Immunodiagnostic Techniques
Immunodiagnostic Techniques
Immunodiagnostic Techniques
Lo .91
REPORT NO. 77-39 4
* Report No. 77-39, supported by the Naval Medical Research and Development
Command, under research work unit M009S.PN.002-5044. The views presented in
this paper are those of the authors. No endorsement by the Department of
t Mr. Edwards is Head of the Biological Sciences Department, Naval Health Research
Center, and Dr. Hilderbrand (LT MSC USN) was head of the Biochemistry Branch,
Biological Sciences Department, Naval Health Research Center.
ttDr. Rytel is Head, Section of Infectious Diseases, The Medical College of
antigen preparations are used. The Ouchterlony technique has been extensively
used to determine antigen or antibody purity, detect antigen in biological
secretions and to quantitate either antigen or antibody when needed. Elik was
one of the first to use the gel/precipitin reaction as a diatnJSLic tool to
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Edwards, et al.
This chapter will deal with several of the technologies that have been
developed and have proven useful during the past decade in identifying either
antigen or antibody. It will give more emphasis to identifying antigens because
of the urtency of early identification of microbial agents for proper chemotherapy.
In addition, the sensitivity of these techniques allows identification of pico-
gram amounts of antigen, which are the levels that are frequently found in
biological secretions during acute illnesses.
The double diffusion test described by Ouchterlony makes use of the fact
that soluble antigens and their antibodies will precipitate in a gel and the
precipitate is permeable to all other antigens and antibodies that have no points
of antigenic similarity with the precipitating pair. Thus, identical antigens
or antibodies diffusing from two or more wells will form a precipitating band
with an angle with one another that will fuse (lines of identity). By the same
reasoning, antigens of different specificities will form an angle with one another
that will cross (non-identity) or will partly cross and partly fuse (partial
identity) (See Fig. 1 on pg 3).
The Ouchterlony test has been used to study microbial antigens and for the
detection of antibodies. The test is relatively insensitive compared to other
tests available and has not had broad clinical application but has proven very
useful in research. It also suffers from the fact that it takes at least 24-28
hours for the results to become available. However, use has been made of the
test for presumptive diagnosis and therefore a methodology for the macro double-
diffusion test is described.
1. Agarose
2. 0.15 M sodium chloride (saline)
3. Microscope slide (cleaned with Baboo and then with 95% ethanol,
towel dry)
4. Well punch set (#51450 Gelman or individual well cutters 3.0 mm
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" For -
5. Pasteur pipettes or capillary tubes
6. Moist chamber
ry~ ~1-------
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5. Fill the central well with immune serum and the surrounding wells
with test material (spinal fluid, serum, sputum, etc.).
Staining Solution:
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Destaining Solution:
Caution: Unless the glass surface of the slides is carefully cleaned, the
agarose may float off the slide during step 8.a. It is advisable to
precoat the clean slide with a thin layer of a .2% agarose, allow to
air dry and further super dry the slides for several days in a jar
with CaCl 2 . This provides a bonding for the fresh agarose layer
applied for double diffusion testing and reduces the chance of having
the agarose float off the glass surface upon washing.
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Agarose covered Slicle
Electrode vessel
Figure 2. A simply designed electrophoresis chamber which is easily adapted to
a single microscope slide, multiple slides, or Kodak glass plates.
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commercially prepared reagents for CIE testing become available. However, until
that time occurs, those points, which bear directly on the sensitivity of the
test, will be discussed.
Well Size: For the antigens that have so far been successfully detected
by CIE, a 3 mm diameter well separated by 2-4 mm (edge to edge) has proven
satisfactory. This size well will hold from 5-7 p1 fluid. There are variations
that can be substituted for this pattern. If the antibody used to detect anti-
gen is relatively weak, the "antibody" well size can be increased to 5-8 mm in
diameter, thus allowing a larger quantity of antibody to be used, at the same
time, keeping the antigen well at 3 mm diameter and vice versa. Variations in
well size patterns should be established with each lot of antisera to insure
the sensitivity needed.
Composition and Depth of Agar: The less pure the agar, the greater the
negative charge, and in turn, the greater the endosmotic flow. This can have
catastrophic consequences on the CIE test. Agarose, although the quality
varies from company to company and even from batch to batch, appears to give
the most consistent results with the antigens so far detected. Each agarose
batch should be checked for sensitivity. The depth of the agarose layer over
the slide is another variable that has definite influence on the sensitivity
of the test. Our experience indicates that agar thicknesses of 3 nun or greater
are generally unsatisfactory. Optimal thickness ranges from 1-2½ mm.
