels everywhere: on the A) NO CHANGE
lawns of business parks, covering the roofs of private B) To these ends,
homes, and filling the empty space of deserts. 11 Thus, C) Indeed,
this wish has not yet materialized. D) Unfortunately,

May of 2012 marked the 372nd consecutive month 12

in which the average temperature of the entire globe A) NO CHANGE
exceeded average temperatures of the twentieth century. B) Furthermore,
12 Conversely, scientists have concluded that in order C) Nevertheless,
to keep global warming in check and prevent massive D) On the other hand,
changes to our environment, the temperature cannot
rise by another 2°C.

146 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

Because some in society think it is immoral to 13

defend criminals, they assume that public defenders A) NO CHANGE
lack personal and professional morals as well. These B) therefore,
criticisms, 13 however, are misguided. C) indeed,
D) surprisingly,

Most dieters never consult a dietitian—a 14
professional who advises people on diet choices for A) NO CHANGE
healthy living. Dietitians differ from nutritionists B) regardless,
in that nutritionists are not all regulated through C) on the other hand,
registered licenses. Dietitians, 14 for instance, must D) similarly,

earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or
university and complete a professional internship before
sitting for licensing exams.

When speaking on matters of great international 15

importance, diplomats are particularly attentive to A) NO CHANGE
the nuances of their words, which makes the job of B) Furthermore,
translation difficult. 15 However, all languages have C) To these ends,
their own specific colloquialisms and idiomatic phrases, D) Therefore,
which can further complicate a translator’s task.

Having experience as a classroom teacher is an 16

important qualification for a school superintendent. A) NO CHANGE
16 Besides, it isn’t practical for a superintendent to B) Despite this,
implement the best plans for students and teachers C) After all,
without knowing much about their experiences. D) Instead,

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The initial goal of the Cuban embargo was 17


to influence the newly established communist A) NO CHANGE

government in Cuba towards greater democratization. B) Nevertheless,
17 In addition, there was great fear of the spread of C) Meanwhile,
communism and its threat to capitalist and democratic D) At that time,

In early human existence, time was limited by the 18

natural pattern of day and night. Due to the lack of A) NO CHANGE

artificial light, humans were diurnal. Once the art of fire- B) finally,
making was established, 18 however, humans were able C) subsequently,
to stay active during the night. D) likewise,

Over the past several decades, the roles of service 19

animals have been expanding. 19 These days, service A) NO CHANGE
animals were trained to help with the physical needs of B) Soon,
disabled individuals: they acted as guides for the blind, C) Next,
provided alerts for the deaf, and served as physical aides D) Historically,
for those with limited mobility. 20 Previously, the
tasks of service animals have expanded considerably.
21 Increasingly, service animals are no longer used
solely to assist with physical needs: they are now used
B) Formerly,
to help individuals with a wide variety of medical and
C) Despite this,
emotional needs.
D) Since then,

B) In any case,
C) By contrast,
D) However,

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Algae has many advantages over other plant-based 22

biofuels. 22 However, it produces between ten and a A) NO CHANGE
hundred times more oil per acre than any other fuel crop. B) Although,
This is due to the fact that fifty percent of the weight of C) First,
algae is the lipid oil that is used as biofuel. 23 In sum, D) Instead,
algae needs fewer natural resources than other plants

for its cultivation. It can be grown using wastewater
rather than clean water, and it can be grown in only
wastewater—it does not require land. The amount of
B) Additionally,
land that would be required for facilities to produce
C) Accordingly,
enough algae to replace all fossil fuel use in the United
D) In other words,
States is less than one-seventh of that required for corn.

24 Consequently, many do not believe that algae as a
biofuel is as promising as it first seems. 24
B) Finally,
C) Nevertheless,
D) As a rule,

Becoming a professional pianist takes years of 1
practice and 1 requires a great deal of sacrifice. A) NO CHANGE
B) require
C) will require
D) has required

The United Nations 2 have more than tripled in 2

size since it was established in 1945, and currently has A) NO CHANGE
193 member countries. B) will have
C) has
D) was

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Among many noteworthy ways in which 3


biomedical engineers have improved our general health, A) NO CHANGE

a group of Portuguese engineers 3 are responsible for B) is
developing angiography, which uses X-rays to examine C) was
blood vessels and thus helps in the diagnosis and D) were
treatment of heart disease.

