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Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet

School of Physical Sciences

Department of Physics
Syllabus for B.Sc. Honours, 2008-2012 Degree

The B.Sc. Honours courses in Physics shall comprise the courses on Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer
Science and Engineering, Statistics and English. The course is spread over four academic years in eight semesters.
Each year is divided into two semesters. Final examinations are held at the end of each semester and also there are in-
course examinations. A student has to complete successfully at least 140 credit hours of courses to obtain the B.Sc.
Honours degree. A student will be given four extra semesters to complete his/her B.Sc. Honours degree. ( A student, if
he/she is not a clearing graduate, has to register for at least 12 Credits minimum and 30 Credits maximum in a
semester). A student has to complete at least 30 credit hours in a year.

There will be marks for class participation, assignments and mid-semester examination and final examination for
which the distribution of marks is as follows:

Class participation : 10%

Assignment and mid-semester examination : 20%

Final examination : 70%

The grading system consists of Letter Grading, corresponding Grade Point Average (GPA), Letter Grade,
corresponding Grade Point will be awarded as follows:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point

80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A− 3.50
65% to less than70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B− 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% C− 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00

Absence from the final examination will be considered incomplete. The distribution of courses for respective
academic years and semesters is given below along with the detail of the courses.

Detailed Syllabus
First Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 121 Mechanics 3+0 3.0

MAT 101B Vector Analysis and Tensors 3+0 3.0

MAT 102B Trigonometry, Matrices and Complex variables 3+0 3.0

PHY 125 Electricity and Magnetism 3+0 3.0

ENG 101 English Language-I 2+0 2.0

ENG 102 English Language Lab 0+2 1.0

PHY 122A Physics Practical 0+9 4.5

Total 14 + 11 = 25 19.5

First Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 123 Properties of Matter , Waves and Vibration 3+0 3.0

MAT 103B Calculus and Differential Equations 3+0 3.0

CHE 101P General Chemistry (For Physics) 3+0 3.0

CHE 102P Chemistry Lab (Inorganic Qualitative) 0+3 1.5

ENG 103 Advanced English Language-I 2+0 2.0

ENG 104 Advanced English-I Lab 0+2 1.0

PHY 122B Physics Practical 0+9 4.5

PHY 124 General Viva 0+2 1.0

Total 11 + 16 = 27 19.0

Second Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 221 Heat and Thermodynamics 3+0 3.0

PHY 223 Optics 3+0 3.0

PHY 237 Radiation and Statistical Mechanics 2+0 2.0

STA 208 Basic Statistics and Probability 3+0 3.0

PHY 222A Physics Laboratory 0+9 4.5

Total 11 + 9 = 17 15.5

Second Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 225 Classical Mechanics 4+0 4.0

PHY 229 Basic Electronics 4+0 4.0

PHY 231 Elementary Quantum Theory 3+0 3.0

CSE 203F Introduction to Computer Language 2+0 2.0

CSE 204F Introduction to Computer Language Lab 0+6 3.0

PHY 222B Physics Practical 0+9 4.5

PHY 224 General Viva 0+2 1.0

Total 13 + 17 = 30 21.5

Third Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory +Lab.

PHY 321 Classical Electrodynamics 4+0 4.0

PHY 323 Quantum Mechanics-I 4+0 4.0

PHY 325 Atomic and Molecular Physics 4+0 4.0

PHY 327 Relativity: Special & General 3+0 3.0

PHY 322A Physics Lab 0+9 4.5

Total 15 + 9 = 24 19.5

Third Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 331 Nuclear Physics-I 4+0 4.0

PHY 333 Mathematical Physics 3+0 3.0

PHY 335 Solid State Physics-I 4+0 4.0

PHY 322B Physics Lab 0+9 4.5

PHY 324 General Viva 0+2 1.0

Total 11 + 11 = 22 16.5

Fourth Year Semester I

The courses PHY 421, PHY 422, and PHY 423 are compulsory and students will take any two optional courses from
the 5th row.

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.

PHY 421 Quantum Mechanics-II 4+0 4.0

PHY 423 Digital Electronics 4+0 4.0

PHY 422 Physics Lab-A 0+9 4.5

PHY 429 Reactor Physics-I 3+0 6.0

PHY 431 Non-linear Optics-I ,,
PHY 433 Nuclear Radiation and Health Physics-I ,,
PHY 435 Medical Physics ,,
PHY 439 Computational Physics-I ,,
PHY 441 Biophysics-I ,,
PHY 443 Nuclear Radiation Detection and Measurement-I ,,
PHY 461 Orbital Mechanics-I ,,

Total 14 + 9 = 23 18.5

Fourth Year Semester II

Courses PHY 445 and PHY 447 are compulsory and students will take two optional courses from the 4th row in the
table below, but corresponding to the courses of the previous semester.

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory +Lab.

PHY 445 Nuclear Physics-II 4+0 4.0

PHY 447 Solid State Physics-II 4+0 4.0

PHY 437 Geophysics 3+0 6.0

PHY 449 Reactor Physics-II ,,
PHY 451 Non-linear Optics-II ,,
PHY 453 Nuclear Radiation and Health Physics-II ,,
PHY 455 Computational Physics-II
PHY 457 Biophysics-II
PHY 459 Nuclear Radiation Detection & Measurement –II ,,
PHY 463 Orbital Mechanics-II ,,
PHY 465 Microelectronics: Physics and Processing ,,

PHY 426 Physics Lab-B 0+9 4.5

PHY 424 General Viva 0+4 2.0

PHY 428 Viva on Project 0+0 0.0

Total 14 + 13 = 27 20.5

Detailed Syllabus

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Mechanics: Different co-ordinate systems; projectile motion; Newton’s laws of motion; friction; conservation
theorems (momentum and energy); collisions; rotational motion; angular momentum and torque; moment of inertia;
parallel and perpendicular axes theorems; central forces and gravitation; gravitational potential; escape velocity,
Kepler’s laws. Properties of matter: Hooke’s law; elastic modulli and their inter-relations; bending of beams,
cantilever; surface tension; capillarity; concepts of fluid flow; Bernoulli’s equation and its applications; viscosity;
Poiseuille’s equation. Waves: Simple harmonic motion; simple and compound pendulum; traveling waves;
interference; stationary waves; vibrations in strings; sound; beats; Doppler effect.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Part I)

2. Mathur, D.S.: Elements of Properties of Matter
3. Puri, S.P. : Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Mechanics: Different co-ordinate systems; projectile motion; Newton’s laws of motion; friction; conservation
theorems (momentum and energy); collisions; rotational motion; angular momentum and torque; moment of inertia;
parallel and perpendicular axes theorems; central forces and gravitation; gravitational potential; escape velocity,
Kepler’s laws. Properties of matter: Hooke’s law; elastic modulli and their inter-relations; bending of beams,
cantilever, surface tension; capillarity, concepts of fluid flow. Waves: Simple harmonic motion; simple and compound
pendulum; traveling waves; interference; stationary waves; vibrations in strings; sound; beats; Doppler effect.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Part I)

2. Mathur, D.S.: Elements of Properties of Matter


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Structure of Matter: Classification of solids, amorphous, crystalline. Different type of bonds of solids, metallic, Van
der Waals, covalent and ionic bond, packing in solids, interatomic distances and forces of equilibrium, X-ray

diffraction, Bragg’s law. Waves and Oscillation: Simple harmonic motion, free, forced and damped harmonic
oscillation, resonance. Optics: Nature and propagation of light, electromagnetic spectrum, interference, Young’s
experiment, single slit diffraction. Heat: Concept of temperature and heat, principle of thermometry, constant volume
air thermometers, Newton’s law of cooling. Electromagnetism: Coulomb’s law, electric field, electric potential,
electric dipole, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws with applications, Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, Biot-Savart law, magnetic
force on charge and current, Ampere’s law, alternating voltage and current and their graphical representation, rms

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Physics (Vol. I )

2. Puri, S. P. : Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves
3. Saha and Srivastava: A Treatise of Heat
4. Beiser, A. : Perspective of Modern Physics
5. Sears, Zemansky and Young, University Physics
6. Puri, S.P. : Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Mechanics: Motion in two dimensions; projectile motion; Newton’s laws of motion; conservation theorems
(momentum and energy); collisions; circular motion; rotational dynamics of rigid bodies; central forces and
gravitation; Kepler’s laws. Waves: Simple harmonic motion; damped and forced vibrations; waves in elastic media;
sound waves; Doppler effect; Fourier’s theorem and its applications. Heat and thermodynamics: Principles of
thermometry; measurement of high and low temperature; zeroeth law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of ideal gas;
first and second laws of thermodynamics; entropy; black body radiation. Wein’s law and Planck’s law.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Physics (Vol. I )

2. Puri, S. P. : Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves
3. Saha and Srivastava: A Treatise of Heat

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Mechanics: Motion in two dimensions, projectile motion, Newton’s laws of motion, momentum and energy
conservations; collisions; circular motion; angular momentum and torque, moment of inertia; rotational dynamics of
rigid bodies; central forces and gravitation. Structure of matter: Classification of solids; amorphous, crystalline,
ceramics and polymers. Atomic arrangements in solids. Lattices, basis and crystal structure, unit cell, different types
of crystal systems, packing in solids, packing fraction of sc, bcc, fcc and cph lattices. X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law.
Plasticity and elasticity. Distinction between metal, insulator and semiconductor. Oscillation: Simple harmonic
motion, free, forced and damped harmonic oscillation; resonance; Propagation and velocity of longitudinal waves in
gaseous medium; Superposition principle.

Books Recommended:

1. Beiser, A.: Perspective of Modern Physics

2. Sears, Zemansky and Young: University Physics
3. Puri, S.P.: Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves
4. Jenkins and White: Fundamentals of Optics

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Structure of matter: Classification of solids; amorphous, crystalline, binding energy and atomic separation in
equilibrium in solid, different types of bonds in crystals, lattice, basis, crystal, unit cell, packing fraction of sc, bcc
crystals, X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, elasticity, distinction between metal, insulator and semiconductor. Sound
Waves: Simple harmonic motion, audible, ultrasonic and infrasonic waves; propagation and velocity of longitudinal
waves in gaseous medium; Doppler effect, interference and diffraction, beat. Fluid mechanics: Surface tension, angle
of contact, capillary rise, equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s equation, viscosity, Poiseulli’s equation

Books Recommended:

1. Beiser, A. : Perspective of Modern Physics

2. Sears, Zemansky and Young, University Physics
3. Puri, S.P. : Fundamentals of Vibrations and Waves

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Electromagnetism: Different electrical units; Coulomb’s law; electric field; electric potential and potential function;
Gauss’s law and its applications; electric dipole; Ohm’s law; Kirchhoff's laws with applications. Faradays and Lenz's
law of electromagnetic induction; self and mutual induction; Biot-Savart law; magnetic force on charge and current.

