Total Industrial Greases
Total Industrial Greases
Total Industrial Greases
TOTAL offers a very wide range of lubricating greases for all applications in a variety of sectors: heavy industry The soap or thickener bestows properties to the greases, such as a multipurpose character, resistance to water,
(cement plants, iron and steel…), agrifood, papermaking, public works, transport, agriculture and marine. resistance to high temperature, adhesiveness...
TOTAL lubricating greases can be classified by « Families » depending on the nature of their soap or thickener. Within each « Family », the greases will be classified according to their range of applications and specific
application: joints, rings, gears, bearings. maintenance operations.
• Good resistance to water.
MULTIS MS 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for appli- Solid additives enable significant extension 2 Li / Ca / MoS2 -25 °C to +130 °C 150 L-XBCEB 2 MPF2K-25
cations under load, which may suffer shock and of the parts life.
vibration. In case of accidental overheating, the
presence of molybdenum disulfide will
guarantee good lubrication and avoid any
jamming or sticking.
LICAL MS 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease, containing Very good resistance to high loads and 2 Li / Ca / MoS2 -20 °C to +120 °C 210 L-XBCHB 2 KPF2K-20
3% MoS2. shocks.
• Recommanded for industrial applications with shocks Very good adhesiveness on metal surfaces.
and vibrations, operating in a constraining environ-
ment (water, dust).
MULTIS XHV 00 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for applica- Exceptional adhesiveness 00 Li / Ca -20 °C to +100 °C 500 L-XBBHB 00 KP00H-20
tions under load, at low speeds and with the risk of enables maintenance
water washout. and shutdown time reductions.
MULTIS XHV 2 • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease for applica- 2 Li / Ca -20 °C to +120 °C 1300 L-XBCHB 2 KP2K-20
tions under high load, at low speeds with the risk
of water washout.
• Pre-eminently suitable as “Fifth wheel” grease in
transport applications.
MULTIS ZS 000 • Synthetic multipurpose grease for centralized lubrica- Very good pompability, even at very low 00/000 Li / Ca -45 °C to +120 °C 42 L-XECFB 00/000 MP00/000K-45
tion systems when a NLGI 00/000 grade is required. temperatures.
• Typically for centralized system of vehicle chassis, MAN • Willy Vogel • MB
trucks or public works machines.
MULTIS XLT 2 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease for very Facilitates start-up at very low temperatures. 2 Li / Ca -60 °C to +120 °C 18 L-XECEA 2 K2K-60
high speeds and/or very low temperatures applications. Compatible with plastics.
Enables to achieve very high speed factors.
xtreme pressure multipurpose greases, high Enable inventory rationalization and 2 Li complex -20 °C to +160 °C 165 L-XBEHB 2 KP2P-20
speeds. simplify maintenance operations.
or wheel bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings, Very good mechanical and thermal 3 Li complex -20 °C to +160 °C 165 L-XBDHB 3 KP3N-20
plain bearings, seals… stability.
xtreme pressure multipurpose grease for loaded 2 Li complex -30 °C to +160 °C 340 L-XBEHB 2 KP2P-30
applications and high speeds.
or wheel bearings, ball bearings, roller bearings,
plain bearings, seals…
MULTIS COMPLEX XHV2 MOLY • Extreme pressure grease containing 3% MoS2. Excellent resistance to loads and 2 Li complex / -20 °C to +160 °C 800 L-XDEHB 2 KPF2P-20
• Specially recommended for extreme loads and high shocks. MoS2
temperatures in the mining industry. Very good resistance to water, tem-
perature changes and pollutions.
Lengthening of lubrication intervals.
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 00 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for Low traction coefficient conducive 00 Li complex -50 °C to +160 °C 460 L-XEEHB 00 KP00P-50
slow-to-moderate speed applications, over a wide to energy gains and an increase in
range of temperatures and heavy loads. the service life of the bearings.
• Suitable for gearing in casings in which classical Operates at low temperatures.
semi-fluid greases would not guarantee sufficient
relubrication intervals.
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 32 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for 2 Li complex -50 °C to +160 °C 32 L-XEEHB 2 KP2P-50
medium-to-very highly loaded applications, over a
wide range of temperatures.
• Recommended for bearings operating at very low
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for 2 Li complex -50 °C to +160 °C 100 L-XEEHB 2 KP2P-50
moderate to high-speed applications, over a wide
range of temperatures and heavy loads.
