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Barrier Management in Pandemic Era PPNS ITS Rev1-3

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Alvin Alfiyansyah

 HSE Club

Introduction to Barrier Management Concept for

Process Safety & Operational Risk During
Pandemic Situation

UPIKKK PPNS, 11:20 WIB, 6 Maret 2021

Conflict of Interest Declaration : The view expressed in this presentation refer to open data and is the personal’s view
of the presenter and does not reflect the view of the presenter’s affiliation. Picture and information are open source or
imaginary edited in academic view for PPNS.

Business framework


2 Alvin Alfiyansyah Source: Qatargas The Pioneer magazine edition 155, 156, 157, 158

In pandemic situation, major hazard to company can be identify
by a process safety approach or by procedural approach
Process Safety approach
Barrier Management : Keep it in pipes and Bow Tie Approach to
understand the risk in our facility.

Procedural approach
Barrier Management - Follow procedure & Response as per procedure,
with focus on the following:
1. Country and Company Health protocols : PPE, Social Distancing,
Hygiene requirements.
2. Contractor Safety Management (refer to Country & Company Health
3. Operational protocols to outbreak & positive cases.
4. Shutdown & Specific maintenance procedure including reservation
Alvin Alfiyansyah 3

Industry Specific Pandemic Plan

– example Process Safety Management (PSM)
Key Elements Arguments  Address all of the
Competency Ensure critical workforce is elements of the HSE /
properly trained and PSM that are critical
MOC & MOOC Control of Changes including
to maintain safe
(Management Of Organizational operations in priority.
Organizational Changes)

Operational Readiness Ensuring ready to start,  Be flexible, adaptive,

operate, shutdown, idle ops
and dynamic to the
Mechanical Integrity Maintain ITPM schedules ongoing events and
and activities
the eventual “new
PHA / Risk Mgmt Longer duration & revisiting
PHA and PSM program normal” future we
PSM Culture Unusual Operating demand can all expect.
High difficult time to
professional & personal
4 Alvin Alfiyansyah 4

“Keep it in the pipes”
Process Safety focuses on controlling the potential release of hazardous substances caused by:
Leaks Fire Injuries
Spills Explosion Environmental Impact
Mechanical Failures Toxic Effects Business Loss

Process Safety Management

Train-the-Trainer grant number SH20844SH0 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor

5 Alvin Alfiyansyah

HSE Management System Framework

Profitable Growth
Operational Cost Capital SUPERIOR
Excellence Management Stewardship PERFORMANCE

Organizational Capability

6 6
Source: Alvin’s Library & Experience as Contractor and Client in Operating Company & Joint Venture

Benchmarking – OEMS
 Do you know the barriers and the major
accident hazard scenarios?
 Do you know status of your barriers (in
place & effectiveness)?
 Do you know the cumulative risk in your
asset or unit of operations?
 Do you know your role to protect and
maintain the barrier as team member?
 Do you know the systematic approach to
address deviation and sustain the barrier

Alvin Alfiyansyah

How healthy are your barriers?

MAHs, will
you be
ready ?

Feyzin, Fr, 1966 Piper Alpha 1988 El Paso Incident 2000 Beirut Explosion 2020

Barrier 1 Barrier 2 Barrier 3 Tolerated
Barrier 1 Barrier 2 Barrier 3 Exceeded
Failed Healthy Unknown Tolerated Risk Process Safety Fundamentals (IOGP report 638)
Threat Barriers Can Degrade
Or Broken
Barrier 1 Barrier 3
Returned to Barrier 2 Barrier 4 Risk
full Healthy condition
performance Alvin Alfiyansyah

Styles of Barrier Management


 Barrier are  All barrier are

 Barriers are fixed managed as part appropriately
when they are of discrete monitored and
broken. systems. reviewed.
 Basic barrier  Barrier status data  Barrier status is
specifications may collected, but not aggregated to an
be available. consolidated. overall system.
 System reacts to  Some trends  Cumulative risk
failure, step done, but not for profile ready.
changes and all barrier types.  System anticipates
external impacts.  Barrier status not potential failure
 Little or no consolidated in to and upsets.
analysis to overall one model.  System is highly
performance  Some barriers not responsive to
covered change.