Ampere’s law; Maxwell’s equations, alternating voltage and current and their graphical representation; rms value of a
current; ac voltage and ac current applied to circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Modern Physics:
Atomic models; Bohr’s atom; atomic spectra; photoelectric effect; Compton effect; X-rays; Bragg’s law. atomic
nucleus; nuclear forces; radioactivity; de Broglie wave; uncertainty principle.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Physics (Vol. I & II)

2. Saha, M. N. and Srivastava, A Treatise on Heat.
3. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics
4. Kip, A. : Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism
5. Beiser, A.: Concepts of Modern Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Heat: Humidity, vapour pressure, temperature related humidity, transmission of heat: Conduction: Conductivity,
rectilinear flow of heat, determination of thermo-conductivity of good and bad conductors, heat flow through
compound walls; Convection: free and forced convection, domestic and industrial applications. Ventilation;
Radiation: different laws of radiation, black body radiation, radiation from surfaces, solar radiation. Sound: simple
harmonic motion: equation of simple harmonic motion, energy of simple harmonic oscillator, damped oscillation,
forced oscillation; characteristics of mechanical waves, equation of traveling wave, energy, stationary waves, beats,
physical qualities of sound, reflection, transmission and intensity of sound waves, variation of sound intensity with
distance, units of sound intensity, decibel and other units. Doppler principle, building acoustics. Light: Illumination
and photometry, luminous intensity, their measurement and units, phosphorescence, fluorescence, discharge lamps,
theories of light, interference, Young’s double slit interference, determination of thickness of a film, diffraction,
diffraction due to a single slit, polarization, intensity of polarized light, defects of images, optical instruments. Modern
Physics: Atomic structure, special theory of relativity, mass-energy equation, time dilation, radioactivity.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday and Resnick : Physics I and II

2. Brijlal : Heat and Thermodynamics
3. Brijlal : A text book of sound
4. Brijlal : Optics
5. Beiser: Perspectives of modern physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

This course is designed to give an understanding of basics of Physics and Astronomy. The topics in Physics include:
Units of measurement: FPS system; CGS system; MKS system. Fundamental of Mechanics: Vectors, forces;
kinematics, conservation laws, gravitation; Sound; Light: diffraction and interference; electric fields, potentials,
magnetic fields; atomic and nuclear physics. Topics in Astronomy include: Structure of the universe and solar system;
space probes and satellites; birth and death of stars, neutron stars, meteors, asteroids, comets, quasars and galaxies; the
black hole and cosmological theories.

Books Recommended: Will be given by the concerned teacher.


3 Hours/Week, 1.5 Credits

Same as PHY 122.


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Particle Dynamics : Kinematics in one and two dimensions; force and Newton’s Laws; friction; work and energy;
conservation of energy, projectile motion; circular motion; centre of mass; conservation of linear momentum;
collisions. Rotational Dynamics: Rotational kinematics; kinetic energy of rotation, rotational inertia and its calculation
for solids; parallel axes theorem; rotational dynamics of rigid bodies; symmetrical top; conservation of angular
momentum; equilibrium of rigid bodies. Oscillation: Simple harmonic motion ; the physical pendulum; damped
harmonic motion; forced oscillation, Central Force and Gravitation: Gravitational attraction; potential and field; field
equation; escape velocity; motion of planets and satellites; Kepler’s Laws.

Books Recommended :

1. Halliday, D. Resnick, R. and Krane :Physics (Vol. I & II)

2. Symon : Mechanics.
3. Francis W. Sears, Mark W. Zemansky. : University Physics.

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits .

Elasticity: Elastic Modulli of isotropic solid and their interrelations; cantilever. Fluid Mechanics: (a) Surface Tension:
Molecular forces; surface energy; pressure on a curved membrane, soap bubble; measurement of surface tension and
angle of contact; capillary ascent; theory of ripples. (b) Fluid Dynamics: Concept of fluid flow: streamline flow:
Bernoulli’s equation, equation of continuity and their applications. (c) Viscosity: Critical velocity; Poiseulli’s equation
.Waves in Elastic Media: Differential equations for wave on strings; travelling and standing waves; Fourier’s theorem
and its applications. Sound Waves: Audible, ultrasonic and infrasonic waves; propagation and speed of longitudinal
waves; superposition principle; Lissajous figure; Doppler effect; Reflection of sound waves; refraction of sound
waves; interference and diffraction of sound waves; beats.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Physics (Vol. I )

2. French, A. B. : Vibrations and Waves.
3. Sears.: Heat and Thermodynamics.
4. Main.: Vibrations.
5. Puri, S.B. : Fundamentals of Vibration


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

System of Units: Different electrical units. Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law; electric field, electric potential and potential
function; Gauss’s Law and its applications; electric dipole and quadrupole; electric field in dielectric media;
permittivity; capacitance; Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations. Electric Current: Current density; Ohm’s Law;
Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications; Magnetic Fields and Interactions: Magnetic force on charge and current;
magnetic effects of current; Biot-Savart law and its applications; Ampere’s law; Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws; self and
mutual induction - solenoids; growth and decay of current in the LC, CR and LCR circuits; Alternating Current:
Power and power equations; L, C and R in ac circuits; vector diagram and use of complex quantities; polar
representations of ac circuits; resonant and antiresonant circuits; Q-factors; transformers. Filters: constant k-type low
pass, high pass, band pass filter.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Physics ( Vol. II)

2. Kip, A. : Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism
3. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R. : Fundamentals of Physics
4. Theraja, B. L. : A Text Book of Electrical Technology
5. Sears : Electricity and Magnetism
6. Griffith: Introduction to Electrodynamics


9 Hours/week, 4.5 Credits

50% of the following experiments.

1. Weighing by the method of oscillation.

2. Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel.
3. Determination of "g" by and moment of inertia of a compound pendulum.
4. Determination of Young’s Modulus by the method of bending.
5. Determination of Rigidity Modulus by Static method.
6. Determination of Rigidity Modulus by dynamical method.
7. Using a flat spiral spring:
a) Verification of Hooke’s Law and determination of stiffness constant;
b) Determination of "g" and the effective mass of the spring;
c) Determination of modulus of rigidity of the material of the spring.
8. Determination of elastic constants of the material of a wire by Searle’s method.
9. Determination of the surface tension and angle of contact of mercury by Quincke’s method.
10. Determination of the surface tension of water by capillary rise method (r-1/h) curve is to be plotted.
11. Determination of the frequency of a fork by Melde’s method (L-T graph to be plotted for both
longitudinal and transverse arrangements).
12. Determination of specific heat of a solid with radiation correction.
13. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conducting solid by Lee’s method.
14. Determination of specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling.
15. Determination of galvanometer resistance by half deflection method.
16. Determination of specific resistance of a wire by Wheatstone’s bridge (with end correction).
17. Measurement of high resistance.
18. Measurement of low resistance by the method of fall of potential.
19. Determination of the figure of merit of a galvanometer (calculated current versus deflection is to be
20. Determination of internal resistance of a coil by a potentiometer (I-R graph is to be plotted).
21. Determination of temperature coefficient of resistance of a copper coil.

22. Investigation of the relation between the current passing through a tungsten and a carbon filament lamp
and the potential applied across it.
23. Calculation of the cost of operation of an electrical appliance.

Books Recommended:

1. Worsnop, B.L. and Flint, H.T. : Advanced Practical Physics

2. Chowdhury, S. A. and Basak, A. K. : Byaboharik Padartha Bidya
3. Ahmed, G. and Uddin, M.S. : Practical Physics


9 Hours/week, 4.5 Credits

The experiments not completed in PHY 122 A should be completed in this course.


3 Hours/week, 1.5 credits: Experiments on Heat, Thermodynamics and Optics.


3 hours/week 3 Credits

Heat: Heat and temperature; principles of thermometry, gas thermometers, resistance thermometers, thermocouples
and temperature scale; Newton’s law of cooling; kinetic theory of ideal gas; microscopic model of an ideal gas and
different gas laws; equipartition of energy. Thermodynamics: First law of thermodynamics; isothermal and adiabatic
changes; second law of thermodynamics; reversible and irreversible processes; Carnot’s cycle; absolute scale of
temperature; entropy and change of entropy in reversible and irreversible processes; entropy of a perfect gas;
thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations; black body radiation; Planck’s law and deduction of
Wein’s Law and Rayleigh-Jean’s law from it. Optics: Nature and propagation of light, electromagnetic spectrum,
interference, Young’s experiment; Michelson interferometer; Newton’s rings.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Vol. I & II)

2. Jenkins and White,: Fundamentals of Optics
3. Hossain, T. : A text book of Heat
4. Brijlal , Heat and Thermodynamics
5. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Electromagnetism: Different electrical units; Coulomb’s law; electric field; electric potential and potential function;
Gauss’s law and its applications; electric dipole; Ohm’s law; Kirchhoff's laws with applications. Faraday’s and Lenz's
law of electromagnetic induction; self and mutual induction; Biot-Savart law; magnetic force on charge and current.
Ampere’s law; alternating voltage and current and their graphical representation; rms values; ac voltage and ac current
applied to circuits containing resistors, capacitors, and inductors. Modern Physics: Photoelectric effect; Compton
effect; de Broglie waves; uncertainty principle; atomic models; atomic spectra; nucleons; nuclear size; binding energy;
radioactive decays.

