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Google WPP KANTAR Connected Beauty Consumer Report 1 Compressed 1

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Connected beauty

consumer report
About WPP
WPP is a creative transformation company.
We use the power of creativity to build better
futures for our people, clients and communities.

About Google
Google India Private Limited is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Google. It is engaged in the business
of marketing, selling advertisement space and
rendering Information Technology Enabled
Services (ITES). About KANTAR
Kantar is the world’s leading evidence-based
insights and consulting company. We have a
complete, unique and rounded understanding of
how people think, feel and act; globally and
locally in over 90 markets.

With more than 500M internet users and growing base of online
shoppers, businesses need to think beyond media and accelerate
their efforts to truly become digital first. The Beauty and Personal
care industry in India has taken early steps towards digital
adoption but unlocking the full potential is easier said than done.
Today the consumer journeys have become more complex and
buyers have access to an infinite aisle of products online.

With this report, our attempt is to unpack the dramatic changes in

Sanjay Gupta consumer behavior and the growing influence of digital platforms
on the overall beauty industry. With 9 out of 10 buyers getting
influenced by digital touchpoints, it is time for the industry to
Vice President, relook at the full value chain from identifying early trends,
creating engaging content and personalizing their offerings to
Google India assist the buyers and closing the sale.

We hope this report will help Brands consider how they can
reduce friction along the full purchase journey with technology
and drive the Industry to its next phase of growth.

Confidential & proprietary


One of the fastest growing markets globally, India’s beauty retail

scene continues to be redefined by an ever-evolving landscape
of consumer preferences and trends, coupled with
intense industry competition and innovation.

Today’s beauty counter is no longer limited to the in-store advisor

but driven on the tech front. A dazzling myriad of channels, all
offering bolder, better options and even personalisation, provides
an opportunity for brand engagement like never before. What this

CVL Srinivas also means, is that brands are constantly having to reinvent the
wheel, in order to keep up and stay connected with a consumer at
every touchpoint of their purchase journey.
India Country Manager, Our Connected Beauty Consumer study offers insights into the
WPP buying experience and mindset of the Indian consumer. The aim is
to help brands navigate through omni-channel complexities to
create and deliver a more meaningful and effective brand
experience to consumers.

Confidential & proprietary


Kantar’s ICUBE indicates a CAGR of 25% for internet access via

mobile, with penetration changing from 27% (urban+rural) in 2017
to 41% in 2019. This exponential growth in connectivity has
increased consumer access to products across the length and
breadth of our country with many consumers having the first
access to them digitally. The marketing playbook, the media
playbook and the research playbook need to adapt to this
changing consumer context.

Our Connected Beauty Consumer report is a step in this

Preeti Reddy
direction. The report is a synthesis by experts using data from
multiple sources, addressing key gaps in our data on the
consumer purchase process for beauty products. The
understanding is built through an in-depth primary research
CEO Kantar Insights, layered with information from Kantar’s syndicated data like World
Panel; Emarket Pulse among others.
South Asia
This report will help in decisions on personalization, in choosing
the right channel mix to influence consumers at various stages of
the purchase pathway, in understanding consumers from beyond
the Tier 1 markets and more. We learnt a lot putting together this
report and are sure you will find it useful.

Confidential & proprietary


● Market Landscape

● Consumer understanding
• It’s all about ”Me”
• Be online or be overlooked.
• Make it easy or be off the shortlist
• Deliver offline experience online
• Tech is the Future of Beauty

● Recommendations
• Business
• Creative
• Media

● Expert & creator speak

Market landscape
Beauty industry

India’s digital potential & the ambition for Makeup Skincare

Haircare Personal wash
beauty brands

India is changing, driven by its population’s In order to understand what the Indian 2
India offers the 2nd highest
unabashed adoption of digital technology. beauty shopper wants, needs and internet user base globally with
expects from the industry - Google, WPP significant room for growth.
Digital influence has caused a sea-change in & Kantar have partnered to conduct a
the INR 73k crore Beauty & Personal care comprehensive research leveraging
industry, across Skincare, Personal Wash, Google trends, online content viewership
Haircare and Makeup categories. Online sales data, syndicated data from Kantar’s With 500+ million active internet
of beauty products are at an all time high and e-commerce & household panels. subscribers in 2020.
consumer expectations from brands have
seen a massive shift. In this report, we shall share insights and
recommendations to help beauty
A large population of connected consumers businesses develop a granular
and a dynamic content & creator ecosystem understanding of their consumers and Digital influence is driving choices.
has created an unprecedented opportunity their paths to purchase, while identifying
for brands. opportunities for growth

Source : 1- Euromonitor estimates, 2020, 2- Statista.com, 3 - Google estimates

Beauty & Personal care industry expected to grow to INR 111k
cr with online commerce emerging as a breakout channel
Online commerce
Industry size 1 (INR cr.) Profitability 2
contribution 3

2019 by 2024

73k 102 - 111k 25%+ 4X

of industry
Incorporating Covid Impact EBIT margin

Beauty industry expected to grow One of the most profitable Internet commerce contribution for
faster than the homecare in CPG. categories in CPG. Beauty is 4X of the CPG industry.