Due to the lack of interest officials in the Cuban 4

government 4 has shown towards negotiations with A) NO CHANGE
America, to lift the embargo would be to sanction their B) have

behavior. C) have been

D) might have

Disagreement between the Soviet Union and the 5

other three Allied powers over how Germany should be A) NO CHANGE
governed 5 was one of the contributing factors of the B) were
Cold War. C) have been
D) having been

The sentiments reflected in the Preamble of the 6

Constitution—justice, liberty, and prosperity for all— A) NO CHANGE
6 was highly honored by our country’s Founding B) were
Fathers. C) was to be
D) had been

While endorphins themselves are not well 7

understood, the effect they 7 have are widely A) NO CHANGE
recognized. B) has is
C) have is
D) has are

150 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

Under current federal law, the use of service 8

animals 8 are protected. A) NO CHANGE
B) have been
C) has been
D) is

The high rate of infection in the most recent Ebola 9
outbreaks 9 are due to both the long incubation A) NO CHANGE
period and the types of symptoms that present. B) is
C) were

D) have been

The conclusion of the scientists 10 were that 10

dietary profile was directly related to children’s A) NO CHANGE
socioeconomic status. B) was
C) having been
D) had been

Permits are issued at the state level, and the 11

requirements for receiving one 11 varies from state to A) NO CHANGE
state. B) has varied
C) will vary
D) vary

Since 1959, human activity 12 have been emitting 12

at least 350 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the A) NO CHANGE
atmosphere. B) emit
C) has emitted
D) emits

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13 As the amount of fossil fuels are finite, the 13


eventual depletion of global supply will create job losses, A) NO CHANGE

tax and tariff deficits, and economic decline. B) was
C) were
D) is

While it is true that every profession experiences its 14

share of corrupt behavior, there is no data whatsoever to A) NO CHANGE
support the idea that there 14 has been a concentration B) is
of unethical behavior in the field of public defense. C) have been

D) will be

As Jon steps out onto the stage, he 15 had 15

remembered not to stare up directly into the lights. A) NO CHANGE
B) remembered
C) remembers
D) was remembering

As stated in the 1992 Cuban Democracy Act, the 16

United States 16 refuses to lift the embargo until the A) NO CHANGE
Cuban government demonstrates movement towards B) refused
“democratization and greater respect for human rights.” C) has refused
D) refuse

On the same day that Bell filed his application, 17

another inventor, Elisha Gray, 17 was filing a caveat for A) NO CHANGE
the same device. B) filed
C) had filed
D) had been filing

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This violent act infuriated the nation, and within 18

two weeks a judge 18 was ordering that the prisoners A) NO CHANGE
be released and cleared of all charges. B) had been ordered
C) has ordered
D) ordered

Both the freedom of the West and emptiness of pre- 19
dawn streets 19 offer feelings of relief and autonomy A) NO CHANGE
for those who wished to be released from the restrictions B) offers
of mainstream society. C) offering

D) offered

The older generation will be supported by the 20

younger generation through systems of pensions and A) NO CHANGE
health care. Members of a smaller generation 20 earns B) will earn
fewer wages and thus will pay fewer taxes than their C) will have been earning
parents’ generation did. D) had earned

Changes to the section of the Americans with 21

Disabilities Act regarding the use of service animals A) NO CHANGE
21 are consisting of revisions to the definition of B) consisting
a service animal and extended the rights of service C) consisted
animals and their owners in publically- and privately- D) consist
owned places.

To clearly establish what the difference is between 22

creationism and evolution, biologist Kenneth Weiss A) NO CHANGE
22 introduces what he called the “scale of causal effects.” B) is introducing
C) had introduced
D) introduced

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As the 21st century progresses, we 23 faces many 23


important environmental concerns. A) NO CHANGE

B) will have faced
C) faced
D) will face

A good ear, a strong work ethic, and a natural 24

ability 24 is not enough on its own. A) NO CHANGE
B) is not going to suffice.
C) is not sufficient.

D) are not enough.

There are 70 million farms in India. For every farm 1
to have a two-animal till-and-plow draft team, and thus A) NO CHANGE
provide India with 1 their agricultural needs, 140 B) her
million animals would be required. C) its
D) the

In most economies, the older generation is 2

supported by the younger generation. The older A) NO CHANGE
generation earned this support when 2 they worked B) they worked to support its
to support their elders. C) it worked to support their
D) it worked to support its

For a single household to install enough solar 3

panels to meet the majority of 3 their energy needs A) NO CHANGE
would cost $10,000 or more. B) energy
C) its energy needs
D) the energy