Dynamic Barrier Management

• Integrity Management program are not sufficient:
• These focus on hardware systems
• Do not address human or organizational barriers
• The same approach as Risk Based Inspection (RBI):
• Reduce inspection cost while improving safety (aim of RBI)
• Model corrosion degradation and focus inspection on higher risks (method)
• Sceptical initially – but the API 580/581 approach did work
• Deployed globally

• Dynamic Barrier Management aims to do the same:

• Model barrier degradation and predict impact on risk (cumulative)
• Prioritize repairs / remediation on the barriers with the greatest risk
• Sharper management focus

Benefit of Barrier Management
1. Operator round
Number of SCE & 2. MOC
Tag Identified 3. PTW
Tangible You will now your Safety Critical
4. PM / CM / Inspection
5. Bypass override / Deferral
6. Risk Assesment
Standard Defined
Functional criteria & assurance task defined, pass Clear Overall
fail criteria established Maintenance /
Equipment Strategy
Compliance is not enough, is it effective to define
performance of all barriers?

Cumulative Risk
Understood • Barrier Management Procedure
Risk Based Decision Making Established • Technical Authority Framework
• Tag Identification Procedure
• Performance Standard Procedure
(design & operation)
Process Safety • Barrier Assurance procedure
Intangible Culture Established
Understand MAH & number of Barriers
Process Safety Culture Enhancement
Cumulative Risk Thinking Established

11 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Process Safety Assurance – model (example)

Barrier Function Performance Operate Continuous Improvement
Barrier Elements Standards Maintain Improve & Evaluate
Identify Identify Validate & Verify Asses Performance, Risk
failures, cause, Standards & Standards and Cumulative Prevention &
hazards, threat Requirement Requirement Risk Mitigation


World Class Leadership Company Leadership Events
Cumulative Risk

Maintain Effective Barrier Management Working Barriers

CAUSE / Toxic Gas
Flash Fire
RISK Undefeated Explosion
Operate Operationalize / Productive Safety Case

Design Safety Case Enough Barriers

Barrier Visualize the

Operationalize Hardware Barrier Human Barrier Effectiveness Barrier
Assessment Healthiness
SCE Tag Performance Standard
Safety Critical Task Equipment Strategy Performance Standard Set up SAP / CMMS & metrics IT Tools
Competency Assurance Assurance Task, Pass / Fail Criteria Audit & Inspection
12 Alvin Alfiyansyah
Cumulative Risk

Barrier types (IOGP 544)
Barrier is a risk control that seeks to prevent unintended events from occurring, or prevent
escalation of events into incidents with harmful consequences. (From IOGP 510).
Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware

Threat / EVENT Consequence

Human Human Human Human

Hardware Barriers Human Barriers

Safety System Integrity Operating Discipline

Primary containment, process equipment and engineered Barriers that rely on the actions of people capable of
systems designed and managed to prevent LOPC and other carrying out activities designed to prevent LOPC and
types of asset integrity or process safety events and other types of asset integrity or process safety events
mitigate any potential consequences of such events. and mitigate any potential consequences of such events
These are checked and maintained by people (in critical

*i.e. processes and procedures within

Management System Elements* the Management System elements
Support hardware
and human barriers
Management System Elements that group processes and practices
designed to prevent LOPC and other types of asset imtegrity anor
process safety events and mitigate any potential consequences of such
Management system elements support hardware and human barriers.
13 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Hardware barriers – IOGP Definition

• Primary containment, process equipment and engineered systems designed and managed
to prevent LOPC and other types of asset integrity or process safety events and mitigate
any potential consequences of such events. These are checked and maintained by people
(in critical activity/tasks).

14 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Human barriers – IOGP Definition
• Barriers that rely on the actions of people capable of carrying out activities designed to
prevent LOPC and other types of asset integrity or process safety events and mitigate any
potential consequences of such events.

15 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Management System Elements

• Management System Elements that group processes and practices designed to prevent
LOPC and other types of asset integrity or process safety events and mitigate any
potential consequences of such events. Management System Elements support hardware
and human barriers. See IOGP report 510 and IOGP report 511.

16 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Process & Facility Design
Piping &
Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
Heat & Material Balance (HMB)
Diagram (P&ID) • Piping

Process/ • Instrumenta
Equipment Data tion
• Rotating Equipments
(Pump, Compressor, Air
Cooler) • Lay Out
• Pressure Vessels (Civil,Piping
Equipment • Heat Exchangers Equipment)
Specification • Package Equipment • Civil &
• Etc. Vendor Drawing Structure
• Electrical
17 Alvin Alfiyansyah

18 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Barrier Management – Offshore Example
NORSOK S-001: Critical Safety Barrier Systems
1. Lay Out 11. Human Machine Interface (HMI)
2. Structural Integrity 12. Natural Ventilation & heating, ventilation and Air Conditionoing (HVAC)
3. Containment 13. Public Address (PA), Alarm and Emergency Communication (PA/GA)
4. Open Drain 14. Emergency Power and Lighting
5. Process Safety 15. Passive Fire Protection (PFP)
6. Emergency Shutdown (ESD) 16. Fire Fighting Systems

7. Blow Down (BD) and Flare/Vent System 17. Escape and Evacuation
8. Gas Detection 18. Rescue and Safety Equipment
9. Fire Detection 19. Marine Systems and Position Keeping
10. Ignition Source Control (ISC) 20. Ship Collision Barrier

From any bow tie analysis, we could summarized barriers into:

Barrier Type Remarks

1. Human or Behavioral Barriers Purely People / organizational based

2. Socio-Technical Barriers Mixture of Human & Hardware Barriers (gas detector-alarm-human)

3. Active Hardware Barriers Hardware – operate on demand (i.e. Relief / Safety Valves)

4. Continuous Hardware Barriers Hardware – Continuous powered operations (e.g. Cathodic Protection,
ventilation system)
5. Passive Hardware Hardware – No. active part (e.g. Blast Wall, Fire Wall, PFP)

Major Incident Hazards

Aset Integrity report – HSE UK 2009
Major Accident Hazards (MAHs) typically
inclide major fires, explosions, major toxic
as releases, ship cllision, helicopter crash,
and other events with a potential to
result in multiple fatalities and significant
damage to the facility.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 incidents can be
potential MAHs.

Key to Category 5
Barrier Health Category 1
Operating in Response to
Meet Category 4 Category 3 Category 7 Category 8
Accordance process
Criteria Detection Ignition Emergency Life Saving
with alarms /
Does Not System Controls Response Equipment
Meet Criteria Procedure upset

Toxic Gas Events
Threat LOC
Jet Fire
Tier 1
/ Tier 2 Flash Fire
Cause Tier 3 Pool Fire
Preventive Mitigative

Category 2
Category 2 Category 1 Category 6 Category 5 Category 6
Process Structural Shutdown Protection Response to
/ Operator
Containment Integrity System System Emergencies
20 Alvin Alfiyansyah

How many Preventive Barriers & Mitigative Barriers?
Please list for this Gas Turbine System Compartment.

Gas detector

Flame Detector
Heat Rise Detector

Corrosion Probe

Load Compartment

CO2 Fire Fighting

Corrosion Probe
Shutdown Pushbutton
IOGP 544 Exercise

Alvin Alfiyansyah

Example – Gas Turbine Barriers Bow Tie & Escalation Factors

Category 5 Category 4 Category 3
Key to Category 1 Response to process alarms / upset Detection System Ignition Controls Category 8
Barrier Health Operating in condition Category 6 Life Saving
Meet Accordance with Common Alarm & SD due to potential gas 1.Enclosure Fans Response to Equipment
Criteria Procedure & Std Common Alarm and SD in GT due to leak: 2.Enclosure dampers Emergencies
cascaded impact by gas leak : 1. Gas detectors in enclosure. 3.Enclosure ducting
Does Not 1.PPE
1. Internasional Code & 1. Vibration detector (radial bearing, 2. Heat detectors in enclosure. and venting to ATM 1. Actions as per 2.Emergency
Meet Criteria Stds axial bearing, frame) – An to SD 3. Flame detectors in enclosure. or to flare system.
company response PPE
2. Company Operating 2. Speed detector (over & under) – SD Common Alarm & SD in GT due to 4.API 500 & IP15 stds
manual, operation & procedures for
3. Bearing axial/thrust temp detector - A cascaded impact by gas leak: for lay out, distance,
maintenance & hazardous area
during Operations
4. Oil pressure – An to SD 1. Speed detector (over) – SD
procedure classification for emergencies. team and ER
5. Oil Temp/Level/Filter DP sensor – A 2. Bearing axial/thrust temp – An
3. OEM Technical enclosure & vent, team
6. LP Fuel Supply sensor – A 3. Vibration detector (axial bearing,
Bulletin for etc.
7. Flame out detector – SD radial bearing, frame) – An to SD
Operations and
Maintenance 8. High DP Air Inlet Sensor – A Escalation Factor
9. Exhaust Temp Alarm Failure - A Online PM not feasible due
to not recommended by
Preventive OEM to enter turbine MAH
enclosure more than 5
Integrity minutes Events
Threat to Potential Gas leak
GT Package from Fuel gas Toxic Gas
Ful gas piping, tubing, Jet Fire
piping, flanges, or valves Flash Fire
tubing, to GT Turbine &
Auxiliary Pool Fire
flanges, or Enclosure or main Explosion
valves piping attached to
GT package Mitigative
Category 2 Category 1 Category 7
Category 6 Category 5
Category 2 Surveillance / Structural Integrity Emergency
Shutdown System Protection System
Process Operator Rounds Response
Containment 1.Structural
Shutdown system due to gas leak, by 1. Fire fighting system (e.g.
1. Rotating Equipment Surveillance & 1.PA/GA system
1.API & NFPA Stds for activation of CO2 system)
Surveillance Inspection and
GT (e.g. API 616 and 1. Gas detectors in enclosure. 2. Fire monitors in the area
2. Process 2.OEM Inspection announcement
NFPA 85) 2. Heat detectors in enclosure. 3. Portable fire
Surveillance & maintenance as per ERP
2.OEM specification 3. Flame detectors in enclosure. extinguisher available in
3. Operator Round Common Alarm & SD in GT due to procedure.
for GT parts (piping, the area.
Duty for normal cascaded impact by gas leak: 2.Muster Point
flanges, valves,
tubing) and abnormal 1. Speed detector (over) – SD 3.Escape &
3.OEM specification situation 2. Flame out detector – SD Evacuation route
for other GT part 3. Vibration detector (axial bearing,
(enclosure doors, Escalation
radial bearing, frame) – An to SD
detectors, rotating Factor
parts (GTs), earthing PA/GA system
& bonding, etc.) issue
4.Main piping
22 Alvin Alfiyansyah
Escalation Factor
RA for piping

SCE Tag Identification & Resource Planning

Step & Resources Operations Process Process TA & Operation Maintenance

Engineering Safety / HSEQ Engineering s & SAP IT
team Excellence Team
SCE Identification Yes Yes Yes No. No No
(Mark Up P&ID)
Discipline Design & No Yes Yes Yes No No
Document review
General Design & No No Yes Yes No No
Doc review
MTC/SAP Validation Yes (as Info) No Yes No Yes Yes
& IT Tools
23 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Shutdown requirement, welfare facilities during

Pandemic - Facility siting review (example)
1. Facility Siting review for shutdown requirement (Muster Point)



2. Lunch / Dinner time – keep & maintain distance 1.5 meters including if need
to go to toilet or ablution.
3. No cooking and food preparation on site.
4. Canteen and Cleaner Boy considered as plant personnel. Trained to use
mandatory PPE and basic plant training including mustering, basic fire
fighting, and basic emergency response.
24 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Reduce transmission Policies – Pandemic Management
Less Expensive Expensive
 Self Diagnosis Change office / house -camp
 Personal Hygiene lay out
 PPE & Mask
 Workspace & House Cleaning Install UV lights in HVAC
 Employer Screening system and HEPA filters in
 Distancing and No Large groups (shift changes) critical buildings and Building
 Teleworking (virtual) Elevators
 Segmenting workforce (limit age & high risk person)
 Travel limitation Tracing
 Smaller transport method
 Redesigning work space Testing

Metric & Color status 30% 50% 80%

Industrial # Positive BCM 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks N/A

Metric #Daily Cases 100 40 5 N/A

Country / # Positive BCM 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 0 cases

Province within 30
Metric days
#Daily Cases 20000 8000 cases 800 cases N/A
Note: daily cases against quarantine facility, PPE capacity, testing capacity

25 Alvin Alfiyansyah

Workflow Covid-19 Management

• Go to
•Book Ticket & Quarantine
Book Hotel Facilities (14
Quarantine days)
Out of (discoverqatar.c Get • Ehteraz • Home
Country om) result of status result
Isolation (14
(Qatar) • Swab test in Swab test days)
hotel at Day 4 • SMS • Negative, go
• Install Ehteraz to for home
Software isolation 7

1. Report to Supervisor for any

Follow Health Protocol symptomp
Employee (in country) RT-PCR test 72 hours before 2. Report to Doctor for any symptom
entering offshore facilities 3. Report to Origin country Covid-19
task force

RT-PCR test 72 hours

before entering
company facilities 1. Report to Supervisor / host for any
Contractor (in country) Follow Health Protocol Retest every 5-8 days if
2. Report to Doctor for any symptom
a person working in a 3. Report to Origin Covid-19 task force
group with close
contact type of work
Alvin Alfiyansyah

The Power of Ehteraz Application

Register by:
1. Enter phone number.
2. Enter QID number or VISA number.
3. Enter QID / VISA expiry date.

Warning “notification” message appear in Ehteraz if you are near

by red or grey people within 15 minutes.
Show your Ehteraz is a must when entering mall, shop or buildings
or plant.
Alvin Alfiyansyah

Pandemic & Outbreak management

 Body temperature measurement when entering facility.
 Ehteraz green color ready.
 Hand sanitizer available in many spots. UV lights and HEPA filter in
critical buildings and building elevators.

 Announcement through PA/GA every 4 hours about Covid-19 Health
protocols and to use face mask in common area.
 Announcement once a day through PA/GA about emergency number
(within Plant and special country number) (include reminder to report
to Supervisor / Doctor / Nurse for any symptomp).
 Announcement through email every 2 weeks or every month depending
color metric status.
Community Complex: Closed of Mosque
Closed of Public Park No Food Delivery
Closed of Restaurant, Club, Gym facilities No Package Delivery
No Visitor

Alvin Alfiyansyah

Pandemic & Outbreak management
• Symptomp reported and if outbreak happened or one person
positive tested during & after working inside the plant, RT-PCR test
for going in and going out personnel.
• Deep disinfection for the room & facility.
• Isolate for 14 days for offshore facilities – welfare support ready
including medivac.
• Positive tested personnel with symptomp (w/ doctor judgement) will
need to abandon offshore facilities and treated in onshore facilities.
• Report to doctor after isolation for clearance back to work.

• Symptomp reported and if outbreak happened or one person

positive tested due to personal activities (typically onshore), RT-PCR
test for all personnel who had met with the suspect within last 7
days. Re-test every 5-8 days depending type of work.
• Home isolation even if negative result after tested for Covid-19.
• Report to doctor after isolation for clearance back to work.

Alvin Alfiyansyah


Thank You

Alvin Alfiyansyah

Alvin Alfiyansyah MBA MSc, praktisi HSE
profesional bersertifikat Insinyur Profesional
dengan spesialisasi di keselamatan proses yang
mempunyai pengalaman kerja lebih dari 20
tahun di sektor minyak dan gas di Indonesia
dan luar negeri baik untuk fasilitas laut, darat,
laut dalam, dan fasilitas berisiko besar.
ALVIN ALFIYANSYAH Bertugas di Luar Negeri sebagai Insinyur Utama
LEAD LOSS PREVENTION ENGINEER beberapa aset dalam pengelolaan hal
Overseas keselamatan proses fasilitas produksi LNG, saat
January 2020 until now
ini bertugas pula sebagai Satgas penanganan
wabah Covid-19 untuk KBRI Doha, telah
Process Safety Specialist – Overseas Nov 2018- Jan 2020
mendapat penghargaan dari beberapa
Senior LP Engineer – Overseas Juni 2012 – Nov 2018
MSW Champion - Chevron perusahaan dan berbagai instansi/organisasi.
Des 2008 – Juni 2012
Project Safety Engineer - Chevron Bekerja dan tinggal bersama keluarga dengan
Agus 2007 – Des 2008
SHEQ Advisor – Amec Oct 2006 – Jun 2007 visi dan misi selalu beribadah kepada Allah
Lead Process & Safety Engineer - Technip Apr 2002 – Okt 2006 SWT dengan restu orang tua dan keluarga
Project Sales Engineer – PT UDM Des 2000 – Apr 2002 dalam memberikan hasil pekerjaan terbaik dan
berguna bagi masyarakat banyak dan WNI
MEMBERSHIP & ACTIVITY khususnya dimana saja. Lahir di Palembang
PAKKEM – Anggota Aktif Sejak 2020 (Agustus 1977), 43 tahun lalu per tahun 2020.
PII – Anggota Aktif BKK 2015 – 2021
IATMI Qatar Vice Chairman 2016 – 2021
IAFMI Qatar Area Coordinator 2018 – 2021 alvin.alfiyansyah@gmail.com
Komunitas Migas Indonesia – Ex Kaltim 2003 - 2021 +974 3310 7518
Chairman & Moderator Keahlian HSE
Ir. Alvin Alfiyansyah, MBA, MSc, IPM, AER

IOGP 544
• IOGP 544 report standardizes the types and categories of process safety barriers.
The target audience is all leaders and workers that contribute to process safety
performance on an asset.
• The terminology provides a basis of common understanding which companies can
use to further refine or develop more detail as appropriate to their activities.
• The use of consistent and simple terminology is aimed at personnel at all levels
and will assist in communication. The standardization and common understanding
will assist the review of bow ties and related tools to ensure clarity and
• Barrier standardization also provides the means to identify areas of shortfall in a
consistent way, gathering data from more operations (and operators) enabling
trending and focus on the specific causes of failure on certain barriers and
facilitate improvements.
This figure illustrates how consistently defined information drawn
from events and incidents can provide learning to strengthen
barriers, reduce risk and improve operating performance.

Using consistent barrier definitions through this cycle enables the

identification of trends in similar barrier failures and the
opportunity to learn and improve.

Barrier is a risk control that seeks to prevent unintended events

Alvin Alfiyansyah


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