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B. Sc. (Honours) in Statistics

Session: 2008-2009 to 2011-2012

The B.Sc. (Honours) course in Statistics shall comprise of the courses on Statistics, Mathematics, Economics,
Computer Science, English and Bengali. The course is spread over four academic years. Each year is divided
into two semesters. Final examinations are held at the end of each semester and there are also incourse
examinations. A student is to successfully complete 140 credit hours of courses to obtain the B. Sc (Honours)
ENG-103 and ENG-104 are alternative to BNG-101 and BNG-102 (L) .
There will be a distribution of marks for a course in class participation, assignments and mid semester
examination and final examination as follows.

Class participation : 10%

Assignments and mid-semester examination : 20%
Final examination : 70%

The grading system consists of Letter grading, corresponding Grade point and calculation of Grade point
average (GPA). Letter Grade and corresponding Grade point will be awarded as follows:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point

80% or above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% C- 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
Incomplete X -----

The distribution of courses for respective academic years and semester is given below along with the details of
syllabus of the courses:

First Year: Semester I

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-121 Probability 4+0 4.0
STA-122 Principles of Statistics 4+0 4 .0
STA-122L Principles of Statistics (Lab) 0+4 2 .0
MAT-101A Algebra 2+0 2.0
ENG-101 English Language-I 2+0 2.0
ENG-102L English Language-I (Lab) 0+2 1.0
Total 12 + 6 15.0

First Year: Semester II

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-123 Theory of Statistics 4+0 4 .0
STA-123L Theory of Statistics (Lab) 0+4 2 .0
MAT-103A Calculus 4+0 4 .0
MAT-109 Linear Algebra 4+0 4 .0
BNG-101 Bengali Language I 2+0 2 .0
BNG-102L Bengali Language I (Lab) 0+2 1 .0
ENG-103 English Language-II 2+0 2 .0
ENG-104L English Language-II (Lab) 0+2 1 .0
STA-100 Viva 0+0 2 .0
Total 16 + 8 19.0

Second Year: Semester I (3rd Semester)
Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-221 Survey Methods 4+0 4.0
STA-221L Survey Methods (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-222 Regression Analysis –I 4+0 4.0
STA-222L Regression Analysis –I (Lab) 0+4 2.0
MAT-207 Advanced Calculus & Differential Equations 3+0 3.0
(Pre-requisite MAT-103 A)
ECO-101 Principles of Economics-I 4+0 4.0
Total 15 + 8 19.0

Second Year: Semester II (4th Semester)

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-223 Design and Analysis of Experiments-I 4+0 4.0
STA-223L Design and Analysis of Experiments-I (Lab) 0+4 2.0
MAT-208 Numerical Methods & Complex Variable 4+0 4.0
MAT-209 Real Analysis 4+0 4.0
ECO-201 Principles of Economics -II 4+0 4.0
STA-200 Viva 0+0 2.0
Total 16 + 4 20.0

Third Year: Semester I (5th Semester)

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-321 Statistical Inference 4+0 4.0
STA-321L Statistical Inference (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-322 Statistical Computing-I 2+0 2.0
STA-322L Statistical Computing-I (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-323 Regression Analysis -II 4+0 4.0
STA-323L Regression Analysis -II (Lab) 0+4 2.0
Total 10 +12 16.0

Third Year: Semester II (6th Semester)

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-324 Statistical Computing II 3+0 3.0
STA-324L Statistical Computing II (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-325 Demography 4+0 4.0
STA-325L Demography (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-326 Linear Programming 3+0 3.0
STA-326L Linear Programming (Lab) 0+2 1.0
STA-300 Viva 0+0 2.0
Total 10 + 10 17.0

Fourth Year: Semester I (7th Semester)

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-421 Economic Statistics 4+0 4.0
STA-421L Economic Statistics (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-423 Applied Statistics 4+0 4.0
STA-423L Applied Statistics (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-424 Design & Analysis of Experiments II 3+0 3.0
STA-424L Design & Analysis of Experiments II (Lab) 0+2 1.0
Total 11+ 10 16.0

Fourth Year: Semester II (8th Semester)

Course No. Course Title Hours/Week Credits
STA-425 Stochastic Processes 4+0 4.0
STA-426 Multivariate Methods 2+0 2.0
STA-426L Multivariate Methods (Lab) 0+2 1.0
STA-427 Bio-statistics & Epidemiology 4+0 4.0
STA-427L Bio-statistics & Epidemiology (Lab) 0+4 2.0
STA-428 Non-Parametric Methods 2+0 2.0
STA-428L Non-Parametric Methods (Lab) 0+2 1.0
STA-400 Viva 0+0 2.0
Total 12 + 8 18.0

Detailed Syllabus
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Statistics: Its nature and scope. Nature of statistical data. Attributes and variables, population and sample, collection and
condensation of data. Frequency distribution. Graphical representation of data. Measures of location: Arithmetic Mean,
Median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean, quadratic mean, quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Measures of
dispersion: range, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance, quartile deviation, coefficient of variation, moments and
cumulants of a distribution, skewness and kurtosis. Regression and correlation: Bivariate data. Relationship between the
variables. Method of least squares, regression line. Correlation and regression coefficients. Rank correlation and
correlation ratio.

Books Recommended:
Hoel P G, Introductory Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Johnston J. Econometric Methods
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Weatherburn C E, A first Course in Mathematical Statistics
Wonnacott & Wonnacott, Introductory Statistics
Yule and Kendal, An Introduction to the theory of Statistics

2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Statistics: Definition, subject matter, application in social science. Summerarization of data: Frequency Distribution,
graphical representation of statistical data. Central tendency and dispersion: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
mean deviation, coefficient of variation, decile, percentile, etc, moments, skewness and Kurtosis. Probability: Concept of
probability, laws of probability, mathematical expectations, independence of two or more random variables. Index
number: Construction of price, voting and quantity Index, cost of living index.

Books Recommended:
Wonnacott & Wonnacott Introductory Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Yule and Kendal, An Introduction the Theory of Statistics


4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Statistics: Definition, subject matter, application of statistical tools in economic analysis. Statistical Data: Nature,
classification and tabulation, frequency distribution, various methods of graphical representation. Measures of central
tendency and dispersion: Mean, mode, median, quartiles and percentiles, variance and standard deviation, coefficient
of variation, skewness and kurtosis. Sampling: Population and sample, census and sampling, methods of sampling-
simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, two stage sampling, sampling error and non-
sampling errors. Index number: Construction of price, quantity, value and cost of living indices, Laspeyere, Paasche
and Fisher’s ideal indices, problems in construction, uses of price indices, tests of index number, special purpose
indices- cost of living index number. Probability: Definition and related concepts, laws of probability, discrete and
continuous random variables, mathematical expectations.

Books Recommended:

Croxton & Cowdon, Applied General Statistics, Prentice Hall
Klein L, A Text Book of Econometrics
Mirer T, Economic Statistics and Econometrics
Mood & Grabill, Introduction of the Theory of Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Walpole R W, Introduction to Statistics
Wonnacott & Wonnacott, Intoductory Statistics, Wiley
Yule & Kendal, An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, Macmillan.


