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MYP Unit Planner: Inquiry: Establishing The Purpose of The Unit

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MYP Unit Planner

Invasion Games
Unit title Teacher(s) GWT, JBR, BDY, SDE, PME, MDO
Netball, Basketball, Hockey & Soccer

Subject group(s) MYP Year &

Physical & Health Education Year 3, 3 weeks (450 mins)
& discipline(s) Duration (hrs)

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key Concept Related Concept(s) Global Context

Communication Space, Choice & Systems Orientation in Space & Time

Conceptual Understandings

Refer to concepts and SOI

Statement of Inquiry
Teams with strong game sense gain a competitive advantage

Inquiry Questions
What teacher questions will drive these inquiries?


How can team members communicate?

Where would you position yourself on the field during match play

How is it best to execute a skill?


How can a system provide a team with a competitive advantage?

How can we create usable space?


Is the best form of defence, attack?

What makes an effective system of communication during game play?

Do teams that effectively use space create more scoring opportunities?

Objectives Summative Assessment

What specific MYP objectives will be addressed during Outline of summative assessment tasks(s) Relationship between summative assessment
this unit? including assessment criteria: task(s) and statement of inquiry:

C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3 Criterion C – Game Sense Pocket Assessment Students will reflect on their performance within a
Students will be assessed on how effectively they team and demonstrate an understanding of how
teams who have good game sense have a
demonstrate effective positioning, skill execution competitive advantage. This will include but is not
and communication whist involved in game play limited to positioning, balance of positions, moving
throughout the unit. This will be by ongoing in and out of space, communication.
teacher observation.

Criterion D – Game Play Analysis Reflection

Students will be asked to reflect on the team
feedback they received when participating in
selected invasion games. They will also
comment on how the team set goals to
improve their performance and explain and
evaluate their performance
Approaches to Learning (ATL)
How will this unit contribute to the overall development of subject-specific and general approaches to learning skills?

Skill Category: Communication

Skill Clusters:
I. Communication skills
Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction
Give and receive meaningful feedback
Interpret and use effectively modes of non-verbal communication
Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers
Skill Category: Thinking
Skill Clusters:
VIII. Critical thinking skills
Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas

Identify obstacles and challenges

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning Process

Learning experiences and teaching strategies

Lesson Structure
Through class discussion with emphasis on unit planner
conceptual understandings, SOI and GC at the beginning of
Teachers will need to explain and exemplify the following areas of study: (Netball, Basketball, Hockey
the lesson and through debriefing from activities.
and Soccer) This should be completed using a game sense approach. Learning profile highlighted through each small sided game
(game play) and through language used.
Positioning Concept based learning activities
Are players crowding the ball? Different instructional modes for teaching Phys Ed. Such as
As a team are they spreading out and making good use of the playing area? peer teaching, collaborative, game sense approach etc.
Are the players that are calling for the ball moving into space? 
Is the team including all players within the play? Formative assessment
 Prior knowledge
   Self and peer assessment on your own and performance as
well as the team’s performance 
Skill Execution  Group discussions
 Teacher observation
 Written assessment
Do players on the team pass effectively?

Do players maintain possession under pressure?

 Different Ovals, courts, fields
Are players on the team calling effectively for the ball?  Variety of game specific equipment
 Group discussion opportunities
 Variety of difficulty levels in small sided games
Are there players on the team directing the play?

 Is there any evidence of non-verbal communication? (e.g. hand signals)

Students will practice a variety of activities specific to game sense where they can understand their role
of game play strategies that can be transferred across a range of traditional sports.

Students will be shown a variety of game scenarios to show the various positions and how roles and
teams function when in possession, communicating and with their skill execution.

Develop students tactical understanding and how these can be transferred through each sport covered.

Place students in small-sided games.

Stations to work on individual skills.

Stations to develop tactical play and positional awareness.

 Motor skill development for hockey and soccer – teach each skill the sport requires for the game
 Game sense approach – mini games
 Discussing systems and roles of players
 Identifying patterns of play
 Peer feedback

S drive
Instructional models for teaching physical education -Metzler

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit: During teaching: After teaching the unit:

 Plan lessons for modification around  Observing level of student skill and  Moderation of summative assessment
teaching and allocation of spaces. understanding tasks
 Modify groups depending on level of  Review and reflect on the effectiveness of
game understanding the concept based learning approach and
 Modify lessons due to interruptions questioning.
 Look for new and creative to engage
student learning.
 Professional dialogue and discussion with
other staff to improve best practice.

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