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equal to the concentration (M) of the salt. Some authors have used the P and m
interchangeably which has led to confusion. The buffer concentration has a
direct influence on the endosmotic flow in relation to the impurities of the
agar layer. It (endosmosis) is greater in less concentrated buffers and in
buffers with a pH which favors the ionization of the COOH groups of the agarose,
i.e., more alkaline buffers. It is greater with thick layers of agar than with
thin layers of agar. These physiochemical variables are important considerations
in selecting buffers and agar, both of which are critical to reproducibility
and optimal immunological reactivity.
Table 2 (see pg 10) summarizes microbial antigens and antibodies which have
been detected in body fluids or in vit-o in the laboratories of the authors and
other investigators. The three types of infections which have been studied the
most extensively by CIE (besides hepatitis B), are thouse caused by meningococcus,
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'lab it. 2 .De'teCt inn of Mi crobial Ant ipens and Ant ibod jes
by CIF in Various Body Fluids
IHBsAg Serum, tears, saliva, urine
Enteroviruses Cerebraisninal fluid (CSF)
Streptococc~if, pneumoniae Sputum, serum, urine, CSF, pleural,
bullus, joint, peritoneal fluids
Neisseria ineninuitidis
A, C, D, X, Y, Z CSF, serum, joint fluid
liaenmophilus influenzae type 1) CSF, serum, subdural, joint
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Scrum
Kiebsiella pneumoniae Skerum, CSF, urine, pleural fluid
E. coli K1 CSF, serum
Staphylococcus aureus (tilchoic
acid) CSF, pericardial fluid
Streptococcus group B CSF
Antibodies Detected in
Hepatitis B Serum
Influenza A2 Serum
California encephalitis virus Serum
Cytomnegalovirus Serum
Serratia Tnarcescens Serum
Staphylococcus aureus Serum,
Mycoplasma I erwnnoniae Serum
Candida sp. Serum
Coccidioides irniitis Serum
}Iistopli ,ma capsulatuni Serum
Actinomvcesr israeli Serum
Aspergillus fumiqatus Serum
Trvnanosoma cruzi Serum
Entameaba histolvtica Serum
Trichinella sviralis Seru7
Plant viruses Plant juice, tissue-culture fluid
Influenza A2 Tissue- culture, chic],
ciiorioallantoic fluid
cytomegalovirus Tiss,-ue culture fluid
Strentococcus pneumnniae' Broth culture extract,~
Streptococcusý groups; A-F Broth culture extracts
Poptococcus mapnus, Broth culture extracts,
I~lehsielln pneumonihac. Broth culture extracts,
Bacteroides fracilis Broth culture extracts
Enterobacterial coimmon arti4cn
(P-scheri chlia coli 014) Lr-)th cu lture e':tractn
Edwards, et al.
6 10
pneumococcus, and hemophilus.( ' ) Of the various clinical syndromes studied
the highest diagnostic yield was obtained in meningitis caused by these three
organisms (over 90% in most studies). The method has been found to be more
specific and sensitive than the Gram stain, and more rapid than the culture of
cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). It has an additional advantage over the latter in
that it may remain positive in partially treated cases. In pneumococcal pneumonia,
the results have been less satisfactory in that only approximately 50% of
bacteremic cases have detectable antigen in their sera.(10) This figure could
be increased to 64% if both sera and urines (concentrated 20-fold by 95%
ethanol precipitation at 5GC) were studied. Though CIE appears to be less
sensitive(7) than bacterial cultures in pneumococcal pneumonia, it continues
to have the advantage of rapidity, and specificity in relation to sputum
cultures. In this regard, current work on this disease focuses on detection by
CIE of pneumococcal capsular antigens in sputa.(15) The test was reported to
be sensitive (100% [8 of 8] sputa from established cases of pneumococcal pneu-
monia were positive) and specific (saliva of 83 normal individuals was negative).
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Materials Needed
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plates are then placed in an electrophoresis apparatus for immediate use or can
be stored in a moist chamber in the cold, for several (but not more than 4) days
until needed. If the slides are not used the same day, a preservative (0.1%
sodium azide final concentration) should be added to the agarose prior to layer-
ing over the glass slides to retard bacterial contamination. The slides are
connected vessles by a paper wick. Pre-soak the filter paper to insure a sat-
isfactory bridge with the agar layer. The sample to be tested (antigen) is
placed in the wells on the cathode (-) side of the electrophoresis set-up and
the antibody on the opposite wells (the anode side). The apparatus is connected
to a power pack and run using from 3-6 mA per microscope slide or from 12-20 mA
per lantern slide, as measured at the power source. For diagnostic detection
of antibodies 25 mA has been employed.( ) After one hour, turn off the power,
remove the slides and observe for a precipitin band between the wells by using
an oblique lighting effect, holding the slides against a dark background. A hand
lens 3-7X is highly recommended. A simple and rapid method of intensifying the
precipitin band is to soak the slide in 95% ethanol for 15-20 minutes or in
physiologic saline for several hours. This provides greater contrast so weak
reactions can be more readily observed, but does not alter the final results.
