This document reports the first detection of Lilac ring mottle virus (LiRMoV) infecting lilac plants in the United States. Symptomatic lilac samples from Oregon tested positive for LiRMoV via PCR and sequencing. The virus was also found to infect two lilac cultivars, 'President Grevy' and 'Krasavitsa Moskvy'. Additional testing detected the presence of Tomato mosaic virus and Lilac leaf chlorosis virus as well.
This document reports the first detection of Lilac ring mottle virus (LiRMoV) infecting lilac plants in the United States. Symptomatic lilac samples from Oregon tested positive for LiRMoV via PCR and sequencing. The virus was also found to infect two lilac cultivars, 'President Grevy' and 'Krasavitsa Moskvy'. Additional testing detected the presence of Tomato mosaic virus and Lilac leaf chlorosis virus as well.
This document reports the first detection of Lilac ring mottle virus (LiRMoV) infecting lilac plants in the United States. Symptomatic lilac samples from Oregon tested positive for LiRMoV via PCR and sequencing. The virus was also found to infect two lilac cultivars, 'President Grevy' and 'Krasavitsa Moskvy'. Additional testing detected the presence of Tomato mosaic virus and Lilac leaf chlorosis virus as well.
This document reports the first detection of Lilac ring mottle virus (LiRMoV) infecting lilac plants in the United States. Symptomatic lilac samples from Oregon tested positive for LiRMoV via PCR and sequencing. The virus was also found to infect two lilac cultivars, 'President Grevy' and 'Krasavitsa Moskvy'. Additional testing detected the presence of Tomato mosaic virus and Lilac leaf chlorosis virus as well.
Lilac in the United States Dipak Sharma-Poudyal and Nancy K. Osterbauer, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem 97301; Melodie L. Putnam, Oregon State University Plant Clinic, Corvallis 97331; and Simon W. Scott, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634
Accepted for publication 26 May 2016. Published 14 July 2016.
Sharma-Poudyal, D., Osterbauer, N. K., Putnam, M. L., and Scott, S. W. 2016. First report of Lilac ring mottle virus infecting lilac in the United States. Plant Health Prog. 17:158-159.
In May 2015, the Oregon Department of Agriculture investi-
gated a report of potential virus symptoms being observed on lilac plants (Syringa vulgaris L.) produced by a nursery in Marion County. Simultaneously, symptomatic lilac plant samples were received by the Oregon State University Plant Clinic from a customer of the same nursery. Lilac ‘President Grevy’ plants inspected at the nursery showed symptoms of leaf deformation, reduction in leaf size, ring spots, and line patterns (Fig. 1). Two months later, similar foliar symptoms were observed on lilac ‘Krasavitsa Moskvy’ plants at the same nursery (Fig. 2). Symp- toms on both cultivars resembled those reported for Lilac ring mottle virus (LiRMoV) (Van Der Meer et al. 1976). LiRMoV is an isometric RNA virus within the family Bromoviridae and genus Ilarvirus (Scott and Ge 1995; Scott and Zimmerman 2008) and has only been reported from the Netherlands. The virus was sap transmissible to herbaceous hosts under experimental conditions and was seed transmissible in the experimental hosts Chenopodium quinoa, C. amaranticolor, and Celosia argentea (Van der Meer et al. 1976). Symptom expression in infected lilac is influenced by environmental conditions and may be erratic; thus, infections may remain cryptic for years (Van der Meer et al. 1976). FIGURE 1 To determine if LiRMoV was present in the symptomatic lilacs, Foliar symptoms caused by Lilac ring mottle virus on lilac ‘President total nucleic acids (TNA) were extracted from symptomatic leaf Grevy.’ tissues using a procedure modified from Hughes and Galau (1988). The TNA was used in ONE-STEP PCR reactions (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) at a melting temperature of 55°C and with primers (downstream: 5′-GAGACCGAAGTCTTCTTCC-3′ and upstream: 5′-CCACGTGCTTCTCACCC-3′) specific for the movement protein of the RNA3 of LiRMoV (GenBank Accession No. U17391) (Scott and Zimmerman 2008). In addition to the TNA from the samples, a positive control (plasmid pLRMV-7) (Scott and Zimmerman 2008) and negative controls (healthy plant tissue and water) were analyzed in concurrent PCR reactions. The anticipated 649-bp amplicon was produced in the lilac samples and in the positive control, but not in the negative controls. The amplicons from seven lilac samples were cloned using the pGem- T Easy Vector (Promega, Madison, WI), selected by blue-white screening, and then sequenced using the primer M13F. The contiguous sequence generated was deposited into GenBank (Accession No. KX090269). Six of the seven clones contained an
