B. Sc. Engg. Session: 2008-2009: Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, SUST
B. Sc. Engg. Session: 2008-2009: Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, SUST
B. Sc. Engg. Session: 2008-2009: Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, SUST
Fourth Year Semester I
Course No. 429/431 will be offered in lieu of Course No. 427& 428
* & ** degree will not be awarded without completion of these courses
Theory courses are mandatory for attending corresponded laboratory/sessional courses.
Detailed Syllabus
1. R. Felder, R. Rousseau Elementary Principle of Chemical Processes
2. Himmelblau, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engg.
3. Badger and Banchero, Introduction to chemical engineering
4. R.W. Field Chemical Engineering :Introductory Aspects
2 hours/week, 2 credits
Properties of Gases and The Kinetic Molecular Theory: The kinetic theory of gases, Boyle's Law , Graham's
Law of Diffusion, The distribution of molecular velocities, Vander Waals' Equation. Intermolecular Forces,
Condensed Phases, and The Change of phases: vander Wals Forces, The Hydrogen Bond, The intermolecular
potential energy function, ,Vaporization, fusion and sublimation. Gas-Liquid Equilibrium, Equilibrium vapor
pressure. Nature of the equilibrium state. Normal boiling point. Vapor phase of solids, one-component phase
diagram. Critical temperature and pressure. Energy, Enthalpy and Thermochemistry: State functions. Heat
and Work. Work of expansion, Mechanical equivalent of heat.Energy and Enthalpy - at constant volume and
pressure, relationship between ΔH and ΔE. Bond Enthalpies. Heat capacity. Chemical Equilibrium: The ideal
Law, Equilibrium constant, Magnitude of equilibrium constant and the direction of reaction, factors affecting
equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier's Principle. Numerical values of equilibrium constant. Catalysis:
Characteristics of catalysed reaction, types of catalysis, theory of catalysis, catalyst inhibitor, retardation and
poisioning and enzyme catalysed reaction.
1. Segal B G Chemistry: Experiment and Theory
2. Barrow G M Physical Chemistry
3. Atkins Physical Chemistry
4. Alberty Physical Chemistry
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Nuclear Chemistry: Introduction, Nuclear binding energy, Radioactivity and nuclear reactions, Ortho- and
para-hydrogen, The separation of stable & unstable isotopes, The application of isotopes. Quantum Theory
and Atomic Structure: Introduction, The older quantum theory, Bohr’s theory of the atomic spectrum of
hydrogen, The extension of Bohr’s theory to systems containing more than one electron, Wave mechanics, The
Schroodinger equation, Application of wave mechanics to simple problems, The hydrogen atom and other one-
electron species. Electronic Configuration and Some Physical Properties of Atoms: Introduction, The
periodic table, Hund’s rule and state symbols for free atoms and ions, Ionisation energies, Electron affinities,
Atomic dimensions, Reletive effects. Electronic Configuration of Molecules: Introduction, Molecular orbital
theory: homonuclear & heteronuclear diatomic molecules, Valence bond theory: diatomic molecules.
Alan G. Sharpe Inorganic Chemistry
1. R. Felder, R. Rousseau Elementary Principle of Chemical Processes
2. Himmelblau, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engg.
3. Badger and Banchero, Introduction to chemical engineering
4. R.W. Field "Chemical Engineering :Introductory Aspects", Macmillan, London (1988).
CEP-121 Oral
1 Credit
1. Bhal and Bhal Organic Chemistry.
2. R.T Morrison & R.N. Boyd Organic Chemistry
3. F.A Carey Advance Organic chemistry
4. T.W.G. Solomon Organic Chemistry
5. I. L. Finer, vol. I & II Organic Chemistry
6. Solomon and Solomon Organic Chemistry.
3 Hours/Week, 3 credits
Modes of heat transfer: Mechanism of thermal conduction in solids, liquids, and gases, other thermal
properties, steady state heat conduction in one and two dimensions, Heat transfer by convection, connective heat
transfer for laminar and turbulent fluid flow in circular pipes. Extended surface, free and forced convection.
Heat transfer with phase change: Boiling and condensation. Radiation : Black body radiation , exchange
between infinite and finite surface in different enclosure, radiation shields, radiation from gases, flames, Solar
radiation. Heat Exchangers: LMTD and NTU method for temperature calculation, Double pipe heat exchanger,
shell and tube heat exchangers
1. Holman. J. P. Heat Transfer.
2. Kern, Process Heat Transfer
3. Ozisik Heat Transfer.
4. Aurora S. C. Heat and Mass Transfer
1. G.N Pandey, A Text Book of Chemical Technology Vol. I and II
2. N. Austin Chemical Process Industries.
4. Anderson and Winzet, Introduction to Chemical Engineering
5. Riegl’s, Industrial Chemistry
6. B. K. Sharma, Industrial Chemistry
6 Hours/Week, 3.0 Credits.
Laboratory Classes based on Heat Transfer and Engineering Mechanics.
