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Dutkiewicz Et Al., 2017. Predicting Sediment Thickness On Vanished Ocean Crust Since

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Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

RESEARCH ARTICLE Predicting Sediment Thickness on Vanished Ocean Crust Since
200 Ma
Key Points: A. Dutkiewicz1 uller1,2
, R. D. M€ , X. Wang3, S. O’Callaghan3 , J. Cannon1 , and
 Sediment thicknesses and long-term
N. M. Wright1
sedimentation rates since 200 Ma are
predicted 1
EarthByte Group, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2Sydney Informatics Hub,
 Predictions are based on the age of
the crust and the mean distance to University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3Data61, CSIRO, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh, NSW, Australia
the nearest passive margin
 Seafloor sediment-driven eustatic
sea-level contribution has grown Abstract Tracing sedimentation through time on existing and vanished seafloor is imperative for con-
from 80 to 210 m since 120 Ma straining long-term eustasy and for calculating volumes of subducted deep-sea sediments that contribute
to global geochemical cycles. We present regression algorithms that incorporate the age of the ocean crust
Correspondence to: and the mean distance to the nearest passive margin to predict sediment thicknesses and long-term
A. Dutkiewicz,
adriana.dutkiewicz@sydney.edu.au decompacted sedimentation rates since 200 Ma. The mean sediment thickness decreases from 220 m at
200 Ma to a minimum of 140 m at 130 Ma, reflecting the replacement of old Panthalassic ocean floor with
Citation: young sediment-poor mid-ocean ridges, followed by an increase to 365 m at present-day. This increase
Dutkiewicz, A., M€uller, R. D., Wang, X., reflects the accumulation of sediments on ageing abyssal plains proximal to passive margins, coupled with
O’Callaghan, S., Cannon, J., & a decrease in the mean distance of any parcel of ocean crust to the nearest passive margin by over 700 km,
Wright, N. M. (2017). Predicting
sediment thickness on vanished ocean and a doubling of the total passive margin length at present-day. Mean long-term sedimentation rates
crust since 200 Ma. Geochemistry, increase from 0.5 cm/ky at 160 Ma to over 0.8 cm/ky today, caused by enhanced terrigenous sediment
Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, 4586–4603. influx along lengthened passive margins, superimposed by the onset of ocean-wide carbonate sedimenta-
tion. Our predictive algorithms, coupled to a plate tectonic model, provide a framework for constraining the
seafloor sediment-driven eustatic sea-level component, which has grown from 80 to 210 m since 120 Ma.
Received 27 SEP 2017
Accepted 28 NOV 2017
This implies a long-term sea-level rise component of 130 m, partly counteracting the contemporaneous
Accepted article online 8 DEC 2017 increase in ocean basin depth due to progressive crustal ageing.
Published online 26 DEC 2017

1. Introduction
The global volume of seafloor sediments is an impressive 150 million km3 (Olson et al., 2016). Sediment
thickness exceeds 18 km in the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Mexico (Whittaker et al., 2013) due to con-
tinental drainage of large sediment sources but typically ranges between 400 m and 1.8 km over
middle-aged (ca. 60–120 Ma) ocean crust (Olson et al., 2016) draped by slowly accumulating pelagic
deposits. Sedimentation is the second most important mechanism controlling the volume of ocean
basins after seafloor spreading, causing sea-level variations in the order of 60 m at a rate of 10 m/My
(Miller et al., 2005). The ability to reconstruct the volume of sediment on subducted seafloor is critical
not only for constraining long-term changes in eustatic sea level (Southam & Hay, 1977), but also for
calculating global carbon budgets that include estimates of subducted carbon sequestered in pelagic
Sediment thickness varies nonuniformly with the age of the ocean crust, with mean sediment thickness in
the Indian and Atlantic oceans being four times higher than in the Pacific Ocean (Conrad, 2013), a difference
that largely reflects proximity to passive continental margins (Olson et al., 2016). This difference has been
considered by separately analyzing different present-day ocean basins (Conrad, 2013; Olson et al., 2016),
but this approach is unsuitable for predicting sediment thickness in ancient ocean basins due to the
dynamic switching of plate margins. The conversion of plate margins from passive/transform (high sedi-
mentation rates) to active (low sedimentation rates), and vice versa, is relatively common (M€ uller et al.,
2016). To capture the time-dependence of sedimentation in entirely or partly vanished ocean basins on the
proximity to switching plate boundaries, we predict sediment thicknesses and deep-sea sedimentation rates
over the lifetime of a given parcel of oceanic crust. We use regression algorithms that are trained using the
C 2017. American Geophysical Union.
V dependence of observed sediment thicknesses and long-term sedimentation rates on the age of underlying
All Rights Reserved. ocean crust and the mean distance to the nearest passive margin.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

2. Data Sets and Methods

Our regression algorithms are based on a global sediment thickness
grid of Divins (2003) with modifications by Whittaker et al. (2013) and
Wobbe et al. (2014) for the Southern Ocean (Figure 1), based on a
combination of published isopach maps, ocean drilling data, and seis-
mic reflection profiles. Long-term mean sedimentation rates were cal-
culated by decompacting global sediment thickness (Figure 1, see
section 2.2) and using the present-day oceanic crustal age grid of
M€uller et al. (2016). Our analysis includes 12 rivers that globally dis-
charge the largest detrital loads into ocean regions, and the paleo-
Congo river (Figures 1 and 2, and Table 1).
We compute the distance of any given parcel of ocean floor to the
nearest passive continental margin (defined as the boundary between
Figure 1. Minimum sediment thickness estimates based on global sediment continental and oceanic crust) at any given point during its lifetime
thickness data set of Divins (2003) incorporating additions by Whittaker et al.
using pyGPlates (www.gplates.org) at a grid resolution of 18. The dis-
(2013) and Wobbe et al. (2014) for the Southern Ocean. Plate boundaries indi-
cated by black lines with white outlines and subduction boundaries indicated tances during the entire lifetime of a parcel of ocean crust at a given
by red hatched lines. Mouths of major rivers (black circles) are: (1) Mississippi, reconstruction time are used to find the mean distance for the rele-
(2) Magdalena, (3) Orinoco, (4) Amazon, (5) Parana, (6) Niger, (7) Congo, vant time interval. Each minimum distance, in that average, is the
(8) palaeo-Congo, (9) Indus, (10) Narmada, (11) Gondavari and Krishna, distance along the shortest path to all passive margins. Dijkstra’s
(12) Mahanadi, and (13) Ganges and Bramaputra (see Table 1). Gray denotes
regions with no data. Mercator projection.
algorithm (Dijkstra, 1959; see supporting information Text S1) is
used to find the shortest path to the closest passive margin segment.
The algorithm does not allow the crossing of continents, subduction
zones, or mid-ocean ridges. These restrictions are implemented given that passive margin sediments cannot
cross continents, and generally do not cross subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges; there are some local
examples of sediments bypassing plate boundaries (e.g., Carter et al., 2010; Rebesco et al., 2014) but this
process is not common. Because our oceanic age grid reconstructions only go back to 230 Ma, we are not

