Real-Time Optimization of An Industrial-Scale Vapor Recompression Distillation Process. Model Validation and Analysis
Real-Time Optimization of An Industrial-Scale Vapor Recompression Distillation Process. Model Validation and Analysis
Real-Time Optimization of An Industrial-Scale Vapor Recompression Distillation Process. Model Validation and Analysis
ABSTRACT: The modeling, analysis, and simulation validation of an industrial-scale depropenizer column (Refinaria de
Capuava, Mauá, São Paulo) owned by Petrobras S.A. are carried out using equation-oriented and sequential modular approaches.
The model implemented in the equation-oriented environment proved to be suitable for real-time optimization (RTO)
applications due to its robustness, fast convergence, and ability to represent the real process. The analysis of the model allows
better understanding of the process and establishment of boundaries to process specifications and the parameters updated in the
RTO cycle; furthermore, it is shown that feed composition and column pressure drop are critical aspects in the model to
represent the actual process.
© 2013 American Chemical Society 5735 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 5735−5746
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
simulations showed that this specification set favors flow sheet Table 1. Process Specifications for the Base Case
flow rate (kmol/h) 687.86
3.1.2. Thermodynamic Properties. The equation of state by
temperature (K) 336.25
Peng and Robinson (PR), using classical van der Waals one-
pressure (atm) 25.4
fluid mixing rules, was employed to calculate the phase
stream 1 composition (mol %) 0.02 (ethylene), 64.4 (propylene),
equilibrium and other thermodynamic properties required in 34.77 (propane), 0.34 (isobutene),
the simulation. PR is available in EMSO using the 0.06 (1-butene), 0.03 (cis-2-butene),
0.03 (trans-2-butene), 0.01 (1,3-
thermodynamic complement VRTherm.29 butadiene), 0.30 (isobutane), 0.03
3.1.3. Initialization Strategy. EO simulations require an (n-butane)
initial value (guess) for each variable involved; these values stream 3 flow rate (kmol/h) 261.605
must be good enough to solve the model. The initial values, for stream 5 flow rate (kmol/h) 6081.44
the 5208 variables, of the model programmed in EMSO were splitter S4 ratio F13/F12 (−) 0.66
obtained by simulating a simplified process in Aspen Plus using
PR to calculate thermodynamic properties, including phase
equilibrium. This simplified approach was devised to calculate ΔPDC; and outlet temperatures in condenser HX1, T19, cooler
the equipment independently, not the whole flow sheet, HX2, T14, and reboiler RB, T12.
avoiding convergence problems related to recycle streams.
3.1.4. Equation Solver. EMSO uses the Sundials suite30 to 4. RESULTS
solve large-scale problems involving nonlinear equations, initial- The outcome of the simulations for the base case and for the
value problems in ordinary differential or differential-algebraic model analysis are presented below. Section 4.1 focuses on
equations. Sundials employs an inexact Newton method, called the robustness of the simulation using EO and SM ap-
KINSOL, to solve the nonlinear equation set generated in the proaches, section 4.2 is devoted to the analysis of the model,
model. and section 4.3 shows the capacity of the model to represent
3.2. Sequential Modular Approach. The VRD process, real plant data.
with similar specifications and thermodynamic model, was 4.1. Modeling. 4.1.1. Comparison of EMSO with Aspen
implemented in one of the most commonly used process Plus. The outcomes of the simulations run in EMSO and Aspen
simulators, Aspen Plus, to compare and validate the EO Plus show good agreement for the base case (see Table 2).
simulation. Note that a sequential modular process simulator High purity propylene (99.98 and 99.96 mol %) is obtained in
such as Aspen Plus cannot directly handle the process process stream 4, with overall molar fractional recoveries of
specification related to the outlet temperature in RB, T12, 95.61 and 96.19% propylene in EMSO and Aspen Plus
since it uses the flow rate F11, not the temperature T12, to simulations, respectively. The differences are related to
calculate the flow sheet. A way to conform with the original discrepancies in the phase equilibrium calculated by PR in
specification is to iteratively change the flow rate until the EMSO (by the thermodynamic package VRTherm) and Aspen
desired outlet temperature in RB is obtained by using the design Plus. This fact can be verified by comparing the equilibrium
specif ication routine available in Aspen Plus. This calculation pressures predicted by PR against experimental data for the
system propane/propylene at 300 K; 31 the maximum
scheme generates many nested cycles that complicate the
discrepancies regarding experimental data are 0.8% (VRTherm)
convergence of the flow sheet.