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Dilutions Concentration
of Anti- of Purified Anti-
Cathode Specimen sera PNC (pg/ml) sera Anode
(-) (+)
1:1 0 1O 25.0 0 10
1:2 0 J0 10.0 0 0
1:4 0 J 0 5.0 0 j 0
1:8 0 0 2.50 I 0
1:16 0 0 1.0 0 0
1:32 0 0 0.5 01 0
1:64 0 0 0.1 0 0
1:12b 0 0 0.05 0 0
1:256 0 0
Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis:
This test has not received wide clinical application. However, it seems
to have the potential of being a sensitive method for antigen detection and
quantitation. It has the added advantage of performing several tests on a
single microscope or Kodak slide.
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the height of the precipitation formed by the controls on arithmetic graph paper,
the values for the unknown samples can be determined by simple extrapolation.
The cell wall of most coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus strains con-
tain a protein, called protein A, which combines with the gamma globulin of most
mammalian species. For many years it was thought that this was a classical anti-
gen-antibody reaction which occurred because of "natural" antibodies due to
frequent exposure to this common bacterium. However, Forsgren and Sjoquist
found that the reaction was mediated by sites on the Fc part of immunoglobulin
IgG and labelled the reaction a "pseudo-immune" reaction. The reaction between
the staphylococcal protein A and the Fc part of IgG provides an example that a
reaction can be due to IgG factors other than specific antigen combining sites.
All known antibody combining sites are located on the Fab-fragment of the IgG
-, -...- . . . ---
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would take on the specificity of the immune serum and be agglutinated only by
cross reactions occur as in any immunological method. The authors have found
the sensitivity of the test to be greater than the capillary precipitation test
for grouping streptococcus but not as sensitive as the CIE test. However, it
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In 1971, Engvall and Perlmann( 2 6 ) and van Weeman and Schuurs independ-
ently reported the use of enzymes conjugated to antibodies for the detection
and assay of biological molecules. This technique was the outgrowth of the use
of enzyme labeled antibodies to detect and localize cellular antigen in light-
and electron-microscopy studies2' and is an alternative to the radioimmuno-
assay (RIA) method. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been designated
Edwards, et al.
site freeing. the hapten and thus the enzyme in proportional quantities. The
If the second antibody is added unlabeled and a third incubation with excess
labeled antibody with specificity for the second antibody rather than for the
antigen is added, the assay is termed a "double sandwich". This last technique
has the advantage that one labeled antibody can be used to quantitate a number
of specific antibodies from a single species.
0 0 0
So0 0
01 2
4 .5 6
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Add 0. 1 of 1% 1-fluoro- .4-dinit robencne ir absolute ethanol
to S mg of tlRP (Sigma, Type VI) dissolved in 1.0 ml of freshly
made 0.3 M sodium bicarbonate (p' 8.1). Mi., gently for 1 hour
(room temperature) and add 1.0 ml of 0.06 M NaTO 4 in water. Mix
gently for 30 minutes at room temperature. Add 1.0 ml of 0.16 M
ethylene glycol in water and mix gently for 1 hour at room
temperature. Dialyze this solution against 3 x I liter changes of
0 01 N sodium carbonate (pH 915) at 4 C. Add 5 mg IgG in 1 ml of
carbonate buffer to the dialysate a,id mix gently for 2-3 hours at
room temperature. To the IgG-ttRP conjugate add S mg NaBH 4 and allov
to stand at 4°C overnight. Dialyze this at 4 0 C against 0.02 M
phosphate 0.9% NaCi (pH 7.2) (PBS) and remove any precipitate by
centrifugation. Purify the conjugate by Sephadex G-200 column
(1.5 x 90 cm) chromatography in PBS and take the void volume fraction.
HRP conjugate can be stabilized with 1% BSA and stored in aliquots
at 020°C without azide.
III. Immunoassay
A. Alkaline Phosphatase.
1. Wash the antibody coated tubes 3 times with 2 ml Saline-Tween.
2. Dilute standards and serum to be tested with 0.02 M phosphate,
0.9% NaCl, 0.05% Tween 20 and 0.02% NaN3 , pH 7.2 (PBS-Tween).
Add ' mi of diluted standard or serum to each tube and incubate
at about 30°C with mixing for 3-6 hours. Wash 3 times with
3. Dilute enzyme-antibody conjugate to optimal concentration with
0.05 Tris-HCl pH 8.0 and add 1 ml of conjugate to each tube.
Allow to incubate with gentle mixing at about 30 0 C 3-16 hours.