Theory: 3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Statistics: definition, subject matter, applications of statistical tools in economic analysis. Statistical data: nature,
classification and tabulation, frequency distribution, various methods of graphical representation. Measures of central
tendency and dispersion: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, harmonic mean, weighted average, mode, median, quartiles
and percentiles, variance and standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis.
Probability: Definition and related concepts, laws of probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem.
Random variables: Definition, discrete and continuous random variables, probability function, distribution
function, joint, marginal and conditional probability functions. Mathematical expectation: Expectations of sum and
product, conditional expectation and conditional variance. Moments and moment generating function, cumulants.
Index numbers: Different types of index numbers, formulae, construction and tests of index numbers, cost of living index
number, uses and importance.

Books Recommended:
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Islam M N, An Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Roy M K, Fundamentals of Probability and Probability distributions
Croxton & Cowdon, Applied General Statistics, Prentice-Hall
Mood & Grabill, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
Walpole R W, Introduction to Statistics, Collier-Macmillan
Wonnacot & Wonnacot, Introductory Statistics, Wiley

STA-105 GENERAL STATISTICS (Course should be taught in applied nature) (FOR CEP DEPT.)
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Statistics : Definition, Nature & Scope. Organization of Data: Definition & classification of data, Tabulation,
Frequency distribution, Graphic representations. Measures of Central Tendency: Mean , Median, Mode Geometric
mean & Weighted average, Quantiles, Measures of Dispersion: Range, Standard deviation, Variance, Coefficient of
variation, Skewness & Kurtosis. Probability: Definition, Statement & Interpretation of Laws of Probability, Bayes rule,
Random variables, Mathematical Expectations, Probability distributions, Uses, Application & Properties of Binomial,
Poisson & Normal distribution. Statistical Inference: Sampling & sampling distributions, Properties of t, F, λ2
distributions. Test of hypothesis concerning mean, variance, proportion, Test of independence, Contingency tables, Test of
homogeneity, Confidence intervals for mean, variance, proportions, Sample size determination. Correlation &
Regression: Definition , measure, interpretation & significance, Curve fitting by least squares method and related tests,
Multiple linear regression. Analysis of Variance.

Books Recommended:
Warren Chsae & Fred Bown, General Statistics (2nd Edition)
Meyer A, Probability and Statistics, Addisio-Wesely, USA


Theory: 3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Distributions: Detailed study of binomial, Poisson, and normal distribution.

Sampling: population and sample, census and sampling, probability and non-pr0bability sampling, methods of
sampling -simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, Estimation of
population total, mean, proportion and their standard errors, determination of sample size, sampling errors and
non-sampling errors.
Correlation and regression analysis: bi-variate frequency distribution, correlation, rank correlation, partial and
multiple correlation, linear and non-linear regression. Method of least squares, estimation of simple linear regression
parameters; theorems used in correlation and regression analysis, introduction to the notion of goodness of fit.
Time series: analysis of economic time series, estimating trends, seasonal and cyclical components.

Income and wealth distributions: study of lognormal distributions, Pareto curve, Lorenz curve. Basic Ideas of
analysis of variance.

Books Recommended:
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Islam M N, An Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Islam M N, An Introduction to Sampling Methods
Roy M K, Fundamentals of Probability and Probability distributions
Klein L, A Test Book of Econometrics
Mirer T, Economic Statistics and Econometrics
Gupta and Kapoor, Fundamentals of Applied Statistics

Theory:4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Sets and their properties. Random experiment, Sample space, events, union and intersection of events, different
types of events, probability of events, axiomatic development of probability, computation of probability.
Theorems of total and compound probability, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, realization of m among n
Random variables: Definition, Probability function, distribution function, joint, marginal and conditional
probability functions.
Mathematical expectation: Expectations of sum and product, conditional expectation and conditional variance,
Chebyshev’s inequalities.
Solving probability problems using Binomial, Poison, Normal distributions.
Law of Large Numbers- Weak and Strong Law

Books Recommended:
Meyer A, Probability and Statistics , Addison-Wesley, USA
Feller W, Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol-1, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Mood, Graybill &Boes, Introduction to Theory of Statistics, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill, NY
Mosteller, Rourke &Thomas, Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, USA
Parzen E, Modern Probability Theory and its Applications, John Wiley, NY
Ross S M, A First Course in Probability, Academic Press, NY
Ross S M, Introduction to Probability Models, 3rd Ed, Academic Press, NY
Roy MK. Fundamentals of Probability and Probability distributions.
Islam, M.N., Introduction to Statistics and Probability, 3rd Edition


Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4Credits

Theory of Statistics: Meaning and scope, variables and attributes, Different scales of measurement, frequency
distribution and graphical representation. Summarisation of data: Location, dispersion and their measures,
skewness, kurtosis and their measures, moments and cumulants, density functions, moments generating function,
cumulant generating function. Study of binomial, poisson, negative binomial, geometric, hypergeometric,
multinomial, uniform, normal, exponential, gamma and beta distributions. Transformation of variates, standard
errors of statistics. Association of attributes: Basic ideas, independence, association and disassociation, measures
of association, partial association, contingency table, association in contingency table.

Books Recommended:
Bulmer M G, Principles of Statistics, 2nd Ed, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5th Ed, John Wiley, NY
Moore P.G, Principles of Statistical Techniques, 3rd Ed, Cambridge University Press, London
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Wonnacott K H & Wonnacott R J, Introductory Statistics, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Weatherburn C E, A First Course in Mathematical Statistics, Cambridge University Press, London
Yule G U & Kendal M G, An introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 14 th Ed, Charles-Griffin, London
Islam, M.N., Introduction to Statistics and Probability, 3rd Edition


Lab:4Hours/Week,2 Credits
Condensation and tabulation of data , frequency distribution, graphical representation of data, measures of
location, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis, fitting of binomial, poisson and normal distributions.


2Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Review of permutation and combination.
Complex numbers: Definition of complex numbers and their properties. DeMoivre’s theorem (for integral
and rational exponents) and its applications . Inequalities: Cauchy, Holder, Chebyshev and Jensen’s
Determinant: Elementary idea of determinant, solution of system of equations by determinant.
Theory of equations: Polynomials, division algorithm, fundamental theorem of algebra, multiplicity of
roots , relation between roots and coefficients of algebraic equations, Descartes rule of signs.

Books Recommended:
Bemard & Child, Algebra
Hall & Knight, Higher Algebra
Rahman M.A, Algebra and Trigonometry
Shahidullah & Bhattacharjee, Algebra and Trigonometry


Theory: 4Hours/Week, 4 Credits
Sampling and sampling distribution, sampling from normal and non-normal populations, distribution of various
statistics. Distribution of linear functions of normal variates, joint distribution of X and S 2 , detailed study of
χ , Student’s t and F distributions, distribution of correlation coefficient in the null case, distribution of
regression coefficient.
Order Statistics, Joint Distribution of n order Statistics, Marginal Distributions of order Statistics, Distribution of
the Median and Range, properties of order Statistics.
Distribution of test Statistics and performance of tests. Test for assigned mean, variance, proportion and
correlation. Comparison of means, proportions, variances and correlation. Bartletts test of homogeneity of
variances. Test for correlation and regression coefficients. Exact test for 2 × 2 table, test for r×c contingency
table. Central limit theorem.

