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Part A: Basic Information: Ref: Current Spec. No

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Ref: Current Spec. No. – IRSM:41-97, Amendment-1 – Corrosion Resistant

Structural Steel required for Rolling Stock.
1. RDSO is reviewing the specification/STR to cater to the latest technological developments
in the field, modify clauses not relevant in the present context and making them more
enabling with focus on functional requirements.

2. It is requested that your comments / suggestions with regard to improvements /

modifications in specification / STR of this item may be submitted in the following format
along with the justification for the changes required.

Part A: Basic Information

SN Particulars Information
1 Name
2 Designation
3 Professional Qualification
4 Organization / Firm’s Name
5 Address for Correspondence
6 Contact No.
7 Email ID
8 In case of Firm / Individual: Manufacturing
experience of item (or similar Item) on which
comments are offered
9 Where relevant: Whether any technical
document to support suggested changes is
available / enclosed for better appreciation

Part B: Comments / suggestions on the specification

SN Clause No. of Clause, as Clause , as it should Justification
RDSO STR / exists in RDSO read after incorporation for changes
Spec STR / Spec of comments /
suggestions in the

Comments may be sent to:

Research Designs and Standards Organization
Manak Nagar, Lucknow – 226011

Email: edcar.rdso@gmail.com Or jdircd@gmail.com

IRS : M-41-97




SERIAL NO. IRS : M-41-97 ( w I(./% 2 P i-y 7 - I

JUNE - 97


SERIAL YO. lK>:M-41-"':

0.1 This specification is issued under the fixed serial number M-41, the final number
indicates the year of original adoption as standard, or in the case of revision, the year of last
0.2 This specification has been revised to:
i) Cater to cold rolled finished products also.
ii) Cater to supply of sheets & plates in coil form also.
0.3 This issue supersedes 1974 edition, its comgendum No.1 of Nov.1990 and
comgendum No.2 of Dec.1990 and 1993 edition.
0.4 This specification draws reference to the following specifications (latest versions)

S1 Specification Description
No. No.
a. IS:228 Methods for chemical analysis of steel

b. IS:513 Specification for cold rolled low

carbon steel sheets and strips
(Third Revision)
c. IS: 1599 Method of bend test (Second Revision)
d. IS: 1608 Method for tensile testing of steel
products (First Revision)

e. IS: 1663 Method for tensile testing of steel

sheet and strip of thickness 0.5 mm
to 3 mm (First Revision)
IS: 1730 Dimensions for steel plate, sheet
and strip for structurd and general
engineering purposes.
Part-I Plate (Fist Revision)
Part-I1 Sheet (First Revision)

?3. IS0:5952 Continuously hot rolled steel sheet of

structural quality with improved
atmospheric corrosion resistance
h. IS:2062-1984 Specification for weldable structural
1. TS:9595-1980 Welding procedure (4th Revision)

This s ecification covers the requirements for corrosion resistant steel sheets (below 5
mm thick) an plates (5 mm to 12.5 mm thick) in two grades and sections as follows:
1.1.1 Sheets and Plates (In Flat or Coil Form)
Grade-I : Intended for structural purposes where
guaranteed mechanical properties, weldability
and suitability for forming simple cold
pressed parts are required.
Grade-11: Intended for general engineering purposes
with guaranteed mechanical properties and
weldability .
1.1.2 Sections:
Intended for general engineering purposes with guaranteed mechanical properties and
1.2 The manufacturer can supply sheets, plates and sections either in hot rolled and if
required in as skin passed or cold rolled and annealed condition only or hot rolled followed by
cold finishing or cold rolled and annealed . In case of cold rolled finished supply, there shall,
however, be no adverse effects on the properties of the product. The manufacturing process
adopted for cold rolling!finishing shall be krnished in detail by the supplier.

