TWG Toxic Chemicals Policy Brief
TWG Toxic Chemicals Policy Brief
TWG Toxic Chemicals Policy Brief
• Sound management of
chemicals is essential for the
countries to achieve sustainable The South-east and East Asian Region has many rapidly industrializing
development, including the countries, where an increasing number and volume of chemicals are used in
eradication of poverty and disease, mining, forestry, fishery, manufacturing, energy and construction industries, as
the improvement of human health
and the environment and the well as in shops, offices and households. While most are beneficial to economic
elevation and maintenance of the development, their inadequate management often results in adverse impacts
standard of living. The health and on human health and ecosystems.
environment sectors have
substantive roles and responsibilities Unnecessary and unexpected exposure to toxic chemicals can cause
in chemicals management.
disease, disability and death. For children, chronic exposure is linked to damage
• Special efforts to protect those to the nervous and immune systems and to ill effects on reproductive function
groups in society that are and development. Evidences of the multiple adverse health impacts derived
particularly vulnerable to risks from from chemicals used in agriculture, industry, commerce and in household call
hazardous chemicals or are highly
exposed to them needed. Many for urgent action to improve the quality of their management.
member countries are facing this
and need more capacity building Legislative and regulatory control of chemicals may include the
supports to move towards registration and inventory of chemicals, risk assessment and notification,
sustainable chemicals safety labelling and information on chemicals, tracking systems, treatment and
disposal of chemical waste, and occupational health and safety requirements
• Improvement of government for production, use, storage, transport, safe disposal and treatment. Many
policy for better control of chemicals developing countries in the regions lack adequate legislative and institutional
management including legislation infrastructure and the capacity to manage chemicals effectively.
and management is crucial, but
many member countries still do not
have adequate legislative and
institutional infrastructure and the
capacity to manage chemicals
effectively and need more capacity
building supports towards
sustainable chemicals safety
The Thematic Working Group on Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Substances
(3) Control of food related chemicals
(food preservatives, antibiotics,
The work plan of TWG on Toxic
Chemicals and Hazardous
Substances has three objectives : (1)
share information and data on the
chemicals and their health and
environmental impacts and good
practices including infrastructure
model and innovative approach to
The first meeting of the TWG on Toxic to reduce the health and environmental impacts among
Chemicals and Hazardous Substances member countries , (2) improve the
technical knowledge and skill among
was held on 5 July 2007, in Thailand
personnel of member countries on
where the meeting agreed to divided risk assessment and risk
into three subgroups including (1) management of the chemicals , (3)
Prevention and reduction of pesticide strengthen regional institutions
poisoning; (2) Reduction of exposure networking and collaboration on
to heavy metals (e.g. mercury, lead, toxic chemicals management.
cadmium, arsenic, persistence
organic pollutants- POPs);
The TWG on Toxic Chemicals and used to disseminate and of WHO. The Webpage
Hazardous Substances has launched exchange of data and information on : , is
the 2007-2010 regional work plan, mercury, and those related to opened for the member countries
important outcomes with respect to
SAICM, as well. and the public to facilitate better
the 3 objectives of the plan are:
understanding of chemical safety
2. Improving the
1. Sharing of information and management.
technical knowledge and skill among
data on the chemicals and their
health and environmental impacts personnel of member countries on Department of Health, and National
and good practices to reduce the risk assessment and risk Health Commission of Thailand co-
health and environmental impacts management of the chemical : organised two International Training
among member countries : Workshops on HIA for Local
Since a group of toxic Chulabhorn Research Institute Authorities and for interested
chemicals is the persistent organic (CRI) has been developing distant persons, together with an
pollutants (POPs), it was agreed to learning modules on health risk International Conference on HIA in
use existing Stockholm Convention assessment to serve all member April 2009. HIA can be used as a tool
mechanism for information and
countries in 2009 and the training for chemical management, especially
technological exchange such as
information warehouse on POPs, and will be held in 2011 with supports in terms of public policy
the East and South-east Asia Regional from SAICM QSP Trust Fund. CRI development. One outcome of the
Forum on BAT and BEP which serves International Training Course on conference was the Chiang Mai
as a platform for information Environmental and Health Risk Declaration on Health Impact
dissemination and exchange of Assessment and Management of Assessment for the Development of
experiences between countries on Toxic Chemicals has also been Healthy Societies in Asia Pacific
difference aspects of implementation
provided annually. CRI has also set Region. The Declaration was
of BAT and BEP. For Thailand, the
POPs national website up the “Chem. Helpdesk” public
submitted to ASEAN with a
( been internet webpage with the support
recommendation to develop a of a regional collaboration and The possibility of
regional mechanism for HIA cooperation mechanism on collaboration between TWG 4 and
collaboration among the member Chemicals Management. TWG 6 was discussed in November
countries. The recommendation will 2009, and it was agreed that areas for
be considered in the next ASEAN collaboration between TWG6 and
Health Ministers Meeting. This will in TWG4 following the objectives of
turn support the regional chemical both TWGs are 1) Sharing of
management of south-east and East information and data which are
Asian Regions. needed to develop an inventory of
experts and resources, 2) Training
Department of Health, Thailand and Seminar on chemical safety
conducted the regional meeting,
management, and 3) Chemical
financially supported by WHO, emergency management in which
entitled “Regional Technical 3. Strengthening
preparedness and response to
Environmental Health Seminar on regional institutions networking and
chemical emergency.
Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous collaboration on toxic chemicals :
Substances : South-East and East
Department of Health of
Asian countries” in November
Thailand, endorsed by Department of
2009.The meeting was also attended
Health of the Philippines and the
by representatives of member
Pacific Basin Consortium for
countries : Cambodia, China,
Environment and Health, has
Indonesia, Korea, Lao PDR, Mongolia,
submitted a proposal on an
The Philippines, Vietnam, and
international training course on
health risk assessment focusing on
The objective was to provide development of databases,
update on the progress done based information and collaborating
on the activities agreed upon on the mechanism on hazardous substances
work plan. The summary report of and toxic chemicals among member
this meeting was presented at the to SAICM QSP Trust Fund, but the
SAICM Regional Meeting in Beijing in proposal was not approved for
November 2009 to create awareness funding.
• Sound management of • Improvement of government • Reduction in the use of
chemicals is essential for the policy has resulted in better control hazardous chemicals is one of the
countries to achieve sustainable of chemicals management including key challenges in achieving
development. The health and legislation and management, but sustainable consumption and
environment sectors have many member countries still do not production.
substantive roles and responsibilities have adequate legislative and
in chemicals management. institutional infrastructure and the
capacity to manage chemicals
• Improvement of legal
enforcement mechanism and
capacity building for more effective
chemicals management to cover the
life cycle of chemical is needed.
1. Several member countries do health and environment, especially 6. Enhance activities in the
not have sufficient databases and in hot spot areas where stringent sound management of chemicals at
information system on the preventive and control measures are both country and regional levels and
hazardous chemicals which needed. including the strengthening or
populations are exposed, in 4. Creation of awareness and establishment of information
particular those that have special strengthening public education on networks. The possibility go gain
vulnerability. Health surveillance the danger of toxic chemicals and ASEAN supports for the Forum
system designed to protect people hazardous substances, together with should be examine since ASEAN has
health from chemical exposures is provision of knowledge on chemical adopted the Chiang Mai Declaration
needed. safe uses are essentials for on Health Impact Assessment
2. There is a need to identifying chemicals safety management. But for the Development of Healthy
more effective interventions on in some member countries this issue Societies in Asia Pacific Region.
chemicals management of major does not received adequate 7. Engage fully the health
public health concern for each attention, especially on the control sector in national, regional and
member country, and enhancing the of misled chemicals advertisements international Strategic Approach
country’s arrangements for the and sale strategy. forums and in particular in the
environmental and public health 5. Development or national inter ministerial processes,
management of hazardous strengthening expertise to share and also emphasizes the essential
chemicals. information and experience gained cross-sectoral responsibilities of
3. Capacity building at all levels by countries that have successfully national focal points.
to recognize monitor and mitigate promoted effective actions.
the impacts of chemicals on human
Members of the Thematic Working Group on Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Substances
Chair : • Ministry of Nature and New Zealand National Poisons
• Department of Health, Thailand Environment, Mongolia Centre
Members : • National Commission for National Poison Management &
• Department of Environment, Environmental Affairs, Myanmar Control Center
Parks and Recreation, Ministry of • Environmental Management National Poison Centre of
Development; and Ports Bureau, Department of Malaysia
Department, Ministry of Environment and Natural Chulabhorn Research Institute,
Communications. Brunei Resources. Philippines Thailand
Darussalam • Korean Society of Environmental Community Environmental and
• Ministry of Health. Cambodia Health, Korea Toxicological Risk Assessment
• Taiyuan Medicine Institute, Shan • Pollution Control Department, Research and Development
Xi Province; and Institute for Ministry of Natural Resources and Center at Chamchuri Square,
Occupational Health and Poison Environment, Thailand Bangkok,Thailand
Control, Chinese Centre for • Pollution Control Division and World Health Organization,
Disease Control and Prevention. Center for Environmental South-East Asia Regional Office
PR. China Consulting, Training and (SEARO), and Western Pacific
• Administration of Hazardous Technology Transfer, VEPA. Regional Office (WPRO)
Waste Control, Ministry of Vietnam. Strategic Approach to
Environment. Indonesia Regional and International Partners : International Chemicals
• Environmental Health • WHO CC for Environmental Management (SAICM
Department, Ministry of the Health Impact Assessment, Secretariat); and UNEP Regional
Environment. Japan Curtin University, Perth. Western Office for Asia and Pacific (ROAP)
• Environment Research Institute Australia and UNEP Regional Resource
(ERI), Lao PDR Centre for Asia Pacific (RRCAP)