Books Recommended:
Ali A, Theory of Statistics, Vol-II, Bangladesh
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 5th Ed, John Wiley, NY
Hogg R V & Craig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Macmillan, London
Kendall & Stuart, Advanced Theory of Statistics, 4th Ed, Charles-Griffin, London
Mood, Graybill & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill, NY
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Wonnacott K H & Wonnacott R J, Introductory Statistics, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Weatherburn C E, A First Course in Mathematical Statistics, Cambridge University Press, London
Islam, M.N., Introduction to Statistics and Probability, 3rd Edition


Lab:4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Small and large sample tests for proportion, mean, variance, correlation coefficient, regression coefficient,
partial correlation coefficient and multiple correlation coefficient, test for independence in contingency table.


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Random experiment: Sample space. Events. Union and intersection of events. Different types of events. Probability of
events. Axiomatic development of probability. Computation of probability. Theorems of total and compound
probability. Conditional probability. Bayes theorem. Random variables: Probability function, distribution function, joint,
marginal and conditional probability functions. Mathematical expectation: Expectations of sum and product. Conditional
expectation and conditional variance. Moments and moment generating functions. Characteristic function. Distributions:
Study of binomial, poisson, and normal distribution.

Books Recommended:
Feller W, Introduction to Probability, Vol-1, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Hogg R V & Craig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Macmillan, London
Meyer A, Probability and statistics, Addison-Wesley, USA

Mood, Graybill & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY
Mosteller, Rourke & Thomas, Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Ed, Addison-wesley, USA
Ross S M, A first Course in Probability, Academic Press, NY


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Definition of Social Statistics Variable, Population, Sample, Tabulation and graphical representation of data.
Frequency distribution. Central tendency and its different measures. Dispersion and its different measures. Correlation
and its measures.
Probability, Probability distribution, Statistical tests, Drawing of different kinds of samples and estimating mean, total
and proportion.

Books Recommended: Books Recommended:

Hoel P G, Introductory Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Wonnacott & Wonnacott, Introductory Statistics


4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Frequency distribution of data: Population and sample. Collection and representation of statistical data. Tabulation of
data. Class intervals. Frequency distribution, discrete, continuous and cumulative distributions. Histograms and frequency
polygons. Graphical representation of data. Statistical measures: Measures of central tendency - arithmetic mean, median,
mode, geometric mean, weighted average, harmonic mean. Measures of dispersion - range, standard deviation, variance,
coefficient of variation, moments, skewness, kurtosis. Correlation theory: Linear correlation. Measures of correlation and
its significance. Regression and curve fitting: Linear and non-linear regression. Methods of least squares. Curve fitting.
Probability: Definition of probability and related concepts. Laws of probability. Discrete and continuous random
variables. Mathematical expectations. Conditional probability. Probability distributions: Binomial, poisson and normal
distributions and their properties. Stochastic process. Markov chain (discrete and continuous). Queuing theory - Birth
death process in queuing. Examples from computer science. Queuing models. (Elementary concepts).

Books Recommended:
Barlow R J, Statistics
Chisholm J S R & Morris R M, Mathematical Methods in Physics
Hoel P G, Elementary Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Loveday, Practical Statistics and Probability
Melnyk M, Principles of Applied Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of statistics, Bangladesh
Mosteller, Rourke & Thomas, Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, USA
Spiegel M R, Theory and Problems of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY
Topping, Observation of Errors

STA-203 INFERENTIAL STATISTICS (FOR SOC DEPT.) (Course should be taught in applied nature)
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Probability Distribution: Probability Functions, Probability Density Functions, Selected Probability Distributions-
Binomial Poison and Normal. Sampling Distributions: Basic Concept of X2 , t and F Distributions. Tests of
Significance: Basic Concepts; Tests of Significance of Mean, Proportions, Correlation Coefficient and Regression
Coefficients. Correlation and Regression Analysis: Bivariate Frequency Distribution; Correlation and Regression
Coefficients; Partial and Multiple Correlation; Rank Correlation; Computation of Simple Linear Regression
Parameters; Introduction to the notion of goodness of it. Time Series: Analysis of Economic Time Series; Estimating
Trends; Seasonal and Cyclical Components. Income and Wealth Distribution: Study of Lognormal Distribution,
Pareto Curve, Lorenz Curve.

Books Recommended:
Croxton & Cowdon, Applied General Statistics, Prentice-Hall
Klein L, A Text Book of Econometrics
Mirer T, Economic Statistics and Econometrics
Mood & Graybill, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Walpole R W, Introduction to Statistic, Collier-Macmillan
Wonnacot P & Wonnacot R, Introductory Statistics, Wiley
Yule & Kendal, An Introduction to the Theory of Statistic, Macmillan

STA-204 STATISTICS (FOR SCW DEPT.) Course should be taught in applied nature
4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Statistics: Definition. subject matter, application of statistical tools in sociological and economic analysis. Statistical
data: nature, classification and tabulation. frequency, distribution, various methods of graphical representation. Measures
of central tendency and dispersion: mean, mode, median, quartiles and percentiles, variance and standard deviation,
coefficient of variation, Correlation, Rank correlation.
Sampling: Concepts and methods of sampling. Probability: Definition and related concepts. Definition of Normal
distribution, t distribution, λ2 distribution, F distribution. Test of Hypothesis: Test for mean, Proportion, Corelation-
Coefficients and Regression-Coefficient. Test for Independence.

Book recommended:
Blalock H M, Social Statistics.
Hagood, Statistics for Sociologists
Kendal & Yule, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics.
Mostafa M G., Methods of Statistics.
Walpole R W., Introduction to Statistics.
Wonnacott P & Wonnacott R. Introductory Statistics.

3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Correlation and Regression: Bivarite data, distribution and use of coefficient of correlation. Coefficient of determination.
Time Series: Its components, measurement of trend , method of least squares and moving average. Probability,
probability distribution: Probability function, probability density function, binomial, poisson, normal and χ 2
distributions. Test of hypothesis.
Sampling Theory: Population and sample, census and sample survey, types of sampling, technique and methods for the
preparation of a questionnaire. Strength and limitations of the application of statistical techniques in social and political

Books Recommended:
Dwyer, Statistical Models for the social & Behavioural Sciences
Goode W J & Panek H, Methods in Social Research
Selltiz C, Research Methods in Social Relations
Young P V, Scientific Social Surveys And Research
Mostafa, M.G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh


4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Statistics: Its nature and scope. Nature of statistical data. Attributes and variables, population and sample, collection
and condensation of data. Frequency distribution. Graphical representation of data. Measures of location: Arithmetic
mean, median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean, quadratic mean, quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Measures of
dispersion: Range, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance, quartile deviation, coefficient of variation, moments
and cumulants of a distribution, skewness and kurtosis. Regression and correlation: Bivariate data. Relationship
between the variables. Methods of least squares, regression line. Correlation and regression coefficients. Rank
correlation. Probability: Sample space, Event, Probability of event, Random variable, Binomial and Normal
distribution; t, χ 2 and F distribution. Statistical Tests- Test of proportion mean, variance, correlation coefficient,
regression coefficient, test for independence of attributes. Sampling:- Simple random sampling, Stratified random
sampling, Systematic sampling, cluster sampling. Determination of sample size in S.R.S and Stratified random

Books Recommended:
Hoel P G, Introductory Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Johnston J. Econometric Methods
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Weatherburn C E, A first Course in Mathematical Statistics
Wonnacott & Wonnacott, Introductory Statistics
Yule and Kendal, An Introduction to the theory of Statistics
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley,NY
Hogg R V & Craig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Macmillan, London
Mood, Graybill & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY
Cochran W G, Sampling Techniques, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY

Theory: 3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Sampling from normal population. Sampling distribution of various statistics, Detailed study of χ 2, t & F distributions.
Central limit theorem, Concept of estimation, Point estimation. Characteristics of a good point estimator, methods of point
estimation: method of least squares, moment and maximum likelihood. Concept of interval estimation. Methods of interval
estimation. Interval estimation of mean and variance, proportion, correlation and regression coefficients.
Bayesian method of point estimation and interval estimation
Test of significance in small and large samples. Comparison of means, proportions and variances. Test of homogeneity of
means and variances.

