The Globalists and The Islamists:: Fomenting The "Clash of Civilizations" For A New World Order
The Globalists and The Islamists:: Fomenting The "Clash of Civilizations" For A New World Order
The Globalists and The Islamists:: Fomenting The "Clash of Civilizations" For A New World Order
Part One:
As the American government, led by the Bush Administration, fights its so-called "War On
Terror" with plans to invade and overthrow Iraq, America's steadfast ally in this endeavor
continues to be the British government of Tony Blair. The following study will take a look at the
history of the region that America has become entangled in, a region that used to be, and to some
degree still is, almost entirely controlled by Britain. Is this current "War On Terror" truly a war to
bring freedom to the region and to promote traditional American ideals, or is it a power-play to
solidify global American hegemony? And what does Britain have to gain?
Britain appears to be our greatest ally but it must be understood that British geo-strategists are
the masters of political manipulation and subversion. Even as the physical British colonial empire
was declining in the first half of this century they were already building the framework for a
completely global empire based on the legacy of Cecil Rhodes utilizing the resources of the
super-capitalists and financiers of New York and London. These elites may be predominantly
British and American in nationality, but they reject democracy and the American Constitution
and work against the best interests of British, American and international citizens. By studying
the history of the Middle East, and the elitist manipulation of it, we can perhaps predict what is to
come after this last final push of the American Empire.
Regarding the first phase of Islam's relationship with the West Aburish writes, "All political
leadership of the time depended on Islam for legitimacy and all political leaders were
pro-British. Islam was a tool to legitimize the rule, tyranny and corruption of Arab leaders. To
the West, Islam was acceptable; it could be and was used." (6)
This phase of elitist domination of the Arab people, using Islam as the legitimizing factor, could
not continue indefinitely. The force that rose up to counter it was secular Arab nationalism and it
eventually revolved around the person of Gamal Abd-al Nasser of Egypt. This movement sought
to free the Middle East from Western domination and at the same time it was cynical of the Islam
that had been used so successfully to prop up and justify elitist rule. We will identify the second
phase of Western-Islamic relations that began with the rise of Arab nationalism, but first we must
take a brief historical look at Egypt
Section Notes and Sources
"Despite British propaganda, the Mossadeq government was generally democratic, moderate,
and seemed likely to succeed in establishing a middle-class hold over the state. It was officially
viewed by the Truman administration as popular, nationalist and anti-communist." (2)
To change the American position on Mossadegh British strategists capitalized on America's
communist paranoia and tried to portray Mossadegh's regime as weak and a possible avenue for
Soviet manipulation. Near the tail end of the Truman administration the head of the CIA's Middle
East Department, Kermit Roosevelt, met with John Sinclair and other MI-6 representatives where
they "put to him the proposal that they jointly topple Mossadeq"(3). After Eisenhower took over
the presidency in January of 1953 the CIA was free to act, and American involvement was
confirmed when the British promised to allow American oil companies a 40% stake in Iranian oil
in return for toppling Mossadegh and re-acquiring Iranian oil reserves. (4)
The British and Americans finally settled on the virtually powerless son of Reza Khan,
Mohammad Reza Shah, to be the new ruler of Iran. At first the young Shah turned down the
offers made to him by the conspirators, even after visits from American Colonel H. Norman
Schwarzkopf on August 1, 1953, and a later meeting with Kermit Roosevelt. Dorril writes that,
"The Shah finally agreed to support the plan only 'after official US and British involvement had
been confirmed through a special radio broadcast.'" BBC Persia was used to convey a
pre-arranged coded message over the airwaves for the ears of the Shah in order to satisfy his
doubts. (5)
To prepare for the coup the Americans funded Ayatollah Bihbani and the British gave a group led
by Ayatollah Qanatabadi $100,000 to stir up unrest against Mossadegh. Ayatollah Kashani was
given $10,000 by the CIA and his followers played a role in the demonstrations in central Tehran.
