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Influence of Preservative Solutions On Vase Life and Postharvest Characteristics of Rose (Rosa Hybrid) Cut Flowers

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Vol. 4(8) pp.

111-118, December 2013

DOI: 10.5897/IJBMBR2013.0171 International Journal for Biotechnology and
ISSN 2141-2154 ©2013 Academic Journals
http:// www.academicjournals.org/IJBMBR
Molecular Biology Research

Full Length Research Paper

Influence of preservative solutions on vase life

and postharvest characteristics of
rose (Rosa hybrid) cut flowers
Hailay Gebremedhin*, Bizuayehu Tesfaye, Ali Mohammed and Dargie Tsegay
*Debre Birhan University, College of Agriculture and Natural Resource Science, Department of Plant Science, Debre
Birhan, Ethiopia
Accepted 22 September, 2013

The experiment was carried out to asses the influence of five preservative solutions (aluminium +
ethanol, aluminium + sucrose, ethnol + sucrose, aluminium + ethanol + sucrose and water) and two
rose cultivars (‘Red Sky’ and ‘Blizzard’). The scope of the study was to identify the best combination of
preservative solutions on rose cultivars. The treatments were arranged in factorial combination in CRD
with three replications. Ten (10) cut flowers of each treatment were pre-treated using prepared
preservative solution for 24 h in cold room (3 ± 1°C) before storage. Interaction effects of Preservative
solutions and cultivars were significant (P < 0.05) on solution uptake on day 16; petal fresh weight on
day 4; total soluble solids (TSS) on day 4, 8 and 12 and on vase solution absorbance. Preservative
solutions had significant effects on solution uptake on day 1, 4, 8 and 12; TSS on day 1 and 16; petal
fresh weight on day 1, 8, 12, and 16. Flower longevity and maximum flower head diameter, relative fresh
weight and petal fresh weight loss were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced. Cultivars had significant (P <
0.05) difference on solution uptake and TSS. Aluminium + ethanol + sucrose preservative solution
treated cut flowers had shown longest vase life, flower opening, solution uptake, petal fresh weight and
TSS on both cultivars; while the values were significantly higher in ‘Red Sky’ cultivar. The findings
provide an alternative for extending the vase life of cut roses and thereby ensure the satisfaction of
flower users and sustainability of cut rose flower production.

Key words: Aluminum sulphate, ethanol, preservative solution, quality, rose, sucrose, vase life.


About 20% of fresh flowers lose their quality while period of time having the socioeconomic value of flowers
passing through the market (harvest, packaging, trans- intact (Tsegaw et al., 2011; Zamani et al., 2011). Thus,
portation, and sale) and a large deal of remaining flowers using appropriate preservatives could help to extend the
are sold at low quality conditions dissatisfying the consu- vase life of the harvested produce for consumer
mer (Panhwar, 2006; Asfanani et al., 2008) due to satisfaction and exploitation of the business.
physiological and pathological problems during the post- Short vase life of cut flowers is related to wilting, ethy-
harvest handling. Under normal conditions, cut flowers lene production and vascular blockage by air and micro-
last only for a few days maintaining their beauty and organisms (Elgimabi, 2011). Preservative solutions are
attractiveness. However, most of the people like to enjoy generally required to supply energy source, reduce
them in their natural beauty and appearances for a longer microbial build up and vascular blockage, increase water

*Corresponding author. E-mail: hailushgm@yahoo.com.

112 Int. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Biol. Res.

uptake of the stem, and arrest the negative effect of Data collected
ethylene (Nigussie, 2005). Incorporation of different
Relative fresh weight (RFW)
chemical preservatives to the holding (vase) solution is
recommended to prolong the vase life of cut flowers Fresh weight of the flowers was determined just before the
(Ichimura et al., 2006). However, many cut flower immersion of the flowers into the solutions and repeated every four
growers in Ethiopia rarely put energy source, such as days until the vase life of the flowers were terminated. Flowers were
sucrose in the solutions being prepared for post-harvest taken out of solutions for such a short time as possible (20 to 30 s).
treatment (Nigussie, 2005). The fresh weight of each flower was expressed relative to the initial
weight to represent the water status of the flower (Joyce and Jones,
In addition to this ethylene also adversely affected the 1992).
longevity and quality of cut flowers; in which STS now
widely used commercially to inhibit the acceleration of
roses senescence by reducing ethylene related pro-
blems. However, since it contains the silver ion which is a
potent environmental pollutant and its cost still the agri-
cultural use of silver has been criticized.
Solution uptake (S)
Thus, alternative techniques for extending the vase life
of cut flowers are commercial interest (Serek et al., Solution uptake was determined by taking four flower stalks and
1995). Therefore, the objective of the study was to subtracting the volume of water evaporated from a flask of the
evaluate the effects of different combination of aluminum same volume without cut flower (Chamani et al., 2005).
sulphate, ethanol and sucrose on ‘Red Sky’ and ‘Blizzard’
rose cultivars. S t − 1 − St
Solution Uptake = × 100
Initial Fresh Weight

