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B. Sc. Engg. Session: 2008-2009: Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, SUST

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Department of Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, SUST

B. Sc. Engg. Session:  2008-2009

First Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.
CEP-111* Elements of Chemical Engineering - I 2+0 2.0
CEP-112 Physical Chemistry - I 2+0 2.0
CEP-113 Inorganic Chemistry 2+0 2.0
CEP-115 Chemistry Sessional-I 0+6 3.0
PHY-101C Mechanics, Properties of Matter & Waves 3+0 3.0
MAT-102E Mathematics (Geometry, Matrix & Vector Calculus) 3+0 3.0
IPE-102* Mechanical Engg.  Drawing Sessional 0+3 1.5
ENG-101 English Language -I 2+0 2.0
ENG-102 English Language Sessional 0+2 1.0
  Total 14 + 11 = 25 19.5
First Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours / Week Credits

Theory + Lab.
CEP-116 Physical Chemistry - II 2+0 2.0
CEP-117 Analytical Chemistry 2+0 2.0
CEP-119* Elements of Chemical Engineering - II 2+0 2.0
CEP-120 Chemistry Sessional-II 0+6 3.0
MAT-103E Mathematics (Diff. & Integral Calculus) 3+0 3.0
PHY-109 Heat, Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics 3+0 3.0
STA-105 General Statistics 3+0 3.0
ENG-103 English Language 2+0 2.0
ENG-104 English Language Sessional 0+2 1.0
CEP-121 Oral 1.0
CEP-122 Mass & Energy Balance Sessional 0+4 2.0
  Total 19 +12=31 24.0

Second Year Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.
CEP-211* Fluid Mechanics 3+0 3.0
CEP-212* Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3+0 3.0
CEP-213* Polymer Chemistry 3+0 3.0
CEP-214 Fluid Mechanics Sessional 0+6 3.0
CEP-215 Organic Chemistry 2+0 2.0
CSE-103A* Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2+0 2.0
CSE-104 A Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Sessional 0+2 1.0
IPE-205* Engineering Mechanics 3+0 3.0
IPE-204 Workshop Practice Sessional 0+2 1.0
MAT-202E Mathematics (Differential Equations & Mathematical 3+0 3.0
  Total 19+ 10 = 29 24.0
Second Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.
CEP-216* Heat Transfer 3+0 3.0
CEP-218* Polymer Properties 2+0 2.0
CEP-219 Chemical Process Technology -I 2+0 2.0
CEP-220 Heat Transfer Sessional 0+6 3.0
IPE-207 Mechanics of Solids 3+0 3.0
CSE -203A Introduction to Computer Language 2+0 2.0
CSE-204A Introduction to Computer Language Sessional 0+6 3.0
MAT-206E Mathematics (Numerical Analysis) 3+0 3.0
CEP-221 Oral 1.0
  Total 15+ 12 = 27 22.0

Third Year Semester I

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits

No. Theory + Lab.
CEP-311* Mass Transfer- I 3+0 3.0
CEP-312 Chemical Process Technology - II 2+0 2.0
CEP-313* Polymer Processing Technology 3+0 3.0
CEP-314 Analytical Instrumentation 3+0 3.0
CEP-315 Fuel and Energy 2+0 2.0
CEP-316 Chemical Process Principles Sessional 0+4 2.0
CEP-317 Polymer Chemistry Sessional 0+6 3.0
  Total 13+ 10= 23 18.0

Third Year Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits

Theory + Lab.
CEP-318* Chemical Reaction Engineering 3+0 3.0
CEP-319 Science and Engineering of Materials 2+0 2.0
CEP-321 Electrochemical Engineering 2+0 2.0
CEP-322* Mass Transfer – II 2+0 2.0
CEP-323 Process Equipment Design Sessional 0+4 2.0
CEP-325 Fuel and Energy Sessional 0+4 2.0
CEP-326 Polymer Characterization Sessional 0+4 2.0
CEP-327 Mass Transfer Sessional 0+6 3.0
CEP-328 Field Work 2.0
CEP-329 Oral 1.0
  Total 9 + 18 = 27 21.0

Fourth Year Semester I

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits

No. Theory + Lab

CEP-411 Corrosion Engineering 2+0 2.0

CEP-412* Process Control 3+0 3.0
CEP-414* Process Design 3+0 3.0
CEP-415 Industrial Economics and Management 3+0 3.0
CEP-417 Chemical Reaction Engineering Sessional 0+4 2.0
CEP-418 Plant Design Sessional 0+6 3.0
CEP-419 In-plant Training / Field Work 2.0
  Total 11 + 10 = 21 18.0

 Fourth Year Semester II

Course Course Title Hours/Week Credits

No. Theory + Lab.
CEP-420 Transport Phenomena 2+0 2.0
CEP-421 Environmental Engineering 3+0 3.0
CEP-422 Natural Gas and Petroleum Engineering. 2+0 2.0
ELECTIVE I 2+0 2.0
CEP-429** Thesis 0+6 3.0
CEP-430 Oral 1.0
CEP-431** Project 0+6 3.0
  Total       11 + 6 = 17 15.0

Course No. 429/431 will be offered in lieu of Course No. 427& 428
* & ** degree will not be awarded without completion of these courses
Theory courses are mandatory for attending corresponded laboratory/sessional courses.
Detailed Syllabus


2 Hours / week, 2 Credits
Pulp and Paper Industries: Raw materials, mfg. of different types of pulp paper boards, black lacquer
recovery, deinking of waste paper, pulp and paper industries in Bangladesh. Soap and Detergent Industries:
Raw materials, mfg. of different types of soap, recovery of the glycerin, classification of the detergents,
industrial processing for the alkyl  aryl sulphonates (AAS), environmental pollution by detergents.
Biodegradability of detergents. Introduction of  chemical fertilizer: Nitrogenous fertilizer : Raw materials of
ammonia production of synthesis gas in ammonia plants, technology of urea manufacturing; Process used in
Urea industries of Bangladesh . Cement industries: Composition, properties and uses different types of
cements, manufacture of cement by different methods, setting and hardening of cement, testing of cement.
Lubricants: Various types of lubricants, Production of lubricants, Properties of Various types of lubricants.
1.  G.N  Pandey                     A Text Book of Chemical Technology Vol. I and II
2.  N. Austin                          Chemical Process Industries.
3. Anderson and Winzet         Introduction to Chemical Engineering
4. Riegl’s                              Industrial Chemistry
5. B. K. Sharma                   Industrial Chemistry
6. S.S. Dara                        A text book of Engineering Chemistry.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Principles of chemical engineering calculation: Units, dimensions, conversion and system of units, force and
weight, process data representation and analysis, the chemical equation and stoichiometry. Process variables:
Classification, flow rate, mass, volume, composition, pressure, temperature. Material balance: Material
Balances for Steady State Processes - Properties of gases, liquids and       solids equations of state, phase
equilibria for ideal mixtures, Reactions and      stoichiometry, Non-Reacting single phase systems - Single and
multiple units without recycle, Systems with recycle, bypass and purge, Non-Reacting multi-phase systems -
Processes involving vaporization and condensation, Reacting systems.