Wash 3 times with Saline-Tween.
4. Add 1 ml of 0.05 M sodium carbonate 1 mM MgCl 2 buffer (pH 9.8)
containing 1 mg/ml p-Nitrophenyl phosphate.(36)
5. Incubate for a suitable time at room temperature (e.g. 30 minutes).
Add 0.1 ml 1N NaOH to Stop the reaction and read aS 4*00 nm. Plot
increase in absorbance units vs. standards.
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antibody add the highest concentation of antigen which you expect to use. Incu-
bate, wash, and complete the assay using dilutions (e.g., 1:40, 1:80, 1:160,
1:32, 1:640) of conjugated antiserum. Select the optimal dilution.
Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) meets the the enzyme requirements for labeling
and has been used frequently. AP is preferable to peroxidase for quantitative
ELISA and can be stored at 4°C with 0.02% NaN 3 as preservative for several
months. The substrate of choice for AP is p-Nitrophenyl phosphate. Since in-
organic phosphate is an end product of the enzymatic reaction, one must avoid
the use of phosphate buffers in the enzyme substrate solution which could alter
the rate of hydrolysis of the substrate.
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The substrate for HRP is H2 0 however, there are a number of chromagens for
HRP of which one can be selected for use with the substrate. Diaminobenzidine
(DAB) is available as a chromagen but is more useful for histochemistry than for
ELISA because the end product forms a polymeric compound which is insoluble in
aqueous solution. 5-Aminosalicylic acid (S-AS) and O-Phenylenediamine (OPD)
are good substrates but OPD is difficult to handle because it is somewhat sensitive
to light. The chromagen of choice for greatest sensitivity is ABTS.
ELISA has been used to detect antibodies to viral, bacterial, and parasitic
antigens and bacterial antigens themselves. The simplicity and speed of the
technique has led to an application in veterinary medicine for detecting pathogenic
organisms in meat on line at slaughterhouses. Saunders el al. have developed cap-
ability for multiple screening of serum antibodies to bacterial pathogens.
Initial reports identify Trichinella spiralis, Brucella abortus(42) and hog
cholera (43) and show good correlation with previous methods and in most cases
improved sensitivity. In addition, Saunders has reported the detection of Staph-
ylococcal Enterotoxin A to a level of 3.2 ng toxin/ml of prepared food product
in 1-3 hours test time.(44) Ruitenberg has used ELISA for the identification
of T. spiralis infection in pigs at the slaughterhouse. (45)
Edwards, et al.
endemic. Using microtiter trays and using visual and spectrophotometric methods
they demostrated the serological differences in the population of endemic area and
area where antimalarial measures have been taken. Voller et al.(47) and Ruitenberg
and Buys( ) have applied ELISA micro-techniques to the seroepidemiological
studies in African trypansomiasis.
(50) applications have included serodiagnosis of syphilis( ) and schistoso-
8. Gordon, M.A., Almy, R.E., Greene, C.H. and Fenton, J.W., Jr.
56:471-474, 1971.
18. Ryte] , M.W., Dee, T.H. , FerstenfeId, J.E. and HensIey, G.T.
19. Dee, T.H., Schiffman, G., Sottile, M.1. and Rytel, M.W.
4:1-10, 1974.
26. Enyvall, E. and Perlmann, P. njizymie linked immuriosorbent
30. Tew, J.G., Burmeister, J., Greene, E.J., Pflaumer, S.K. and
36. Engvall, E., Jonsson, K. and Perlmann, P. Enzyme linked
251:427-434, 1971.
22:1084-1091, 1974.
43. Saunders, G.C. and Wilder, M.E. Disease screening with enzyme-
44. Faupners, G.C. and Bartlett, M.L. Double antibody solid phase
Environmental Microbiology.
50. Huldt, G., Lagerquist, B., Phillips, T., Draper, C.C. and
51. Russell, H., Facklam, R.R. and Edwards, L.R. Enzyme-linked
53. Scharpe, S.L., Cooreman, W.M., Blomme, W.J. and Laekeman, G.M.
22:733-738, 1976.
17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered In Block 20, II different from Report)
In: A Balows & WJ Hausler, Jr. (eds), Diagnostic Procedures for BacteriaZ,
Mycotic, and Parasitic Infectiono, 6th Ed. Washington, DC: American Public
Health Assn, 1981. pp 767-790.
19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse mide If necessary ind Identify by block number)
Immunodiffusion; Counterimmunoelectrophoresis;
Staphylococcus coagglutination; Rocket Electrophoresis;
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side It neceeeary and identify by block number)