Source : 1- Euromonitor estimates, 2020. The estimates used are updated post Covid. Beauty & personal care industry consists of hair care, skin care, colour cosmetics, bath & shower & sun care
as defined by Euromonitor for establishing market size, 2- Expert interviews & CPG company annual reports 3- Euromonitor data, 2019
Driven by confluence of megatrends &
Covid-19 impact on
consumer behaviour 3
change in channel mix ,with Covid-19
expected to accelerate shift to digital “Stay at home" mandates have
driven growth in share of online
sales across categories.
Data users

Confluence of mega 650M

trends to spur growth 1


Millennial workforce
45% of
Confluence of
Mega Trends Millennials:
64% of
Search interest in a personal
Rise of Internet penetration workforce workforce
wash product like soap is at a
Rising per capita consumption 3 year high.
167M FMCG:
$350 capital

2015 2018 2020 2025

Consumers are looking for “at

Online commerce for beauty home” solutions, DIY products
& natural ingredients.
Change in
channel mix 2 4% -> 10%
of business 2019 of business 2024
Source : 1- Uniquely India Digital Opportunity, Kalaari Capital,
2 - Euromonitor estimates on Beauty and Personal care, 2020
3- Expert interviews & Google Trends analysis
3V’s continue to be
the gateway to most
India’s expected internet video
viewing population in 2020.

new consumers
Vernacular Local languages preferred
while watching videos2.

Hindi हन्दी 54%

English 16%
Telugu తెలుగు 7%
Kannada కన్నడ 6%
Video Tamil தமிழ் 5%
Bengali বাংলা 3%

Voice Voice3 continues to be the gateway to the internet

Vernacular for consumers. Hindi is now the second-most used
Google Assistant language globally (after English)

Source : 1 & 2- Understanding India’s online video viewer, Think with Google article
3- Google internal analysis
The top 5 beauty categories online are skin
creams, shampoo, deodorant, bar soap and face
This is already getting reflected in wash - account for 3/4th of the total volume share.

purchase patterns & ad spends

Volume share 2 Volume share 2

15% 19%
Skin creams
India digital AdEx to grow at a CAGR of
40%1 25% to reach ~40% share of the
advertising pie by 2024.
12% 17%

E-commerce shoppers in 2019 ; Growth

92M2 rate of 50% YoY Bar soap
22% 11%

2 of online shoppers have bought beauty 14% 17%

1/3 products online

Face wash
12% 10%

Source: 1-Worldwide Media forecasts, groupM Dec 2019, 2-Kantar eMarketPulse

An evolving connected A dynamic beauty An unprecedented
consumer ecosystem opportunity
Connected beauty
Report findings

Consumer Survey across Syndicated databases like Google Search and Interviews with YouTube
Metro, Tier 1 and Kantar eMarketPulse, YouTube data analysis creators, industry experts
Tier 2 cities among GroupM media forecasts and creative leads
internet users & Euromonitor
Research Methodology - Survey We surveyed recent buyers
of makeup, skincare or hair care
products who made their purchase
within the month before the survey
We interviewed 1740 consumers in the age group 18-45 has been launched.
years in NCCS A and B across the three beauty categories.
(Each respondent was interviewed for one category only.)

Online interviews using CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interview) methodology were
conducted by Kantar amongst the target group in large towns – Delhi & Bangalore.
Survey was
mobile-friendly and took
Offline interviews using CAPI (Computer Aided Personal Interview) methodology were
about 15-20 minutes.
conducted by Kantar amongst the target group in smaller cities – Patna, Indore,
Jalandhar, Mangalore.
(All qualitative interviews were conducted in person.)

Interviews took place Q3 2019

and were administered online
via Kantar panels and through
We will refer to different audiences
throughout the report. in person interviews.

Proficient user of internet
(uses at least once a week). Tier 1 Bases for the numbers shown on charts are
highlighted in the footnotes as well as the country,
Tier 2 the product category and the question the figures
are based on.
Key findings

01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

It’s all about ”Me” Be online or be Make it easy or be Deliver offline Tech is the Future
overlooked off the shortlist experience online of Beauty

The purchase decision is 9/10 consumer journeys 2/3 consumers are not Online has moved beyond Consumer friction to rise
made largely in the upper having a digital loyal to one brand its traditional role as a further as they try to
funnel touchpoints. touchpoint. research medium to being complete the traditional
Brands with easy to find an important purchase offline activities online e.g.
Tier 1 cities have caught up YouTube has emerged as information on digital platform. lipstick try-on.
with metros in category the online beauty advisor platforms are more likely
engagement. with Google Search being to make it to the Solve for consumer pain Opportunity for brands
the gateway to discovery. consumer shortlist. points by investing in the to own these moments
“For me” goes beyond right platforms, creators & alleviate them with
gender to include season, Leverage online video by & technology. technology.
time of day, occasions etc. being present on the
video platform of choice
Gender divide in beauty is a & reinforce with a great
myth quality website.

Note: 1 - Tier 1 cities -- Cities with population between 10-40 lakhs

Tier 2 cities have population less than 10 lakh
01. The new
It’s all about JOURNEY

Consumer journey is more

personal, with trends influencing
purchase decisions, Tier 1 cities
have caught up with metros in
category engagement & men are
as engaged as women
Confidential & proprietary
It’s all about ”Me”

The beauty consumer journey used to be simple

The beauty consumer journey used to be simple with TV being the Over the past few years with the digital revolution in India, consumers
primary medium for driving awareness and consideration. now have multiple sources for discovery and information research.