Another group of fundamentalist agitators was led by Tayyeb Hsaj-Reza'i, a figure who later
became a supporter of the Ayatollah Khomeini. (6)
In mid-August, 1953, Mossadegh's government was beset by a multitude of CIA and British-
funded plots and demonstrations. On August 15 Mossadegh's Foreign Minister was kidnapped in
a bid to intimidate the government. On August 16 the Shah issued a statement dismissing
Mossadegh as Prime Minister and at the same time propaganda materials were distributed that
falsely alleged that religious mullahs were to be hanged by members of the communist Tudeh
party (7). On August 17 and 18 mobs made up of religious fanatics and supporters of the Shah
converged on Tehran creating chaos and terror. On August 19, in collusion with the chief of
police, the mobs were able to reach the Prime Minister's residence and after a fierce battle
Mossadegh was forced from power. Several days later the Shah returned from Italy and thus
began his 25-year dictatorial regime. The story of the Shah's downfall twenty-five years later, at
the hands of the same fundamentalist fanatics who helped him acquire his throne in the first
place, involves the British as well, which we will find out momentarily. Radical Islam was indeed
a useful tool for the British, and their manipulation of it was only just beginning.
Engdahl's book, A Century of War, relates how US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger
was able to convince Germany not to declare neutrality regarding the October war, while Britain
"was allowed to clearly state its neutrality." Britain remained neutral throughout the entire
episode and was one of the few Western countries not placed under the Arab oil embargo. (4)
The Yom Kippur War ended on October 26, but the effects were such that the Arab regimes
came out much better in several respects. Firstly, they had finally been effective militarily against
Israel and they had won back some territory. Secondly, their regimes were infused with a great
deal of popular support and the voice of the Islamic militants was temporarily quelled. Lastly, the
Arab nations suddenly became the benefactors of a huge increase in oil revenues, from $3.01 a
barrel in early '73, to $11.65 a barrel in early '74. (5)
Engdahl relates that the rise in oil prices was something that had been planned previously by the
Anglo-American Establishment and mentioned at the Bilderberg conference in May, 1973 in
Saltsjoebaden, Sweden. Kissinger was the point man in engineering the Arab-Israeli conflict that
created the excuse for the oil price hike that helped to rescue Britain's North Sea oil projects that
had previously been seen as risky investments. The most catastrophic effect, however, was that
the rise in energy prices put a quick halt to Third World industrialization, forcing many countries
to borrow a great deal of money over the years to pay for energy, thus setting the stage for the
long-term indebtedness of the Third World to Anglo-American banks (6). After the war the
Establishment awarded Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize and later he received an honorary
knighthood from Queen Elizabeth, for his lifelong devoted service to the Crown, in 1995.
The Arab regimes were suddenly greatly enriched as a result of the rise in oil prices, but the
threat of the Islamic movements remained. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia feigned support for Islam,
but was often forced to crack down on the religious leaders and organizations that seemed to
constantly criticize the royal family's overt greed, luxury and corruption. Faisal was assassinated
in 1975 by his nephew Prince Faisali bni Musad, in retaliation for Faisal's execution of Musad's
Muslim Zealot brother who had attacked a TV station on the grounds that it was a violation of
Islam. (7)
In Egypt Sadat's regime came under extreme pressure from the Islamic movements after he
signed the Camp David Accords with Israel in 1978. This led to the assassination of Sadat, by
members of Islamic Jihad, an offshoot group of the Muslim Brotherhood, on October 6, 1981.
In Syria, in 1982, there was a major conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Syrian
government at the city of Hamma that resulted in 20,000 casualties. In the aftermath Syria's
President Asad revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood forces were armed with US-made
equipment. Aburish comments on how none of these events seemed to change the way in which
militant Islam was used,
"Hamma, the assassination of Sadat and Faisal and less portentous acts didn't interrupt
Western and Arab client regimes' support for Islamic movements, and Saudi Arabia and Egypt
allowed pro-Islamic use of their state propaganda apparatus... And Israel, forever inclined to
back divisive movements, surfaced as another supporter of Islam and began to fund the Muslim
Brotherhood and the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas." (8)
The most noteworthy success of the Islamic movement during this time was of course the
overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the installation of the Ayatollah Khomeini as the Islamic
dictator. British Intelligence had used their contacts with Iran's mullahs and ayatollahs to help
overthrow Mossadegh and install the Shah back in 1953, and these contacts were maintained and
used again to overthrow the Shah when his regime fell out of favor.
The Establishment history of Iran's Islamic Revolution is that Khomeini's revolt was spontaneous
and populist, and that it overthrew a repressive dictatorship that was hated by the people but
supported wholeheartedly by the United States. It is true that the Shah's government was not a
democracy and that his secret service, trained by the CIA, was one of the most effective
intelligence organizations in the world. But what is not reported is that prior to the British-
sponsored massive public relations campaign on behalf of the Ayatollah the government of the
Shah was loved by the vast majority of the population.
