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NOTIFICATION NO: 01/2021 DATED: 15.02.


1. Applications are invited only through ONLINE MODE upto 16.03.2021 for
Direct Recruitment to the following post.

Sl. Name of the Post No of Level of pay

No Vacancies

1 Assistant Accounts Officer 18 LEVEL-2 of Officer pay matrix

(i.e.) Rs.56300-178000

 The number of candidates advertised is only approximate and is liable for
modification including reduction/increase with reference to vacancy position
at any time before finalisation of selection.

 The candidate on their selection will be placed in the Level-2 of officer pay
matrix. They should be preferred to serve anywhere in Tamil Nadu. Assistant
Accounts Officer recruited directly shall undergo training for a period of one
month in TANGEDCO.
 Notwithstanding anything contained in any orders/instructions/ guidelines in
force relating to request transfer of Officers/Workmen of the TANGEDCO/
TANTRANSCO, for effecting maintenance, improving of administration, to
ensure utmost consumer satisfaction, and in public interest, that the
candidates appointed by Direct Recruitment to this post, until completion of
five years, shall not be eligible to make any application requesting transfer to
any other circle/office under the control of any other appointing authority and
until completion of three years, shall not be eligible to make such application
within the circle/office under the control of the same appointing authority.
 All eligible candidates including the candidates registered in the Employment
Exchange and Open Market candidates shall apply through online for
competing in the selection process. Applying for the post through online and
attending the examination alone is not a guarantee for appointment or
selection to the post.




Category No. of vacancies

SC 3
SC(A) 1


Category No. of vacancies

BCM(W) 1
BCO(W) 1
GT 3
GT(W) 1
SC 2
Total 14


Date of Notification 15/02/2021

Date of opening of Online Portal for submission of applications 15/02/2021

Last date for submission of online applications, for uploading the 16/03/2021
documents for making online payment

Last date for payment of Fee through Canara Bank / Indian Bank 19/03/2021
/ Indian Overseas Bank (Challan Payment)

The date of conducting Computer Based

Date and Time of Computer Based Test will be notified in the website
Test www.tangedco.gov.in

A) AGE (as on 01.07.2021):

Sl. Category of Candidates Minimum Age Maximum age

No. (should have
1. SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC,
BCO, BCM Candidates, including
Ex-Servicemen of said castes 18 years No upper age limit
and Destitute widows of all
2. ‘Others’ (i.e.
30 Years
Candidates not belonging to SC, 18 years (Should not have
SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BCO, BCM). completed)


(i) For Differently Abled Persons:

Differently Abled Persons are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and
above the maximum age limit prescribed above.
(ii) For Ex-servicemen:
a. The maximum age limit is 48 years for “others” (i.e.) Applicants not belonging
to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BCO, BCM categories.
b. The above concession will not apply to the Applicants those who have already
been recruited to any class or service or category.

Explanation: “No upper age limit” shall mean that the candidates should not have
completed 59 years of age either on the date of Notification or at the
time of selection / appointment to the post.


Candidates should possess the following qualification

Sl.No Name of the Post Qualification

1. Assistant Accounts Officer Must have passed the final examination

conducted by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India for enrolling as
Chartered Accountant or by the
Institute of cost and Works Accounts of
India for enrolling as Cost Accountant.

i) Knowledge in Tamil:-

Candidates should possess an adequate knowledge of the official language of

the State, namely Tamil, on the date of this notification as per (Per.) FB
TANGEDCO Proceedings No.42 (Secretariat Branch) Dated 28.11.2019.

Explanation: For this purpose, a person shall be deemed to possess an

adequate knowledge of Tamil in the case of a post for which Educational
Qualification is the Minimum General Educational Qualification and above,
he/she should have passed the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Public
Examination or its equivalent examination with Tamil as one of the languages,
or studied the High School course in Tamil Medium and passed the Secondary
School Leaving Certificate Public Examination or its equivalent Examination in
Tamil Medium.


A. The Rule of reservation of appointments applicable to the post and the

distribution of vacancies will be as per rule in force.

B. Persons who belong to the State of Tamil Nadu alone, who belong to one of
the Communities specified in Annexure-II shall be treated as persons who
belong to one such communities.

C. A minimum of thirty percent of all vacancies which are to be filled through

direct recruitment shall be set apart for woman candidates. If no qualified
and suitable woman candidates are available for selection against the
vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies will be filled by male
candidates belonging to the respective communal categories.

D. All eligible candidates including the candidates registered in the Employment

Exchange & Open Market candidates shall apply through online to appear in
the Computer Based Test. The selection for the above posts will be strictly
based on the marks obtained in the Computer Based Test and rule of
reservation only (as per communal roaster).

appointment to the post will be required to produce a certificate of physical
fitness from the Medical Officer of rank as stipulated by TANGEDCO.

F. Letter has been sent to the State Commissioner for the Differently Abled Persons
recommending persons with benchmark disabilities of Acid attack victims,
Dwarfism, Hard of Hearing, Leprosy cured, LD (One Arm, One Leg, Both Leg –
below or equal to 60%) as suitable to the post of Assistant Accounts Officer. The
same is subject to modification as per the clarification to be received from the
Government of Tamil Nadu.

G. The Differently Abled persons should produce a copy of certificate of

physical fitness specifying the nature of physical disability and the
degree/percentage of disability based on the norms laid down, from the
Medical Board, to the effect that his/her disability will not render him/her
incapable of efficiently discharging the duties attached to the post to which
he/she has been selected before appointment when called for by
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation.

H. Reservation of appointment to “Destitute Widows” and

“Ex-servicemen” will not apply to this recruitment.

