Cleaning Debris From Guttering On An Asbestos Cement (AC) Roof
Cleaning Debris From Guttering On An Asbestos Cement (AC) Roof
Cleaning Debris From Guttering On An Asbestos Cement (AC) Roof
Nonlicensed tasks
This information will help employers
and the selfemployed to comply with
What this sheet covers
the Control of Asbestos Regulations This sheet describes good practice when you need to remove debris from
2012. guttering.
It is also useful for trade union and The guttering may be made of AC, or it may simply collect water from an AC
employee safety representatives. roof.
The sheet covers the points you need ■ Ensure safe access.
to follow to reduce exposure to an ■ Can you do this work from groundlevel?
adequate level. ■ Restrict access minimise the number of people present.
■ Use tape and notices to warn others.
It can act as a risk assessment for
asbestos if it matches what you plan Caution: AC roofs are always fragile and cannot bear weight.
to do.
Follow all the points, or use equally
effective measures. ■ Warning tape and notices;
■ scoop, trowel or scraper;
Only carry out this work if you are ■ gardentype sprayer or watering can containing wetting agent;
properly trained and have the right ■ bucket of water and rags;
equipment. ■ asbestos waste container, eg labelled polythene sack; and
■ clear polythene sack.
Main points
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
■ Asbestos fibres can kill. ■ Provide:
■ Keep exposures low using all the disposable overalls fitted with a hood;
controls in this sheet. boots without laces (laced boots are hard to decontaminate); and
■ Also follow sheet a0 and protective gloves. Select single use gloves.
equipment and method (em) ■ A respirator is not normally required.
sheets; see ‘Essential information’.
■ Sprinkle the wetting solution into the gutter. Avoid creating a slurry.
■ Scoop out the debris into the waste container.
■ Wet the debris again if you find dry material.
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Health and Safety
■ Don’t sweep up dust or debris
Download and follow these advice This guidance is issued by the use a Class H vacuum cleaner or
sheets from www. Health and Safety Executive. damp rags.
■ Don’t take used overalls home.
/asbestos/essentials/index.htm: Following the guidance is not
compulsory and you are free to
em1 What to do if you uncover or
take other action. But if you do ■ Don’t reuse disposable PPE.
damage materials that could contain
follow the guidance you will ■ Don’t smoke.
normally be doing enough to
comply with the law. Health ■ Don’t eat or drink in the
em2 Training
and safety inspectors seek to work area.
em5 Wetting asbestos materials secure compliance with the law
and may refer to this guidance
em7 Using damp rags to clean
as illustrating good practice.
surfaces of minor asbestos
em8 Personal decontamination This document is available at
em9 Disposal of asbestos waste © Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this information visit for details. First published as part of
Asbestos Essentials Task Manual 2001.
asbestos essentials a10 Cleaning debris from guttering on an asbestos cement (AC) roof 2 of 2 pages