Initial Active Moment of Post purchase

consideration evaluation purchase experience

Confidential & proprietary

It’s all about ”Me”

Today, it consists of highly connected, non-linear moments

The new customer journey is more personal & fragmented than ever. Consumers do not necessarily go through all stages of the journey to
The current omnichannel world encompasses physical and digital make their buying decisions. They are also divided on what constitutes
shopping experiences and a multitude of touchpoints that shoppers their critical moments in the journey. As shopping becomes more
navigate at various stages, thus causing shoppers to move back and focused, activities relating to knowing more about specific products or
forth between the stages. brands, addressing individual needs become more critical.

Discover new Learn more Get final information
products about products & buy

Use & learn how

to apply
Discover trends and
Compare prices of
get inspired
products or brands
Understand specific needs/ concerns

Discover & understand Compare & Consider Buy Use

Confidential & proprietary

It’s all about ”Me”

With 9/10 consumer

journeys now influenced
by digital

consumer journeys were
Consumer quotes
“I searched about the Himalaya product
“I sought advice in my friend circle
about what should I use, and
looked at YouTube videos as well.”
on Google and also saw some YouTube
influenced by digital videos. But I did not find in-depth
information. Then I went to brand website
of Himalaya where I got details around
ingredients and packaging etc.”
“I also looked at reviews on
Amazon for some suggestions.”

Source: Which of these resources do you use to find information to________?Base:1690

Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who
use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month, Qualitative consumer interviews
Confidential & proprietary
It’s all about ”Me”

The purchase decision is made largely in the upper funnel

touchpoints i.e. Discover & understand phase

Compare &
Discover & understand Buy Use
It is clear that consumers want to stay
100% updated with the latest trends.
Top box relevance %
Discovering and following latest trends
60% is a critical moment in the journey. Given
this context, new brands could enter the
72% market by placing themselves in the
59% context of trends.
35% 32%


Discover trends, understand Compare benefits Finally decide Use & learn how
individual needs & learn ,prices & get to apply
about products recommendations

Source: Q23: Please indicate how relevant each of these steps is for making the best purchasing decision for these products Base: 1740.
Confidential & proprietary
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty
product in the last 1 month
It’s all about ”Me”

Winning in Discover & Understand could be make

or break for brands across beauty categories

Compare &
Discover & understand Buy Use

Top box relevance % Discovering trends and understanding
individual needs remains important across
Hair care
Skin care the three beauty categories with Makeup
Makeup having the highest engagement across the
consumer journey followed by Skincare.
55% 58%
40% 40%
33% 35% 26% 32%


Discover trends, understand Compare benefits Finally decide Use & learn how
individual needs & learn ,prices & get to apply
about products recommendations

Source: Q23: Please indicate how relevant each of these steps is for making the best purchasing decision for these products Base: 1740, Hair care: 671, Skin Care: 641, Make Up: 428
Confidential & proprietary
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product
in the last 1 month
It’s all about ”Me”

Tier 1 is the standout, matching Metros step for step

across different stages of the consumer journey

Compare &
Discover & understand Buy Use
Tier 1 cities show similar levels of engagement
100% as Metros across the multiple stages of the
Top box relevance % consumer journey.
Metro Brand should explore ways to leverage the
60% Tier 1 (10-40 lakh)
Tier 2 (<10 lakh)
significant level of engagement from tier 1
81% 83% cities.
66% 71%
20% 50% 47% Possible solutions to drive consumer
39% 41% 40% 38%
engagement are ramping up advertising
14% 15%
0% investment, improving distribution focus &
partnering with relevant creators.
Discover trends, understand Compare prices, Finally decide Use & learn how
individual needs & learn benefits & get to apply
about products recommendations

Source: Q23: Please indicate how relevant each of these steps is for making the best purchasing decision for these products Base: 1690, Metro: 717, 10-40: 452, <10: 521
Confidential & proprietary
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product
in the last 1 month
It’s all about ”Me”

The consumer journey is

more personalised
Today's beauty shopper seeks personalization at every stage of the purchase
journey. These diverse and unique journeys no longer follow a linear map -
they can start with a simple online test about dry skin, trickle down to a video
on YouTube where a brand may be mentioned, move on to a website visit and
conclude with a mobile search on Maps to find the nearest store. This exact
(and hypothetical) journey might not happen again.

What might happen and therefore be relevant to marketers is the wish to

understand individual needs and to iterate between touch points. Brands that
catch up to these individual needs and focus on creating an integrated
journey including the most relevant touch points are likely to be well placed.

As consumers seek unified buying experiences across online and physical

platforms, personalization around brand propositions such as organic,
natural, occasion and chemical-free could help enhance the consumer
experience. There are many beauty tech firms that now offer personalised
solutions which leverage the user’s location, lifestyle, climate, fragrance and
colour preferences to come up with the correct formula with specific

Confidential & proprietary

It’s all about ”Me”

Consumer journeys have “I/Me”

squarely at the centre
for me: (India) vs. week


“for me”


queries have grown ~3X2
in past four years.
Jan 1, 2016 Jan 1, 2017 Jan 1, 2018 Jan 1, 2019 Jan 1, 2020

Consumer expectations for personalization

“for me” is today defined across multiple axes1 like...
have become more complex over time & are now
Type of Skin Time defined around multiple axes like gender, skin
type, lifestage, time etc. From appointment
best primer for dry skin night cream for glowing skin
booking apps to skin matching technology,
Gender beauty businesses are becoming more
body wash for men
innovative with the products and services that
makeup kit for girls
help deliver personalized experiences.