I. Even after filling up of the posts reserved for SC Arunthathiyars on

preferential basis, if more number of qualified Arunthathiyars are available,
they shall be entitled to compete with the Scheduled Castes other than
Arunthathiyars in the inter-se merit among them and if any posts reserved
for Arunthathiyars remain unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified
candidates, it shall be filled up by Scheduled Castes other than
J. The selection for appointment to the above said posts is purely provisional
subject to final orders on pending Writ Petitions or appeals, if any, filed
before the Hon’ble Madras High Court and Madurai Bench of Madras High

K. Correct and true information regarding arrest, convictions / debarment /

disqualification by any recruiting agency, criminal or any disciplinary
proceedings initiated or finalised, participation in agitation or any Political
Organisation, candidature in election for Parliament / State Legislature / Local

Bodies etc, if any, should also be furnished to the TANGEDCO at the time of
application i.e. the details thereof, originals of the judgment of Acquittals,
order/ or G.O. Dropping further action in Departmental proceedings or any
document that may prove the suitability of such candidates for a Government
appointment in such cases must be produced at the stage / time of certificate
verification. Any of the above said events that occur after submission of
application and before actual appointment shall also be informed to the
TANGEDCO. Failure to inform will entail suitable penal action as decided by
L. The original certificate for any claim relating to the selection should be
produced when called for. Any claim received thereafter will receive no
M. Applications containing wrong claims relating to other basic
qualifications/eligibility age/category of reservation/educational
qualification will be liable for rejection, at any stage of the Selection
Process and necessary action will be taken as decided by the
N. Evidence for claims made in the online application should be uploaded /
submitted in time when called for the documents. Any subsequent claim made
thereafter on submission of online application will not be entertained. Failure
to submit the documents within the stipulated time limit will entail rejection of
the Application.
O. Regarding determination of community and reservation in employment for
third gender refer G.O.(Ms).No. 90, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal
Programme [SW8(2)] Department, dated 22.12.2017.


who are in service should apply for this examination only after informing the
appointing authority. ‘No Objection Certificate’ obtained from
appropriate authority shall be produced at the time of Certificate
verification, failing which, the application will be rejected. Any
violation of this instruction will be liable for / end in rejection of application
and forfeit his/her candidature. Person who gets employment in Government
Services after the submission of their applications should also produce the No
Objection Certificate(as per the format specified at Annexure-V) at the time of
Certificate verification.

Q. Words of Masculine Gender in these instructions should wherever the context
so requires be taken to include Female Gender.

R. The TANGEDCO reserves its right to postpone/ cancel the recruitment process
at any stage without assigning any reasons thereof.



i) Applying the post in online and appearing for Computer Based Test alone is
not guarantee for appointment or selection to the post.

ii) All eligible candidates including the candidates registered in the

Employment Exchange and open market should apply through ON LINE to
appear in the Computer Based Test. The tentative list of eligible candidates
(i.e., from the list of candidates who have appeared for the Computer
Based Test) will be called in the ration 1:1 for certificate verification as per
the marks obtained by the candidates in the Computer Based Test and as
per Communal roster.

iii) After verification of the original certificate, the eligible candidates will be
selected as per eligibility, merit of the Marks in Computer Based Test and
rule of reservation (respective turn in the Communal roster).

a) Provided that, when a candidate earmarked in the tentative communal

roster against the vacancy reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes, Most Backward Classes/ Denotified Communities, Backward
Classes, Backward Class Muslims or General Turn or in the case of
priority or preferential Quota, found to be ineligible or absent, during
Certificate Verification, such turn shall be filled from the respective
category and in accordance to the merit of marks.

b) Provided also that, the candidates must have full eligibility and such
candidates appointed shall be placed below all the candidates
earmarked in the tentative communal roster.

c) Provided also that, even thereafter if the vacancy remains unfilled due
to non-availability of candidates, the process stated under (a) and (b)
above may be repeated until the vacancy is filled or until there is no
availability of required eligible candidates or as decided by the
Competent Authority at that point of time.

B) COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) : The question paper for Computer Based Test
will be in English and the duration of examination is 2 hours.

Part I – Post graduate standard

Part II – CA/CMA Standard


Sl. Type No. of No. of Max. mark Max. Negative mark

No. Questions alternative for correct marks for every
answers answer wrong answer
1 Part-I 40 4 1 40 1/3

2 Part-II 60 4 1 60 1/3

Note: Marks will not be deducted for the questions left unanswered.

Short listing of Candidates for various stages shall be based on the normalized marks
obtained by them whenever CBT is conducted in multiple sessions for the same


The syllabus for Assistant Accounts Officer is detailed as Annexure-I in this



The centres for examination will be updated in the TANGEDCO website

and will be informed to the candidates in their registered mail id.

Note: The TANGEDCO reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of
examination centres and to re-allot the candidates.


Community Amount
OC, BCO, BCM and MBC/ DC Rs. 2000/-
(Rupees Two Thousand only)
SC, SCA and ST Rs. 1000/-
(Rupees One Thousand only)
Destitute widow and Differently abled persons Rs. 1000/-
(Rupees One Thousand only)

Note :
i) Candidates have also to pay the GST/service charges as applicable to the bank.
ii) The Examination Fees will not be reimbursed to the Applicant on account of any
iii) The TANGEDCO will not be liable for any failure in transaction at the time of
payment of fees.


Persons claiming concessions in the matter of age, and/or fee allowed

referred to above has to produce evidence for such claim when called for, otherwise
his / her application will be liable for rejection.


1) Candidate should apply only through Online in the TANGEDCO’s Website

www.tangedco.gov.in. In the website the candidate can go to the online
application portal by clicking the link.

2) The candidate should use his/her personal valid e-mail id and a valid mobile
number for registration in online application. This email id and mobile number
must be maintained active, as all the communications to the candidates from
TANGEDCO will be sent only to the registered email id and mobile number.

3) The candidate must keep ready the details of Marks, Percentage/CGPA of

Marks, Certificate Numbers, Year of Passing, Board/University/Institution
details etc., in their hands before applying through online.

