1. (a) What do the letter “s” and the letter “p” stand for in reflection and refraction
(b) Why do you think it is useful to split an incoming wave into s- and p-polarisation?
(c) When solving the reflection of a p-polarized wave, we can use the reflection coef-
ficient Γp . However, we can only use this coeffcient for the TANGENTIAL com-
ponent. Why is that the case? Why can we not use that calculated reflection
coefficient for the perpendicular component and how do we solve this?
A plane wave
The following description applies to the next three exercises.
2. A plane wave is incident at an angle of π/3 on a large planar interface that separates
region 1 (air) and region 2 (dielectric, µ0 = µ and ε = 4ε0 ). The wavelength of the
incident wave is 2π cm. The surface of discontinuity is the plane x = 0, with air in the
x > 0 halfspace and the dielectric in the x < 0 halfspace. The plane of incidence is the
xz-plane. The amplitude of its electric field is:
E0 = 2ax + 8ay − 5az V/m.
Let us first derive some properties of the incoming wave alone.
(a) Calculate the frequency of this wave.
(b) Calculate its wavenumber.
(c) Indicate its polarization.
(d) Indicate its wavevector.
(e) Indicate its associated magnetic field
Oblique plane wave on dielectric material
3. In this exercise we will look at the reflection of the wave with the situation as described
in the previous exercise.
(a) Determine the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.
(b) This E-field consists of the s- and p-polarization, decompose the incoming field into
+ +
Es1 and Ep1 and explain how you got to these results?
(c) Prove that under the previous condition, the angle between the reflected and the
refracted waves is π/2.
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Medium 1: µ0 , ε0
Medium 2: µ2 , ε2
(d) Consider a new situation now, where this wave is propagating in the −x direction
instead. So, it is incident to the same surface, but from medium 2 into medium 1.
Calculate εr such that the wave is totally internally reflected.
Parallel-plate wave-guides
6. A parallel-plate wave-guide consists on two perfect conductor sheets of infinite extent
parallel to each other. They are located at x = 0 and x = a. The material between them
is vacuum. We assume no propagation nor dependence of the fields in y. Two antennas
are used to transmit a signal through the wave-guide. The transmitting one is located
at the beginning of the wave-guide and the receiving one at the end of the wave-guide.
The frequency of the signal is f = 2 GHz.
(a) The antennas are both y−polarized. Find the minimum and maximum values of
a, such that the signal can be efficiently (i.e. dispersionlessly) transmitted through
the wave-guide.
(b) The antennas are now both x−polarized. Find the minimum and maximum val-
ues of a, such that the signal can be efficiently (i.e. dispersionlessly) transmitted
through the wave-guide.
(c) Assume that a = 10 cm and the the antennas are diagonally polarized (and co-
polarized as well). Determine if there will be a transmitted signal and if yes, then
determine if the transmission is dispersionless or not. Justify your answer.
(d) Repeat 6(c), but for a = 20 cm.
(e) Write a code that calculates the characteristic impedance of the TEM mode in a
parallel-plate wave-guide. This impedance can be calculated by the ratio Ex /Hy .
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The wave-guide has separation a = 20 cm, is air-filled, and its length is L = 1 m.
The frequency f = 1 GHz.The code must also compare this impedance with the
characteristic impedance of a parallel-plate transmission line. A MatLab template
code is provided1 . Try the following:
1. Calculate and compare both impedances for a variable width, say a ∈ [0.1, 1]
2. Investigate the role of the frequency in the wave impedances.
3. Investigate the role of the transmission line length in the wave-impedances.
For which condition the TEM mode in a parallel-plate waveguide has the same
impedance as the parallel-plate transmission line? What is the value of the wave
impedance at this condition? Extract some conclusions.
[1] Zhang L, Zhou Y, Guo L, Zhao W, Barnes A, Zhang HT, Eaton C, Zheng Y, Brahlek
M, Haneef HF, Podraza NJ, Chan MH, Gopalan V, Rabe KM, Engel-Herbert R.
Correlated metals as transparent conductors. Nat Mater. 2016 Feb;15(2):204-10. doi:
10.1038/nmat4493. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26657329
[2] Door Mysid - Self-made in Blender. Will possibly be improved later., Publiek domein,
You must install the RF toolbox to run it.
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