After taking over from Mossadegh the Shah began to push forward a number of nationalist
policies that increased his popularity at home but, in some cases, worried the Anglo-American
Establishment. First, he signed petroleum agreements with ENI, the Italian oil company. Then in
1963 he pushed forward on a series of popular reforms that became known as the White
Revolution. The Shah evolved into a nationalist whose path paralleled that of Nasser far too
much for the Establishment's liking:
- He bought land from the upper classes and, along with the crown's own land, sold it back
cheaply to tenant farmers, allowing over one a half million people to become land owners and
ending the old feudal system.
- He allowed women the right to vote, and brought an end to the wearing of the veil, which were
"Westernizing" moves unwelcomed by the religious sector.
- He pushed forward on a $90 billion nuclear power program.
- He moved to shut down the lucrative opium industry that had been created during the days of
British Empire control that had been running for a hundred years. (9)
In 1973 The Economist magazine featured Iran on the front cover with the caption: "Iran the
Next Japan of the Middle East?" Iran's economy had grown at a rate of 7-8% each year from
1965-1973 and was becoming an example for the developing nations of the world to follow. As
far as the Anglo-American Establishment was concerned this could not be allowed to continue.
Establishment goals were focused on world de-population and de-industrialization as formulated
by policy makers like Lord Bertrand Russell and as advocated by establishment lackeys such as
Kissinger, Zibigniew Brzezinski and Robert McNamara (the head of the World Bank), as well as
by the British elites who controlled the World Wildlife Fund and other environmental front
groups. Iran had to be brought down. (10)
The attack on the Shah's government came through the Muslim Brotherhood and through the
mullahs and ayatollahs of Iran, supported and manipulated by British Intelligence. Dr. John
Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent and author of a number of books and monographs
detailing the Establishment's plan for a socialist world government, states in his report on Iran's
Islamic Revolution (11) that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by "the great names of British
Middle East intelligence, T.E. Lawrence, E.G. Browne, Arnold Toynbee. St. John Philby and
Bertrand Russell," and that their mission was to "keep the Middle East backward so that its
natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted..."
Dr. Coleman writes that in 1980 the broadcasts of Radio Free Iran divided the enemies of the
Shah into four categories: 1. Iranian politicians bought by the Israeli Shin Bet, 2. The CIA's
network of agents, 3. The feudal landowners, 4. The Freemasons and the Muslim Brotherhood
(viewed as the same enemy).
In his report Dr. Coleman writes that in Iran, "At one time there was even a joke about the
mullahs being stamped 'made in Britain.'" When the Shah introduced his plan for modernization
in 1963 the Ayatollah Khomeini emerged as the leader of the religious opposition. Up until his
exile from Iran in 1964, Khomeini was based at the religious city of Qom. Dr. Coleman relates
that Radio Free Iran claimed that while at Qom Khomeini received a "monthly stipend from the
British, and he is in constant contact with his masters, the British."
Khomeini was kicked out of Iran and settled in Iraq. He lived there for a number of years until he
was arrested by the Iraqi government and deported in 1978. French President D'Estang was then
pressured to offer Khomeini refuge in France to continue his "Islamic studies." While in France
he became a Western celebrity and the symbol of the anti-Shah Islamic revolution. Coleman
writes, "Once Khomeini was installed at the Chateau Neauphle, he began to receive a constant
stream of visitors, many of them from the BBC, the CIA and British intelligence."
At the same time Amnesty International was continuing its intense campaign against the Shah's
government, accusing it of torture and other terrible human rights abuses. The international press
picked up on this theme and carried it around the world.
The BBC then became the Ayatollah's main promoter. Dr. Coleman writes, "It was the BBC,
which prepared and distributed to the mullahs in Iran all of the cassette tapes of Khomeini's
speeches, which inflamed the peasants. Then the BBC began to beam accounts of torture by the
Shah's SAVAK to all corners of the world... In September and October 1978 the BBC began to
beam Khomeini's inflammatory ravings direct to Iran in Farsi. The Washington Post said, 'the
BBC is Iran's public enemy number one.'"