Source: 1 - Google Trends data, IN, Beauty & Fitness, 2018 - 2019
Confidential & proprietary
2 - Google Trends data, IN, Beauty & Fitness, 2015-2020
It’s all about ”Me”

Gender divide in Beauty is a myth

Products purchased in last 1 Month
Avg. # Skincare &
Personal Wash products
Avg. # Hair care products
3 3 5.9 6.1
2 2
3.2 3.1
1 1
0 0
Male Female Male Female

Touchpoints generally used

Avg. # Offline touch points used Avg. # Online touch points used

3 3
2 2
3.2 3.0
1 2.3 2.3 1
0 0
Male Female Male Female

Q6: Which of the following hair care products have you bought within the last one month ? Q7: Which of the
following skin care products have you bought within the last one month ? Q8: Which of the following make
up products have you bought within the last one month ? Q26: Do you use any of the online information
sources below to find information about beauty products, trends and news for_______
Q35: And do you generally look for information about products, trends or news about this topic at any of
these information sources? Confidential & proprietary
It’s all about ”Me”

Male consumers continue to showcase interest in Beauty

categories online
Undercut remains popular with Buzz cut seeing massive
Consumer interest is back post Covid-19 led drops in March 1
growth post Covid-19 lockdown 2
Cream for men Face wash for men Shampoo for men Moisturizer for men
Crew cut Buzz cut Undercut Pompadour

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
Sep 1, 2019 Jan 5, 2020 May 10, 2020 Jan 6, 2019 Aug 4, 2019 Mar 1, 2020

Men continue to look for the best 3 Interest in hairstyles is sparked every year 4
Best for men Men hairstyle 2019 Men hairstyle 2020

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
Jan 7, 2018 Oct 28, 2018 Aug 18, 2019 Jun 7, 2020 Aug 5, 2018 Apr 21, 2019 Jan 5, 2020

Source - 1, 2 , 3 & 4 Google Trends data, IN, Beauty & Fitness, Jan 2019 - 30th Aug 2020
Confidential & proprietary
Be online or

YouTube has emerged as

the online beauty advisor
with Google Search being
the gateway to discovery
Be online or be overlooked

Beauty consumers are highly engaged with content online

engage more than
50%engage weekly
33% engage daily
once a month

Q38 // Category engagement // How often do you spend time engaging with beauty content such as trends, styling, inspiration, product information, etc.? n= 1,740.
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the
Confidential & proprietary last 1 month
Be online or be overlooked

Online consumer journey is dominated by

online touchpoints
Consumers today exhibit
Online promotion / 60% multi-platform behaviour
offers / discounts
Family or friends 55% straddling platforms before
Trying samples 50% making the purchase
In-store promotion / 45% decision.
offers / discounts
TV ads, TV shows 40%
In the end-to-end online
consumer journey online
Google 35%
touchpoints become
disproportionately important
YouTube with
Social media player 1 20% ● YouTube
Social media player 2
15% ● Google Search
Messaging app
10% ● E-commerce
Discover & Compare & Finally decide Use and learn being the critical touch
understand Consider how to apply points enabling consumer
purchase decision.

Q: Which of these resources do you use to find information to…? Base: 804
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, Confidential & proprietary
who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Be online or be overlooked

In the offline consumer journey, online

touch points continue to be critical for
trends, comparison & usage
Online promotion / 60% Google Search and YouTube
offers / discounts
Family or friends 55% continue to be relevant in the
Trying samples 50%
offline consumer journey as
In-store promotion /
consumers turn to them
offers / discounts for various things like
TV ads, TV shows 40%
Google 35% ● Looking up latest
E-commerce 30% trends
YouTube 25% ● Comparing prices/
Social media player 1 20% features
Social media player 2 15%
● Reviews
● Understanding usage
Messaging app 10%

Discover & Compare & Finally decide Use and learn

understand Consider how to apply

Q: Which of these resources do you use to find information to…? Base: 881
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use Confidential & proprietary
internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Be online or be overlooked

Search is the new Shopping Aisle driving discovery for

products purchased online & offline
Consumers use Google search engine as a...
Destination to find Connecting Product recommendation Consumers use search in
information gateway to retailer platform different ways – to obtain
knowledge, to connect
with brands and retailers, and
eventually buy both online
and in-store.

Preferred source to
29% 35% Marketers should specifically note
how much time shoppers spend in
I have visited a beauty I have purchased a
get beauty retailer as a result of a beauty product as a the search phase and that these
information (trends, search I did on Google result of search I did
products, brands, on Google Search consumers appear to be most
how-to etc.)
influenced by multi-platform
content and ads.

Q31: Which of these statements about Google Search do you agree with?
Q32: Which of these statements apply to the information source shown below.
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who
use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month Confidential & proprietary
Be online or be overlooked

With Covid-19, consumers stuck indoors searched for

“at home” content, DIY products and natural ingredients
Actions taken in absence of Beauty Services 1 DIY beauty products grew rapidly 3

I do it on my own 49% 100

Face scrub

My friend/family member helps me with it 23% 75

Hair dye
I am waiting for the salon to open 20% 50
Wax strips
I go to the salon nearby 10% 25

I have a personal beauty service

8% 0
person who comes home
Sep 1, 2019 Jan 5, 2020 May 10, 2020
I call for in-home services through an app 4%

