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Capability Matrix: For Professional Staff

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This handbook is intended to help you understand the Capability Matrix and how it
will be used at UoN. The Capability Matrix and this handbook are for all professional
staff at the University.

The Capability Matrix forms part of the overarching Performance Expectations

WHAT IS THE Framework for Professional Staff and describes the functional capabilities

CAPABILITY required to perform effectively as a higher education professional. The

continuum describes the progression of skills and knowledge from
transactional and operational capability through to tactical and strategic

The Capability Matrix was developed through consultation and dialogue across

HOW WAS THE the University and guided by literature, research and practice. It is built on the

MATRIX basis that the evolving and complex nature of professional work within the
higher education sector creates a need for the development of new skills to
enable connectedness, innovation and entrepreneurial activity in order to
advance UoN’s goals.

The Capability Matrix outlines the broad, but not exhaustive, range of
examples of professional performance expectations and recognises that
HOW TO READ some roles may be more heavily focused on particular capabilities and/or
THE CAPABILITY require differing levels of capability.
There are five core capabilities with a descriptor for each. Each capability has
four specific outcomes illustrated by a set of action statements that progress
by HEW level.

The Capability Matrix should be used to inform development for professional

staff at UoN, and forms part of the overall Performance Review and
Development (PRD) process. It is important that managers and supervisors
exercise their judgement in applying the Capability Matrix as not every action
statement will apply to an individual’s role.
The Capability Matrix should be used in conjunction with individual goals
driven by Faculty/Divisional Corporate Plans and Position Descriptions as
well as the Leadership Framework.


Professional Capabilities are a combination of knowledge, skills, behaviours and

specialist expertise required to perform at a particular level. The ability of UoN to
achieve its strategic goals relies on the capability and performance of its staff.

The Capability Matrix describes five professional capabilities that provide a common language and focus for all professional
staff in performing their roles effectively. The matrix does not attempt to provide a comprehensive list of every capability
necessary in the University. Many roles will have specialised skill sets that are unique to that role and these should also be
considered alongside the Leadership Framework and the Faculty/Divisional Corporate Plans.

A headline definition of each of the five Professional Capabilities is provided below and describes in brief the behaviours and
characteristics expected of a professional staff member. As a guide, staff should aim to align their capabilities within the HEW
ranges specified however the overlap in range is designed to encourage staff to aspire to performance outcomes outside their
expected range.

Communicates and engages effectively with internal

COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT and external stakeholders for the benefit of the

ORGANISATIONAL PLANNING & Manages time, resources and projects effectively and
PROJECT MANAGEMENT efficiently to achieve successful outcomes

PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL Applies and improves specialised technical/professional

EXPERTISE knowledge, skills and judgement to achieve outcomes

Builds and maintains a wide knowledge and

BUSINESS UNDERSTANDING & understanding of the business environment and uses
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE methods and techniques to transform data into
meaningful and useful information for the University

Considers options, harnesses opportunities and

CREATIVE & STRATEGIC THINKING develops, implements and monitors solutions to align
with organisational objectives

Communicates and engages effectively with internal and external stakeholders for the benefit of the University.

HEW 1-3 HEW 3-5 HEW 5-7 HEW 7-8 HEW 9-10

1.1 Communicates Speaks clearly and Clearly presents views and Modifies verbal delivery Clearly presents views to a Effectively discusses
effectively respectfully and actively information and checks for depending on the audience range of audiences on complex concepts with other
listens to others understanding and the setting specific projects and expert stakeholders
Prepares standard Prepares emails, meeting Prepares documents and Develop high level reports
correspondence using clear, minutes and simple or routine reports based on work- Prepares written advice and and planning documents to
concise and grammatically reports related knowledge clear recommendations on meet business needs
correct language complex issues for area of
Ensures appropriate content Utilises a good responsibility Prepares briefs on highly
Treats sensitive information in all communications understanding of GIPA and complex issues, and
appropriately privacy obligations when Reviews written work of authoritative technical reports
drafting correspondence and others and ensures and advice to senior levels of
reports documents contain the University and external
necessary information and stakeholders
meet audience needs