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Despite being popular with the French public 4

on the occasion of her marriage to Louis XVI, Marie A) NO CHANGE
Antoinette quickly lost favor due to her lavish lifestyle B) the French poor
and expenditures. Her excessive spending on fashion, C) everyone
palace beautification, and gambling while 4 they D) she
starved was a likely motivator for anti-aristocratic


When the board of Coca-Cola first decided to enter 5

the Chinese marketplace, 5 it was unaware that A) NO CHANGE

6 it would be read as “Ke-kou-ke-la,” which means B) they were
“female horse stuffed with wax.” C) they had been
D) he was

B) they
C) the name
D) the print

The movement for women’s suffrage began in 7

earnest in the 1840s. Although no official war was fought A) NO CHANGE
for 7 it, an intense cultural battle took place. B) them,
C) her,
D) the women’s vote,

When the telephone was first invented, consumers 8

marveled at the new technology but worried 8 they A) NO CHANGE
might cause electrocution. B) he or she
C) one
D) it

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The House and Senate also had the power to form 9


a national army and navy, which were tasked with A) NO CHANGE

protecting the nation. 9 Their very existence served as B) Its
a deterrent to attacks from other countries. C) The military organizations’
D) Congress’s

If we are able to 3D print organs, can 10 you 3D 10

print a human being? A) NO CHANGE
B) they

C) we
D) one

When I was young and would get angry at my 11

mother and grandmother, 11 she would tell me to go A) NO CHANGE
walk it off until I felt better. B) my mother
C) someone
D) one

He brought a wild chimpanzee to be raised 12

alongside his son Donald, 12 who was ten months old. A) NO CHANGE
B) whom
C) which
D) he

One of the fascinating differences the study 13

demonstrated was that, despite the fact that apes have A) NO CHANGE
the same social and physical capabilities that humans B) species
have, 13 we did not evolve to the same extent. C) they
D) apes

156 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

In India, cows provide an important fuel source for 14

homes through 14 their dung. A) NO CHANGE
B) its
C) his or her
D) one’s

People who live in warm climates wear sandals 15
more often than 15 these who live in colder climates A) NO CHANGE
do. B) that
C) those

D) DELETE the underlined portion.

If you give a friend a gift worth ten dollars for her 16

birthday, 16 you are likely to give you a present worth A) NO CHANGE
roughly the same amount. B) they are
C) one is
D) she is

The first people to notice that a child is in need of 17

speech therapy usually report 17 one’s concerns to a A) NO CHANGE
doctor or school counselor. B) their
C) his or her
D) our

Givers do not expect a return on the value of 18

18 our gifts. A) NO CHANGE
B) his or her
C) their
D) those

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The world has changed drastically over the last 19


several decades, and cultural norms have changed with A) NO CHANGE

19 it. B) them.
C) him or her.
D) us.

Globalization has had an enormous impact 20

on many aspects of modern life, but no change has A) NO CHANGE
been more drastic than 20 these in international B) that

marketplaces. C) this
D) DELETE the underlined portion.

The diet and weight-loss industry in the United 21

States alone is worth twenty billion dollars, with 108 A) NO CHANGE
million Americans on some kind of diet. Most of B) these
21 them will attempt four or five different diets in one C) it
year. D) DELETE the underlined portion.

Dr. John Snow recognized that a shared water 22

pump was the source of a cholera epidemic in two A) NO CHANGE
London neighborhoods, so he sanitized the water source B) their impact.
and removed the handle of the pump, thereby greatly C) the impact of the epidemic.
reducing 22 its impact. D) that one’s impact.

158 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

There is growing support in America to end the 23

Cuban embargo. Those who are against the embargo A) NO CHANGE
argue that, since the embargo has been in place for B) it serves
decades without accomplishing its goal, 23 they serve C) we serve
no positive purpose. D) that one serves

The greater a country’s proclivity towards 24
individualism is, the faster 24 it’s pace of life is. A) NO CHANGE
B) their
C) its

D) there

Public defenders are a vital part of our legal system, 1
but they are often treated with 1 contempt. A) NO CHANGE
B) corruption.
C) contemplation.
D) slander.

Epidemiologists study the spread of disease to help 2

2 know the risk factors for certain diseases and health A) NO CHANGE
conditions and to help establish preventive healthcare B) identify
policy. C) improve
D) summarize

It has become clear that non-aggressive physical 3

contact after an aggressive incident is 3 considerable A) NO CHANGE
to forming a positive bond between individuals. B) vital
C) meaningful
D) worthy

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Biomedical engineering is an emerging field. It 4


merges two historically 4 distinguished disciplines: A) NO CHANGE

medicine and engineering. B) obvious
C) distinct
D) explicit

The ability to speak is generally taken for granted, 5

despite its 5 ubiquity. After all, there is no other A) NO CHANGE
species that can communicate through speech. B) independence.
C) uniqueness.
D) creativity.

