Short Leave Report On Constrains of Livestock in Garawe Disrtrict. Student Name
Short Leave Report On Constrains of Livestock in Garawe Disrtrict. Student Name
Short Leave Report On Constrains of Livestock in Garawe Disrtrict. Student Name
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
I, Abdirahman Mohamed Muse declere here that this work is done by me during my
shortleave from STVS and conducted to Garawe destrict and it will not appear any
where else.
First, all thanks is to Allah who gave me health, apportunity, and time to prepare this
Thanks to my parents for their support and financial assistence and their prayers for me to
be able to prepare and write this report.
I want to thank here all those people who had contributed by one means or another and
made it possible the preparation of this work by technically, financially or giving their
great time and ideas.
Also my thanks extends to STVS adminastration generally and those who brought or
behind the idea of preparation and writing this report which gives students apportunity to
enhance their writing and communication skills and build their ability toward the
correlation of knowledges thoughts in the class and field appllications.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
• Observation
• Interview
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Somali livestock shares several aspects including: Geographic location, disease
destribution, and status of production and productivity.
Somali livestock constrains are numerous to such extent it can’t be written in one or two
report but it’s very huge and it takes more than 20 years to be studied and written.
Livestock constrains are similar in all Somali ecosystem due to their extensive methode
of husbandery which gives apportunity to diseases to spread quickly.
Livestock are horbouring several constrains including: Diseases, malnutrition, drought,
chemicals and plant poisons. Contrarely there are several man made constrains that
affects the Somali livestock directely or inderictely including: urbinazation, eradication
of plants, and contaimination of the environment.In addition to that livestock owners
have insufficient knowledge to deal with such kinds of problems yet some of them have
an indegenous knowledge but there is no generation which preserves that knowledge.
The indegenous knowledge are in risk of of losing and destruction if it’s not preserved
and passed from one generation to another.Although there is no generation or even
indivituals who really interests and preserves this knowledge.
Poor veterinary services and drugs are two main critical factors that jeopradises the
postorals despite the drug are available but the knoledge of drug use are inadequate
resulting drug misuse which proceeds to cause a death of hundredns of animals per year
and induce drug resisitance in which a pathogens ability against a drug increases thus
disease treatment become difficult and transmession reaches its highest peak.
In other hand, poor veterinary services are the most excerbating factor which may
increase a risk of human toxicity because postorals adminter a drug to the animal and
slaughter at the same time giving no chance for the drug to be apsorbed and elaminated
out of the entire body.
Plastic bags plays an important role in both plant and animal, this problems are
prodominant in animals lives in big cities as well as poor fed animals.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
The most touchable constrains that the livestock in somali ecosystem generally and
Garawe destrict particulary are mentioned below:
• Drought
• Drug misuse
• Plastic Bags
• Plant poison
• Poor veterinary services
Initially drought period was short and if the rainy seoson rains well, the drought period
gives good picture from the environment.
Curruntely, drought is the most destructive factor for livestock and it covers a large
portion in Somalia causing death and emaciation of thousands of somali livestock.
Livestock is the main critical source of income for 80% of somali population directely or
indirectely and any factor that hinders livestock health and their body condition exposes a
risk the lives of thousands of somalia ppulation wether they are producers or consumers.
Drought has left nothing for the livestock to feed and to drink also their body condition
became emaciated.
Postorals faces a hard time and in risk to lose both their lives and their animal and are
not willing to sell their animal because of poorly body condition.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Impacts of drought on livestokc in Somali as well as Garawe district are stated below:
• Poor body condition.
• Death and emaciation of animals.
• Destruction of livestock owners’moral and feel no desire to sell their animals.
• Lack of grass and inability of livesock owners to provide feed supplements for
their animal.
• Exteremely shortage of water.
Drug Misuse
Drugs which are mostly available in livestock pharmacies are Albendazole, febendazole,
and Oxytetracyckines.
However, the knowledge of drug use, procedure of drug handling, route of adminstration,
time interval, and withdrawel period are insuffecient for the livestock owners.
The procedure of drug adminsrtion they practice is based on the route they prefer or
seems to be easier for them to perform it which disturbs drug action or mode of action of
drugs leading to induce animal toxicity and emergence of drug resistence.
Drug dosage is also based on animal they prefer or selection of the best health animal in
the herd giving them high drug doses and deprive drug animal they hate or animal which
produces less resulting drug toxicity in one hand and drug resisitence in another hand.
The most important issue to remember is that livestock owners uses only one syringe for
long time in different herds which can be considered as predisposing factor for diseas
transmession through herds.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Construction of new villages in the rura area where the livetock grazes is the main
challenge in which animal faces for the last 10 years.