1.  R. Felder, R. Rousseau Elementary Principle of Chemical Processes
2.  Himmelblau, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engg.
3. Badger and Banchero, Introduction to chemical engineering
4. R.W. Field Chemical Engineering :Introductory Aspects
2 hours/week, 2 credits
Properties of Gases and The Kinetic Molecular Theory: The kinetic theory of gases, Boyle's Law , Graham's
Law of Diffusion, The distribution of molecular velocities, Vander Waals' Equation. Intermolecular Forces,
Condensed Phases, and The Change of phases: vander Wals Forces, The Hydrogen Bond, The intermolecular
potential energy function, ,Vaporization, fusion and sublimation. Gas-Liquid Equilibrium, Equilibrium vapor
pressure. Nature of the equilibrium state. Normal boiling point. Vapor phase of solids, one-component phase
diagram. Critical temperature and pressure. Energy, Enthalpy and Thermochemistry: State functions. Heat
and Work. Work of expansion, Mechanical equivalent of heat.Energy and Enthalpy - at constant volume and
pressure, relationship between ΔH and ΔE. Bond Enthalpies. Heat capacity. Chemical Equilibrium: The ideal
Law, Equilibrium constant, Magnitude of equilibrium constant and the direction of reaction, factors affecting
equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier's Principle. Numerical values of equilibrium constant. Catalysis:
Characteristics of catalysed reaction, types of catalysis, theory of catalysis, catalyst inhibitor, retardation and
poisioning and enzyme catalysed reaction.

1. Segal B G Chemistry: Experiment and Theory
2. Barrow G M Physical Chemistry
3. Atkins Physical Chemistry
4. Alberty Physical Chemistry
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Nuclear Chemistry: Introduction, Nuclear binding energy, Radioactivity and nuclear reactions, Ortho- and
para-hydrogen, The separation of stable & unstable isotopes, The application of isotopes. Quantum Theory
and Atomic Structure: Introduction, The older quantum theory, Bohr’s theory of the atomic spectrum of
hydrogen, The extension of Bohr’s theory to systems containing more than one electron, Wave mechanics, The
Schroodinger equation, Application of wave mechanics to simple problems, The hydrogen atom and other one-
electron species. Electronic Configuration and Some Physical Properties of Atoms: Introduction, The
periodic table, Hund’s rule and state symbols for free atoms and ions, Ionisation energies, Electron affinities,
Atomic dimensions, Reletive effects. Electronic Configuration of Molecules: Introduction, Molecular orbital
theory: homonuclear & heteronuclear diatomic molecules, Valence bond theory: diatomic molecules.

Alan G. Sharpe Inorganic Chemistry


6 Hours/week, 3.0 Credits
Laboratory Classes based on qualitative analysis (introduction to lab techniques and chemical analysis).
2 Hours/week, 2 Credits
Solutions: Colligate properties; lowering the vapor pressure, elevation of b.p. depression of freezing point, and
osmotic pressure, Roult’s law. Chemical kinetics: Order and molecularity of reactions, rate equations, for zero,
first, second and third order reaction. Theories of reaction rates. Chain reactions, reaction in solutions, kinetic
model for non-elementary reactions. Phase Digram: The phase Rule and its application for one and two
component systems, constant temperature, constant boiling mixture, deliquescence, congruent and incongruent
melting point, vapor pressure of saturated solutions. Colloid: ionic purification and properties of colloids, origin
of electrical charge and charge particles, ionic miscelles. Photochemistry: Photon, law of photo chemistry,
absorption law and mechanism of photochemical reaction, fluorescence, phosphorescence and 
1. G.M. Barrow                                    Physical Chemistry
2. Haque & Nawab                             Physical Chemistry
3. Bernice G. Segal                             Chemistry, Experimental  & Theory
4. Gurdeep Raj Advanced Physical Chemistry


2 Hours/week, 2 Credits
Introduction: Some General Aspects of Volumetric Titrimetry, Standard Solution Volumetric Calculations
,Weight Titrimetry. Aqueous-Solution Chemistry: The chemical composition of aqueous solutions, Chemical
Equilibrium .Activities and Activity Coefficients : The effects of electrolytes on Chemical Equilibrium,
activity coefficients, Systematic Method for Performing Equilibrium Calculations: A systematic method for
solving multiple-equilibrium, the calculation of solubility by systematic method, separation of ions control of
the concentration of a precipitating reagents. Theory of Neutralization Titrations : solutions and indicators for
neutralization titrations, titration curves for strong acids and strong bases , buffer solutions, titration curves for
weak acid , titration curve for weak bases, the composition of buffer solutions as function of p H. Theory of
Oxidation/Reduction Titrations : Equilibrium  Constants for oxidation/reduction reaction, redox titration curves,
oxidation/reduction indicators, potentiometric end points. The assessment of analytical data, definitions and
basic concepts: The nature and origin of errors; the evaluation of results and methods; stability of
measurements; the analysis of data; the application of statistical tests; limit of detection.
1. Skoog and West Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry
2. G. Christian Analytical Chemistry
3. Fifield and Kealy Principle of Analytical Chemistry
2 Hours/week, 2 Credits
Energy and Energy Balance: Form of energy, Kinetic and potential energy, energy balance on closed system
and open system at steady state,. Energy balance procedure. Balance on Nonreactive process: State properties
and hypothetical process paths, change in pressure at constant temperature,change in temperature, phase change
operations, mixing and solutions. Balance on reactive process: Forms of energy, energy balance procedure,
heats of reaction, measurement and calculation of heat of reaction, formation reaction, heats of formation, heats
of combustion, energy balance on reactive processes, fuel and combustion. Introduction to Computer Aided
Process Calculations - Degrees of Freedom and Specifications, Use of Spreadsheets, Tearing and Iterative
techniques in Flowsheeting.

1.  R. Felder, R. Rousseau Elementary Principle of Chemical Processes
2.  Himmelblau, Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engg.
3. Badger and Banchero, Introduction to chemical engineering
4. R.W. Field "Chemical Engineering :Introductory Aspects", Macmillan, London (1988).


