Activity 13. Educ 10 Mam Anne.
Activity 13. Educ 10 Mam Anne.
Activity 13. Educ 10 Mam Anne.
College of Education
Kalibo, Aklan
Narrative Report
As I read this lesson. I think the paradigm shift from a teacher-centered to learner-
centered environment is very important. A paradigm shift is a radical change in the core concepts
and practices of a given domain, discipline or field. Paradigm shifts can occur at any of these
levels and may cut across these levels. The field of education, at both the basic and higher
education levels, has undergone tremendous change since World War II. Beacause in teacher-
centered environment. The learners must give his or her participation in every class discussion .
The teacher also can be a coach to every learners. So that, they can learn better. He/she also had
to motivates its learners to study well. The teacher also the one who are actively encouraging
individuals to be able to be an active and acquire knowledge to gave and create exact solutions to
every problem they must encounter.
In the learner-centered ways of environment or learners- centered paradigm it is a
viewpoint or learning philosophy that takes the perspective of the learner when considering the
design, delivery, or assessment of learning Learn more in. A Learner-Centered Perspective on E-
Learning. The learners must actively in searching for information and use their learning
experiences to seek it and attaining its ways. In teacher-centered learning — the more traditional
or conventional approach — the teacher functions in the familiar role of classroom lecturer,
presenting information to the students, who are expected to passively receive the knowledge
being presented. They are also the one to participate, explore, discover and create unique
solutions in providing their knowledge and find unique solutions to problems that they were
attempt. In learner-centered environment also, they are the resource, model, expert and helper of
its own. So that, they can get more learnings and solutions for themselves.
In all, learner-centered and teacher-centered environment are both to helps the learners
to build and create more knowledge and learnings and to find exact solutions to the every
problems that they are experiencing. Both of them also are the big help for the learners and to
gave way to the learners to understands their self and think the every situation not just relying to
others but creating its own unique solutions. But in all, thy are the most important way for the
learners to learn and to understands it better.