AReviewon Applicationof Bellows Expansion
AReviewon Applicationof Bellows Expansion
AReviewon Applicationof Bellows Expansion
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4 authors, including:
Aditya Rai
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University
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Objectives: A bellows expansion joint is an assembly of two or more bellows which help to tackle expansion or contraction
in the system where it is designed to fit in. It was found, various independent researchers did lot of research in the design
and geometry of bellows expansion joint but a review of all is scare, we have put forth the different possible features of
bellows design in this paper. Methods/Analysis: The bellows, consisting of one or more convolutions, are designed to
offer further agility in the configuration of piping structures and pressure vessel applications involving thermal expansion
and relative movement in system. Numerous researchers have conducted studies on bellows expansion joints with the
help of standards such as ASME and EJMA. They have wide applications and are understood as a significant. Thus various
parameters pertaining to the design of bellows expansion joints, which affect the characteristics of the system, have been
reviewed. Findings: From this review, it can be said that for all the design condition, there was not bellow geometry or
design parameters are superior. Under such designs based on the standards, it is expected to perform exhaustive analysis
involving sound engineering judgment. Meanwhile, the choice of bellows expansion joint is sufficiently broad depending
upon the applications. Improvement: Certainly there is still room for new design principles and analysis based on
analytical, experimental and FEA studies. Particularly, study of bellows subjected to torsions may be done as little is found
in the literature and the existing standards.
2 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
A. Vinoth, B. Vignesh, Lakshya Khurana, and Aditya Rai
2.4 Piping system the bellows due to high concentrations of chloride ions
in the granulated activated carbon of Heavy Poly Nuclear
Corrugated flexible metal hoses are an integral part of
Aromatics (HPNA) absorption bed located upstream the
liquid transport system, protective hose for electrical
process flow line. The patch up work of the HPNA bed
cables, vibration de-coupler in exhaust systems, medi-
revealed that the source of chloride ions was attributed to
cal equipment, measuring and control equipment. They
the deposition of carbon soot on the body of the PSV. The
can endure corrosion, high pressure and offer maximum
intergranular nature of the crack propagation was attrib-
leak tightness which is appropriate for the transmission of
uted to the presence of stress induced martensite phase in
hot and cold substances. Pierce & Evans9 took a hose and
the microstructure of the formed sheet material.
filled it with water, and then a K-bottle of nitrogen was
The turbo expander generates electricity using the
used as the pressure agent. They used two video record-
hot effluent gasses from the Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit
ers to analyze the fine points like internal pressure and
(FCC) in petrochemical plants. A movement test was
the protraction of the test hose; this record could be stud-
conducted on a metal bellows expansion joint which was
ied as well as be used to add value to a Finite Element
designed according to the EJMA code, with diameters
Model (FEM). The inference from the study was used to
ranging from 0.457 to 2,898 mm of Inconel 625 LCF mate-
build a FEM and also to find the root cause of the system
ria11. Sixteen hinged and gimbal bellows were tested using
failure. The burst failure happened at a lower pressure as
a digital dynamometer. The expansion joint was pressur-
the slit between the braid and bellows enlarged. The con-
ized using water. The expansion joints were tested in steps
tact support from the braiding does not crop up until the
of 0.5 degree increment until the design angle value. It
internal pressure is higher than what is in a set up that has
was found that the stiffness factor is directly proportional
a smaller slit. So, there is a need for the bellows to endure
to the pressure increase which confirms the pressure
the stress without any support from the braid. Thus, the
stiffening effect. The theoretical cold stiffness factor was
internal pressure capability of non-reinforced bellows is
calculated by EJMA code. The theoretical stiffness factor
considerably lower than reinforced bellows. This pressure
varied from the one obtained from the movement test.
is directly proportional to the coefficient of friction and it
These differences may affect the behaviour of expansion
tends to increase as the coefficient of friction rises. Upon
joints in industrial systems. These tests highlight the sig-
combining the physical facts that caused break down and
nificance of the pressure-stiffening effect, and highlight
the FEM, the following conclusion relating to the failure
the need to incorporate them better into stiffness calcula-
is put forth: The primary two reasons that result in the
tions of expansion Joints. The effect of friction forces is
bursting of the bellows preceding braid failure are the
significant, but since there is no reference in EJMA codes,
existence of too much gap and if the coefficient of friction
friction reduction devices are to be used.
is too little. This failure will represent the in-plane squirm
failure due to lack of support from the braid.
