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Swiss Chard

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2019, VOL. 2(2), 11-22

Journal homepage: www.jhpr.birjand.ac.ir of Birjand

The response of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) to nitrogen levels

and intra-row spacing in Debre Berhan Central Ethiopia
Gebremedhin Hailay1* and Awgchew Haymanot2

1, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia
2, Department of Plant and Horticultural Sciences, College of Agriculture, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia


Article history:
Received 6 December 2018
Revised 16 January 2019
Accepted 5 May 2019 Purpose: Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) is highly appreciated for its
nutritional properties, year round availability, low cost and wide
Available online 18 May 2019
use. In central highlands of Ethiopia, Swiss chard has been
producing in urban and peri-urban areas but limited information is
available about its nutrition and planting distance. Research
Dry weight method: An experiment was designed to study the effects of 50,
Fresh weight 100 and 150 kg ha-1 and control (0 kg ha-1), and different spacing
Leaf yield with row including 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm distance on growth,
yield and nutritional composition of Swiss chard in Debre Berhan.
Nitrate content
Treatments were set in randomized complete block design with
Vitamin C three replications making 45 treatment combinations. Findings:
Results indicated that total plant fresh weight, total plant dry
weight, above ground fresh weight, above ground dry weight, root
DOI: 10.22077/jhpr.2019.2099.1041 fresh weight, root dry weight, plant height, leaf number per plant
P-ISSN: 2588-4883 were significantly affect by the interaction effect of plant spacing
E-ISSN: 2588-6169 and N levels. Leaf area index was significantly affected by intra-row
spacing but not by N rate and their interaction. Remarkable
*Corresponding author: difference was recorded on total nitrogen, nitrate contents and
Department of Horticulture, College of vitamin C of leaves due to varied N levels. Generally, growth
Agriculture and Environmental Science, attributes, yield performance and nutritional composition of Swiss
Adigrat University, Adigrat, Ethiopia, P.O. chard obtained best at the combination of 100 kg N ha-1 N and 40
Box: 50 cm plant spacing. Research limitation: Intra-Row needs further
E-mail: hailay.gebremedhin@dbu.edu.et study above the 40 cm planting distance. Originality/Value:
combination of 100 kg N ha-1 and 40 cm in-row spacing can be used
for Swiss chard production in Debre Berhan central highlands of
© This article is open access and licensed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License Ethiopia.
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ which
permits unrestricted, use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, or format for any
purpose, even commercially provided the work is
properly cited.
Hailay and Haymanot


Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) is a biennial leafy vegetable belonging to Chenopodiaceae
family. It is highly appreciated in many parts of the world for its nutritional properties, year
round availability, low cost and wide use in many traditional dishes as well as more robust
and easier to grow than spinach and celery (Gao et al., 2009). In Ethiopia, it has been
producing around urban and peri-urban areas compared to lettuce and cabbage and little
research effort was made before on this vegetable. However, this vegetable has nutritional
advantages that can contribute significant positive impact on improving food security
especially on reducing malnutrition.
Swiss chard is very low in saturated fat and cholesterol contents and is a very good source
of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K, B2, B6, thiamin, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium,
potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and manganese (Knežević et al., 2014). Ninfali and
Angelino (2013) reported that bioactive molecules from Swiss chard extracts have anti-
diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer activities. In addition, it has heart
protection flavonoids and siringic acid, due to the high content of potassium, it helps the
release of water from the body and it is an ideal food that keeps the blood pressure under
control. Moreover, it is rich in biotine, an important vitamin for the hair (Mihai et al., 2015).
Fertilizer use is the most practical and effective agronomic practice that improves yield
and nutritional quality of many vegetable crops for human consumption (Anjana et al., 2007).
Content of mineral elements, total quality and yield are influenced by the amount, frequency
and method of fertilization (Miceli & Miceli, 2014). Particularly, N play a fundamental role in
vegetative growth and hence yield and quality of Swiss chard. For instance, vitamin C and
sugar contents in the aboveground parts of spinach and Swiss chard are increased under the
application of high rates of N (Dzida & Pitura, 2008). Likewise, high levels of N cause
compositional changes (reduced ascorbic acid, sugar and acidity) and altered ratios of
essential amino acids; as well reduced yields, low N levels generally result in less protein
content in harvested vegetables, and inferior other nutritional and visual qualities (Zeka et al.,
However, an application of excess N fertilizer has negative impact on consumer,
environment and the crop itself. According to Hoque et al. (2010), about 80 % of dietary
nitrates are derived from vegetable consumption where if taken by humans it will result in so
many chronic diseases. Especially, Swiss chard has great tendency to accumulate more nitrate
and over 60% of its total nitrate is accumulated in petioles (Santamaria et al., 1999).
Therefore, proper N fertilizer application at the farm level is very important to reduce the risk
of human health and environmental pollution as well as maintain the product quality.
In addition to the fertilizer management, planting population per unit area is one of the
main factors influencing crop yield. An increase in the number of plants per fixed area may
reduce or increase the yield depending on the varieties, environment and other management
practices. Optimizing plant density is very important to obtain good yield and quality product
and plant spacing is dependent on many factors such as climactic condition and varietal
difference. Farmers have been producing Swiss chard in Ethiopia especially in highland areas
as well as in in urban and around urban areas under both irrigation and rain-fed conditions.
However, little information on doses of N and intra-row spacing is scant. Hence, determining
of planting spacing and amount of nitrogen is necessary for specific cultivar and environment.
Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the N rate and intra-row spacing for
Swiss chard under Debre Berhan condition.


Nitrogen level and intra-row spacing on Swiss chard


Experimental site description

Research was conducted at Debre Berhan University research farm located at 09° 35’ 45” to
90° 36’ 45” north latitude and from 39° 31’ 30” east longitude and found in the 125 km North
East of Addis Ababa with an elevation 2845 m above sea level. Climatic data obtained from
the Ethiopian national metrology agency indicates that, the area receives a mean annual
rainfall of 927.10 mm and characterized by a unimodal rainfall pattern with a from 4.72 mm
to 293.02 mm and peaks in August and December, respectively. The mean monthly minimum
and maximum temperature range was from 2.4 to 8.9 °C and 18.3 to 21.8 °C, respectively.

Experimental treatment, design and procedures

The treatments consisted of four nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1) calculated from
urea used as sources of nitrogen and three intra-row spacing (20, 30 and 40 cm) applied for
Swiss chard plant variety ‘Fordhook Giant’. Treatments were arranged in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD) at which each treatment was replicated three times with six
rows in each plot. Plots and blocks were separated by 1m. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied
three times in split method at transplanting time (35 days old seedling) and then 30 and 65
days after transplanting for efficient use. Other cultural practices were applied uniformly to all
of plots throughout the experimental time.

Soil sampling and analysis

The representative soil samples were collected before transplanting from 0-30 cm in
collecting in zigzag manner using a soil auger make once composite sample to analyze for the
experimental site soil texture and soil chemical properties. Soil pH was measured at 1:2.5 soil,
water suspension, using the pH meter. The textural class, soil cation exchange capacity
(CEC), total N, Organic carbon and available phosphorus were analyzed based on standard
procedures (Van Reeuwijk, 2002).

Collected crop Data

Total plant fresh and dry weight, above ground fresh and dry weight, underground fresh and
dry weight, plant height, leaf number per plant, leaf area index, were determined using both
destructive and nondestructive sampling method accordingly. Vitamin C content in fully
mature leaves of Swiss chard was determined by Bajaj and Kaur (1981). Total N of the leaves
was determined by micro-kjeldahl method and nitrate was determined as described by AOAC
official methods of analysis (AOAC, 2002) by calorimetrically through reduction of nitrate to
nitrite at maturity

Statistical Analysis
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the statistical analysis system
(SAS), Version 9.13 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) as appropriate to the design of the experiment.
The mean separation was done using least significant difference (LSD) at the 5% level of


Hailay and Haymanot


Soil physical and chemical properties of the experimental site

Available P, total nitrogen, organic matter, pH and CEC of the soil were analyzed as shown in
Table 1. The soil had textural class of clay loam with 39% clay, 32% silt and 29% sand, with
pH 5.8 showing the nature of the soil as moderately acidic (Bruce & Rayment, 1982). The
available P (13.30 ppm) lies in the moderate range (Holford & Cullis, 1985), however, the
total N (0.15%) was low level (Charman & Roper, 2007).The value of 1.90% organic matter
was rated as moderate (Metson, 1957). Similarly, the CEC of the soil was 25.30 c mol (+) kg-1
showing it in medium range; the amounts of exchangeable K, Na, Ca and Mg in the soil was
found at 0.73, 0.2, 20.81 and 3.58 cmol (+) kg-1, respectively (Table 1).
Table 1. Pre planting soil physic-chemical properties of the experimental site
Parameters Value Methods
Clay: Silt: Sand (%) 29: 39: 32
Texture class Clay loam
pH (1:2.5 soil to water) 6.0
Organic matter (%) 1.90 Walkley and Black
Total N (%) 0.1 Kjeldahl
C:N ratio 11
Available P (ppm) 13.30 Olsen
CEC (cmol(+) kg-1) 27.5
Base saturation (%) 92
Exchangeable Na(cmolc kg-1) 0.02
Exchangeable K(cmolc kg-1) 0.71 Ammonium acetate
Exchangeable Ca(cmolc kg-1) 20.79
Exchangeable Mg(cmolc kg-1) 3.60

Growth and yield responses of Swiss chard to N and intra-row spacing

Above ground fresh and dry weight

Analysis of variance revealed that above ground fresh weight significantly (p<0.05) affected
by nitrogen rate, intra row spacing and their interaction. As shown in Table 2 the highest
values of above ground fresh and dry weight of Swiss chard plants were recorded from
treatment combinations of 40 cm in row spacing and 100 kg N ha-1 rate and the lowest values
were in 20 cm intra row spacing and 0 kg N ha-1 (control treatment). The significant impact on
dry and fresh weight of the Swiss chard in high rate might be due to the fact that N is a
component of chlorophyll, nucleic acids, nucleotides, coenzymes, phytohormones and
cytokinins and hence, its suboptimal amount inhibits emission of new cells and plant organs.
Miceli and Miceli (2014) also reported similar findings. van Averbeke et al. (2007) reported
that fresh and oven-dry mass of marketable leaves increased with an application rate of N in
Brassica rapa subsp. Chinensis. Besides, lower intra-specific competition for light, water and
nutrients in the greater plant spacing favors the further growth and development of plants
(Echer et al., 2012) Generally, optimum N level and plant density support rapid cell division
and enlargement that results in fast vegetative growth and consequently high fresh and dry
weight accumulations.


Nitrogen level and intra-row spacing on Swiss chard

Table 2. Effects of N and intra row spacing on above ground fresh weight (AFW), above ground dry weight (ADW), total
plant fresh weight (TPFW), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry weight (RDW) petal dry weight and total plant dry weight
(TPDW) of Swiss chard
Treatment Parameters

Intra-row N (kg ha-1) TPFW TPDW FW (g/plant) DW(g/plant) RFW RDW

(cm) (g) (g/plant)
(g/plant) (g/plant)

20 cm 0 1320f † 263.6e 696d 106.4d 278.5bcd 74.44bcd

50 3373.5bc 527.82abc 5256bc 667.1c 384.5ab 102.77b

100 3178bcd 518.82abc 5117bc 672.0c 347.5b 92.88bc

150 2710cde 415.85cde 4132c 633.1c 267.5bcd 71.5bcd

30 cm 0 2744.5cde 432.75bcde 4276bc 692.9bc 336bc 89.81bcd

50 3301bcd 511.85abcd 5152bc 795.2abc 342bc 91.42bcd

100 2104ef 329.6de 3374c 815.9abc 224.5cd 60.0d

150 3977ab 612.26ab 6638ab 1003.5ab 381.5ab 101.97b

40 cm 0 2795cde 427.13cde 4317bc 692.9bc 339bc 90.61bcd

50 2861.2cde 443.2bcde 493bc 785.0abc 288bcd 76.97bcd

100 4242.5a 669.62a 8707a 1017.9a 504a 134.71a

150 2455de 383.56cde 3812c 591.3c 195d 69.89cd

LSD 862.48 183.52 2396.2 314.72 122.6 31.93

Seg. Level *** ** * * * *

CV 14.095 18.36 24.31 21.78 17.04 14.212

† Means of the same main effect within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly
different at 5% of probability Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD)

