Grade 6 Arts Module 1
Grade 6 Arts Module 1
Grade 6 Arts Module 1
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Silkscreen Printing
Arts- Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Third Quarter – Module 1: Silkscreen Printing
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 3 –Module 1:
Silkscreen Printing
Introductory Message
For the Facilitators:
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.
As facilitators, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
You will learn best from this module if you do the following:
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page
of this module.
2. Take the pre-test before going through the module.
3. Do all the exercises and activities in the module.
4. Try out the suggested strategies.
5. Keep the products of the activities you do as part of your portfolio.
6. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned
7. Enjoy studying!
This module has many parts and icons that you need to know.
What I Need to This part you will know what you will need to
Know learn in this module.
At the end of this module you will also find:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind
that you are not alone.
What I Need to Know
What I Know
Read each sentence carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on a separate sheet.
2. This method can show drips and spatters, giving your silkscreen prints a
painterly effect.
a. Hand-Cut Film b. Photo Stencils c. Glue Stencils
3. It is the easiest to work for simple designs, and the materials are
a. Paper Stencils b. Photo stencils c. Glue Stencils
4. A ______ is used in screen printing to force ink through the printing screen
and onto the substrate.
a. squeegee b. ink c. printing screen
5. This method works best when your design has small, loose, floating parts,
or different shapes with clean corners and angles.
a. Hand-Cut Film b. Photo Stencils c. Glue Stencils
Silkscreen Printing
What’s In
What is printmaking?
What products can you create through silkscreen printing?
What’s New
You have prints in the past using stencils, natural objects, and human-
made objects. It is about time for you to learn and new skill in printmaking. It
is called silkscreen printing. Some also call it silk screening or screen printing.
Silkscreen printing
The design is printed by screening ink through the open areas of a piece
of silk that has been very tightly stretched on a wooden frame. The unprinted
area of the silk is blocked out with a stencil but the space to be printed is left
open. Different designs can be printed on paper or fabric which can create
various products like posters and T-shirts and be used in different events like
school celebrations and elections.
Aside from these products, you can also design greetings cards, tablecloths, wrapping
paper, and anything else you want to decorate or promote.
In manual silkscreen printing, the colors are placed one by one. When
digital printing was invented, the products were made faster, thus accessible
to more people. The printing of colors are more precise, and the machine can
create more products with less time and manpower.
What Is It
Here are the materials that you will need for your silkscreen prints:
1. Printing Screen- an adult can construct your printing frame and silk for the
screen. The silk is woven in different sizes of mesh, from size 6 to 25. The higher
the number, the closer the weave. The silk should be firmly stretched and
attached to the frame using thumbtacks or a heavy-duty stapler. After
trimming the excess silk, the borders should be taped so the ink will not leak.
Printing screens can also be bought at the school supplies store in various
sizes. An embroidery hoop can be alternative.
2. Squeegee- since the squeegee pushes the ink evenly through the mesh of
the silk onto the paper of fabric, choose one that is smaller than your printing
on fabric. Hold it 1 inch from each end for balance and tilt it at a 45-60° angle
when spreading the ink.
3. Inks- there are lots of silkscreen inks available at supplies stores or art
stores. You can use poster inks when printing on paper, or fabric inks when
printing on fabric.
5. Plastic spoons and cups, palette knife, empty jars, old newspapers,
paint thinner, cardboard, clean rags- for mixing colors and cleaning
6. Green film, photo emulsion, hair dryer, and a lamp- for hand-cut film
and photo stencils
Colors, values, and shapes in silkscreen printing
Inks used in silkscreen printing are available in different colors. These are
placed in jars and pails in various sizes. You can start with the primary colors:
red, yellow, and blue. Mix one primary color and one secondary color, and you
can create intermediate colors: yellow orange, blue green, blue violet, red
violet, and red orange.
Creating new colors can either be fun or frustrating. You need to be organized
and patient and keep on experimenting until you create the colors you like.
Notice that the contrast of lines, shapes, letters, and colors create harmony.
1. Paper Stencils – are the easiest to work with for simple designs, and the
materials are inexpensive. You can use any kind of thin paper. If you want a
rough-edged effect, you can use torn paper shapes.
Here is how:
e. Flood the f. Lift the screen
screen using and leave the
your squeegee paper to dry.
then push it
You can draw your image on the screen or put it under the screen as a
guide. Use brush or sponge of any size then drip it, spatter it, or smudge it on
the frame to form simple shapes. The glue is water-soluble, and the ink is oil
base that is why they do not mix.
Other materials that you can use as resists are crayons, all crayons, and
old unused lipstick. Rub it on the screen with a layer thick enough to fill the
mesh of the silk. These will block out or repel the glue which form your stencil.
3. Hand-Cut Film- this method works best when your design has small, loose
floating parts, or different shapes with clean corners and angles. You will need
a green film, an x-ACTO knife, and a tweezer.
Tape the film on the baseboard or your table’s flay surface. With the
plastic side resting on the layout. On the green side, lightly cut the lines,
shapes, and letters of your design using x-ACTO knife. Slowly lift these using
a tweezer.
Once the design is complete, place the peeled side of the film on the
screen. Put a little water on a clean rag and gently rub it on a film so that it
will stick. It is moistened enough when the film darkens. Let it dry, then rub it
with clean, dry rag. Dry it completely using a hair dryer. When the film’s color
has lightened, peel the backing sheet. Tape tracing paper to block the open
areas of the screen. Put the ink at the top your screen, flood it using squeegee,
then let the print dry.
4. Photo Stencils- if your design has photogenic images, fine lines and
lettering, and other intricate details, you should choose this method. Light is
used to expose an image to make a stencil. Once it is exposed, you need to
develop it, wash it out, then adhere it to the screen.
Here is how:
What’s More
Activity 1
__________ Lay your stencil on the flat side of the screen. Remember to tape the
sides to keep it in place.
__________ Draw the outline of the image that you want to print. This should
not be bigger than the frame.
__________ Flood the screen using your squeegee then push it up.
Activity 2
Read each statement. Write on your paper if it describes Paper Stencils, Glue
Stencils, Hand-Cut Film, or Photo Stencils.
_______________3. It is the easiest work for simple designs, and the materials
are inexpensive.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Try This!
What to do:
2. On the Oslo paper/ bond paper, draw a t-shirt big enough to occupy
the entire paper.
3. Cut the excess part of the paper leaving the t-shirt-shaped part.
Additional Activities
Produce your own output by making your own design. Use bondpaper, pencil
and coloring materials.
What I Know What’s More
Activity 1 Activity 2
1. a
1. 6 1. Photo Stencils
2. c 2. 3 2. Glue Stencils
3. 1 3. Hand-Cut Film
3. a 4. 2 4. Paper Stencils
5. 5
4. a 6. 4
5. a
1. T 6. T
2. T 7. T
3. T 8. T
4. T 9. F
5. F 10. F
Answer Key
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