The BBC Persian Service came to be nicknamed in Iran the "Ayatollah BBC" for its non-stop
coverage of everything that Khomeini wanted to say (12). Soon a large segment of the Iranian
public, most of them impressionable young students, became convinced that the Shah truly was
evil and that a return to pure shi'ite Islam under the Ayatollah's leadership was the only way to
save their country. The Carter Administration, manipulated by British lackey Zbigniew
Brzezinski, then collaborated with the British to topple the Shah and install Khomeini.
Dr. Coleman relates that Carter appointed Trilateralist George Ball to head a commission on U.S.
policy in the Persian Gulf. Ball's recommendation was that the U.S. should withdraw its support
for the Shah's regime. Dr. Coleman quotes from the Shah's own memoirs to confirm the American
stance, the reality that is contrary to the mass-marketed Establishment line that the U.S.
supported the Shah to the end,
"I did not know it then, perhaps I did not want to know - but it is clear to me now, the Americans
wanted me out. What was I to make of the sudden appointment of Ball to the White House as an
advisor to Iran? I knew that Ball was no friend of Iran. I understood that Ball was working on a
special report on Iran. But no one ever informed me what areas the report was to cover, let
alone its conclusions. I read them months later when I was in exile, and my worst fears were
confirmed. Ball was among those Americans who wanted to abandon me, and ultimately my
After the Shah stepped down in 1979 and fled the country his "firm ally," the United States, even
refused to allow him asylum forcing him to move with his family to Egypt. During the subsequent
takeover of the American embassy when supporters of the Ayatollah kept Americans hostage for
444 days it became crystal clear to the entire world that the anti-democratic, anti-Israel Islamic
movement was also very anti-West. Nonetheless the Anglo-American Establishment continued to
support and promote radical Islam.
In 1977 Bhutto of Pakistan, who we will cover shortly, was removed; in 1979 the Shah of Iran
was removed; in 1981 Sadat was assassinated, and in 1982 the Muslim Brotherhood revolted in
Syria. Before 1977 the Middle East was on the verge of achieving stability and industrial and
economic parity with the West through nationalist policies and high oil prices, but by the early
'80s the Middle East was in flames. Egypt was reeling and Mubarak was consolidating a shaky
hold on power. Iran and Iraq, both armed by the West, were beginning their long war. Israel and
Syria were invading Lebanon that was fighting a civil war, and Russia was invading Afghanistan
whose rebels were being supported by Pakistan. The de-population and de-industrialization
scheme advocated by the British and adopted by the Americans was off to a great start.
Section Notes and Sources
Britain lobbied to create a war in Afghanistan, they wanted American taxpayers to pay for it, and
they manipulated the financial situation so that they might profit from it. The BCCI was shut
down by the Bank of England in 1991 only after the Russian withdrawal, and only then because
of the courageous campaigning of a handful of American investigators. Beaty and Gwynne write,
"Though the Bank of England had pulled the trigger on BCCI on July 5, 1991, and had thereby
started a global chain reaction that had smashed Agha Hasan Abedi's brainchild into tiny
pieces, it had done so only reluctantly and only after waiting an extraordinary amount of time.
It had been cowardly rather than heroic; it had moved only when forced to do so by a
formidable U.S. alliance between the Federal Reserve Bank and the Manhattan district
attorney." (12)
The final U.S. congressional report on the BCCI affair states,
"By agreement, the Bank of England had in effect entered into a plan with BCCI, Abu Dhabi
and Price Waterhouse in which they would keep the true state of affairs at BCCI secret in
return for cooperation with one another in trying to avoid a catastrophic multibillion-dollar
collapse. From April 1990 forward, the Bank of England had now inadvertently become partner
to a cover-up of BCCI's criminality." (13)
BCCI was the favored bank for Middle Eastern terrorists and arms and drug runners, South
American drug cartels, organized crime lords, and even for intelligence services such as the ISI,
Mossad, MI6 and the CIA. In fact then-CIA assistant director Robert Gates once referred to
BCCI jokingly as the "Bank of Crooks and Criminals" (14). For at least a decade British
authorities allowed it to run amuck out of their living room and after it's fall important records
were sealed away and kept from American investigators. When the scandal broke the media
backlash focused primarily on BCCI's American links and the CIA, but only because of the
British establishment's secrecy and expertise in damage control. It's likely that the whole truth
will never be known.