and 0.1% (Aspen Plus). This result suggests that PR parameters
3.3. Base Case. For the base case, an equilibrium distillation
used by EMSO and Aspen Plus are able to adequately predict
column (i.e., Murphree efficiencies, EMV s = EMV
r = 1) at 9.71 atm,
the vapor−liquid equilibrium of the system.
with negligible pressure drop (ΔPDC = 0), a compressor
The largest difference between the simulations is the vapor
working between 9.71 atm (P2) and 16.668 atm (P10), and an flow rate recycled to the compressor, stream 8; this flow rate
isentropic efficiency (ηCP) equal to 0.75 are assumed. Further, has a discrepancy of 1.47% with respect to the flow predicted
the pressure drop is set to 15.69 atm (from 25.4 to 9.71 atm) by Aspen, and can be explained because the vapor fractions in
across valve V1 and 6.958 atm (from 16.668 to 9.71 atm) across expansion valves, which are composition-dependent, are slightly
valves V2, V3, and V4. The temperatures of streams 12, 14, and larger, about 0.8%, in Aspen Plus than in EMSO.
19 are 311.4, 308.6, and 300 K, respectively. The specifications 4.1.2. Initialization and Convergence of the Model. The
for the feed, reflux, and bottom streams as well as the split base case was solved in EMSO using the proposed initialization
fraction at S4 are shown in Table 1. strategy (see section 3.1) without convergence problems. The
3.4. Analysis of the Model. The analysis focuses on three solution obtained in the base case is adopted as the initial guess
aspects: (i) the capability to represent real process data for the simulations required for the model analysis (section 4.2).
(flexibility), (ii) convergence characteristics (speed and robust- This scheme allowed the convergence of the flow sheet for
ness), and (iii) information about key process variables and all cases.
parameters, including upper and lower limits for process The flow sheet, run in a personal computer with Intel Core
specifications and parameters. All this information is useful for i5-2400 processor with 8 GB of RAM, is solved in less than 4 s
the RTO scheme not only because parameter estimation and in all cases. This time is negligible compared with the time
optimization are model dependent tasks, but also because constant of this type of process32 (∼8 h.). This characteristic
convergence must be ensured when process conditions and contributes to fulfilling the requirement of having a new
model parameters change. optimal point for each RTO cycle.
The evaluated process specifications and parameters were the The simulations implemented in Aspen Plus converged for the
isentropic efficiency of the compressor, ηCP; vapor Murphree base case as well as for the majority of process conditions required
efficiencies in stripping, EMV MV
s , and rectification, Er , zones; feed for the model analysis. Aspen Plus presented convergence problems
composition, zF; reflux ratio, RR; total column pressure drop, for large changes in process conditions, mainly in the reflux
5737 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 5735−5746
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
stream and the feed composition; the only way to solve the flow
sheet was by repeatedly performing slight changes in the
process variables until the desired specification was obtained.
This strategy worked well in most cases.
Although Aspen Plus does not provide the elapsed time,
the solution time is also negligible compared to the time
needed to stabilize the plant after a perturbation in process
4.2. Analysis of the Model. The analysis of the model is
based on a set of simulations performed in EMSO and Aspen
Plus, varying process parameters and specifications. The results
of the simulations in EMSO and Aspen Plus show the same Figure 2. Temperature profiles for different compositions of (A)
tendency for each evaluated parameter and specification; ethane and (B) isobutane in the feed stream.
furthermore, the difference between the values obtained in
the converged flow sheet is similar to that obtained for the base
case (less than 1.5%) up to the point at which Aspen presented 0.999 to 0.960) due to variations in ethane and isobutene,
convergence problems. For this reason, the results shown below respectively.