Figure 2. Decompacted long-term sedimentation rates overlain by short-term Quaternary sedimentation rates (colored
circles—see data sets for details on data used). Black outlines are contourites from Rebesco et al. (2014), magenta outlines
are major coastal upwelling zones from Capone and Hutchins (2013). Major rivers discharging into the ocean (Table 1) are
based on a compilation by Milliman and Farnsworth (2011) and exclude rivers draining into regions where there is no sed-
iment thickness data (gray areas). White lines indicate plate boundaries. Topography is based on the ETOPO1 global relief
model (Amante & Eakins, 2009). Long-term sedimentation rates were calculated using the age grid of M€ uller et al. (2016)
and the global sediment thickness grid of Divins (2003) incorporating additions by Whittaker et al. (2013) and Wobbe
et al. (2014) for the Southern Ocean. Mercator projection.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Table 1
Top 12 Rivers Discharging into Ocean Regions of Known Sediment Thickness

River(s) Lat. (8) Lon. (8) TSS (Mt/yr) Max_elev (m) Age range (Ma) Age reference
Amazon 0.7 250.1 1,200 5,500 24–0 Figueiredo et al. (2009)
Ganges-Bramaputra 22.1 90.8 1,060* 7,000 55–0 Curray (2014)
Mississippi 29.2 289.3 400 3,700 35–0 Galloway et al. (2011)
Indus 24.0 67.4 250 7,800 50–0 Clift (2002)
Godavari-Krishna 16.3 81.4 234* 1,600 55–0 Curray (2014)
Orinoco 8.9 260.5 150 6,000 25–0 Hoorn et al. (1995)
Magdalena 10.2 274.9 140 3,300 14–0 Hoorn et al. (1995)
Parana 234.0 258.4 90 >1,000 145–0 Potter (1997)
Narmada 21.7 72.8 70 1,100 50–0 Sant and Karanth (1993)
Mahanadi 19.4 85.4 61 440 55–0 Curray (2014)
Congo 26.1 12.0 43 1,100 15–0 Stankiewicz and de Wit (2006)
Niger 4.2 6.0 40 820 80–0 Goudie (2005)
paleo-Congo 27.4 39.4 100–55 Stankiewicz and de Wit (2006)

Note. Total suspended solids (TSS) are given as prediversion values from Milliman and Farnsworth (2011).
*—combined rivers. See Figures 1 and 2 for locations.

able to consider the full history of a parcel of ocean created before 230 Ma. However, for the vast majority
of oceanic regions, this limitation has no effect. This is because Panthalassic ocean crust was always
extremely distant from passive margins, as Panthalassa was entirely surrounded by subduction zones before
83 Ma; equivalently, Atlantic and Tethyan ocean crusts were always proximal to passive margins. Even
though the Tethys Ocean has undergone various phases of plate boundary switching throughout its life-
time, most of the Tethyan ocean floor in existence at 230 Ma was formed between two passive margins,
namely that of northern Gondwanaland in the south and the southern margin of the Cimmerian terranes in
the north (Matthews et al., 2016), representing a region that, like the Atlantic, was flanked by passive mar-
gins. In addition, the northern passive margin of the Cimmerian terranes flanked the northern portion of
the Tethys, resulting in passive margin proximity for the remainder of the Tethys. Therefore, considering
only part of their history still captures a representative snapshot of their mean distance to passive margins.
Rare exceptions may be Tethyan regions where a switching of plate boundary types from active to passive
or vice versa has occurred prior to 230 Ma. See supporting information Text S1 for additional details.
We compute grids of the distance to the mouths of the major rivers to assess their contribution to regions
of anomalously high sedimentation rates along passive margins in the Cenozoic. For present-day, we use
the distances within 1,500 km to these river mouths to simultaneously train our regressor for sediment
thickness/sedimentation rate dependence on age, passive margin distance, and proximity to river mouths,
enabling us to evaluate the contribution of these large rivers to the ocean’s sedimentary budget. The well-
established lasso regression method (Tibshirani, 1996) is applied to learn the relationship between the
present-day crustal age, the present-day passive margin mean distance (Figure 3) and the present-day
thicknesses/long-term sedimentation rates (Figures 1 and 2) as training data. Feature relationships were
enriched by generating polynomial and interaction terms (Bishop, 2006), expressing the relationship
between each of the interacting variables in terms of its effect on sedimentation. The robustness of the rela-
tionship was assessed using a cross-validation approach (Kohavi, 1995), where subsets of the training data
were withheld during the learning procedure.