“At home” searches in Beauty 2 Natural ingredients grew tremendously 4

Aloe Vera Honey Turmeric Multani mitti

50 50

25 25

0 0
Sep 1, 2019 Dec 22, 2019 Apr 12, 2020 Aug 2, 2020 Sep 1, 2019 Jan 5, 2020 May 10,2020

Source 1 - Google/ IPSOS, Consumer Sentiment & Implications on

Source - (2) (3) & (4) Google Trends data, IN, Beauty & Fitness, Jan 2019 - 8th July 2020
Business, IN, July 2020. n = 427 Q. In the current situation, finding a
beauty service is difficult. Could you please let me know how you are Confidential & proprietary
managing with/without these services?
Be online or be overlooked

Consumers are treating YouTube video reviews, advice &

tutorials like a beauty counter/advisor

growth in watchtime of
engage with beauty
purchased a beauty
beauty tips “for men” on creators on YouTube product as a result of
YouTube in the first half watching a beauty video
of 2019 on YouTube

Q33: Which of the following statements about videos on YouTube do you agree with? Q32: Which of these statements apply to the information source shown below?
Q44: Have you subscribed to a YouTube beauty-channel or do you follow any beauty-blogger or influencer on social media?
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have
purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Google data, IN, Jan - Jun 2019 vs Jan - Jun 2018. Videos with “with me” in their title. Classification as videos was based on public data such as headlines, tags,
Confidential & proprietary
etc. and may not account for every such video available on YouTube.
Be online or be overlooked

YouTube is the destination for consumers to understand

and meet their unique needs

If every consumer is unique, Skincare

like everyone else - Brands
need to create content that
engages and answers these Tips and hacks Skincare routines Product understanding Winter care
unique needs

“Consumer needs” change

with changes in: Hair care
Latest trends Long hair Quick and easy hairstyles Wedding/event hairstyles Best hairstyles
Life events


Trends Product research Brands Usage driven

Confidential & proprietary
Be online or be overlooked

turned to
YouTube for their Haircut Facial
beauty needs
during Covid-19

Skincare routine Beauty hacks

“At home” beauty
content rapidly gained
millions of views on

Do it yourself Makeup hacks

Confidential & proprietary
Source - YouTube video views as on 12-7-2020.
Make it easy
or be off the
Loyalty is at a premium.

Brands with easy to find

information are more likely to
make it to the consumer shortlist.
Make it easy or be off the shortlist

Consumers are in an
open relationship with brands

66% Metros (26%) are less loyal

than non metros (40%).
of consumers are
not loyal to just Even for repeat purchases
one brand consumers go through all parts
of the customer journey.

Q18: How would you describe your relationship to this brand? Base: 1740
Q23: Please indicate how relevant each of these steps is for making the best purchasing decision for
these products Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in
NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty Confidential & proprietary
product in the last 1 month
Make it easy or be off the shortlist

With brands discovering that loyalty is even more difficult

online with a larger fragmentation in market shares online

Skin creams 1 & 2

(Market share of top 5 brands)

Retail Best Sellers 1

Skin creams Shampoo Bar soap
Offline Online

77% 41%
Fair & Lovely Dove Lifebuoy
(Brick and mortar stores)
Vaseline Clinic Plus Santoor
Ponds Head & Shoulders Lux
Boroplus Sunsilk Godrej No.1
Vicco Pantene Dettol

Nivea Head & Shoulders Dettol

Online Best Sellers 2 Lotus Herbals TRESemme Park Avenue
Shoppers are looking for
(Online platforms) Lakme Dove Dove the best product, benefits
Vaseline Himalaya Pears & prices on Google
Ponds Sunsilk Cinthol
Source - 1- Kantar Worldpanel 2019, 2- Kantar e-Market Pulse 2019
3- Google Trends data, IN Beauty & Fitness, Jan 2019 - July 2020
Confidential & proprietary
Make it easy or be off the shortlist

Which of the following

Online video and social media sources were helpful
for your research?
preferred over any offline
medium for shortlisting brands
Online video 50+%
Social media 50+%
Search 40+%
Given the overload of information on the internet, Retailer &
consumers turn to online video, social media & search brand websites 30+%
to help them narrow their brand choices.
In-store 29%
TV 20+%
Source: Q40: From your perspective, select top 5 information sources which were helpful
for your research,
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in
NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a
Online video & social media are
beauty product in the last 1 month
ahead of offlineConfidential
& proprietary
Make it easy or be off the shortlist

Leverage online video by being present on the video

platform of choice & reinforce with a great quality website

Be present on consumer’s Complement presence

primary video platform with a quality website

58% 22% SHOP NOW

prefer videos watch online beauty
professionally videos on brand
produced by brands websites

Q43: What types of online videos do you think are appropriate for information about the following topic? Base:1740
Q28: And do you ever watch online videos about this topic or product category on any of these websites or on TV? Base: 1660
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use
Confidential & proprietary
internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Deliver offline

The majority of purchases

still happen offline but are
researched thoroughly online
- even when to refill.
Deliver offline experience online

Online basket size tends to higher

Avg. products bought
in L1M
Avg. products
bought in L1M

RQ1_a: Have you purchased any of the following beauty product in the last 1 month? Base: 1740
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week &
have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month

We found that the basket size of consumer purchasing online is 40%

higher than the basket size for offline consumers.

Confidential & proprietary

Deliver offline experience online

But key pain points have emerged,

opening an opportunity for
brands to solve for & win
Consumers purchasing online still face some challenges, which if solved
for by brands, provide a competitive advantage to these brands.
The top three challenges are listed below. Brands solving for these
challenges are likely to be preferred over the rest.

21% 24% 20%

Difficult to choose the Difficult to decide on a product Difficult to envision the product
right product or brand without brand experience suits my specific needs

Q41: Which of these statements do you agree with when thinking about
purchasing or researching products in this category? Base: 1740
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740
people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week
Confidential & proprietary
& have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Deliver offline experience online

Online resources can help solve for consumer pain points by

making information search easy

Product recommendations 52%

Consumers turn to online
resources for information Detailed product descriptions, pictures, videos 46%
searches & reviews.
Online tools to help ensure product is right for me 33%
Brands that make it easy
for consumers to find this Independent product ratings 29%
content by building
multiple content platforms
Large & varied range of product information 29%
are likely to be preferred. Always up to date with latest info 27%
Information on my favorite brands 19%

Q42: What are the advantages of online content and information about beauty? Base: 1740
Confidential & proprietary
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in
the last 1 month
Deliver offline experience online

What beauty buyers ...and how brands can ...and what should
are missing... help online brands do?

Difficult to decide on a Make detailed product

Invest in the right platforms
product without brand descriptions,
for information.
experience. pictures, videos available.

Partner with creators for

Difficult to choose the Give good product
product videos/
right product or brand. recommendations.

Deploy online tools to help Invest in new tech to

Difficult to envision the ensure product is right for deliver brand
product suits my needs. user. experience online.

Q41: Which of these statements do you agree with when thinking about
purchasing or researching products in this category? Base: 1740
Q42: What are the advantages of online content and information about
Confidential & proprietary beauty?Base: 1740
Deliver offline experience online

Build Trust with consumers by investing in creators to drive

category development

“My rule of engagement with brands

is I like to engage with one brand from
a specific category for a long-term

89% Ranveer Allahbadia,

Creator YouTube
Have a beauty channel
“I like to work with brands which go
with theme of my channel & which
give me freedom to make content
of my choice.”

Meghna Bahuguna,
Engage with creators Creator YouTube

Q: Have you subscribed to a YouTube beauty-channel or do you follow any beauty-blogger or influencer on social media?
Confidential & proprietary
Base: 1740 Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45,
who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month, Qualitative interviews of YouTube creators
Deliver offline experience online

Invest in the right platforms for YouTube is preferred over by

creators because of

scaled outreach to consumers Authentic content

Prevalence of long form
Loyalty & trust between
Engage on the right platform subscriber and creator


40% 81%

33% 29%
13% 11%
YouTube Social Social Social Social No
media 1 media 2 media 3 media 4 subscription

Q: Have you subscribed to a YouTube beauty-channel or do you follow any

beauty-blogger or influencer on social media?
Base: 1740 Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740
people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45,
who use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1
month, Qualitative interviews of YouTube creators
Confidential & proprietary
Tech is the
future of
Consumers are still registering
major friction along the purchase
journey. There’s an opportunity
for brands to own these moments
and alleviate them through new
uses of technology.
Tech is the future of beauty

Tech is the future of beauty

With their high dependence on digital devices, today’s

consumers have come to expect a high degree of ease
and interactivity with the brands they get inspired by,
learn and buy from.

At its very core, the beauty and personal care industry is

all about providing personal advice, and technology can
play a huge role in enabling this.

Everything from targeted content to tutorials, product

personalisation to augmented reality, has been enabled
by technology and will continue to act as an accelerator
for the industry.
Tech is the future of beauty

New technologies
help to meet
buyers needs and
add value to the
online touchpoints 67%
virtual reality (all buyers)

New technologies add notable

value to online content as they
meet customers need to
provide a real experience and
to envision products in live.
Voice Assistant has the
highest potential. 69%
voice assistant (all buyers)
augmented reality (all buyers)

Q47_cd: Would you be interested using this technology when engaging with beauty content?
Confidential & proprietary
Google/Kantar, Path to purchase of beauty products, India, Q3 2019. n=1740 people in NCCS A & B, age group 18-45, who
use internet at least once a week & have purchased a beauty product in the last 1 month
Tech is the future of beauty

Invest in tech early on to Re:Think channel strategy to

stay relevant
be ahead of competition
Partnership with
D2C delivery apps

Omnichannel play
Key findings

01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

It’s all about ”Me” Be online or be Make it easy or be Deliver offline Tech is the Future
overlooked off the shortlist experience online of Beauty

The purchase decision is 9/10 consumer journeys 2/3 consumers are not Online has moved beyond Consumer friction to rise
made largely in the upper having a digital loyal to one brand its traditional role as a further as they try to
funnel touchpoints. touchpoint. research medium to being complete the traditional
Brands with easy to find an important purchase offline activities online e.g.
Tier 1 cities have caught up YouTube has emerged as information on digital platform. lipstick try-on.
with metros in category the online beauty advisor platforms are more likely
engagement. with Google Search being to make it to the Solve for consumer pain Opportunity for brands
the gateway to discovery. consumer shortlist. points by investing in the to own these moments
“For me” goes beyond right platforms, creators & alleviate them with
gender to include season, Leverage online video by & technology. technology.
time of day, occasions etc. being present on the
video platform of choice
Gender divide in beauty is a & reinforce with a great
myth quality website.

Note: 1 - Tier 1 cities -- Cities with population between 10-40 lakhs

Tier 2 cities have population less than 10 lakh
It’s all about

Consumer journey is more

1. Invest in understanding & responding to the latest trends
personal, with trends influencing
purchase decisions, Tier 1 cities Is more
2. Think Metro+ Tierpersonal
1 instead &
only Metro for product launches
have caught up with metros in than ever, Middle India has
category engagement & men are 3. Develop acaught
with strategy
metros into cater to the personalized
as engaged as women category choices of consumers
4. Evaluate expansion in the Male grooming segment
Confidential & proprietary
Be online or

YouTube has emerged as Invest in creating online digital presence for your brands
the online beauty advisor beyond media
with Google Search being
the gateway to discovery. e.g. YouTube channel, Brand website, Digital storefront
Make it easy
or be off the
Establish consumer loyalty and consideration by being the
Loyalty is at a premium. most helpful brand online by
Brands with easy to find
information are more 1. Leveraging online video to provide easy access to
likely to make it to the information about your products
consumer shortlist.
2. Leverage 1P data & integrate data from multiple sources to
have a single view of the customer
Confidential & proprietary
Deliver offline

The majority of purchases Enable consumer movement from offline to online by

still happen offline but are
1. Building an ecosystem that can deliver the best of
researched thoroughly online
offline experience online
- even when to refill.
2. Building consumer trust by partnering with the right
creators on the right platform
Confidential & proprietary
Tech is the
Future of
Consumers are still registering
major friction along the purchase 1. Re-Think the Digitisation of the company through
journey. There is an opportunity partnership/ investment /acquisition of tech players
for brands to own these moments
and alleviate them through new 2. Review your channel mix(e.g. D2C, O2O) to ensure the right
uses of technology. service levels for consumers

Confidential & proprietary

Creative recommendations

Confidential & proprietary

Creative & Communication strategy
Following are the key communication / creative framework recommendations:

01. 02. 03.

YouTube is a perceived beauty Different points of the journey require Communication is needed even
counter, treat it like one different digital communication after the purchase is complete

Go beyond the main video assets A single campaign should address Beauty users are coming back to learn
of the brand as the consumer different stages of the customer journey how to use and master the product
journey is unique, fragmented and by providing different pieces of content they have recently purchased.
very high on discovery + research. for product demonstration, comparison,
tips & tricks etc. to ensure the user A brand can potentially build trust by
remains engaged throughout partnering on the entire customer
the journey. journey, even after purchase, with
the relevant content.
Media recommendations

01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

It’s all about Be online or Make it easy Deliver offline Tech is the
”Me”. be or be off the experience Future of Beauty
overlooked. shortlist. online.

Drive consumer Leverage intent Handhold consumers in Build trust online by Scale up experiential
preference with across the customer different stages of their partnering with marketing efforts on
personalised journey journey with video YouTube creators digital using
messaging. content that not just AR / VR / Voice
Brands should also informs, but also Measure success of
Expand your target focus on influencing educates. both online to online Build direct connect
consumer base basis early stages - the and online to offline with consumers through
interest from tier 1 discovery and Have a cohesive data using robust D2C shopping.
cities & drive reach understand phases strategy to build a attribution /
better understanding of measurement
the consumer journey models.
with solutions like Ads
data hub.
Expert & creator speak

Confidential & proprietary

Expert speak

Opportunity for technology to drive disruption

“ Shopping for beauty products is changing drastically in this pandemic era – both
in terms of the kinds of products purchased and the way they go about their
journey. In a sense, it is also discovery of new products and brands to suit their
“ The world has opened up to beauty as an inclusive phenomenon.
Consumers have also woken up to the fact that it is about authenticity and
new lifestyles; like the increased demand for eye makeup vis-à-vis the more sincerity of brands as well. We have witnessed a change in the creative
popular lipsticks. Online is the first port of call when shopping for this category. landscape with an exponential surge of DIY content, while the media
And in current times, more consumers are moving the entire journey online – right landscape has changed with the emergence of loyalty to the experience.
up to purchase. Beauty is one of those segments that have a very high loyalty towards
influencers. This is a sector where subject matter experts score over
Technology will need to be used to make this journey seamless – from discovery celebrities and brands have realized the impact of advocacy.
of appropriate products to choice of the right ones for each consumer. Before
Covid times, consumers had the comfort of walking into stores and getting help While content and commerce go hand-in-hand to help complete the
from beauty advisors to try on products, experiment different shades, to make full-funnel, there is also an opportunity for a brand to be a publisher and
sure they were buying something that suited them. thereby act as a ‘Go to destination’ for all consumer needs. Leading on
search and organic viewing is also a big win for brands when it comes
Online retailers will have to use technology for creative ways to guide consumers to destinations.
through their choice process – interactive mirrors, advice from chatbots or
maybe even the option of turning on video chats with beauty advisers from the The usage of technology that enables users to engage with their desired
store. Adoption of higher order technology will become a critical determinant for product or brand whether it’s through content optimisation, interactive
video bots, apps, voice-based tutorials, face recognition, influencer

marketers and retailers to win in this post pandemic era.
commerce, conversational commerce or just plain filters; the options and

opportunities are endless just like the beauty products and hacks available.
Sushmita Balasubramaniam
Domain Lead CX & Commerce- South Asia,
Insights Division, Kantar Prasanth Kumar
CEO, South Asia

Confidential & proprietary

Expert speak

Creative perspectives

“ Women, especially younger women, need to be

convinced that a beauty and skin care regime is not at the
“ Technology has enabled discovery, revolutionised customer
experiences online and changed the way people buy. The path
to purchase is not as linear as before. Exploration triggers desire
whims of the state of their life & relationships, but is a life
and stimulates impulse behaviour. With access to a wide width
relationship of its own. Re-framing beauty regimes as a
of choices consumers are able to indulge and experiment with
relationship with oneself is an emotionally rich online
an array of products at different price points.
opportunity for humanizing the concept of beauty care
regime ,potentially through articulating consumer journey
Hephzibah Pathak

cycles on what women are feeling and thinking not just
Vice Chairperson & Chief Client Officer,
doing. And the touchpoints, content and influencers at
India Ogilvy
each stage can reveal ripe connections.