Books Recommended:

1. Resnick and Halliday: Physics ( Vol. II)

2. Kip, A. : Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism
3. Beiser, A. : Perspectives of Modern Physics

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Optics: Nature and propagation of light, interference of light, Young’s experiment, Newton’s ring. Michelson
Interferometer. Diffraction: Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, diffraction grating. Polarisation of light, optical
activity, polarimetry. Electromagnetism: Different electrical units; Coulomb’s law; electric field; Gauss’s law and its
applications; electric potential and potential energy; capacitance, dielectrics and Gauss’s Law, three electric vectors,
energy storage in an electric field. magnetic field and field strength; magnetic forces on a current; torque on a current
loop; Hall effect; Ampere’s Law; Biot-Savart Law and their applications. Faraday’s Law of induction; Lenz’s Law;
time-varying magnetic field; inductance; energy in magnetic field. Maxwell’s equations; EM energy; Poynting
Vector; Scalar and vector potentials; the wave equations. Plane EM waves in non-conducting media; waves in
conducting media; boundary conditions; reflection and refraction at boundaries of two non-conducting media; total
internal reflections. Modern Physics: Atomic models; Bohr’s atom; atomic spectra; photoelectric effect; X-rays;
Bragg’s law. atomic nucleus; nuclear forces; radioactivity; de Broglie wave; uncertainty principle.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Vol. II)

2. Lipson, S. G. and Lipson, H.: Light
3. Jenkins, F.A. and White, H.A.: Fundamentals of Optics
4. Griffith, D.J.: Introduction to Electrodynamics
6. Beiser, A.: Concepts of Modern Physics

PHY 209 GENERAL PHYSICS (For Forestry Majors)

3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Mechanics: Motion in two dimensions, projectile and circular motion. Work, conservation of energy, centre of mass,
conservation of linear momentum, angular momentum and its conservation. Simple harmonic motion, Kepler’s laws.
Thermodynamics: The zeroeth law, principles of thermometry, the first law, Carnot’s cycle, the second law, Carnot’s
theorem, the absolute scale of temperature, entropy. Optics: Nature of light, interference of light, Young’s double slit
experiment, Newton’s rings. Properties of Matter: Elasticity, elastic modulii and their inter-relations, cantilever.
surface tension: molecular forces, surface energy, capillary rise. Viscosity: critical velocity, Poiseulli’s equation.
Modern Physics: Radioactive decay, half and mean life, radioactive dating. Special theory of relativity: postulates,
Lorentz transformation, time dilation and length contraction. Concepts of Quantum Theory: Classical determinism and
the uncertainty principle, two slit experiment and wave particle duality.

Books Recommended:

1. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Vol. II)

2. Jenkins, F.A. and White, H.A.: Fundamentals of Optics
3 .Beiser, A.: Concepts of Modern Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Molecular design of life: Biochemistry and genomic revolution, the chemical component of cell, from single cell to
multi cellular organism, DNA, RNA and flow of genetic information, Exploring genes, Method of replication,
Mechanism of protein synthesis, Energy currency of cell, Structure of Macromolecules: Atomic and molecular forces,
behavior of macromolecules, physical techniques for structure determination (X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, and
NMR). Properties of protein and forces: Protein folding, mechanical properties, Elastic properties of protein and
DNA, Electrical and magnetic properties of proteins, Rigidity of actin filaments and microtubules, Elastic, viscous,
electrostatic thermal and collision forces which act on the protein in cell. Mechanics of motor proteins. Different kinds
of microscope: Bright field microscope, Fluorescence microscope, Electron microscope.

Book Recommended:

1. Howard, J. : Mechanics of molecular motors

2. Michel Daune: Molecular Biophysics
3. Berg, J.M. : Biochemistry
4. Michael P. Sheetz : Laser Tweezers in Cell Biology
5. Mielczarek, E.V.: Biological Physics


3 Hours/week, 1.5 Credits

Same as PHY 222


3 Hours/week,3 Credits

Equation of State: Microscopic model of an ideal gas and gas laws; real gases ; Van der Waal’s equation; critical
constants; concept of pressure and temperature in kinetic theory; mean free path; molecular collisions and transport
phenomena; limitations of kinetic theory. Zeroeth law of thermodynamics: Concept of temperature and the ideal gas
temperature scale. The first law of thermodynamics: Reversible and irreversible transformations; definition of heat;
Carnot's cycle, refrigeration. The second law of thermodynamics: Carnot’s theorem; absolute scale of temperature;
Clausius theorem; Entropy-- entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes; entropy of an ideal gas.
Applications of thermodynamics: Thermodynamic potential, Maxwell’s relations; Joule expansion, Joule-Kelvin
expansion, liquefaction of gases, relations between thermal coefficients; equilibrium conditions, Clausius-Clapeyron’s
equation; Gibb’s phase rule; The third law of thermodynamics: Applications.

Books Recommended:

1. Adkins, C.J. : Equilibrium Thermodynamics.

2. Zemansky, M.W.: Heat and Thermodynamics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Nature and propagation of light: Light and electromagnetic spectrum; speed of light; Doppler Effect. Plane Waves and
Plane Surfaces: Huygen’s principle; Fermat’s principle. Interference: Two-beam interferometry--Young’s
experiments; Michelson interferometer; multiple-beam interferometry-- thin film; interference from multiple

reflections; Newton’s rings. Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction; diffraction--single slit; double slit;
multiple-slit diffraction phenomena; diffraction gratings; crystal diffraction--Bragg’s Law. Holography: Fresnel
diffraction; production of holograms; applications of holography. Polarisation and Optical Activity: Polarisation by
reflection and refraction, plane, circular and elliptical polarisation--production and detection; double refraction; Nicol
prism, optical rotation-- polarimetry, Fresnel’s theory of optical rotation.

Books Recommended:

1. Lipson, S.G. and Lipson, H.: Light

2. Jenkins, F. A. and White, H.A.: Fundamentals of Optics
3. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R.: Physics (Vol. II)


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Lagrangian Formulation: Generalised coordinates; constraints; degrees of freedom; D'Alamberts principle; Lagrange’s
equation from D'Alambert principle; variational principle; Lagrange's equation from Hamilton's principle; applications
of Lagrange’s equation. Motion under a central force: Two body central force problem --reduction to equivalent one-
body problem; equations of orbits; scattering problem and laboratory co-ordinates. Rigid bodies: Kinematics and
dynamics of rigid bodies; degrees of freedom; matrix representation of rotations; Euler’s angles; force-free motion;
Euler’s equation of motion; symmetric top. Hamilton's equations of motion: Legendre transformation and Hamilton
equations; conservation theorem; derivation from variational principle; principle of least action and its applications.
Canonical Transformations: Equations of canonical transformation; integral invariance of Poincare, Lagrange and
Poisson brackets. Hamilton-Jacobi Theory : The Hamilton – Jacobi Equation for Hamilton’s Principal Function, The
Harmonic Oscillator problem as an example of the Hamiltom-Jacobi method.

Books Recommended:

1. Goldstein, G.: Classical Mechanics

2. Symon, K. R.: Mechanics
3. Spiegel, M. R.: Theoretical Mechanics
4. Wells, D.A. : Lagrangian Dynamics
5. Resnick, R.: Introduction to Special Relativity


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Circuit Analysis: Network theorems - Thevenin’s theorem, superposition theorem, maximum power transfer theorem;
equivalence of T, Pi, star and delta conversion lattice networks; wave filters: low pass, high pass, band pass.
Semiconductor Diodes: p-n junctions; volt-ampere characteristics and rectifier equation; light emitting diodes; Zener
diode; voltage regulators. Transistors: Junction Transistors: p-n-p and n-p-n transistors -- principle of operation,
current components, alpha and beta parameters; transistor basic configurations; static characteristics; active, saturation
and cutoff regions; Transistor model: transistor as four terminal network, re–model, h−model; Field Effect
Transistors: FET structure; FET characteristics; FET parameters and equivalent circuits; Method of channel formation
in MOSFET; Threshold voltage; MOSFET characteristics; Parameters and equivalent circuits. Transistor Biasing:
Load line and operating points; Stabilisation of operating point; Fixed bias circuit; (emitter bas, voltage divider bias
circuit); Transistor Amplifiers: Transistor DC Amplifiers: CB, CE and CC amplifiers and their equivalent circuits in
h-parameter; Current, voltage and power gains; Transistor AC amplifiers: Classification of amplifiers. Analysis of RC
coupled and transformer coupled amplifiers; Power amplifiers; Push pull amplifiers. Feedback Amplifiers: Current
feedback and voltage feedback amplifiers; Oscillator and condition of sustained oscillation; RC oscillator; Phase-shift
oscillator; Weinbridge oscillator.

Books Recommended:

1. Millman, J. and Halkias, C.C.: Electronic Devices and Circuits

2. Allen Mottershead,: Electronic Devices and Circuits
3. Jacob Millman,: Vacuum Tube and Semiconductor Electronics
4. Brophy, J.J.: Basic Electronics for Scientist
5. Boylestad and Nashlesky: Electronic devices and Circuit theory
6. Shrader, R.L.: Electronics Communication


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Shortcomings of Classical Theory, Quantization of Energy: Energy quantization and its implication on heat capacities
of matter; Quantization of harmonic oscillator energy; Black-body radiation and Planck’s distribution; Photon and its
properties; Quantization of Atomic Energy: The combination principle, The Bohr model of atom; Matter waves: The
de Broglie relations; group velocity of a wave packet; Schrodinger Equation: Single particle wave equation, ground
state of hydrogen atom; one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator; Probability Interpretation: Probability
distribution in position; conservation of probability; collapse of the wave function; Momentum: Short review of
Fourier transform; momentum measurement by time of flight; momentum wave function; Uncertainty principle;
Expectation Values: Expectation values of position and momentum of a particle.

Books Recommended:

1. P.J.E. Peebles: Quantum Mechanics

2. P.T. Mathews: Quantum Mechanics
3. Powell and Crasemann: Quantum Mechanics


2 Hours/week, 2 Credits

Thermal radiation: Black body radiation, Kirchoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann laws, Wein’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law
and Planck’s law. Classical Statistical Mechanics : Phase space; average properties of an assembly; Boltzmann
probability distribution; Maxwell velocity distribution, Equipartition of energy; Entropy and disorder. Quantum
statistical mechanics: Schrodinger equation; Free particle in a box; Volume of a state in phase space; quantum
indistinguishability and the uncertainty principle; Bose-Einstein distribution, Photon gas, Derivation of Planck’s
radiation law ; Fermi-Dirac distribution; Electron gas in metal and electronic specific heat.