4) Before applying, the candidates should have the following items to be ready in
CD or DVD or Pen drive as per the convenience of the candidates.

i) Scanned image of their photograph, signature and Thumb impression in

jpeg format only with prescribed file size, resolution etc. The procedure
for taking photograph, signature and Thumb impression are given with
full details in the Guidelines to the candidates.
ii) Scanned copy of Community Certificate of the candidates belonging to
BCO, BCM, MBC/DC, SC, SCA, ST. (Not applicable to OC candidates) in
PDF format only.

iii) Scanned copy of Degree Certificate, Priority certificates, PSTM, Destitute

widow Certificates etc., of the candidates (whichever is applicable) in
PDF format only.

iv) Scanned copy of the certificate for Differently abled (if applicable) in
PDF format only.

1) Candidates are first required to log on to the TANGEDCO’s Website
www.tangedco.gov.in. In the website the candidate can go to the Online
application portal by clicking the link.
2) Follow the procedure given in the Guidelines to the candidates for applying in

3) Applying through online have the following major procedures

a) One Time User Registration.

b) Candidate Profile updation which includes various sections like Personal
Information, Educational Qualifications, and Declaration section along
with necessary relevant upload of scanned copy of documents.
c) Apply for the relevant post that the candidate wishes to apply.
d) Download of Bank Challan for paying Examination fees.
e) Download of Application form.
Note : Candidate must take a printout of application and produce it as and when
called for.
4) After the candidate completes the One Time Registration, an USER ID with
Password will be generated. The User ID & Password has to be kept
confidential and do not disclose it to anyone.
5) This USER ID can be used for log on into the application portal for applying for
various posts if the candidates are eligible for that post after updating the
relevant profile information.

6) Candidates are required to upload their photograph, signature, and left hand
thumb impression as per the specifications given in the Guidelines for
scanning and upload of photograph, signature, and left hand thumb
impression. If the candidate is coming under differently abled category and
unable to take left hand thumb impression, then the candidate can take Right
hand thumb impression. An online application uploaded without
photograph, signature, and thumb impression will be rejected.

7) Candidates must upload the relevant scanned copies in PDF format as


Certificate Description
Provisional/ Degree Certificate/ Proof of prescribed Educational
1) Certificate of Membership/ Final Qualification in support of their
Examination Certificate Educational qualification

2) Community Certificate All the communities (other than OC)
belonging to SC/SCA/ST/BCO /BCM /
(MBC/DC) in case of those who claims
quota under communal reservations.
3) Differently abled certificate To avail the Differently abled

Note: Candidate who have One Time Registration User ID and Password have to
apply separately for all Notifications. One Time Registration will not be
considered as an application for any post.


1) The candidates can make payments through Bank Challan, Net Banking,
Payment Gateway and Debit/Credit card.
2) For mode of payment candidates have to select either Canara Bank or Indian
Bank or Indian Overseas Bank
3) Click “Download Challan” option. System will generate the payment challan
which the candidates need to take print out and go to the nearest branch of
Indian bank or Canara bank or Indian Overseas Bank as the case may be, to
make the payment
4) Collect the Candidate and TANGEDCO copy of the fee payment challan from
the bank branch. Please check that Bank reference No, TANGEDCO
acknowledgement number, Bank Branch code, and Deposit Date have
been noted in the challan and is properly signed by the branch authorities.
TANGEDCO copy need not be uploaded or submitted to TANGEDCO, but to be
kept safe and to be produced when required.

Note: Payment of fees in the form of Demand Draft / Postal Order etc. will not be
accepted and the fee will not ordinarily refunded.


1) After submitting the application, candidates should print/save their

application in PDF format and produce the same as and when called for.
2) After logon to the application portal using User ID and password, Candidate
can download their application and print if required.
3) Candidates need not send the printout of the online application or any other
supporting documents to the TANGEDCO. The certificates and the other
documents will be verified only at the time of certificate verification of the
eligible candidates which will be intimated later.

i) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on-line much before the
closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee/intimation
charges to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the
TANGEDCO’s website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam.

ii) TANGEDCO does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being
able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the
aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the

iii) Under No circumstances, a candidate should share/mention e-mail ID or

Mobile Number to any other person. In case a candidate does not have a valid
personal e-mail ID, they should create a new e-mail ID before applying on-line
and must maintain that e-mail account till final results are announced.

iv) Candidates should carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at the
appropriate places and submit the details as per the procedure given in the
‘Guidelines to the candidates’. Candidates are advised to verify each and every
particular field in the application. The name of the candidate or his/her father
etc should be spelt correctly in the application as it appears in the
certificates/mark sheets. Any change/alteration found may disqualify
the candidature.
v) Request for change/correction in any particulars in the Application
form shall not be entertained under any circumstances AFTER THE
for any consequences arising out of furnishing of incorrect and incomplete
details in the application or omission to provide the required details in the
application form.

13. REJECTION OF APPLICATION (At any stage of Recruitment process)

a) If application is received after closing date for any reason whatsoever.

b) If the candidate does not have the required essential qualification.

c) If the candidate uploads his date of birth wrongly, so as to claim eligibility for
submitting application.

d) If Photograph, signature and Thumb impression are not uploaded in the

application form in the prescribed format.

e) If the photocopies of all related documents are not uploaded as and when
asked to do so.

f) If a candidate fraudulently claims SC/SCA/ST/BCO/BCM/MBC/DC/Exs./DW/

Differently Abled persons.

g) In case the candidate is found using unfair means or adopting any malpractice
at any stage of selection process.


a) Candidates should ensure their eligibility for examination: The
candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all
eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to the
examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying of the
eligibility conditions. Mere issue of memo of admission to the candidate will
not imply that his/her candidature has been fully cleared by the TANGEDCO.