As the war in Afghanistan wound down and the Russian withdrawal became inevitable, the
situation became much more complex. American support for the mujahedin dropped off as the
CIA tried to resist the establishment of a fanatical Afghani government. New warlords emerged
and other avenues of drug smuggling were increasingly utilized, through Iran and through the
southern Soviet republics. The dwindling supply of U.S. Government money and arms, coupled
with a decreasing supply of drug cash, helped along the BCCI decline.
This brings us to focus on the drug industry and the impact it has had in shaping Afghanistan.
Peter Dale Scott, Alfred W. McCoy and Michael C. Ruppert are three authorities in this area. In
brief, the conclusion reached by the experiences and research of these men is that drugs (most
notably cocaine and heroin) are controlled commodities, just like oil, gold and diamonds, with
intricate Western-supported systems of production, distribution and cash flow. Today the global
drug industry generates about $600 Billion a year, and the vast majority of this cash is funneled
(laundered) into Anglo-American banks and/or Wall Street. These researchers allege that one of
the most important tasks of Western intelligence services has been to make sure that the flow of
drug cash back into the Anglo-American financial system continues unimpeded. (And yes, the
London-based BCCI was, for all intents and purposes, an Anglo-American bank.)
Whatever the case may be, it is worth pointing out that when Britain and the CIA became
involved in Afghanistan the production of opium skyrocketed. From an estimated harvest of only
100 tons per year in the early seventies, opium production went up to 300 tons in 1982 and then
to 575 tons in 1983. By the late eighties, near the end of the war, Afghani opium poppy
production had reached an estimated 1600 tons per year. (15)
The CIA's drug racket was so successful that by 1981 Afghanistan supplied about 60% of
America's heroin from contributing an almost negligible amount just two years previously. The
crops were grown in Afghanistan, synthesized into heroin in labs on both sides of the Pak-Afghan
border, and then smuggled into the US and Europe. General Zia's government was drowning in a
sea of heroin as well, despite the international accolades he was receiving for simultaneously
reducing the poppy crop on his side of the border, and Pakistan's heroin-addict population grew
from about 5,000 in 1981 to over 1.2 million by 1985. (16)
It is also worth noting that the US-led war on the Taliban regime occurred after one of the most
successful poppy-eradication programs ever seen. In July of 2000 Mullah Omar placed a ban on
poppy growing and by February of 2001 UN drug control officials were able to confirm that
poppy production had come to a virtual standstill in Taliban-controlled areas. Was the expected
loss of drug-revenue an added incentive for the West to remove the Taliban? Does this explain
why Afghan farmers have had little resistance in their quick return to their favorite cash crop
after the Taliban's demise? (17)
When the CIA became involved in Afghanistan they were almost entirely dependent on their ISI
contacts within Pakistan for intelligence and for guidance in directing the war effort. As the war
evolved American support was channeled, at the behest of the ISI, to a group of seven
independent Afghani mujahedin warlords who became known as the Peshawar Seven.
Eventually one of the seven, a warlord by the name of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, emerged as the
primary recipient of American aid, despite his communist past, his radical view of Islam and his
blatant anti-Americanism. Hekmatyar had been an engineering student at Kabul University, and
then he had trained at the Kabul Military Academy before being kicked out. Hekmatyar became
affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in the early '70s, and by the time of the Afghan war he
had emerged as the leader of a group called Hezb-i-Islami, or Party of Islam, even though he had
never received a classical Islamic education. Over the years his followers became known for their
strict Muslim fanaticism (they were notorious for throwing acid on the faces of women who
refused to wear a veil), and Hekmatyar became Afghanistan's biggest opium producer. He
possessed thousands of acres of poppy fields and, according to McCoy, he owned at least six
heroin laboratories on the Pakistan side of the Khyber Pass. (18)
In March of 1990 the US House Republican Research Committee of the Task Force on Terrorism
and Unconventional Warfare submitted a 19-page report that criticized the CIA for its dealings
with Hekmatyar's "Party of Islam" and for covering up the problems that his group had created.