Books Recommended:

1. Saha and Srivastava: A treatise on heat

2. Mandl, F.: Statistical Mechanics
3. Reif, F. : Fundamental of Statistical and Thermal Physics
4. Singh and Singh: Statistical Mechanics


9 Hours/week 4.5 Credits

50% of the following experiments.

1. Experiments on collision in two dimensions.

2. Determination of coefficient of linear expansion of metal.
3. Density of water at different temperatures and coefficient of expansion of water by Mathissen’s
bulb method.
4. Surface tension of a liquid by the method of ripples.
5. Surface tension of a liquid by the Jaeger’s method.
6. Variation of viscosity of water with temperature.
7. Measurement of coefficient of expansion of air by constant pressure air thermometer.
8. Determination of the ratio of the specific heats of a gas by Clement and Desorme’s apparatus.
9. Determination of "J" by Callendar and Barnes’s apparatus (with radiation correction).
10. Experiment on thermal conductivity.
11. Calibration of an ammeter.
12. Preparation of one-Ohm coil.
13. Determination of refractive indices of thick and thin prisms.
14. Determination of refractive indices of transparent solid and liquid by total internal reflection method.
15. Determination of E.C.E. of silver/copper.
16. Determination of wavelength of light by Newton’s ring.
17. Determination of wavelength of light by diffraction through a single slit.
18. Determination of wavelength of light by biprism.
19. Determination of specific rotation by polarimeter.
20. Calibration of spectrometer.
21. Determination of wavelength by plane diffraction grating.

Books Recommended:

1. Worsnop, B.L. and Flint, H.T. : Advanced Practical Physics

2. Chowdhury, S. A. and Basak, A. K. : Byaboharik Padartha Bidya
3. Ahmed, G. and Uddin, M.S. : Practical Physics


9 hours/Week, 4.5 Credits

The experiments not completed in PHY 222 A should be completed in this course.


4 Hours/week,4 Credits

Electromagnetic Field Equation: Maxwell’s equations; E.M. energy--Poynting vector; scalar and vector potentials;
Gauge transformation; the wave equations. Propagation of E.M. Waves: Plane waves in non- conducting media;
waves in conducting media; reflection and refraction at boundaries of two non conducting media; boundary
conditions; total internal reflections. Propagation of E.M. Waves in Bounded Region: Propagation between parallel
conducting plates; wave guides (rectangular). Radiation from an Accelerated Charge: Dipole radiation, the Lienard
and Wiechart potentials; field of charge in uniform motion; fields of an accelerated charge; radiation at low velocities.
Scattering and Dispersion: Scattering by individual free electron; scattering by a bound electron; absorption of
radiation by an oscillator; Rayleigh scattering;

Books Recommended:

1. Griffiths, D.J.,: Classical Electrodynamics

2. Reitz, J.R. and Milford, F.J.: Foundation of Electromagnetic Theory
3. Corson, D.R. and Lorrain, P.: Introduction to Electromagnetic Field & Waves
4. Jackson, J.D.: Electrodynamics
4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

The two slit experiments; Measurements and observable; Commutation of observations; linear operators; Eigenvalue
equations. Complementary Principle; Physical postulates of Quantum mechanics; Wave function and its
interpretation; probability density and probability current density, Eigenstates; Orthonormality of eigenstates;
Principle of superposition; Probability amplitudes and overlap integrals; Wave packets and uncertainty principle,
Ehrenfest’s theorem. Correspondence Principle; The Schrodinger wave equation and one dimensional potential
problems -- particle in a potential box, potential step, tunneling through potential barrier, rectangular potential well;
Linear harmonic oscillator; Angular momentum: Orbital angular momentum; Rotation operator, Spherical harmonics,
Spin angular momentum; Three dimensional Schrodinger equation for spherically symmetric potentials: Solution of
the Schrodinger equation for Hydrogen atom.

Books Recommended:

1. Matthews, P.T.: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

2. Schiff, L.I.: Quantum Mechanics
3. Powell, J.L. and Crasemann, B.: Quantum Mechanics
4. Harun ar Rashid, A.M.: Quantum Mechanics
5. Merzbacher, E.: Quantum Mechanics
6. Feynman Lectures, Vol.3, Chapters 1-3
7. Griffith: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
8. Bransden and Joachain: Quantum Mechanics
9. S. Saha: Lecture notes on Quantum Mechanics, 2007 (A project work)


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

The Atom: Atomic models; Rutherford nuclear model of atom; atomic spectra; the Bohr model and the structure of
atoms; atomic excitation; the Frank - Hertz experiment; the correspondence principle; correction for nuclear motion;
hydrogen-like atoms. The Particle Property of Waves: The photoelectric effect -- Einstein’s photoelectric equation and
its experimental verification; Production and intensities of X-rays; Bremsstrahlung; Continuous and characteristic X-
rays; X-ray absorption; Moseley’s law; Compton effect. The Wave Nature of Particles: Wave particle duality; de
Broglie waves; Experimental verification of particle waves; Wave and group velocities. The Quantum Theory of
Hydrogen Atom: Use of Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom -- total, orbital and magnetic quantum numbers;
The hydrogen spectral lines. Electron Spin and Complex Atoms: Spin angular momentum; The periodic table; Stern-
Gerlach experiment; Spin-orbit interaction -- fine structure; Total angular momentum of atoms; Zeeman effect.
Molecular Physics: Molecular spectra; Raman effect; Rotational and vibrational energy levels of diatomic molecules.

Books Recommended:

1. Beiser, A. : Concepts of Modern Physics

2. Beiser, A. : Perspectives of Modern Physics
3. Enge, Wehr and Richards : Physics of the Atom
4. Ohanian : Modern Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 credits

Special Relativity: Galilean relativity and Newtonian mechanics; Michelson-Morely experiment; Postulates of the
special theory of relativity; Lorentz transformations; Length contraction and time dilation; Proper time;
Transformation of velocities; Twin paradox; Space-Time and four vectors; Relativistic Mechanics: The principle of
least action; Relativistic Lagrangian; Energy and momentum; Decay of particles; Invariant cross-section; Elastic
collisions of particles; Four-tensor of angular momentum; Magnetism as relativistic phenomenon, invariance of
electric charge, covariant form of electrodynamic equation; Four-potential of electromagnetic field. General
Relativity: Particle in Gravitational Field; The principle of equivalence; Gravitational field in relativistic mechanics;
Curvilinear coordinates; Distance and time intervals in general relativity; Covariant differentiation; Motion of a
particle in a gravitational field; The constant gravitational field; The Gravitational Field Equations: The curvature
tensor; The Einstein equations.

Books Recommended:

1. Landau, L.D. and Lifshitz, E.M. : Classical Theory of Fields

2. French, A.P.: Special Relativity
3. Weinberg, S.: Gravitation
4. Chandrasekhar, S.: Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
5. Hartle, J.B.: Gravity: An Introduction to General Relativity

4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

The Nucleus: Rutherford atom and atomic nucleus; Nuclear size; Packing fraction and binding energy and semi-
empirical mass formula; separation energy, Nuclear force (introduction). Radioactivity: Radioactive decay laws,
Carbon dating; Half life and mean life; Secular and transient equilibrium; Radioactive series; Alpha, Beta and
Gamma Emission: Theory of alpha decay (semi classical ) and its experimental verification; Beta decay and its
energy measurement; Conservation of energy and momentum in beta decays; Neutrino hypothesis; Orbital electron
capture. Positron emission; Gamma radiation; Mean lives for gamma emission; Internal conversion. Nuclear Reaction
- Different types of reactions; the energies of nuclear reactions; Cross section; Nuclear Fission and Fusion: Fission
process; Energy release in Fission; Chain reaction; Nuclear fusion; Interaction of charged particles and radiation with
matter: Ionisation; Multiple scattering; Stopping power; Energy loss of electrons and other charged particles;
Positronium; Pair production and annihilation;. Nuclear Detectors: Ionisation chambers; Proportional counter; Geiger
- Muller counter. Particle Accelerators: Linear accelerator; Cyclotron; Synchrotron. Elementary Particles: Introduction
to elementary particles.

Books Recommended:

1. Kaplan, I.: Nuclear Physics

2. Halliday, D.: Introductory Nuclear Physics
3. Sengupta, H.M. : Nucleo Padartha Bidya
4. Evans, R.D.: The Atomic Nucleus
5. Burcham, W.E.: Nuclear Physics
6. Meyerhoff : Nuclear Physics
7. Islam and Islam: Nucleo Padartha Bidya


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Review of Vector Analysis: Gradient, Divergence and Curl of Vectors. Integral theorem: Green's theorem, Stoke's
theorem and Divergence theorem. Complex variable: Definition of general rules, Geometric aspects of complex
variables, Cauchy-Riemann equations and Cauchy's theorem, Contour integral(Residue theorem). Special Functions:
Fourier and Laplace's transform, Dirac delta function and its properties, Legendre and associated Legendre function
and spherical harmonics with application in atomic physics, Hermite polynomials with application to quantum
oscillator, Laguerre and associated Laguerre polynomials, Green's function, Hypergeometric function with
application, Bessel functions.