CEP 221 Oral
1 Credit
1.Geankoplise Transport Process & Unit Operation
2. Mc Cabe and Smith, Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering
3. Binoy K. Dutta Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
4. Coulson and Richardson Chemical Engineering
5. Robert E. Treybal Mass-Transfer Operations
1. J.M. Coulson, J.F. Rechardson and R.K. Sinnott, "Chemical Engineering Vol. 6 - Design", Pergamon, 1983.
4 Hours/Week, 2.0 Credits
Laboratory Classes Based On Fuel and Energy Theory Course.
Corrosion : general, electrochemical corrosion of metals , galvanic cells, corrosion rates (kinetics), types of
corrosion with properties and phenomenon, oxidation metals. Corrosion Testing: importance, classification
materials and specimens , surface preparation , measuring and weighing, exposure techniques, duration, planned
interval tests. Corrosion Prevention : Material selection, modification of metal, alternate of environment,
design , cathodic and anodic protection, coatings (metallic ,inorganic ,non metallic and organic). Corrosion in
Industries : Boiler plant, Double pipe heat exchangers, Shell and tub heat exchangers, Distillation Column
1. C. L. Mantell Electrochemical Engineering.
2. Pletcher and Walsh Industrial Electrochemistry.
3. Fontana. G. Corrosion Engineering
4. Uligue, Introduction to Corrosion Engineering and its prevention
5. Banergy S. N. Corrosion Engineering
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Laplace Transforms, transfer, functions for first order systems, physical examples of first order systems,
response of first order systems in series, higher order systems, transportation lag. closed loop systems,
controllers and final control/ elements, block diagrams, closed loop transfer functions, transient response of
simple control systems, concepts of stability, stability craters, Routh test for stability.
Frequency response methods, control systems design by frequency response, closed loop frequency by
frequency response methods, Nyquist stability criterion. Controller mechanism, measuring instruments,
transducers and transmitters. Control of complex processes, experimental dynamics of complex processes.
theoretical analysis of complex processes.
1. Hougen and Watson Chemical Process Principles I & II
2. Levenspiel Chemical reaction engineering.
3. George Stephanopolos Chemical process control
4. Donald R.Coughanowr Process System Analysis and Control
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction to process design: Scope, flow sheet, materials and energy balance. Piping and
instrumentation: P&I diagram, valve selection, pumping of liquids, pipe size selection. Control and
instrumentation: instrumentation and control objectives, typical control systems. Separation System design:
Distillation column sequencing for liquid mixtures Heat Exchanger Network design: Pinch Technology.
Materials of construction: properties and selection of materials. Equipments selection and Specification
and Design: Heat exchager, seperation process. Process safety and pressure reliving devices: Fire ,
explosion, toxic release,types of pressure reliving devices and calculation.
1. Peters and Timerhaus Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers.
2. Douglas Conceptual Design of Chemical Process
3. Ludwig E. Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical
4 Coulson & Richardson Chemical Engineering. Vol-6
5. Chopey N.P. Handbook of Chemical Engg. Calculation
1. Peters and Timerhaus Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers.
2. Aurora Industrial and Production management.
4Hours/Week, 2.0Credits
Laboratory classes based on Chemical Reaction Engineering Courses
6 Hours/Week, 3.0 Credits
Students should design a chemical plant (Includes all type of equipments ) independently based on the course
no. CEP 414.
2.0 Credits
Industrial visits and training.