Over time it has emerged that Hekmatyar was an ISI asset who laundered his money through
BCCI, and also cooperated with the Russian KGB to ensure his status as the most powerful
warlord among many rivals. Jeffrey Steinberg of EIR sums it up,
"Although American diplomats and intelligence officers posted in Pakistan often warned of
Hekmatyar's strong anti-western and pro-Iranian views, speculated about possible Soviet KGB
links, and even acknowledged his undisputed status as Afghanistan's "heroin king," his forces
received the largest portion of American and other international military support throughout
the Afghan War. Intelligence reports back to Washington about the progress of the war were
notoriously biased, and filled with disinformation portraying Hekmatyar's mujahideen as the
most successful fighters. Often the reports to the Pentagon and the CIA were identical to the
reports prepared by British intelligence�complete with the same spelling and typographical
errors. More reliable on-the-scene reports indicated that Hekmatyar spent more time and effort
fighting rival mujahideen groups than battling the Soviets." (19)
The ISI's spin on the situation comes through in the book Afghanistan: The Bear Trap, in which
Brigadier Mohammed Yousaf, the former head of the ISI's Afghan Bureau, (co-written with a
former British Army officer), describes Hekmatyar as "scrupulously honest" and the toughest
and most vigorous mujahedin leader. Yousaf was the ISI's director of the mujahedin and he
argues that the war was drawn out longer than necessary because the United States did not give
Hekmatyar and the Islamists enough support, which began to fade in the late '80s while the
Soviets still occupied Afghanistan. Yousef resents the fact that the CIA did not give the Islamists
an overwhelming victory, even though the Taliban eventually emerged after several years of civil
war. (20)
Yousef's point of view can be compared to the 1990 US House Republican Report which is
covered in this article by journalist Imran Akbar of The News International, which also details
the suspected KGB links maintained by Hekmatyar.
After the Taliban took power Hekmatyar was forced to flee to Iran. In February of this year the
Iranian government shut down his operations in Iran and expelled him back to Afghanistan.
Hekmatyar has been as outspoken as ever in his anti-American views, offering reward money for
the killing of American troops and calling the new US-installed Afghan government illegitimate.
In May the CIA reportedly tried to assassinate him with a missile fired from an unmanned
Predator drone as he and his entourage journeyed near Kabul. This ISI favorite remains one of
the most dangerous players in Afghanistan today. (21)
In his book Yousef also goes to great lengths to make it clear that American personnel were never
involved in training any of the Afghan mujahedin,
"Up to the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in early 1989, no American or Chinese
instructor was ever involved in giving training on any kind of weapon or equipment to the
Mujahideen. Even with the heavier and more sophisticated weapons systems... it was always our
Pakistani teams who trained the Mujahideen. This was a deliberate, carefully considered policy
that we steadfastly refused to change despite mounting pressure from the CIA, and later from
the US Defense Department, to allow them to take it over. From the start the Americans wanted
to be directly involved with the distribution of the weapons, the operational planning of
operations and the training of guerillas. From the start, until the last Soviet soldier quit the
country, we successfully resisted." [emphasis added] (22)
Other than being financier and armament supplier, the American CIA was out of the loop. It was
Yousef's ISI that ran the Afghan jihad against the Soviets, and it was the ISI that channeled CIA
support to the most undesirable Afghan warlords. What becomes clear after reviewing the record
of this era is that the ISI's agenda, and that of the Afghan War in general, was set to a far greater
degree by the British than it was by the CIA. The British had formulated and promoted the plan
for American involvement; they maintained close relations with the ISI that ran the war; they
controlled the bank that largely benefited from it; and when the war was over they welcomed
into Britain the many mujahedin veterans who applied for British asylum.