Books Recommended:

1. Arfken and Weber: Mathematical Methods for Physicists

2. Pipes,: Mathematical Physics for Physicists and Engineers
3. Gupta, B.D.,: Mathematical Physics
4. Margenau and Murphy,: Mathematical Physics
5. Rajput,: Mathematical Physics
6. Luke, Y.L.,: The special functions of Mathematics for Engineers
7. Spiegel, : Schaum Series, Vector Analysis
8. Haque, B.: Vectors
9. Ross, S.L.: Differential Equations


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Crystals: Classification of materials, crystals, amorphous, polycrystals, liquid crystals. Lattice translation vectors and
lattices, Unit cell, Bravis lattices, Different types of crystal systems, Representation of crystal planes: Miller indices,
Symmetry elements, symmetry groups, Point group, and space group. Different crystal structures, packing fraction.
X-Ray diffraction: Bragg’s law, Laue equations, geometrical structure factor, atomic scattering factor, Reciprocal
lattices, Reciprocal lattice vectors, Brilloin zones, Ewald construction, diffraction conditions, Lattice vibration,
Monatomic lattice, Diatomic lattice, Bonding Mechanisms: Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, Van der Waal, bonded crystals;
equilibrium separation of atoms, Lattice energy of ionic crystals; Theories of lattice specific heat: Classical theory of
heat capacity, Einstein’s theory and Debye approximation. Free Electron Theory: Energy levels and density of states;
Fermi Dirac distribution; Fermi energy; Heat capacity of free electron gas; Electrical conductivity and thermal
conductivity of metals; Wiedemann-Franz law. Band theory of Solids: Formation of energy bands in crystal; Bloch
theorem, Kronig-Penney Model, Dispersion relation in extended and reduced zone scheme, Nearly free electron
model, Metals, semiconductors and insulators in terms of energy gaps. Fermi energy, Carrier effective masses, Hall
effect. Theory of Semiconductors: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Impurity states of semiconductors, Free
carrier concentrations semiconductors, Fermi level and carrier concentrations in semiconductors, Effect of impurity
levels, Mobility of charge carriers.

Books Recommended:

1. Kittel, C.: Introduction to Solid State Physics

2. Beiser, A.: Perspectives of Modern Physics
3. Dekker, A.J.: Solid State Physics
4. Omar, M.A. : Elementary Solid State Physics
5. Blakemore, J.S. : Solid State Physics

6. Singhal, R. A.: Solid State Physics
7. Ashcroft and Marmin: Solid State Physics
8. Grove, A.S.: Physics of Semiconductor Devices


9 Hours/week, 4.5 Credits : (50% of the following experiments)

1. a) Practice of technical drawing.

b) Cutting of metal to a definite size and shape.
c) Filing.
d) Drilling.
e) Taping.
f) Turning and thread cutting using lathe machine.
2. Determination of dispersive power of a prism and a grating.
3. Determination of Cauchy’s constants and hence determination of resolving power of a prism.
4. Determination of resolving power of a grating.
5. Determination of Rydberg constant using a spectrometer.
6. Determination of wave length of light and separation of D1 and D2 lines by Michelson interferometer.
7. Determination of delta and boiling point of a liquid by a platinum resistance thermometer.
8. Calibration of thermocouple.
9. Calibration of electromagnet by an exploring coil.
10. Determination of self-inductance by any suitable method.
11. Determination of ballistic constant of a moving coil type galvanometer.
12. Determination of mutual inductance by direct throw method.
13. Determination of absolute capacity of a condenser.
14. Charging and discharging of capacitors and study of their various characteristics.
15. Determination of e/m of an electron.
16. Determination of ionization potential by Frank-Hertz experiment.
17. Construction of a transistor radio receiver.
18. Construction of a transistor radio transmitter.
19. Study of variation of reactance due to L and C with frequency.
20. Determination of resonance in LRC circuit with
a) L and C in series and b) L and C in parallel.
21. Calibration of a cathode ray tube for both AC and DC sources.
22. Vector representation of voltage in a circuit containing L, C and R.
23. Measurement of
i) an unknown frequency and ii) phase angle between two AC sources using cathode ray tube.
24. Study of the characteristics of a p-n junction and a Zener diode.
25. Determination of a transistor characteristics in common emitter configuration and Determination of
hybrid parameters.
26. Construction of a full wave Bridge rectifier using semiconducting diodes and study of the effect of filters.

Books Recommended:

1. Worsnop, B.L. and Flint, H.T. : Advanced Practical Physics

2. Chowdhury, S. A. and Basak, A. K. : Byaboharik Padartha Bidya
3. Ahmed, G. and Uddin, M.S. : Practical Physics


9 hours/Week, 4.5 Credits

The experiments not completed in PHY 322 A should be completed in this course.


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Matrix formulation of quantum mechanics: State vectors in Hilbert space; bra and ket notations; operators and their
representation; transformation theory; Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and Dirac representations. Theory of angular
momentum: Angular momentum operators and their commutation relations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors of angular
momentum operators; parity operation on the angular momentum vectors; addition of angular momenta; Clebsch-
Gordon coefficients; Pauli’s exclusion principle and spin matrices. Theory of scattering : Two-body systems;
scattering by spherically symmetric potentials; partial- wave analysis; Born approximation and its applications.
Approximate methods: Stationary perturbation theory; time dependent perturbation theory; variational method; WKB
approximation. Identical particle : Symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions; exclusion principle; spin and
statistics; spin matrices; scattering of identical particles. Relativistic wave equations : Klein-Gordon and Dirac’s
relativistic wave equations; solution of free particle equations; negative energy states and hole theory.

Books Recommended:

1. Schiff, L. I.: Quantum Mechanics

2. Mathews, P. M. & Vankatesan, K.: Text book of Quantum Mechanics
3. Dicke, K. H. & Whittke, J. P.: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
4. Greiner, W.: Quantum Mechanics -an Introduction
5. Messiah, A.: Quantum Mechanics Vol I and Vol II
6. Harun ar Rashid, A. M.: Quantum Mechanics

7. Dirac, P. A. M.: Principles of Quantum Mechanics
8. Brink & Satchler ,: Angular Momentum
9. Sherwin, C. W.: Quantum Mechanics
10. Ziock, C.: Basic Quantum Mechanics
11. Wu, T.Y. : Quantum Mechanics
12. Rose, E.M. : Angular Momentum
13. Sakurai, J.J. Quantum Mechanics
14. Powell, J.L. and Craseman, B. : Quantum Mechanics


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Digital electronics; Numbers: (a) Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal binary coded decimal; Logic operation:
NOT, OR, NOR, AND, NAND, EX-OR operation; Combinational logic operation; Parity generator; Laws of Boolean
algebra; De-Morgan’s theorem; Sum of product; Product of sum; k-maps, Multiplexer; demultiplexer; decoder;
encoder; half-adder; full-adder; adder-subtracter. Logic circuits: DTL, TTL,CMOS, ECL. Flip-flops, registers &
counters: R-S, D-type, Edge-triggered, J-K and J-K master slave flip-flops; serial and parallel shift registers;
Synchronous and asynchronous counters; Up & down counters; Mod-3 and Mod-5 counters, decade counters.
Memory: Matrix addressing, typical memory cell. Digital Computer: Basic computer system; microcomputer;
microprocessor – Intel 8085. Pulse circuit: Pulse characteristics, RC differentiators & intregrators, Astable,
Monostable and bistable multivibrators and Schmitt trigger.

Books Recommended:

1. Millman and Taub : Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms

2. Taub and Schilling : Digital Integrated Electronics
3. Bartee, T.: Digital Computer Fundamentals
4. Malvino and Leach : Digital Principles and Applications
5. Gothman , W. H.: Digital Electronics,: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
6. Maurice Mano: Digital Design


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Nuclear reactions by neutrons : neutron cross section; energy dependence of neutron cross- section; fission cross-
sections. Diffusion and slowing down of neutron : thermal neutron diffusion; diffusion length and diffusion equations;
fast neutron diffusion and Fermi age equation; energy distribution and cross -section of thermal neutron; slowing
down of neutron - transport mean free path and scattering cross-section; critical equation and reaction buckling.
Reactor theory: the steady state; multiplication factor; four factor formula; neutron leakage and critical size;
calculation of k for homogeneous reactors; Classification of reactors; Research reactors; various types of research
reactors, Power Reactors; Various types of power reactors and breeder reactors; heterogeneous reactor; calculation of
k for heterogeneous reactors .

Books Recommended:

1. Lamarsh , J. R,: Introduction to Nuclear Engineering

2. Lamarsh, J. R,: Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory
3. Glasstone, S. and Sesonske, A.: Nuclear reactor Engineering
4. Murray, R.L.: Introduction to Reactor Physics
5. Liverhant,: Fundamental Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

The Non-linear Optical Susceptibility: Introduction to Non-linear Optics; Description of non-linear optical
interactions; Formal definition of non-linear susceptibility; Non-linear susceptibility of a classical anharmonic
oscillator; Wave-Equation Description of Non-linear Optical Interactions: The wave equation for non-linear optical
media; the coupled wave-equations for sum-frequency generation; The Manley-Rowe relations; Sum-frequency
generation; Difference-frequency generation and parametric amplification; Second-harmonic generation; Phase-
matching considerations; The Intensity Dependent Refractive Index: Description of the intensity-dependent refractive
index; Non-linearities due to molecular orientation.

Books Recommended:

1. Boyd, R.W.: Non-linear optics.

2. Butcher, P.N. and Cotter, D.: The Elements of Non-linear Optics.
3. Shen, Y.R.: The Principles of Non-linear Optics.
4. Newell, A.C. and Moloney, J.V.: Non-linear Optics.
5. Guenther, R.: Modern Optics.
6. Bloembergen, N.: Non-linear Optics.
7. Baldwin, G.C.: An Introduction to Non-linear Optics.


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Detection of nuclear radiation: (a) detection of charged particles; nuclear interaction with matter; bubble chamber;
photographic emulsion, spark chamber; scintillation detectors; Cerenkov detector; p.m. tubes; semiconductor detector;
track etch detector; thermoluminescent dosimeter; (b) neutral particle detection; neutron detection; detector based on
boron reaction; time of flight technique; proton recoil telescope; neutron detection by activation foils. Detector
efficiencies: standardisation of radioactive sources; calibration of detectors; absolute counting; source geometry;
source absorption; air and window effects; source dilution; measurement of very short and very long half lives.

Books Recommended:

1. Knoll, G.F.: Radiation Detection and Measurements

2. Price, W.J.: Nuclear Radiation Detection
3. Fremlin, J.H.: Application of Nuclear Physics
4. Cameroon, J.R.: Medical Physics
5. Barnes, D.E.: Radiation Hazards
6. Putman, A.: Isotopes
7. Segre, E.: Experimental Nuclear Physics ( vol.1-3)


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Ultra Sound Imaging: Nature, production and detection of ultra sounds; A-scan, B-scan, M-scan; clinical applications.
Other Imaging Techniques: Rectilinear scanner; gamma camera; CAT scanner, CT scanner, clinical applications.
Audiology, Hearing aids. Vascular Measurements: Blood pressure; blood flows; blood velocity. Cardiac
Measurements: ECG; ECG planes; Einthovens triangle; elementary ideas of heart disorder, pace maker.
Neuromuscular Measurements: EEG, EMG, stimulation of neural tissue; nerve conduction measurements.
Bioelectrical Amplifiers, Patient safety. Radiation and Health : Radiopharmaceuticals, radiotherapy; radiation
protection; radiation dosimetry.

