2ooo Testefore
2ooo Testefore
2ooo Testefore
Communications are short papers. Appropriate material for this section includes reports of incidental research results,
comments on papers previously published, and short descriptions of theoretical and experimental techniques.
Communications are handled much the same as regular papers. Proofs are provided.
Markus Testorf
University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, One University Avenue,
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
This communication was prompted by several private reference plane z 0 to the diffractive surface and of the
communications, as well as by a recent publication on the projections BA and DC from the surface back to the ref-
comparison between rigorous and approximate diffraction erence plane. The choice of z 0 corresponds to a constant
models.1 The problem that is addressed here is the ap- phase in the transmission function, and Eq. (1) can be ob-
proximation of diffractive optical elements (DOE’s) as tained for z 0 ⫽ 0.
thin diffraction screens, which is valid for paraxial wave If the angle between the direction of the incident wave
fronts only.2 This approximation is referred to as the and the optical axis z exceeds the paraxial domain, the
thin-element approximation (TEA), or zero-thickness phase modulation changes. A recent publication1 derives
model. In diffractive optics this model is also termed sca- the modified expression for the phase modulation by cal-
lar approximation.1 In particular, how the phase-only culating the optical path-length distribution from projec-
transmission function relates to the profile of a surface- tions A 1 BA 2 and C 1 DC 2 , respectively. This yields a
relief DOE in the case of an oblique incident wave front is phase distribution that is characterized by substitution of
discussed. ⌳ ⫽ ⫺2/cos ␣ into Eq. (1). Although this idea on how the
The surface-relief structure can be described as a depth TEA has to be modified in the case of an oblique incidence
profile z ⫽ h(x), with x and z being the lateral and lon- seems to be rather widespread, it is incorrect neverthe-
gitudinal coordinates, respectively. The TEA yields the less.
corresponding transmission function as a phase-only A formal way to derive the correct expression for the
modulation of the incident complex amplitude distribu- TEA is provided by the Born approximation (BA) of
tion. The phase distribution is given as surface-relief elements.3,4 For reflecting boundaries, an
equivalent expression is provided by the extended Kirch-
共 x兲 ⫽ h 共 x兲 ⌳, (1) hoff approximation (EKA).5 Unlike the Kirchhoff ap-
proximation for reflecting boundaries,6 the EKA does not
assume surface fields to vanish in geometrical shadow re-
with being the wavelength of the monochromatic signal.
gions. Both the BA and the EKA are not limited to
For dielectric interfaces and an incident plane wave
paraxial wave fronts. In fact, the TEA can be derived as
propagating along z, one finds ⌳ ⫽ n 1 ⫺ n 2 , where n 1
a small-angle approximation of the BA,3 which makes it
and n 2 are the refractive indices on either side of the in-
well suited to explore the validity of the TEA. Assuming
terface. For reflecting surfaces it is ⌳ ⫽ ⫺2, where the
a two-dimensional geometry and a plane-wave incident at
sign accounts for the fact that a larger height h causes a
an angle ␣, BA and EKA predict the plane-wave spectrum
smaller phase delay. Equation (1) can be interpreted as
of the diffracted wave as
a projection of the surface profile scaled with the optical
path-length difference in wavelength units.
In Fig. 1 the geometry of a reflecting surface with two
different modulation depths h 1 and h 2 is shown. The
phase distribution with which an incident wave parallel ũ 共 兲 ⫽ C 关  共 i 兲 ,  兴 冕
exp(⫺i2 兵 关  ⫺  共 i 兲 兴 h 共 x, y 兲
to the z coordinate is modulated can be calculated as the
optical path length of the projections AB and CD from a ⫹ 关 ⫺ 共 i 兲 兴 x 其 )d x, (2)