1.2 Presents and Presents information to team Understands the basic Innovatively creates Presents in a persuasive and Delivers influential
facilitates members principles of effective presentations using a variety credible manner and holds presentations to a senior
presentations of delivery methods audience attention stakeholder audience holding
competing priorities and
Uses graphic and other visual Constructs information to Effectively manages views
aids such as PowerPoint and promote a particular consultative processes in a
handouts to convey viewpoint and lead audience group or forum Facilitates audience dialogue
information to a shared conclusion and gathers and synthesises
Anticipates and confidently audience views to provoke
Gathers and accurately deals with criticism or dissent further discussion
summarises audience views and provides effective
during the presentation rebuttals to objections Confidently changes tactics
mid-presentation based on
perceived audience reception

1.3 Influences and Uses skills to reach Negotiates work completion Influences others of the Plans, negotiates and Negotiates firmly and
negotiates agreement on own work timelines with stakeholders appropriate course of action implements a course of tactically in sensitive or
priorities with colleagues and and supervisor based on knowledge and action to achieve a specific contentious situations to
supervisor experience outcome resolve differences and
Uses facts, knowledge and achieve outcomes
experience to support Outlines benefits and Understands stakeholder
recommendations drawbacks of particular issues and develops Communicates the
courses of action based on persuasive evidence based University’s vision and gains
rules, guidelines and facts arguments and support from relevant
recommendations to stakeholders through
effectively negotiate with consultation and negotiation
Understands the
requirements of contract
negotiation and the
associated constraints and
provides inputs to facilitate
the negotiation process

1.4 Engages with Liaises with colleagues to Contacts colleagues in other Demonstrates an Actively seeks to understand Identifies emerging
internal and understand how they operate areas to gain their understanding of the the priorities and interests of stakeholders that will have a
external and how this affects own perspective and expertise interaction of own work area other areas and individuals in significant impact on the
stakeholders* tasks with other areas across the order to leverage projects organisation and forms
Contributes to University partnerships for the long
Attends and actively Faculty/Division through Leads or actively participates term benefit of the
participates in meetings active participation in team Gathers knowledge from in cross-unit initiatives to organisation
and Unit meetings networks, assesses activities share experiences and
Contributes to meeting in other areas and looks for promote good practice Understands the value of
stakeholder needs Displays a sound linkages to support own work strong relationships at peer
understanding of the service area Seeks out value added and senior levels to gain
offered by their work area services to exceed commitment for ideas and
and the value add provided to Keeps up-to-date with stakeholder expectations cross-organisational
stakeholders business issues and initiatives
initiatives and strives to value Demonstrates an awareness
Builds trust with stakeholders add to core UoN activities of market trends and seeks Identifies longer term
by regularly providing to differentiate and improve stakeholder needs and
progress updates Consults and works with service to stakeholders recommends strategic
stakeholders to improve their accordingly options for service delivery
outcomes and plans
effectively for their delivery Understands organisational Develops, recommends and
limits and opportunities, and implements policy,
Makes self fully available procedures and standards to
during critical periods, in
order to ensure high quality aims to remove or reduce ensure a quality stakeholder
service obstacles to service delivery focus at the organisational
Contributes to external
engagement initiatives at the Builds confidence in UoN’s
Faculty/Divisional level and services to the broader
through membership of community
professional associations
Uses external commercial
and philanthropic networks to
position the organisation

* Stakeholders are our staff and students, international, national and regional communities, our conjoints, alumni, friends and benefactors.

Manages time, resources and projects effectively and efficiently to achieve successful outcomes.

