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Name:……………………………………………. Class: 7A0

Class:………………………………...…………… Week 16
Date: Nov…, 2020
Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of
the rest.
1. A. other B. leather C. wealthy D. brother
2. A. television B. elephant C. section D. Swedish
3. A. explain B. current C. desire D. electric
4. A. threaten B. thread C. seat D. bread
5. A. deaf B. leaf C. meat D. heat
Part II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group.
1. A. affect B. pollute C. effect D. litter
2. A. cholera B. pollutant C. permanent D. groundwater
3. A. radiation B. political C. historical D. contaminant
4. A. seriously B. measurement C. scientific D. logical
5. A. aquatic B. historic C. physic D. bonical
Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence
1. It’s recommended that we become more concerned …… the environment around us.
A. of B. to C. with D. about
2. Air ……., together littering, is cause many problems in our cities today.
A. pollute B. pollution C. polluted D. polluting
3. On Christmas Eve, most big cities, especially London are .........with coloured lights across
the streets and enormous Christmas trees.
A. decorated B. hang C. put D. made
4. In the United, there are 50 …….and six different time zones across the country.
A. states B. nations C. towns D. show
5. Nowadays you still see the ………men wear kits (skirts) to wedding or other formal
A. Scot B. Scotland C. Scots D. Scottish.
6. What …… we do to prevent these natural disasters?

A. may B. ought C. should D. be able
7. …….. at someone is usually considered rude.
A. Point B. To point C. To pointing D. Pointing
8. My father shouted at me, …….. made me feel sorrowful.
A. that B. who C. whose D. which
9. I believe that our new manager has the …… to work well in this business environment.
A. inflexible B. flexibly C. flexibility D. flexible
10.“Are Mary and Peter still living in Paris?” - “No, they …….. to NewYork.”
A. are just moved B.had just moved C. have just moved D.will just move
11. ‘What is the …….. of the USA ?’ – ‘The dollars.’
A. current B. population C. territory D. currency
12. We can see many international programs ……………...different channels.
A.in B.at C. on D. of
13. This hat is different ..................... the one I had.
A. for B. to C. from D. at
14. What will happen if the pollution .................. on.?
A. puts B. goes C. keeps D. takes
15. He said he was afraid this article was .................. date.
A. over B. on C. behind D. out of
16. I had to get up early, ...............I would miss the train.
A. otherwise B. if not C. but D. unless
17. Most young people want to ........more about environmental problems.
A.look after B.find out C.look for D.make out
18. ..................always gives me real pleasure.
A. I arrange flowers B. The flowers are arranged
C. Arranging flowers D. While arranging flowers.
19. Nga had difficulties in bringing the heavy box, and Mai, her friend, offered to help.
Mai : “Need a hand with your heavy box, Nga ?” -Nga : “.....................”
A. I don’t need B. Not at all C. That’s very kind of you D. No, thanks
20. Peter: “ ...............?” Mary: “ Well , I’dlike to see that dress”
A. Do you want anything B. May I help you

C. What would you like D. What do you want to do
Part II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences
John watched a (1. document) ………………………… on TV last night. It was all about the
problems (2. threaten) ………………………… our environment. He was shocked to find out how
little he knew about (3. globe) ………………………… warning or acid rain. He had heard the term
before but he knew (4. practical) ………………………… nothing about the damage they cause to
our planet. He feels he should do something to be (5. help) …………………………. He would like
to join an (6. organize) …………………………, but he doesn't know which one to join. He has seen
so many (7. advertise) ………………………… in newspapers that he can't make up his mind.
However, he believes that it is (8. acceptable) ………………………… not to be environmentally
aware and he is (9. hope) ………………………… that one day everyone will be part of a world
movement to save the earth. He was sure that in this time of (10. technology)
………………………… advances, we find some way to solve the world's problems.
Part III. Identify the mistake in each sentence below by circling the capital letter
1. It was wrong with you to allow a 4 year-old child to walk home alone.
2. The Smiths are very proud about that their son always gets high marks in his courses.
3. We called the baseball park up to ask that when the game was scheduled to begin that
4. The American Indians killed the buffalo only when necessity to obtain food, clothing
and shelter.
5. Some relatives of mine like staying at their cabin on Lake Omega every summer holidays
6. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved
for advertising.
7. Gilbert Newton Lewis, a chemist, helped to develop the modern electron theory of
valence, a theory explains the forces holding atoms together in molecules.
8. Because of a high birthrate and considered immigration, the United States population
in the late nineteenth century increased tremendously from 31 million in 1860 to 76

million in 1900.
9. For most of their history, especially since the 1860's, New York City has been
undergoing major ethnic population changes.
10. Rocks have forming, wearing away and re-forming ever since the Earth took shape.
Part IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (20 points)
1. The classroom is still very dirty. I don’t think it __________________ (clean).
2. __________________ (Lie ) on the beach on a sunny day is pleasant.
3. Once you __________________ (try) Gloswhite toothpaste, you (never use) anything else.
4. __________________ (Write ) the letter, she put it in an envelope.
5. Each July, George together with his family __________________ (go) to Spain for holiday.
Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday (1)............. Friday.
The maximum class size is twelve (2) .............. the average is ten. We use modern methods of
(3) ............. and learning, and the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and
recorders. However, you will only be successful in improving (4) ............. English if you work
hard and (5) ........ speaking English as much as you can. You will take a short (6) ............. in
English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a (7) ............. at the most suitable
There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete beginners and the
other is for students who know only a little English. In both classes you will practise simple
conversations. In the class (8) ............. the intermediate level you will have a lot of practice in
communication in real-life situations because we help you to use the English you have
previously (9) ............. in your own country, You will also have chances to improve your
(10) .............. of English grammar and to build up your vocabulary...
Part II. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces.
Around the age (1)……. sixteen, you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life.
Do I stay on at school and hopefully, go on to university later? Do I leave and start work or
beginning a training (2)………?
The decision is yours, but it may be (3)……. remembering two things: There is more
unemployment (4)………. those who haven't been to university, and people (5)………. have the
right skills will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs. If you decide to go straight

into a job, there are (6)………. opportunities for training. Getting qualifications will (7)
………. you get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you to learn (8)
………. you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is (9……….
possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as (10)……….
practical work experience.
1. A. at B. in C. on D. of
2. A. school B. class C. course D. term
3. A. worth B. necessary C. important D. useful
4. A. between B. among C. with D. through
5. A. whom B. which C. who D. whose
6. A. much B. many C. little D. few
7. A. permit B. help C. let D. give
8. A. where B. while C. when D. what
9. A. also B. again C. another D. always
10. A. getting B. making C .taking D. doing
Part III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
The Great Hanshin earthquake, or the Kobe earthquake as it is more commonly
known overseas, was an earthquake in Japan that measured 7.3 on the Japan Meteorological
Agency magnitude scale. It occurred on January 17th, 1995 at 5:46 a.m. in the southern part
of Hyō go Prefecture, and lasted for approximately 20 seconds. The epicentre of the
earthquake was on the northern end of Awaji Island near Kobe, a cosmopolitan city of over
1.5 million people. A total of 6,434 people, mainly in the city of Kobe, lost their lives.
Additionally, it caused approximately ten trillion yen in damage. It was the worst earthquake
in Japan since the Great Kantō earthquake in 1923, which claimed 140,000 lives.
1. The word ‘overseas’ in the text is closest in meaning to __________.
A.abroad B.at sea C.by sea
2. The word ‘occurred’ in the text is closest in meaning to __________.
A.ended B.happened C.started
3. It is stated in the passage that the number of deaths in the city of Kobe __________.
A.was greater than that of the Great Kantō earthquake
B.was not as high as in the Great Kantō earthquake
C.exceeded that of any known earthquake
4. The northern end of Awaji Island was the place where __________.

A.the effects of the earthquake were felt most strongly
B.there was no damage to people and property
C.1.5 million people lost their lives
5. We understand from the passage that the Kobe earthquake __________.
A.is internationally known as the Great Hanshin earthquake
B.didn’t cause any damage in the neighbourhood of Kobe
C.is not the deadliest earthquake in the history of Japan.
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it.
1.The match couldn’t start because of the heavy snow.
->The heavy snow……………………………………………………………….….
2. My mother was a worker in a factory when she was young.
-> My mother used…………………………………………………………………...
3.You can improve your English by practicing speaking every day.
-> If…………………………………………………………………………………
4. “ I really must leave now,” Mr. Fatt said.
-> Mr. Fatt insists……………………………………………………………….…..
5. It often took my mom half an hour to get to work by underground every morning last
-> My mom spent…………………………………………………………………….
Part II. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the same as
the given one. Using the given word in brackets. Do not change the word.
1. I’m not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. (if)
2. Emma came first because she worked hard. (result)
……………………………………………………………………………………………….3. Eating too much sugar can
result in health problems. (lead)
4. All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots’ sudden strike. (so)
5. If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Terry. (because)

Part I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
5 x 1 = 5 points
1.C 2.C 3.B 4. C 5.A
Part II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others in the group.
5 x 1 = 5 points
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C
Part I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence.
20 x 1 = 20 points
1. D 2.B 3. A 4. A 5. D
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15.D
16.A 17.C 18. A 19.C 20.B
Part II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences
10 x 2 = 20 points
Part III. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.
10 x 2 = 20 points
1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D
6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A

Part IV. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.
10 x 2 = 20 points

1. has been cleaned 6. to save

2. Lying 7. have tried
3. shouting 8. will never use
4. took 9. having written
5. jumped 10. goes
Part I. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word to complete the following paragraph.
10 x 2 = 20 points

1. to 2. and 3. teaching 4. your 5. practise

6. test 7. class 8. at 9. learnt/studied 10. knowledge
Part II. Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces.
10 x 1 = 10 points
1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C
6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10A

Part III. Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1. A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C
SECTION D. WRITING (50 points)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1.The heavy snow prevented / stopped the match from starting.
2. My mother used to work / to be a worker in a factory when she was young.
3.If you practice speaking English every day, you can improve it.
4. Mr. Fatt insists on leaving then.
5. My Mom spent half an hour getting to work by underground early every morning last month.

Part II. Using the word in capital letters, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first one. Do not change the word given.
5 x 2 = 10 points
1. If I were/ was you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
2. Emma came first as a result of her hard work.
3. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.
4. The pilots suddenly went on strike, so all flights had to be cancelled.
5. Because I can’t swim, I’m not going/ I won’t go scuba diving with Terry.
Part III. Writing a passage (30 points)
In 150-180 words, write a passage about “the importance of learning English and suggest
some effective ways that help us learn English well”.
Bài viết cần rõ nội dung, ngôn ngữ phù hợp, chính xác
* Gợi ý phần cho điểm chi tiết như sau:
1. Form: a passage ( 5 points )
+ Easy to read
+ Coherent
2. Content: (15points )
+ Successful fulfillment of the task
3. Language: (10 points )
+ Appropriate vocabulary (3 points )
+ Suitable connectors ( 3 points )
+ Correct grammar ( 3 points )
+ Punctuating/Spelling ( 1 points )


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