EE2025 Tutorial2
EE2025 Tutorial2
EE2025 Tutorial2
4. Given a plane wave travelling in the +x direction in free space has the following phasor expressions
~ = ŷEy (x) + ẑEz (x) and H
for the electric and magnetic fields: E ~ = ŷHy (x) + ẑHz (x). Draw a
vector diagram showing all these components, and indicate which of the E’s are related to which
of the H’s by a constant of proportionality.
5. If the electric and magnetic field in a medium are given by E ~ = 3 sin (t − 5z) x̂ and H~ =
4 cos (t − 5z) ŷ, then calculate (at z = 0) the a) instantaneous power density, b) instantaneous
power transmitted through a surface with an area of 5 m2 at z = 0 and the normal pointing in ẑ
direction and c) total energy carried by the wave through the given surface from t = 0 s to t = 5 s.
6. In a non-magnetic material (µr = 1) with dielectric constant r = 4, the electric field is given by
~e(t) = 20 sin (108 t − βz)ŷ. Calculate the propagation constant β and the magnetic field ~h(t).
~ = 30 sin (2π × 108 t − 5x) ẑ
7. The magnetic field component of a plane wave in a lossless dielectric is H
(a) if µr = 1, find r (b) Calculate the wave length and wave velocity.
(c) Determine the intrinsic impedance (d) Determine the polarization of the wave.
(e) Find the corresponding electric field component. (f) calculate the Poynting vector
8. Consider a x-directed time varying electric field propagating in z direction Ex (x, y, z) = f (x, y) +
g(z) in source-free, free space. Using Maxwell’s equations, prove that if it is a plane wave, then
f (x, y) = 0.
9. What values of A and β are required if the two fields given below satisfy Maxwell’s equations in
a linear, isotropic, homogeneous medium with r = µr = 4 and σ = 0?
~ = 120πcos(106 πt − βx)aˆy V /m
~ = Aπcos(106 πt − βx)aˆz V /m
Assume there are no current or charge densities in space.
10. Consider a point on the surface of a perfect conductor. The electric field intensity at that point
~ = (500x̂ − 300ŷ + 600ẑ) cos 107 t and medium surrounding the conductor is characterized by
is E
µr = 5 and r = 10 and σ = 0.
(a) Find a unit vector normal to the conductor at that point of the conductor surface.
(b) Find the surface charge density at the point.
11. Assume two regions are separated by z = 0 plane. Let µ1 = 4 µH/m in region 1 where z > 0,
while µ2 = 7 µH/m in region 2 wherever z < 0. We are given B1 = 2ax − 3ay mT, in region 1.
Find B2 for both the cases (a) and (b). a) Let surface current be Js = 80ax A/m on z = 0. b)
Let surface current be Js = 80az A/m on z = 0.
12. Consider the result of superimposing left and right circularly polarized fields of the same amplitude,
frequency and propagation direction, but where a phase shift of δ radians exists between two. What
is the polarization of the resultant field? (consider the wave is travelling in +z direction)
13. We have seen in class that a good conductor is classified by the condition that 00 /0 1, where
the permittivity = 0 −j00 . For such a conductor, find a simple relationship for α and β. Further,
derive the expression for phase velocity as a function of conductivity σ and frequency f . How
does velocity vary with frequency, and how does it vary with conductivity?
14. A uniform plane wave is travelling in seawater. Assume that the x-y plane resides just below the
sea surface and the wave travels in the +z direction into the water. The constitutive parameters
of seawater are r = 80, and σ = 4 S/m. If the magnetic field at z = 0 is H(0, t) = ŷ 100 cos(2π ∗
103 t + 15◦ ) (m A/m),
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