ARKI ALE Structural Notes
ARKI ALE Structural Notes
ARKI ALE Structural Notes
- concrete exposed to earth or weather: concrete not exposed to earth or in contact with
o 20mm through 36mm diameter bar – 50mm ground:
o 16mm diameter bar and smaller – 40mm o slabs, walls, joists – 20mm
o beams, columns:
- concrete not exposed to weather or in contact primary reinforcement – 40mm
with ground: ties, stirrups, spirals – 25mm
o slabs, walls, joists: o shells, folded plate members:
45 to 60mm diameter bars – 16mm diameter bar and smaller –
40mm 10mm
36mm diameter bar and smaller – other reinforcement – db but not
20mm less than 20mm
o beams, columns:
primary reinforcement, ties,
stirrups, spirals – 40mm OFFSET BARS
o shells, folded plate members: slope of inclined portion of an offset bar with axis
20mm diameter bar and larger – of column shall not exceed 1 in 6
20mm portions of bar above and below an offset shall be
16mm diameter bar and smaller – parallel to axis of column
12mm lateral ties or spirals, if used, shall be placed not
more than 150mm from points of bend
MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER FOR PRECAST CONCRETE offset bars shall be bent before placement in the
- concrete exposed to earth or weather: forms
o wall panels: where a column face is offset 75mm or greater,
45mm and 60mm diameter bars – longitudinal bars shall not be offset bent. Separate dowels, lap
40mm sliced with the longitudinal bars adjacent to the offset column
36mm diameter bar and smaller – faces, shall be provided
o other members: SPIRALS
45mm and 60mm diameter bars – for cast-in-place construction, size of spirals shall
50mm not be less than 10mm diameter
20mm through 36mm diameter clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed
bar – 40mm 75mm or be less than 25mm
16mm diameter bar and smaller – anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be
30mm provided by 1½ extra turns of spiral bar or wire at each end of a
spiral unit
- concrete not exposed to earth or in contact with spiral reinforcement shall be lap spliced by 48db
ground: but not less than 300mm or welded
o slabs, walls, joists: in columns with capitals, spirals shall extend to a
45mm and 60mm diameter bars – level at which the diameter or width of capital is 2 times that of
30mm the column
36mm diameter bar and smaller – plain bars shall conform to one of the following
15mm specifications:
o beams, columns: o ASTM A 615M
primary reinforcement – db but o ASTM A 616M
not less than 15mm and need not exceed 40mm o ASTM A 617M
ties, stirrups, spirals – 10mm plain wire shall conform to:
o shells, folded plate members: o ASTM A 82 – Steel Wire, Plain
20mm diameter bar and larger –
Structural Notes
o U = 1.4D + 1.7L
TIES dead load, live load and wind load
- 10mm diameter lateral ties for longitudinal bars o U = 0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7W)
32mm diameter or smaller o U = 0.9D + 1.3W
- 12mm diameter lateral ties for longitudinal bars dead load, live load and earthquake load
36 diameter and bundled bars o U = 1.3D + 1.1L + 1.1E
- vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed: o U = 0.99D + 1.1E
o 16db of longitudinal bars
o least dimension of compression member flexure without axial load, 0.90
- ties shall be arranged that no bar shall be farther axial tension and axial tension with flexure, 0.90
than 150mm clear on each side along the tie axial compression and axial compression with
- ties shall be located vertically not more than ½ a flexure:
tie spacing above the top of footing or slab in any story o spiral reinforced, 0.75
- where beams or brackets frame from 4 directions o tie reinforce, 0.70
into a column, termination of ties not more than 75mm below shear and torsion, 0.85
reinforcement in shallowest of such beams or brackets shall be bearing on concrete, 0.70
permitted post-tensioned anchorage zones, 0.85
- shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall be ONE-WAY SLABS UNLESS DEFLECTIONS ARE COMPUTED
spaced not farther apart than 5 times the slab thickness, or (members are not supporting or attached to partitions or other
450mm construction likely to be damaged by large deflections)
- spacing of prestressed tendons shall not exceed
1.80m solid one-way slabs:
o simply supported, L/20
o one end continuous, L/24
o both ends continuous, L/28
o cantilever, L/10
- the flange and web shall be built integrally or
otherwise effectively bonded together
- width of slab effective as a T-beam flange on beams or ribbed one-way slabs:
each side of the web shall not exceed: o simply supported, L/16
o ¼ the span length of the beam, o one end continuous, L/18.5
o 8 times the slab thickness, or o both ends continuous, L/21
o ½ the clear distance to the next web o cantilever, L/8
- for beams with a slab on one side only, the
effective overhanging flange width shall not exceed: for Fy other than 415Mpa, the values shall be
o 1/12 the span length of the beam, multiplied by (0.4 + Fy/700)
o 6 times the slab thickness, or
o ½ the clear distance to the next web
- transverse reinforcement shall be spaced not
spacing of lateral supports for a beam shall not
farther apart than 5 times the slab thickness, nor 450mm
exceed 50 times the least width b of compression flange or face
- ribs shall not be less than 100mm in width and
shall have a depth of not more than 3½ times the minimum width
minimum number of longitudinal bars in
of rib
compression members shall be 3 for bars within triangular ties, 4
- clear spacing between ribs shall not exceed
for bars within rectangular or circular ties, and 6 for bars enclosed
by spirals
- slab thickness over permanent fillers shall not be
less than 1/12 the clear distance between ribs nor less than
shall not exceed d/2 in non-prestressed members
- when removable forms or fillers are used, slab
and 3/4h in prestressed members or 600mm
thickness shall not be les than 1/12 the clear distance between
ribs, or less than 50mm
- where conduits or pipes are embedded within the
lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than
slab, slab thickness shall be at least 25mm greater than the total
36mm diameter
overall depth of the conduits or pipes at any point
lap splices of bars in a bundle shall be based on
the lap splice length required for individual bars within the bundle
individual bar splices within a bundle shall not
- dead load and live load
Structural Notes