6 Hours/week, 3.0 Credits
Laboratory classes based on lab unit operation and chemical analysis.

CEP-121 Oral  
1 Credit


4 Hours/week, 2.0 Credits
Laboratory classes based on elements of chemical engineering theory courses


3Hours/Week, 3Credits
Fluid Properties: Definition of Fluid, Properties of fluid, Fluid Statics: Pressure measurement,   manometer.
Kinetics of Fluid flow: Types of flow, Euler’s acceleration formula ,Reynold’s transport theorem ,equation of
continuity, momentum balance equation, energy  balance equation, Bernoulli’s equation: equation of motion
for incompressible fluid : Navier -Stokes equations and Euler equation of motion. Steady Incompressible flow
in Pressure conduits : Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Critical Reynolds number, Hydraulic radius ,Entrance
conditions ,Velocity profile , Pipe roughness , Major and minor head loss.  Fluid flow measurement: Pitot
tube, orifice meter, venturimeter, rotameter. Pumps and compressors: .Introduction and classification of
pumps, Pumps performance, Mixed and axial flow pumps, Matching pumps to system characteristics. Different
types of compressors, Positive displacement and Rotary compressor’s characterization and efficiency.
Turbines: Operation and characteristics. Governing systems.
1. Franzini  Daugherty                       Fluid Mechanics with engineering applications.
2. Frank M. White                              Fluid Mechanics
3. Streeter, Wylie, Bedford                Fluid Mechnics
 4. McCabe Smith                               Unit operation of chemical Engineering


3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
The first and second law of thermodynamics: Alternative statement of second law, Heat engine, temperature
scale, carnot cycle, entropy, entropy changes and irreversibility, lost work, third law of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic properties of fluids : Relationship among the thermodynamic properties, single phase and
two phase systems, types of thermodynamic diagrams. Thermodynamics of flow processes : Fundamental
equations, flow in pipes, expansion processes, compression processes. Conversion of heat into work by power
cycle: Vapor cycle, steam power plant, internal combustion engine, Otto engine, Diesel engine, gas-turbine
power plant, Jet engine. Refrigeration and Liquefaction: Carnot refrigeration cycles, vapor compression cycle,
comparison of refrigeration cycle, absorption refrigeration, heat pumps, and liquefaction process. Systems of
variable composition ; Ideal and non-ideal behavior: Relationships among thermodynamic properties, partial
molal properties, fugacity and fugacity coefficient, fugacities in ideal solutions, activity and activity coefficients.
Phase equilibria: Nature and criteria of phase equilibrium, the phase rule and Duhem’s theorem, vapor-liquid
solutions, Gibbs-Duhem equation.
1. J. M. Smith & H.C. Van Ness       Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
2. J.M. Smith                                Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
3. G.M. Barrow                              Physical Chemistry
4. B.G. Kyle Chemical & Process Thermodynamics
5. Narayanan Introduction to Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Polymer Chemistry Fundamentals: Basic concepts, definitions & classifications of monomers and polymers;
Concepts of plastics, rubbers & fibers; glass transition temperature, softening temperature, melting temperature,
average molecular weights and molecular weight distribution. Theories & Principles of polymerization:
General kinetics & mechanisms of polymerization--free radical, step growth, ionic & stereospecific
polymerization, Copolymerization-its technical significance, copolymerization equations & copolymer
composition; random, block & graft copolymerization, monomer reactivity ratio; ideal, alternate & azeotropic
copolymerization. Techniques of polymerization: Bulk, solution, suspension & emulsion polymerization,
their comparative studies & relative importance. Some important polymer reactions: hydrolysis, acedolysis,
aminolysis, hydrogenation, addition & substruction reactions. Polymer degradation:  Thermal,
mechanochemical, oxidative & photo degradation.         
1. V.R. Gowariker,                                           Polymer Science
2. F.W. Billmeyer,                                            A text book of polymer Science
3. George Odian,                                             Principles of Polymer
4. R. J Young and P.A Lovel,                         Introduction to polymer    
6 Hours/ week, 3.0 Credits
Laboratory Classes based on fluid mechanics theory course.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Bonding in Organic Molecules: Bonding, Structural formulas of organic compounds, electronegativity and
dipoles, atomic orbital, electron configurations, molecular orbital and bonding – LCAO, sigma and pi- bonds,
hybrid orbital, bond angles and bond energies. Classes and nomenclature of organic compounds. Aliphatic
hydrocarbons: Preparation, uses, physical and chemical properties of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Dienes and polymerization: isolated double bond , Allen cumulated double bonds, conjugated double bonds
,polymerization, Diels-Alder reaction. Aromatic Hydrocarbon : structure and bonding in benzene;
aromaticity, electrophilic aromatic substitution; Fridel Craft alkylation and acylation, direction and ease of
aromatic substitution resonance and inductive effect, the steric effect, principles of higher substitution. Halides:
Structure and preparations: The halide exchange: SN2 and Sn1 mechanism reactions, General SN2 reaction of
halides, Grignard reagent. Alcohols: General preparations, physical properties and general reactions, Distinction
between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. Phenols: Preparation, properties and reactions, electrophilic
aromatic substitutions. Acidity of phenols, synthesis and naturally occurring phenol derivatives. Ethers and
Epoxides: General preparations, The Williamson Synthesis, epoxide, physical properties, reaction. Carbonyl
compounds: General methods of preparation, reactions, nucleophilic addition to carbonyls. Carboxylic acids
and derivatives: preparation, properties and uses.

1. Bhal and Bhal Organic Chemistry.
2. R.T Morrison & R.N. Boyd Organic Chemistry
3. F.A Carey  Advance Organic chemistry
4. T.W.G. Solomon Organic Chemistry
5. I. L. Finer, vol. I & II Organic Chemistry
6.  Solomon and Solomon Organic Chemistry.
3 Hours/Week, 3 credits
Modes of heat transfer:  Mechanism of thermal conduction in solids, liquids, and gases, other thermal
properties, steady state heat conduction in one and two dimensions, Heat transfer by convection, connective heat
transfer for laminar and turbulent fluid flow in circular pipes. Extended surface, free and forced convection.
Heat transfer with phase change: Boiling and condensation. Radiation : Black body radiation , exchange
between infinite and finite  surface in different enclosure, radiation shields,  radiation from gases, flames, Solar
radiation. Heat Exchangers: LMTD and NTU method for temperature calculation, Double pipe heat exchanger,
shell and tube heat exchangers
1. Holman. J. P.                                       Heat Transfer.
2. Kern,                                                  Process Heat Transfer
3. Ozisik                                                 Heat Transfer.
4. Aurora S. C.                                       Heat and Mass Transfer  


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Polymer morphology: Lamellar crystals, spherulites, fringed micelle model, extended chain crystal, the effect
of crystallinity on mechanical and optical properties, liquid crystal polymers. Polymer thermodynamics:
Dissolution behavior of polymers, thermodynamics of polymer solution, Flory-Huggins Theory, Flory-Fox
theory, concepts of theta of temperature, size & shape of polymer molecules in solution, solubility parameter.
Study of molecular weights of polymers: principles of determination of molecular weights by viscometry,
osmometry, dynamic and static light scattering techniques, gel permission chomatography, End group analysis.
Polymer rheology: The flow patterns of Newtonian & Non-Newtonian fluids; Bingham plastics, pseudoplastics
& dilatant materials under shearing force, power law; Viscoelasticity: creep & relaxation effects, time
dependency of flow under constant load & constant strain--understanding in terms of suitable mechanical
1. R,J Young and P.A Lovel Introduction to polymer
2. George Odian Principles of Polyme
3. Paul J.Flory Principles of polymer Chemistry
4. Raymond B. Seymour Polymer Chemistry an Introduction
5. Fred.  Billmeyer A text book of polymer Science
6. Premamoy Ghosh Polymer Science & Technology of Plastics & Rubbers