2.1. Data Sets

2.1.1. Short-Term Sedimentation Rates
A total of 1,291 short-term (Quaternary) sedimentation rates were compiled from various sources for com-
parison with long-term rates (Figure 2). Short-term sedimentation rates based on dated surface seafloor
sediments were compiled from data sets of Broecker et al. (1991a, 1991b) and Seiter et al. (2005a, 2005b),
Archer (unpublished; http://geosci.uchicago.edu/%7Earcher/server.html) incorporating core top data from
Cwienk (1986), Lyle (2003, 2015), Chase et al. (2015), and Chase and Burckle (2015).
2.1.2. Major Rivers
Ages of the major rivers are based on a combination of fluvial and deep-sea fan sedimentary sequences,
geo-chronology and thermo-chronology, and the timing of plate collisions. Paleo-Congo River is included,

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Figure 3. Mean distance to the nearest passive margin from 200 Ma to present-day at 20 my intervals, averaged for the lifetime of any parcel of ocean crust at a
given reconstruction time. Black hatched lines denote subduction zones, and black lines with white outlines denote other plate boundaries. White outlines are
paleo-coastlines and gray areas are continents. Mollweide projection.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

which unlike the present-day Congo River discharged into the Indian Ocean (Stankiewicz & de Wit, 2006,
Table 1).
All of these rivers originate in mountains (Milliman & Syvitski, 1992) with global discharge dominated by riv-
ers associated with the Himalayan orogeny (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011). Raymo (1994) suggests that river
fluxes increased significantly following a major phase of deformation in the Himalaya orogen between 21
and 17 Ma. This is considerably later than the inception of these rivers in the Eocene period (Table 1), fur-
ther emphasizing the youthfulness of the currently observed river flux. Several major rivers (e.g., Huanghe,
Changjiang, Colorado) were not included because they drain into oceanic areas where sediment thickness
and hence long-term sedimentation rate are not known (see Figure 1).
The amount of global sediment discharge into the ocean is very difficult to calculate as potentially a signifi-
cant proportion is deposited within rivers and associated deltas (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011; Milliman &
Syvitski, 1992). In addition, the present sediment flux of a given river may be very different from past fluxes
(Milliman & Syvitski, 1992) as it depends on topography, drainage basin area, climate, precipitation, and
lithology (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011). In general, however, fluvial discharge is confined to the coastal
zone (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011) and covers a very small area compared to pelagic deep-sea sediments
(Hay et al., 1988a). The largest rivers discharge into the ocean along passive margins (Figure 2) where the
sediment accumulates in estuaries and the inner to middle continental shelf and may only be transported
into the deeper ocean during falling sea-level and delta progradation (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011). Smaller
mountainous rivers that drain active continental margins discharge directly onto shelves and may by-pass
the continental shelf during flooding or sea-level high stands (Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011; Milliman &
Syvitski, 1992). We are unable to include the sediment contribution from 1,0001 small rivers as the sedi-
ment discharge into the ocean for the majority of these rivers and their ages of inception are not known
(Milliman & Farnsworth, 2011). However, any contribution of these rivers into the deeper ocean, for exam-
ple, as hyperpycnal flows, is encapsulated in the global sediment thickness grid of Divins (2003) in terms of
the observed overall increase in sediment thickness toward continental margins (Figure 2).

2.2. Decompaction of the Total Sediment Thickness

For decompaction of the total sediment thickness required for calculating decompacted long-term sedi-
mentation rates, we evaluated the exponential porosity-depth relationships from Bahr et al. (2001) estab-
lished for sand, silt, and shale lithologies in deep-sea sedimentary columns. We integrated the porosity-
depth relationship for shale given in equation (1) because it is the most representative lithology for the
deep-sea sediment column as its porosity change with depth is similar to that of the equally ubiquitous cal-
careous oozes (Hamilton, 1976):
The following decompaction equation is derived from Bahr et al. (2001) based on their porosity-depth rela-
tionship for shale:
h  i
Zt 1 /c0 3ðexp ð2c 3 Zt Þ21Þ
Zd 5 (1)

where Zd is the decompacted sediment thickness, Zt is the total observed compacted sediment thickness, /
is the porosity, and c is an empirical constant that depends on a variety of underlying processes that affect
the compaction of sediment (see Bahr et al., 2001).

2.3. Algorithm Input Data

We use three types of input data: sediment thickness (ST) (Figure 1) or long-term sedimentation rate (SR)
(Figure 2), age of oceanic lithosphere (M€ uller et al., 2016), and the mean distance of a given location on
ocean crust to the nearest passive margin (Figure 3). All grids are downsampled to 18 3 18 degrees to facili-
tate computationally efficient machine leaning and considering that sediment thickness and sedimentation
rates change gradually as a function of location. We take the logarithm of both sediment thickness and sed-
imentation rates for training our regression model because of the large dynamic range of both parameters.
Large portions of the abyssal ocean floor have relatively little sediment and very slow sedimentation rates,
whereas the converse holds for regions close to passive continental margins. If we were to train our model
on unscaled input data, our machine learning algorithm would incorrectly focus its attention primarily on
the regions of thickest sediment or highest sedimentation rates at the detriment of the low ends of our

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

input value ranges. This is because a 5% error of a large number is significantly greater than a 5% error of a
small number. By modeling the log(ST) and log(SR), this effect is substantially reduced.

2.4. Algorithm Design

2.4.1. Lasso Regression Model
Lasso, also known as the least absolute shrinkage and selection operation, is a regression model that tries to
find the best parameters that model the relationship between the input features and target data by maxi-
mizing a cost function. To reduce model overfitting, L1-regularization (a penalty on large parameter values)
was employed. Compared with L2-regularization, L1 regularization tends to produce many coefficients with
zero values or very small values and only a few coefficients with large values, which is more robust for out-
liers. Basically, given a set of samples, X5½x 1 ; x 2 ; . . . ; x N , where each sample is a vector xi 2 Rd
ði51; 2; . . . ; NÞ and is associated with a target variable yi 2 R. Lasso tries to find the best coefficients w 2 Rd
so that the objective cost function is minimized, i.e., Lasso tries to find w 
d X d
w  5argmin yi 2 xik wk 1a jwi j (2)
i51 k51 j51