One point of 6 convention among historians is 6

the number of wives Henry VIII had. A) NO CHANGE
B) resolution
C) contest
D) contention

In 1874, Meucci neglected to send in the ten-dollar 7

fee to renew his caveat, and so his claim 7 passed A) NO CHANGE
away. B) elapsed.
C) stalled.
D) expired.

It has been less than 100 years since all Americans 8

were 8 crowned the right to vote. A) NO CHANGE
B) granted
C) endowed
D) authorized

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The 9 conduct with which the Founding Fathers 9

protected the wealth of the elite is demonstrated in A) NO CHANGE
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. B) behavior with
C) means by
D) etiquette with

It may be that people donate money because they 10
have 10 a deep interest in what they are donating to. A) NO CHANGE
B) a distant
C) an immersed

D) an intricate

Two animals 11 institute a till-and-plow draft 11

team. A) NO CHANGE
B) constitute
C) embody
D) represent

The ADA defines a service animal as “any dog that 12

is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for A) NO CHANGE
the benefit of an individual with a disability, including B) inclusive
a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other C) exclusive
mental disability.” This definition is significantly more D) certain
12 conclusive than the previous one, due to the
expanding number of uses service animals are being
trained for.

The Tragedy of the Commons is an economic 13

theory dating to the early 19th century and A) NO CHANGE
13 polarized in the 1960s. B) subsidized
C) popularized
D) habituated

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Historically, a child’s growth has been considered a 14


14 conclusive indicator of the quality of a child’s A) NO CHANGE

environment. B) winning
C) final
D) mandatory

The scientists described the results as a harbinger 15

of what can come from neglecting the health of our A) NO CHANGE
own children and of the need to 15 administer change B) indicate
through political and social action. C) implement
D) perform

3D printing opens up a world of 16 probabilities 16

to us. A) NO CHANGE
B) forecasts
C) chances
D) possibilities

There is nothing like a good “I told you so”: 17

everyone loves the triumphant feeling that comes A) NO CHANGE
from being proved correct in the face of others’ doubt. B) drain
But that victorious feeling may 17 wane if what C) compress
you had correctly predicted was something with dire D) ripen
consequences for humanity.

Although many people think of a polar vortex as 18

a singular cold weather event that affects an area from A) NO CHANGE
time to time, it is not. There are two 18 persistent polar B) insistent
vortices, one at the North Pole and one at the South Pole. C) repeated
D) firm

162 | © TPR Education IP Holdings, LLC

Solar energy has the 19 skill to do a great deal 19

more than it does now if humanity can better harness A) NO CHANGE
the energy the sun provides. B) qualification
C) potential
D) aptitude

Historically found primarily in Asian and Central 20
and South American dishes, cilantro is now a popular A) NO CHANGE
flavoring 20 sum around the world. B) addition
C) extension

D) attachment

Fracking is usually done by large oil and gas 21

companies that lease land and mineral rights from A) NO CHANGE
private owners in areas that are known or thought to B) payments
have large 21 entries of these resources. C) investments
D) deposits

To establish the 22 collision that economic 22

situation has on child growth, scientists collected data on A) NO CHANGE
the height, weight, and triceps skin-fold measurements B) impact
of children residing in eastern Kentucky. C) shock
D) contact

Once a person is infected with Ebola, it takes 23

anywhere from 2-21 days for symptoms to 23 present. A) NO CHANGE
B) gift.
C) divulge.
D) offer.

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Although every case is different, children who are 24


24 pinpointed with autism may have a tendency to A) NO CHANGE

wander away from safe areas. B) determined
C) diagnosed
D) recognized


Due to the recent increase in global trade 1 in 1

the last few decades, companies are consulting with A) NO CHANGE
cultural anthropologists on how the companies can best B) in the recently past few decades,
market their products to foreign populations. C) in recent years,
D) DELETE the underlined portion.