correspond to the simulations run in EMSO. 4.2.2. Vapor Murphree Efficiencies. Two vapor Murphree
4.2.1. Feed Composition. The influence of minor efficiencies, one for the rectification zone (EMVr ) and one for the
components on the performance of the process is evaluated stripping zone (EMV s ), were defined in order to take into
choosing light (ethane) and heavy (isobutene) components as account mass transfer phenomena in the distillation column.
representatives of this group. The mole fractions of ethane and These efficiencies are varied between 0.1 and 1 in the
isobutene in the feed stream were varied 1 order of magnitude rectification and stripping zones.
regarding the base case, 2 × 10−4−1 × 10−3 (ethane) and 3 × The temperature profiles, obtained for different efficiency
10−3−2.92 × 10−2 (isobutene); this interval was chosen based values (Figure 3), are more affected by changes in the efficiency
on the expected feed composition variations in the VRD of the stripping zone than of the rectification zone. The
process at Refinaria de Capuava. reduction in mass transfer performance in the rectification zone
The temperature profile in the distillation column shows that (low values of EMV
r ) causes an increase of the temperatures of
this process is more sensitive to composition changes of the rectification zone and a decrease of the temperatures of the
isobutene than to variations in ethane (Figure 2). The partial stripping zone. A similar behavior is obtained with respect to
vaporization of the feed stream, F1, across valve V1 causes the efficiencies of the stripping zone, EMV
s . The tendency of the
isobutane to spread to the rectification and stripping zones, temperature profiles at different EMV s values is qualitatively
increasing the column temperature, while changes in ethane similar to that obtained for variations of isobutene in the feed
composition do not affect the temperature profile significantly. stream (cf. Figures 2 and 3). In both cases, the purity of the
In both cases, the composition of the desired product, ethylene, ethylene in stream 2 drops from 99.9 (EMV s = 1) to 96.3 mol %
decreased 1.2 mol % (from 0.999 to 0.987) and 4 mol % (from (EMV
s = 0.4).
5738 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52, 5735−5746
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
5.1. Modeling. Although the reliability and validity of the
Figure 8. Influence of the outlet temperature of heat exhangers on the simulation should be assessed by its capacity to approximate
heat and work loads. (A) Heat load distribution, case 1, T14 constant. real process data, the comparison between EMSO and Aspen
(B) Heat load distribution, case 2, T19 constant. (C) Work input and Plus represents a necessary initial technical validation (model
total heat transferred for cases 1 and 2. correctness test17) of the model developed in the EO
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Table 3. Influence of Pressure Drop, Efficiency, and Feed Composition on the Model Fit
rectification section stripping section
case total per tray EMV
r OFr total per tray EMV
1 0.744 0.006 0.95 1.876 0.198 0.006 1.1 3.126 0.942
2 0.583 0.0047 0.3 1.835 0.594 0.018 1 1.3864 1.177
3 0.583 0.0047 0.3 0.664 0.594 0.018 1 0.0079 1.177
ΔPjr for stripping and rectification trays, respectively. These imperfect knowledge about phase equilibrium, mass transfer,
parameters will be adjusted from the data measured, namely, flow patterns, and heat losses occurring in the real process.
tray temperatures and total pressure drop. This simplified However, it is worth noting that the parameter values obtained
approach is based on the following assumptions: (i) flow rates make sense with the distillation operation since greater pressure
and physical properties are considerably different for each drop and efficiency is expected for the trays as the liquid flow
column section, (ii) flow rates and physical properties tend to increases, which is the case of the stripping section. The
be similar for each section, and (iii) tray layout and column increase in liquid flow on the trays increases the flow resistance
diameter are the same for the whole column. The simplified to the rising vapor (higher pressure drop) and the contact time
approach reduces the computational burden avoiding the between the liquid and vapor phases (higher efficiencies).
calculation of physical properties; additionally, the simultaneous The experimental temperature reported for the last tray is
adjustment of efficiency (ErMV, EsMV) and pressure drop higher than that predicted by the model; a possible explanation
parameters (ΔPjr , ΔP js ) will alleviate the inaccuracies for this behavior is the presence of unreported (uncharac-
introduced by this simplification. terized) heavy component(s) in the feed. Routine feed
5.2.5. Efficiency of the Compressor. The isentropic composition analysis at Refinaria de Capuava is performed
efficiency of the compressor is an important factor for the for a few components besides propylene and propane; the
process profitability since it determines the energy cost in the compositions of other components in the mixture are inferred
objective (economic) function optimized in the RTO. High from historical data of a more exhaustive (infrequent) analysis.
efficiencies imply better profitability and vice versa. The results A proof of the importance of a good characterization of the feed
obtained demonstrated that the energy demand of the composition is that a slight modification in the mole fraction of
compressor is highly influenced by its isentropic efficiency, one of the minor components (isobutene) notoriously im-
and that an energy-efficient compressor should work above proves the model fit (see Figure 12 and case 3 in Table 3). This
ηCP > 0.7. The isentropic efficiency is a model parameter result suggests that, for maximizing the benefits of the RTO
to be updated in each RTO cycle using the outlet tem- implementation at Refinaria de Capuava, a better character-
perature of the compressor, stream 10. The actual isentropic ization of the feed composition than the one provided by
efficiency, calculated from the steady state plant data available, routine analysis is required.
is close to 0.87, which is within the expected efficiency interval Although the model can properly fit to steady state plant
(ηCP > 0.7). data, there is the need to address the identifiability problem;
An important aspect to keep in mind, regarding efficiency, is i.e., it must be ensured that the model structure and the quality
that compressors are designed to operate efficiently within a and quantity of experimental data available allow the deter-
(narrow) flow interval; this constraint must be taken into mination of the updated parameters because otherwise the
account during the optimization step in the RTO cycle. adjusted model could be unreliable for optimization purposes.
5.2.6. Bottom Flow Rate. The bottom flow rate, stream 3, More elaborate parameter estimation routines than the one
has a function analogous to the reflux ratio in the column used at this stage of the work (unweighted least squares) are
performance; i.e., it determines the distillate purity, the energy required to properly address the estimability problem to
consumption, and the recovery of the desired product. The guarantee a model with good prediction capacity. Studies on
behavior obtained (Figure 7) clearly shows the trade-off practical identifiability have been undertaken in our group and
between energy input and fractional recovery. A profitable show that there are some biased parameter estimation methods
operation is characterized by a trade-off between energy that could properly handle the identifiability problem.
consumption and the recovery of the desired product. The
most favorable bottom flow rate in the simulations is close to
250 kmol/h, a value which cannot be considered as the
optimum flow because it was not obtained from an The highly interlinked vapor recompression distillation process
optimization procedure; it only indicates that there are of an industrial depropenizer was modeled and simulated in
optimum process conditions for this process. sequential modular and equation-oriented environments. The
5.2.7. Outlet Temperature in Heat Exchangers and comparison between these two approaches showed that both
Reboiler. Heat exchangers HX1 and HX2 and reboiler RB are able to simulate the processes in a large range of process
regulate the amount of recycled vapor to the compressor. conditions. It was possible to simulate the process without
Vapor recirculation is necessary because the energy required in using the pseudo stream approach in both environments,
RB is larger than the one that could be supplied by the differently from what a recent publication suggests.22 However,
compression of stream 2 alone and to avoid compressor an equation-oriented environment will be used to execute the
instability (surge). A desirable operational condition is recycling optimization step in future works due its superior character-
the smaller amount of vapor required for a stable operation. istics (speed, robustness, flexibility in process specifications, and
The process conditions used for the base case show that the availability of analytical first order derivatives) as compared to
87.8% of the recycled vapor is used in the reboiler; the rest is the sequential modular approach.
sent to HX1. Better operation conditions can be achieved by The analysis of the model is a valuable tool to gain general
optimizing the heat exchange distribution in RB, HX1, and understanding and to assess the robustness of the model; some
HX2. important conclusions drawn from this analysis are the
5.3. Comparison with Experimental Data. The adjusted following:
temperature profile shows that the model developed is able to (i) Minor components (between 0.001 and 1 mol %) have
fit real plant data using efficiency (EMV MV
r , Es ) and pressure drop significant effects on product composition and temperature
(ΔP jr, ΔPjs ) parameters. These parameters cannot be profile. They should not be disregarded if composition changes
considered the true values for pressure drop or mass transfer in the feed are expected; this also calls attention to the
efficiencies, but only adjusting parameters which lump the importance of good characterization of the feed stream in RTO.