where a is the regularization parameter and a j51 jwi j is the L1 term. The optimal relationship is generated
when a50:01.
2.4.2. Polynomial Feature Generation
Polynomial feature generation is a technique that generates a new feature matrix consisting of all polyno-
mial combinations of features with a degree less than or equal to the specified degree. For example, if there
are only two features in the original sample, then the degree-2 polynomial features are: 1, age of ocean
crust (A), distance to passive margin (D), A2, AD, and D2. Degree-3 polynomial features were generated to
train the model based on feature age, distance to margins, and distance to major rivers. Polynomial feature
generation is used to enrich the feature space and prompt the model to identify potential complex relation-
ships between the features and the target variable.
2.4.3. Longitude k-Fold Cross-Validation
Cross-validation, a model validation technique, avoids overfitting and derives a more accurate estimate of
model prediction performance. In k-fold cross-validation (Kohavi, 1995), the original samples are partitioned
longitudinally into k equal sized subsamples. Among the k subsamples, a single subsample is retained as
the validation set for testing model, and the remaining k 2 1 subsamples are used to train the model. The
cross-validation process is repeated k times with each of the k subsamples used exactly once as the valida-
tion data.
Our original random k-fold cross-validation caused a problem that the sedimentation rate is mainly pre-
dicted by longitude and latitude, instead of the features of interest to us. To resolve this issue, we designed
a new partition algorithm that partitions samples based on their longitude so that the validation set is spa-
tially distant from training set. This technique successfully eliminated the effect of longitude and latitude
and encouraged the model to learn the relationship between features of our interest and the target
2.4.4. Integration of the ‘‘Distance to Major River Mouths’’
The distance of each sample to the major river mouths was calculated using a python script. The influence
of each river on the sediment rate was set as a free parameter and learnt during the training phase using
the COBYLA (Powell, 1978) optimization algorithm. COBYLA, also known as constrained optimization by lin-
ear approximation, is a numerical optimization method for constrained problems where the derivatives of
the object function are not known.
2.4.5. The Influence of Rivers on Sedimentation Rate
We have trained two regression models in order to better understand the effect of distance to major rivers
on sedimentation rate. One model learns the dependence of sedimentation rate and sediment thickness on
age and distance to margins and using sediment samples outside of a prespecified distance from major
river mouths. The other model learns the dependence of sedimentation rate and sediment thickness on
age, distance to margins, and distance to major rivers using all available samples. At each geological recon-
struction time from 200 to 0 Ma, we predict sedimentation rate and sediment thickness by querying a given
regression model using relevant features.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

2.4.6. Standardization of Parameters

We use feature scaling to standardize the range of our independent variables and thus remove the influ-
ence of the unit of measurement of predictor and outcome variables. Our standardization is based on the
following equations and parameters:
A0 5 (3)

where A0 is the standardized age of the ocean crust, A is the age of the ocean crust, lA is the mean age of
the ocean crust (60.2 my), and rA is the standard deviation of age (43.5 my), and
D0 5 (4)

where D0 is the standardized distance from a passive margin, D is the distance from passive margins, lD is
the mean distance to passive margins (1878.2 km), and rD is the standard deviation of distance from pas-
sive margins (1076.8 km). The age and mean distance to nearest passive margin are limited to 200 Ma and
3,000 km for the purpose of paleo-thickness and paleo-sedimentation rate predictions—see supporting
information Text S1 and Figure S1 for additional details.

3. Predictive Models of Sediment Thickness and Sedimentation Rate

Our regression algorithms yield the following predictive relationships (Figure 4), considering sediments out-
side a 1,500 km distance from major river mouths:

logSTcompacted 5 5:3710:44A0 20:15D0 20:24A0 2 20:06A0 D0 1 0:01D02 10:07A03


2 3 2
logSRdecompacted 5 21:0120:31A0 20:20D0 10:39A0 20:13A0 D0 20:11A0 20:03A0 D0 20:02A0 D02 20:37D03 (6)

where ST is the sediment thickness in meters, SR (cm/ ky) is the sedimentation rate, A0 is the standardized
age of the ocean crust, and D0 is the standardized distance from a passive margin (see section 2.4.6). The
associated regression surfaces show a distinct change in gradient that discriminates two distinct regions at
a mean distance to the nearest passive margin of 2,000 km (Figure 3). Region A includes all oceanic

Figure 4. Regression surfaces (equations (5) and (6)) showing the relationship between age of ocean crust, mean distance
to the nearest passive margin of a given parcel of ocean crust since its formation and (a) predicted (compacted) sediment
thickness (ST) and (b) long-term sedimentation rate from decompacted sediment thickness (SR). Region A reflects areas
close to passive continental margins, while region B represents areas that are not influenced by terrigenous sediments
from passive margins. In our application of these two models to reconstructed ocean basins, all ocean floor with mean
distances larger than 3,000 km to the nearest passive margin throughout its lifetime is represented by distances of
3,000 km, as terrigenous sediment originating from passive margins only affects oceanic sedimentation up to distances of
3,000 km (see supporting information).

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Figure 5. Computed differences between observed (a) and predicted global ocean sediment thicknesses based on
(c) the oceanic crustal age-mean distance to nearest passive margin regression algorithm presented in this paper (without
the influence of major rivers) (b), (d) the oceanic crustal age relationships determined for the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian
ocean basins of Conrad (2013) that also consider a latitude dependence, (e) the simplified relationship of sediment thickness
as a function of oceanic crustal age and latitude from M€ uller et al. (2008), and (f) global best-fit polynomial relationship of
Olson et al. (2016). All calculations were made using the updated oceanic age grid of M€ uller et al. (2016). Plate boundaries
indicated by black lines with white outlines and subduction boundaries indicated by red hatched lines in Figures 5a and 5b.
Plate and subduction boundaries are indicated by black lines and black hatched lines, respectively in Figures 5c–5f. Mouths
of major rivers (black circles) as in Figure 2. Gray denotes regions with no data. Positive values indicate overestimated sedi-
ment thicknesses. The mean misfit for our model (c) is 137 m (median 5 24 m), with the well-fit regions shown in light
green comprising 75% of the seafloor. The mean misfit of the other models is: (d) 266 m (median 5 39 m), (e) 285 m
(median 5 10 m), and (f) 2323 m (median 5 2174 m). Mouths of major rivers (black circles) are: (1) Mississippi, (2) Magda-
lena, (3) Orinoco, (4) Amazon, (5) Parana, (6) Niger, (7) Congo, (8) palaeo-Congo, (9) Indus, (10) Narmada, (11) Gondavari and
Krishna, (12) Mahanadi, and (13) Ganges and Bramaputra (see Table 1). Mercator projection.