MATERIALS AND METHODS Where, St= Solution weight (g) at time 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 Days; St-1
= solution weight (g) of the control.
Experimental design, treatments and procedures
Total soluble solids (TSS)
The treatments were consisted of five preservative solutions tested
on two rose cultivars; arranged in CRD and replicated three
Tissue sap was extracted from ten petals and TSS was determined
times.The flowers were harvested at stage 1 when the buds were
using digital Refractrometer (model: RFM 840, Japan) by placing
tight and the sepals enclosed in the floral bud early in the morning
two drops of clear juice on the prism surface and reading was taken
and kept in buckets partially filled with water in upright position
as described by Lacey et al. (2001). Data were taken at three days
(Capdeville et al., 2005). Sorting and grading were done in pr-
interval and expressed in oBrix.
cooling room.
The preservative solutions were prepared using water and the pH
was adjusted to 3.5 to 4.5 with citric acid, except that of aluminum
sulphate containing preservative solution which was adjusted to a Solution turbidity of microbial count assessment (VSAbs)
pH of 3.5, with potassium hydroxide (KOH). Then, immediately after
bunches were put in buckets with concentrations of chemical Solution turbidity attributable to microbial growth was assessed at
solutions; 0.5 g/L aluminum sulphate, 4% ethanol and 20 g/L the end of the experiment by measuring absorbance at 400, 500
sucrose kept in 3 ± 1°C cooling room. and 600 nm with a spectrophotometer (Model: JENWAY 6300) and
The cut flowers were placed in separate glass jars keeping the calculating the mean of these values using distilled water as a blank
bottom of the flower stem; completely immersed in each treatment. (Knee, 2000).
Flower stems were cut diagonally using a sharp knife prior to
immersing to facilitate absorption of the vase solution. Flowers were
kept in the solution for 24 h. Petal fresh weight (PFW)
A total of sixty bunches of 10 rose stems were separately soaked
in to four litter of water with the respective amount of the combined The fresh weight of each flower was expressed relative to the initial
five preservative solutions. Following 24 h of treatment, the lower weight to represent the water status of the flower (Joyce and Jones,
most leaves from all flower stems were trimmed off to the height of 1992).
15 cm.
Two centimeters of the stem end was given slanted re-cut under
water to get stem lengths of 48 cm. Then, the flower stems were Petal dry weight (PDW)
taken out of the cold room with all the preservative solutions
replaced with ready-made flower food called CHRYSAL 500 ml A dry weight of six outer petals was recorded using sensitive
vase solution at a concentration of 10 g L-1 until the completion of balance (Model: SW 1S, Germany) after drying the petals to
the experiment. constant weight in an oven (Model: JM-OD16, Japan) at 70°C.
Evaluations were made by keeping the flower stems in vase
testing room at room temperature with 12 h of photoperiod using
cool-white fluorescent lamps. The postharvest physiological Maximum flower head diameter (MFHD)
characteristics of the flower stems were studied throughout the
vase life period. Flower bud diameter was measured daily with Vernier-caliper. The
Gebremedhin et al. 113

Table 1. Effect of preservative solutions and cultivars on Solution uptake, RFW and TSS of rose cut flower.

Solution uptake (ml/day/g) RFW (%) TSS (°Brix)

Treatment Vase life (days)
1 4 8 12 1 4 8 12 16 1 16
a a b a a b b b b
Al+Et 0.43 0.35 0.30 0.24 108.28 104.45 90.18 80.81 72.22 7.17 6.17c
a a b a a b b b a b
Al+Suc 0.42 0.34 0.30 0.25 108.25 103.85 90.07 79.42 73.05 8.30 7.28
Su+Et 0.43 0.34a 0.29a 0.24b 110.16a 107.18a 93.99b 84.09b 73.98b 8.70a 7.67b
a a a a a a a a a a
Al+Suc+Et 0.46 0.37 0.34 0.29 110.49 109.15 100.69 91.59 81.21 8.73 8.22
b b c a b c c b
Water 0.3 0.28 0.22 0.19 103.37 95.31 83.34 70.18 - 6.72 -
LSD(0.05) ns 0.05 0.04 0.04 ns 6.47 5.94 7.27 5. 36 1.05 0.52

a a a a
‘Red Sky’ 0.46 0.33 0.32 0.26 107.59 103.01 90.94 81.3 76.22 8.15 7.5
‘Blizzard’ 0.38b 0.34 0.26b 0.22b 108.62 104.97 92.37 81.14 74.01 7.7 7.09b
LSD(0.05) 0.05 ns 0.03 0.03 ns ns ns ns ns ns 0.37
CV(%) 15.11 11.2 14.49 15.24 1 4 8 12 16 11.02 5.79
Means within a column followed by same letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% LSD test. RFW= Relative fresh weight, TSS= total soluble solid,
PS= preservative solutions.

MFHD of four cut flowers were recorded using the procedure of Van RFW of cut rose flowers was varied with preservative
Doorn et al. (1991). solutions. RFW was decreased with storage time in all
treatments (Table 1). Cut flowers treated with Al+Et+Suc,
Flower longevity RFW remained above 100% until day 8; with Al+Suc,
Al+Et and Et+Suc remained above 100% till day 4 after
Flower longevity was recorded as the number of days on vase until harvest (Table 1). Starting from day 4, cut flowers treated
the flowers showed symptoms of bent neck or advanced signs of with water RFW was decreased sharply (<100%). Similar
fading on all petals (Liao et al., 2000). findings were reported by Tsegaw et al. (2011) who found
that RFW of cut flowers treated with HQS were observed
Statistical analysis to be above 100% until day 9; with other pulsing biocides
and preservative solutions it remained above 100% up to
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS day 5 vase life. In line with this, Hajizadeh et al. (2012)
software version 9. 2. Verification of significant differences was reported that RFW of flowers had a decreasing trend
done using LSD test at 5% probability level.
during vase life and the lowest value was observed in
control at the end of vase life in Rosa hybrid cv. Black
RESULT AND DISCUSSION magic. The increment in RFW at initial vase life days
could be due to the higher solution uptake during the
Relative fresh weight early storage time as supported by Seyf et al. (2012) who
found that because of more water absorption, aluminum
Preservative solution had highly significant (P < 0.001) treated flowers of cut rose ‘Boeing’ had more RFW than
effect on RFW of cut flowers at 4, 8, 12 and 16 days after control. The declined RFW during prolonged storage time
harvesting. At 4, 8 and 12 days after harvesting, RFW of might be due to high water loss and the declining solution
cut flowers treated with Al+Et+Suc, Al+Suc, Al+Et and uptake as confirmed by Bayleyegn et al. (2012). In the
Et+Suc preservative solutions were significantly higher current study, the best relative fresh weight maintained
than those treated with water (Table 1). Starting from on cut flowers treated with Al+Suc+Et could be related to
eight days after harvesting, cut flowers treated with reduced microbial load in the vase solution and hence,
Al+Et+Suc had significantly higher than treated with other solution usage.
preservative solutions (Table 1). Cultivar had non-
significant effect (P > 0.05) on RFW of cut flowers.
Interaction effects of preservative solutions and cultivars Solution uptake
were non-significant (P > 0.05) on RFW across all days of
the vase life. Interaction effect of preservative solution and cultivar on
114 Int. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Biol. Res.