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
(ii) Pressure drop is an important feature to take into summation (eq A7), and total flow (eq A8) equations, and
account in the model, mainly because of its effect on phase the thermal and mechanical equilibria of the streams leaving the
equilibrium, especially on saturation (dew and boiling) stage (eqs A9 and A10). F, V, and L denote the molar flow rates
temperatures. of the feed, “V” and “L” represent the internal liquid and vapor
(iii) Parameters EMV r , Es , ΔPjr, ΔPjs, and ηCP can be
streams, x and y are the mole fractions of the liquid and vapor
estimated from the available plant data, to obtain a good phases, hV and hL are the vapor and liquid molar enthalpies, and
representation of the actual process.
Pj and ΔPj are the total pressure and pressure drop in tray j,
(iv) Outlet temperatures in heat exchangers and reboiler as
well as the reflux ratio (or bottom flow rate) are important respectively.
decision variables in the optimization process, because they The expansion valves are modeled as an adiabatic process in
have a direct effect on product composition and recovery as which the outlet stream is in vapor−liquid equilibrium. The
well as on the energy demand of the process. 2C + 5 equations involved in the modeling of the expansion are
The least-squares method used to adjust the model shown in Table 6; these equations come from the component
(parameter estimation) is not suitable to handle gross errors
and the parameter identifiability problem. The next step in this Table 6. Summary of the Equations for Modeling an
project is to implement parameter estimation routines, with a Adiabatic Expansion
robust objective function as the redescending estimator in
FxiF − Vyi − Lxi = 0 (i = 1, ..., C) (A11)
which it is possible to perform data reconciliation, gross error
detection, and parameter estimation in one step.47,48 FhF − Vh − Lh = 0 V L (A12)
The initialization strategy using the results of a simplified (A13)
yi − K ixi = 0 (i = 1, ..., C)
simulation in Aspen Plus (without recycling streams) is
useful to solve the flow sheet in EMSO. However, it is L
T −T =0 V (A14)
desirable to generate an initialization routine independent L
P −P =0 V (A15)
of Aspen or any other process simulator; this can be done C
by exploiting the compatibility of EMSO with programming 1− ∑ yi = 0 (A16)
languages such as C, C++, and FORTRAN. The idea is to i=1
create an application in C++ capable of solving a flow sheet F−V−L=0 (A17)
with simplified thermodynamics that generates a file fully
compatible with the naming convention and structure of
EMSO. and energy balances (eqs A11 and A12), the phase equilibrium
condition (eqs A13−A15), the sum of composition, and the
total mole balance.
APPENDIX: MODEL IMPLEMENTED IN THE The equations used to model the total reboiler are shown
EQUATION-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT in Table 7. The cold side of the total reboiler, identified by
This appendix summarizes the equations used to model the subscript “C”, is the liquid coming from the last tray of the
flow sheet. They correspond to the distillation column, distillation column while the hot side, denoted by subscript
expansion valves, reboiler, and compressor. The adiabatic “H”, is the overheated vapor coming from the compressor.
distillation column was modeled as a collection of individual The cold-side fluid leaves the reboiler as saturated vapor
trays (numbered from top to bottom). The equations used to while the hot-side fluid can exit the reboiler as saturated or
model a tray j of the column (Table 5) comprise 3C + 6 subcooled liquid. Equations A18−A20 correspond to the
equations, viz., the component and energy balances (eqs A1 material balances (total and by component) and the dew-
and A2), efficiency (eqs A3−A5), hydraulic (eq A6), point condition. Equations A21−A31 describe the hot side
1− ∑ yij* = 0 (A5)
FjV + F jL + Vj + 1 + Lj − 1 − Vj + Lj = 0 (A8)
T jL = TjV (A9)
P jL = PjV (A10)
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