Tabla Cuantificadores + Ejercicio
Tabla Cuantificadores + Ejercicio
Tabla Cuantificadores + Ejercicio
Son incontables:
➢ Nombres abstractos: love, emotion, hope, hate, luck, fun
➢ Líquidos: water, milk, beer, wine, coke, oil
➢ Materiales: gold, silver, iron, plastic, glass
➢ Tiempo atmosférico: weather, rain, snow, lightning
➢ Nombres colectivos: luggage, baggage, furniture, rubbish
➢ Ciertas comidas: spaghetti, rice, bread, cheese, pizza, flour
➢ Ciertos nombres: traffic, money (pero: coins, notes, bills, euros)
homework, work (pero: a job), poetry (pero: a poem), travel
(pero: a trip, a journey), music (pero: a song)
6. They are very unfriendly and don’t have ................ friends at all!
10. We don’t have ................ money, so invite just ................ children to your
12. There is ................ milk in the fridge, I think. Tomorrow we’ll have to buy
13. ................ girls from my school play basketball. Others play football.