• Recommended in electric engine bearings.
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 220 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, over a 2 Li complex -40 °C to +160 °C 220 L-XEEHB 2 KP2P-40
wide range of temperatures and heavy loads.
• Recommended in papermaking: felt rolls…
MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 460 • Very high-performance PAO synthetic grease, for 1/2 Li complex -40 °C to +160 °C 460 L-XEEHB 1/2 KP1/2P-40
slow-to-moderate speed applications, over a wide
range of temperatures and heavy loads.
• Recommended in papermaking: felt rolls…
COPAL OGL 0 • Highly adhesive extreme pressure grease, for heavy Excellent adhesiveness on metal surfaces. 0/00 Complex Al / -20 °C to +150 °C > 1000 L-XBDHB 0/00 OGPF0/00N-20
loads and high temperatures. Dual solid additivation, decreasing friction MoS2 / Graphite
• Applications in cement plants: open gears of kilns coefficient, limitating wear particularly near
and mill drives. the tooth crest and tooth base, decreasing
• Applications in sugar mills: open gears in sugar cane energy consumption.
mills. Very good resistance to water.
COPAL OGL 2 • Highly adhesive extreme pressure grease, for heavy 2 Complex Al / -15 °C to +150 °C > 1000 L-XBDHB 2 OGPF2N-15
loads and high temperatures. MoS2 / Graphite
• Specially developed for lubrication of open gears
when a NLGI 2 grade is required.
COPAL SPRAY • Grease loaded with solid lubricants. Enables local application of all surfaces. 1 Complex Al / -30 °C to +120 °C - Aerosol
• For joints, open gears and cables. Graphite
• Heavy duty and off-road applications in civil enginee- Excellent water resistance.
ring and industry. Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
Allows high speed applications.
CERAN XM 220 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water-resistant grease. “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -30 °C to +180 °C 220 LXCFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-30
• Suitable for the lubrication of continuous castings and complex grease. sulfonate
rolling mills in steel plants, bearings in wet and dry (felt Excellent water resistance.
rolls) sections of paper mills. Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
• Severe industrial applications (heavy loads, dust, Enables inventory rationalization.
water, high temperatures, etc.)
CERAN XM 220 • Multipurpose, water-resistant grease, with 5% MoS2 “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -30 °C to +180 °C 220 L-XCFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-30
MOLY • Grease for mining application in temperate to warm complex grease. sulfonate
zones. Solid additives for prolonging part life.
• Shock loaded applications in industry even in Water-resistant.
severely demanding environments (water, dust, high Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
CERAN XM 460 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water-resistant “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -25 °C to +180 °C 460 L-XBFIB 1/2 KP1/2R-25
grease. complex grease. sulfonate
• Shock loaded applications in industry even in severely Excellent water resistance.
demanding environment (water, dust, high temperature). Enhanced anti-corrosion properties.
• Suitable for the lubrication of bearings in steel plants,
in paper industry, for the lubrication of hard wood gra-
nular presses and in all industrial applications under
severe conditions.
CERAN XM 720 • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, high viscosity, “NEW GENERATION” calcium sulfonate 1/2 Complex Ca -25 °C to +180 °C 720 L-XBFHB 1/2 KP1/2R-25
water-resistant grease. complex grease. sulfonate
• Heavy duty industrial applications (heavy loads, high Excellent thermal and mechanical stability.
temperatures, water, dust). Excellent anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion
• Specially developed for extremely loaded applica- properties.
tions such as steel industry.
mill) and offshore environment (cables, gears, screen
eccentric bearing).
CERAN GEP • Adhesive and extreme pressure grease, adapted Solid additives and good 0 Complex Ca -25 °C to + 180 °C 695 L-XBFHB 0 OGPF0R-25
to high temperatures and heavy loads. adhesiveness enable significant extension sulfonate /
• For gears, transmissions. of the service life Graphite
• For open gears of sugar cane mills. of the parts.
CERAN MS • Extreme pressure multipurpose grease adapted Solid additives enabling 1/2 Complex Ca -20 °C to + 180 °C 650 L-XBFHB 1/2 KPF1/2R-20
to very heavy loads and very high temperatures, a significant extension sulfonate / MoS2
subject to shock loading and vibration. of the service life of the parts.
pressure grease. Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
• Recommended for severe applications. 301-B.
EAL Grease (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants).