Corresponding author: N K. Osterbauer. Email:
insert that showed >99% homology with the published sequence 1992). Fruit trees infected by Ilarvirus and other viruses often for the RNA3 of LiRMoV (GenBank Accession No. U17391). exhibit an acute phase, which occurs when the plant is initially Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), infected and symptoms are obvious, and a chronic phase, which and Lilac leaf chlorosis virus (LLVC) have also been described as occurs in subsequent growing seasons when systemic infection infecting lilac (Cooper 1993). Additional PCR testing of the lilac has been established and plants may appear asymptomatic samples’ TNA for these three viruses was completed. Amplicons (Nemeth 1986). It is possible LiRMoV, ToMV, and LLCV have were produced from the lilac samples of the appropriate sizes for been present in these cultivars for many years as cryptic LLCV (271 bp) (James et al. 2010) and for ToMV (318 bp, using infections. The infected plants at the Marion County nursery were the primers 1180, 5′-CGAGAGGGGCAACAAACAT-3′, and destroyed. 1181, 5′-ACCTGTCTCCATCTCTTTGG-3′ [S. Scott unpublished]); ArMV was not detected. Identity of the amplicons LITERATURE CITED produced was confirmed by sequencing. Samples received by the OSU Plant Clinic were examined Castello, J. D., Hibben, C. R., and Jacobi, V. 1992. Isolation of tomato mosaic using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at the OSU virus from lilac. Plant Dis. 76:696-699. Electron Microscopy Facility, which used two methods to Cooper, J. I. 1993. Virus Diseases of Trees and Shrubs, 2nd ed. Chapman and examine symptomatic leaves. In the first, the leaf tissue was cut Hall, London. Favorite, J. 2006. Lilac: Syringa vulgaris. USDA Natural Resource Conserva- into 1-mm strips and put in fixative (2.5% glutaraldehyde plus 1% tion Plant Guide, Washington, DC. paraformaldehyde in sodium cacodylate buffer, 0.1M at 7.4 pH) profile?symbol=SYVU. overnight. The following day the tissue was crushed to express Hughes, D. W., and Galau, G. 1988. Preparation of RNA from cotton leaves sap, which was collected on a copper grid, stained with 2% and pollen. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 6:253-257. aqueous ammonium phosphotungstic acid, and examined. The James, D., Varga, A., Leippi, L., Godkin, S., and Masters, C. 2010. Sequence second method was a simple expression of sap from unfixed analysis of RNA2 and RNA3 of lilac leaf chlorosis virus: A putative new member of the genus Ilarvirus. Arch. Virol. 155:993-998. tissue, which was then stained with 2% uranyl acetate in 50% Nemeth, M. 1986. Virus, Mycoplasma, and Rickettsia Diseases of Fruit Trees. ethanol. Both preparations were examined using a FEI Titan 80- Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 200 TEM/STEM electron microscope. No virus particles were Scott, S. W., and Ge, X. 1995. The complete nucleotide sequence of the RNA observed in either preparation. 3 of lilac ring mottle ilarvirus. J. Gen. Virol. 76:1801-1806. This is the first report of LiRMoV from lilac cultivars President Scott, S. W., and Zimmerman, M. T. 2008. Partial nucleotide sequences of the Grevy and Krasavitsa Moskvy in the United States. These RNA 1 and RNA2 of lilac ring mottle virus confirm that this virus should be considered a member of subgroup 2 of the genus Ilarvirus. Arch. Virol. cultivars were introduced into North America before 1950 and are 153:2169-2172. grown in landscapes in 31 states and four Canadian provinces Van Der Meer, F. A., Huttinga, H., and Maat, D. Z. 1976. Lilac ring mottle (Favorite 2006). LLCV was recently detected and described from virus: Isolation from lilac, some properties, and relation to lilac ringspot Canada (James et al. 2010) and ToMV has previously been disease. Neth. J. Plant Pathol. 82:67-80. reported infecting a lilac hybrid in New York (Castello et al.