3. Effective Design Parameters
2.5 Petrochemical Plant
In petrochemical refineries, a Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) 3.1 Forming Process
is used to release substance when the pressure or tempera-
ture exceeds preset limits. It is a direct loaded safety valve The bellows plays the role of the vital unit in an expansion
in which the inner components are protected against the joint. Upon completion each of the bellows are found to
effects of the fluids by a bellows. The bellows is such that have distinct features. The geometry and the material of
it compensates for influences of backpressure. the bellows are always dependent on parameters like pres-
Panda et al.10 investigated a series of three continuous sure capacity, spring rate and cycle life. The manufacturing
instances of failure of bellows in a particular PSV. The process of the metal bellows consists of the several meth-
PSV, with 316L grade austenitic stainless steel bellows, was ods such as elastomeric, expansion, hydraulic, pneumatic
placed on vacuum gas oil service vessels in a hydrocracker and tube forming, rolled convoluted sheet, roll forming,
unit. Metallurgical study of the failure of bellows showed rolled ring, press brake forming and combined forming.
that Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) was the cause Lee12 studied the forming parameters like wall thick-
behind the failure. The SCC was found to be initiated in ness of the preformed tube, the pressure applied during
Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
A Review on Application of Bellows Expansion Joints and Effect of Design Parameters on System Characteristics
tube-bulging and the die stroke for the folding stage of a gle expansion joint which protrudes from the joint. It is
metal bellows manufactured. A Finite Element Analysis most suitable for rectangular shaped ducts. The bubble
(FEA) using PAM-STAMP was applied to the tube bulging is placed in a direction parallel to the shear movement
and folding process. The analysis revealed that displace- direction and placed at the midpoint of the joint. The
ment of the Crown Point at the folding stage increased expansion joint is fabricated with convolutions similar to
rapidly as the die stroke increased compared with other traditional metal expansion joint. The bubble joint’s lat-
two parameters. The same phenomenon was observed eral movement capacity with four V-shaped convolutions
during spring back stage. The analysis revealed that the was examined by finite element simulation using ANSYS.
die stroke is the most influencing factor on determining Nonlinear effects on geometry and material were also
the final convolution shape of the bellows. taken into consideration. Four-node shell elements with
six degrees of freedom were used. The slotted and con-
3.2 Shape of Convolution tinuous joint were analysed to compare the efficacy of the
expansion joint with and without the bubble. The slotted
Bellows expansion joints are designed for either circular
joint had lower maximum displacement than continuous
or rectangular ducts. Further, they may be reinforced,
joint. Similar observations were found for minimum and
unreinforced or toroidal (see Fig. 1).
maximum von-mises strain. It was also found that con-
Dm = Db + w + t; mean diameter of convolutions tinuous joint behaved more nonlinearly than the slotted
Db Bellows inside diameter joint.
tp = t(D/Dm)1/2 Bellows material thickness for Conventional bellows are not capable to take in tor-
one ply sional deformations and the instability of deformations
w Convolution depth under cyclic loadings. To sort out this issue a new type of
t Nominal thickness of one ply bellows namely Double Convolution Bellows (DCB) were
q Bellows pitch designed by Igi et al15. There are two directions in which
the convolutions are prevalent in the new type: the longi-
In general the toroid perimeter of bellows is less. tudinal direction same as the conventional bellows; and
Hence, Professor Qian’s Toroidal shell theory was used the other in the lateral direction. The mechanical charac-
and the elastic solution to bellows under displacement teristics of DCB are summarised in Table 1.
