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OCS752 - 2 Mark Questions and Answers

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1. What are the various types of operators?
C supports the following types of operators
Unary Plus +
Unary Minus -
Increment ++
Decrement --
Arithmetic +,-,*,/,%
Relational <,>,<=,>=,==,!=
Logical &&,||,!
Bitwise &,|,^,<<,>>
Assignment =
Shorthand assignment +=, -=,*=,/=,%=
Sizeof(), *. ->

2. Write a for loop to print from 10 to 1


3. Write any two preprocessor directives in C

Preprocessor directive instructions are used to instruct the preprocessor to
expand/translate the source program before compilation
The two types of preprocessor directives are,
#define to define Macro , Global constant
#include to include library files

4. List different datatypes available in C

Data types are used to specify the type of a variable. In c, the data types are classified
into 3 category. They are,
Primary or Built-in : int , char, float
Derived : array, enum, pointer
User defined : function, structure

5. Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using Iteration

void main()
int N=5,I,fact=1;
printf(“The factorial value of %d is =%d”,N,fact);
6. Give an example for ternary operator.
A ternary operator takes three operands
Ex: conditional operator
7. What is the variable? Illustrate with an example
- Variable is a named storage area
- Used to assign a name to a value
- To declare a variable, we need to specify the data type of the value and the variable name
Data type variable _name ;
- Example
int reg; float avg;

8. Define static storage class

- Static storage class initializes a variable to 0.
- Longer life time – Exists throughout the execution of program
- Visibility to all-Any function can access the variable- Shared by all

9. What is the use of #define preprocessor

The #define preprocessor directive is used to define a
Global constant #define PI 3.14
Macro #define big(a,b) a>b?a:b
When a compiler reads the macro name, it replaces the macro name by its expansion. When
it reads the constant label, it replaces the label by its value.

10. What is the importance of keywords in C?

Keywords are reserved identifiers
They performs a specific task , specifies the data type
Keyword can not be used as an identifier
Ex: for , if , int

11. List out various Input & output statements in C

The input & output statements are classified into formatted & unformatted I?O
Formatted I/O : User can able to design/format the output
Unformatted I/O: doesn‟t allow the users to design the output
Type Input Output
Formatted scanf() printf()
Unformatted Getch(), getche() putch(), putchar()
getchar() puts()

12. What is meant by linking process?

Linking is a process of binding the function call to its definition and binding the label to its
reference. During the linking process the object file is created. This file can be loaded into
memory for execution
13. What is external storage class?
The external storage class is used to give a reference of a global variable that is visible to all
program file. To declare a variable as external the following syntax is used with extern
extern int x;
14. What is the use of preprocessor directive? Or How does a pre processor work?
It is a program that processes source program before compilation. It is placed before the
main() function. Three types of pre processor directives are used in C.
⮚ File Inclusion
⮚ Macro subtitution
⮚ Conditional inclusion

Ex: #define to define Macro , Global constant

#include to include library files
15. Differentiate while and do-while.

while Loop do-while

Entry or top controlled Exit or bottom controlled
Loop will not be executed Loop will be executed at least once,
if the condition is false even if the condition is false
Syntax: Syntax:
while(condition) do
{ {
body of the loop; body of the loop;
} }while(condition);

16. Define decision making.

Decision making is about deciding the order of execution of statements based on certain
condition. The decision making statements include
⮚ if statement
⮚ if – else statement
⮚ nested if statement
⮚ else if ladder statement
17. What are the different types of constants in C?
Constants are identifiers whose value does not change during the execution of program. A
constant cam be classified into
⮚ Integer constants
⮚ Real or floating point constants
⮚ Character constants
⮚ String constants
⮚ Enumeration constants
18. What are storage classes? What are the types of storage classes available in C
Storage class specifies the scope & life time of a variable, location where it is stored and
what initial value it takes. C supports 4 storage classes
⮚ automatic
⮚ static
⮚ register
⮚ external
19. What is the use of sizeof operator?
It returns the size (memory space needed) of a variable or data type in terms of bytes.
Ex : float a;
sizeof(a) is 4
20. Define macro with an example.
Macro is a fragment of code which has been given a name. During pre processing macro is
Ex: #define MAX 100
21. What is the difference between getch() and getchar()?
getch() is used to read a single character from any input stream, but getchar() is used to get
input from standard input device.
Syntax : ch=getch()
getchar() is equivalent to getch(stdin).


