Pas 1
Pas 1
Pas 1
PAS 1 – describes the basis for the presentation of general purpose financial statements, the guidelines for their structure,
and the minimum requirements for their content to ensure comparability
- Applies to the preparation and presentation of general purpose financial statements
- Terminology in PAS 1 is suitable for profit-oriented entities
- If non-profit organizations apply PAS 1, they may need to amend the line-item and financial statement descriptions
Types of Comparability
a. Intra-comparability (horizontal or inter-period)
- Refers to the comparability of financial statements of the same entity from one period to another
b. Inter-comparability (dimensional)
- Refers to the comparability of financial statements between different entities
o Requires consistency in the adoption and application of accounting policies and in the presentation of financial
Financial statements
o Structured representation of an entity’s financial position and results of operations
o End product of financial reporting process
o Means by which the information gathered and processed is periodically communicated to users
o General purpose financial statements
o Those intended to meet the needs of users who are not in a position to require an entity to prepare reports
tailored to their particular information needs
o Cater to most of the common needs of a wide range of external users
o Are the subject matter of the Conceptual Framework and PFRSs
o Each of the financial statements shall be presented with equal prominence and shall be clearly identified and
distinguished from other information in the same published document
o The PFRSs apply only to the financial statements and not necessarily to the other information
o The following information shall be displayed prominently and repeatedly whenever relevant to the understanding
of the information presented:
a. The name of the reporting entity
b. Whether the statements are for the individual entity or for a group of entities
c. The date of the end of the reporting period or the period covered by the financial statements
d. The presentation currency
e. The level of rounding used
ABC Corporation
Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31, 20x2
(in thousands of Philippine Peso)
The statement of financial position is dated as at the end of the reporting period while the OTHER financial
statements are for the year period that they cover
o Statement of financial position – as at the end
o Other financial statements – for the year period
o Requires particular disclosures to be presented either in the notes or on the face of other financial statements
(footnote disclosures)
o Other disclosures are addressed by other PFRSs
o DOES NOT prescribe the order or format of presenting items in the statement of financial position
o An entity may modify the descriptions used and the sequence of their presentation to suit the nature of the
entity and its transactions
o Additional line items may be presented whenever relevant to the understanding of the entity’s financial position
o Permits a mixed presentation
o Such as presenting some assets and liabilities using a current/non-current classification and others in order of
o This may be appropriate when the entity has diverse operations
o Whichever method is used, PAS 1 requires the disclosure of items that are expected to be recovered or settled
o Within 12 months
o beyond 12 months after the reporting period
Operating Cycle
o Is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash or cash equivalents
o When the entity’s normal operating cycle is not clearly identifiable, it is assumed to be 12 months
Assets and liabilities that are realized or settled as part of the entity's normal operating cycle are presented as
CURRENT , even if they are expected to be realized or settled beyond 12 months after the reporting period
o Trade receivables
o Inventory
o Trade payables
o Some accruals for employee and other operating costs
Assets and liabilities that do not form part of the entity's normal operating cycle are presented as current
ONLY WHEN they are expected to be realized or settled within 12 months after the reporting period
o Non-operating assets and liabilities
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are always presented as NONCURRENT ITEMS in a classified statement of
financial position, regardless of their expected dates of reversal
Refinancing Agreement
o Long term obligation that is maturing within 12 months after the reporting period is classified as CURRENT,
even if a refinancing agreement to reschedule payments on a long-term basis is completed after the reporting
o the obligation is classified as NONCURRENT if the entity expects, and has the DISCRETION, to refinance it on
a long-term basis under an EXISTING LOAN FACILITY
o If the refinancing is NOT at the DISCRETION of the entity (there is no arrangement for refinancing), the
financial liability is CURRENT
- Refers to the replacement of an existing debt with a new one but with different terms
- Extended maturity date or revised payment schedule
- Normally entails a fee or penalty
- Refinancing where the debtor is under financial distress is called “troubled debt restructuring”
Presenting a separate income statement is allowed as long as a separate statement showing comprehensive income
is also presented (two-statement presentation)
Presenting only an income statement is PROHIBITED
Profit or Loss
o Is income less expenses excluding the components of other comprehensive income
o The excess of income over expenses is PROFIT while the deficiency is LOSS
o This method of computing for profit or loss is called the TRANSACTION APPROACH
o Income and expenses are usually recognized in profit or loss unless:
a. they are items of other comprehensive income
b. they are required by other PFRSs to be recognized outside of profit or loss
o The following are not included in determining the profit or loss for the period
a. correction of prior period error
b. change in accounting policy
c. other comprehensive income
d. transactions with owners such as issuance of share capital, declaration of dividends etc.
o PROHIBITS the presentation of extraordinary items in the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive