Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Learning purposely to prepare for future
work demands and has a more long term
It prepares employees to keep pace with the
organization as it changes and grows.
Training Development
Provide knowledge Provide knowledge
and skills needed for and skills needed for
current job future job
Short term focus Long term focus
The scope of training The scope of training
is by individual is by workgroup/team
As improvement
Hasbecome increasingly important to the
success of an organization
changing technologies require
employees to continuously sharpen their
knowledge, skills and abilities to cope with
new process and systems.
Jobs that require little skill are now rapidly
being replaced by jobs that require
technical, interpersonal and problem solving
Technological Learning
advances style
The most effective way to achieve success is
for the top management themselves to take
an active part in the training and provide the
needed resources.
sustain competitive advantage companies
must provide their employees with leading-
edge skills, and encourage employees to
apply their skills proficiently.
Learning style supports the concept that
people have a natural preference, based on
their dominant sense, in how they choose to
learn and process information. It may be
visual, hearing, or touching.