This document defines the database schema for an e-commerce application. It includes tables for users, product categories, products, product galleries, coupons, variant options, product feedback, stock, and discounts. The tables are related through foreign keys and each table contains metadata columns like IDs, names, descriptions and indexes for efficient querying.
This document defines the database schema for an e-commerce application. It includes tables for users, product categories, products, product galleries, coupons, variant options, product feedback, stock, and discounts. The tables are related through foreign keys and each table contains metadata columns like IDs, names, descriptions and indexes for efficient querying.
This document defines the database schema for an e-commerce application. It includes tables for users, product categories, products, product galleries, coupons, variant options, product feedback, stock, and discounts. The tables are related through foreign keys and each table contains metadata columns like IDs, names, descriptions and indexes for efficient querying.
This document defines the database schema for an e-commerce application. It includes tables for users, product categories, products, product galleries, coupons, variant options, product feedback, stock, and discounts. The tables are related through foreign keys and each table contains metadata columns like IDs, names, descriptions and indexes for efficient querying.
mobile VARCHAR(45) description VARCHAR(45) productShortDesc VARCHAR(45) productId INT
parentCategoryId INT productLongDesc VARCHAR(255) userId INT
VARCHAR(45) Indexes rating INT
Productprice Indexes id INT productVariation coupon unit VARCHAR(45) id INT id INT costperunit VARCHAR(45) variantType VARCHAR(45) couponNumber VARCHAR(45) mrp_per_unit VARCHAR(45) variantName VARCHAR(45) validity VARCHAR(45) Indexes productId VARCHAR(45) couponamount VARCHAR(45) Indexes productFeedBack variant ENUM(...) id INT coupun_restriction Indexes productFeedBack VARCHAR(45) id INT productId VARCHAR(45) restriction_id VARCHAR(45) userId VARCHAR(45) coupon_id VARCHAR(45) Indexes productStock Indexes restriction id INT id INT productId VARCHAR(45) restriction VARCHAR(45) sku VARCHAR(45) Indexes coupon_limit status VARCHAR(45)
id INT availableQty VARCHAR(45)
coupon_id VARCHAR(45) Indexes productDiscount limit_per_user INT id INT limit_per_coupon INT discount VARCHAR(45) Indexes product_id VARCHAR(45) Indexes