Osama bin Laden was one of these veterans and in early 1994 he purchased an estate and lived
for a short while in the London suburb of Wembley. During his time in London he established his
Advice and Reformation Committee to oversee his economic network, and he solidified his
propoganda links to the Western world through his connections with London's Sheikh Omar
Bakri and with Abdel Bari Atwan, the editor of al-Quds al-Arabi, one of the most influential
Arabic-language newspapers in the world. Yossef Bodansky, author of the best-selling biography
of bin Laden writes that, "By the time bin Laden left London, he had consolidated a
comprehensive system of entities with a solid -though clandestine- source of funding. This
London-based data-dissemination system still works efficiently." (Written in 1999). (23)
Section Notes and Sources
Peter Goodgame
August 11, 2002
Further Information
From Executive Intelligence Review:
Other Sources
The British Connection, by Hichem Karoui
Britain's dissident community of Arab Islamists is a hotbed of radicalism, by Nicolas Pelham
Islamic Militants Have Base In London,
London Seen As Hub For Radicals,
UK Recruiting Ground for Al-Qaeda, The Times of India
A Century of War - Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, F. William Engdahl, 1993
A Brutal Friendship - The West and the Arab Elite, Said K. Aburish, 1997
1. Engdahl, pp. 30-36
2. Engdahl, pp. 50-52
3. Aburish, p. 76
4. Aburish, p. 57
5. Aburish, p. 57 and 59
6. Aburish, p. 57
1. Dorril, p. 622
2. Aburish, p. 60
The Biography of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh,
Killing Hope - U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, William Blum, 1995
MI6 - Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Stephen Dorril, 2000
1. Blum, p. 65
2. Dorril, p. 575
3. Dorril, p. 580
4. Dorril, p. 583
5. Dorril, p. 589
6. Dorril, pp. 592-593
7. Dorril, p. 592
A Brutal Friendship, Aburish
MI6, Dorril
Descent to Suez - Foreign Office Diaries 1951-1956, Sir Evelyn Shuckburgh, 1986
1. Aburish, p. 60-61
2. Dorril, p. 622
3. Dorril, p. 623
4. Shuckburgh, inside flap
5. Dorril, p. 613
6. Dorril, pp. 624-625
7. Dorril, p. 629
8. Dorril, p. 629-630
9. Dorril, p. 630
10. Dorril, p. 632-633
1. Aburish, p. 61
2. Aburish, pp. 61-62
3. Aburish, p. 62
4. Engdahl, p. 151
5. Engdahl, pp. 151-152
6. Engdahl, pp. 150-156
7. Aburish, p. 62
8. Aburish, p. 62
9. Committee of 300, p. 129, and
10. What the Malthusians Say, Establishment plans to stop Third World development and kill off useless eaters
11. What Really Happened In Iran, Dr. John Coleman
12. BBC Persia brings down two Iranian regimes, and The BBC In Iran
1. Interview With Zbigniew Brzezinski, Le Nouvel Observateur
2. "First Supplement to A Who's Who of the British Secret State" LOBSTER magazine, May 1990
"Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence in Afghanistan," SAPRA INDIA
There to the Bitter End, Anne Blair
3. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto biography,
"ISI and its Chicanery in Exporting Terrorism," by Maj Gen Yashwant Deva, The Indian Defence Review
3a. What Really Happened In Iran, Coleman, p.16, 1984 World In Review, 1-800-942-0821
4. "The Real Story of the BCCI," Bill Engdahl and Jeff Steinberg, EIR, 10-13-95
5. Beaty and Gwynne, p. xv
6. Beaty and Gwynne, p. 118
7. Beaty and Gwynn, pp. 48-49
8. "Sadruddin Aga Khan: Mujahideen Coordinator," Scott Thomspon and Joseph Brewda, EIR, 10-13-95. The
WWF has been used and abused by British Intelligence since its inception in 1961, as documented by British
investigative journalist Kevin Dowling. See related article and stories by Dowling in Noseweek magazine.
9. "The Real Story of the BCCI," Bill Engdahl and Jeff Steinberg, EIR, 10-13-95
10. Beaty and Gwynn, p. 146, also pp. 251, 262, 279, 286-7, 324, 346
11. "The Anglo-American Support Apparatus Behind the Afghani Mujahideen," Adam K. East, EIR, 10-13-95
12. Beaty and Gwynne, p. 101
13. Beaty and Gwynne, p. 106
14. Beaty and Gwynn, p. 346, and "The BCCI Affair," overview and key documents
15. "Opium History, 1979 To 1994" Alfred McCoy
16. "Drug Fallout," Alfred McCoy, and Pakistan's statement to the UN regarding drug trafficking
17. "The Lies About Taliban Heroin," Michael C. Ruppert, FTW
18. Blum, pp. 338-352 and "Osama Bin Laden - A CIA Creation and its 'Blowback,'" Mike Ruppert citing McCoy
regarding Hekmatyar's six labs, and "Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Had Links With KGB," Imran Akbar
19. "War In Afghanistan Spawned A Global Narco-Terrorist Force," Steinberg, 10-13-95 EIR
20. Yousef, pp. 40-41, 233-235
21. "CIA 'tried to kill Afghan warlord,'" BBC, May 10, 2002
22. Yousef, p. 115
23. Bodansky, pp. 101-102