2 Advising dieticians are dieticians who provide 2

counsel on matters of nutrition on a large scale. A) NO CHANGE
B) Advising dieticians
C) It is advising dieticians who
D) Those who are advising dieticians

UN translators (other than Chinese-English 3

ones) are required to know at 3 least three or more A) NO CHANGE
languages: their native tongue plus two additional B) the very least three
official languages. C) minimum three or more
D) least three

Since this 4 triumphant and victorious success 4

of disease control, the importance of studying health and A) NO CHANGE
disease patterns has grown. B) triumph that was successful in disease
C) successful overcoming of
D) victory of disease

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Without 5 physical connection and bodily 5

contact the relationship is never fully repaired. A) NO CHANGE
B) physical contact
C) physical, bodily connection
D) connection and contact

Cameron’s career as a concert pianist began when 6
he was 6 no older than three years of age. A) NO CHANGE
B) not any younger than three years old.
C) three years old.
D) around that time of three years aged.

Medical imaging is part of the 7 diagnostic 7
aspect and detection of ailments in medicine. A) NO CHANGE
B) diagnostic area
C) detecting and diagnosing of ailments
D) detection of diagnostics

The process of speech is an 8 amazingly intricate 8

B) amazing, intricate, and complicated
C) amazing, in that it’s complicated,
D) amazingly intricate and complicated

Even the most well documented events and eras 9

leave a great deal open to 9 inference and conjecture. A) NO CHANGE
B) conjecture and guesswork.
C) inferring and supposition.
D) conjecture.

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Although the fighting had ended, the war would 10


not officially be over until all parties involved reached A) NO CHANGE

peace 10 settlements. B) settlements, ending the war completely.
C) settlements, concluding the conflict forever.
D) settlements, bringing a final end to the conflict.

11 Generalized reciprocity and negative 11

reciprocity are generally considered to come with their A) NO CHANGE
own types of rationality. B) Generalized and negative reciprocity
C) Reciprocities that are both general and negative

D) Both generalized reciprocity and negative


After electricity came radio and television 12

broadcasting, which had an immense effect on how A) NO CHANGE
people used nighttime hours when 12 radio and B) radio and television shows began being
television broadcasting expanded to a 24-hour cycle. broadcast on
C) radio and television expanded to
D) broadcasting expanded to

When examined more closely, there appears to be 13

an end goal in the 13 selective nature of evolution. A) NO CHANGE
B) selective, discriminating
C) selective and discriminating
D) selectively discriminating

Elected officials are often 14 torn and cannot 14

decide between short-term fixes and more costly but A) NO CHANGE
ultimately more beneficial long-term plans. B) torn and indecisive
C) torn, unable to decide
D) torn

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Our dependence on fossil fuels for the 15 vast 15

majority and the bulk of our transportation needs is a A) NO CHANGE
major environmental concern. B) majority
C) vast majority of the bulk
D) majority, and also the bulk,

One of the most exciting but also contentious 16
modern inventions is 16 that of 3D printing. A) NO CHANGE
B) 3D printing.
C) that we can 3D print.

D) the invention of 3D printing.

Everyone loves the triumphant feeling that comes 17

from being proved correct in the face of 17 the doubt A) NO CHANGE
and disbelieving skepticism of others. B) the disbelieving skepticism of others.
C) doubt and skepticism.
D) skepticism.

In order to communicate more easily with his 18

wife 18 while she was confined upstairs and he A) NO CHANGE
worked mostly downstairs, Meucci began work on an B) when they were on different floors,
electromagnetic sound device. C) from the lower floor where he was to the upper
floor where she was,
D) from the basement of the house where he

Representative democracy is based on a system of 19

19 at least two or more political parties that offer the A) NO CHANGE
electorate distinct ideological alternatives. B) at the very least two
C) two
D) no less than two

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Increased concern about domestic issues is 20


demonstrated in both party affiliation 20 as well as A) NO CHANGE

voting trends. B) along with
C) and in
D) and

As the value of a population’s productivity increases, 21

the value 21 is increasing of that population’s time. A) NO CHANGE
B) increases time as well.
C) of that population’s time increases.

D) for that population, of time, increases.

Based on the assumption that there might be a 22

genetic link to cilantro aversion, a study was conducted A) NO CHANGE
on 22 identical sets of twins and others who were B) identical sets of twins and fraternal sets of twins.
fraternal. C) identical fraternal twins.
D) identical and fraternal sets of twins.

The reason for the strong aversion to cilantro 23

has been a puzzle for some time and 23 is only now A) NO CHANGE
becoming more and more clear. B) has only very recently begun to become much
more clear.
C) has now been made clearer and more
D) is only now becoming clearer.

The funding distribution measurement 24

demonstrated a sharp difference depending on which A) NO CHANGE
funding system— 24 either the progressive system or B) the progressive system versus the regressive
the regressive system—was used.
C) either progressive or regressive systems—
D) progressive or regressive—

Answers can be found on pages 726–727.

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