Shaziya Khan

National Planning Director
Wunderman Thompson, India

Confidential & proprietary

Expert speak

Creators on inspiration to start their content channel...

“ My channel is one stop destination for fashion, beauty and

lifestyle. Practical fashion is what people come to my
“ Growing up, I had to learn so many things on my own, and I
really wanted to be that older sister who shares hair, makeup,
channel for specially Indian ethnic fashion and fashion and Saree draping tips and tricks, to make another girl or
basics. woman feel confident.
” - on motivation to start a YouTube channel.
Megha Bahuguna aka PerkyMegs Hindi ”
Creator, YouTube Vithya Visvendra of Vithya Hair & Makeup
Creator, YouTube

“ Inbasis,who
my career as an artiste,I meet several women on a day to day
have totally given up on themselves or don’t give any
“ Main motivation is my passion towards the beauty field and
experimenting with beauty products. I want to share my
importance to self care. I want to reach those kinda women and personal beauty experience with the audience because I'm a
tell them it’s not too late. normal girl, so I know which are the common beauty problems
” facing common people.
Ashmita Karnani of Ashtrixx ”
Creator, YouTube Unnimaya Anil of Simplymystyle!!Unni
Creator, YouTube

Confidential & proprietary

Expert speak

Creators on their association with brands...

“ I&like to work with brands which go with theme of my channel

which give me freedom to make content of my choice. One
“ I like to work with the brand which comes with a long term
engagement. My rule is simple, if you like the product your
good experience was recently when I worked with a brand that audiences will like it as well. We did more than 7-8 videos with
completely trusted me with the content and I made content that Hair Oil brand and over the period of time that product has
satisfied my creativity as well as served the promotional become part of our content now and you won’t believe that we
purpose of the brand. Needless to say the video was approved have integrated it so many times and so organically that it
immediately. Rarely we get such brands in the Industry. doesn’t feel like a brand endorsement to us nor to our viewers.
” ”
Megha Bahuguna of PerkyMegs Hindi Shruti Arjun Anand
Creator, YouTube Creator, YouTube

“ Ifree
look for brands which are mostly made in India, chemical
and easily accessible. Rules include no fairness
“ I prefer any established brand which is not harmful to
people. Before doing a collaboration, I will use that
products, no products which make you feel less self product for minimum 2 – 4 weeks . If the Products is
worth with their campaigns. satisfactory only then only I'll introduce it to the audience.
” ”
Ashmita Karnani of Ashtrixx Unnimaya Anil of Simplymystyle!!Unni
Creator, YouTube Creator, YouTube

Confidential & proprietary

For further contact
If you would like to discuss the themes
and content of this report, please contact:
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About the authors
Ganesh Vernekar is a Strategy and Insights Manager at Google India &
Kunal Sinha is a Executive Director - Advisory with Kantar. Aditya Swamy Kaushik Dasgupta
Director of Agency Group Head of Insights
Partnerships and & Partnerships,
Acknowledgements Create with Google Google India

This study was undertaken by Kantar with support from Google & WPP. We would like to
thank Aditya Swami - Director of Agency Partnerships, Kaushik Dasgupta- Group Head of Photo Photo
Insights and Partnerships, Satya Raghavan, Director, Youtube Partnerships, India, CVL
Srinivas, Country Manager, WPP India & Sunder Muthuraman, CEO, Analytics Practice-
APAC & Global Chief Client Officer, Kantar for their inputs. Sunder Muthuraman Bhaskar Ramesh
The authors would also like to thank and acknowledge the contributions of Shreyash CEO, Analytics Practice- Director - Tech,
Sigtia- Industry head of CPG, Abhishek Saigal- Head of Consumer & Market Insights, India, APAC & Global Chief Client CPG, Auto, Media
Samir Singh-Industry Head, Agency Business, Namrata Keswani-Creative Partnerships Officer, Kantar & Entertainment

Lead, Shivani Jain-Agency Relationship Manager, Pushkar Gupte-Industry Manager, Nidhi

Thakkar and Aastha Malhotra- Strategic Partner Managers, YouTube from Google India.
Photo Photo
A special thanks to Sushmita Balasubramaniam, Jai Shah & Jainy Dedhia from the Kantar
quantitative research team and Shobhit Singhal & Anika Gangal form the Kantar qualitative
research team. We would also like to thank Shaziya Khan (Wunderman Thompson) &
Shreyash Sigtia Samir Singh
Hephzibah Pathak & strategy team (Ogilvy Mumbai) for their inputs on creative strategy.
Head of Industry - Industry Head,
Consumer Packaged Agency Business
Goods Confidential & proprietary
© Google India Private Limited. 2020. All rights reserved.
© WPP. 2020. All rights reserved.
© KANTAR. 2020. All rights reserved.

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