regions proximal to passive margins, with the greatest sediment thicknesses and sedimentation rates, irre-
spective of the age of ocean crust, occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean and Southern Ocean south-east of
Australia. These regions have been in relative proximity (>2,000 km) to passive margins throughout their
lifetime (Figure 3). Region B is dominated by areas where extremely low sedimentation rates (<0.1 cm/ky)
prevail, associated with a thin sediment cover (<100 m), reflecting large distances of at least 3,000 km to
the nearest passive margin (Figures 3 and 4b). These areas, which are constrained to the Pacific Ocean

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

today, but included substantial portions of the Tethys Ocean in the past (Figure 3), receive little terrigenous
input (Rea, 1994).
Our prediction for sediment thickness and sedimentation rate which includes the contribution of rivers
yields a regression parameter array. The array incorporates optimal weights of the distance to each river
mouth and includes a set of third-order polynomial coefficients for fitting sediment thickness and sedimen-
tation rates as a function of crustal age, distance to passive margins, and distance to major river mouths
(see supporting information). We use the regression analysis including rivers merely to discern what contri-
bution relatively recently formed rivers may have made to deep-sea sedimentation. We cannot use this
algorithm for predicting deep-sea sedimentation for the bulk of our model time, as nearly all currently exist-
ing major rivers did not exist for at least 75% of our model time period.
We compare our model for sediment thickness prediction without considering rivers with three alternative
models. These include a regionalized model akin to that proposed by Conrad (2013), as well as the model
by M€uller et al. (2008), as applied to the updated oceanic age grid by M€ uller et al. (2016) (see supporting
information Figure S2 for details), and the global cubic polynomial relationship by Olson et al. (2016). In
addition, we compare our predicted sedimentation rates with the global cubic polynomial relationship
between sedimentation rates and age proposed by Olson et al. (2016). Computed differences between all
predicted sediment thicknesses for the present are compared with present-day observations (Wobbe et al.,
2014) (Figure 5). The difference grids reveal that of all predictive relationships, ours most closely matches
the present-day thickness with a moderate mean underestimation of 137 m (median 5 24 m). The Conrad
(2013) and M€ uller et al. (2008) relationships show a substantially larger underestimation with means of
266 m (median 5 39 m) and 285 m (median 5 10 m), respectively, while the Olson et al. (2016) global poly-
nomial relationship shows a very large overestimation with a mean of 2323 m (median 5 2174 m). We
have included sediment thickness maps from 0 to 200 Ma in 20 my intervals for all models in supporting
information (Figures S3–S5, see supporting information Figure S6 for mean sediment thicknesses through
time), as well as for the predicted sedimentation rate grids based on Olson et al.’s model (supporting infor-
mation Figure S8). Sediment thickness predictions based on Olson et al.’s (2016) global method (supporting
information Figure S7) result in a substantial overestimation (Figure 10b) of sedimentation rates while their
method for estimating sedimentation rates (supporting information Figure S7) results in an underestimate
(Figure 10c). This underestimate arises because of these models’ inability to predict elevated sedimentation
rates proximal to passive margins because the Olson et al. (2016) polynomial models are constrained only
by sediments on ocean floor aged 0–120 my. The same age limitation results in an overestimate of sedi-
ment thickness on old ocean crust due to the extrapolation of their polynomial relationship for ages older
than 120 Ma. Olson et al. (2016) also present a large set of polynomial relationships regionalized for today’s
ocean basin physiography, which result in better fits for individual
regions. This is also the case for the regionalized approach we adopt
for following the model proposed by Conrad (2013). However, such
an approach is not useful for predicting sediment thickness in recon-
structed, now vanished ocean basins, as it is not straightforward to
determine how they may correspond to today’s ocean basins. For
instance, parts of the Tethys Ocean resembled today’s Pacific Ocean
in being very distal to passive margins, whereas the opposite holds
for other parts of the Tethys, and the relative portions of the Tethys
that were ‘‘Pacific-like’’ versus ‘‘Atlantic-like’’ have changed through
time (see Figure 4). This is what motivates us to develop an algorithm
that detects the tectonic, and thus sedimentary, setting of different
ocean basins automatically.
We find that the contribution of rivers (Figure 6 and Table 1) is local-
Figure 6. Predicted sediment thickness that includes the contribution of rivers ized to within a radius of 1,500 km from their mouths, with the excep-
within a 1,500 km distance to the nearest river mouth. Mouths of major rivers tion of the Bengal Fan which is twice as large (Curray, 2014). Including
(black circles) are: (1) Mississippi River, (2) Magdalena River, (3) Orinoco River, the effect of major rivers adds the equivalent of a 31 m thick layer of
(4) Amazon River, (5) Parana River, (6) Niger River, (7) Congo River, (8) palaeo-
Congo River, (9) Indus River, (10) Narmada River, (11) Gondavari and Krishna riv-
sediment globally. We exclude the contribution of rivers from our
ers, (12) Mahanadi River, and (13) Ganges and Bramaputra rivers (Table 1). Mer- model (Figure 5b) to avoid biasing our predictions on ocean crust
cator projection. proximal to passive continental margins by such localized young