Books Recommended:
Ali A, Theory of Statistics, Vol-II
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Islam M N, An Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Roy MK. Fundamentals of Probability and Probability distributions.
Gupta and Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics
Meyer A, Probability and Statistics , Addison-Wesley, USA
Mood, Graybill &Boes, Introduction to Theory of Statistics, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill, NY
Ross S M, A First Course in Probability, Academic Press, NY
Hogg and Tanis, Probability and Statistical Inference


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Frequency distribution of data: Population and sample, collection and presentation of statistical data, tabulation of
data, class intarvals. Frequency distribution - discrete, continuous and cumulative distributions. Histograms and
frequency polygons, graphical representation of data. Statistical measures: Measures of central tendency, arithmatic
mean, median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean, weighted average. Measures of dispersion, range, standard
deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, moments, skewness, kurtosis. Correlation theory: Linear correlation,
measures of correlation and its significance. Regression and curve fitting: Linear and nonlinear regression, method
of least squares, curve fitting. Probability: Definition of probability and related concept, laws of probability, discrete
and continuous random variable, mathematical expectations, conditional probability. Probability distribution:
Binomial, poisson and normal distribution and their properties.

Books Recommended:
Barlow R J, Statistics
Chisholm J S R & Morris R M, Mathematical Methods in Physics
Hoel P G, Elementary Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Loveday, Practical Statistics and Probability
Melnyk M, Principles of Applied Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods in Statistics, Bangladesh
Mosteller, Rourke & Thomas, Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, USA
Spiegel M R, Theory and Problems of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY
Topping, Observation of Errors


2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Summarization of data: Frequency distribution, Graphical representation and tabulation of statistical data.
Central tendency and dispersion: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, mean deviation, coefficient of variation, deciles
and percentiles.
Correlation and regression: Coefficient of correlation, Linear regression, Curve fitting.
Probability: Concepts of probability, Laws of probability. Probability distribution. Binomial distribution, Normal

Books Recommended:
Wonnacott & Wonnacott- Introductory Statistics, Wiley
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Jhonston, J- Econometric Methods
G.D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, 4th Ed.
Vogel, Inorganic Quantitative Analysis, 4th Ed.

4Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Introduction: Definition, uses of statistics in biological science, Variables, Classification, Construction of frequency
distribution, Graphical representation of data,. Central tendency, Measures of central tendency, Quantiles, Dispersion,
Measures of Dispersion, Moment, Skewness and Kurtosis.
Probability: Elementary theory of probability, laws of probability, additive and multiplicative laws of probability and
Bay's theorem. Random variables, probability distribution, derivation, properties and uses of Binomial, Poisson and
Normal distribution to observed data.
Techniques of Sampling: The concept of statistical population and parameters Samples and random sample statistical
characterization of samples. Definition and use of stadardized normal variate.
Descriptive Statistics: Calculation of the mean, variance and standard deviation, Standard deviation of the mean,
Confidence limit of the mean.
Correlation and Regression: Definition, correlation coefficient, product moment correlation coefficient to measure the
relationship between variables in a bi-variate distribution. Fitting simple linear regression to observed data by the method
of least squares.
Hypothesis: Test of Hypothesis, type I and type II errors and level of significance, preliminary idea on t-test, F-test, Chi
square test and their application. Testing hypothesis regarding population
mean, equality of two means, population variance equality of two means, population variance equality of two population
variances, goodness of fit and independence of two attributes in a contingency table and test of significance of correlation
coefficient and regression coefficients.
Principles of experimental design: Field layout and analysis of variance in completely randomized design, randomized
block design and Latin square design. Analysis of covariance in a completely randomized design.
Epidemiology: Basic concepts.

Books Recommended:
Mostafa, M G- Methods of Statistics
Steel, R D G and Torry, J H- Principles and Procedures of Statistics
Hogg, R and Graig, A- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Syllabus will be designed by course teacher.


4Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Introduction: Definition, uses of statistics in biological science, Variables, Classification, Construction of frequency
distribution, Graphical representation of data,. Central tendency, Measures of central tendency, Quantiles, Dispersion,
Measures of Dispersion, Moment, Skewness and Kurtosis.
Probability: Elementary theory of probability, laws of probability, additive and multiplicative laws of probability and
Bay's theorem. Random variables, probability distribution, derivation, properties and uses of Binomial, Poisson and
Normal distribution to observed data.
Techniques of Sampling: The concept of statistical population and parameters Samples and random sample statistical
characterization of samples. Definition and use of stadardized normal variate.
Descriptive Statistics: Calculation of the mean, variance and standard deviation, Standard deviation of the mean,
Confidence limit of the mean.
Correlation and Regression: Definition, correlation coefficient, product moment correlation coefficient to measure the
relationship between variables in a bi-variate distribution. Fitting simple linear regression to observed data by the method
of least squares.
Hypothesis: Test of Hypothesis, type I and type II errors and level of significance, preliminary idea on t-test, F-test, Chi
square test and their application. Testing hypothesis regarding population mean, equality of two means, population
variance equality of two means, population variance equality of two population variances, goodness of fit and
independence of two attributes in a contingency table and test of significance of correlation coefficient and regression
Principles of experimental design: Field layout and analysis of variance in completely randomized design, randomized
block design and Latin square design. Analysis of covariance in a completely randomized design.

Books Recommended:
Mostafa, M G- Methods of Statistics
Steel, R D G and Torry, J H- Principles and Procedures of Statistics

Hogg, R and Graig, A- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Syllabus will be designed by course teacher.