Urbinazation accompanies by cutting and eradication of platable plants making defficult
for the animal to meet their nutritional requirment leading to maintain poor body
condition and emaciation of animal.
In the bird’s view of this current problem it will give chance for non-plateble and
poisonus plants to over grow exposing animal in great danger of poisoning and toxicity
resulting sudden death of the animal without showing any previous clinical signs.
Platic Bags
Whether it’s rainy season or not this problem exists any Where in Somali ecosystem and
it’s prodominant in Cities.
Initially this problem was localised in big cities which frequentely uses plastic bags but
today it’s present any where iun whicjh plastic bags are used as containers for liquid or
light substences such as Suger, Milk, and Rices.
After animal got nothig to feed, plastic bags and Kaat remaining became an option for
them to feed.Although this has brought complication to the animals and are listed below:
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Plant poison/Toxic
Poisonus and non-poisonus plants exists in rural areas where the plants are destributed
considerabley including; Forests and Vallies.
The main task is identification and naming poisonus plants whiuch become and obstecle
for livestock owners to over come.Livesock owners especially elders who had basic and
essential experience and kowledge of plants are onlt capable of identification of these
plants.But they are lacking support and assistence from Organazation or even indivituals
who are feeling an interest and desire to identify, name, record, prevent, and eradication
of poisonus plants.
Animal feeds poisonus plants during drought season because they are green when all
other plants are dry, the availability of green plants without doubt animal feeds that
Nutritional Mismanegment.
The extensive methode of husbendary in which Somali Livestock owners practices
contributes a major role of Livestock mismanegment in Somaliecosystem.
Somali livestock charecterised by body weight smaller than the other world livestock and
it varies between 25kg_35kg.
Animals grazes freely moving a long distence to get plants to feed and they moved from
their pens in early morning and reached in late time where plants are plenty but they
meight be removed again immediately from pasture to their pens giving np sufficient
time to graze.This movement of animalas consumes energy needed for growth and
reproduction and that implies why Somali Livestock are thinner than the other livestock
in the world.
Contrarely, the intensive method of husbendary allows animal to obtain all energy needed
for growth, maintenance, production, and reproduction thus animals kept under intesive
system their body condition or weght increases doubly and extremely.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
In other hands the Somali liverstock are familiar with a great test, smell, longitivity, and
size despite their extensive system of husbendary and that is why they are incomperable
to other world livestock.
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Livestock is the main source income and acts as largest country income, also Somali
population obtain half of their annual income from livestock market and obtain other half
from livestock trade and product. The brokers, loaders, makers, feeders are part of the
Livestock has a lot of challenges and obstecles which are mentioned through this report
in addition to that the exporters of Somali livestock use standard as an obstecle to
livestock trade leading to livestock trade ban.
Absence of livestock health certificate excerbate the situation giving an apportunity to
exporters to utilize standard as a facotor to livestock trade ban and to reduce Somali
livestock price.
Livestock must meet the regulations and standards of exporters otherwise a 85% of
population will be unemployed leading to increase poverty rate.
However, Drought were influenced both livestocck and human in a same way because
incredable numbers of people lost their animals and even those people whose their
animals still a live have nothing to feed and they are in a risk of losing them thoroughly,
also a human death cases were reported.
The aid agencies, International, and, Local community begun to collect contributions and
charity to the postorals who are in unbelievable condition of drought and total lack of
In other hand, Local community including; women, children, and intellectual people are
praying for God to get mercy from him and relief this disaster.
However, livestock trade are still going on despite the harsh and dryness of the
environment in which animals live on. Also demand still exists thus supply determines
animal price wether it raises up or falls down.
Camel are capable withsatnd such kind of situation of shortage of water and pasture being
the most prodominant animal for exportation in current situation.
Goats and Sheep have their role in local markets and daily consumption but their
exportation are less prodominanat.
Cattle are the most sucepteble animal for drought and the harsh enviroment thus they
moved away from markets to where the water and pasture are available and polenty,
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.
Somali livestock suffers from different problems and each requires to treat specific
approach and can be done by whom it may concern wether it’s Livesotck ministery,
Priviate and Public veterinarians and Organizations who curiously interest to lead and
guide current livestock situation in to medern and more comprehensive system.
The following recommendation can be shoen by any one who are capable to relief those
costrains mentioned through this report.
• Government should orient people not to throw Pastic bags.
• Plastic bags should be burnt after use.
• Livestock should obtain a balnced diet.
• Government should provide drugs to the livestock owners.
• Skilled veterinarians should train livestock owners.
• Unnecessary construction of villages should be halted.
• Eeadication of plants should be prohiited and penalized any one who involves.
• Livestock owners should not use contaminated syringes
Constrains of Livestock in Garawe District.