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Figure 7. Predicted global ocean sedimentation rates. Plate and subduction boundaries are indicated by black lines (with
white outlines in Figures 7a–7c) and red hatched lines, respectively. Mouths of major rivers (black circles) as in Figure 1.
Gray denotes regions with no data. (a) Predicted sedimentation rates that exclude contributions from major rivers. (b) Pre-
dicted sedimentation rates that include the contribution of rivers within a 1,500 km distance to the nearest river mouth.
(c) Difference in sedimentation rates between observed long-term sedimentation rates (Figure 2) and predicted sedimen-
tation rates without rivers (b). Mercator projection.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Figure 8. Predicted sediment thicknesses from 200 Ma to present-day at 20 my intervals. Line notations as in Figure 1.
White outlines are paleo-coastlines. Gray indicates continental regions. Mollweide projection.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

Figure 9. Predicted long-term sedimentation rates from 200 Ma to present-day at 20 my intervals. Line notations as in
Figure 1. White outlines are paleo-coastlines. Gray indicates continental regions. Mollweide projection.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

anomalies (see Table 1), considering that for most parts of Earth his-
tory large, high uplifts associated with very large rivers were absent
(Hay et al., 1988b). This is consistent with an increase in the length of
collision plate boundaries from about 2,500 to 28,500 km between 55
and 40 Ma (Rona & Richardson, 1978). The median difference between
the observed (Figure 5a) and modeled present-day sediment thick-
ness that excludes rivers (Figure 5b) is 4 m, and the equivalent median
difference in sedimentation rates is 0.005 cm/ky (Figure 5c). We can-
not predict the time-dependent growth of river contributions to sedi-
mentation in our model because the total sediment thickness alone
does not provide sufficient information to model these processes,
which are tied to the uncertain uplift and erosion history of individual
mountain chains and continental interiors. As a consequence, we
restrict ourselves to excluding regions in the proximity of major river
mouths to avoid biasing the bulk of our model history when both
highly elevated orogens and associated rivers were rare.
We do not compute sedimentation rates (SR) from the time derivative
of sediment thickness (ST) because sedimentation rates need to be
computed based on decompacted sediment thickness—otherwise SR
will be underestimated, as progressive compaction of sediments with
depth reduces the apparent sedimentation rate. Therefore, accurate
sedimentation rates cannot be obtained from differences in our com-
puted total long-term, compacted sediment thicknesses through time.
Instead, we compute long-term sedimentation rates from decompacted
sediment thickness and compare them to short-term sedimentation
rates, as they are both based on decompacted sediments (Figures 2
and 7). In other words, SR estimates from the time derivative of ST will
always be substantially smaller than those from decompacted sedimen-
tation rates. Long-term sedimentation rates (Figure 7) are in a good
agreement with short-term rates (Figure 2), except for regions of unusu-
ally high values (>10 cm/ky) near continental margins associated with
major rivers, upwelling zones and geologically young glacial deposits at
mid-latitude to high latitude (Hay et al., 1988a). Instances of anomalous
modern sedimentation rates are also linked to redistribution of sedi-
ments by bottom currents (Figures 1b and 2) (e.g., Rebesco et al., 2014)
and exceptionally low sedimentation rates (Rea et al., 2006).
Figure 10. Variations in sedimentation (mean and standard deviation) through
time at 2 Ma intervals. Shaded regions indicate standard deviation. (a) Blue line Sedimentation rates are higher along mid-ocean ridge crests and
denotes predicted sediment thickness that considers the mean distance to the young flanks aged 0–40 my as compared with older mid-ocean ridge
nearest passive margin and age of ocean crust described by equation (3) and flanks (Figure 7a). This is because mid-ocean ridges are elevated
Figure 7a. Red line denotes predicted sediment thickness based on three
above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD), which has had an
regionalized relationships following Conrad (2013) with an additional consider-
ation of the latitude dependence of sedimentation in these regions. (b) Green average global depth of 4.2 km over the last 50 Ma (Boss & Wilkinson,
line represents sediment thickness prediction based on Olson et al. (2016) 1991), and thus accumulate biogenic carbonate, in contrast to ridge
global cubic polynomial sediment thickness-age relationship and black line flank portions below the CCD. Mean long-term sedimentation rates
that of M€uller et al.’s (2008) method applied to the revised set of paleo-oceanic
increase substantially as ocean crust ages because of the large propor-
age grids (M€ uller et al., 2016). The former model strongly overestimates global
sediment thickness because Olson et al.’s (2016) model is only constrained by tion of old crust proximal to passive margins including much of the
sediments on floor younger than 120 Ma, while the latter underestimates sedi- Atlantic and Indian oceans as well as the South Pacific (Figure 3),
ment thickness as distance to passive margins is not taken into account. (c) Pre- which supply terrigenous material into the ocean, or have experi-
dicted sedimentation rate based on equation (4) and Figure 7b (blue) versus enced relatively high biosiliceous productivity (Robinson et al., 2004).
sedimentation rates from Olson et al.’s (2016) global cubic rate-age
4. Tectonic Controls on Sedimentation
The application of our predictive algorithm using grids of crustal reconstructions and mean distances to
passive margins through time (Figure 3) produces 201 oceanic paleo-sediment thickness and paleo-