4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Statistics: Its nature and scope. Nature of statistical data. Attributes and variables, population and sample, collection
and condensation of data. Frequency distribution. Graphical representation of data. Measures of location: Arithmetic
mean, median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean, quadratic mean, quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Measures of
dispersion: Range, mean deviation, standard deviation, variance, quartile deviation, coefficient of variation, moments
and cumulants of a distribution, skewness and kurtosis. Regression and correlation: Bivariate data. Relationship
between the variables. Methods of least squares, regression line. Correlation and regression coefficients. Rank
correlation. Probability: Sample space, Event, Probability of event, Random variable, Binomial and Normal
distribution; t, χ 2 and F distribution. Statistical Tests- Test of proportion mean, variance, correlation coefficient,
regression coefficient, test for independence of attributes. Sampling:- Simple random sampling, Stratified random
sampling, Systematic sampling, cluster sampling. Determination of sample size in S.R.S and Stratified random

Books Recommended:
Hoel P G, Introductory Statistics, John Wiley, NY
Johnston J. Econometric Methods
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh
Weatherburn C E, A first Course in Mathematical Statistics
Wonnacott & Wonnacott, Introductory Statistics
Yule and Kendal, An Introduction to the theory of Statistics
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley,NY
Hogg R V & Craig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Macmillan, London
Mood, Graybill & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill, NY
Cochran W G, Sampling Techniques, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY


Theory: 4 Hours/ Week, 4 Credits
Concept and scope of sampling, sampling versus census, steps of survey, questionnaire, pilot survey, sampling
and non-sampling errors, bias and precision, determination of sample size. Probability and non-probability
sampling , study of different sampling design, simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic
sampling, cluster sampling. Estimation of population total, mean, proportion and their standard errors. Ratio and
regression methods of estimation. Basic ideas of two stage, three stage and double sampling.

Books Recommended:
Cochran W G, Sampling Techniques, 3rd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Islam M.N., An Introduction to Sampling Methods, Book World, Dhaka.
Desraj, Sampling Theory
Kish L, Survey Sampling
Sukhatme P V, Sampling Theories and Surveys with Applications


Lab: 4Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Drawing samples from population under different sampling designs. Estimation of population mean, total,
proportion and their standard errors.


Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Bivariate quantitative data: Bivariate normal distribution, marginal distribution, conditional distribution.
Regression and correlation: Method of least squares, regression line, correlation and regression coefficients,
rank correlation and correlation ratio, regression curves from bivariate distributions.

Multiple linear regression: Three variable regression, estimation of parameters and standard error, separation of
effects, multiple and partial correlation.
General linear regression model, OLS estimators, Gauss-Markoff theorem, estimation of error variance,
hypothesis testing.
Polynomial regression: Concepts of polynomial regression, estimating and testing in polynomial regression
model, finding the degree of polynomial.
Residual analysis: Basic concepts, analysis of residuals by graphs, Lack of fit of Model adequacy.

Books Recommended:
Chatterjee S & Price P, Regression Analysis by example, John Wiley, NY
Draper N R & Smith H, Applied Linear Regression, 2nd Ed, John Wiley, NY
Graybil F A An introduction to Linear Statistical Models, Mc Graw Hill, NY
Johnston J, Econometric Methods, Mc Graw Hill, NY
Koutsoyiannis A, Theory of Econometrics, Mac Milan, London
Montogomery D C & Peck E, An Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, John Wiley, NY
Seber G A F, General Linear Regression Analysis , Wiley & Sons Ltd, NY
Weisberg S, Applied Linear Regression, second edition John Wiley NY


Lab: 4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Calculation of correlation coefficient, regression coefficient, partial correlation, multiple correlation, fitting of
multiple regression model, separation of effects and tests of hypothesis, fitting of polynomial and analysis of
residuals and test for lack of fit.


Theory:4Hours/week, 4 Credits

Theory: Basic ideas of analysis of variance, One-way classification with equal and unequal observations per cell,
Two-way and three-way classification with equal number of observations per cell, Experimental error and
interpretation of data, Analysis of variance with fixed effect random effect and mixed effect models, Model
adequacy checking.
Multiple comparison: Introduction, Tukey’s W-test, Newman-Keuls several range test, Duncan multiple range
test, Dunnett’s test.
Experimental designs: Introduction, Principles of experimental design, uniformity trial, choice of size and shape
of plots and blocks, estimation and analysis of completely randomized design, randomized block design and
Latin square design. Orthogonality of designs. Analysis of replicated Latin square design, Graceo-Latin square
Factorial experiment: Introduction to factorial designs, factorial experiment for two and three levels up to n

Books Recommended:
Cochran WG & Cox DR, Experimental Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Montgomery, D.C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, 4th Ed, Wiley
Kempthrone, O., The Design and Analysis of Experiment, Wiley
Das, M.N. and Giri, N.C., Design and analysis of Experiments, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
Sheffe, H., The Analysis of Variance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Winer, B.J., Statistical Principles in Experimental Design, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Company, Ltd.
Mann, H.B., Analysis and Design of Experiments, Dover publications, New York
Davis, O.L., Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Oliver & Boyd, Ltd. London
Bhuyan, K.C., Porikhanar Naksha and Vedanka Bishlasion
Bhuyan, M.R., Experimental Design


Lab:4Hours/week, 2 Credits
Analysis of one-way classification with equal and unequal number of observations per cell, analysis of two and
three-way classification with single and several observations per cell, analysis of completely randomized design,
randomized block design and Latin square design with missing observation, Analysis of replicated Latin square
design and Graceo-Latin square design, Analysis of factorial experiments with two and three levels up to n
factors, Multiple comparison.


4 Hrs./Week, 4 credits

Frequency distribution: Measures of central tendency, dispersion; moments, skewness and Kurtosis. Correlation and
Regression: Bivarate data, correlation and regression coefficients, regression. Probability: Sample space event,
probability of events, theorem, of total and compound probability, conditional probability, bayes theorem. Random
variable: Probability function, distribution function, joint, marginal and conditional probability function, expectation and
moment generating function. Parent Distributions: Binomial, poisson, negative bionomial, normal and exponential
distribution. Sampling Distributions: χ 2 , t and F distributions. Test of Hypothesis: Test for population, mean, variance,
correlation coefficient and regression coefficients.

Books Recommended:
Spiegel M R, Theory and Problems of Statistics
Hoel P G, Elementary Statistics
Hogg R V & Craig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Macmillan, London
Mood, Graybil & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill, NY
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics
Milnyk M, Principles of Applied Statistics
Barlow R G, Statistics
Loveday, Practical Statistics and Probability
Mosteller, Rourk & Thomas, Probability with Statistical Applications, 2nd Ed, Addison-Wesley, USA
Goon A M & Gupta M N, Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol-I


3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Sampling from normal and nonnormal populations. Distribution of various statistics, distribution of linear functions of
normal variates. Detailed study of χ 2,t & F distributions. Concept of estimation. Point estimation. Characteristic of a good
point estimator, methods of point estimation. Concept of interval estimation. Methods of interval estimation. Interval
estimation of mean and variance of normal distribution. Test of significance in small and large samples. Comparison of
means, proportions and variance. Test of homogeneity of variances, Test for r x c contingency tables.

Books Recommended:
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Hogg and Craig, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Mood, Graybill and Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
Mostafa M G, Methods of Statistics, Bangladesh


Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Point estimation: Basic concepts, principles of point estimation. Method of point estimation: Method of
maximum likelihood, method of moments, method of least squares, method of minimum chi-squares, method of
minimum variance. Bayes method. Properties of point estimators: Unbiasedness, sufficiency, consistency,
efficiency, asymptotic efficiency. Cramer-Rao lower bound. Interval estimation: Concept of central and non-
central confidence interval. Confidence interval for parameters of normal, binomial and poisson distribution.
Large sample confidence interval. Parametric tests: Basic concepts, Simple hypothesis & composite hypothesis,
critical region, best critical region, Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma, most powerful tests, uniformly most
powerful critical region, UMP tests. Non-parametric methods.