b) How to apply: Candidates are required to apply Online, in the website

www.tangedco.gov.in. Detailed instructions for filling up online application
are given in Para 10 of this Notification.
c) The Hall Tickets to be sent to the eligible candidates will also be made
available in the TANGEDCO’s Website for downloading by candidates. No Hall
Ticket will be sent by post. So, the candidates should watch TANGEDCO
website for the scheduled date of examination and further updation till the
finalization of selection process.

d) Facilitation centre for guidance of candidates: In case of any guidance /

information / clarification of their applications, candidature, etc. candidates
can contact TANGEDCO office in person or over Telephone No.044-28522256
or through e-mail id sporecruit@tnebnet.org on all working days between
10.30 a.m. and 05.15 p.m.

e) Mobile Phones and other Articles Banned :

(i) Candidates are not allowed to bring Pager, Cellular Phone, Calculator,
Memory Notes and books etc. or any other Electronic device or
Recording Device either as separate piece or part of something used by
the candidate such as Watch or Ring inside the Examination Hall.

(ii) If they are found to be in possession of any such thing or instrument

they will not be allowed to write the examination further, besides
invalidation of answer paper and / or debarment. If it is considered

necessary they will be subjected for a physical search including frisking
on the spot.
(iii) Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article such as books, notes,
loose sheets, mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables,
stencils of maps, slide rules, Text Books, rough sheets etc. except the
permitted material i.e. pen.

(iv) Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the
banned items including Mobile Phones / Pagers to the venue of the
examination, as arrangements for safekeeping cannot be assured.
f) The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all
the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination. Their admission for
Computer Based Test will be purely provisional, subject to satisfying the
prescribed eligibility conditions. The certificates should be submitted when
called for certificate verification by the TANGEDCO. If on verification, at any
time, before or after the online EXAMINATION, it is found that they do not
fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the examination will
be cancelled by the TANGEDCO.

 If any of their claims found to be incorrect, they may render themselves

liable to disciplinary/criminal action by the TANGEDCO.

 Unfair means strictly prohibited: No candidate shall copy or watch

for answers from any other candidate nor permit to be copied nor give
nor attempt to give nor obtain nor attempt to obtain irregular assistance
of any description for Online examination.

g) Conduct in Examination Hall: No candidate should misbehave in any manner

or create a disorderly scene in the Examination Hall or harass the staff
employed by the TANGEDCO for the conduct of the examination. Any such
misconduct will be severely viewed & penalized.

h) The applicants while applying for the examination should furnish the details of
equivalence of qualification declared in the form of Government Order issued
prior to the date of this notification, if any, and produce the same during
certificate verification or when called for by TANGEDCO, failing which their
application will be rejected. The Government Orders issued regarding
equivalence of prescribed qualification after the date of this notification will
not be accepted.

i) After Notification, during the process of recruitment till completion

of the entire selection process, no information under Right to
Information Act, would be furnished.

j) The details regarding applications etc. pertaining to this Direct Recruitment

will be only made available to candidates under R.T.I. etc. within 6 months
from the date of publication of results. Any application/request beyond the
period of 6 months will not be entertained.

The Online Application can be filled upto 16.03.2021 till 23.59 Hrs. after
which the link will be disabled

(For any additional information the candidates may refer the TANGEDCO’s website

Chief Engineer/Personnel

PART - I English
Logical Reasoning
General Knowledge
PART - II Financial and Cost Accountancy



1. Accounts Company Accounts – Departmental accounts and Branch accounts including foreign
exchange – Co-operative accounts – Cost Accounts of Industrial undertaking – under special
statutes such as Electricity, Water supply, Public works, State Public Sector undertakings etc.

2. Funds Management: Sources of Capital – Co-operative societies. State financial Corporations,

secured and unsecured advances. Credit instruments, working capital management – Cash
receivables, stocks and creditors. Fund flow Analysis - Sources and applications.

3. Auditing: Vouching – Internal Audit and Internal control – Cost Audit and Cost Control-
Special Audit – Management Audit – Government and Commercial Audit – Investigation – Duties
and Liabilities of Auditors – Tax Audit.

4. Taxation: Corporate Taxation as applicable to Government undertakings. Co- operative societies-

tax planning for companies viz- PSUS- Personal Taxation and Capital Gains- Assessments.

5. Commercial Law: Company Law (Formation of Companies – Meetings – Directors) Factories Act –
ESI – Gratuity Act Trade Union Act – Industrial Disputes Act – Sale of Goods Act – Negotiable
Instruments Act - Bonus Act. Workmen compensation Act - payment of wages Act – Minimum
wages Act- Law and practice of Banking.

6. Management Accountancy: Activity based approaches to management and cost analysis: -

Problems of common costs in manufacturing and service industries – Techniques for profit
improvement, Cost reduction, ratio analysis.

7. Cost Accountancy: Target costing, Cost ascertainment and pricing of products and services,
transfer pricing.

8. Project appraisal: Use of discounted cash flow: payback and rate of return concepts: replacement
theory, abandonment and Sensitivity analysis Post Project appraisal and audit.

9. Variance Accounting: Work measurement and cost engineering: zero base and incremental
approaches standard process costing, mix and yield variances.

10. Marginal costing, break even analysis. Margin of safety, Profit – volume- ratio. Management
Information system – Data processing – system design and analysis.