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

sedimentation rate grids from 200 Ma to the present (M€ uller et al.,
2016) (Figures 8 and 9). These maps reveal several regions with anom-
alously large sediment thicknesses in proximity to subduction zones
that reflect the switching of a passive to an active margin, or con-
versely anomalously small sediment thicknesses along margins that
switched from an active to a passive margin. Examples of such anom-
alies include the Vardar Ocean (western Tethys; passive to subduction,
170 Ma) the margins of west Antarctica (southern Pacific; subduction
to passive, 85 Ma), Arabia (subduction to passive, 75 Ma), north
India (Neo-Tethys Ocean; passive margin to subduction zone, 60
Ma), and western North America (subduction to transform, 30 Ma)
(M€uller et al., 2016). In addition, rifting of ribbon terranes away from
passive margins, results in old and sediment-rich ocean crust crossing
an ocean basin toward a subduction zone (e.g., the separation of
Argoland and associated terrains from the northern margin of Gond-
wanaland (Gibbons et al., 2015)), also resulting in a sediment thickness
anomaly in proximity to a subduction zone. These examples highlight
the importance of capturing the dynamic nature of ocean basin mar-
gins through time for predicting long-term sediment thickness or sed-
imentation rates.
Paleo-sediment thicknesses are likely to be slightly overestimated
prior to the Tithonian (150 Ma), marking the first significant occur-
rence of calcareous pelagic sediment in the deep-sea record (Borne-
Figure 11. (a) Mean distance of individual parcels of ocean floor to nearest pas- mann et al., 2003). Sedimentation rates in the Late Berriasian reached
sive margin throughout their lifetime. This distance was at a maximum before values similar to those of modern deep-sea calcareous oozes that are
140 Ma, when many current ocean basins had not yet formed and the bulk of also dominated by coccolithophorids (Bornemann et al., 2003). The
existing ocean floor was relatively distal to passive margins. Shaded regions deposition of significant volumes of pelagic carbonate occurred from
indicate standard deviation. (b) Length of passive margins along emerged con-
tinental crust through time; more than tripling during the main phase of Pan-
150 Ma when the CCD increased by almost 1.5 km below the aver-
gea breakup and dispersal postdating 160 Ma. age depth of mid-ocean ridge crests (Boss & Wilkinson, 1991), allow-
ing carbonate to be preserved on a substantially greater area of the
seafloor similar to present-day. Prior to 150 Ma deep-sea sedimentation was dominated by slowly accumu-
lating pelagic clays derived from desert dust that accumulated as residual sediment below the CCD (Berger
& Winterer, 1974) that was relatively shallow (Boss & Wilkinson, 1991).
Sediment thickness and sedimentation rates increase with decreasing age (Figure 10) and are coupled to a
decrease in mean distance to the nearest passive margin (Figure 11a) and an increase in the length of pas-
sive margins (Figure 11b). Sediment thickness ranges between 150 and 210 m from 200 to 120 Ma, reflect-
ing a shortage of passive margins during this period and the presence of vast subduction zones that are
efficient sediment traps. After 120 Ma, sediment thickness climbs steadily toward a present-day value of
365 m (Figure 10a). This increase is due to the ageing ocean crust proximal to post-Pangea passive mar-
gins being subject to prolonged sedimentation since opening of the ocean basins (Figure 8). Global long-
term sedimentation rates are near constant at 0.45 cm/ky. between 200 and 160 Ma, increasing to
0.8 cm/ky between 160 and 100 Ma due to the formation of young mid-ocean ridge flanks close to pas-
sive margins (Figure 9). The mean distance to the nearest passive margin begins to gradually decrease after
140 Ma (Figure 11a) and the total length of passive margins increases from 40 3 103 to 65 3 103 km
from 160 to 140 Ma (Figure 11b).
Our Cenozoic predicted sediment thickness (Figure 10a) is significantly larger than that based on a regional-
ized age-latitude relationship, because our method considers the growing influence of passive margins on
total sediment thickness on old ocean floor in the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Our modeled rates capture a
wide range of oceanic sedimentation rates in different tectonic settings, resulting in a large standard devia-
tion, and a substantial increase in rates from 160 to 100 Ma, reflecting the growth of passive margins during
this period (Figure 9), while Olson et al.’s (2016) rates reflect a pure age relationship, and are thus much
more constant through time. For comparative purposes, supporting information Figure S7 shows all four
models shown in (a) and (b) on one figure, albeit without standard deviations.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

5. Implications for Eustasy and Unmapped Regions

Our predictive algorithms based on the age of ocean crust and dis-
tance to nearest passive margin allow us to trace the history of sedi-
mentation in the global ocean, including its accumulation and
destruction on now vanished ocean crust, in a plate tectonic context.
It also allows us to assess the impact of sediment thickness in paleo-
ocean basins including now subducted ocean crust, on the first order
sea-level fluctuations based on ocean volume.
We calculate that sea level would be 210 m lower than it is today (Fig-
ure 12a) without the volumetric contribution of sediments following an
application of the isostatic compensation method by Sykes (1996). This
method established a model for relating total sediment thickness to the
associated isostatic correction using density-depth equations for deep-
sea sediments. This is 20% different from the 166 m estimate obtained
by Conrad (2013). Our own, modified implementation of Conrad’s
(2013) approach (Figure 12a) results in a similar value close to 150 m.
Our estimated contribution of sediments to sea level was at its lowest
(80 m) between 140 and 120 Ma. During this period, Panthalassa (Fig-
ures 9 and 10) dominated contributions to global sediment thickness.
The giant Panthalassa ocean was enveloped by subduction zones and
was largely far removed from sources of terrigenous material.
M€uller et al. (2008) suggested that global sea level fell by 110 m after 80
Ma based on the combined effects of decreasing mid-ocean ridge vol-
ume, emplacement of oceanic plateaus and increasing sediment accumu-
Figure 12. (a) Contribution of sediment thickness change to depth. The blue
curve shows our best estimate of the contribution of ocean sediments to lation. Their calculation included an estimated increase in the sediment
depth, considering isostatic compensation of sediments; shaded region indi- thickness contribution to sea level of 60 m since 80 Ma, implying that sea
cates standard deviation. The red curve illustrates the equivalent model based level would have fallen by 170 m without any seafloor sedimentation.
on a simplified relationship of sediment thickness as a function of oceanic
Here we increase the estimate in the sedimentary contribution since 80
crustal age and latitude from M€ uller et al. (2008), applied to the oceanic paleo-
age grids of M€uller et al. (2016), while the green curve shows a model based on Ma to 100 m, revising the total subsequent sea level fall from 110 to 70 m
a regional age-latitude relationship (supporting information Figure S2), separat- (not including glacio-eustatic contributions). This emphasizes the impor-
ing the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans, similar to the approach by Conrad tance of sediment thickness estimates for modeling long-term eustasy.
(2013). (b) The black curve outlines the evolution of mean oceanic basement
depth from applying the GDH-1 age-depth relationship of Stein and Stein Our sediment thickness model illustrates that the substantial increase
(1992) to the paleo-age grids from M€ in ocean sediment thickness since 120 Ma reduces the modeled sea
uller et al. (2016), while the blue, red, and
green colored curves show the combined effect of oceanic basement depth level drop from the ageing and deepening of the ocean basins during
change (black) and the effect of isostatically compensated sediment thickness
this time period by about 120 m (black versus light blue curve in Fig-
from the models as in Figure 12a.
ure 12b), while the simplified global age-latitude-based sediment
thickness relationship only reduces the sea level drop from deepening
ocean basins since 120 Ma by about 40 m (black versus light red curve in Figure 12b). The equivalent reduc-
tion in sea level drop based on our modified implementation of Conrad’s (2013) model is about 50 m (Fig-
ure 12b). Note that other factors, not considered here, also affect eustasy, including emplacement of large
igneous provinces and the reduction in ocean floor area after Pangea breakup (M€ uller et al., 2008).
Our method also predicts sediment thickness in large unmapped regions of the present-day seafloor includ-
ing South China Sea, Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, northern Philippine Sea, the north Pacific off Kamchatka, and
the Canada Basin (Figure 8). These regions are tectonically complex and not easily extrapolated using the
present-day sediment thickness grid. As a proportion of deep-sea sediment contains carbonate, our predic-
tive algorithm provides a framework for constraining the contribution of seafloor carbonates to the global
carbon cycle over time.