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Viscosity and the Mechanism of Momentum Transport: Newton’s Law of Viscosity, Non-Newtonian Fluids,
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Viscosity, Theory of Viscosity of Gases at low Density, Theory of
Viscosity of liquids. Velocity Distributions in laminar flow: Shell Momentum Balances: Boundary Condition,
Flow of a Falling Fill, Flow through a Circular Tube, Flow through an Annulus ,Adjacent Flow of Two
Immiscible Flow , Creeping Flow Around a Solid Sphere, The Equations of Change for Isothermal Systems:
The Equation of Continuity, The Equation of Motion, The Equation of Mechanical Energy, The Equation of
Change in Curvilinear Coordinates, Use of the equations of change to set Up Steady flow Problems, The
equations of change for Incompressible Non-Newtonian Flow, Dimensional Analysis of the Equations of
1. Bird. R .B. Transport Phenomena, Wiley Inter Science Singapore
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Environmental Chemistry: Stoichiometry, Enthalpy in Chemical Systems, Chemical Equilibria. Mathematics
of Growth: Exponential growth, Resource consumption, Population growth, Human population growth. Air
pollution: Definition, sources of air pollution, major air pollutants and their effects, impacts of air pollution,
depletion of the ozone layer and its implications, ozone depleting substances (ODS) and their substitutes,
Recovery and reuses of ODS, Destruction technologies for ODS, the Montreal Protocol and its amendments,
ozone layer depletion threat to ecosystem, green house effect. Water pollution: water resources. the hydrologic
cycle, water pollutants, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Water quality management in Lakes and Reservoirs.
Water Treatment: Introduction, Coagulation, Softening, Reactors, Mixing and Flocculation, Sedimentation,
Filtration, Disinfection, Adsorption. Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater Microbiology, Characteristics of
wastewater, On-site Disposal Systems, Unit operations of pretreatment, Primary treatment, Unit processes of
secondary treatment, Disinfection, Advanced wastewater treatment, Land treatment, Sludge treatment, Sludge
disposal. Wastewater Treatment by Membrane Technology. Solid Waste Management: Perspective,
collection, interroute transfer, disposal by sanitary landfill, waste to energy, resource conservation and recovery.
Environmental problems in Bangladesh
1. Gilbert M. Masters Introduction to Environmental Engg. & Science
2. Gerard Kiely Environmental Engineering
3. Davis & Cornwell Introduction to Environmental Engineering
4. Peavy, Rowe & Tchobanoglous Environmental Engineering
5. W. Strauss, Air pollution.
6. A.S.Stoker, Air and Water pollution
7. Bailey and Clark, Chemistry of the Environment.
8. J.N. Duffus, Environmental Toxicology.
Katz D. L. et al. Natural Gas Engineering (production & storage), McGraw-Hill, Singapore
3.0 credits
CEP 431**Project
3.0 Credits
1.0 Credit
(Courses would be offered as per availability of respective teachers)
References :
1. R.B. Bird, C.F. Curtiss, R.C. Armstrong and O. Hassager, Dynamics of polymeric liquids, Volume 2: Kinetic theory, 2nd
Ed., John Wiley
Peters, R.H. Textile Chemistry
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Introduction to Biochemical Engineering: Concepts of catalysts, nature of micro-organisms, their
requirements and classification, industrially important, micro-organisms. Principles of biochemical reaction
kinetics; Mass and energy balance in biological system, Transport phenomena, Enzymes and Enzymatic reaction
kinetics; Free and immobilized enzyme cell systems; Microbial growth and product formation kinetics,
classification of bioreactors, upstream processing - media and air sterilization, Downstream bioprocessing;
Physical separation processes, Chromatography, membrane processes. Biological Industries and their
Engineering Problems : stoichiometry of reactions and heat evolution. Oxygen in the cell and medium
formation. Down-Stream processing. separation of cells and recovery of useful end products.
1. H.W. Blanch and D.S. Clark Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1996.
2. J.M.Smith Chemical Engineering. Kinetics
3. J.E. Bailey & D.F. Ollis Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
4. S.N. Mukhopadhyay Process Biotechnology Fundamentals
5. Octave Levenspiel Chemical Reaction Engineering
1. J. Twidell and T. Weir Renewable energy sources, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
2. S.P. Sukhatme Solar energy, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
3. T. Ohta Solar - hydrogen energy system, Pergamon Press, 1979.
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Catalysis in Solutions: Introduction, acid-base, catalysis in the gas phase, catalysis in dilute aqueous solution
general and specific acid and base catalysis, catalysis in concentrated strong acid solutions, catalysis by bases,
stepwise and concerted reactions, catalysis by metal ions, hydrocarbon conversion. Catalysis by Polymers: the
nature of polymers, attachment of catalytic groups to polymer supports, catalysis in polymer gels, adsorption
and the kinetics of polymer-catalyzed reactions, interactions of catalytic groups, the role of the support,
bifunctional and multifunctional catalysis. Catalysis on Surfaces: Introduction, adsorption, adsorption
isotherms, structure of adsorbed species on single crystal metal surfaces, adsorption on complex surfaces,
functionalied surfaces, olefin polymerization catalysis on titanium trichloride surfaces, catalysis on metal
surfaces, catalysis on metal oxide surfaces, catalysis by supported metals, catalysis by metal sulphides