1. Define Array
Array is a collection of similar type of data items stored under a common name.All values
are stored in continuous memory locations.

2. Name any two library functions for handling string

strlen() – finds the length of a string. It returns an integer value. It counts the number of
characters except null character & returns the count
strcpy() – copies one string to another string. So, the source string should be enough to store
the destination string.

3. Declare a float array of size 5 and assign 5 values to it

Declaration : float price[5];
Initialization : float price[5]={200.50,150.25,25.5,55.75,40.00}; (or)
float price[]={1.2,3.4,6.5,7.8,9.8};

4. Give an example for initialization of string.

String is a collection of one or more characters enclosed with in double quotes. It is a
character array.
Declaration : char name[10];
Initialization : char name[10]=”India”;
car name[10]={„I‟,‟n‟,‟d‟,‟i‟,‟a‟};
The char array is terminated by „\0‟
5. How a character array is declared?
Declaration : char name[10];
This array can store maximum of 9 characters.
Initialization : char name[10]=”India”;
char name[10]={„I‟,‟n‟,‟d‟,‟i‟,‟a‟};
The char array is terminated by „\0‟

6. Write example code to declare two dimensional array

Two dimensional array is an array with two subscript values. First subscript specifies the row
& second subscript specifies the column. Used to process matrix operations.
Declaration : datatype array_name [row-size][column-size];
int matrixA[10][10];
This matrixA can store 100 elements in a row major order.

7. What is mean, median & mode of a list of elements?

Mean : Average of the N elements
sum of N elements/N
Ex: 2,1,3,4,5
Mean = (2+1+3+4+5)/5 = 3
Median : Middle element of a list. To find the median, the list must be sorted first.
If N is odd then Median= a[(N+1)/2]
Ex: 1,2,3,4,5
Median= 6/2 . The element at 3rd position is the median

If N is even then then Median is the average of

Median= (a[(N+1)/2]+a[(N-1)/2])/2
Ex: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Mode : Elements which has highest frequency. A list of elements can have more than
one mode
Ex: 1,2,3,4,3,2,5
Mode = 2,3 (frequency=2 which is the highest frequency)

8. Define Searching
Searching is a process of finding a given element in a list. The searching is successful if the
element is found. There are two types of searching.
⮚ Linear Search
⮚ Binary Search

9. Define Sorting
Sorting is a process of arranging the elements either in ascending order or descending order.

10. What are the two ways of storing 2D array?

Row major order- elements are stored continuously row wise
Column major order – elements are stored continuously column wise
10. How a character is converted to a string?
A character which is enclosed between double quotes is changed to a string.

11. How to declare a multi dimensional array

Multi dimensional array is an array which has two or more than two dimensions. So number
of subcripts used depends on the dimension. For n dimension array the declaration is
datatype arrayname[size1][size2]….[sizen]
Ex: int a[5][5] – 2 dimensional array which can store 25 elements
int b[2][2][2] – 3 dimensional array which can store 8 elements

12. Differentiate linear search and binary search.

Linear Search Binary Search
Elements are searched in sequential Elements are sorted and divided
order one by one into two parts and searching
proceeds with any one half
It is efficient for small unsorted list It is efficient for large sorted list
It requires more time It requires minimum time
Simple and direct method is applied Divide and conquer method is

13. List the features of array.

Array is a collection similar data items of same data type
It is a derived data type
Elements can be accessed with base address
All elements are stored in continuous memory locations.

(coding for all string function)

1. What is a function?
Function is a set of instructions
Self contained block
Performs a specific task
Used to avoid redundancy of code

2. What is the need for functions?

To reduce the complexity of large programs
To increase the readability
To achieve reusability
To avoid redundancy of code
To save Memory

3. What are the uses of pointer?

Saves Memory Space
Used for dynamic memory allocation
Faster execution
Used to pass array of values to a function as a single argument

4. Define recursion
Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself. Recursive function is a function that
calls itself.

