Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Shock Syndrome
A previously healthy 33-year-old woman was admitted to the acute medical care
A 33-year-old woman developed severe continuous pain in the right upper limb
weakness. On the morning of the day of admission she had noticed that her lips
and tongue were swollen, and she felt short of breath. She was given
intramuscular adrenaline by the ambulance staff for a threatened airway and was
transferred to the acute medical unit for further evaluation and management.
Birth History
The patient was delivered through normal vaginal delivery with no complications
Family History
Social History
The patient lives in a small, open house in Cabanatuan City. There are 3 adults
and 3 children, aged 5, 9, and 12. He is the only employed adult and supports the
No one in the household, other than him, have been diagnosed with tuberculosis
Patient was given medication regimen of 3 tablets of ethambutol a day during the
Patient is allergic to metal and noted that he avoids using accessories like watches
and belts.
Differential Diagnosis
Pneumonia – infection in the air sacs of the lungs. (other symptoms include
blood clot. (other symptoms include chest pain, dyspnea, leg pain, leg swelling)
Goodpasture Syndrome – serious autoimmune disease that attacks the lungs and
nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, and kidneys. It causes slow blood flow and therefore,
Temperature: 37.1°C
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 48 kg
o No discolorations
o No lesions
o No edema
o Skin is warm
o No patches
o No clubbing
o No lesions (HEENT)
o Neck is symmetric
o Trachea is midline
o No bruits
o No tenderness
o No enlargement
o Normal vision
o No swelling or Redness
o No murmurs
o Symmetric
o No tenderness
o No lesions
o No tenderness
o No organomegally
o No abnormalities
however, he noted that there was no abnormal finding. All parameters are within
normal range
o Lungs: Reticular and hazy opacities are noted in the upper right lobe
o Aorta: Unremarkable
o Diaphragm: Intact
Table 1. Result of the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay prior to diagnosis and treatment
Final Diagnosis
polyngiitis are ruled out because these diagnoses present physical manifestations
and other symptoms that were not observed in the physical examination.
Chest x-ray showed reticular and hazy opacities in the upper right lobe of the
lungs. The x ray findings were further established by the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Class: Actinobacteria
Order: Actinomycetales
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
Species: M. tuberculosis
extremely slow.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an aerobic Gram-negative bacterium. It makes its
way to the lungs and into the pulmonary alveoli. This site of the lungs provides optimal
growth for this bacterium because this is where multiple gas exchange processes takes
fusion with lysosome. Ultimately, Mycobacterium tuberculosis may now freely replicate
3 weeks after primary infection, cell mediated immunity surround the site of
infection with immune cells and forms granuloma. With the formation of granuloma,
there is necrosis of tissue in the site of infection which is called Ghon Focus. When
nearby lymph nodes are infected, it is called Ghon complex. Ranke Complex is when
there is fibrosis and calcification of Ghon complex. By this stage, there could be
elimination of the infection or the causative agent may be dormant which is called latent
Mycobacterium tuberculosis has multiple mechanisms of action that allow for their
increase its acidity. Essentially inhibiting its maturation and denaturing it. However,
binds onto subunits of V-ATPase. The PTP protein inhibits the acidification of
protein for RAB7 protein which marks them for fusion with lysosome. However,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis exchanges for RAB22a protein which inhibits its fusion
with lysosome.
Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase (cGAS) detects foreign DNA and activates STING
However, Mycobacterium tuberculosis uses immune system cells for its processes
survive in the air for hours. A person may acquire the disease or agent even if no infected
Excessive sweating
Tuberculin Skin Test - tests that show whether the patient was in contact with an
Thoracentesis - procedure that removes fluid from the space between the outside
complex and its resistance to rifampin. The advantage it has over other tests is that it
takes less than 2 hours while conventional culturing of a sample can take 2 to 6 weeks
RNA polymerase
There are two stages in tuberculosis treatment. In the first two months, several anti-
tuberculosis drugs are used in order to kill as much bacteria as possible. In the next four
months, some medicines are stopped and others, usually rifampicin and isoniazid, are
continued in order to kill any remaining bacteria. Ethambutol is used only in the first
stage of the treatment regimen. In some cases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis may develop
because they have excellent activity against aerobic, gram negative bacteria. Once inside
bacterial cell, they bind to the 30S ribosomal sub unit which causes misreading of genetic
In the first stage of the treatment (first two months), the patient was given
After the first stage of treatment the patient was scheduled for another Xpert
MTB/RIF Assay test. The following are the results from the test:
Table 2. Result of the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay after the first stage of treatment
medications under doctor’s supervision to ensure that all bacteria have been
In the second stage of tuberculosis treatment, the patient was given medication of
Final Outcome
Xpert MTB/RIF Assay test after the initial treatment show that previous
Always have patient wear clean pajama, a change of linen, and bathe. Night
sweats are common in tuberculosis. If they do, they should bath or have alcohol
Well-balanced diet is advised. Special diets are given to extremely ill patients.
Patient's family should be informed of patient's condition, visiting hours, and how
Isolation of Patient
o wash hands with soap before and after contact with patient especially,
o wear gloves, mask, and gown to avoid contact with contact with infected
o Patient's dishes, utensils, and linens should be sterilized and not be used
o After tests, cups containing sputum or any sample from the patient should
o Visitors should wear masks and be of safe far distance from the patient.
Bidwell, J., and Pachner, R. (2005). Hemoptysis: Diagnosis and Management. Retrieved
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (n.d.). A New Tool to Diagnose