solution uptake of rose cut flowers was significant (p < Total soluble solid
0.05) on the 16thday after harvesting. On this vase life
day, the highest uptake was recorded on cultivar ‘Red Interaction effect of preservative solutions and cultivar on
Sky’ treated with Al+Et+Suc which however, didn’t TSS of rose cut flowers was significant (p < 0.05) on day
statistically vary from ‘Red Sky’ treated with Al+Et and 4, 8 and 12 after harvest. On day 4 of vase life, TSS of
Et+Suc as well as the cultivar ‘Blizzard’. Preservative cut flowers of cultivar ‘Red Sky’ treated with Al+Et+Suc
solutions had a significant (p < 0.05) effect on solution significantly higher than the remaining treatments combi-
uptake of cut flowers at 4, 8, and 12 days after nations. On day 8, the highest TSS value of cut rose
harvesting. Solution uptake of the cut flowers treated with flower was recorded in ‘Red Sky’ treated with water, how-
all preservative solutions on 4, 8 and 12 days after ever didn’t vary from values recorded from same cultivar
harvesting were significantly higher than cut flowers kept treated with Al+Et+ Suc and Et+Suc as well as Blizzard
on control. treated with Al+Et+Suc preservative solutions. On day
However, solution uptakes of the cut flowers in all 12, Al+Et+Suc treatments in both cultivars recorded
preservative solutions on 4 and 8 days after harvesting significantly higher TSS compared to the remaining
were statistically the same (Table 1). On day 12, solution preservatives cultivars combinations (Table 2). Preser-
uptake of cut flowers treated with Al+Et+Suc was vative solutions had significant (p < 0.001) effect on TSS
significantly higher than those treated with Al+Et, Al+Suc, of cut flowers on the day 1 and 16 after harvest. On day 1
Et+Suc and water (Table 1). Moreover, Cultivar had a of vase life, TSS of cut flowers treated with Al+Suc,
significant (p < 0.01) effect on solution uptake of cut Et+Suc and Al+Et+Suc preservative solutions were signi-
flowers. Mean solution uptakes of cut flowers of cultivar ficantly higher than those treated with Al+Et and control;
‘Red Sky’ on the 1st, 8th and 12th days after harvesting while TSS of cut flowers on Al+Suc, Et+Suc and
were about 21, 23 and 18%, respectively, higher than on Al+Et+Suc treatments were statistically the same (Table
response dates (Table 1). 1). Similarly, TSS of cut flowers treated with Al+Et and
Solution uptake of cut rose flowers were depends on water were statistically the same. On day 16, highest
the type of preservative solutions and the cultivars. TSS were recorded from cut flowers treated with
Generally, solution uptake decreased with increasing Al+Et+Suc while the lowest TSS on this day was
storage time. This could be due to air embolism of cut recorded on cut flowers treated with Al+Et but cut flowers
stem, proliferation of microbes, and plant reaction to treated with Al+Suc and Et+Suc had statistically the
wounding as described by Tsegaw et al. (2011). Solution same TSS (Table 1). Cultivars had significant (p < 0.05)
uptake was recorded from cut flowers of ‘Red Sky’ effect on TSS of cut rose flower petals on day 16. Mean
followed cultivar treated with Al+ Et+Suc and solution TSS of cut flowers of variety ‘Red Sky’ on this day were
uptake was observed in cut flowers of cultivar ‘Blizzard’ 7.5 Brix while for cultivar ‘Blizzard’, TSS of cut flowers
treated with the remaining preservatives (Table 1). On were 7.5 and 7.09. But on day one, both cultivars
the other hand, the ending vase life of cut flowers treated revealed statistically the same TSS of petals (Table 1).
with water on day 12 could be due to microbial TSS was increased up to eight vase life days and then
development in the vase solution which might have decreased which confirmed of Elgimabi and Sliai (2013)
clogged the xylem tube making the cut flower stems who reported that sugar content of roses increased at the
unable to uptake solution from the vase. Pun et al. (2003) beginning of the experiment, and then decreased towards
reported that even in the flower stem that is removed the end. Cultivar ‘Red Sky’ had shown higher TSS value
from the mother plant, certain enzymes are mobilized to of petals than ‘Blizzard’ indicating that cultivars could vary
the wounded area where chemicals are released in order in TSS content of cut flowers. In line with these, Tsegaw
to try to seal the wound. et al. (2011) reported cultivar ‘Red calypso’ exhibited the
Similarly, Knee (2000) reported that the rates of vase highest TSS value while Akito had the lowest and Viva
solution uptake by Gerbera ‘Monarch’, Gypsophila was found to be intermediate between them. An increase
‘Crystal’ and Matthiola ‘Ruby Red’ stems were highly in TSS at the early stage may be due to substitution of
variable but generally decreased over time. Cultivar ‘Red the required substrate for respiration by rapid solution
Sky’ showed a higher capacity to absorb solution than the uptake whereas the reduction in TSS after the 8 day of
cultivar ‘Blizzard’ which might be due to better positive vase life may be due to the utilization of the stored food
response to the preservative solutions than ‘Blizzard’. as substrate and inability to substitute it by the low
This is similar to the findings of Ichimura et al. (2002) who solution uptake as the storage time increased.
reported different responses of rose cultivars to chemical
compounds caused by genetic variations. Similarly,
Nijsse et al. (2001) realized that variability among Vase solution absorbance (VSAbs)
cultivars as to water uptake may be due to differences in
xylem anatomy, which has been shown to greatly The interaction effect of preservative solution and cultivar
influence hydraulic conductivity. on vase solution absorbance was significant (p < 0.05).
Gebremedhin et al. 115

Table 2. Interaction effects of preservative solutions and cultivar on TSS, PFW and vase solution absorbance of rose flowers.

Solution uptake Vase solution

TSS (°Brix) PFW (g)
(ml/day/g) absorbance
Treatment Day 16 Day 4 Day 8 Day 12 Day 4 day 16
‘Red ‘Blizza ‘Red ‘Blizza ‘Red ‘Blizz ‘Red ‘Blizz ‘Red ‘Blizz ‘Red ‘Blizzard
Sky’ rd’ Sky’ rd’ Sky’ ard’ Sky’ ard’ Sky’ ard’ Sky’ ’
abc d bc bcd bc d b c b b de de
Al+Et 0.24 0.15 8.37 7.6 8.47 6.6 7.73 5.87 1.53 1.47 0.050 0.052
bc cd bc
Al+Suc 0.23 0.20 8.3 8.43b 9.13 ab
8.43bc 7.63b
7.40b 1.40b
1.50b 0.059cd
ab d a bc ab cd b b b b bc bc
Et+Suc 0.28 0.16 9.4 8.17 9.3 7.6 7.90 7.63 1.53 1.50 0.068 0.065
a ab a bcd ab ab a a a b e de
Al+Et+Suc 0.30 0.27 9.7 7.93 9.67 9.13 9.00 8.83 1.93 1.57 0.048 0.053
Water - - 7.5cd 7.07d 7.03 a
7.63cd 6.50c
6.43c 1.13c
1.10c 0.079a 0.072ab
LSD(0.05) 0.06 0.89 1.11 0.89 0.20 0.009
CV (%) 15.04 6.37 7.86 7.04 8.07 8.61
Means within a column followed by same letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% LSD test. TSS= total soluble solid, PFW= petal fresh weight.

Accordingly, the highest (0.079) and (0.048) lowest vase PFW of the cut flowers treated with Al+Et, Al+Suc and
solution absorbance were recorded from cultivar ‘Red Suc+Et on day 4, 8 and 16 of vase life were statistically
Sky’ treated with water alone and Al+Et +Suc, respec- the same (Table 3). The lowest PFW on day 12 was
tively (Table 2). The significant reduction in vase solution recorded from cut flowers treated with Al+ Suc. Moreover,
absorbance of cut flowers might be due to the presence PFW of the cut flowers treated with Al+Et +Suc on day 4,
of the biocide aluminum sulphate and ethanol as disin- 8, 12 and 16 were significantly higher than those treated
fectant. Addition of biocide and disinfectants might have with Al+Et, Al+Suc, Suc+Et and water (Table 3). In the
helped in suppressing microbial growth and the clear case of Al+Et+Suc, the PFW increased first from day 1 to
vase solution obtained in the current study could have day 4 then decreased till the end of vase life period.
made absorption by the cut stems easy. Furthermore, cultivar had a significant effect (p < 0.01) on
In conformity with the findings of the current solution uptake of cut flowers. Cultivar ‘Red Sky’ had
investigation, high absorbance values of vase solution 13.93, 11.66, 12.30 and 8.42% greater petal fresh weight
were also reported before in the absence of biocides by than ‘Blizzard’ particularly on the 1st, 8th, 12th and
Knee (2000). The present results indicated that in all pre- 16 days, respectively (Table 3).
servative solutions having sucrose did not result in The lowest PFW recorded in Al+Suc indicate that
clearer vase solution as compared to the pure water aluminum sulphate is not enough to act as biocide to
(control); but preservatives containing aluminum sulphate suppress the microbial unless it is coupled with ethanol.
and ethanol together (Al+Et and Al+Et+Suc) had signifi- Ethanol is a disinfectant that can enhance water
cantly lower vase solution absorbance clearly indicating conductance by preventing microbial proliferation. Hence,
that sucrose helps for microbial development in the vase it could improve effectiveness of aluminum sulphate with
and resulted in poor solution uptake by stem. Therefore, the addition of that could be the reason for excellent
the results were convinced that addition of anti microbes maintenance of PFW of the cut flowers treated with
decreased solution turbidity which also enhanced solution Al+Et+Suc. These results were also related with the low
usage and increased lasting life of the cut flowers. solution uptake recorded on the current experiment even
though it was not significant. While PFW was best
maintained in Al+Et+Suc indicated that when ethanol was
Petal fresh weight applied it can act as disinfectant so that enhance solution
uptake then maintained PFW.
Interaction effect of preservative solution and cultivar on Several researches shown that the short vase life is
PFW of rose cut flowers was significant (p > 0.05) on day related to rapid decline in water uptake and drying of
4 after harvested. On this particular day, PFW of cut stems (Ichimura et al, 2002; Tsegaw et al., 2011). From
flowers of cultivar ‘Red Sky’ treated with Al+Et+Suc Nair and Sharna, (2003) point of view, all preservative
produced the highest (1.93) while the control in both solution must essentially contain two components inclu-
cultivar recorded the least (1.12 g) on average PFW ding sugar and germicides. The current findings support
(Table 3). Preservative solution had a significant (p < this idea. Cognizant of this, van Doorn et al. (1991) repor-
0.05) effect on petal fresh weight of rose cut flowers 1, 4, ted that flowers placed in water without antimicrobial com-
8, 12and 16 days after harvest (Appendix 2). However, pounds had a low water potential as a result of vascular
116 Int. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Biol. Res.

Table 3. PFW and PDW, MFHD and flower longevity (FL) of rose cut flower as affected by different preservative solutions and cultivars.

Petal fresh weight (g) Petal dry weight (g)
(cm) (days)
Vase life (days)
1 8 12 16 1 4 8 12 16
Al+Et 1.52a 1.23b 1.07bc 0.72b 0.18ab 0.19 ab 0.19c 0.17a 0.15 7.25b 15.5b
a b c b ab ab ab a b b
Al+Suc 1.52 1.25 0.95 0.73 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.16 0.15 7.46 16.0
a b b b a a a a a b
Et+Suc 1.57 1.35 1.13 0.73 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.17 0.15 8.12 16.17
Al+Et+Suc 1.68a 1.53a 1.28a 0.85a 0.18ab
0.19 ab
0.16a 0.15 8.21a 17.67a
b c d ab b c b c c
Water 1.28 0.82 0.62 - 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.14 - 6.06 12.33
LSD(0.05) 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 ns 0.63 1.34

a a a a b a b a
‘Red Sky’ 1.63 1.31 1.09 0.79 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.16 0.16 7.07 16.06
‘Blizzard’ 1.40b 1.16b 0.93b 0.72b 0.18 0.21a 0.20 0.16 0.15b 7.78a 15.0b
LSD(0.05) 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.06 ns 0.01 ns ns 0.01 0.40 0.84
CV (%) 9.73 8.618 10.23 10.72 5.97 7.77 7.14 7.05 5.01 7. 02 7.14
Means within a column followed by same letter(s) are not significantly different at 5% LSD test. MFHD= Maximum flower head diameter, FL=Flower
longevity, PS= Preservative solutions.

blockage in the lowermost segment of the stem. The for cell expansion and dry mater accumulation as it could
reason for best PFW in treatment (Al+Et+Suc) could be help for the endogenous sucrose serve as a substrate of
due to the main components of preservative solution respiration. At 12 and 16 days after harvest PDW of cut
incorporated. flowers treated with sucrose containing preservative
solution cut off with those Al+Et which could be due to the
effects of respiration. Parallel to this, holding solution
Petal dry weight containing 8-HQS+Sucrose reduced the respiration rate
and physiological loss in weight of spikes of Dendrobium
Preservative solution had a significant (p < 0.05) effect on hybrid Sonia-17 (Dineshbabu et al., 2002). This may be
PDW of flower petals throughout the study period. On the due to the solution uptake and accumulated substrate for
4th and 8th day of vase life, flowers treated with Et+Suc respiration and decreased due to increment of respiration
had the highest PDW but not significantly different from rate and reduction in substrate for respiration in storage
Al+Et+Suc and Al+Suc treated flowers. On day 12, cut time. In addition, in the current experiment no variation in
flowers treated with water had significantly lower PDW PDW was found between the two cultivars (Table 3).
compared to those cut flowers treated with preservative PDW increased until day 8 after harvest and then
solutions. Similarly, on day 16 there was no significant decreased till the end of vase life. The rapid decrease in
difference recorded among the different preservative PDW through time could be due to the decreasing
solutions (Table 3). Comparing the two rose cultivars, solution uptake that compensates the respiration and
statistically the same PDW were recorded on days 1, 8, transpiration.
and 12. But on day 4, petal dry weights were higher in
‘Red Sky’ cut flowers whereas on day 16 ‘Blizzard’ had
shown significantly higher petal dry weight. In this regard, Maximum flower head diameter
there was no consistency.
Generally, there was no significant difference recorded Preservative solutions had significant (p < 0.001) effects
on dry mater content of cut flowers treated with Al+Et and on MFHD (Table 3). The largest (8.21 cm) and smallest
tap water. Moreover, in this experiment those cut flowers (6.06 cm) MFHD were registered from cut flowers treated
treated with sucrose containing preservative solution had with preservative solution that contained Al+Su+Et and
shown statistically the same petal dry weight in all vase water respectively. MFHD recorded from cut flowers
life days and significantly higher on the 8th day after treated with Al+Et+Suc, Al+Et, Al+Suc and Et+Suc
harvest as compared to the control and Al+Et treated preservative solutions were 8.21, 7.25, 7.46 and 8.25 cm,
flowers. This could be due to the importance of sucrose respectively. However, the difference between Al+Et+Suc
Gebremedhin et al. 117

and Et+Suc was not statistically significant. Cultivar provide the energy needed to cell processes including
imparted a significant (p < 0.01) difference on MFHD maintain the structure and function of mitochondria and
(Table 3). MFHD recorded for cultivar ‘Blizzard’ and ‘Red the other cellular organelles as reported by Capdeville et
Sky’ was 7.78 and 7.07 cm respectively (Table 3). al. (2005).The longer vase life which occurred in ‘Red
Interaction effects of preservative solution and cultivars Sky’ than ‘Blizzard’ which confirmed by Butt (2005)
on mean MFHD were non-significant (p > 0.05). suggested that variation on vase life could be due to their
Treatment with Et+Suc had a pronounced effect on genetic variability and different responses to chemical
flower bud expansion which confirmed with idea of compounds. Varieties could also be varying in lasting life
Sarkka (2005) who suggested that carbohydrates are due to ethylene production and sensitivity as well as
necessary for turgor pressure maintenance and important resistance to different disease causing microorganisms
energy sources facilitating flower opening. In harmony to (Ichimura et al., 2002).
the present results Ichimura et al. (2002) showed an
increased in flower diameter was observed when 20 g of
-1 -1
sucrose L +200 mg of HQS l were used in the pulsing Conclusion
solution, which of course varied among the varieties
tested. Al+Et+Suc treated cut flowers was shown better The best flower longevity, MFHD and lowest vase
performance in most post harvest characteristics of ‘Red solution absorbance was maintained due to the
Sky’ cut flowers than ‘Blizzard’. Cultivar ‘Blizzard’ had treatments of Al+Et+Suc preservative solution and the
better flower diameter indicating that flower diameter lowest vase life and MFHD was recorded from cut flowers
could also vary due to the variation in genetic makeup. In treated with water. Treatment of the cut flowers using
confirmation to the current experiment Ichimura et al. Al+Et, Al+Suc, Suc+Et, and Al+Et+Suc extended the
(2005) found that an increase in flower head diameter vase life of the cut flowers by 3.2, 3.7, 3.83 and 5.33
was observed in rose cultivars ‘Sonia’ and ‘Delilah’ than days, respectively than control. Generally, it can be
other cultivars with identical treatments. concluded that use of Al+Et+Suc preservative solution for
flower longevity and maintaining post-harvest
characteristics of cut flowers is important for ‘Red Sky’
Flower longevity and ‘Blizzard’ cut flowers.

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