BIOMERKAN RS • Water-resistant biodegradable grease. Resistance to water washout. 3 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 32 L-XBBEA 3 ME3E-20
• Recommended for marine uses and agriculture. Complies with BLUE ANGEL criteria vertrag n°11273.
Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
BIOADHESIVE PLUS • Biodegradable grease, excellent adhesive- Insoluble in water, leading to a remarkable resistance 1 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 320 L-XBBIA 1 ME1E-20
ness and water resistance. to water wash-out.
• Recommended for applications in marine and Excellent anti-corrosion properties even in the pres-
industry. ence of sea water.
• Protection (Galle chains). Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to OECD
EAL Grease (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants).
BIO OG PLUS • Extreme pressure, high adhesiveness bio- Specially formulated to minimize the impact on the 0/1 Ca -20 °C to + 90 °C 750 L-XBBIB0/1 OGE0/1E-20
degradable grease. marine environment.
• Recommended for open gears. Ultimate biodegradability (> 60%) according to
• Applications in marine and industry. OECD 301-B.
Very good resistance to water wash-out.
Excellent anti-corrosion properties even in the pres-
ence of sea water.
AXA GR1 • Multipurpose extreme-pressure grease. Protection against corrosion even in the presence of 1/2 Complex Ca -20 °C to +150 °C 150 L-XBDIB 1/2 KP1/2N-20
• For bearings and joints. water.
Extended life of equipment.
NEVASTANE XMF 00 • Multipurpose greases adapted to high and Extended life of the equipment. 00 Complex AI -20 °C to +150 °C 105 L-XBDFA00 K00N-20
medium speeds in the agrifood industry. Excellent protection against corrosion.
• For centralised lubrication, bottling Resistance to water.
NEVASTANE XMF 1 equipment, and plain bearings. NSF H1• Kosher • Halal 1 L-XBDFB1 KP1N-20
NEVASTANE HD2T • Multipurpose extreme pressure and anti- Very good adhesive power on metal surfaces. 2 Complex Al -20 °C to +150 °C 130 L-XBDHB 2 KP2N-20
wear grease. Excellent protection against corrosion.
• For crimping machines, bottling machines, Resistant to water washout.
harvesting machines and all loaded bearings. NSF H1• Kosher • Halal
ISO 21469
NEVASTANE XS 80 • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high per- Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -55 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XEFFB1/2 KP1/2R-55
formance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
• Suitable for high speeds applications, heavy Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
loads with very wide temperature range NSF H1
required. ISO 21469
• Recommended for pelleting machines.
NEVASTANE XS 220 • High-performance multipurpose synthetic Very wide range of usage temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -40 °C to +180 °C 220 L-XDDIB1/2 KP1/2R-40
grease, adapted to severe conditions in the Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
agrifood industry. Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
ISO 21469
NEVASTANE XS 320 • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -40 °C to +180 °C 320 L-XDFFB1/2 KP1/2R-40
performance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
• Suitable for low and medium speeds Reduces grease consumption (long life grease).
applications. NSF H1
• Good lubrication properties under severe ISO 21469
conditions and high loads.
• Recommended for pelleting machines.
NSF H1, suitable for incidental food contact Available in Lube-Shuttle cartridges
GREASYMAT • Very high-performance synthetic grease Autonomous lubrication of inaccessible locations 2 Polyurea -40 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XDFEB 2 KP2R-40
REFILL ALTIS SH 2 for a wide range of temperatures. or equipment that requires re-lubrication at frequent
• Specially developed for the lubrication intervals.
of fans and electric engines with the
GREASYMAT automatic lubricator.
GREASYMAT • Multipurpose, extreme-pressure, water- 1/2 “NEW -30 °C to +180 °C 220 LXCFIB1/2 KP1/2R-30
220 • Suitable for the lubrication of conveyers, calcium sulfonate
rails, chains with the GREASYMAT auto- complex grease.
matic lubricator.
GREASYMAT • Full synthetic, extreme-pressure, high per- Suitable for very low temperatures. 1/2 Complex Ca -55 °C to +180 °C 80 L-XEFFB1/2 KP1/2R-55
REFILL NEVASTANE formance grease. Excellent water resistance. sulfonate
XS 80 • Suitable for high speeds applications, NSF H1
heavy loads with very wide temperature
range required.
• Recommended for the agrifood.industry
and / or very low temperatures, with the
GREASYMAT automatic lubricator.