Books Recommended:

1. Cameron J.R. and Skofronic,: Medical Physics

2. Cember, H.: Introduction to Health Physics
3. Brown, B.H. and Smallwood,: Medical Physics and Physiological Measurements


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

The Solar System: The planets; meteorites and their compositions; cosmic ray exposures of meteorites; the Poynting-
Robertson effect; compositions of terrestrial planets. Rotation and the Figure of the Earth: Figure of the earth;
precession of the equinoxes; the Chandler wobble, tidal friction and the history of the Earth-Moon system, fluctuation
in rotation and the excitation of the wobble. The Gravity Field: Gravity as gradient of the geopotential; the satellite
geoid; crystal structure and the principle of isotasy; earth tides. Seismology and the Internal Structure of the Earth:
seismicity of the earth; elastic waves and seismic rays; travel time and velocity depth curves for body waves; internal
density and composition; free oscillation. Geomagnetism: The magnetism of the earth; fundamental equations;
measurement of the magnetic field; the method of Gauss; saturation induction magnetometers; the proton precision
magnetometers; alkali vapour magnetometers; introduction to magnetometers. The Earth’s Internal Heat: The
geothermal flux; thermal conduction in the mantle; temperature in the interior of the earth; energy source for the
geomagnetic dynamo. Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth: The pre-radioactivity age problem; radioactive elements
and the principle of radiometric dating; growth of continents and atmospheric argon; age of the earth and the
meteorites; dating the nuclear synthesis.

Books recommended:

1. Stacey, F.D.: Physics of the earth

2. Garland G.D.: Introduction to Geophysics – Mantle core and crust
3. Grant, F.S. and West, G.F.: Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics
4. Parasnis, D.S.: Principles of Applied Geophysics
5. Dobrin, M.B., Introduction to Geophysical Prospecting
6. Telford, E.M., Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E. and Keys, D.E.: Applied Geophysics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits [A sound basis on any of the Computer languages ForTran77/ForTran90/C ++ is the
prerequisite for this Course.]

Introduction: Physics and Computational Physics; Overview of use of computer computation in Classical and
Quantum Physics: Introduction to computer algorithms and languages. Basic numerical methods: Interpolations and
approximations; Differentiation and integration; Zeroes and extremes of a single-variable function; Classical
scattering; Iterative procedures for special functions; Discretization; Numerical quadrature; Random number
generators. Numerical methods for matrices: Basic Matrix operations; Linear Equation systems; Zeroes and extremes
of a multivariable function; Eigenvalue problem; The Faddev-Leverrier method. The Lanczos algorithm and the
many-body problem; Random matrix. Ordinary differential equations: Initial-value problems; The Euler and Picard

methods; The Runge-Kutta method; Boundary-value and eigenvalue problems; Linear equations and Sturn-Liouville
problems; The one dimensional Schrödinger equation; Numerov’s algorithm for the radial Schrodinger equation.

Books Recommended:

1. Tao Pang,: An Introduction to Computational Physics.

2. Thijssen, I.M.: Computational Physics
3. Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik : An introduction to Computer Simulation Methods part 1 and 2,
4. Wolfram, S. : The Mathematica Book


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Molecular design of life: Biochemistry and genomic revolution, the chemical component of cell, from single cell to
multi cellular organism, DNA, RNA and flow of genetic information, Exploring genes, Method of replication,
Mechanism of protein synthesis, Energy currency of cell, Structure of Macromolecules: Atomic and molecular forces,
behavior of macromolecules, physical techniques for structure determination (X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, and
NMR). Properties of protein and forces: Protein folding, mechanical properties, Elastic properties of protein and
DNA, Electrical and magnetic properties of proteins, Rigidity of actin filaments and microtubules, Elastic, viscous,
electrostatic thermal and collision forces which act on the protein in cell. Mechanics of motor proteins: Introduction to
Kinesin, Myosin, Dynin, F1-ATPase, Force generation by the motors and cytoskeletal filaments, mechanics of the
cytoskeleton, method for the measurement of the velocity and force of motor molecules. Different kinds of
microscope: Bright field microscope, Fluorescence microscope, Electron microscope, Atomic Force microscope,
Confocal microscope etc.

Book Recommended:

1. Howard, J. : Mechanics of molecular motors

2. Michel Daune: Molecular Biophysics
3. Berg, J.M. : Biochemistry
4. Michael P. Sheetz : Laser Tweezers in Cell Biology
5..Mielczarek, E.V.: Biological Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Radiation Sources: Fast electron sources, Heavy charged particles sources, Sources of electromagnetic radiation, and
neutron sources; Statistics of Radiation Counting: Characteristics of data, Statistical models, Applications of statistical
models, Propagation of errors, Optimization of counting experiments, Limits of Detectability, Distribution of time
intervals, and Curve fitting; Characteristics and Utilization of Various Detectors: Simplified detector model, Modes of
detector operation, Pulse height spectra, Sensitivity, Energy resolution, Detection efficiency, Dead time; Radiation
dose measurements of ionization chambers, Variants of the proportional counter design, G-M survey meters;

Books Recommended: Will be given by the concerned teacher


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

General Properties of Nucleus: Nuclear density distribution; isospin; magnetic moments; g-factor. The Deuteron :
Ground state of deuteron; deuteron ground state wave function; magnetic and quadrupole moments of the deuteron;
Tensor forces and the deuteron problem; Two- body Problems at Low Energy: Scattering of a beam of particles by a
Centre of force; Partial wave analysis; Neutron-proton scattering at low energies; Scattering length; spin dependence
of n-p scattering; Effective range theory in the n-p scattering; Coherent and incoherent scattering; Salient features of
the n-p scattering at intermediate and high energies. Nuclear Force: Central and non-central forces; Exchange forces;
Nuclear stability conditions; Symmetry and charge effects; Charge independence of nuclear force; mirror nuclei and
Coulomb energy. Nuclear Reactions : Reaction cross-section; Breit-Wigner dispersion formula for l=0 state;
Compound nucleus reaction; Optical model; Direct reactions: Definition and classification; the methods of direct
reaction theory: Analysis of stripping and pick-up reactions; Nuclear Models: Salient aspects of different nuclear
models; Magic numbers and nuclear shell model; Single particle potential; Harmonic oscillator well; Spin-orbit
potential; Shell model predictions; Spin and magnetic moments; Nordheim’s rule; Total spin for various
configurations; Individual particle model; L-S coupling scheme; j-j coupling scheme; Collective model- Vibrational
and rotational states; Nuclear deformation; Nilsson potential. Theory of Gamma Transitions: Gamma-ray energies and
lifetime of excited states; Theory of gamma emission; Internal conversion.

Books Recommended:

1. Roy, R. R. and Nigam , B. P.: Nuclear Physics : Theory and Experiment

2. Preston and Bhaduri,: Stucture of the Nucleus
3. Segre, E.: Nuclei and Particles
4. Enge, M. A.: Introduction to Nuclear Physics
5. Cohen , B. L.: Concepts of Nuclear Physics
6. Blatt, J.M. and Weisskopf , V.F.: Theoretical Nuclear Physics
7. Elton, L.R.B.: Introductory Nuclear Physica

8. Waghmare,B.: Introductory Nuclear Physics
9. Pal, M.: Theory of Nuclear Structure
10. Hodgson P.E., Gadioli, E and Erba, E.G. : Introductory Nuclear Physics
11. MacCarthy, I.E.: Introduction to Nuclear Theory
12. Bohr, A. and Mottelson, B.R.: Nuclear Structure I and II
13. Macfarlane M.H. and Elliot J.P.: Collective Motion in Nuclei
14. Tobocman W.: Theory of Direct Nuclear Reactions
15. Satchler G.R.: Direct Nuclear Reactions
16. Sen Gupta H.M.: Nucleo Padartha Bidya


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Electrical properties in metals: electrical conductivity at high frequencies; dielectric response of an electron gas;
motion in magnetic fields; electron in a periodic potential; approximate solution near a zone boundary ; number of
orbital in a band; construction of Fermi surface. Dielectric Properties: Macroscopic electric field, Local field;
Dielectric constant; Electronic, ionic and orientation polarizabilities; Clausius- Mossotti relation; Measurement of
dielectric constant, general properties of ferroelectric materials; dipole theory of ferroelectricity; spontaneous
polarization; ferroelectric domain; piezoelectricity & pyroelectricty ; relaxation and dielectric losses;
electromechanical transducers. Magnetic properties of solids : Langevin’s dia- and paramagnetism; quantum theory of
paramagnetism; paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electron; ferri and ferromagnetism, anti-ferromagnetism,
ferrites; Curie-Weiss law; Heisenberg model; spin waves; magnetic relaxation and resonance phenomena.
Superconductivity : basic properties of superconductors, Type-1 and Type-2 superconductors; critical field; Meissner
effect, thermodynamics of superconductors; London equations; penetration depth; coherence length; superconductors;
modern theory. of superconductivity; high TC superconductors. Optical phenomena in solids: colour of crystal;
excitons; photoconductivity; phosphorescence; excitations and emission; electro-luminescence. Defects in solids :
Point defects; lattice vacancies; diffusion ; dislocations.

Books Recommended:

1. Kittel, C . : Introduction to Solid State Physics

2. Dekker, A.J. : Solid State Physics
3. McKelvey, J.P. : Solid State and Semiconductor Physics
4. Madelung, O.: Introduction to Solid State Physics
5. Wart, C. A. & Thomson, R.M. : Physics of Solids
6. Seitz, F.: The Theory of Solids
7. Blakemore, J. S.: The Modern theory of Solids
8. Sachs, M. : Solid State Theory.
9. Ali Omar,: Solid State Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Reactor fuel: fuel cycle; production of reactor fuels; sources of uranium; separation of uranium isotopes; processing of
irradiated fuel; radioactive waste disposal . Energy removal : thermal problems in reactor design; design of cooling
system; heat sources in reactor systems; reactor coolants. Control of nuclear reactor kinematics : general features of
reactor control; effect of temperature on reactivity; design of control system and reactor operation; fission product
poisoning; burnable poisons; Reactor safety and accidents.