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Sugar and starch industries: Manufacturing and refining of cane sugar, milling operation of the evaporator,
vacuum pan and centrifugal, utilization of by products of sugar industries, sugar specialties, sugar industries in
Bangladesh. Pulp and Paper Industries: Natural source of the cellulose, constituents  associated with
cellulose, mfg. of different types of pulp paper boards, black lacquer recovery, deinking of waste paper, pulp
and paper industries in Bangladesh. Soap and Detergent Industries: Raw materials, mfg. of different types of
soap, recovery of the glycerin, classification of the detergents, industrial processing for the alkyl   aryl
sulphonates (AAS), environmental pollution by detergents. Biodegradability of detergents. Glass industries:
History of development of glass industries composition, properties and uses of different types of glasses,
manufacturer of glass, special glasses. Cement industries: Composition, properties and uses different types of
cements, manufacture of cement by different methods, setting and hardening of cement, testing of cement. 

1.  G.N  Pandey,                                    A Text Book of Chemical Technology Vol. I and II
2.  N. Austin                                          Chemical Process Industries.
4. Anderson and Winzet,                    Introduction to Chemical Engineering
5. Riegl’s,                                              Industrial Chemistry
6. B. K. Sharma,                                   Industrial Chemistry
6 Hours/Week, 3.0 Credits.
Laboratory Classes based on  Heat Transfer  and Engineering Mechanics.
CEP 221 Oral
1 Credit


2 hrs/week, 2 Credits
Introduction: The natural composite wood, Jute and Glass Fibers. Modification of Natural Fiber, Jute-polymer
composite, fabrication of composite. Properties of composite: Particulate-Reinforced composite Materials,
Dispersion-Strengthened composite, True particulate composite, Fiber-reinforced composites, Predicting
properties of fiber-reinforced composite, Characteristics of fiber-Reinforced composites, Manufacturing fiber
and composites, Fiber reinforced systems, Laminar composite materials. Thermoplastics composite materials:
matrix resins, Reinforced fibers, interfaces and interphases; application. Future development: new composites,
design strategies, process technology, resource managements, and added function. Thermal and photo-
degradation behavior of glass fiber.
1. F. N. Cogswell,                        “Thermoplastic Aromatic Polymer Composites”
2. Donald. R. Askeland,                “The Science & Engineering of Materials”
3. Lawrence H. Van. Vlack,             “Elements of Material Science and Engineering”
4. George S. Springer,                     “Envirinmental Effects on composite Materials, Vol-2”


 3 Hours/Week, 3 credits
Introduction: Molecular diffusion & convective mass transfer, Interphase mass transfer, Absorption:
Mechanism of absorption. Determination of transfer coefficients. Gas absorption in packed column. Plate towers
for gas absorption . Distillation: Flash and Differential distillation, batch and continuous distillation with reflux,
Mc-Cabe Thiel construction, use of enthalpy-concentration  diagram for stage calculation, tray efficiency,
packed distillation column. Azeotropic and extractive distillation. Liquid-liquid extraction processes:
Equilibrium relations in extraction. Single stage equilibrium extraction. Continuous multi-stage counter current
extraction. Evaporation: Single and multiple effect evaporation system. Heat economy of the evaporators,
Special types of the evaporators, heat sensitive materials handling in evaporators, Pressure factors.

1.Geankoplise                                    Transport Process & Unit Operation
2. Mc Cabe and Smith,                      Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering
3. Binoy K. Dutta                               Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
4. Coulson and Richardson               Chemical Engineering
5. Robert E. Treybal Mass-Transfer Operations