HEW 1-3 HEW 3-5 HEW 5-7 HEW 7-8 HEW 9-10

2.1 Plans and Performs work under Appropriately organises Prioritises effectively and Takes a flexible approach to Demonstrates an advanced
organises established guidelines and workload and considers achieves defined targets planning in order to meet knowledge of planning and
procedures and seeks impact on others to achieve unforeseen circumstances organisational methodologies
clarification as required results Gathers and assesses
information and develops Determines staff priorities Makes a strong contribution
Efficiently locates and recommendations as part of and considers the impact of to the development of
accesses information as the longer term planning work across other areas operational and business
required process plans for Faculty/Division

2.2 Implements Contributes to achieving Regularly tracks progress on Develops and implements Implements approved plans, Communicates with key
plans team work objectives work tasks procedures to plan and communicates objectives and stakeholders in overseeing
organise own and/or team’s monitors and reports on the implementation of plans
Uses past experience to performance progress
implement efficiencies and Ensures the availability of
reduce the likelihood of Anticipates and addresses Mitigates anticipated and resources and adapts plans
particular problems recurring barriers to work plans actual barriers to and/or resource allocations
achievement of goals and in response to changing
delegates tasks effectively organisational priorities

2.3 Initiates and Actively contributes to and Contributes to the Checks project and Develops project plans, Coordinates internal and
plans projects supports the project and development of project deliverable details prior to schedules and budgets, external environments to
project team schedules and plans commencing work to ensure clearly defines tasks and ensure successful project
clarity of purpose resource allocation outcomes
Adjusts priorities in response Identifies project deliverables, Directs project scope, budget
to changing circumstances constraints and outcomes and communications and
and minimises last minute determines project risk
emergencies Contributes to the
development of a strategic Builds a project management
Provides clear planning process for projects culture, bringing together,
communication to key motivating and successfully
stakeholders on project
accountabilities, goals,
progress and measurable managing multi-functional
business impact project teams

2.4 Controls, Brings potential problems to Identifies areas for Is responsible for meeting Manages project delivery and Implement systems for
monitors and the attention of the project improvement after project time, budget and quality reporting monitoring and evaluating
evaluates leader in a timely manner close requirements on parts of the effective management of
projects project Controls and monitors human resources
and financial resources,
Encourages feedback after planning and risk Ensures that project risks are
project close and participates management activities managed effectively and
in the evaluation of outcomes appropriate strategies are in
Takes corrective action when place to respond to variance
Drafts recommendations for projects are at risk and
process change contributes to the continuous Recognises when a project is
improvement process flawed and should not
proceed further and argues
the case convincingly
Ensures project is integrated
and consistent with other
projects; does not work in

Applies and improves specialised technical/profesional knowledge, skills and judgment to achieve outcomes.

HEW 1-3 HEW 3-5 HEW 5-7 HEW 7-8 HEW 9-10

3.1 Knows role and Demonstrates an Demonstrates an Uses knowledge of own area Demonstrates a good Has a detailed understanding
organisation understanding of what is understanding of their role to contribute to thinking on understanding of all aspects of the higher education
expected of them in their role and expectations in the future organisational of the University business, sector and updates self on
and how their role context of their area and the direction the higher education sector sector initiatives
contributes to team university and seeks links with own role
objectives Understands and consistently Monitors and ensures
Demonstrates and applies professional and Guides the application of compliance with legislative,
consistently applies policies technical standards and relevant legislation, regulatory, policy and
and procedures required to University policy and regulations, policy and procedural requirements in
ensure efficient delivery procedures procedures in the workplace the work area
Understands Uses understanding of the Uses knowledge of UoN Accurately assesses the
technical/procedural aspects operating environment to governance effectively and evolving institutional climate
of own job organise work explains relevant legislation, and accordingly develops
regulations, policy and business plans and activities
procedures to others

3.2 Develops and Demonstrates interest and Actively seeks learning and Continuously builds Identifies opportunities for Adopts a continuous learning
maintains willingness to learn and development opportunities knowledge, keeping up to own and colleagues approach to developing their
capabilities develop skills date on the professional, development leadership capability and
technical or procedural management competencies
aspects of the job Models reflective and
analytical practice and Maintains professional
Demonstrates reflective encourages staff to improve accreditations
practice that contributes to a the quality of work outcomes
positive impact on the quality Encourages staff to interact
of work outcomes with fellow professionals and
professional associations