Steel shall be manufactured by the electric, basic oxygen or a combination of these

processes. in case any other process is employed by the manufacturer, prior approval of the
purchaser shall be obtainbed.
3.1 Ladle Analvsis:
The ladle analysis of steel when carried out either by the methods specified in relevant
parts of IS:228 or by any other established instrumental/chemical method, shall be as per
Table-I. In case of any dispute the procedure given in relevant parts of IS228 shall be the
reference method.
C Mn Si Ni Cu Cr S P Incidental Elements
0.10 0.25 0.28 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.03 0.075 Mo=0.05 max
max. to to to to to max to V = 0.05 "
0.4.- 0.72 n.47 0.60 0.60 0 3.40 r:c.. :,.08 w
w.--0.64 "
(Total incidental elements = 0.15 max)

3.2 Product Analvsis:

An analysis fiom each cast of the poduct shall be done. Permissible variation from the
limits specified in
Table - 1, shall be as given below:
Constituent Variation Constituent Variation over
over the the specified
specified limits percent

4.1 Number of Tensile Tests:
4.1.1 One tensile test shall be taken from each lot of 50 tomes or part thereof fiom each
cast. However, in the case of sheets supplied after heat treatment, one tensile test shall be
conducted for each heat treated batch or a lot of 50 tomes, or part thereof per cast.
4.1.2 Where plates or sections of more than one thickness are rolled fiom the same cast, one
additional tensile test shall be made from the material in each class of product for each
variation in thickness of 6 mm above or below the thickness of the test piece first selected in
such a class.
4.1.3 Where sheets of more than one thickness are rolled from the same cast, one additional
tensile test shall be made for every,thickness.
4.2.1 Test specimen shall be prepared from the sheets, plates and sections in finished
condition and tested for plates and sections in accordance with IS:1608 and for sheets in
accordance with IS:1663.
4.2.2 Test sample shall be cut length-wise and cross-wise to the direction of rolling from
plates and sheets and length-wise from sections.
4.3.1 !"ne +-:nsilcsren@ii, yic .,I stress ??d elongation pelcentage *ha!: bc: a. f~llrw.:.

t?"& rolled Cold roll#

Tensile strength 480 MF'a min. 440 m a min
Yield strength 340 MPamin 300 MF'amin

On GL 5 . 6 5 5 22% min 26% min
GL is gauge length
SO is cross sectional area
4.3.2 If the percentage of elongation of any tensile test piece is less than that specified in
clause 4.3.1 and any part of the fracture is outside the middle half of the gauge length, the test
shall be discarded and a retest shall be made.
5.1 One bend test shall be taken from each lot of 50 tomes of sheets and 50 tonnes of
plates and sections or part thereof from each cast. However, in the case of sheets supplied
after heat treatment,one bend test shall be conducted for each heat treated batch or a lot of 50
tonnes or part thereof per cast.
5.2 Where plates, sheets and sections or more than one thickness are rolled from the same
cast, one additional bend test shall be made £tom every thickness.
5.3.1 The test pieces shall be cut lengthwise and crosswise to the direction of rolling from
plates and sheets and lengthwise fiom sections.
5.3.2 The rough edge or arris resulting from shearing may be removed by filing or grinding
or machining. Test pieces shall receive no other preparation.
5.3.3 Bend test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 1599 (Method of test).
5.3.4 The bend test specimen shall withstand being bend at ambient temperature in any
direction through 180 degree around a former of diameter equivalent to the thickness of the
material without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.
6. I Samples for chemical analysis and test pieces for tensile and bend test shall be drawn
from standard location for plates and sections as given in IS:2062 and for sheets from any
conventional location.
7.1 Should any of the test pieces first selected fail to pass any of the tests specified in this
standard, two fkther samples shall be selected fiom the same lot for testing in respect of each
failure. Should the test piece from both these additional samples pass, the material represented
by the test samples shall be deemed to comply with the requirement of that particular test
Should the test pieces fiom either of these additional
-,ar.?les %il the material represented by the test samples shall be deemed to be not conformir
..IIS ~ndardand shall be rejected


