Staggered Truss System Proves Economical For Hotels: B Byy A Aiin Nee B Brraazziill,, P P..EE.
Staggered Truss System Proves Economical For Hotels: B Byy A Aiin Nee B Brraazziill,, P P..EE.
Staggered Truss System Proves Economical For Hotels: B Byy A Aiin Nee B Brraazziill,, P P..EE.
Complex Requirements
The functional needs of the pro-
ject’s components could not have
been more diverse. Movie theaters
require long clear spans of up to 60’,
with high floor-to-floor heights, typi-
Design Dilemma
During the initial stages of con-
cept development, the project’s bud-
get estimate showed a very tight pro-
forma. Unless the construction cost
per square foot (psf) could be
reduced, the project would not be
financially feasible. The conceptual
cost estimate, based on construction
costs for similar projects built in the
New York City market, called for a
cast-in-place concrete system. The
design team was charged with the
task of finding significant cost sav-
ings—and fresh ideas were needed.
Thornton-Tomasetti Engineers
proposed the use of a staggered truss
system for the hotel combined with a
conventional steel frame and com-
posite slab-on-metal deck for the
theater and retail components. Cost
estimates by Bovis Lend Lease con-
firmed the value of the cost savings
to be in excess of $2 million. The
Basic Staggered Truss System • Interior is typically column-free
team had found a viable and eco-
includes: • Floor system alternately supported
nomic solution, the next was to satis-
• Story high trusses span building on the top and bottom chords of truss-
fy the client of the ability of the sys-
width es.
tem to meet the program
• Vierendeel panel permits central cor- • Trusses resist both gravity and later-
requirements while still providing
ridor. al loads.
the estimated cost savings.
• Trusses Alternate column lines on
each floor
Hotels: Concrete vs. Steel
Flouting Tradition Why is concrete flat slab so often
piping is distributed inside the walls,
the system of choice for hotel build-
while the bedroom ceiling is usually Certain pieces of “conventional ings? Flat-slab construction provides
the soffit of the floor slab above with wisdom” are generally applied when several important benefits:
a directly applied surface finish. choosing structural systems for a pro-
Retail spaces will frequently use a ject, most of them dependent on the • Shallow uniform thickness of the
ceiling plenum for service distribu- project’s location and uses. For a structure facilitates lower floor-to-
tion and the installation of special New York mixed-use project like floor heights, reducing the cost of
features. the structure and the area of the
Embassy Suites, such wisdom would
exterior wall.
point to a concrete flat-slab system • Flat concrete slab soffit avoids the
for the hotel and a steel-framed need for hung ceilings.
structure for the movie theaters.
Hotel Tower
Story-deep staggered trusses span “for free” when sized for gravity area consisted of open web joists with
transversely across the narrow loads. For this project, lateral load- 1 ½” roof deck.
dimension of each hotel wing. The ing (either wind or seismic) did not
truss spacing matches the suite parti- Provision was made within the
control the design of any truss mem- footprint of each theater for the ten-
tion locations, typically varying from bers. In the longitudinal direction,
26 to 30’ on center. Staggering ant fit-out of a full stadium seating
conventional Chevron bracing was theater. Partial mezzanine levels
occurs on alternate lines from one provided in stairwells for lateral
floor to the next. The 8” deep pre- were provided, framed in structural
resistance. The tube steel is A500 steel, approximately 19’ above the
cast Filigree planks span from the Grade B.
top chord of one truss to the bottom floor, to house projection booths and
chord of the adjacent truss. Since provide secondary means of egress.
Movie Theaters The stadium seating was supported
the trusses are completely encapsu-
lated by the partition walls of the The floor construction consists of on light gage steel joists and stud
hotel, minimal width truss members composite floor framing construction. walls sitting on top of the theater
are desirable. HSS rectangular sec- Beams were designed using LRFD slabs. This solution permitted the
tions were determined to be the most design approach. The grade of steel design and construction of the the-
efficient. Top and bottom chords for the floor beams, columns and ater fit-out to lag behind the base
vary from TS 4”× 6”×½” to TS bracing was ASTM A572 Grade 50. building construction and provided
4”×16” ×½”. Both diagonals and Cambering of the beams permitted an economical framing method for
verticals are typically 4”×4”×½”, the use of W18 beams for the 40’ the stadium-seating component.
except at the vierendeel bays. spans and W27 beams for the 60’
spans. Floor slabs varied from 2” Foundation System
The trusses frame into the weak metal deck plus 2½” normal weight
axis of the steel columns with seated The depth-to-rock and thickness
concrete to 3” metal deck plus 4½” of the fill layer mandated a deep
connections. Lateral resistance in normal weight concrete where
the transverse direction is provided foundation system. Steel pipe piles
required for acoustic separation. filled with concrete were chosen.
by the extremely stiff trusses, which
provide adequate lateral resistance Roof framing over the theater Load tests indicated that a capacity
of 200 tons could be achieved with a