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Grade and Section: 10. An incoming law student who proves his
claim that people are becoming technological
PRE-TEST zombies.
A. to argue C. to
DIRECTIONS: Read the descriptions in each entertain
item and determine the author’s purpose. Write B. to inform D. to
your answer on a sheet of paper. persuade

1. A story about a young student who moves to 11.A newsletter about a junior student who is
a new school and is bullied, but gains self- unexpectedly rewarded for her generosity.
confidence by joining the school organ. A. to argue C. to
A. to argue C. to entertain entertain
B. to inform D.to persuade B. to inform D. to
2. A medical report describing the effects of
alcohol on the human body. 12. An orange sign urging drivers to slow down
A. to argue C. to persuade for the road beyond is under construction.
B. to explain D.to entertain A. to argue C. to
3. A speech written by a professional B. to inform D. to
psychologist listing the negative effects of persuade
gadgets and urging the people to avoid using it
excessively. 13. A speech which presents facts on how
A. to argue C. to persuade students can add up to the social movement for
B. to inform D. to entertain nature’s safety.
A. to argue C. to
4. A student motivated to write if technology is entertain
limiting creativity. B. to inform D. to
A. to argue C. to persuade persuade
B. to inform D. to entertain
14. A leaflet explaining how an unborn child may
5. A politician’s directives about how social be affected when a pregnant mother smokes.
amelioration funds be provided to families in A. to argue C. to
need. entertain
A. to argue C. to entertain B. to inform D. to
B. to inform D. to persuade persuade

6. Tarpaulins hanged on footbridges advising 15.A pamphlet urging people not to eat too much
people to stay home to contain COVID19. canned foods because of chemical contents
A. to argue C. to entertain which can cause birth defects and other serious
B. to notify D.to persuade health problems.
A. to argue C. to
7. Debates among law students on issue as to entertain
what extent are electric vehicles a solution to B. to inform D. to
global pollution. persuade
A. to tell C. to entertain
B. to argue D. to persuade

8. A short note about a young kid who breaks his

Dad’s eyeglass and learns that telling the truth is
the most important thing.
A. to argue C. to persuade
B. to inform D. to entertain

9. Directions written by a health worker on how

to use face mask and observe proper social
A. to argue C. to
B. to inform D. to

The teacher will provide various topics for

public speaking with respective types of
speech writing techniques. Students will
pick the topic randomly. They will be given
enough preparation and will recite in class.

1. Learning the English language is
essential to being successful
2. Poverty
Read the following text and identify if the selection is
3. Covid 19
persuasive, informative and argumentative. Write P, 4. Earthquake in Davao de Oro
if the selection is persuasive and I if informative and 5. Mental Health
write A if it is argumentative. 6. Climate Change
7. Bullying
________1. Raising taxes is wrong because people
8. Discrimination
should be entitled to keep their own money and because
an increase in tax revenue will be stifling to businesses. 9. R.A. 9003
We should keep taxes low or even reduce tax rates to 10. Teen Age Pregnancy
encourage growth. 11. Social Media
12. College and Career
________2. Chippers are the crispiest, crunchiest, and 13. Race and Gender
most delicious brand of chips you will ever taste. Buy a
bag today. 14. Cyberbullying
15. Technology
________3. Ireland is a country steeped in history. In
fact, its history dates beyond 3,000 B.C, when the
megalithic tombs were constructed in Newgrange.
Throughout the country’s expansive evolution, the Irish
fought time and again to maintain their independence as
a sovereign nation. Evidence of the rich history is clearly
visible through its many castles, including Leighlinbridge
Castle and Carlow Castle, two of Ireland’s oldest

_______4. Chompers Dog Food is sure to make your

dog’s tail wag. If you truly love your pup, you’ll try one of
our all-natural selections today.

_______5. However, it would be a serious mistake to

replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and
resources are associated with less learning and more
problems than print resources. A study done on tablet vs
book reading found that people read 20-30% slower on
tablets, retain 20% less information, and understand
10% less of what they read compared to people who
read the same information in print.

Now let us check your understanding on the principles of

speech writing. Kindly get a one fourth sheet of paper
and answer the following questions.

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