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Who Were The Vikings?

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Who were the Vikings?

The Viking age in European history was from about AD700 to 1100. During this period many
Vikings left their homelands in Scandinavia and travelled by longboat to other countries, like
Britain and Ireland.
When the people of Britain first saw the Viking longboats they came down to the shore to
welcome them. However, the Vikings fought the local people, stealing from churches and
burning buildings to the ground.
The people of Britain called the invaders 'Danes', but they came from Norway and Sweden as
well as Denmark.

Were the Vikings all bad?

Viking warriors fought using long swords and axes
The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means ‘a pirate raid’. People
who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'. But not all the Vikings were
bloodthirsty warriors.
Some came to fight, but others came peacefully, to settle. They were farmers, and kept animals
and grew crops. They were skilful at crafting, and made beautiful metalwork and wooden
Vikings sailed the seas trading goods to buy silver, silks, spices, wine, jewellery, glass and
pottery to bring back to their homes.
The first Viking raid recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle was around AD787. It was the start
of a fierce struggle between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings.
The Vikings were pagans, not Christians like most people living in Britain at the time. They did
not think twice about raiding a monastery.
Christian monasteries in Britain were easy targets for the Vikings. The monks had no weapons
and the buildings were filled with valuable treasures, like gold, jewels and books.
There was food, drink, cattle, clothes and tools too – all very tempting to a Viking raider.

Where did the Vikings settle in Britain?

Vikings travelled from Scandinavia to Britain. They mostly settled in the Danelaw, to the north
and east of England.
Some Norwegian Vikings or 'Norse' sailed to Scotland. They made settlements in the north, and
on the Shetland and Orkney Islands.
Vikings also settled on the Isle of Man and often raided Wales, but few made homes there. In
Ireland, the Vikings founded the city of Dublin.

Life in the Danelaw

The Danelaw covered an area east of their line joining London and Chester. Everything to the
east belonged to the Vikings.
There were three main areas where Vikings lived - Northumbria (which included modern-day
Yorkshire), East Anglia, and the Five Boroughs. A borough was a town and the five towns were
Leicester, Nottingham, Derby, Stamford and Lincoln.
Viking families came to settle on these lands. Good farmland was scarce in the Vikings' own
countries, and they were looking for a better life.
The most important city in the Danelaw was the city of York, or ‘Jorvik’ (pronounced 'your-vick'),
as the Vikings knew it. Over 10,000 people lived there and it was an important place to trade
Many towns and cities in Britain that were founded by the Vikings can still be spotted today.
Places that end in -by, -thorpe or -ay were almost certainly Viking towns.

In Danemarca, Norvegia si Suedia de astazi traia un popor numit Nordici. Erau fermieri, pescari si
comercianti. Nordicii care navigau pe mari au fost numiti Vikingi, cei mai magnifici marinari pe care i a
cunoscut lumea. Navele Vikinge puteau naviga pe cele mai agitate mari, facand calatorii lungi pt a
debarca razboinici pe maluri aspre. Navele vikinge lor erau atat de importante pt ei incat, atunci cand un
viking murea el era ingropat in nava sa impreuna cu bunurile sale, precum aur, bijuterii, vase de baut si
chiar si cainii sau caii sai. Vikingilor le placea lupta si aventura. La inceput au jefuit si pradat alte
terenuri, mai tarziu s au stabilit in mai mule parti ale Europei inclusiv in Islanda. In sec. 18 au inceput sa
faca raiduri in Insulele Britanice. Unii Vikingi s au stabili in Franta si au devenit cunoscuti ca normanzi.

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