8.1 All finished material shall be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions and weights
specified. The finished material shall be free from cracks. surface flaws, laminations, rough
jagged and imperfect edges and all other harmful defects. The sheets shall be reasonably flat
and the edges cleanly sheared and huly squared to the specified dimensions. The coil shall be
supplied with edges trimmed. The trimming of edges may be carried out either by the supplier
or the coachJwagon builders which may be decided between the purchaser and the supplier.
9.1 Plates and Sections:
The plates and sections shall be well and cleanly rolled. Minor surface defects may be
removed by the manufacturer by grinding, provided the thickness is not reduced locally by
more than 4 percent.
9.2 Sheets:
Sheets may be supplied in any of the following surface conditions as stipulated by the
9.2.1 Surface Finish SF1:
Uniform dull finish to surface roughness range 0.6 to 1.8 microns and fiee fiom rust and
scales. Pits grooves, scratches and pores are permissible to a limited extent so that on viewing
with naked eye, uniformly smooth appearance is not impaired. The surface finish may be
obtained if required through a sultable combination of pickling and skin passing or
pickling,cold rolling and annealing.
9.2.2 Surface Finish SF 2:
Rolled condition with reasonably smooth surface fiee from harmfid surface defects.
10.1 The plates and sections shall be suitable for gas and metal arc welding
10.2 The sheets shall be suitable for gas and metal arc welding as suitable for spot and seam
welding processes.
11.1 Dimensions of steel plates, sheets in flat form, shall conform to the dimensions
specified in IS:1730 unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the manu-
11.2 The plates and sheets in coil form shall have:
Inner dia of coil 450 - 850 mm
Outer dia of coil 700 - 1600 mm
Weight of coil 10tmax.
Width of coil P pzr w~chaser's
>qiirc l e ? ~
11.3 Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturerlsupplier, the
tolerances for plates, sheets and sections for thickness ,width with mill edge and sheared edge,
length, camber, out of square and flatness shall be as per Annexure I.
11.4 The telescopicity of the coil shall not exceed more than 50 mm
12.1 The purchaser or his Inspecting Officer shall have free access to the works of the
manufacturer at all reasonable times and he shall be at liberty to inspect the manufacture at any
stage and to reject material that does not conform to the terms of this speciiication.
12.2 Testing Facilities:
12.2.1 The manufacturer shall supply the material required for testing fiee of charge and shall
at his own cost, furnish and prepare the necessary test pieces and supply labour and appliances
for such testing as may be canied out on his premises in accordance with this specification.
Failing to provide the facilities at his own works for making the prescribed tests, the
manufacturer shall bear the cost of carrying out the tests in a laboratoryltest house selected by
the Inspecting Officer or the purchaser.
13.1 Each product shall be stamped /painted with material specification, code of surface
finish, the cast number and the manufacturer's name or trade mark. In case of sheets the
bundle shall carry a metal tag bearing the above. Alternatively , the top sheet shall be legibly
marked material specification cast number and manufacturer's name or trade mark.
14.1 Packing method for plates above 5 mm:
14.1.1 Plates supplied shall be provided with reasonable packing with metal strapping for
handling during transit and storage.
14.2 PlatesISheets in Flat Form:
14.2.1 The sheets of 1.6 mm, 2 mm ,3.15 mm ,and 4 mm and plate of 5 mm thickness shall
be supplied in bundles with double layer of water proof paper or single layer of coated hessain
cloth or HDPE cloth and metal protection in edges. All the sheets shall be protected against
corrosion and rust with suitable mineral oil OF other temporary rust preventive coating.
14.2.2 AU bundles shall have a minimum of 2 hoops upto 1.2 metre in length and one extra
hoop for every additional metre. The bundles shall also be provided with skid (wooden
packing underneath) to facilitate handling
14.3 Sheets in Coil Form:
The coils shall be protected in reasonably good condition to withstand normal handling
hazard during transit with the following provisions as the barest minimum.

i) Plastic laminate paper or hessain cloth around the

ii] Steel angle .4 - 1.0xS0 xlO0 mm on the outer seas
lnmer comeilmetill ring ip the eye.

iii) Coils to be securely strapped with 4 bands through

the eyes of the coil and 3 bands on the circumference
of the eye
iv) Hot Rolled Coils shall be supplied with rust proven-
tive oil coating on the outer layer ,inner layer and
on both edges.
v) Coils processed through pickling and or skin passing
or cold rolling shall be supplied with rust proven-
tive oil coating on both surfaces and edges.