Code No. 26 Malayakandi
1 Adiyan 27 Mannan
2 Aranadan 28 Mudugar, Muduvan
3 Eravallan 29 Muthuvan
4 Irular 30 Pallayan
5 Kadar 31 Palliyan
6 Kammara (excluding Kanyakumari 32 Palliyar
District and Shenkottah Taluk of 33 Paniyan
Tirunelveli District) 34 Sholaga
7 Kanikaran, Kanikkar (in Kanyakumari 35 Toda (excluding Kanyakumari
District and Shenkottah Taluk of District and Shenkottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District) Tirunelveli District)
8 Kaniyan, Kanyan 36 Uraly
10 Kochu Velan Code No.
11 Konda Kapus 2 Adi Dravida
12 Kondareddis 3 Adi Karnataka
13 Koraga 4 Ajila
14 Kota (excluding Kanyakumari 6 Ayyanavar (in Kanyakumari District and
District and Shenkottah Taluk of
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Tirunelveli District)
15 Kudiya, Melakudi
7 Baira
16 Kurichchan
8 Bakuda
17 Kurumbas (in the Nilgiris District)
9 Bandi
18 Kurumans
10 Bellara
19 Maha Malasar
11 Bharatar (in Kanyakumari District and
20 Malai Arayan Shenkottah
21 Malai Pandaram Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
22 Malai Vedan 13 Chalavadi
23 Malakkuravan 14 Chamar, Muchi
24 Malasar 15 Chandala
25 Malayali (in Dharmapuri, North 16 Cheruman
Arcot, Pudukkottai, Salem, South
Arcot and Tiruchirapalli Districts)

Code No. (SC) Code No. (SC)
17 Devendrakulathan 50 Palluvan
18 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 51 Pambada
19 Domban 52 Panan (in Kanyakumari District and
20 Godagali Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
21 Godda District)
22 Gosangi 53 Panchama
23 Holeya 54 Pannadi
24 Jaggali 55 Panniandi
25 Jambuvulu 56 Paraiyan, Parayan, Sambavar
26 Kadaiyan 57 Paravan (in Kanyakumari District
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
27 Kakkalan (in Kanyakumari District
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
District) 58 Pathiyan (in Kanyakumari District
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
28 Kalladi
29 Kanakkan, Padanna (in the Nilgiris
59 Pulayan, Cheramar
60 Puthirai Vannan
30 Karimpalan
61 Raneyar
31 Kavara (in Kanyakumari District and
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli 62 Samagara
District) 63 Samban
32 Koliyan 64 Sapari
33 Koosa 65 Semman
34 Kootan, Koodan (in Kanyakumari 66 Thandan (in Kanyakumari District
District and Shenkottah Taluk of and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Tirunelveli District) District)
35 Kudumban 68 Tiruvalluvar
36 Kuravan, Sidhanar 69 Vallon
39 Maila 70 Valluvan
40 Mala 71 Vannan (in Kanyakumari District
41 Mannan (in Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
District) 72 Vathiriyan
42 Mavilan 73 Velan
43 Moger 74 Vetan (in Kanyakumari District and
44 Mundala Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
45 Nalakeyava
75 Vettiyan
46 Nayadi
76 Vettuvan (in Kanyakumari District
47 Padannan (in Kanyakumari District
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
49 Pallan

ARUNTHATHIYARS 19 Maruthuvar, Navithar, Mangala,
Code No. Velakattalavar, Velakatalanair and
1 Adi Andhra Pronopakari
5 Arunthathiyar 20 Mond Golla
12 Chakkiliyan 21 Moundadan Chetty
37 Madari 22 Mahendra, Medara
38 Madiga 23 Mutlakampatti
48 Pagadai 24 Narikoravar (Kuruvikars)
67 Thoti 25 Nokkar
III (A). LIST OF MOST BACKWARD 25A Panisaivan / Panisivan
CLASSES 26 Vanniakula Kshatriya (including
Code No. Vanniyar, Vanniya, Vannia Gounder,
1 Ambalakarar Gounder or Kander, Padayachi, Palli
& Agnikula Kshatriya)
2 Andipandaram
27 Paravar (except in Kanyakumari
2A Arayar (in Kanyakumari District)
District and Shenkottah Taluk of
3 Bestha, Siviar Tirunelveli District where the
4 Bhatraju (Other than Kshatriya Raju) Community is Scheduled Caste)
5 Boyar, Oddar 27A Paravar converts to Christianity
6 Dasari including the Paravar converts to
7 Dommara Christianity of Kanyakumari District
and Shenkottah Taluk in Tirunelveli
8 Eravallar (except in Kanyakumari District)
District and Shenkottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District where the 28 Meenavar (Parvatharajakulam,
Community is a Scheduled Tribe) Pattanavar, Sembadavar) (including
converts to Christianity)
9 Isaivellalar
29 Mukkuvar or Mukayar (including
10 Jambuvanodai converts to Christianity)
11 Jangam
30 Punnan Vettuva Gounder
12 Jogi 31 Pannayar (other than Kathikarar in
13 Kongu Chettiar (in Coimbatore and Kanyakumari District)
Erode Districts only)
32 Sathatha Srivaishnava (including
14 Koracha Sathani, Chattadi and Chattada
15 Kulala (including Kuyavar and Srivaishnava)
Kumbarar) 33 Sozhia Chetty
16 Kunnuvar Mannadi 34 Telugupatty Chetty
17 Kurumba, Kurumba Goundar 35 Thottia Naicker (including
18 Kuruhini Chetty Rajakambalam, Gollavar, Sillavar,
18A Latin Catholic Christian Vannar (in Thockalavar, Thozhuva Naicker and
Kanyakumari District) Erragollar)

