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Lesson Plan in Prof. Ed.

Monkayo College of Arts, Sciences and Technology- Senior High

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

a. identify the primary colors of light;
b. describe the result if primary colors are combined;
c. draw a venn diagram that combines the primary colors of light; and
d. cite the importance of the additive primary colors of light.

II. Subject: Science

Subject Matter: Additive Primary Colors of Light
a. Timeframe: 1 hour
b. Reference:
i. Conceptual physics 9th ed. Paul G. Hewitt, pp. 518-521
ii. www.widescreenmuseum.com
iii. www.pasco.com
iv. http://learn.leighcotnoir.com/artspeak/elements-color/primary-colors/
v. https://www.youtube.com/results?
vi. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/light/Lesson-2/Color-Addition
c. Approach: 4 A’s
d. Strategy: Carousel, Cooperative Learning
e. Materials: charts, cartolina, laptop, flashlight ,plastic filter (red, blue and green)

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Prayer and Checking of Attendance

1. Review
Who can recall our previous topic? I, Teacher!
Okay, ___________? It is about the dispersion of light

What will happen during dispersion of light? White light passes through a prism and is
separated into different colors namely red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Very good!

B. Presentation of New Lesson

a. Motivation
Class, we will first have a game called “Pinoy

Everybody should participate, Okay? Yes, teacher!

Very good!

I will divide you into two (2) groups. This will be

group 1 and group 2. You will choose 1
representative in each group. All you have to do is
say YES, NO, and MAYBE while the representatives
will try to guess the right word/s. Each group will
only be given one minute to perform. The group with
the greatest number of words guessed will be
declared as the winner. You are only allowed to say
pass once. The category is “Light”.
Am I understood class? Yes, teacher!

Flash light Firefly Sun Star

Light Bulb LCD Candle TV
Lamp Christmas Light Cellphone

Did you have fun class? Yes, teacher!

These words have something to do with our
lesson for this morning.

C. Setting of Standards
Class, we will have an activity but before we
start, what will the good students do when
performing with a group? Cooperate, teacher!
Another? Participate, teacher!

What will you do to finish the task on time? Don’t play around and concentrate on the
given task.
Can I expect that from you, class? Yes, teacher!

You will be divided into three (3) groups. As you
can see there are three (3) stations which contain
different activities for you to perform and questions
to answer.
All you have to do in each station is read the
procedures, perform the activity, answer the
questions and write it in a cartolina that I will
provide. You will only be given five (5) minutes to
stay in each station. After 5 minutes you will then
proceed to the next until you finish all the stations.
Your rotation in each station will be clockwise.
Everyone should participate because I will be
the one to choose the reporter in each group for the
result of the activities in each station.
Are my instructions clear class? Yes, teacher!

Station 1: Read Me
1. Read the Selection.
2. Answer the questions that follow.
(You don’t need to copy the questions.)

Guide Questions:
a. What are the primary colors of light?
b. What will happen if we combine two additive
primary colors of light?
c. What will happen if we combine three additive
primary colors of light?

The colors which cannot be obtained by mixing
two or more colors are called primary colors. When
we were kids, we are taught that primary colors are
red, blue and yellow. In light, primary colors are
different, when we are dealing with projected light
and colors in television, primary colors are RED,

Magenta, Cyan and Yellow are composite

colors, because the colors can be produced by
mixing two primary colors in their proper proportion.

Project red, green, and blue lights on a screen

and where they all overlap, white is produced. If
two of the three colors overlap, or are added, then
another color sensation is produced. By adding
various amounts of red, green, and blue, the colors
to which each of our three types of cones are
sensitive, we can produce any color in the spectrum.
For this reason, red, green, and blue are called the
additive primary colors. A close examination of
the picture on television screens reveals that the
picture is an assemblage of tiny spots, each less
than a millimeter across. When the screen is lit,
some of the spots are red, some are green, and
some are blue; the mixtures of these primary colors
at a distance provide a complete range of colors,
plus white.

Station 2: Watch Me
1. Watch the video.
2. Fill the table.

Color Combination Resulting color


Guide Question:
b. Cite an example that can make use on the
additive colors of light.

Station 3: Perform Me
1. Turn on the flashlight on the screen and note
the colors projected on it.
2. Let 2 colors overlap on screen.
3. Observe what color is produced when
4. Draw the venn diagram and LABEL it.
5. Color the parts for the primary additive color
using crayons.

Venn Diagram:

Post Activity
Now, I will choose a representative in each
group to report in front.

(the teacher will check the students output)
Station 1: Read Me
Guide Questions:
a. What are the primary colors of light? Red, Green, Blue
b. What will happen if we combine two additive By mixing two primary colors, composite
primary colors of light? colors are produced which are Magenta,
Cyan and Yellow.
c. What will happen if we combine three additive
primary colors of light? White is produced.

Station 2: Watch Me
Color Combination Resulting color Color Combination Resulting color
Guide Question:
a. Cite an example that can make use on the Television, LCD projectors, Cellphones, etc.
additive colors of light.
Station 3: Perform Me
Venn Diagram:
Follow up question:

Why are the shadows cast by the flask cyan, It is because when two primary colors of
magenta, and yellow? light overlap they form composite colors
such as Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow.

You found out that the primary colors of light are
red, blue and green.

What will be the result if red and blue were

When blue and green are added?
When red and green are added? Cyan
What will be the result if the three primary colors Yellow
of light are combined?
Why red, green, and blue are called the additive
colors of light? It is because when each of these colors are
combined, it will result to another color and
when the three primary colors of light are
combined, it will form white light
Where can we observe these additive colors in In TV screen, computer, laptop, and
light? cellphone.
Imagine our gadgets or other electrical devices The images that will form will only be black
such as TV without these primary colors of light? and white.

Do you think that additive colors in light are Yes/No (Answers may vary)
important? Why?

Do you have any questions with regards to our Yes / No, teacher!
topic? (If there is, the teacher will answer the

This time, we will have an activity entitled
“Paper Cabbage”. I have here a paper cabbage
containing questions in each paper peel. All you
have to do is to pass this paper cabbage while
singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and if I say stop
the person who is holding the cabbage will peel it,
read it aloud, and answer the question written on it.
Am I understood, class? Yes, teacher!
1. What are the additive colors of light? Red, blue and green
2. What will be the result if all the primary White
colors of light are added?
3. What will be the resulting color if blue and Magenta
red are combined?
4. What will be the resulting color if red and Yellow
green are combined?
5. What will be the resulting color if blue and Cyan
green are combined?

Direction: Copy your assignment in you assignment

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