Kantar Brand Strategy Unpacked Digital Booklet
Kantar Brand Strategy Unpacked Digital Booklet
Kantar Brand Strategy Unpacked Digital Booklet
Grow brands through consistent,
Meaningful Difference
© Kantar 2024
Click here to read more about Kantar’s Blueprint for Brand Growth’
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Uncover Prioritise Build “It’s the right insights that
give your strategy wings
Uncover your start Prioritise where to focus Build Meaningful
point and opportunities and how to achieve Difference through every
and fuel growth. Tactics
to drive relevance. Meaningful Difference. brand touchpoint. come last, after strategy.”
Insight is critical to any brand Brand Strategy is about Building strong Difference ARY KYRIAKIDI,
strategy. Learn why the making choices. Learn how to requires consistency. GLOBAL THOUGHT LEADER
initial stages should include pull apart choices on where Learn how to master the
both market understanding to focus vs. how to drive art of evolving yet remaining
and data-backed diagnosis your Meaningful Difference the same, delivering your Click here for Mary’s guide.
of your brand’s current forward to win your way. Meaningful Difference,
equity and pricing power. across all touchpoints
and innovations.
Uncover your Brand Strategy is about working out how
to get from A to B. At the start of any
competitive one, as brand journeys tend to be,
drive relevance
you also need to make sure you’re clear on the
relative strengths of your vehicle. Diagnosis of
your brand’s current equity and pricing power
should be a corner stone of this groundwork.
Key takeaways:
1 Always start
your brand
strategy with
2 Build your
strategy on
human truths,
3 Hardwire your
connection to
diagnosis of your leveraging real culture in order to
equity and pricing data at scale or lead and define
power in depth future trends
Understanding your start
point also provides insight
what makes someone want to
buy it. This is because, being
Difference here is defined as
standing out as unique and
into your pricing power Meaningful and Salient helps
a brand come to mind more
leading the way. Meaningful
Difference is what drives
Last year, we found easily; become more mentally perceptions of being worth
something significant, that available. paying more for. It is integral
is especially important for to pricing power because Pay 14%
brands in price sensitive However, how it helps make brands less
It used to be enough to be a big This means an intrepid, For example, whilst using liquid body
multinational brand launching in a new unwavering commitment to wash in the shower is prevalent in more CASE STUDY
market. The aspiration associated with change whilst always remaining developed economies like Europe, bar
certain lifestyles and perceived higher true to the brand’s core promise. soap is most common in many Asian
quality created buzz and demand. These And it starts with knowing your markets due to lower cost per gram and
rules no longer apply. Lower barriers market and your audience. ingrained hygiene habits.
to entry have seen an abundance of Johnnie Walker’s well known ‘Keep Walking’
new local players, catering to nuanced Cultural understanding is the Pricing strategy should align campaign illustrates localisation well. Following
local needs; and heightened consumer foundation of localisation. This with economic factors. Over 60% COVID restrictions, Johnnie Walker created the
can be done at a market level (e.g. multi-country Walkers programme. This focused
expectations have led to a reassessment of Southeast Asia is low income,
Indonesia) or a social group level on local experiences designed to reinvigorate
of global brands. so the only way to win is to ensure
(e.g. Modern, Millennial Muslims). The social spaces that had suffered. Through a series of
your portfolio and pricing strategy is
initiatives, the programme brought communities
Localisation has become a critical cultural lens shapes consumer habits designed for this. Constrained budgets
together to support local venues and bars.
part of global marketing strategy. It and expectations. Brands can align also shape decision-making and
is key to building affinity and meeting themselves to consumers better if they consumer relationship to brands, with This example from Thailand encouraged Thais to
become part of culture, tapping into
needs in local markets, unlocking new local relevance key for brands to tap into reacquaint themselves with their unique street
local values, beliefs, and behaviours. culture, giving 'Keep Walking' fresh meaning.
spaces for global brands. In this way it limited consumer spend.
is key to driving Meaningful Difference
For example, Hijabs are a big part of
and competitive advantage securing These aspects come together to inform
the identity of Muslim women in
both short- and long-term success. powerful brand strategy, informed by a
Indonesia and Malaysia, and also
However, often brands struggle to get localisation mindset.
shape hair care routines. Hair care
it right as localisation is brought in too
brands need to understand this to be
late at the executional stage and is not Anja Milosavljevic
able to craft relevant, nuanced
an integrated part of the marketing Head of Brand Strategy, Kantar
positioning and execution.
process. Singapore By comparison, the global execution has a
similar tonality but uses broader, cosmopolitan
Category maturity is also imperative
Localisation is a mindset. A move cultural cues that may not have resonated as
to understand across markets. To
from static strategy setting to strongly in the Thailand context.
localise your product portfolio mix as
dynamic evolution. part of your go to market strategy and
build brand relevance you need to be
tuned into category development.
Unpacking Meat Free values or good intentions. Trend Progressive Good Meat
Audiences However, one shopper group Driven Values Intentions Mainstay
We segmented the meat might not have been expected
free shoppers to understand – the Meat Mainstay group.
WHO brands can target in this These people crave ‘real meat’
category and how they might be experiences yet they were the
able to resonate with different 2nd biggest shopper group we 26% 17% 16% 19% 21%
audience groups. Many of these identified. They are important
groups were expected e.g, and might have been assumed Brands and keeping up Making choices These busy consumers Lack knowledge Sceptical as to whether
with the latest trends based on their moral are torn between and confidence in meat free products
those driven by their progressive not to exist!
are important to these compasses, supporting their own values and purchasing and cooking can deliver on their
typically younger brands doing good in supporting those meat free products expectations for both
consumers the world around them enjoyment and health
Convenient 16%
Haleon had historically categorized consumers behaviorally, as smokers, smoking-quitters We homed in on who to target today, with what existing portfolio offerings and what type of
or smoking-reducers. Marketing and communication strategies needed insight into the messaging; and we aligned on what to prioritise in the future, where to focus R&D and new
struggles, motivations and aspirations of people who aspire to reduce their smoking to product development outside of the existing portfolio.
resonate in a more Meaningful way.
To aid this process, further qualitative understanding made the target persona segments real
To gather this insight required foundational understanding of the market. First qualitatively and identifiable for the Haleon team and a socialization-activation workshop initiated these
uncovering language, rich emotive territories and developing hypotheses, then segmenting strategic and tactical outcomes and actions.
the market according to three integrated constructs.
From this rich, human-centric foundation we worked with Haleon to develop a multi-faceted Dee McGrath
growth roadmap for today and for the future. Partner, Brand Solutions, Kantar US
we live, work, and connect. Brands
today grapple with a multitude of
Move Beyond Past Predictions: that widely Different
uncertainties—from technological outcomes are possible. It’s
The past is no longer a reliable predictor
disruptions to shifts in consumer Firms focused on the long-term exhibit stronger teaching agility in
of the future. Brands must stop relying fundamentals and performance
behaviour. Questions such as “How how [they] operate.”
solely on historical data and instead AVERAGE COMPANY REVENUE (In US$ billions per year, indexed to 2001)
will AI impact our industry?” or “What prepare for various potential futures to
will the regulatory landscape look like ensure long-term success. FINANCIAL CRISIS +47% CHASSANY
in five years?” are top of mind. $7.5
All others
Strategic foresight addresses these
concerns by providing a framework to Adopting futures thinking is not just
explore and prepare for various future a tool but a strategic imperative. It
2001 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14
scenarios and outcomes. This can HBR, 2017 helps brands to prioritise where to
go and identify opportunities and
help reduce the fear of the unknown,
Embrace Uncertainty: threats in a structured way.
develop future-fit strategies and drive
innovation, ensuring that your brand
can maintain its relevance no matter
Accepting and preparing for uncertainty “To deal with the future we have to deal with Embracing this proactive approach
is crucial. Scenario thinking allows brands possibilities. Analysis will only tell us ‘What is’.” can help brands uncover new
what change lies ahead.
to explore multiple paths into the future, growth avenues, build resilience
EDWARD DE BONO against unforeseen disruptions, and
To win in the world of tomorrow, it challenging assumptions and identifying key
PARALLEL THINKING, 2016 ensures that brands not only survive
is imperative that brands embrace uncertainties that will shape the landscape.
but thrive in an uncertain future.
uncertainty and adopting scenario
3 4
thinking, moving beyond short- To find out more, click here
Make the Future Tangible: Prepare for Multiple Futures:
term trend analysis to preparing for
multiple potential outcomes. Whilst Scenario planning should combine creativity Instead of waiting for a single predicted future, Santiago Rente, Senior Consultant,
near-term trends offer valuable with data-driven insights to create realistic and brands should prepare for a range of possibilities. Kantar Consulting, UK
insights, they often fall short in actionable future scenarios. This approach helps This reduces vulnerability to surprises and enhances Meredith Smith, Director, Kantar
forecasting longer term outcomes - teams visualise and plan for potential outcomes, the ability to develop robust, flexible strategies. Consulting, UK
which are becoming harder to predict making the abstract concept of the future more
in a world of increased disruption concrete and actionable.
where change is the only constant.
Prioritise where to Brand Strategy is about making choices.
Deciding which route to take to achieve
competitive advantage is key. There is no
achieve Meaningful
creating Difference. We discuss how to pull
choices apart, separating the art of targeting
and deciding where to focus from decisions
Key takeaways:
1 Separate
decisions on
targeting from
2 Ensure you
know how to
maximise your
3 Design for
through leadership,
decisions on portfolio reach functional Difference,
positioning and synergy distinctive assets
and by unlocking the
power of emotive
brand in the portfolio will have
Uncover the total demand
its own unique opportunity,
landscape. Redefine the
depending on brand size and
business that you think you You won’t have infinite
brand equity. Some brands
are in to reflect your full might first need to build their resources. Prioritise
competitive context. Don’t
Meaningful Difference. Others opportunities based on
kid yourself people want what may need to Predispose commercial attractiveness
the category offers. Often More People to increase their and future growth.
the category is an enabler penetration. Those brands
for something else. Perfume with a strong brand equity
isn’t so you smell nice, it’s so foundation and with high
you feel good. Airlines aren’t Brand growth isn’t a task to
penetration in a category are
luxury experiences, they’re a be taken in isolation. It requires
best poised to Find New Space.
means to an end (although Kantar’s Blueprint for Brand collaboration, prioritisation,
experience obviously matters.) Growth helps brands diagnose and commitment. Ensure that
This idea is at the heart of where they are and what their your brands fit people’s needs,
All brands want to grow, but lots To protect against this, brands Find New Space, a key growth next step might be. are easy to choose and hard
of them don’t. We regularly come need to be human-centric. accelerator. to substitute. Take an extended
across brands that are inhibiting This means keeping a finger on view of the opportunities and
their own performance. These the pulse of changing demand balance commercial portfolio
Extend portfolio reach, roles with brand Difference.
brands tend to have three factors and culture. Failure to put Unpack and size the defining unique roles. To Making focused decisions on
working against them: people at the centre of brand opportunities. Map how well reduce risk of cannibalisation, where to play frees up time
evolution and revolution means brands (and products) deliver make sure you don’t compete and resource to apply to how
1 They make it hard work a misrepresented view of what in this broader landscape. with yourself in an unhelpful to win.
for people by not creating demand really exists. A balance Sizing will help identify larger way. Define clear roles for your
Predisposition in the minds of of human-centricity with business or smaller potential white brands, both commercially and
people or not Being Present at the and commercial reality is required. space opportunities across in terms of their unique points
moment of decision. the portfolio, where consumer of Difference. Make them hard
Growth can be thought of at a needs are less well served. to substitute. Unavailability
2 They apply assumptions brand level, but there is often
should trigger a tiny wave
to their strategies that fail to also a business or portfolio level
of distress for people. This is
consider or fulfil people’s needs to consider. For a business’ total
not just about being good at Paul Cowper, Senior Partner,
portfolio to grow, each brand
what you do, it’s about having Kantar Consulting
3 They are easily replaceable, must have a clear focused role
that little magic or edge – or
failing to have a Meaningful within that portfolio to ensure
Meaningful Difference – that Jade McMillan-Hainey,
Difference that cuts through in they capitalise on the moments
lifts you above other brands Director of Commercial
the moment of choice and makes that matter. We have distilled
and vitally your category. Strategy, Kantar Consulting
them easy to be swapped. a few rules of thumb to do this
To analyse the contribution of This evidence exposes as
Difference is the No.
brand equity on share price false the assertion that
“Difference is in the DNA
1 brand factor on
growth, Oxford University’s Difference doesn’t exist
share outperformance
Saïd Business School built a between brands or matter
sophisticated model based
on financial results from 872
(Corporate Responsibility
was third)
much. Consumers do perceive of brands that grow.”
it, and it is the factor that
brands between 2006-2022 matters most in driving share
across multiple categories, to price outperformance.
understand the contribution
of Kantar BrandZ’s equity Dom Boyd, Managing
measures to share price Director UK Insights and Click here for Dom’s article.
accounts for
outperformance. Marketing Effectiveness
35% of brand impact
on outperformance,
The model including brand
salience was just 0.6%
equity variables had over
99% accuracy, a major
advance compared with
models using just financial
distinctions risk falling behind. Characteristics that contribute margins in their categories.
to a sense of Difference can That’s because Difference is, in
<30% Intangible perceptions
and sensory experience
Difference is important – but
how do brands build it?
be intrinsic: baked into the
design, formulation, and
addition to its other virtues, a
major driver of Pricing Power.
– Positioning Recently, an investigation intent of the brand. But they
– Product / Service by Kantar Analytics Practice can also be extrinsic, drawing Graham Staplehurst,
– Great Ads
looked at 11,000 brand cases on associations borrowed Director, Thought Leadership,
– Responsibility / CSR to uncover insights about from the outside world and Kantar BrandZ
– Relevant Range brand growth. And what consumers’ social context.
– Provenance
Kantar found was that there Ellie Thorpe, Director, Kantar
are many ways brands can Difference is one of the biggest BrandZ
drive Difference. challenges facing marketers
today. It’s about more than To read more, click here
Difference in action some real-world examples CASE STUDY
of the ways you can create Difference
marvellous to
TIKTOK $44,349M #44 LOUIS VUITTON $124,822M #8
Global strengths Luxury brands Average change in Brand Value put the customer
at the heart of
everything, [if you
Less distinctive More distinctive
Shaking Makes lives Leading Distinctive
things up better the way look & feel
121 114 111 119 -4% don’t also apply a
brand lens] it’s
really dangerous
from a
Functional benefits Emotive clarity
Doritos is particularly known for its superior flavour, standing Brands that clearly embody one or two distinct, emotionally- differentiation
out from other snacking brands in this regard. At the same
time, Doritos also has strong distinctive assets, like its triangle
driven personality types tend to do better than brands that
straddle too many personalities or don’t have much of a strong
point of view.”
shape – demonstrating that brands can simultaneously personality. Disney+, for example, has stood out by mirroring its
leverage multiple aspects to build their Difference. parent brand’s consistent personality archetypes. Thanks to its ARA BENNISON FORMER CHIEF
strong heritage, Disney is known as a ‘Joker’ or a ‘Free Spirit’ in PRODUCT AND MARKETING
every market covered by the Kantar BrandZ database. OFFICER, NATIONWIDE, IGNITE
Food & Beverage brands Average change in Brand Value Emotional positioning
To learn more about the Guinness brand journey, click here to watch Russell Parsons, Marketing
Week Editor in chief chat to Anna Macdonald, Guinness Marketing Director, Diageo at
Kantar Ignite
No emotive Strong
makes intuitive sense that ice-cream connoisseur in
a brand crafted with care, all of us.
No emotive Strong
Care, purity, passion strength
(that the C-Suite doesn’t need to know about)
If you are a casual scroller of LinkedIn, or Furthermore, your brand archetype won’t And for those breathing a sigh of relief that So, while your C-Suite may not need to
a regular glancer of the marketing press, matter one iota if you don’t get things someone is speaking out in favour of brand know what a Brand Archetype even is, don’t
it’s possible that you have noticed that the right with product, CX, distribution, pricing, archetypes, you should also know that be shy about leaving them in your kitbag
effective investment in paid/owned/earned the evidence is on your side. BrandZ has when the time comes to transform that
once revered “Brand Archetype” has been
touchpoints, etc. It’s when Archetypes are shown that brands with clearer associations internal brand strategy document into a
the subject of a healthy dose of mirth and
compelling in-market execution.
presented as the complete answer to “what is to archetypal attributes (something we
abuse. Much of it justified.
your brand strategy?” that they get a bad rap. call “emotive clarity”) over-index on
Ryan France
“Difference” – a key brand equity pillar that
To summarise the main concern: Head of Brand Strategy, Australia
HOWEVER. Despite the abuse, Archetypes reduces price sensitivity and underpins a
have their defenders. Because many of us brand’s potential for future growth. To read more, click here
- How can a marketing manager,
have seen firsthand the unlock they have
in a serious commercial
provided for brands that have gotten stuck,
enterprise, expect to be taken
or the way they have elevated a boring
seriously by the C-suite when
“me too” functional proposition into a
s /he tells them that “our brand
more compelling and distinctive emotive
strategy for our mayonnaise is to
be the Jester”?
Humans make sense of the world around them through stories. This helped define the potential emotive territory upon which
They are the lens through which we understand ourselves the Eurovision Song Contest brand could be built moving
and the other people we encounter. So, it is no surprise that forward.
brand marketers often turn to storytelling to help their brand
resonate more deeply with consumers. And this is exactly what
The target positioning space was brought to life tonally by two
the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) team did when they
archetypes: the Connector and the Artist – helping Eurovision
invited Kantar to help shape the Eurovision Song Contest brand
leverage the best of the story narratives they had uncovered.
of tomorrow.
Great stories have their home in a book. “Not only did Kantar
In the world of entertainment, telling a good story is a natural
thing to do. In this case storytelling also formed the first part The Artistic-Connector archetype gave the Eurovision team a
understand our vision
of the process Kantar used to develop a brand book for the powerful symbolic tool to guide the narrative development and but they helped
elevate the Eurovision
Eurovision Song Contest. The initial survey approach used a the tonality guidance to support it in their brand book. This
conversational tone, encouraging people to explain to a close
helped guide and inspire stakeholders, agency partners and the
friend what the Eurovision Song contest meant to them. People
spoke from the heart, sharing many rich stories of memorable
teams working on the Eurovision Song Contest. Song Contest brand.
experiences and magic moments they have had whilst watching
the Eurovision Song Contest. They were also asked to imagine
Marise Pronk I couldn’t have
Brand Expert Kantar Netherlands
how the event could make the world a better place in future. asked for a better
Now it would not be possible for Eurovision to tell all these collaboration. The
stories through their brand. So, to make these stories useful
Kantar used Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools to draw
archetype was
out the most powerful themes the brand could focus on to
build its positioning.
incredible and gave
us goosebumps!”
These themes gave the team an authentic and powerful start
point from which to build a future brand position.
To help make sense of these themes the Kantar team then used LINA MOUSSAOUI
their NeedScope positioning framework, to plot the themes BRAND MANAGER
according to the emotion each delivered – in this case skewing - EUROVISION SONG CONTEST
toward the warm, affiliative, and lively, extroverted spaces.
build Predisposition for a brand, driving volume and ability to
command a premium.
Sustainability sits alongside many other levers to build value. Most responsibility
important of these are the fundamentals of a brand’s category.
6% 156
Sustainability cannot come with a compromise for a consumer,
Brand Purpose
and therefore needs to be executed in addition to the brand’s
fundamental category needs. To unlock this value brands must:
Key takeaways:
1 Consistency
is key to
building strong
2 Balance
with reinforcement,
3 The right brand
measures should
brand Difference using brand demonstrate
positioning to impact and
maintain direction catalyse evolution
“ People
BRAND build
brands the way
birds build nests,
from the straws
chance upon.
The art of strategy
is making sure that Kantar evidence shows that consistency between being human centric enough to It requires discipline, it’s so easy to get
what people is key to establishing Difference. The
stronger your consistency, the stronger your
ensure your brand remains relevant and bored with direction, tempted by shiny
being brand centric enough to ensure new strategies or distracted by the need to
chance upon are Difference. This happens because brands are that you are reinforcing brand memories evolve.
built in our memories, in small increments. congruently.
the right Little connections accrued across a lifetime It also needs crystal clear alignment on what
of experience and exposure to many Be clear on the difference you need to you need to keep consistent so that brand
kind of straws.” touchpoints. keep consistent and agency teams across the world can
translate it into culturally relevant activation.
JEREMY BULLMORE If a brand is showing up in a consistent, To do this, brands need to be clear on their
congruent way, each encounter reinforces positioning and point of Difference so that Taking this approach ensures that even while
the next and your virtual bird’s nest in the it can guide decision making. This means you’re changing, you build on and maintain
brain becomes stronger and stronger. understanding what a brand brings to the shared and enduring associations your
the world, what sets it apart and how it brand owns.
Keep a finger on the pulse of change. resonates at an emotive level, as well as a
functional level. We call this brand centricity. We’re increasingly seeing that brands who
Given brand and category context is can execute in a way that is Different to
continually changing, category boundaries Reinforce brand memories congruently the competition, authentic to themselves
are blurring, and competitive frames are across time and touchpoint. but consistent across time and across
shifting. To maintain momentum, enrich touchpoints are more Different. The following
relevance and find growth, brands must This requires congruence of the scraps and case studies show how this can be done.
constantly seek ways to evolve in time with straws of activation: from messaging, to
changing demand and culture. We call this emotion and tonal delivery, to innovation, Lindsay Gorton-Lee is Brand Strategy
human centricity. to experience. Consultant, Kantar Insights UK
Building Brands Consistently To start building on this positioning, the team designed new activation. Everything from new communications to
experience ideas were designed to deliver more strongly to the Vibrant positioning, this included logo variations, new
pizza pack designs and even a potential rap music anthem. To ensure all assets were consistent with and optimised
against the Domino’s tone of voice, new activation was tested using both Kantar’s NeedScope AI and LINK tools.
Brand strategy is only made real for consumers through execution.
This puts a brand’s touchpoints firmly in the spotlight. It is in these
moments where the experience should be Meaningful and aligned
with the brand’s strategic positioning goals. This is the essence of the
‘build’ stage in brand strategy. The key challenge here is consistency.
Is the experience we are building consistent across touchpoints? Do
experiences evoke a consistent emotive experience?
Defining a brand’s architecture can maximize the potential 2. Masterbrand and Sub-brand system: Masterbrand and
of the business, the brand and its component parts. sub-brands share DNA and both have a role in building
brand equity.
A great brand architecture can underpin the brand story
Sub-brands increase the brand’s reach by addressing the
and give it structure. It can also promote synergy by
needs of additional targets or categories. Sub-brands
clarifying the many connections between brands, sub-
borrow equity from the masterbrand and build on the
brands and products, guiding consumer purchases and
Masterbrand equity.
business decisions.
For example, Fructis is a
A successful brand architecture needs to be: sub-brand of the Garnier
- Simple and logical – easy to understand, to guide decisions masterbrand. Both Garnier
and Fructis contribute to the
- Flexible and future proof - to endure the test of time
brand narrative, they share
- Guide prioritization and the allocation of resources - to DNA but are not the same.
If you look at this collection of belongings, you can
drive growth and profitability
immediately paint a picture in your mind about who they
belong to and what they stand for. That’s exactly what 3. Endorser system: Endorsed brands don’t share identity with
brand architecture is all about: Positioning all the the Masterbrand, but the endorser brand plays a key role in
Broadly, there are three types of brand architecture transferring equity, acting as a stamp of quality or reassurance.
components of a brand in a very considered way, so they
system. In practice, however, multiple systems are often used
tell a very specific story about your brand. Each component
in combination by a single brand: For example,
tells its own story, but together they mean something more. KitKat is endorsed
1. Branded House system: Defined by a strong Masterbrand, by Nestle. Both
To find growth, brands must stretch and expand into new that has variants rather than sub-brands. Variants generally KitKat and Nestle
spaces. If not carefully planned, this can result in huge mimic the masterbrand, but differ by occasion or are brands in their
complexity for both the organizations they belong to and functionality, expanding its presence. own right and don’t
the consumers who encounter them. This is both a share identity.
marketing problem and a business problem. Lack of For example,
consistency and connection can dilute a brand’s Meaningful FedEx is a The term ‘House of brands’ typically defines a set of
Difference in the minds of consumers. Lack of focus can Masterbrand, with independent brands that make up a company’s brand
branches that portfolio. This is not a type of brand architecture. For example,
create a drain on business resources impacting efficiency
service Different Unilever and General Motors have huge portfolios offerings lots
and profitability.
business sectors. of Different brands.
Selecting the right architecture is a complex process
Effective architecture can drive
brand growth A more unified range:
All strategies could be applied to almost any brand. Which you choose
will need to align with both resource and ambition. Fresh & Fruity Yoghurt were losing
re Vita
asu lity
market share.There was an hypothesis Ple
The route you chose will have implications for brand narrative and that sub-brands weren‘t supporting
positioning, touchpoint communication, targeting and product one another. Kantar’s NeedScope tool
development. To drive decision making, we recommend a four-stage confirmed that consumers saw sub-
brands as disconnected and unrelated.
approach anchored in art and evidence:
- Unification required agreement to
1 Uncover business goals:
focus where the brand had greatest
Resource constraints, existing brand strategy and growth ambition. An
- Range rationalisation to avoid
endorser system will require more resource than a branded house system. cannibalization was complemented
with innovation to better meet
2 Uncover the brand’s start point: consumer needs. Co
3 Define roles and relationships: To learn more about NeedScope, click here
Lakme, a legacy Unilever beauty brand and market leader in Unilever took the bold decision to shift the Lakme positioning
India had begun to see declines. Share in premium makeup, unequivocally. Targeting the woman who was unafraid and
was declining quarterly. This was especially true among unapologetic to go after what she wanted, who refused to
younger consumers. The market had become fragmented apologize for her hedonistic quest for beauty and glamour.
and competition had grown significantly. The Indian woman To do this, the brand needed to shed attributes like charming
and popular, trading off likeability of the protagonist for
was evolving - she was more empowered, more individualistic
awe-striking admiration, her sweetness for empowered
- and the codes of beauty had changed.
sophistication, her friendliness for glamour.
Lakme needed a brand refresh to defend and grow its share The brand essence identified was ‘Unapologetically ME’ and
in this changing market. a new campaign was launched to embody the brand idea.
Kantar partnered with the Lakme team through the brand
Kantar insights revealed that Lakme was perceived as refresh, leveraging NeedScope to help create a sharp brand
alluring, graceful and trustworthy, reflecting the generic vision, with clear guardrails.
codes of traditional beauty. The user persona of the
The outcome has been rewarding. Lakme’s Salience grew as
charming gentle woman, popular and well-liked by all.
did sales and market share.
Absent were codes of boldness and sophistication, seduction
and dynamism, which represented the larger and growing Poonam Kumar
needs in the market. Head of Brand Strategy Domain
In 2016, Cadbury was a brand in Even more importantly, the ‘Joy’ There was still a long road ahead We partnered with Cadbury to stay Throughout we applied an
decline. Cadbury had lost its way positioning expression was at Having unlocked a new positioning, the course in a constantly shifting emotive lens to ensure that the
and its competitive edge. Cadbury odds with people’s expectations of it was important to steer the market, assessing compatibility brand continues to reinforce its
sought a strategic reset: A way to Cadbury which were of warmth, course. Kantar identified real of new opportunities, devising positioning.
win back hearts, minds and share approachability, and sincerity. The tensions from which creative organising principles for the wider
that was enduring (not a short- brand was becoming confusing and could springboard. Early and pre- portfolio, and finding authentic
term fix) and translatable across as a result, Meaningful Difference launch creative testing checked approaches to new territories.
cultures. was being eroded. ‘Joy’ was not a effectiveness.
viable route to Difference and long-
Kantar was engaged to bring term value.
deep human insight: to untangle The outcome: Cadbury has won back hearts, minds & share
options and underpin decision A new expression around The resultant impact is astonishing:
making, help find Meaning, Generosity
Difference, and inspire creative
process. We proposed an approach
rooted in emotive understanding.
Digging deeper, we uncovered
a rich, alternative, emotive
territory that aligned with people’s
+22% +27% +49%
Emotion transcends culture and expectations of Cadbury, the Commercial Regained Brand value
can endure even in the face of brand’s Quaker roots and what impact: overall competitive growth: Kantar
renovation and reinvention. It’s the Cadbury team loved about value sales +22% edge: Perceived BrandZ valuation
also a key ingredient in effective the brand. A tightly defined space (2017-2021) Meaningful of Cadbury
creative, a powerful lever to engage was agreed upon that ‘felt right’ Difference +29% UK +49%
consumers and inspire brand and provided an authentic and
(2018 - 2022). (2018 - 2022).
centric culture. Meaningful way to Differentiate.
The aha moment that changed Cadbury then worked with VCCP “Your collaboration has enabled us to consistently and
everything to create the IPA award winning,
Unpacking emotion led to Generous Instinct campaign. “Is it
authentically bring to life Cadbury’s Generosity.”
the discovery that Cadbury’s generous?” is a question Cadbury
positioning cornerstone, ‘Joy’, was ask at every stage, from briefing,
a category fundamental. Instead of to development, to evaluation.
making them more famous, it was It is so simple and intuitive to To listen to Mariarita Mugnai and Clare To listen to Lynne Deason chat to Gemma
making them more generic. convey, avoiding misinterpretation, Hutchinson, Chief Strategy Officer at VCCP Flanigan from Mondelez International and
enabling consistency. London, chat to Lindsay Gorton-Lee, click here Gethin James from VCCP, click here
Kantar BrandZ data shows us that Successful innovation starts with “Our purpose is at the heart of They looked inside and outside their ‘Playfulness’ is the
brands who are not only Meaningful what the brand stands for. everything for Oreo and innovation organisation for fuel to identify new
guiding force behind
and Different but also demonstrate Brands who successfully use is the way to bring that purpose ways to be Meaningful and Different.
innovative behaviours double their innovation to drive both short- alive”. everything that
chances of growth. Innovation gives and long-term growth use their They also took a learn, test learn Oreo does
brands the opportunity to drive Meaningful Difference as their Their work on flavour innovation, approach building confidence and
Meaningful Difference by creating north star. limited editions and new launch momentum along to way to enable
innovative products, experiences Cakesters made them a winner in them to take more risks (Kantar FLAVOUR INNOVATION
and services that meet needs better Those with clear brand strategies Kantar’s Outstanding Innovation Outstanding Innovation Awards,
than the competition in new ways. are likely to produce the best awards, 2023. 2024).
innovations. This also gives them
the red thread to activate with Having a strong brand strategy, Dr. Nicki Morley
better advertising and deliver better however, is not enough to ensure
Head of Behavioural Science and
more Meaningful brand experiences success. Our Outstanding Innovation Innovation Expertise, Kantar
(Connected Innovation, 2024). award winners also put the consumer
at the heart of everything they did. Click here to read the full guide.
McDonald’s and Baileys (as MEANINGFUL LIMITED
previously mentioned) are great EDITIONS
examples of brands that innovated
in a way that was right for their “Our purpose is at the heart
brand using innovation as a strong
lever of growth.
of everything for Oreo and
innovation is the way to bring
Another example of a brand doing
this well, is Oreo. Their brand
that purpose alive”
strategy around playfulness is the EUGELIA ZALIS, THE CORE
However, not all innovation is right guiding force behind everything GLOBAL HEAD OF MARKETING
for all brands. Brands need to they do, including their innovation. AND BRAND FOR OREO
identify incremental innovations
that will drive category growth as Eugelia Zalis, Global Head of
well as deliver long term brand Marketing and Brand for Oreo,
equity benefits. told us,
Experiences are extraordinarily The experiences need to be optimised The frontline drives the Brand leaders must work closely with This will lead to exceptional,
important for growth. Better to serve customers faster and bottom line the teams that design or deliver these Meaningfully Different, experiences
experiences mean customers are more effortlessly, leading to higher experiences. that mean customers will spend more
more likely to stay, buy again, and conversion, and lower service costs. Your owned channels and the
with you, buy across the range, and
tell everyone about it. And this drives This creates the most quantifiable experiences you create, are vital There must be a clear experience tell everyone about your brand. In this
market share growth. New Kantar short-term commercial returns. places to deliver on your Difference. vision and brand culture in the way, frontline staff drive the bottom
evidence shows that, over a two-year In addition, they must be Meaningful These interactions create the brand, business that steers all activities. As a line.
period, brands that improve their and contribute to the clear, consistent and they build memories for your result, colleagues must understand,
experience are 2.5x more likely to picture of the brand in the minds of customers, which influence buying live and breathe the brand, when
grow their market share than brands your customers, setting the brand decisions and willingness to creating experiences that impact Peter Aitken
that don’t improve. apart from the competition. This is pay more. customers every day. Head of Customer Strategy
how strong brands are built, driving
We often think of strong brands as growth by creating Meaningful
driven by great advertising, and paid Difference over the long term.
media. This is, of course, an important
part of it. But not the whole story. How do you activate the organisation?
Delivering on your Difference
Getting your audience’s attention requires Almost 60% of the impact on Difference WHAT’S HOLDING BACK DIGITAL MEDIA SUCCESS?
a balance of creative quality and media now comes from digital channels, with We observe three common barriers to fully engaging the power of digital:
effectiveness. Getting your media decisions longer standing social channels, Facebook
and YouTube, currently the strongest 1. Digital requires a digitally appropriate 3. Kantar analysis shows that digital
right is important. The digital revolution has
contributors to share of Difference impact. strategic approach. Too often digital advertising that evokes strong emotions
made selecting the optimal media mix more
So right now is the time to seize the moment strategy is disregarded. is four times more likely to generate
complex, but digital media offers marketers
with Facebook and YouTube, but things are impact and deliver long-term brand
the opportunity to harness a brand building 2. The digital environment means the equity, but digital tends to under-index in
constantly evolving, the likes of TikTok are
superpower - Difference. New Kantar insight consumer has more control of what they this arena. An emotional connection can
not far behind and other digital channels will
presented at IPA #Effworks shows offline want to see and how they want to see it be as easy as making the audience laugh
emerge tomorrow so it’s equally important
channels drive saliency, but digital does a – stress testing digital content becomes or leaving them feeling positive about
to keep a finger on the digital pulse.
stronger job of driving Difference. critical in any brand’s journey to your brand.
marketing effectiveness. Not enough
This alone should exponentially increase
Brands with stronger Difference are twice digital content is tested.
marketers’ confidence in justifying the shift
as likely to grow vs. those with a weaker in investments to fuel digital growth. While
Difference; and new research leveraging digital is a strong lever for driving Difference,
Kantar’s Global campaign measurement it has not yet reached its full potential in REALISING REWARDS IN DIGITAL
database shows us that digital media is now driving conversion (purchase intent), so The secret sauce to realizing rewards in digital is simple:
the driving force behind creating this brand using digital in synergy with offline channels
1. Tailor your content to the digital Campaigns are seven times more
Difference. remains important. channel. One of the biggest successes of effective amongst a receptive audience.
TikTok is its user experience. TikTok have To avoid that skip, content needs to be
revolutionised short-form video because they highly visible, demand engagement and
work with consumer brains not against it! evoke emotive reaction.
2. Attention is more than just the click. 3. Continue to compliment digital with
To avoid people just scrolling past, digital other channels. Offline channels remain
media needs to work hard to grab the cornerstone of building brand
attention. So, creating content that gets saliency. Using strengths of both offline
the audience to stop and engage in and online can be a powerful
is key. combination for media planning.
It’s not just what you say, but how you bring it to life that determines your success. Whilst there is no recipe to make an effective ad, the most
effective advertising campaigns unlock three things, leveraging the power of LINKED creativity:
Our brain pays attention to things that are that are Different, Tapping into the cultural pulse is a powerful way to link Meaningfully and
entertaining, personally relevant and make us feel something. The memorably with your audience. McDonald’s UK Christmas ad instantly
more we feel, the more deeply we process an experience, which in resonated with audiences by showing people escaping to McDonald’s
turn creates more enduring memories. from symbolic Christmas moments that they were not enjoying.
Effective ads are enjoyable, entertaining, and/or personally relevant. Designing ads to work where they will be experienced increases the
They are not an unwelcome disruption or interruption to people’s ROI from your hard-earned media money. The Nike’s ‘She’s Ballin’
lives. Content must feel like it belongs in the context where it will ad on TikTok is a fantastic example of content that feels at one
be experienced. Ads that are integrated with the campaign and with the medium, maximising the opportunity for Meaningful and
tailored to context increase effectiveness by 57%. memorable engagement. Cultivate an effectiveness
culture in the way that you
3. LINK across encounters to drive brand Difference in a consistent, connected way bring your brand strategy
Effective ads embody the brand and are unashamedly branded They Cracking this requires evolving to stay fresh and relevant whilst
to life.
bring to life what makes the brand Meaningfully Different in a distinctive remaining distinctly recognisable. Drive profit, brand value and
and unambiguous way. Success comes when brands commit unwaveringly
Integrating distinctive brand assets is another component of linking future growth by linking
and single-mindedly to their strategy, bringing to life the distillation of
what the brand wants to be famous for, across all encounters. to your brand, but ads that truly magnify the brand go beyond this, Meaningfully with your audience,
making the brand central and inseparable from the creative, not connecting natively where you
Cadbury’s multi award-winning ‘Glass and a half’ campaign is an peripheral to it. If you can describe the ad without mentioning the show up and reinforcing the
effective and inspiring example of true discipline in committing to brand, alarm bells should ring.
both strategy and the brand’s creative platform across geography, essence of your brand in every
time, and connection points. Coca-Cola’s ‘Holidays are coming’ shows the power of reusing the encounter, consistently.
same ad on repeat (for more than 25 years!). The most effective
Familiarity with an idea people like heightens people’s emotional
Coca-Cola ads integrate distinctive brand assets, elicit the same
response and makes it easier to be more adventurous and creative Lynne Deason
emotive positioning, and put the brand at the centre of the story.
over time. Head of Creative Excellence
Ever since people started marking their animals with hot South African examples include Checkers, a Networker #5 BRANDS HAVE REPUTATIONS
irons to tell them apart, brands have been an integral part of with a special gift for bringing people together; Flying Fish
human life. Brands have moved from being purely functional and Chicken Licken, are seen as archetypal Jokers (no Just like people, brands are judged by their words and actions.
to creating emotional connections built on memories and explanation needed); and Dis-Chem, is an obvious Caregiver. Very few brands are lucky enough to have a leading purpose
experiences. baked into their DNA. Focusing on social and environmental
#3 BRANDS BUILD RELATIONSHIPS responsibility is all well and good, but a brand’s authenticity
In the process, they have become almost like real people to and values need to be reflected with integrity in messaging
us. Let’s take a closer look at the human-like qualities that Decades of talking about brand loyalty cemented the and actions in today’s transparent and hyper-critical world. So,
help brands connect. belief that the key goal of marketers is to get people to be say what you do, and then do what you say. Ultimately, in the
in an exclusive relationship with a brand. Kantar BrandZ words of Michael Iapoce: ‘Reputation is character, minus what
#1 BRANDS HAVE A LIFECYCLE you’ve been caught doing’.
challenges this, showing that less than 7% of consumers
consider only one brand in a category, compared to 53%
Most brands don’t enter the market screaming and red in
who choose from a repertoire of brands. Brand relationships
the face, but like new parenthood, introducing a new brand
are less like monogamous marriages and more like a circle
“Endeavour to keep your brand
can be a challenging and complex experience, as well as an
of friends. There are people we prefer and to whom we give Meaningful and Different to
exciting and rewarding one. This is then followed by a growth
stage, which seems to come more naturally to people than
more of our time and attention. As marketers, we need to more people by forging deep
brands. Kantar BrandZ found that only 7% of brands grow
figure out how to get consumers to choose us more often connections with a consistent
significantly over a three-year time frame. This is why brands over other brands. To do this, we need to weight the odds in
personality reflected authentically
our brand’s favour, by making them Meaningfully Different
need to worry about bad hair days and wrinkles and keep
and therefore easier to choose (and pay more for). in everything they say and do.”
reinventing themselves to stay relevant. Innovation, cultural
evolution and finding new spaces is a brand’s equivalent
of keeping up with the latest trends and fashion. Just like #4 BRANDS COMMUNICATE
people, sometimes brands succeed, and sometimes they end
up looking like they’re trying way too hard. Communication is key to successful relationships. Sadly,
many brands see communication as transactional, talking at
#2 BRANDS HAVE PERSONALITY their customers and not taking the time to listen and assess
whether their content resonates, or even to understand what
Children come ready-made with their very own personalities – matters to people these days. This creates an audience – not
just add oxygen! But Kantar BrandZ data shows many brands an engaged community. It’s also important to remember
lack clarity in their emotional positioning. One in four brands that brands can communicate non-verbally too. Jeremy
has no consistent personality. Bullmore famously referred to brands’ body language.
Kantar defines this as the 75% of brand impact that falls
Brand personalities make brands instantly recognisable to outside paid media – the branded truck in traffic or the call-
those who encounter them. They give brand teams guardrails centre agent. Inconsistency in what you say and what people
on how to show up consistently across touchpoints, defining experience is the brand equivalent of a person saying all the
who you are and who you are not, both visually and verbally.
right things out loud but rolling their eyes at the same time.
Strong brands have charismatic personalities. Some great
Changing behaviours requires behavioural science Kantar BrandZ data shows that in Sweden, the
thinking. You need to identify the points of friction country where Klarna originated, the brand has
that might be holding people back. And remove \built strong Predisposition through Meaningful
them! Make it positive -give people something they Difference – it is now the #9 most valuable Swedish
actively want to make them compromise, give brand.
them something Meaningful – it should not be a
battle to give up something they want. And make it
People see Klarna as a brand that’s:
effortless to incorporate into their lives.
Klarna success appears to have been underpinned 137 ‘better online and on mobile’
by strategic behavioural change and clear positioning:
130 ‘has well designed products’ Kantar’s Finding the Future Financial Services Trends report shows that,
- They removed the points of friction: high interest
rates and rigorous credit checks. in the UK, long term interest in Klarna is building while interest in credit cards
125 ‘is likely to gain importance is declining.
- They made it positive, enabling buy-now-pay in the future’
later purchases without compromise - easier
access to credit, by evaluating each transaction
separately. 124 ‘has great advertising’ and
- In addition, Klarna have all the above in a To encourage adoption of innovation or behaviours,
Meaningfully Different way. Their “smoooth” brands need to remove barriers, design Meaningful
brand promise is all about the freedom and experiences and make it effortless for people to
permission to enjoy your money, brought to life incorporate into their lives.
through their signature millennial pink with
high-energy, trendy imagery cuing youthful
playfulness and free-spirited enjoyment.
When you prioritise, ensure
that finding and maintaining
Difference that is Meaningful,
Insights should precede
strategy and strategy
should precede tactics.
2 Prioritise Difference
and ensure that your
difference is
Build strong brand
Difference through
refreshed consistency.
is front and centre of your Make insights an essential Meaningful to your target Embrace change but ensure
criteria. The goal here is to part of your brand strategy audience. Find routes to your brand positioning and
Predispose More People to foundations. This is key to growth that extend beyond brand Difference guides all
your brand. Find routes to building on human truths the confines of your category your decision making. Reinforce
growth that extend beyond rather than assumptions and and build uniqueness through brand memories through every
the confines of your category connecting to the cultural leadership, functional touchpoint while reinventing to
and build uniqueness through drumbeat. A cornerstone of Difference, distinctive assets maintain relevance. We call this
leadership, functional this groundwork should be and emotive clarity. Emotion balancing human centricity with
Difference, distinctive assets the diagnosis of your brand’s can offer a powerful route to brand centricity. This requires
and emotive clarity. Emotion current equity and pricing Difference. discipline, alignment, and
can offer a powerful route to power and the monitoring of congruence in activation: from
Difference. brand progress against this communication, to innovation,
goal to inspire and influence to experience.
your next evolution.
Shailley Firdous Mark Fisher Ryan France Myles George Anusha Harri Carol Horsley Dr Irene Hubertz Rhys James Adele Jolliffe
Associate Vice Partner, Client Head of Brand Director, Global Client Director Senior Director, Global Director Senior Client Director Head of Brand
President Services Strategy, Australia Brand Strategy Media Insights Global Brand Strategy Brand Strategy Equity Excellence
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Yasmin Kathoria Poonam Kumar Mary Kyriakidi Dee McGrath Meredith Smith Lauren McDermott Jade Anja Milosavljevic Dr Nicki Morley
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Growth Strategy, Strategy Domain Leader Solutions, Kantar US Consulting, UK Director of Strategy, Kantar Science and
Kantar Consulting Commercial Strategy Singapore Innovation Expertise
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Jane Ostler Marise Pronk Santiago Rente Stina van Rooyen Graham Staplehurst Ellie Thorpe
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About Kantar
Kantar is the world’s leading
marketing data and analytics
business and an indispensable
brand partner to the world’s top
companies. We combine the
most Meaningful attitudinal and
behavioural data with deep
expertise and advanced analytics
to uncover how people think and
act. We help clients understand
what has happened and why
and how to shape the marketing
strategies that shape their future.