2 Hours/Week,2 Credits
Introduction of  chemical fertilizer: Nitrogenous fertilizer : Raw materials of ammonia production of
synthesis gas in ammonia plants,  ammonia and urea manufacturing; prospects of urea fertilizer industries in
Bangladesh, Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate mfg. Process used in urea mfg.
in Bangladesh. Development of Urea mfg.  Potash fertilizer : source of potassium; production and use of
Murata of potash and other potassium fertilizers. Compounds, complex and mixed fertilizers, bio fertilizers.
Phosphate fertilizer : Raw materials; Chemistry and technology of phosphates and super phosphates, triple
superphosphate, prospects of phosphate fertilizer industries in Bangladesh. Ceramic industries: Types of
ceramic products, Basic raw materials, White wares, manufacturer of porcelain, types of clay, clay preparation,
firing, different stages of firing, Chemical conversion including basic ceramic industry, different types of kiln,
temperature recording in the kiln, heavy clay products, manufacture of refractories, varieties of enameled metal
ceramic industries of Bangladesh. Coating process: paint Varnish, and lacquer, constituents and their functions,
factor influencing satisfactory performance of surface coating, properties of pigments, binders and volatile
solvent s pigments of different colors, paint application, causes of paint failure, emulsion paints, manufacture of
paints, varnish and lacquer, heat resistant and acid proof paints, enamels. Introduction to textile industry:
Textile fibres, Methods of investigating fibre structure, Dyeing. The chloro-alkali industry; General concepts
of brine electrolysis, modern technological developments, chlorine cell technologies, production of KOH,
1.  G.N  Pandey,                               A Text Book of Chemical Technology Vol. I and II
2.  N. Austin                                    Chemical Process Industries.
3. Anderson and Winzet,                 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
4. Riegl’s,                                        Industrial Chemistry
5. B. K. Sharma,                              Industrial Chemistry
6. S.S. Dara,                                    A text book of Engineering Chemistry
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Plastics Processing: Extrusion, Injection molding, Blow molding, Compression molding, plastics
compounding; compounding ingredients, their types & functions; Transfer molding, Thermoforming.
Rubber processing:  Principles & chemistry involved in mastication & compounding ingredients--accelerators,
accelerator activators, antioxidants, fillers & other additives; Vulcanization & various types of vulcanization
systems; Rubber processing machineries-open mills & internal mixers, rubber extruders, calendars of different
types. Radiation processing techniques of polymers. Thin film preparation, gel content, properties
characterization (Tensile test, compression test, different types of hardness test, adhesion test, abrasion test,
impact test, bend test), swelling ratio. Surface coating: Polymer curing of different substances (wood, leather,
metal, paper, ceramics etc), Grafting on natural polymers (wood, jute, cotton, cellulose, silk etc) and on
synthetic polymer (polyethylene, polypropylene etc); Polymer loading, degree of grafting. Radiation effect on
synthetic polymers - degradability and stability. Processing of textile fiber: preparation and modification
1. F.W. Billmeyer,                           A text book of polymer Science
2. V.R. Gowariker,                         Polymer Science
3. Fread, W,                                 A text book of polymer Science.
4. Willium,                                    A text Book of Polymer Science and Technology.
5.D.H.Morton-Jones PolymerPprocessing
6.Tamdor Gogos Principles of Polymer Processing
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Infrared spectroscopy: Introduction, Principle of IR spectroscopy, basic theory and vibrational energy of a
diatomic molecule, vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules, rotational structure in vibrational bands,
instrumentation, interpretation and applications of IR spectroscopy Introduction to Raman spectroscopy, FT-IR.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, introduction basic theory of NMR spectroscopy,
instrumentation, information from NMR spectra, chemical shift, spin coupling Elucidation of structure, C13
NMR, structure elucidation. Mass spectroscopy: introduction, principle, instrumentation, interpretation;
introduction, principle instrumentation, interpretation and application of mass spectroscopy. Combined
methods (NMR. MS, IR) for structure elucidation. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS): Absorption of
characteristic radiation, instrumentation, sample vaporization, quantitative measurements atomic fluorescence
spectrometry, applications of AAS; ICP; Flame less AAS (Graphite furnace) interfaces. Sampling and
sampling pretreatment; Examples of analytical problems and procedures, The automation of analytical
procedures. Chromatographic Techniques: PC, TLC, GLC, HPLC, SFC.
1. B. Christan Analytical chemistry.
2. Balen and Ewing Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis.
3. D.A. Skoog and West Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry.
4. Stock and Rice Chromatographic methods
5. William Flemming Spectroscopic Methods in Organic chemistry.
6. Y.R. Sharma Elementary organic spectroscopy.
7. Pavia, D Spectroscopic Method.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Sources and reserve of fossil and nuclear fuel, renewable energy source. Origin and composition of fossil
fuel, petroleum, natural gas, oil shales and tar sands, principal classes of organic compounds present in liquid
fuels. conversion of petrochemicals. Properties and test methods for fuel classification, proximate and
ultimate  analysis of solid fuel, Boiling point ranges, densities and  Flash point ,Aniline points of liquid fuels.
Octane and cetane number of petrol and diesel. Determination of gross and net caloric values for solid, liquid
and gaseous fuels. Carbonization of coals and heavy petroleum. High Tem. and Low Tem. Carbonization
,coke and pitch as feed for carbon. Steam gasification, conversion of synthesis gas, methane, water gas, alcohol
and higher hydrocarbons. Combustion of solids in grates, pulverized fuel burners and fluidized beds
Calculation of Air/Fuel ratio, Excess Air . Fuel cells. Power generation efficiency, overall energy balance,
advantage of combined cycles. Nuclear Fuel: Nuclear fission, Uranium isotopes, characteristics of nuclear
reactors. Nuclear fusion, Light water nuclear power plant Hydroelectric, wind and solar power .
1. Nelson Farrer Petrolium Refining Engineering
2.  Francis Fuel and Fuel Technology
3. L.D Smoot P.J Smith. Coal Combustion and Gasification
4. Goldstein Petroleum Chemical Industry.
5. Huntinglon Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline


4 Hours/ Week, 2.0   Credits
Laboratory classes based on Chemical Kinetics and Spectrophotometric and  Instrumental Analysis.
6 Hours/Week, 3.0 Credits.
Laboratory classes based on polymer Chemistry theory courses.
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Basic concepts of reactor design: mole balance, basic kinetics, reaction types, conversion, reactor sizing,  and
design equation for batch system and flow system. Isothermal Reactor Design : design structure ,tubular
reactors, pressure drop in reactors. Interpretation of Reactor Data: batch reactor data, differential and integral
methods, method of initial rates, method of half lives, least square analysis, differential reactors, evaluation of
laboratory reactors. Catalytic Reactors: catalysts and steps in a catalytic reactions, heterogeneous reaction data
analysis for reactor design, catalyst deactivation, moving bed reactors, diffusion and reaction porous catalysts.
Distribution of Residence Time (DRT) for Chemical Reactors: general characteristic, measurement of DRT,
DRT in ideal reactor, reactor modeling with DRT, zero parameter model. Bioreactors: cell growth, rate law,
design equations and unit reactor design.
1. Coulson & Richardson Chemical Engineering. Vol-3
2. Octave Levenspiel Chemical Reaction Engineering.
3. H.Scott Fogler Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering.
4. J.M. Smith Chemical Engineering Kinetics


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Introduction  to materials Science and Engineering : materials and engineering ,types of materials; Crystal
structure and Crystal geometry: the space lattice and unit cells, crystal systems and  bravais lattices , principal
metallic crystal structures  ,atom  positions in cubic unit cells, directions in cubic unit cells, miller indices for
crystallographic planes, crystallographic planes and directions in hexagonal unit cells, comparison of FCC,
HCP, and BCC crystal structures , volume ,planar and linear density unit cell. Solidification, crystalline
imperfections and diffusion in solids: solidification of metals, solidification of single crystals, metallic solid
solutions, crystalline imperfections, rate processes in solids, atomic diffusion in solids, and industrial
applications of diffusion processes. Mechanical Properties of metals: recovery and recrystallization of
plastically deformed metals, fracture of metals ,fatigue of metals, fatigue crack propagation rate, creep and stress
rupture of metals , graphical representation of creep- and stress -rupture  time -temperature data using the
Larsen-Miller Parameter. Ceramic Materials: introduction, simple ceramic crystal structures, silicate
structures, processing of ceramics, traditional and technical ceramics, electrical properties of ceramics
mechanical properties of ceramics, thermal properties of ceramics, glasses.
1. Askeland. D. The Science & Engineering of Materials.
2. L.H.Van Black Elements of Material Science and Engineering.
3. William Introduction to Science & Engineering of Materials.
4. Melvin Nord Science of Engineering  Materials.
5. William F. Smith Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering


2 Hours/week, 2 credit
Introduction: Nernst equation. Standard electrode potentials; reference electrode, primary and secondary,
Measurement of thermodynamic parameters, equilibrium constants, DG, DH, DS, solubility products,
susceptibility to corrosion. Principles Of Electrochemical Engineering; General consideration, principle of
cell design Electrolysis and electrodialysis-principles, processes and equipments. The chloro-alkali industry;
General concepts of brine electrolysis, modern technological developments, chlorine cell technologies,
production of KOH, equipments. The extraction, refining and production of metal Electrowining,
cementation, electrorefining, electrodeposition of metal powders. Metal finishing: electroplating, electroplating,
conversion, coatings, electrophoretic painting, other related surface finishing techniques. Anodization of
Aluminium: Pretreatment, oxide film formation, electro coloring, post treatments.  Water purification,
effluent treatment and recycling of industrial process streams, Metal ion removal of metal recovery,
hypochloride and low chloric electrohyper electrodialysis, electrolytic methods of phase separation flue gas
desulpherisation. other electrochemical processes. Batteries: Characteristics, specifications, battery
components, present battery systems.
1. C. L. Mantell                 Electrochemical Engineering.
2. Pletcher and Walsh         Industrial Electrochemistry.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credit
Adsorption: Introduction to adsorption processes, Equilibrium relations for adsorbents Absorption at gas solid
interface. Physical adsorption and chemisorption Langmuir and BET theory and surface area determination,
Adsorption from solution Gibb’s adsorption isotherm. Design of fixed bed adsorption. Processing variables and
adsorption cycle. Ion Exchange: Ion exchange resins, Exchange kinetics, Ion exchange equipments. Filtration:
Introduction to filtration. Basic theory of filtration Types of filtration equipment.. Engineering operation and
calculation of different types of filters. Membrane Separation Processes: classification of membrane
processes. Liquid permeation membrane processes. Gas permeation membrane processes: Types of membrane.
Types of equipments. Basic equations. Effects of process variables. Reverse-osmosis: Types of membranes.
Flux equations for reverse-osmosis. Ultrafiltration membrane Processes: Types of equipments. Effect of
processing in ultra-filtration Drying: Theory of drying of solids. Types of Drying equipment.. Engineering
operation and calculation of different types of Dryer. 
1. Geankoplis C.J.                                    Transport Process and Unit Operation
2. Mc Cabe and Smith,                        Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering
3. Binoy K. Dutta                                Principles of Mass Transfer and Separation Processes
4. Coulson and Rechardson                   Chemical Engineering Vol-2
5. Trybal                                             Mass Transfer Operations
4 Hours/Week, 2.0 Credits
Based on Heat Transfer Equipment, Mass Transfer Equipment, Reactors, Fluid Flow Equipment

1. J.M. Coulson, J.F. Rechardson and R.K. Sinnott, "Chemical Engineering Vol. 6 - Design", Pergamon, 1983.
4 Hours/Week, 2.0 Credits
Laboratory Classes Based On Fuel and Energy Theory Course.


4 Hours/Week, 2.0 Credits
Laboratory Classes Based On Polymer Properties and Processing Technology Courses.
6 Hours/ Week, 3.0 credits
Laboratory classes based on Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
2.0 Credit
Industrial Visits.


1.0 Credit


2 Hours/Week ,2 Credits
Mechanical separation; gravity settlers, impingement separators; centrifugal separators and scrubbers.  Crushing
and grinding : solid handling machinery, Fluid moving machinery, ejectors and vacuum systems, pressure
relieving devices, Mixing and agitation, Crystallization, drying and evaporation. Scope of chemical engineering,
Principles of chemical engineering calculations, system of units, basic concepts of dimensional analysis, process
variables, basis of calculation , conversion of mass and energy material balance, overall component balance,
recycle and bypass, simple reactive systems and combustion reactions, Energy balance, forms of energy and
first law of thermodynamics, thermodynamics data and tables, energy balances on open closed systems.
Application of mass and energy balance to real process,  Measurement of process variables; fluid static's and
manometer, temperature measurement and flow measurement.
1. Introduction to instrumental analysis; introduction to analytical spectrometry; absorption laws; spectral
2. UV-VIS spectroscopy; introduction, electronic transitions, instrumentation, qualitative and quantitative
3. Atomic spectroscopy : (a) Frame emission spectroscopy. (b) Atomic absorption spectroscopy. (c) Inductively
coupled plasma emission spectroscopy.
4. X- ray spectroscopy : Introduction, general theory and instrumentation. X-ray absorption and emission
methods.  X-ray diffraction methods; X-ray flume scheme.
5. Neutron activation analysis: Anionic stripping voltametry.
6. Chromatography : Principles and classification of chromatographic techniques; paper chromatography TLC;
column chromatography; Gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography. 
1.Geankopolise                                  Unit Operation
2.Mc Cabe and Smith                          Unit Operation of Chemical Engineering
3. Faoust,  A. S.                                Principles of Unit Operations.
4. Coulson and Rechardson                   Chemical Engineering
5. B. Christian                                Analytical chemistry.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

 Corrosion : general, electrochemical corrosion of metals , galvanic cells, corrosion rates (kinetics), types of
corrosion with properties and phenomenon,  oxidation metals. Corrosion Testing: importance, classification
materials and specimens , surface preparation , measuring and weighing, exposure techniques, duration, planned
interval tests. Corrosion Prevention : Material selection, modification of metal, alternate of environment,
design , cathodic and anodic protection, coatings (metallic ,inorganic ,non metallic and organic). Corrosion in
Industries : Boiler plant, Double pipe heat exchangers, Shell and tub heat exchangers, Distillation Column

1. C. L. Mantell                 Electrochemical Engineering.
2. Pletcher and Walsh         Industrial Electrochemistry.
3. Fontana. G.                         Corrosion Engineering
4. Uligue,                                  Introduction to Corrosion Engineering and its prevention
5. Banergy S. N.                        Corrosion Engineering
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Laplace Transforms, transfer, functions for first order systems, physical examples of first order systems,
response of first order systems in series, higher order systems, transportation lag. closed loop systems,
controllers and final control/ elements, block diagrams, closed loop transfer functions, transient response of
simple control systems, concepts of stability, stability craters, Routh test for stability.
Frequency response methods, control systems design by frequency response, closed loop frequency by
frequency response methods, Nyquist stability criterion. Controller mechanism, measuring instruments,
transducers and transmitters. Control of complex processes, experimental dynamics of complex processes.
theoretical analysis of complex processes.
1. Hougen and Watson                     Chemical  Process Principles I  & II 
2. Levenspiel                                   Chemical reaction  engineering.
3. George Stephanopolos                    Chemical process control
4. Donald R.Coughanowr                   Process System Analysis and Control

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Introduction to process design: Scope, flow sheet, materials and energy balance. Piping and
instrumentation: P&I diagram, valve selection, pumping of liquids, pipe size selection. Control and
instrumentation: instrumentation and control objectives, typical control systems. Separation System design:
Distillation column sequencing for liquid mixtures Heat Exchanger Network design: Pinch Technology.
Materials of construction: properties and selection of materials. Equipments selection and Specification
and Design: Heat exchager, seperation process. Process safety and pressure reliving devices: Fire ,
explosion, toxic release,types of pressure reliving devices and calculation.