and pressure conditions was obtained13. Considering the
bend to be well proportioned to the middle line of width Table 1. Comparison of mechanical characteristics of
of annular plate, it is enough to study sector convolutions. SCB and DCB .Source:Igi et al15
The Four types of solutions arrived at were the general Conventional New type bellows
solution of a toroidal shell and annular plate, boundary bellows(SCB) (DCB)
and link equation and theoretical proof of elastic solution. Convolution Main circular First, main circular
This analysis simplifies the calculations by assuming the convolution convolution; and
bellows to be curved beam. Analysing this way, we get second, sub lateral /root
the theoretical solutions in tune with the results obtained reinforcement
from the experiments performed over a range of elastic- Thickness at the Reduced Nearly equal to that of
ity. Hence conclude that the investigation methodology of crest root
the theoretical paper work is right and can be used in the Instability in Unstable Stable; no instability
engineering design and analysis of bellows. the deformation deformation disappeared even
Sen & Adeli14 proposed a new metal expansion joint without ring spacer
for industrial plants by providing a bubble in the cen- Advantage and Simple, less More flexible; but more
tre of the single expansion joint in order to increase its disadvantage in flexibility complex in shape
flexibility. The work was carried out due to large lateral
Torsion Less flexible More flexible
movement requirement and the limited space availabil-
ity for expansion joints in a typical power plant. The Fatigue Short life Longer life
proposed bubble joint has a bubble centered in the sin-
4 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
A. Vinoth, B. Vignesh, Lakshya Khurana, and Aditya Rai
Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
A Review on Application of Bellows Expansion Joints and Effect of Design Parameters on System Characteristics
of Eigen value analyses, spectra modal and modal time that bellows fail due to Transgranular Stress Corrosion
history analyses were carried out. The natural frequencies Cracking (TGSCC). In installations of new bellows
were examined up to the third mode for both axial and assemblies, initial Local Leak Rate Testing (LLRT) val-
lateral directions while the seismic response was limited ues were found to be zero or negligible. The measured
to fundamental mode. For the axial modes, a very good leak rate was stable for a period of time. After approxi-
agreement was seen between experimental and numeri- mately 5 to 15 years of service, increased leakage rates
cal data. For the lateral modes, analysis results except the were observed. It was pointed out that it is not possible
EJMA Standards agree with test results. This anomaly is to accurately determine LLRT due to close proximity of
because the effect of rotational inertia is not accounted for plies. Hence, non-linear FEM methods were employed
in the EJMA formula. The results of the FEM and experi- to find leakage rate by treating the cracks as orifices. It
mental modal time history were also in good agreement, allowed finding the permissible crack sizes for evaluating
indicating the validity of the method presented. usability of bellows with cracks. Also, a corrective action
decision tree was formulated to determine the life exten-
3.5 Media Containment sion of given bellows elements and the corrective actions
for fault repairs.
Bellows used in containment systems are designed to per-
mit comparative movements involving the components in
piping and containment wall in Boiling Water Reactors 3.6 Buckling
(BWR) and have effectively carried out this operation The phenomenon of buckling was first studied by
while withstanding containment leakage soundness. Two Haringx26 who showed that due to internal pressure acting
plies of stainless steel are used in the construction of these on the bellows expansion joints the same will go through
bellows and a thin wire mesh is used to set the apart. The buckling much in the same way as an elastic strut may
outer ply plays the role of a shield that prevents leakage by buckle under an axial load. Newland27 extended this anal-
pressurizing the space between plies. ogy on combining two bellows by means of a rigid pipe
There may be instances of accidents where the bellows with desired length which in turn to a universal expan-
may be exposed to high temperature, pressure and other sion joint. The buckling pressure was found to depend on
deflections. Lambert & Parks24 studied the options to fore- the length ratio of bellows and the rigid connecting pipe,
see the pressure and deformation conditions that would and the lateral spring stiffness of the supporting structure.
cause leakage by subjecting bellows of various geometries Thus, by providing a correctly designed support the buck-
(number, depth, pitch and shape of convolutions and ply ling pressure can be increased to a great extent.
thickness) to various combinations of internal pressure, Snedden28 produced design guidelines, to avoid bel-
temperature and deflections. The test results indicate that lows buckling, and procedures for determining the
bellows are able to withstand extreme loads while remain- stability of bellows subject to either small or large dis-
ing leak tight. Due to the unique design of universal placements and for strength of bellows lateral supports.
bellows expansion joint they were able to withstand more The lateral stiffness of the convolution for small elastic
extreme lateral displacements. Shallow convolutions were deformations was derived using beam theory. A method
found to develop fewer tears at low lateral displacements of determining the angular stiffness of the convolution
compared to deep convolutions. Bellows capacity was was formulated by describing the bending moment-
found to be degraded by temperature. It was also found rotation characteristic by means of a tri-linear function
that the containment bellows remain leak tight till the having three distinct regions: elastic, elastic-plastic and
point of full axial compression and cause large leakage contact regions. Use of such supports is recommended
during additional outward movement of the containment. that are capable of sustaining the destabilising force due
Brown & Tice25 investigated the performance and to buckling pressure.
long-term integrity of bellows expansion joint in contain- The dynamic buckling behaviour of bellows expansion
ment systems so as to determine the leak areas and leakage joint was studied by Ooka et al29. This study was neces-
rates, useful life and the replacement effectiveness. Crack sitated because of the impulsive pressure loadings in the
growth from corrosion and fatigue mechanisms were also secondary piping systems of Liquid-Metal Fast-Breeder
studied. Metallurgical examinations of bellows revealed Reactors (LMFBRs). The effects of duration and peak
6 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
A. Vinoth, B. Vignesh, Lakshya Khurana, and Aditya Rai
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A Review on Application of Bellows Expansion Joints and Effect of Design Parameters on System Characteristics
8 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology