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Women's Economic Empowerment: Special Call For Proposals

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Women’s Economic Empowerment

Advocacy and Alliance Building Grant Application Form

Proposals should include the following information:

1. Name, and contact information of the organisation making the request (physical address/
phone/e-mail address/ Twitter handle).
2. How would you describe your organisation? Please share details about your organisation, if it
is registered or not, when it was formed and what it’s purpose is/why it was formed.
(Is it a women’s rights organisation, association of women with formal/informal businesses, women’s
self-help group, women’s collective, or other?)
3. Name and title of the contact person(s).
4. Has your organisation implemented initiatives to advance women’s economic empowerment
(WEE) before? If so, please briefly share what those activities were.
Please note that UAF-Africa will consider both organisations that have not implemented WEE
activities and those that have.
5. Number of women working in the organisation/collective, age range, positions held and
contact information.
6. Where are you located? Please let us know how you would define the area (rural/peri-
7. List your current and previous sources of funding (including the amount of funding).
8. Provide at least three names and current contact information for organisations or funders who
can endorse your work (Including phone numbers and e-mail addresses).
9. If your organisation has a website or social media page (facebook/twitter), please share the
10. How did you learn about Urgent Action Fund-Africa?

9. Provide a detailed description of the event/issue and context that has led to your proposed action.
If relevant, please state when this event occurred?
Please make the relationship between the event/issue and women’s economic empowerment clear.

The Outbreak of the Corona Virus or COVID-19 disease from the first cluster in the capital of
China’S Hubei Province to a pandemic that has killed about 80,000 people so far with so many
still under going treatment of this disease which has no known treatment. This world wide spread
of COVID-19 led to a different States come up with different cautionary or preventive means
fighting the outbreak ‘ ALL Countries can still change the course of this pandemic, WHO
director- general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said and he made the declaration of the Corona
Virus Pandemic. ‘ If countries detect, test, treat, isolate, trace and mobilise their people in the
response, those with a handful of cases can prevent those cases becoming clusters and those
clusters becoming community transmission’

In Uganda, the Government made several measures namely; All schools and Tertiary Institutions
were closed and Faith related Gatherings were banned for a period of 32 days, when the number
of confirmed COVI9-19 cases increased more restrictive measures were put in place such as
banned public and private transport and all non-food markets were closed with the exception of
factories and social services and a night time curfew of between 7:00 pm and 6:30 pm.

These measures put in place by the government to restrict movement or even most modes of local
economic trade has had an adverse effect on most women entrepreneurs for instance for the
women entrepreneurs who had taken out credit facilities from financial institutions or
microfinance institutions they are currently going through the challenge of wondering how they
will raise the interest and principal of the credit facility not to mention other administrative costs
of operating a business and obviously the basic house hold needs. The women entrepreneurs are
currently suffering socio-psych challenges arising from the different challenges faced by
respective households in the same vein there are already increased cases of Domestic Violence
here in Uganda and the World all over during this period when everyone is encouraged to stay at
home or work at home. This has led to increased intense psychological as well as physical
mistreatment, sexual abuse and lastly financial abuse arising from no income for the average
Uganda that earns hands to mouth.

The women entrepreneurship skills unfold in different ways that in a way contribute to household
income, which inadvertely also benefits economic justice to the community.

This is a request for Uganda Shs. 100,000,000/= {Uganda shillings One Hundred Million} or its
equivalent in any other currency for enhancing the assertiveness of women entrepreneurs in
our working groups, strengthening the coordination in the advocacy for removal of legal and
administrative barriers to investment faced by Ugandan women entrepreneurs, for a period of 9
months starting June 2020 to March 2021.

11. What makes this situation an opportunity for advancing women’s economic empowerment?
Although women’s contribution to growth of the country’s economic development seems to be
positive and significantly ………….(need to add statistics) The overall importance of the
informal economy largely depends on the commercialisation of domestic skills and dependence of
social networks, it is such social networks that boost women entrepreneurs to venture into
business. The kinds of social networks in Uganda and generally Africa are organised into Savings
schemes, it is by the grace of active participation and savings of such schemes that we can witness
to the increased number of more women entrepreneurs. This situation is an opportunity to support
women whose business ventures shall have suffered a lapse or over consequences arising from the
total lock down of activity in the capital city and neighbouring towns later on the region and the
global, to create awareness amongst women that have never ventured into business but have been
grossly affected by the Domestic violence during this event and advocate for increased numbers of
women formalising their business entities and breaking an inhabitant administrative barriers.

12. Was this situation unanticipated/unexpected? Explain.

This event can be described as an unexpected event because this disease was never heard of until
it’s outbreak in China and later on designated as a pandemic by WHO on 11 th March, 2020, had
the disease been known relevant steps would have been made to fight it rather than allowing its
spread slow down Life almost to halt.


13. Describe the proposed response to the situation. How will it contribute to women’s economic
empowerment? Does the proposed action include an advocacy or alliance building initiative?

14. Who is your target group? Please use the following variables, if applicable, or indicate your
own: age group (for example: young women); location (for example: Rural/Peri-Urban
focus); vulnerable groups (for example: vendors, farmers, domestic workers, unemployed
women); other (please describe).

15. Will you collaborate with other groups at the local, regional, or international levels to carry
out this action? If yes, which groups? Can you explain their roles and provide their contact

16. What is the amount of the request? Please provide a detailed budget. Please note that you may
request up to USD 30 000 for Advocacy & Alliance Building and the planned activities must be held
within 6-9 months of receipt of the grant.
17. What other sources of support are available for this activity (ies)?

17. Should the information about this request be kept confidential? If yes, please indicate why, to
what extent and for how long?

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