Books Recommended: Same as in PHY 429


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Process Resulting from the Intensity-Dependent Refractive Index: Optical phase conjugation; Self-focussing of light;
Optical bistability; Two-beam coupling; Pulse propagation and optical solitons. The Electro-optic and Photo-refractive
Effects: Introduction to the electro-optic effect; Linear electrooptic effect; Introduction to the photo-refractive effect;
Photorefractive equations of Kukhtarev et al.; Two-beam coupling in Photorefractive materials; Four-wave mixing in
Photorefractive materials.

Books Recommended: Same as in PHY 431


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Counting statistics : binomial , Poisson and normal distribution; correlation and regression; least square method of
fitting; chi-square test and its applications. Health physics: radiation hazards; biological effects of radiation; Effects of
non-ionising radiations: its harmful effects; radiation units; relation between dose and source intensity; mpd;
calculation for dose rate from point and distributed source; radiation dose from beta and gamma emitters; dosimetry
health monitors; rules for operation of a radiation laboratory; protective materials; shielding calculations; waste
disposals; decontamination. Utilisation of x-rays and nuclear radiation: radiation therapy; diagnosis and treatment

using radioisotope; use of isotopes as tracers ; isotope dating; pacemakers; nuclear battery and uses in agriculture and

Books Recommended: Same as in PHY 433


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits [A sound basis on any of the Computer languages ForTran77/ForTran90/C ++ is the
prerequisite for the Course.]

Partial differential equations: Partial differential equations in Physics; Separation of variables; Discretization of the
equation; The matrix method for differential equations; Initial value problems; The Monte Carlo method:
Introduction; Monte Carlo integration; Monte Carlo for the Ising model; Monte Carlo simulation of a monatomic gas;
Renormalization with Monte Carlo simulation; Variational quantum Monte Carlo simulations; Green’s function
Monte Carlo simulations; Path-integral Monte Carlo simulations; Quantum lattice model. Symbolic computing:
Symbolic computing systems; Basic symbolic mathematics; computer calculus; linear system; non-linear system;
differential equations; computer graphics. High-performance computing: The basic concepts; High-performance
computer systems; Parallelism and parallel computing; Data parallel computing; Distributed computing and message

Books recommended:

1. Tao Pang: An Introduction to Computational Physics.

2. Thijssen, I.M.: Computational Physics
3. Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik : An introduction to Computer Simulation Methods part 1 and 2,
4. Wolfram, S. : The Mathematica Book
5. Cook, D.M. and others,: A Comparison of Several Symbol Manipulating Programs, Part I and Part II


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Protein structure and function: Primary, secondary and tertiary structures of amino acids, Protein function, protein
synthesis. Forces: Mechanical forces, Thermal forces and diffusion, Chemical forces, Optical tweezers: Basic laser
tweezers, Optical tweezers set up, calibration of trap by measuring trap stiffness, Forces of the gradient trap on
spheres, arbitrary trap location. Physics of muscle proteins: Myosin super family, Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle,
ATP hydrolysis, active potential, actomyosin interaction, Processive and non-processive movement of protein
molecule and duty ratio. Motility Models: From crossbridges to motion. Single molecule biophysics: Observation of
the mechanism of a single molecule under an optical e microscope, Motility of single molecules, unconstrained
movement of single motor molecules, force, velocity, and step size measurement, single-molecule fluorescence. Basic
enzyme behavior: Michelis Manten mechanism, and MWC model. Introduction to Membrane biophysics, physics of
nervous system and electrophysiology.

Book Recommended:

1 Howard J. : Mechanics of molecular motors

2. Michel Daune: Molecular Biophysics
3. Berg J.M. : Biochemistry
4. Michael P. Sheetz : Laser Tweezers in Cell Biology
5. Mielczarek E.V.: Biological physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Radiation Spectroscopy with Scintillation Detectors: General characteristics in Gamma-ray spectroscopy, Properties
of scintillation Gamma-ray spectrometers; Semiconductor Detectors: Basic semiconductor properties, Detector
characteristics of semiconductors, Semiconductors as radiation detectors, Semiconductor detector configurations,
Operational characteristics, Applications of Silicon Detectors; Detection and Spectroscopy of Fast Neutrons: Counters
based on neutron moderation, Detectors based on fast neutron-induced reactions, Detectors that utilize fast neutron

Books Recommended: Will be given by the concerned teacher.


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Newton’s law and the Kepler Problem; The gravitational two-body problem; reduction of two-body problem into one-
body problem; Kepler problem in time; Kepler’s equation. Perturbation Theory: General statement of perturbation
theory; the Lindstedt-Poincare perturbation theory and its application to the theory of orbits; Canonical perturbation
theory and its use in the Doffing oscillator; Floquet theory and its use in the Sitnikov problem. The Restricted Three-
Body Problem: The problem; Jacobian integral, Lagrange points, Motion of Trojan asteroids. Order and Chaos:
Definition of order and chaos; Determination of presence of chaos in orbital motion, Liapunov exponents;
deterministic chaos.

Books Recommended:

1. Hand and Finch: Analytical Mechanics

2. Jose and Saletan: Classical Dynamics

3. Boccaletti and Pocacco: Theory of Orbits
4. Szebehely: Theory of Orbits
6. Landau L.D., and Lifshitz E.M.: Classical Theory of Fields


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Relativity: Special & General: Lorentz transformations; Special relativistic kinematics; the general theory of relativity;
the Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics. Geodetic Motion: Geodetic equation of motion and its solution in Schwarzschild
field; the Carter’s equations and dynamics of test particle orbits around rotating stars. Post-Newtonian Celestial
Mechanics: Bending of star light, perihelion shift of Mercury; photon orbit. Special Topics: Post-Newtonian two-body
problem; the effective one-body problem in relativity; gravitomagnetic clock effect; gravito-electromagnetism.

Books Recommended: Same as in PHY 461

PHY 465 MICROELECTRONICS: Physics and Processing

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Semiconductor theory: Band model and Fermi energy of insulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, law of mass
action, donor and acceptor levels of extrinsic semiconductor. Introduction to semiconductors: Elemental and binary
semiconductors, bonding in Si and GaAs crystals, diamond and zincblende structures as two interpenetrating FCC
crystals, alloy semiconductors (ternary and quaternary), bandgap engineering, Vegard’s law, substrate and epitaxial
layer, semiconductor heterostructure and heterojunction, lattice-matched heterostructures, pseudomorphic
heterostructures. Semiconductor crystal growth and doping: Bulk crystal growth of elemental (Si) and compound
(GaAs) semiconductors: Bridgman method, Czochralski method, Floating zone method; wafer preparation, epitaxial
material growth: liquid phase epitaxy (LPE), vapour phase epitaxy (VPE) or chemical vapour deposition (CVD) by
organometallic CVD (OMCVD), molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), mechanism of carrier generation by doping in
elemental and compound semiconductors, 1 impurity atom per 10 6 semiconductor atom raises conductivity (at room
temperature) of Si and GaAs crystals by 6 and 10 orders of magnitude respectively, modulation doping and 2DEG,
delta doping, doping by diffusion: limited source diffusion and error function diffusion, doping by ion implantation,
annealing. Theory of junctions: Physics of p-n junction, p-n junction: band model and rectification, metal-
semiconductor junction: band model and rectifying action, band model and ohmic contact, semiconductor
heterojunctions: band model. Lithography and microprocessing: Resist: sensitivity, contrast and resolution, optical
lithography, photoresist materials and processes, electron beam lithography, x-ray lithography, etching: wet versus dry
etching, plasma etching, reactive ion etching, undercutting, overcutting, vertical etching, etching of Si, SiO 2 and
GaAs, ion beam milling, thermal oxidation, physical vapour deposition (PVD) of metal: evaporation and sputtering,
rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of metal contact. Structure, fabrication and physics of microdevices: Fabrication of p-n
junction, fabrication of Si based npn bipolar junction transistor (BJT), band model and transistor action of BJT,
MOSFET: device structure and fabrication of NMOS, high electron mobility transistor (HEMT): device structure of

Books recommended:

1. Syed Shafayeat Hossain: “Lecture Notes on Microelectronics: Physics and Processing”,

submitted in 2003 as an M.Sc. project to Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,
Sylhet, Bangladesh.
2. Hong H. Lee: Fundamentals of Microelectronic Processing
3. Pallab Bhattacharya: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices
4. T. F. Bogart: Electronic Devices and Circuits
5. R. L. Singhal: Solid State Physics
6. M. L. Riaziat: Introduction to High Speed Electronics and Optoelectronics
7. J. D. Giacomo: VLSI Handbook
8. S. M. Sze: VLSI Technology
9. David Elliot: Microlithography


9 Hours/week, 4.5 Credits

1. Low voltage regulated power supply -- Zener diode regulation and simple transistor, variable output
stability with load variations.
2. FET and MOSFET characteristics.
3. Experiments on operational amplifier.
4. Transistor amplifiers : (a) emitter follower (b) RC coupled amplifier and feedback effect.
5. Transistor oscillator-phase-shift and Weinbridge.
6. Transistor pulse generator and pulse shaper :
(a) A stable multi vibrator (b) Schmidt trigger (c) mono stable multi vibrator.
7. computer electronics :
(a) OR, AND, NAND, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR operations (hardware connections) and universal gate
(b) FF operation, RS, JK, D, Master-Slave.
(c) FF as counter operation, Asynchronous counter, Ripple and self-stopping counter.
(d) Register operation : parallel and series.
(e) Half adder and full adder circuits.

Nuclear & Particle Physics:
8. Determination of the plateau and operating voltage of a Gieger-Muller counter.
9. Determination of the resolving time of a GM counter by the double-source method.
10. Determination of the efficiency of a GM tube for beta counting.
11. Verification of Inverse square law for gamma rays and comparison of source intensities.
12. Study of the absorption of gamma rays by matter; determination of absorption coefficient.
13. Determination of the maximum energy of beta particles emitted from a source and to estimate the
thickness of an unknown foil.