Books Recommended:
Beaumont W, Intermediate Mathematical Statistics ,2nd Ed, Cambridge University Press, London
Cox D R & Hinkley D V, Theoritical Statistics, Chapman and Hall, London
Graybill F A, Introduction to Linear Statistical Models, McGraw Hill, NY
Hoel P G, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4th Ed, Wiley, NY
Hogg R V and Chaig A T, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Macmillan, NY
Mood, Grabyl & Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill, NY
Kendall, M G & Stuart A, The Advance Theory of Statistics, Vol-2, 4th Ed, Charles-Grifin, London
Lindley, Statistical Inference
Zacks S, Theory of Statistical Inference, John Wiley, NY
Hollander, M & Wolf, D.A.- Nonparamatric Statistical Methods


Lab: 4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Drawing sample from univariate and bivariate normal distributions. Point estimation of parameters of univariate
distributions by method of moments, method of maximum likelihood and method of least squares. Construction
of confidence intervals for parameters of normal distribution, construction of large sample confidence interval
for parameters of binomial and poisson distribution. Tests of hypothesis regarding parameters of univariate and
bivariate normal distributions, Tests of hypothesis regarding parameters of discrete and continuous distributions.
Calculation of best critical region and drawing power curve. Nonparametric tests.


Theory: 2Hours/week, 2 Credits

Historical background and evaluation of computer and its development, types of computer according to size and
function, peripheral devices of computer system, software and hardware knowledge, idea about RAM, ROM,
compiler and interpreter.
Introduction to operating systems (DOS and Windows), word processing, spreadsheet and database. Statistical
graphs using computer.
Fortran: Fundamental programming concepts, variables, arrays, statement, assignment, loops, conditions,
algorithms and flowcharts, recursion, procedures and functions, calculation of different measures of central
tendency, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regression. one dimensional function minimization,
solution of simultaneous linear equations, convergence.

Books recommended:
Ellis, FORTRAN 77 Programming
Gorre and Stubs, Computers and Information System, McGraw Hill, NY
Kumar R, Programming with FORTRAN 77
Meissner/Organick, FORTRAN 77
Microsoft Corporation, MS-DOS User’s Guide


Lab: 4Hours/week, 2 Credits

Calculation of different measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regression.
Factorials and binomial coefficients, summation of series, one dimensional function minimization. Statistical
graphs using computer.


Theory:4Hours/week, 4 Credits

Multiple regression and linear estimation: Generalized and weighted least squares. Gauss-Markov Aitken’s
theorem. Estimation and tests for linear restriction.
Heteroscedasticity: Detection and testing for heteroscedasticity, Estimation with heteroscedestic disturbances.
Multicollinearity: Concept of exact and near multicollinearrity, Estimable functions, Effects of multicollinearity,
Detection and remedial measures of multicollinearity.
Autocorrelation: Sources and consequences of autocorrelation, Tests for autocorrelated disturbances, Estimation
of parameters.
Dummy variables: General concepts, Use of dummy variables in regression analysis.
Errors in variables: Basic ideas, Consequences and tests for error in variables, Estimation of parameters.
Binary Models, Selection of variables.

Books recommended:
Chatterjee, S. and B. Price : Regression Analysis by Example, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Montgomery, D.C. and E.A. Peck : Introduction to linear Regression Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Gujarati, Damodar N.: Basic Econometrics, 3d ed., Mc Graw-Hill, New York.
Maddala, G.S.: Econometrics, Macmillan, New York.
Griffiths W.E. et al : Learning and practicing econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Koutsoyiannis, A.: Theory of Econometrics, 2d ed. Macmillan, London
Johnston, J. : Econometric Methods, McGraw-Hill, New York
Judge, George G., et al : The Theory and Practice of Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Draper, N.R. and H. Smith : Applied Regression Analysis, 2d ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Neter, J., W. Wasserman and M.H. Kunter : Applied Linear Regression Models, Richard D. Irwin, Inc.,
Homewood, Illinois.


Lab:4Hours/week, 2 Credits

Fitting of multiple regression models, Tests of parameters of a multiple regression models. Detection and tests
for multicolllnearity, Fitting of model when multicollinearity is present. Tests of autocorrelation and estimation
of parameters with autocorrelated disturbances. Fitting of dummy variables model and tests.


Theory: 3 Hours/week, 3 Credits

Simulation: Introduction, concept and meaning of simulation studies and modeling, basic nature of simulation,
discrete and continuous simulation, simulation of random numbers, random number generation, random variate
generation, series and their convergence, polynomial and relational functions, incomplete gamma function,
incomplete beta function, error function, chi-square probability function, cumulative probability function,
exponential integrals, Student’s t distribution, F distribution, cumulative binomial distribution, hypergeometric
distribution, simple Monte Carlo integration, multidimensional function minimization.

Statistical packages: SPSS – introduction, operation commands, data definition, manipulation commands and
REGRESS, etc. SAS – structure of a SAS program, data step, data management and other facilities in the DATA
step, saving and recalling SAS programs, input statement, SAS permanent data sets, PROC steps – print, sort,
format, means, univariate, tabulate, corr, summary, contents, transpose, freq, ttest, anova, glm, reg, plot, SAS

Books recommended:
Ellis, FORTRAN 77 Programming
SAS, Reference Manual: Language Guide for Personal Computers, Procedures Guide, STAT User’s Guide
Chowdhury A K, SAS Handout
Press W H et al, Numerical Recipes in Fortran – The Art of Scientific Computing, 2nd Ed, Cambridge University
Ripley D Brian, Stochastic Simulation, Wiley, NY
Ross M Sheldon, Simulation, 2nd Ed, Academic Press, London
Rubinstein Y Reuven, Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, Wiley, NY
SPSS/PC Reference Manual


Lab: 4Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Getting into SAS, the data, using existing data files, splitting data sets, if conditions, joining data sets, merging
data sets, updating and selecting variables, saving program, labeling and formatting, permanent data set,
summary statistics, plotting data, making new SAS data sets, analysis of randomized block design, treatment
comparisons, analysis of non-orthogonal designs, split-plot analysis, multiple regression in SAS – all possible
regressions, sequential methods, model diagnostics, comparisons of regressions, xy plot, bar chart, pie chart.

Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Basic concept of demography: Demography and population studies, nature and scope of demography,
importance of demography, vital statistics, demographic characteristics in Bangladesh.
Sources of demographic data: Census, survey, population register, sample vital registration system in
Bangladesh. sources and types of errors in demographic data, detection and reduction of errors, the stock and
flow data. Introduction to demographic methods: Rates, ratios, proportions, cohort, age-sex composition, rates of
vital events, errors in age data, detection of errors in age data, population pyramid, concept of population change,
rates of population growth and its different measures, balancing equation, history of population growth in
Bangladesh. Fertility and its measures: Crude birth rate, general fertility rate, age-specific fertility rate, total
fertility rate, sex ratio, child woman ratio, cohort fertility rate, marital fertility rate, number of children ever born,
cumulative fertility, fertility differentials, gross and net reproduction rate.
Mortality and its measures: Crude death rate, age-specific death rate, live birth, still birth, neo-natal, infant death
rate, infant and child mortality, adjusted infant mortality. Nuptiality and its measures: Concept of marriage,
divorce, separation, estimation of mean and median age at marriage, estimation of singulate mean age at
marriage, nuptiality table. Standardisation of rates and ratios: Concept, need and methods of standardisation. Life
table: Definition, importance and classification, function, construction and application, force of mortality.
Migration: Definition, types of migration, effect of migration, various measures of migration. Population
projections: Definition, importance, various methods of projection, application and use of different methods of
projections with special reference to Bangladesh. Growth curve: Fitting of exponential, Gompertz and logistic

Books Recommended:
Barclay J, Techniques of Population Analysis (John Willey & Sons) NY
Spiegelman, Introduction to Demography
Cox D R, Demography
Kpdekpo G, Demographic Analysis in Africa
Chiang CL, The Life Table and its Application, John Wiley, NY
Bogue D, Principles of Demography
Bartlett M S, Stochastic Population Model in Ecology and Epidemiology
Shyrock, Siegel et al, Methods and Materials of Demography
Pollard A H, Farhat Yusuf & Polard G N, Demography, Willey Eastern, India
Goon A M & Gupta M N, Fundamental of Applied StatisticsVol. II
Keyfitz N, Introduction to Mathematics of Population, Addison-Wesley
Linger J W, A Handbook of Population Analysis, Part A
Bather R W, Mortality Table Construction
Publications of B B S, M I S, Population Division Unit of Planning Commission
Journals - Demography, Population Studies


Lab: 4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Calculation of various rates, ratios, proportions for demographic data (CBR, CDR, GRR, NRR, TER, SR etc)
construction of population pyramid, calculation of various measures of population growth, construction of life
tables (complete and abridge), calculation of various measures of population growth, construction of life tables
(complete and abridge), calculation of standardised death rate and ratios, fitting of growth curves.


Theory:3 Hours/Week, 3 Credit

Elements of linear programming: Formulation of linear programming problems, theorems of linear

programming. Methods of solution: Graphical method, simplex method, revised simplex method, primal-dual
problems and their solutions, degeneracy and cyclical problems, sensitivity analysis. Integer linear programming:
Problem formulation, methods of solution, cutting plane algorithm, branch and bound algorithm, transportation
problem. Game theory: Two person zero sum games. Equivalence of two person zero sum game and a linear
programming problem, methods of solution of the game problems.

Books Recommended:
Gass S I, Linear Programming
Taha H A, Introduction to Operation Research
Vajda S, Mathematical Programming
Hadley G, Linear Programming


Lab: 2Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Formulation and solution of linear programming and integer linear programming problems, solution of two-
person-zero sum games.


Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Attributes of consumer behavior: Engel curves and lognormal demand curves. Maximization of utility, demand
function, price, income and cross elasticities of demand. Preference theory of demand.
Distribution of personal income: Empirical distribution, Pareto`s law, Lorenz curve, concentration ratio, the
lognormal distribution, Stochastic model of income distribution.
Time series: General ideas, decomposition, trend, seasonality. Different methods of finding trend & seasonality.
Index number: Problems in construction of index numbers, purpose of the index, price index, quantity index,
value index, tests of index numbers, cost of living index, family budget method.
Theory of production: Production function, concepts of average productivity, marginal productivity, marginal
rate of technical substitution, efficiency of production, factor intensity, returns to scale and
homogeneity of production function, production possibility curve, cost function, minimizing cost for a given
level of output, maximization of profit subject to constraint cost, maximization of profit for a given output,
Cobb-Douglas production function, constant elasticity substitution (CES) production function.
Dynamic economics: Cobweb model, Harrod-Domar model of economic growth, natural and non-natural
technical change, two sector growth model.

Input output analysis: Meaning of input output, main features of input output, assumptions, Leontiefs static and
dynamic model, Limitations, importance and application of the analysis.

Books Recommended:
Allen R G D, Mathematical Economics, Mc-Millan, London
Allen R G D, Microeconomic Theory
Bridge J L, Applied Econometrics, North Holland, Amsterdam
Chatfield, Time Series Analysis
Chiang, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, 3rd ED, McGraw Hill, NY
Cramer J S, Empirical Econometrics
Henderson & Quandt, Microeconomic Theory-A Mathematical Approach, 2nd Ed, Mc Graw Hill, NY
Kendal M G, Time Series
Koutsoyiannis A, Modern Microeconomics
Klein L R, An Introduction to Econometrics
Lange O, An Introduction to Econometrics
Leotief W W, The Structure of American Economy
Watson D S, Price Theory and its Uses


Lab: 4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Construction of price, quantity, value index and cost of living index, determination of trend, seasonal variation
and cyclical fluctuation by various methods, periodogram and correlogram analysis, fitting of Pareto and
lognormal distribution, Lorenz curve and Gini`s concentration ratio, estimation of production function.
Computation of Engel`s elasticities.


Theory : 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Industrial statistics: Assignable and non-assignable causes of variations, problems and principle of statistical
quality control, control charts for variables, control charts for attributes, special control charts.
Acceptance sampling procedure: Introduction, acceptance sampling by attributes, consumer’s and producer’s
risk, acceptance sampling by variables, continuous sampling plan. Sequential sampling O C, A S N, S P R T.
Educational statistics: Introduction, education and psychology, scaling, measurement of different scores, IQ,
Planning reliability, validity of tests.
Official statistics: Questionnaire, schedule and data collection, coding, editing and tabulating plans. Official
statistics of Bangladesh with special reference to population, economy, critical evaluation of the sources and
their limitations.

Books Recommended:
Banks J, Principles of Quality Control
Duncan A J, Quality Control and Industrial Statistics
Grant, Statistical Quality Control
Guilford J P, Educational Statistics and Psychometric Methods
Guilford J P & Bejamin F, Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, 6th Ed
Wordsworth, Stephans & Godfrey, Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement
Publications of B B S, Bangladesh Bank, NIPORT and other organizations.


Lab: 4 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Different types of control charts, OC curve for single sampling and double sampling plans, calculation of AOQ
and AOQL for single sampling, double sampling and continuous sampling plans. OC and ASN functions for
multiple sampling plans. Calculation of different scores and their standardization, calculation of IQ.


Theory : 3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits

Linear estimation, Estimable parametric functions and conditions for estimability, Methods of estimation for
analysis of variance models, Solution of normal equations for less than full rank, Optimality properties of least
squares estimators, Test of hypothesis.

Weighting design: Method of estimation. Use of incomplete blocks, construction and analysis of BIB designs,
incomplete block design as weighting designs (Intra and inter-block analysis). Missing plot. Orthogonal latin
squares. Youden squares. Lattice designs. Partially balanced incomplete block designs.

Factorial experiment: Sn factorial experiments and their analysis.Confounding, total, partial and simultaneous confounding in
two and three levels up to n factors, Fractional replicates and their construction. Asymmetric factorial experiments.

Split-plot design, analysis of split-plot design, Split-split-plot design, analysis of split-split-plot design, Strip-plot
design, analysis of strip-plot design, Nested design, analysis of nested design.