5. What is an Address operator & Indirection operator?

Address operator: & -used to assign the address to a pointer variable, Referencing
Indirection operator: *- Dereferencing operator is used to access the value at the pointer
Ex: int a=5;
int *p=&a;

6. What is the difference between Pass-by-value & Pass-by-reference

Pass-by-value Pass-by-reference
Copy of actual arguments are passed Address of actual arguments
are passed
Changes to formal arguments doesn‟t Changes to formal arguments
reflect to actual argument reflect to actual argument
Need more memory Saves memory space

7. Compare actual parameter & formal argument

Actual argument: Specified in the function call statement. Used to supply the input
values to the function either by copy or reference
Formal argument: Specified in the function definition statement. It takes either copy or
address of the actual arguments

8. How is pointer arithmetic done?

Pointer Arithmetic:
Valid operation
Pointer can be added with a constant
Pointer can be subtracted with a Constant
Pointer can be Incremented or Decremented
Not Valid
Two pointers can not be added,subtracted,multiplied or divided
Ex: int a=10
int *p=&a; p a
p=p+1; 2000

The pointer holds the address 2000. This value is added with 1. The data type size of the
constant is added with the address.
p= 2000+(2*1)=2002

9. List out any 4 math functions

pow(x,y) : used to find power of value of xy .Returns a double value
log10(x) : used to find natural logarithmic value of x
sqrt(x) : used to find square root vale of x
sin(x) : returns sin value of x

10. What is a function prototype?

Function prototype is a function declaration statement.
It consists of 3 things
Return type function-name ( param list)
Ex: int factorial(int);

11. List the advantages of recursion.

Reduce unnecessary calling of function.
 Through Recursion one can Solve problems in easy way while its iterative solution is
very big and complex.
12. When NULL pointer is used?
NULL pointer is used in C for various purposes. Some of the most common use cases for
NULL pointerare
a) To initialize a pointer variable when that pointer variable isn‟t assigned any valid memory
address yet.
b) To check for null pointer before accessing any pointer variable. By doing so, we can
perform error handling in pointer related code e.g. dereference pointer variable only if it‟s not
c) To pass a null pointer to a function argument when we don‟t want to pass any valid
memory address.

UNIT-V Structures
1. State the meaning of the root word struct.
The keyword struct is used to denote the user defined data type structure.
struct employee
char name[10];
int eno;
float bpay;
2. What is the use of typedef?
typedef is a keyword used in C language to assign alternative names to existing
datatypes. Its mostly used with user defined datatypes, when names of the datatypes become
slightly complicated to use in programs. Following is the general syntax for using typedef,
typedef <existing_name> <alias_name> Ex: typedef unsigned long ulong;
The above statement define a term ulong for an unsigned long datatype. Now this ulong
identifier can be used to define unsigned long type variables.
3. Define structure of C language Give example.
C Structure is a collection of different data types which are grouped together
and each element in a C structure is called member
Ex: struct employee
char name[10];
int eno;
float bpay;
4. What is dynamic memory allocation? What are the various dyn amic memory allocation
Allocating memory during run time is called dynamic memory allocation.
The various functions used for that are
 malloc
 calloc
 realloc
 free
5. Compare arrays and structures.
Arrays Structures
1. An array is a collection of data items 1.A structure is a collection of data items of
same data type. of different data types.
2. Arrays can only be declared. 2. Structures can be declared and defined.
3. There is no keyword for arrays. 3. The keyword for structures is struct.
4. An array cannot have bit fields. 4. A structure may contain bit fields.
5. An array name represents the 5. A structure name is known as tag.
address of the starting element. It is a Shorthand notation of the declaration.

6. Difference between structure and union.

Structure Union
1.Every member has its own memory. 1.All members use the same memory.
2. The keyword used is struct. 2.The keyword used is union.
3.All members occupy separate 3.Conservation of memory is possible
memory location, Consumes
more space compared to union.

7. Write the syntax for pointers to structure.

Struct S
char datatype1;
int datatype2;
float datatype3;
Struct S *sptr; //sptr ia pointer to structure

8. Define self referential data structure

A self referential data structure is essentially a structure definition which includes at least one
member that is a pointer to the structure of its own kind. A chain of such structures can thus be
expressed as follows.
struct name {
member 1;
member 2;

struct name *pointer;

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