3.3 Develops and Understands and utilises Remains up to date with Demonstrates knowledge Ensures compliance with, and Maintains awareness of the
reviews policy instructions, procedures and policy and procedural and acceptance of standards, role models behaviours potential impact of external
changes legislation, policies and relating to legislation, regulatory and compliance
standards, regulations, requirements that may affect
documentation in own area Assesses the application of procedures relevant to the policies and procedures that the University and factors
to meet expected standards policy in the workplace and role apply to their work those impacts into decision
reports observations to their making, planning and delivery
Clarifies responsibilities in supervisor Utilises an understanding of Ensures ongoing review and
relation to policy external trends to provide refinement of policy in Effectively delivers
implementation suggestions for response to changing institutional policy messages
improvements in circumstances and provides guidance and
organisational policy and expert advice to others in the
procedures development and review of

3.4 Technical Identifies and selects the Applies sound knowledge of Provides suggestions in Identifies ways to leverage Maintains a level of currency
knowledge most appropriate technology technology applications regards to technology the value of technology and regarding emerging
for assigned tasks relevant to role enhancements and updates achieve work efficiencies, technologies and how they
using the workplaces’ might be applied to support
Identifies new technologies Identifies opportunities to use Develops policy and existing technology organisational outcomes
and reports findings to new technology and reports procedural documentation for
supervisor to supervisor use of the technology in the Guides and supports the Evaluates and makes
work area implementation of technology recommendations on
in their area of work technology solutions to
improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the

Builds and maintains a wide knowledge and understanding of the business environment and uses methods and techniques
to transform data into meaningful and useful information for the University.

HEW 1-3 HEW 3-5 HEW 5-7 HEW 7-8 HEW 9-10

4.1 Understands Displays an understanding of Considers costs and Considers financial and Considers impact of funding Uses knowledge of
and applies basic business functions, efficiency when using budgetary implications during allocations on planning and budgeting, financial planning
business basics terminology and processes resources planning and decision- budgeting and performance tracking to
and financial making provide tactical direction to
knowledge Ensures accuracy in Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates competence in contribute to the University’s
calculating and recording financial delegation principles Demonstrates basic financial analysis and financial goals
financial data and processes proficiency in analysing reporting to identify and
financial reports and critically analyse trends for Identifies key business
Understands obligations Actively seeks efficient and advanced skills in drawing work area drivers and market
relating to use of resources cost effective ways to do inferences competitors and
things Maintains an awareness of demonstrates agility in
Correctly defines resourcing university sector, government responding to market trends
requirements for a specific and economic influences and demands
Considers the broader, long-
term implications of actions
including the impact on
governance, finance and
technology as well as social
and environmental

4.2 Manages risk Recognises their role and Identifies and documents Demonstrates an Exercise due diligence to Monitors and ensures
responsibilities in problems and offers possible understanding and ensure work health and compliance with health and
contributing to a safe work solutions to ensure a safe application of relevant health safety risks are addressed safety policy at the
environment work environment and safety principles institutional level
Understands the operational
Understands the risk and Monitors progress of all new risks and liabilities for the Exhibits a sophisticated
liability factors associated initiatives with a view to avoid area and is able to understanding of various
with their role and the team mistakes and limit risks risks and liabilities and

Implements quality and risk recommend pre-emptive or appropriate strategic
management processes corrective action mitigation practices
Applies a strong knowledge Manages risk, benefits and
of quality and risk priorities of the organisation
management techniques to deliver results against
corporate objectives

4.3 Undertakes Assists with basic data Employs a methodical, logical Applies expertise in analysing Demonstrates sound Adds value to the analytical
analysis collection approach when analysing and interpreting data knowledge of information process through the
basic data and ensures and data analysis techniques compilation, evaluation and
Builds knowledge and accuracy Recognises patterns and analysis of information and
awareness of information trends and draws out key Interprets data to make professional input
sources to aid research and Considers data from information from complex multiple causal links and
analysis numerous sources to make data considers consequences of Uses several analytical
informed conclusions and actions techniques to identify
recommendations possible solutions, and
evaluates the value and
benefits of each solution

4.4 Undertakes Identifies emerging trends Under the guidance of Analyses trends and issues Actively develops a wide Understands the strategic
benchmarking and reports information to supervisor, benchmarks within the sector and wider range of contacts with consequences of emergent
supervisor activities to support community to support Universities and external trends and developments and
organisational objectives organisational objectives agencies for conducting applies this understanding to
benchmarking activities create an effective
organisational response

Considers options, harnesses opportunities and develops, implements and monitors solutions to align with organisational

HEW 1-3 HEW 3-5 HEW 5-7 HEW 7-8 HEW 9-10

5.1 Uses initiative Contributes to team Identifies opportunities to Identifies tasks to be Anticipates obstacles and Adopts a long-term view of
initiatives to improve improve efficiency and undertaken and takes promotes opportunities to the University strengths and
efficiency and effectiveness effectiveness of team appropriate action effect business weaknesses and diagnoses
processes or team outputs improvements or provide trends, obstacles and
Thinks beyond the apparent market advantage opportunities in the internal
Contributes ideas and limitations of the situation to and external environment
perspectives to unit planning consider more effective ways Designs innovative practices,
of operating processes and procedures Promotes a culture which
which minimise negative encourages the creation of
flow-throughs innovative approaches and
solutions, and values
business improvement

5.2 Solves Contributes to team Uses experience and Monitors activities and Evaluates solutions pre and Consults widely and
problems initiatives to resolve problems knowledge of work area to identifies, analyses and post implementation based encourages joint ownership
and notifies supervisor of assist in the development of considers multiple options on likely institutional impact in solutions developed
problems as they arise solutions for day-to-day when resolving work and advises on alternative
problems problems actions accordingly Considers contingency plans
to problem solving initiatives
Refers problems on that Develops a range of Instructs and guides others in
remain unresolved and solutions and tests likely the process of resolving
makes recommendations outcomes problems

5.3 Aligns actions Actively participates in PRD Aligns PRD goals with UoN Identifies team goals linked Considers the University’s Role models and champions
with strategic process through reflecting on strategic goals and modifies to strategic objectives and long-term strategic objectives use of the PRD as a tool to
direction performance, and prompts own work to ensure it aligns develops individual PRD when translating the manage staff performance,
discussions and offers with work unit objectives goals required to meet these Faculty/Division’s strategy drive development of
suggestions to improve objectives into meaningful individual institutional capability and
outcomes with supervisor Negotiates clear PRD objectives and targets undertake succession
performance standards and Consults with team members planning
monitors own progress to establish a shared
against performance goals understanding of roles and Defines and clearly Refines roles and
on an ongoing basis responsibilities within the communicates roles and responsibilities over time to
team responsibilities to achieve achieve better business
team/unit outcomes outcomes
Develops team/unit plans Implements effective
that take into account team approaches to identify and
capability, strengths and develop talent within
opportunities for unit/division and across the
development institution
Provides regular constructive Coaches and mentors staff
feedback to build on and encourages professional
strengths and achieve results development and continuous
Addresses and resoles team
and individual performance Creates a vision of the
issues, including institution and its future that
unsatisfactory performance directs and inspires the
in a timely and effective way workforce
Develops strategic initiatives
that impact on programs or
major functional areas

5.4 Proactively Adapts skills and knowledge Actively seeks to broaden Actively seeks to understand Recommends and Plans and monitors the
responds to to new situations skills, shows initiative in the need for change, implements change and change process, and ensures
change suggesting changes and engenders staff support and develops strategies to clarity in relation to desired
improvements to own work motivates team to consider overcome resistance to outcomes
and the broader work area and suggest new ideas change
Allocates appropriate
Actively communicates and resources to the change
consults with staff affected process
by change

Acknowledgements: Victoria University – A Guide to Support the Development of Leadership Management Capability at Victoria University and NSW Public Sector Capability Framework


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