Books Recommended:
Cochran WG & Cox DR, Experimental Design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Montgomery, D.C., Design and Analysis of Experiments, 4th Ed, Wiley
Kempthrone, O., The Design and Analysis of Experiment, Wiley
Federer, W.T., Experimental Design, Oxford & IBH publishing company, Pvt., Ltd.
Gomez, K.A. & Gomez A.A., Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research , 2nd Ed
Yates, F., Design and Analysis of Factorial Experiments, Harpenden, Herts, England
Das, M.N. and Giri, N.C., Design and analysis of Experiments, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
Sheffe, H., The Analysis of Variance, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Mann, H.B., Analysis and Design of Experiments, Dover publications, New York
Davis, O.L., Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Oliver & Boyd, Ltd. London
Bhuyan, K.C., Porikhanar Naksha and Vedanka Bishlasion
Bhuyan, M.R., Experimental Design


Lab : 2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Total, partial and simultaneous confounding, Fractionally replicated factorial experiment, Analysis of split-plot
design, split-split plot design, strip-plot design and nested design.


Theory:4 hours/week, 4 Credits

Set Functions: The concept of measurability, simple function, elementary properties of measures, outer
measures, measurable sets and Lebesgue measure, non-Lebesgue measurable sets.
Convergence of Random Variables: Characteristic functions with properties, probability generating functions
with properties, conditions.
Modern Probability Theory: Probability of a set function, Borel field and extension of probability measure,
probability measure notion of random variables, probability space, distribution functions, expectation and
Stochastic Process: Definition, different types of stochastic processes, recurrent events, renewal equation,
delayed recurrent events, number of occurrence of a recurrent event.
Markov Chain: Transition matrix, higher transition probabilities, classification of states and chains, ergodic
properties, evaluation of Pn.
Finite Markov Chain: General theory of random walk with reflecting barriers, transient states, absorption
probabilities, application of recurrence time, gambler’s ruin problem.
Homogeneous Markov Process: Poisson process, simple birth process, simple death process, simple birth death
process, general birth process, effect of immigration, non-homogeneous birth death process. Queueing theory.

Books Recommended:
G.R. Grimmett and D.R. Stirzaker. Probability and random processes. Oxford Science Publications.
R.B. Ash. Real analysis and probability. Academic Press.
N.T.J. Bailey. The element of stochastic processes. Wiley.
M.S. Bartlett. An introduction to stochastic processes. Wiley.
P. Billingsley. Probability and measure Wiley.
K.L. Chung. Elementary probability theory with stochastic processes.
D.R. Cox and W. Miller. The theory of stochastic processes, Chapman and Hall.
S. Karlin and H.M. Taylor. A first course in stochastic processes. Academic Press.
H.M. Taylor and S. Karlin. An introduction to stochastic modeling. Academic Press.
S.M. Ross. Introduction to probability models. Academic Press.
S. Ross. Stochastic processes. Wiley.
U.N. Bhat. Elements of applied stochastic processes. Wiley.

Theory:2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits

Non-central distribution: Non-central λ2, F and t-distributions, their properties.

Multinormal distribution: Derivation of Multinormal distribution, Marginal, Conditional, Moments & moment
generating function. Properties of Multinormal distribution.
Tests of Mean vector: Hotelling's T2, Mahalanobish D2, Wishart distribution,
Distribution of Quadratic forms: Distribution of General quadratic form, Properties: Expected values, Moment
and Moment generating function.

Books Recommended:
Anderson, T.W.- An Introduction to Multivariate Analysis, Wiley and sons, NY
Graybill, F.A.- An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models, Vol-1, 2nd Ed, Mc-Graw-Hill, NY
Manly B.F.J- Multivariate Statistical methods-a primer, Chapman and Hall, London
Johnson R.A. and Wichern D.W.- Applied Multivariate Analysis, Prantice Hall, New Jersey


Lab 2 Hours/Week, 1 Credit

Syllabus will be designed by course teacher.


Theory: 4 Hours/Week, 4 Credits

Bio-statistics Overview: Roots, Development and nature of discipline, Current focuses and challenges.
Basic Quantities: Lifetime distribution, Survival function, Hazard function, Interrelationships, Mean residual life
function, Median Life time, Censoring, Truncation, Right an left censoring, Type-I and Type-II censoring, Random
Parametric Methods: Likelihood construction for censored and truncated data, Inference procedure for Exponential,
Weibull, Gamma, Normal, Lognormal, extreme value distribution for complete and censored data.
Nonparametric Methods: Estimation of survival function, hazard function; Reduced sample method, Product limit
method, Actuarial Method, Estimation and standard error, Gehan test, Mantel -Haenszel test, Log-rank test.
Regression: Exponential and Weibull regression models, Logistic regression, Estimation and tests. Proportional
Hazards Models.
Epidemiologic Concept: Epidemiology, Health and Disease, Sources of Data of Community Health: Census, Vital
Statistics and Morbidity Data.
Study Designs: Case-control, Cohort, prospective, retrospective, Longitudinal Studies. Clinical Trials.
Measure of Disease frequency: Incidence, Prevalence, Sensitivity and specificity. Estimation of Risk and Rate.
Measure of effect and measures of association: Measure of effect, Measures of association, standard measures,
Prevalence ratio, Relative Risk, Attributable risk, Odds ratio, Standard errors of Estimates for different types studies,
McNemar Test
Matching: Purpose and effect of matching, Matching in case-control studies, Matching in Cohort Studies.

Books Recommended:
Lawless, J.F.: Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime data
Cox, D. R. and Oakes, D: Analysis of Survival Data
Kalbfleisch, J.D. and Prentice R.L.: The Statistical Analysis of failure Time Data
Kleinbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L. and Morgenstern, H. Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative
Rothman, K.J. and Greenland, S. :Modern Epidemiology
Elandt-Jhonson, R.C. and Jhonson N.L.: Survival Models and Data Analysis
Lee, E.T: Statistical Method for survival Data Analysis
Pocock, William: Clinical Trials


4 Hours/Week, 2 Credit

Syllabus will be designed by course Teacher


Theory: 2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
Order Statistics: Joint Distribution of n order Statistics, Marginal Distributions of order Statistics Distribution
of the Median and Range, properties of order Statistics.

Non-parametric Tests: Tests based on Runs, Tests of goodness of fit. Rank order Statistics. Other one sample
and paired sample techniques. The sign test and signed rank test. The general two sample problem. Linear rank
statistics and the general two-sample problem. Linear rank tests for the location problem, Linear rank tests for
the scale problem. Tests of the equality of K independent samples. Measures for bivariate samples. Measures of
association in multiple comparison.

Books recommended:
Gibbons, J.D.-- Non parametric Statistical Inference Mc Graw Hill, N.Y
Maritz -- Distribution Free Statistical Methods, Chapman and Hall, London
Hollander, M and Wolfe, D.A-- Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Wiley, N.Y
Bradley, J.V. -- Distribution free Statistical tests, Prentice Hall. N.Y
David, H.A.-- Order Statistics (2nd Ed) Wiley, N.Y
Fraser, D.A.S-- Nonparametric Methods in Statistics, Wiley, N.Y
Hogg R.V. & Craig, A.T. -- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics


Theory: 2 Hours/Week, 1 Credits

Syllabus will be designed by course teacher.


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