Fresh and dry weight of root

Root dry weight and fresh weight had been significantly (p<0.05) affected by interaction
effects of N and in-row spacing (Table 2). The highest root fresh and dry weight was obtained
at 40 cm in-row spacing with 100 kg N ha-1. However, the lowest root fresh weight was
obtained from 150 kg N ha-1 and 40 cm supporting the fact that N deficient plants have poor
root development. Petropoulos et al. (2008) also reported that root weight per plant increased
with N application in Parsley. Similarly, Sharma et al. (2013) conducted an experiment on the
influence of plant density and nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of radish,
found that maximum root fresh and dry weight recorded in wider spacing, which might be due
to individual plant that utilizes more N nutrient applied. Optimum plant density ensures wise
use of resources and increases the accumulation of photo-assimilate under optimum soil
fertility especially nitrogen where needed by plants in substantial amount.


Hailay and Haymanot

Total plant fresh weight

Interaction effects of N rate and in-row plant spacing had shown significant (p<0.05) effects
on total fresh weight of Swiss chard. The highest and lowest total plant fresh weight had
shown in treatment combinations of 40 cm x 100 kg N ha-1 and 20 cm x control treatment
(unfertilized plot), respectively (Table 2). Hasan et al. (2017) also reported similar findings in
lettuce plant. Echer et al. (2012) showed that application of N promoted a linear increase in
fresh weight of total and marketable shoots of Swiss chard. Similarly, Kołota and Chohura,
(2015) found that irrespective of plant population, enhancement of N rate resulted in an
increment of cabbage yield in which indicate that plant population only at high rate of N
affected the total yield of cabbage. This could be due to the high competition among plants in
case of narrow spacing (20 cm) as well as a lack of N (0 kg N ha-1). This might be resulted in
a small number of leaves, narrow leaf expansion and poor vegetative growth as N influences
cell division and main components of the leaf chlorophyll. In the same way, Echer et al.
(2012) also justify that narrow spacing between plants results in higher density, favored
disease proliferation, infecting the lower leaves of Swiss chard plants which in turn resulted in
lower fresh weight.

Total plant dry weight

The effects of N and in-row spacing on Swiss chard total plant dry weight is illustrated in
Table 2. Results revealed that significant (p<0.05) variation in total plant dry weight was
shown due to interaction effects of N and in-row spacing. The highest value of plant dry
weight was obtained from 40 cm in-row spacing with 100 kg N ha-1 whereas the lowest value
was obtained from plots treated with 150 kg N ha-1 and 40 cm planting distance (Table 2).
The highest plant dry weight obtained from the widest planting distance with relatively high
N rate could be due to less competition for resources such as moisture, sun light and fertilizer.
Results obtained by Hasan et al. (2017) in lettuce were also similar with the present study.
This also justified that N has various effects on plant physiological processes such as
photosynthesis, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance. Similar to the current results, van
Averbeke et al. (2007) reported a reducing trend for fresh and oven dry mass of marketable
yield decline when the application rate exceeded the 250 to 300 kg N ha-1. In line with these
findings, Hasan et al. (2017) underlined that optimum level of N and plant spacing ensured
the maximum vegetative growth and the allocation of optimum number of plants that leads to
produce the highest yield per hectare.

Plant height
Results of variance analysis showed that interaction of intra-row spacing and nitrogen rate
had significant (p<0.05) effect on plant height (Table 3). The tallest plants were observed in
the narrow plant spacing (20 cm) that received 150 kg N ha-1 (Table 3). Whereas, the shortest
plants of Swiss chard were observed at 40 cm combined with unfertilized plot. Hasan et al.
(2017) also reported similar results. Generally, slender plants were observed under narrow
spacing with low nitrogen rate. Miceli and Miceli (2014) observed that plant height at harvest
increased linearly by increasing the N level up to 100 kg N ha-1. Similarly, Dzida et al. (2012)
also shown that plants which had received higher doses of different N forms of fertilizers
resulted in higher plant size by 3 cm than the lowest rates. Plants deficient in nitrogen also
develops thin and spindly stems. Nitrogen fertilizer ensured favorable condition for the
elongation of leafy vegetable plants with optimum vegetative growth. Length of stems may
occur when plants compete for light at dense plant population. Besides, when plants are
exposed to low light radiation due to high population per unit area they compete for that via
increasing their internodes towards light with less number of leaves.


Nitrogen level and intra-row spacing on Swiss chard

Number of leaves per plant

The effects of in-row spacing and N rate was shown significant (p<0.05) variation in leaf
number per plant. As shown in Figure 1, with decreasing in plant distance a decreasing
number of leaves was observed and the lowest number of leaves (8.5) was recorded from the
control treatment (0 kg N ha-1) combined with 20 cm distance between plants. Conversely, the
highest number of leaves per plant (28.38) was obtained from 150 kg N ha-1 combined with
wider in-row spacing (40 cm). Miceli and Miceli (2014) in Swiss chard and Hasan et al.
(2017) reported similar findings in lettuce plants. The lowest numbers of leaves per plant
were recorded at 20 cm in-row spacing and 150 kg N ha-1indicating that at high N level may
not be granted for the new leaf formation and high yield if the spacing is not optimum as
competition for resources is high. Similarly, increasing the amount of N had increased the
number of leaves in Parsley in two trials of consecutive years (Petropoulos et al., 2008). As
shown in Figure 1, the number of leaves was decreased with increment of internode length,
which intern reduces the leaf fresh weight per plant and leaf dry weight (Fig. 1). Maboko and
Plooy (2013) also reported that more number of leaves per plant were observed in wider plant
spacing in lettuce under the soilless production system. This also reduces competition of
individual plants in higher spaces and higher rate of N hastens new leaves production, which
intern increases yield in Swiss chard.

Leaf area index (LAI)

Significant variation had shown on leaf area index when plants were planted in the different
spacing (Fig. 2). As shown in Figure 2, the small LAI was shown from plants arranged at
spacing of 20 cm. Much larger leaves were recorded from the higher spacing as compared to
closer spacing.
Plants arranged with 30 cm and 40 cm planting distance was wider than plants with 20 cm
spacing by 53.5% and 27.9%, respectively. This might be due to relatively less competition
for nutrient, moisture available and other resources in higher spacing. Densely planted crop
impede the proper growth and development of the plants as poor expansion of leaf area reduce
photosynthetic capacity of the plant and in turn reduce the carbohydrates supply and storage
of the plant.

50 30
40 25
Plant height (cm)

35 20
Leaf number

25 30 15 20
20 40 40
15 10
20 30
10 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
N (kg ha-1) Intr-row spacing (cm)

Fig. 1. Interaction effects of N and Intra-row spacing (cm) on plant height (cm) and leaf number of Swiss chard


Hailay and Haymanot

0.35 0.45 a

0.30 0.40
0.35 b
0.20 0.25

0.15 0.20
0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00
0 50 100 150 20 30 40
N (kg ha-1) Intr-row spacing (cm)

Fig. 2. Effects of N rate and within-row spacing on leaf area index of Swiss chard

Effects of N rate and intra-row spacing on N and vitamin C content of Swiss chard

Total nitrogen of leaf and nitrate content

Results reveled that different rates of N had significant (p<0.05) effect on total N and nitrate
content of Swiss chard leaves. The effects of in-row spacing and its interaction with nitrogen
rate was statistically inconsistent (p>0.05). Total N and nitrate increased with increasing N
level, but it was not consistent with in-row (planting distance) (Fig. 3). Similar results of total
N and nitrate content was obtained from treatment with 100 and 150 kg N ha-1 (Fig. 3).

TN(%) Nitrate content (%) TN(%) Nitrate content (%)

0.6 a b 0.6

0.5 b 0.5
c a
0.4 a 0.4
0.3 0.3

0.2 c 0.2

0.1 0.1
0 0
0 50 100 150 20 30 40
N (kg ha-1) Intra row sapcing (cm)

Fig. 3. Effects of N rate and intra-row spacing on leaf nitrate and total nitrogen content of Swiss chard


Nitrogen level and intra-row spacing on Swiss chard

32.7 a 32.9 a
32.6 32.85
Vitamin C (mg/100 g)


Vitamin C (mg/100 g
32.5 32.8
32.4 b 32.75
32.3 32.7
32.2 32.65 a
32.1 b 32.6 a
32 32.55
31.9 32.5
31.8 32.45
31.7 32.4
0 50 100 150 20 30 40
N (kg ha-1) In row (cm)

Fig. 4. Effects of N rate and within-row spacing on vitamin C content of Swiss chard leaves

Similarly, Dzida et al. (2012) reported that different rates and form of N increased total N
content of leaf. With increasing the N dose from zero to 100 kg N ha-1 an increase in nitrate
content was recorded (Fig. 2). However, statistically similar content of nitrate was measured
on Swiss chard plants treated with 100 and 150 kg N ha-1. In accordance with the current
findings, Miceli and Miceli (2014) on Swiss chard, Hasan et al. (2017) in cosmos caudatus,
Konstantopoulou et al. (2010) on lettuce, Biesiada et al. (2010) in Red cabbage and Zeka et al.
(2014) on spinach also shown an increase in nitrate content with an increment of N
fertilization. Besides, Dzida et al. (2012) underlined that not only the N fertilization rate but
also plant species and variety, harvest date, and the growth medium affects the content of
nitrate in plant material. As nitrate is harmful to animals and humans, application of N to
fresh vegetables needs care. Rembialkowska (2007) also point out that readily soluble
chemical fertilizers which are absorbed rapidly into the plant tend to lead to higher
nitrate/nitrite levels and may result in formation of nitrosamines which have been associated
with chronic diseases such as Leukaemia and gastrointestinal cancers. However, the effects of
in-row spacing of total N and nitrate content of Swiss chard plants were not remarkable.
Conversely, Kołota and Chohura (2015) reported that high population density decreases NO3-
content in cabbage.

Vitamin C
Different rate of N significantly (p<0.05) affected the content of vitamin C in Swiss chard
leaves. However, the effects of different in-row spacing and interaction with different N rate
of vitamin C were inconsistent (p>0.05). The highest value of vitamin C was recorded in 150
and 100 kg N ha-1 treatments and lowest value was at 50 and 0 kg N ha-1 (Fig. 4). In the
current results intra row spacing did not affect the vitamin C content of Swiss chard that was
in agreement with Riad et al. (2009) in cabbage.
Vitamin C contents of Swiss chard leaves were affected by different rates of N
application rather than planting distance. This could be due to the direct effects of N as
components of plant cell and involved in major plant physiological process. In accordance
with the current result, Dzida and Pitura (2008) showed that vitamin C and sugars content in
the above ground parts of spinach and Swiss chard increases under the application of high
rates of N fertilizers with a range of 43.8 and 59.8 mg/100gm of fresh weight. Similarly,


Hailay and Haymanot

Vitamin C content increased with increment of N dose were observed by Biesiada et al.
(2010) in Red cabbage. Vitamin C content increased with increase in N dose. Dzida et al.
(2012) also reported that vitamin C was shown variation under different doses of N fertilizer.
Similarly, Zeka et al. (2009) shown that vitamin C content increased as rate of N increased up
to 240 kg N ha-1 in spinach. Conversely, vitamin C content of lettuce and Swiss chard was
decrease with increment of N application rates as reported by Konstantopoulou et al. (2010)
and Kolota and Czerniak (2010) respectively. Even, Kolota and Chohura (2015) found that
the vitamin C content of cabbage was not affected by different rates of N fertilizer. This all
confirmed that N has significant effects on leaf composition of Swiss chard. However, the
inconsistent reports in the literature could be due to variation in variety and other
environments as well as management practices.


The study suggested that a prominent effect of both N rate and intra-row spacing were
observed on growth, yield and composition of Swiss chard. Plant height, number of leaves,
fresh weight of root, total plant fresh weight, root dry weight and total plant dry weight was
significantly influence by N levels and different intra-row spacing. Vitamin C, nitrate and
total nitrogen contents significantly affected at high N doses (150 kg N ha-1 and 100 kg N ha-
). Our research proposed that combination of 100 kg N ha-1 and 40 cm intra could be possible
to use under Debre Berhan condition and other areas with similar agro ecology.


We wish to thank Debre Berhan University, college of agriculture and Natural resources
Science for the rounded facilitation and execution of the experiment works as well as for
providing the seed and laboratory materials.


The authors declare no competing interests.


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Nitrogen level and intra-row spacing on Swiss chard

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