14.4 Due care shall also be taken to avoid mechanical damage and corrosica dur5,r~g

Thickness tolerances for hotlcord rolled steel sheet (iicludmg descaled sheet), coils and cut

Speci- Thickness tolerances over and under, for specified

fic thickness (values in millimetres)

The values speciiied do not apply to the uncropped ends for length of a mill edge coil. The
length wwld be cdrmlated using the following formula
Length in metres = 90
~hicknessin mm

provided that the result was not greater than 20 m, inclusive of both ends.
Thicluws is measured at any point on the sheet not less than 40 mm from a side edge.
Measurement on an wtrirnmed edge sheet nearer to an edge t k n 40 mm.
TABLE - 11
Hot rolled coils/sheets with mill edge, and cut lengths width tolerances

Specified width (mm) Tolerance over specified

width ( No tolerance
under) (mm)

Upto and including 1200 20

Over 1200 upto and including 1500 20
Over 1500 25

The values specified do not apply to the uncropped ends for a length of a mill edge coil.
Length would be calculated using the following formula:
Length in metres = 90
Thickness in mm
Provided that the result was not greater than 20 m, inclusive of both ends.

Hot rolled coils/sheet (including descaled sheet), sheared edge, not resquared, coils and cut
lengths . Width t?lerances.

Speciiied width (nun) Tolerance over specified
width ( No tolerance
under) (mm)

Upto and inc1uding 1200 3

Over 1200 upto and including 1500 5
Over 1500 6

Tolerances for sheared edges apply to products with nominal thickness < 10. mm For nominal
thickness > 10 mm the upper tolerances shall be agreed at the time of enquiry and order.
Hot rolled sheet (including descaled sheet), not required . Length tolerances.

Specified width (mm) Tolerance over specifled

width ( No tolerance
under) (mm)
Upto and including 2000 10
Over 2000 upto and including 8000 0.5% x length
Over 8000 40

Hot rolled steel sheet (including descaled sheet ), not required . Camber tolerances.

Form Maximum tolerance (mm)

Coils 25 in any 5000 length
Cut lengths 0.5 % x length

See figure 1
The values do not apply to the uncropped ends of mill
edge within 7 m inclusive of both ends.

FIGURE I Measurement of camber

Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge &om a straight line, the measurement being
taken on the concave side with a straight edge.
Hot rolled /cold rolled plate /sheet in cut length (icludiig descaled sheet), not required . Out
-of-square tolerances.

Dimensions Out-of-square tolerance

AU thickness and all sizes 1 % x width
FIGURE 2 Measurement of out-of square
Out-of-square is the greatest deviation of an end edge from a straight line at right angles to a
side and touching one comer, the measurement being taken as shown in Figure 2. It can also
be measured as one-halfthe difference between the diagonals of the cut Ie~gthsheet.

Standard flatness tolerances, cut length

Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Flatness tolerances (mm)sq.

Upto and Upto and including 21

including 2 1200
Over 1200 upto and 25
including 1500
Over 1500 30
Over 2 upto Upto and including 18
5mm 1200
Over 1200 upto and 23
including 1500
Over 1500 28
These tolerances are only applicable to sheet up to and including 5000 mm length. Tolerances
for sheet having a length exceeding 5000 mm are subject to agreement . This table also applies
to sheet cut to length fiom coil by the customer when adequate flattening procedures are
Maximum deviation from a flat horizontal surface. W1th the sheet lying under its own mass on
a flat surface, the maximum distance between the lower surface of the sheet and the flat
horizontal surface is the maximum deviation from flatness (See Figure 3).
FIGURE 3 Measurement of flatness
Amendment slip n0.l of September 2001 to Specn. lliS-M-41/97 for
corrosion resistant structure steel for rolling stock.