1. Peters and Timerhaus                     Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers.
2. Douglas                                         Conceptual Design of Chemical Process
3. Ludwig E. Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical
4 Coulson & Richardson                       Chemical Engineering. Vol-6
5. Chopey N.P. Handbook of Chemical Engg. Calculation


3hours/Week, 3 Credits
Interest  and Investment cost: Simple interest, compound interest, continuous interest, applications of different
types of interest, present worth & discount, Annuity, relation annuity and periodic payment, perpetuities and
capitalized costs. Cost estimation: Economic feasibility of project, capital investments, estimation of capital
investment, cost indices, power factor, cost factors in capital investment, turn-over ratio, Types of taxes,
insurances and insurance requirements for manufacturing concern. Depreciation: Types and methods of
determining depreciation, depletion, evaluation of depreciation methods. Profitability analysis: GDP, GNP,
Rate of return, payback period, pay out period, discounted cash flow, net present worth, Alternative investments,
replacements. Management: Management functions, Principles of management, Production management:
Concept, scope and functions of production management, Production planning and control, continuous and
intermittent products, Functions & scope of quality control, responsibilities of quality, Inspection, Zero defects.
Marketing management: Concept, evolution, functions & importance of marketing, marketing mix. Financial
management: Evolution, objectives & functions of financial management, financial analysis & control, Break-
even analysis and profit planning, capital budgeting. Motivation: Needs, theories of motivation (Maslow’s,
Herzberg’s McGregor’s theories) Optimizing techniques: Linear programming (Simplex and graphical

1. Peters and Timerhaus                  Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers.
2. Aurora                                      Industrial and Production management.
4Hours/Week, 2.0Credits
Laboratory classes based on Chemical Reaction Engineering Courses
6 Hours/Week, 3.0 Credits
Students should design a chemical plant (Includes all type of equipments ) independently based on the course
no. CEP 414.
2.0 Credits
Industrial visits and training.
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Viscosity and the Mechanism of Momentum Transport: Newton’s Law of Viscosity, Non-Newtonian Fluids,
Pressure and Temperature Dependence of Viscosity, Theory of Viscosity of Gases at low Density, Theory of
Viscosity of liquids. Velocity Distributions in laminar flow: Shell Momentum Balances: Boundary Condition,
Flow  of a Falling Fill, Flow through a Circular Tube, Flow through an Annulus ,Adjacent Flow of Two
Immiscible Flow , Creeping Flow Around a Solid Sphere, The Equations of Change for Isothermal Systems:
The Equation of Continuity, The Equation of Motion, The Equation of Mechanical Energy, The Equation of
Change in Curvilinear Coordinates, Use of the equations of change to set Up Steady flow Problems, The
equations of change for Incompressible Non-Newtonian Flow, Dimensional Analysis of the Equations of
 1. Bird. R .B.                       Transport Phenomena, Wiley Inter Science Singapore
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Environmental Chemistry: Stoichiometry, Enthalpy in Chemical Systems, Chemical Equilibria. Mathematics
of Growth: Exponential growth, Resource consumption, Population growth, Human population growth. Air
pollution: Definition, sources of air pollution, major air pollutants and their effects, impacts of air pollution,
depletion of the ozone layer and its implications, ozone depleting substances (ODS) and their substitutes,
Recovery and reuses of ODS, Destruction technologies for ODS, the Montreal Protocol and its amendments,
ozone layer depletion threat to ecosystem, green house effect. Water pollution: water resources. the hydrologic
cycle, water pollutants, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Water quality management in Lakes and Reservoirs.
Water Treatment: Introduction, Coagulation, Softening, Reactors, Mixing and Flocculation, Sedimentation,
Filtration, Disinfection, Adsorption. Wastewater Treatment: Wastewater Microbiology, Characteristics of
wastewater, On-site Disposal Systems, Unit operations of pretreatment, Primary treatment, Unit processes of
secondary treatment, Disinfection, Advanced wastewater treatment, Land treatment, Sludge treatment, Sludge
disposal. Wastewater Treatment by Membrane Technology. Solid Waste Management: Perspective,
collection, interroute transfer, disposal by sanitary landfill, waste to energy, resource conservation and recovery.
Environmental problems in Bangladesh
1. Gilbert M. Masters Introduction to Environmental Engg. & Science
2. Gerard Kiely Environmental Engineering
3. Davis & Cornwell Introduction to Environmental Engineering
4. Peavy, Rowe & Tchobanoglous Environmental Engineering
5. W. Strauss,                       Air pollution.
6. A.S.Stoker,                        Air and Water pollution
7. Bailey and Clark,              Chemistry of the Environment.
8. J.N. Duffus,                       Environmental Toxicology.


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Natural Gas Technology and Earth Sciences: Branches of Petroleum Industry. Sources of Information for
natural gas engineering and its applications. Petroleum reservoirs, Earth temperatures & pressure Properties of
rocks: Types of rocks. Porosity, Permeability: Measurement of permeability. Drilling and completion of wells:
Types of Well, Drilling, Drilling Fluid, Directional Drilling, Processing in drilling, Stimulation of well
productivity, Gas fracturing, Acidizing operations, Well logging. Flow in Reservoir & Adjacent Aquifer:
Pressure drop from reservoir to wellbore -A simplified steady state approach. Basic fluid flow equations-
General flow equation in dimensionless forms, Boundary conditions. Partial penetrated wells, Superposition
principle. Gas Well Testing:  Deliverability tests- Back pressure test, Isochronal test, Test for determining
reservoir parameters-drawdown test, Oil & gas reserves- volumetric method. Gas Hydrates & Their
Prevention: Natural gas hydrates, Conditions promoting hydrate formation, Use of methanol to prevent
hydrates, Importance of dehydration of natural gas. Natural Gas Processing: Objectives, Types of plants, Basic
processes, Process description, Byproducts, Condensate, NGL. Gas for the Fuel Market: Pipe line quality gas,

Katz D. L. et al. Natural Gas Engineering (production & storage), McGraw-Hill, Singapore
3.0 credits

CEP 431**Project
3.0 Credits
1.0 Credit

(Courses would be offered as per availability of respective teachers)



2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Commercial polymers: Polymerization techniques, properties, and application of polyethylene, polypropylene,
polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polyamide, polyesters, UF-resin, MF-resin, PF-resin, polyurethanes, epoxy
resin, polycarbonates, silicon polymer. Natural rubbers: properties of rubber, latex, preservation of latex, rubber
plants, and rubber vulcanization. Synthetic rubbers:  Buna S, Buna N, Neoprene rubber, Thiokol, Butyl rubber,
urethane rubber. Polymer blends: Definition and classification of polymer blends, thermodynamics of polymer
blends, spinodal and bimodal curve, application of polymer blends. Polymer Composites:  Introduction, fiber
reinforced composite, predicting properties of fiber reinforced composite, characteristics of fiber reinforced
composite, mfg. of fiber and composite Glass fiber reinforced plastics. Polymer alloys