14. Study of the back scattering of beta particles and to determine the effect of atomic number of the back
scattering materials on back scattering.
15. Investigation of the statistics of radioactive measurements.
16. Determination of the half-life of a radioisotope using a mCi Ra -Be neutron source.
17. Thermal neutron flux determination using Indium foil activation method.
Solid State Physics:
18. Measurement of magnetic susceptibility of aluminium and plastic rods.
19. Measurement of dielectric constant of a liquid by standing wave.
20. Calibration of a cathode ray tube for both AC and DC sources.
21. Measurement of Hall constant and Hall angle.
22. Determination of energy gap parameter of a solid sample.
23. Study of (i) conductivity, (ii) electron drift velocity, (iii) mobility and (iv) temperature coefficient of
resistivity of some solid samples.
24. Measurement of drift mobility of charge carrier in a semiconductor.

Books recommended:

1. Millman & Taub Pulse and Digital Circuits.


9 Hours/week 4.5 Credits

Remaining experiments of PHY 422 or thesis on any of the above fields in Semester VII and Semester VIII



3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Vectors: Scalars and vectors, algebraic operations on vectors, null and unit vectors, components of vectors, scalar and
vector products of two vectors, angle between two vectors, product of three and four vectors  their applications.
Spherical polar and cylindrical coordinate systems  unit vectors and vector components in spherical and cylindrical
systems. Vector calculus: Derivative of vectors with respect to scalars, vector operator DEL, gradient, divergence and
curl  their physical significance. Outlines of line, volume and surface integrations. Green’s theorem, Divergence
theorem, Stokes theorem and their applications. Tensors: Definitions of tensors, fundamental metric tensor, covariant
and contravariant tensors, Christofel’s symbols, covariant differentiation of tensors.

Books recommended:

1. Spiegel, M.R. : Vector analysis and Introduction to Tensor analysis

2. Jaffreys, H and Jaffreys, B. : Methods of Mathematical Analysis
3. Spain, B : Tensor Calculus


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Trigonometry: Complex numbers and functions, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications, summation of finite
trigonometric series, hyperbolic functions. Matrices: Types of matrices, null and unit matrices, algebraic operations
in matrices, Determinants of square matrices, Matrix equivalence, adjoint and inverse of a matrix, orthogonal and
unitary of matrices, Linear equations, vector spaces, Linear transformations, similar matrices, Characteristic roots and
vectors, diagonalization of matrices. Complex Variables: Complex numbers and their properties, functions of a
complex variable, limit, continuity, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Cauchy’s theorems, simple
contour integrations.

Books recommended:

1. Sarder and others: Higher Trigonometry

2. Ayers, F.: Matrices
3. Hamilton, A.G.: Linear Algebra
4. Rahman, A.: College Linear Algebra
5. Khanna, M.L.: Linear Algebra
6. Sokolnikoff, I.S. and Redheffer, R.M.: Mathematics for Physics and Modern Engineering

7. Kodaira, K.K.: Introduction to Complex Analysis
8. Jaffreys, H. and Jaffreys, B.: Methods of Mathematical Physics


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Differential Calculus: Function of a real variable and their graphs, Limit, Continuity and Derivatives, Physical
meaning of derivative of a function, successive derivatives, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value and
Taylor’s theorem (statement only), Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series and expansion of a function, Maximum and
Minimum values of functions, Functions of two and three variables, Partial and Total derivatives. Integral Calculus:
Physical meaning of integration, Integration of as an inverse process of differentiation, Definite integral as the limit of
a sum and as an area, Definition of Riemann integral, Fundamental theorem of theorem of Integral Calculus and its
application to Definite Integrals, Reduction formula, Improper Integrals, Double Integration, Evaluation of areas and
volumes by integration. Differential Equations: Definition and solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, First
order ordinary differential equations, Second order ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients,
Initial value problems.

Books Recommended:

1. Thomas and Finley: Calculus and Analytic Geometry

2. Sxokowski, E.W.: Calculus with Analytic Geometry
3. Mohammed and Bhattacharjee: Differential Calculus
4. Mohammed and Bhattacharjee: Integral Calculus
5. Das and Mukherjee: Differential Calculus
6. Das and Mukherjee: Integral Calculus
7. Ayers, F. : Differential Calculus


2 Hours/Week. 2 Credits

Developing Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking Skills: Problems with Main Verbs and Tense (25 Marks);
Modals and Modal-related patterns, Causatives, Conditionals, Subjunctives, Infinitives, Have + Participle, Auxiliary
Verbs; Parts of Speech: Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Nouns and Adjectives, Nouns functioning as Adjectives and
other Parts of Speech; Determiners, Comparatives, Prepositions and Prepositional Idioms; Point of View of
Syntactical Pattern; Agreement of Verbs, Introductory Verbal Modifiers; Sentences and Clauses; Word Choice:
Vocabulary- Antonyms and Synonyms; Homonym, Homograph and Homophone; Wh. Questions; Punctuations: Full
Stop, Comma, Colon, Semi Colon, Apostrophe, Capital Letters, Hyphen, Question Marks, Exclamatory Marks,
Report Writing: Titles; Different parts of a report, Proofreading. Comprehension and Paragraph Writing: One
Reading Comprehension of 15 Marks (6 Questions carrying 2.5 marks each); One Paragraph with 10 Marks.

Books recommended:

1. Barron’s TOEFL
2. Standard Grammar book of Instructor’s choice


2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Five students to be brought on the dais at a time. Other students of the class will be interrogating and likewise every
student should be brought to the dais in turn and questions should be asked from the fields of literature, science,
current politics, international affairs, games and sports, etc. The instructor will act as a conductor.


4 Hours/week, 4 Credits

Atoms, molecules and ions: Atomic Theory, components of atoms; Electronic Structure: The quantum theory, The
atomic spectrum of hydrogen and the Bohr model, Quantum numbers, Energy levels and orbitals, Electronic
configuration, Chemical bonding and molecular structure; The Periodic Table: Development of the periodic table,
Electron arrangements and the periodic table, Summarized chemical properties of s-block, p-block, d-block and f-
block elements; Chemical Formulas and Equations: Types of formulas, Percent composition from formula,
Formulas from experiment, Formulas of ionic compounds, Names of compounds, Writing and balancing chemical
equations, Mass relations in chemical reactions, Limiting reagent and theoretical yield, Concept of mole, Solution,
Different concentration units; Acids and Bases: Theories and modern definition of acids and bases, Dissociation
constant, strength, pH, Buffer solution etc.; Gaseous State: Measurement on gases, Ideal gas law, Volumes of gases
involved in reactions, Gas mixtures, Partial pressure, Kinetic theory of gases, Real gases; Introduction to Chemical
Kinetics: Rate laws, Rate constant, Equilibrium constant, Order of reaction etc.; Introductory Electrochemistry,
Surface Chemistry and Colloids. Organic Chemistry: Introduction, Classification of Organic Compounds,
Nomenclature, Synthesis, Physical and Chemical properties and application of (i) Aliphatic and aromatic
hydrocarbons, (ii) Alcohols and amines, (iii) Carbonyl compounds, (iv) Carboxylic acids and their derivatives, (v)
Carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides) etc.; Modern Perspective of Chemistry: (a) Fuels e.g. Hydrocarbon,
Hydrogen (b) Fertilizer (c) Medicine ( Electronic Industries e.g. LCD, Pure Silicon for IC, Semiconductor, Insulator,
Etching materials etc.

Books Recommended:

1. Haider, S.Z.: Introduction to Modern Inorganic Chemistry

2. Haque and Nawab: Physical Chemistry
3. Morrison, R.T. and Boyd, R.N.: Organic Chemistry (6th Edition)
4. Chang, R.: General Chemistry


3 Hours/Week, 1.5 Credits

Inorganic qualitative analysis

Books Recommended:

1. Vogel, : Qualitative Inorganic Analysis


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Frequency Distribution of Data: Population and sample, Collection and presentation of statistical data, Tabulation
of data, Class intervals. Frequency Distribution – Discrete, Continuous and Cumulative Distribution. Histograms
and frequency polygons, Graphical presentation of data. Statistical Measures: Measures of central tendency,
Arithmetic mean, Median, Mode, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Weighted average. Measures of dispersion,
Range, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of variation, Moments, Skewness, Kurtosis. Correlation Theory:
Linear correlation, Measures of correlation and its significance. Regression and Curve Fitting: Linear and nonlinear
regression, Method of least squares, Curve fitting. Probability: Definition of probability and related concept, Laws of
probability, discrete and continuous random variable, Mathematical expectations, Conditional probability.
Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution and their properties.

Books Recommended:
1. Barlow, R.J.: Statistics
2. Chisholm, J.S.R. and Morris, R.M.: Mathematical Methods in Physics
3. Hoel, P.G.: Elementary Statistics
4. Loveday: Practical Statistics and Probability
5. Melnyk, M. : Principles of Applied Statistics
6. Mostofa,M.G. : Methods in Statistics
7. Mosteller, Rourke and Thomas: Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Edison, Addison-Wesley, USA
8. Spiegel, M.R. : Theory and Problems of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY, USA
9. Topping: Observation of Errors


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Software: Basic concept and its classification; Overview of programming languages: C – Language: Preliminaries,
Program constructs variables and data types in C. Input and Output: Character and Formatted I/O; Arithmetic
Expressions and Assignment statements; Loops and Nested loops; Decision making; Arrays; Functions; Arguments
and local variables, Calling Functions and arrays. Recursion and Recursive functions; Structures within structure.
Files; File functions for sequential and Random I/O. Pointers: Pointers and structures; Pointer and functions; Pointer
and arrays. Operation and Pointer: Pointer and memory addresses; Operation on Bits; Bit operation; Bit field;
Advanced features; Standard and library.

Books Recommended:

1. Books will be suggested by the Instructor


6 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Computer Basics: Students will learn the basic concepts of Windows operating system, Word Processor software,
Spread Sheet software and Presentation software. C-Language: Laboratory works based on the theory classes.

Books Recommended:

1. Books will be suggested by the Instructor


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