6. Conclusions
In a novel application of pyGPlates (www.gplates.org) we have developed a method to compute the mean
distance of any given parcel of ocean floor to the nearest passive continental margin at any given point

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10.1002/2017GC007258

during its lifetime. Together with the age-area distributions of the ocean crust through time, this allows us
to apply a regression algorithm that predicts sediment thicknesses and long-term decompacted sedimenta-
tion rates since 200 Ma, using third-order polynomial relationships. The distance to the nearest passive mar-
gin only affects sediment thickness substantially if it is smaller than about 2,000 km, allowing us to capture
the difference in the sediment thickness-age relationship for oceans bounded by passive margins versus
oceans largely surrounded by subduction zones. Our model quantifies and excludes the contribution of riv-
ers which would effectively add the equivalent of a 31 m thick layer of sediment globally. Not considering
river contributions in our model in this fashion would bias our predictions during times when these rela-
tively young rivers did not exist—namely for our model of sedimentation during the Jurassic and Creta-
ceous periods when both highly elevated orogens and associated rivers were rare.
Our method is superior to manually separating the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans, or even more
detailed oceanic regions, to compute separate sediment thickness-age relationships, as our method allows
us to consider, in an automated fashion, the mean proximity of any given parcel of ocean floor to passive
margins throughout its lifetime, capturing the history of now subducted ocean basins and complex regions
even where the nature of plate boundaries has switched from active to passive and vice versa through
time. Our method produces present-day sediment thickness and sedimentation rate maps that match
observations better than other approaches, but most importantly is adaptive to changing ocean basin con-
figurations and tectonic settings through time.
We show that the mean sediment thickness decreases from 220 m at 200 Ma to a minimum of 140 m at
130 Ma, reflecting the replacement of old, sediment-rich, Panthalassic ocean floor with young sediment-
poor mid-ocean ridges, followed by an increase to 365 m toward the present, reflecting the progressive
growth of the global system of passive margins, along which ageing ocean floor gradually accumulated
large thicknesses of terrigenous sediments. Mean long-term sedimentation rates increase from 0.5 cm/ky
at 160 Ma to over 0.8 cm/ky today, caused by enhanced terrigenous sediment influx along lengthened pas-
sive margins, superimposed by the onset of ocean-wide carbonate sedimentation. Our results suggest that
the effect of sediments alone led to sea-level rise by about 130 m between 120 Ma and today, reflecting the
substantial increase in modeled mean oceanic sediment thickness from about 150 m at 120 Ma to 365 m
at present-day. This effect counteracted the contemporaneous ageing and deepening of the ocean basins,
alleviating the concomitant sea-level fall.
Our predictive algorithms coupled to a plate tectonic model provide an improved framework for constrain-
ing the seafloor sediment-driven eustatic sea-level component. The algorithms allow the computation of
sediment thickness and sedimentation rate maps for any time in the geological past for which GPlates-
compatible plate and passive continental margin reconstructions and oceanic paleo-age grids are available.
This opens the opportunity to analyse the evolution of now completely destroyed pre-Pangea ocean basins
in terms of their sediment budget, ultimately contributing to our understanding of ancient ocean carbon
reservoirs and long-term climate. Future work may explore how to utilize the fundamental physics of sedi-
ment production and accumulation, including terrigenous and biogenic sedimentation. This would fully
exploit paleogeographic and paleoclimate reconstructions and models to create dynamic maps of sedimen-
This research was supported by the tation through time, taking into consideration mountain building and climate change. Such models may
Australian Research Council (ARC) ITRP better represent regions of anomalous high sedimentation rates which all current parameterized models
grant IH130200012. We thank David
fail to capture accurately, including major river discharge regions such as the Bengal Fan, localized regions
Kohn from the Sydney Informatics Hub
and Sabin Zahirovic for technical help. of anomalously high deep sediment accumulation in subduction zones, fracture zone troughs, and graben
We are grateful to William Hay for structures.
comments on an earlier version of the
manuscript and to Laurent Husson for
providing valuable feedback on our
analysis and discussion of rivers. We
thank Peter Olson, two anonymous Amante, C., & Eakins, B. W. (2009). ETOPO1 1 arc-minute global relief model: Procedures, data sources and analysis (NOAA Technical Memo-
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Becker for detailed reviews that greatly Bahr, D. B., Hutton, E. W., Syvitski, J. P., & Pratson, L. F. (2001). Exponential approximations to compacted sediment porosity profiles. Com-
improved the manuscript. All geo- puters & Geosciences, 27(6), 691–700. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00140-0
referenced figures were created using Berger, W. H., & Winterer, E. L. (1974). Plate stratigraphy and the fluctuating carbonate line. In K. J. Hs€
u & H. C. Jenkyns (Eds.), Pelagic sedi-
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