z a u s e NO. ( Existing Clause 1 TObe read as

.13.l Each product shall be stampedlpainted Each product i.e. sheet or plate
with material specification, code of of corrosion resistant structural
surface finish, the castnumber and the steel (corten steel) to IRS-M-
I . I . manufacture's name ortrade mark. In 41/97 beirig produced for
case of sheets, the bundle shall cany a Indian Railways will bear
metal tag bearing the above. distinct mark made by inkjet
Alternatively, the top sheet shall be printing with indelible ink.
legibly marked ,material specification The marking must include the
. . cast cumbe':. and n!a?ufzctu-2;'s name ! ti:l!cwing particulars: !

or trade niark
1) Product identification
i.e. IRS M-41 or
ii) Heat Number
iii) Manufacturer's name or
logo having name of

13.2 (New Nil The markings will be made
Clause) staggered in two rows at a
distance of 50cm from each
edge along the length. Max.
distance between two markings
i.e. from the end of one
marking to the start of the next
- should be 75 cms.
13.3(New Nil In &e.of bundles made &t OFI
Clause) sheet 'or plate, each bundle
apart from marking particulars
on each sheet or plate shall
have a metal tag bearing I
, . marking particulars as per para 1
13.4(New Nil For easy identification, the top
Clause) sheet of each bundle shall also
he marked legibly indicating
marking particulars as per para
- 13.1
13.5(New . Nil In case of sheets supplied in
Clause) the form of coils, each end of
the coil shall bear the marking
particulars as per para 13.1
made by inkjet printing with
indelible ink. Apart from these
marking each coil shall also
carry a metal tag bearing the
marking particulars mentioned
n. - Labove.
I'llu sheets o f 1.6 and 2n11n thickness The sheets of 1.6 and Z I ~ I I ~ I
silall he supplied in bundles with thickness shall be supplieii in
tlot~hlclayer o f yater proof paper or bundles with double lavcr , -o. f-
single layer of coated hessain-cloth or water proof paper or single i
HDPE cloth and metal protection in layer of coated hessain cloth or ,
edges. All the sheets shall be protected HDPE cloth and metal ',

against corrosion and rust with '

protection in edges. All the I
suitable mineral oil or other lemporaq sheets shall be protected
1.us1preventive coating against corrosion and rust by
coating corrosion prevcnti~c
fluid,'soft film, solvent
deposited, water displacin~1c2 !
:1Lo115 jri-occssccl
is11 154.
t h r o u g h . p i c k I i ~and
~ ~ Coils of 1.6mm to 2.00111113

Ior'skin ~ m s i n gor cold m l l i n ;hall be th;qks).r-!~p ~ c c ~ ~ ~ d i . . E ~ i t ~
i ?,~.!>D'<d

c .:ti..,
,,.ci p p i r ~ @ r f Z b & i pkt&?+,md sr S K ~ C~ ~ so r s ~ r ~ ~
u.. D o ~ nsurfaces and eages. cold rolling shall be supplied
by coating corrosion
preventive fluid, soft fiim. I

solvent deposited, water

displacing to IS:1154. I
;14.4(vi) New Nil Prior to grit blasting of coaches
Clause the coating of corrosion ii
preventive fluid film is ,
required to be stripped off by I
petroleum hydrocarbon solvent j
to IS:l&+S. I
Amendment Slin No. 2: - of March 2006 to specification No. IRS - M - 41/97 for corrosion
resistant structural steel required for rolling stock.

Table - VII, Standard flatness tolerances, cut length: -

Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Flatness tolerance (mm)
Existing To be read
Clause as
Upto and i ~ l u d i n g2 Upto and including 1200 I
21 I

Over 1200 upto and including 1500
25 I
Max 8 I

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