Code No. (MBC) Code No. (DC)
36 Thondaman 48 Battu Turkas
36A Thoraiyar (Nilgiris) 49 C.K. Koravars (Cuddalore and
36B Thoraiyar (Plains) Villupuram Districts)
37 Valaiyar (including Chettinad 50 Chakkala (Sivaganga,
Valayars) Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,
38 Vannar (Salaivai Thozhilalar)
Thiruvarur, Pudukkottai,
(including Agasa, Madivala, Ekali,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Rajakula, Veluthadar & Rajaka)
Madurai, Theni, Dindigul
(except in Kanyakumari District and
and the Nilgiris Districts)
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
District where the Community is a 51 Changyampudi Koravars (Vellore
Scheduled Caste) and Thiruvannamalai Districts)
39 Vettaikarar 52 Chettinad Valayars (Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram
40 Vettuva Gounder
41 Yogeeswarar
53 Dombs (Pudukkottai, Tiruchirapalli,
III (B) LIST OF DENOTIFIED Karur and Perambalur Districts)
54 Dobba Koravars (Salem and
Code No. Namakkal Districts)
42 Attur Kilnad Koravars (Salem, 55 Dommars (Thanjavur,
Namakkal, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga and Pudukkottai, Vellore and
Virudhunagar Districts) Thiruvannamalai Districts)
43 Attur Melnad Koravars (Salem and 56 Donga Boya
Namakkal District)
57 Donga Ur. Korachas
44 Appanad Kondayam Kottai Maravar
58 Devagudi Talayaris
(Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
59 Dobbai Korachas (Tiruchirapalli,
Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni
Karur Perambalur and Pudukkottai
and Dindigul Districts)
45 Ambalakarar (Thanjavur,
60 Dabi Koravars (Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur,
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Perambalur
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
and Pudukkottai Districts) Pudukkottai, Vellore and
46 Ambalakkarar (Suriyanur, Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Tiruchirapalli District) 61 Donga Dasaris (Kancheepuram,
47 Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Tiruvallur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur, Pudukkottai, The Perambalur, Pudukkottai, Chennai,
Nilgiris, Salem, Namakkal, Dharmapuri Salem and Namakkal Districts)
and Krishnagiri Districts) 62 Gorrela Dodda Boya
63 Gudu Dasaris

Code No. (DC) Code No. (DC)
64 Gandarvakottai Koravars (Thanjavur, 73 Kootappal Kallars (Tiruchirapalli,
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Districts)
Pudukkottai, Cuddalore and 74 Kala Koravars (Thanjavur,
Villupuram Districts) Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
65 Gandarvakottai Kallars (Thanjavur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur and Pudukkottai Districts)
Pudukkottai Districts) 75 Kalavathila Boyas
66 Inji Koravars (Thanjavur, 76 Kepmaris (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur,
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Pudukkottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Perambalur Districts)
Pudukkottai Districts)
77 Maravars (Thanjavur,
67 Jogis (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
Chennai, Cuddalore, Villupuram, Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram,
Vellore and Thiruvannamalai Districts) Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
68 Jambavanodai Tirunelveli and Thoothukudi
69 Kaladis (Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Districts)
Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni, 78 Monda Koravars
Dindigul, Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, 79 Monda Golla (Salem and Namakkal
Thiruvarur, Pudukkottai, Districts)
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur
80 Mutlakampatti (Tiruchirapalli,
Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
70 Kal Oddars (Kancheepuram, Districts)
Thiruvallur, Ramanathapuram,
81 Nokkars (Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Madurai,
Perambalur and Pudukkottai
Theni, Dindigul, Pudukkottai,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, 82 Nellorepet Oddars (Vellore and
Perambalur, Tirunelveli, Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Thoothukudi, Salem and Namakkal 83 Oddars (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,
Districts) Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
71 Koravars (Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Perambalur, Pudukkottai, Madurai,
Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Theni and Dindigul Districts)
Virudhunagar, Pudukkottai, 84 Pedda Boyas (Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
Thiruvarur, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Districts)
Perambalur, Tirunelveli, 85 Ponnai Koravars (Vellore and
Thoothukudi, Chennai, Madurai, Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Theni, Dindigul and The Nilgiris
86 Piramalai Kallars (Sivagangai,
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram,
72 Kalinji Dabikoravars (Thanjavur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul,
Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur and Pudukkottai, Thanjavur,
Pudukkottai Districts) Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur

Code No. (DC) Code No. (DC)
87 Periya Suriyur Kallars 101 Uppukoravars or Settipalli Koravars
(Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, and (Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,
Pudukkottai Districts) Thiruvarur, Pudukkottai, Madurai,
88 Padayachi (Vellayan Kuppam in Theni, Dindigul, Vellore and
Cuddalore District and Tennore in Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Tiruchirapalli District) 102 Urali Gounders (Tiruchirapalli,
89 Punnan Vettuva Gounder Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
(Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and Districts)
Pudukkottai Districts) 103 Wayalpad or Nawalpeta Korachas
90 Servai (Tiruchirapalli, Karur, 104 Vaduvarpatti Koravars (Madurai,
Perambalur and Pudukkottai Theni, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram,
Districts) Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli,
91 Salem Melnad Koravars (Madurai, Thoothukudi, Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Perambalur and Pudukkottai Districts)
Pudukkottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, 105 Valayars (Madurai, Theni, Dindigul,
Perambalur, Salem, Namakkal, Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Vellore and Thiruvannamalai Pudukkottai, Erode and Coimbatore
Districts) Districts)
92 Salem Uppu Koravars (Salem and 106 Vettaikarar (Thanjavur,
Namakkal Districts) Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur and
93 Sakkaraithamadai Koravars (Vellore and Pudukkottai Districts)
Thiruvannamalai districts) 107 Vetta koravars (Salem and
94 Saranga Palli Koravars Namakkal District)
95 Sooramari Oddars (Salem and 108 Varaganeri Koravars (Tiruchirapalli,
Namakkal Districts) Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
96 Sembanad Maravars (Sivaganga, Districts)
Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram 109 Vettuva Gounder (Tiruchirapalli,
Districts) Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai
97 Thalli Koravars (Salem and Namakkal Districts)
98 Telungapatti Chettis (Tiruchirapalli, Code No.
Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai 1 Agamudayar including Thozhu or
Districts) Thuluva Vellala
Code No. (DC) 2 Agaram Vellan Chettiar
99 Thottia Naickers (Sivaganga, 3 Alwar, Azhavar and Alavar (in
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah
Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Thanjavur, Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
4 Servai (except Tiruchirappalli, Karur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur.
Perambalur and Pudukkottai
Pudukkottai, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi,
Salem, Namakkal, Vellore,
Thiruvannamalai, Coimbatore & Erode 5 Nulayar (in Kanyakumari District and
Districts) Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
100 Thogamalai Koravars or Kepmaris
(Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur and 6 Archakarai Vellala
Pudukkottai Districts) 7 Aryavathi (in Kanyakumari District and
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
Code No. (BC) Code No. (BC)
8 Ayira Vaisyar 17 Donga Dasaris (except
9 Badagar Kancheepuram Tiruvallur,
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur,
10 Billava
Pudukkottai, Chennai, Salem and
11 Bondil Namakkal Districts) 18 Devangar,
12 Boyas (except Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Sedar 19 Dombs (except
Perambalur, Pudukkottai, The Nilgiris, Pudukkottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Salem, Namakkal and Dharmapuri and Perambalur Districts) Dommars
Krishnagiri Districts) Pedda Boyar (except Thanjavur, Nagapattinam,
(except Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Tiruvarur, Pudukkottai, Vellore and
Perambalur and Pudukkottai Districts) Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Oddars (except Thanjavur, 18 Devangar, Sedar
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur,
19 Dombs (except Pudukkottai,
Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Perambalur,
Pudukkottai, Madurai, Theni and Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Perambalur
Dindigul Districts) Kaloddars (except Districts) Dommars (except Thanjavur,
Kancheepuram, Tiruvallur, Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur,
Ramanathapuram, Sivaganga, Pudukkottai, Vellore and
Virudhunagar, Madurai, Theni, Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Dindigul, Pudukkottai,
Tiruchirappalli, Karur, Perambalur, 20 Enadi
Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Salem & 21 Ezhavathy (in Kanyakumari Districts
Namakkal Districts) Nellorepet and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Oddars (except Vellore and District)
Thiruvannamalai Districts) Sooramari
22 Ezhuthachar (in Kanyakumari
Oddars (except Salem and Namakkal
District and Shenkottah Taluk of
Tirunelveli District)
13 Chakkala (except Sivaganga,
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, 23 Ezhuva (in Kanyakumari District and
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Pudukkottai, Tiruchirappalli, Karur, District)
Perambalur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul
24 Gangavar
and The Nilgiris Districts)
14 Chavalakarar (in Kanyakumari 25 Gavara, Gavarai & Vadugar (Vaduvar)
District and Shenkottah Taluk of (other than Kamma, Kapu, Balija &
Tirunelveli District) Reddi)
15 Chettu or Chetty (including Kottar 26 Gounder
Chetty, Elur Chetty, Pathira Chetty,
27 Gowda (including Gammala, Kalali and
Valayal Chetty, Pudukadai Chetty) (in
Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah Anuppa Gounder)
Taluk of Tirunelveli District) 28 Hegde
16 Chowdry 16A Converts to Christianity 29 Idiga
from Scheduled Castes irrespective of
the generation of conversion (except 30 Illathu Pillaimar, Illuvar, Ezhuvar &
the Paravar converts to Christianity of Illathar
Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah 31 Jhetty
Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
32 Jogis (except Kancheepuram,
16B C.S.I. formerly S.I.U.C. (in Tiruvallur, Madurai, Theni, Dindigul,
Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah
Cuddalore, Villupuram, Vellore and
Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
Thiruvannamalai Districts)
Code No. (BC) Code No. (BC)
33 Kabbera 47 Karpoora Chettiar
34 Kaikolar, Sengunthar 48 Karuneegar (Seer Karuneegar, Sri
35 Kaladi (except Sivaganga, Karuneegar, Sarattu
Virudhunagar, Ramanathapuram, Karuneegar, Kaikatti
Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Thanjavur, Karuneegar, Mathuvazhi Kanakkar,
Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur, Sozhi Kanakkar & Sunnambu
Pudukkottai, Tiruchirapalli, Karur and
Perambalur Districts) 49 Kasukkara Chettiar
36 Kalari Kurup including Kalari 50 Katesar Pattamkatti
Panicker (in Kanyakumari District and 51 Kavuthiyar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli District) 52 Kerala Mudali
37 Kalingi 53 Kharvi
38 Kallar Easanattu Kallar 54 Khatri
Gandharvakottai Kallars (except
55 Kongu Vaishnava
Thanjavur, Nagapattinam, Thiruvarur
56 Kongu Vellalars (including Vellala
and Pudukkottai Districts) Kottappal
Gounder, NattuGounder,
Kallars (except Pudukkottai,
Narambukatti Gounder, Tirumudi
Tiruchirapalli, Karur and Permbalur
Vellalar, Thondu Vellalar, Pala
Districts) Piramalai Kallars (except
Gounder, Poosari Gounder, Anuppa
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar,
Vellala Gounder, Padaithalai,
Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni,
Gounder, Chendalai Gounder,
Dindigul, Pudukkottai, Thanjavur,
Pavalankatti Vellala Gounder, Palla
Nagapattinam and Thiruvarur
Vellala Gounder, Sanku Vellala
Districts) Periyasooriyur Kallars
Gounder, & Rathinagiri Gounder)
(except Tiruchirapalli, Karur,
Perambalur and Pudukkottai Districts) 57 Koppala Velama
39 Kallar Kula Thondaman 58 Koteyar
40 Kalveli Gounder 59 Krishnanvaka (in Kanyakumari
District and Shenkottah Taluk of
41 Kambar
Tirunelveli District)
42 Kammalar or Viswakarma,
60 Kudikara Vellalar
Viswakarmala (including Thattar,
Porkollar, Kannar, Karumar, Kollar, 61 Kudumbi (in Kanyakumari District and
Thacher, Kal Thacher, Kamsala and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Viswabrahmin) District)
43 Kani, Kanisu, Kaniyar Panikkar 62 Kuga Vellalar
44 Kaniyala Vellalar 63 Kunchidigar
45 Kannada Saineegar, Kannadiyar 63 A Latin Catholics except Latin
(Through out the State) and Catholic Vannar in Kanyakumari
Dasapalanjika (Coimbatore, Erode and District
the Nilgiris Districts) 63B Latin Catholics in Shenkottah Taluk
46 Kannadiya Naidu of Tirunelveli District
64 Lambadi
Code No. (BC) Code No. (BC)
65 Lingayat (Jangama) 84 Paiyur Kotta Vellalar
66 Mahratta (NonBrahmin) (including 85 Pamulu
Namadev Mahratta) 86 Panar (except in Kanyakumari
67 Malayar District and Shenkottah Taluk of
68 Male Tirunelveli District where the
Community is a Scheduled Caste)
69 Maniagar
86A Pandiya Vellalar
70 Maravars (except Thanjavur,
Nagapattinam, Tiruvarur, 87 Omitted
Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram, 88 Kathikarar in Kanyakumari District 89
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Tirunelveli Pannirandam Chettiar or Uthama
and Thoothukudi Districts) (including Chettiar
Karumaravars. Appanad 90 Parkavakulam (including Surithimar
Kondayamkottai Maravar (except Nathamar, Malayamar, Moopanar &
Sivaganga, Virudhunagar, Nainar)
Ramanathapuram, Madurai, Theni and
91 Perike (including Perike Balija)
Dindigul Districts) and Sambanad
92 Perumkollar (in Kanyakumari District
Maravars (except Sivaganga,
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram
93 Podikara Vellalar
71 Moondrumandai Enbathunalu (84) Ur.
Sozhia Vellalar 94 Pooluva Gounder
72 Mooppan 95 Poraya
73 Muthuraja, Muthuracha, Muttiriyar, 96 Pulavar (in Coimbatore and Erode
Mutharaiyar Districts)
74 Nadar, Shanar & Gramani including 97 Pulluvar or Pooluvar
Christian Nadar, Christian Shanar and 98 Pusala
Christian Gramani 99 Reddy (Ganjam)
75 Nagaram 100 Sadhu Chetty (including Telugu
76 Naikkar (in Kanyakumari District and Chetty Twenty four manai
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli Telugu Chetty)
District) 101 Sakkaravar or Kavathi (in
77 Nangudi Vellalar Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah
78 Nanjil Mudali (in Kanyakumari Taluk of Tirunelveli District)
District and Shenkottah Taluk of 102 Salivagana
Tirunelveli District) 103 Saliyar, Padmasaliyar, Pattusaliyar,
79 Odar (in Kanyakumari District and Pattariyar and Adhaviyar
Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli 104 Savalakkarar
105 Senaithalaivar, Senaikudiyar and
80 Odiya IIaivaniar
81 Oottruvalanattu Vellalar 105A Serakula Vellalar
82 O.P.S. Vellalar 106 Sourashtra (Patnulkarar)
83 Ovachar
Code No. (BC) Code No. (BC)
107 Sozhia Vellalar (including Sozha 126 Veluthodathu Nair (in Kanyakumari
Vellalar. Vetrilaikarar, Kodikalkarar District and Shenkottah Taluk of
and Keeraikarar) Tirunelveli District)
108 Srisayar 127 Vokkaligar (including Vakkaligar,
109 Sundaram Chetty Okkaligar, Kappaliyar, Kappiliya,
Okkaliga Gowda, Okkaliya- Gowder,
110 Thogatta Veerakshatriya
Okkaliya-Gowda, Okkaliya Gowda)
111 Tholkollar (in Kanyakumari District
128 Wynad Chetty (The Nilgiris District)
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli
District) 129 Yadhava (including Idaiyar, Telugu
Speaking Idaiyar known as Vaduga
112 Tholuva Naicker and Vetalakara
Ayar or Vaduga Idaiyar or Golla and
Asthanthra Golla)
113 Omitted
130 Yavana
114 Thoriyar
131 Yerukula
115 Ukkirakula Kshatriya Naicker
131A Converts to Christianity from any
116 Uppara, Uppillia and Sagara
Hindu Backward Classes Community
117 Urali Gounder (except Tiruchirapalli or Most Backward Classes Community
Karur, Perambalur and Pudukkottai (except the Converts to Christianity
Districts) and Orudaya Gounder or from Meenavar, Parvatharajakulam,
Oorudaya Gounder (in Madurai and Pattanavar, Sembadavar, Mukkuvar or
Theni, Dindigul, Coimbatore, Erode, Mukayar and Paravar) or Denotified
Tiruchirapalli, Karur, Perambalur, Communities
Pudukkottai, Salem and Namakkal
Code No. (BC)
132 Orphans and destitues children who
118 Urikkara Nayakkar have lost their Parents before reaching
118A Virakodi Vellala the age of ten and are destitutes; and who
119 Vallambar have nobody else to take care of
Code No. (BC) them either by law or custom; and also
who are admitted into any of the
119A Vallanattu Chettiar
Schools or orphanages run by the
120 Valmiki
Government or recognised by the
121 Vaniyar, Vania Chettiar (including Government.
Gandla, Ganika, Telikula and
122 Veduvar and Vedar (except in Code No.
Kanyakumari District and Shenkottah 1 Ansar
Taluk of Tirunelveli District Where the 2 Dekkani Muslims
Community is a Scheduled Castes) 3 Dudekula
123 Veerasaiva (in Kanyakumari District 4 Labbais including Rowthar and
and Shenkottah Taluk of Tirunelveli Marakayar (whether their spoken
District) language is Tamil or Urdu)
124 Velar 5 Mapilla
125 Vellan Chettiar 6 Sheik
7 Syed
Destitute Widow (Model Certificate-1)

Ex-Servicemen (Model Certificate-2)




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