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Introduction: Fundamental Characteristics of composites; classification of composites; laminae and
laminates; load sharing between reinforcement and matrix- rule of mixture; advantages, design and application
of composites. Reinforcements: Basic characteristics of fibers and fibrous reinforcements, fiber packing, fiber
strength, fiber orientation and length distribution, different types of fibers for composites, modification of fibers
for composite, design of fabrics for reinforcement of composite, particulate reinforcement. Matrices: Main
polymer matrices-thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, High temperature polymeric matrices, metal
matrix composites (MMC), ceramic matrix composites (CMC) Elastic and Thermal Properties of
Composites: Stress-strain relationship and elastic constants for unidirectional lamina(UD) , planar random
fiber composites(PRFC) and short fiber composites; Classical Laminate theory(CLT), selected laminate
configurations, interlaminar stress and edge effect, thermal behavior of composite. Interface Region:
Complexity in the near fiber region, bonding mechanisms- adsorption and wetting, interduffusion, chemical
reaction, electrostatic attraction and mechanical keying; experimental measurements of interfacial strength,
coatings of fiber, coupling agents. Polymer Nano-composites: Carbon nanotube composite, structure,
properties, purification, characterization and functionalisation of carbon nanotubes, interaction of carbon
nanotubes with polymer matrix; layered silicate nanocomposites- structure, manufacture and application.
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Flow Phenomena in Polymeric Liquids.
The chemical nature of polymeric liquids; Non-Newtonian viscosity, Normal stress. effects, other elastic effects;
Material functions for Polymeric liquids, shear and      shear free flows. Basic Concepts from Probability
Theory; Events and probabilities; Random variables; Expectations and moments; Joint distributions and
independence; Gaussian random variables; General discussion of the random walk ; Fokker- Planck equations

References :
1. R.B. Bird, C.F. Curtiss, R.C. Armstrong and O. Hassager, Dynamics of polymeric liquids, Volume 2: Kinetic theory, 2nd
Ed., John Wiley


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Study of textile fibres: classification, production, structure and properties of the main textile fibres-natural and
man-made. Short overview of spinning, weaving and knitting technologies. Yarn numbering systems. Basic
characteristics of yarns, woven and knitted fabrics. Pre-treatment processes of textile materials. Classification of
the dyestuff and its relation with the textile fibres. Study of the main properties of fasteness and its relation with
dyestuff and used fibres. Study of the direct, vat, reactive, sulphureous, dispersed, acid and cationic dyestuff.
Study of the dyeing processes of celullosic, polyester, polyamide, acrylic, wool fibres and the mixtures of
polyester with celollusic.

Peters, R.H. Textile Chemistry
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Introduction to Biochemical Engineering: Concepts of catalysts, nature of micro-organisms, their
requirements and classification, industrially important, micro-organisms. Principles of biochemical reaction
kinetics; Mass and energy balance in biological system, Transport phenomena, Enzymes and Enzymatic reaction
kinetics; Free and immobilized enzyme cell systems; Microbial growth and product formation kinetics,
classification of bioreactors, upstream processing - media and air sterilization, Downstream bioprocessing;
Physical separation processes, Chromatography, membrane processes.  Biological Industries and their
Engineering Problems : stoichiometry of reactions and heat evolution. Oxygen in the cell and medium
formation. Down-Stream processing. separation of cells and recovery of useful  end products.

1. H.W. Blanch and D.S. Clark       Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1996.
2. J.M.Smith                                     Chemical Engineering. Kinetics
3. J.E. Bailey & D.F. Ollis Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals
4. S.N. Mukhopadhyay Process Biotechnology Fundamentals
5. Octave Levenspiel Chemical Reaction Engineering


2 Hours/Week, 2Credits
Introduction., classification of mathematical models, summary of model building processes, fundamental laws,
fitting function to empirical data, factorial experimental designs & regression analysis, optimization methods,
solution techniques for models, application to the problems: mass transfer, heat transfer, chemical reactor
design, mathematical modeling for steady & unsteady state of chemical processes.
1. T.F, Edgar, D.M. Himmelblau                Optimization of Chemical Processes.
2. J. Miller                                           Statistics for Advanced Models.
3.D.D.Joshi,                                            Linear Estimation & Design Of Experiments.
4.R,B.Bird, W.E, Stewart                         Transport Phenomena.
5.G. Stephanopolas                                 Chemical Process Control.
6.Luyben W. L.                                       Process Modeling, Simulation & Control For Chemical Engineers
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Origin Formation and Composition of Petroleum: origin and formation of petroleum ,reserves and deposits
of world ,composition of petroleum. Petroleum Processing Data: evaluation of petroleum ,thermal properties
of petroleum, fractions , important product properties and test methods. Fractionation of Petroleum
:dehydration and desalting of crude’s ,heating of crude-pipe still heaters, distillation of petroleum, blending of
gasoline. Treatment Techniques: fraction-impurities ,treatment of gasoline, treatment of kerosene, treatment of
lubes, wax and purification. Thermal and Catalytical Process: cracking, catalytic cracking, catalytic
reforming, naphtha cracking, cooking, hydrogen processes, alkylation processes isomerisation processes
polymer gasolines. Asphalt Technology :source of asphalt , air blowing of bitumen, upgradation of heavy
 1. B.K. Bhaskara Rao                        Modern Petroleum  Refining Process.
2. G.N. Sarkar.                                     Petroleum Refining
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Potential for renewable energy sources, energy conservation, Solar Energy - thermal and photoelectrical - Ocean
thermal energy sources - Geothermal energy       utilization - Wind energy - Bio-gas principles, reactors.
Hydrogen source of       energy, Solar and Chemical production of hydrogen, Metal Hydrides, Microhydel
systems, Hybrid systems, Heat pump applications in process engineering.      

1. J. Twidell and T. Weir Renewable energy sources, Cambridge University Press, 1986.
2. S.P. Sukhatme Solar energy, 2nd Ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 1996.
3. T. Ohta Solar - hydrogen energy system, Pergamon Press, 1979.
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Catalysis in Solutions: Introduction, acid-base, catalysis in the gas phase, catalysis in dilute aqueous solution 
general and specific acid and base catalysis, catalysis in concentrated strong acid solutions, catalysis by bases,
stepwise and concerted reactions, catalysis by metal ions, hydrocarbon conversion. Catalysis by Polymers: the
nature of polymers, attachment of catalytic groups to polymer supports, catalysis in polymer gels, adsorption
and the kinetics of polymer-catalyzed reactions, interactions of catalytic groups, the role of the support,
bifunctional and multifunctional catalysis. Catalysis on Surfaces: Introduction, adsorption, adsorption
isotherms, structure of adsorbed species on single crystal metal surfaces, adsorption on complex surfaces,
functionalied surfaces, olefin polymerization catalysis on titanium trichloride surfaces, catalysis on metal
surfaces, catalysis on metal oxide surfaces, catalysis by supported metals, catalysis by metal sulphides

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