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Metal AM Spring 2021

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The document discusses various metal additive manufacturing technologies and powder materials as well as companies providing related products and services.

Some of the technologies discussed include binder jetting, HydroFuse which is an innovative water-based paste for 3D printing containing metal powders, and ExOne's family of production metal 3D printers.

Companies mentioned include ExOne, Renishaw, Höganäs AB, Oerlikon Additive, Sintavia, LLC, toolcraft AG, VBN Components AB and voestalpine Additive Manufacturing.

Vol. 7 No.



in this issue
Published by Inovar Communications Ltd www.metal-am.com
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Inovar Communications Ltd
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www.metal-am.com MANUFACTURING
Managing Director and Editor
Nick Williams

Group News Editor

Paul Whittaker

Deputy Editor
Industry consolidation in
Emily-Jo Hopson-VandenBos
emily-jo@inovar-communications.com anticipation of growth
Assistant Editor
Kim Hayes The past few months have been quite extraordinary in
kim@inovar-communications.com the world of Additive Manufacturing. One after another, a
Production Manager steady flow of M&A announcements signal that things are
Hugo Ribeiro getting serious for our industry. There is certainly a buzz
of anticipation that part production is set to see significant
Advertising growth across all AM technologies.
Jon Craxford, Advertising Sales Director
Tel: +44 (0)207 1939 749 The most mature metal AM technologies, Laser Beam Powder
Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) and Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
Subscriptions (PBF-EB), have today reached a level of production readiness
Metal Additive Manufacturing is published on a
that makes them very attractive to a broad range of end-user
quarterly basis as either a free digital publication
or via a paid print subscription. The annual print companies, many of whom may have never previously
subscription charge for four issues is £150.00 considered investing in metal AM.
including shipping. Rates in € and US$ are
available on application. Binder Jetting, meanwhile, has a momentum of its own,
Accuracy of contents rapidly accelerating towards the end-goal of high-volume
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the series production, thanks in large part to the enthusiasm and
accuracy of the information in this publication,
expertise of leaders in established high-volume sinter-based
the publisher accepts no responsibility for
errors or omissions or for any consequences manufacturing sectors such as Metal Injection Moulding.
arising there from. Inovar Communications Ltd
cannot be held responsible for views or claims Key enablers of this growth are, of course, material
expressed by contributors or advertisers, which producers, who have been ramping up production capacity as
are not necessarily those of the publisher.
well as providing the innovation and expertise that enables
Advertisements AM machines to operate to their full potential – everyone now
Although all advertising material is expected
understands that even the best AM machine cannot deliver
to conform to ethical standards, inclusion in
this publication does not constitute a guarantee without the right powder.
or endorsement of the quality or value of
such product or of the claims made by its Last but not least, AM-related software developers have
manufacturer. risen to the multiple challenges of maximising the potential
Reproduction, storage and usage of AM as a true production technology, from part design and
Single photocopies of articles may be made optimisation to Manufacturing Execution Systems. To see
for personal use in accordance with national
the fruits of the labour of so many coming together at this
copyright laws. All rights reserved. Except as
outlined above, no part of this publication may intersection for the technology is extremely exciting, and we
be reproduced, modified or extracted in any form at Metal AM magazine can’t wait to see what else the year
or by any means without prior permission of the brings.
publisher and copyright owner.

Printed by Nick Williams

Cambrian Printers, Aberystwyth, UK Managing Director
ISSN 2057-3014 (print edition)
ISSN 2055-7183 (digital edition)
Vol. 7 No. 1 Spring 2021

Cover image
This magazine is also available for free The reimagining of an old KTM 250 GS
download from www.metal-am.com motorbike with a futuristic approach,
© 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd featuring a carbon fibre/AM titanium rear
swingarm, and AM aluminium front fork
mounts (Courtesy BEAMIT / Bercella SRL)

Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 3

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From your smallest whishes – to your biggest dreams

We offer endless possibilities to realize your vision
We build your customized machine


Welcome to the world of Additive Manufacturing Customized Machines
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AMCM M290 Dual FDR

Dual Laser, high resolution AM system for fine structures
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amcm@amcm.com An company
4 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
55 105 119 131 170

111 Mauro Antolotti and BEAMIT: 147 The need for speed, and how
The story of Italy’s leading AM parts producer the right powder can reduce
and its founder’s view on the industry AM part production costs by
From machine producers to part manufacturers and
end-users, the Additive Manufacturing industry is rich If metal Additive Manufacturing
in success stories that are the result of one person’s is to compete with casting
vision of what the technology could deliver. In the case and other mass-production
of BEAMIT, Italy’s largest metal AM parts producer, technologies, costs need to
it was the vision of the company’s founder, Mauro be reduced by a factor of ten.
Antolotti. Here, Luca van der Heide interviews Antolotti Optimising metal powder
for Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine and characteristics can get the industry
explores the company’s development, his view of the halfway there, while anticipated
industry, and ambitions for the future >>> improvements in equipment and
processes will do the rest. Here,
Equispheres’ Doug Brouse and Dr
123 Why do we need Women in 3D Printing? Martin Conlon discuss how the use
The what, the who, and the why of the blog of advanced aluminium powders
that became a movement can improve the build rate for
Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion
Since 2014, Women in 3D Printing has grown to
(PBF-LB) by two to four times,
become a highly visible and influential international
as well as offering significant
organisation. But what does the movement stand
advantages for Binder Jetting (BJT)
for, why is it proving to be so popular, and where
production >>>
does it go from here? Metal AM magazine’s Emily-Jo
Hopson-VandenBos spoke with the group’s founder,
Nore Toure, and fifteen members about their views
of the organisation and the current status of women
in the industry. These conversations reveal not only
the challenges that we face to improve diversity in
its broadest sense, but also the tangible benefits
that members are seeing at both the personal and
organisational level >>>

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 5
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Plasma Quality Powder Additive Manufacturing
Traceability Metal Injection Molding
Industrial Capacity Hot and Cold Isostatic Pressing
AS9100 and ISO 9001 Thermal and Cold Spray

Contact us Subscribe to our mailing list

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6 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
155 Metal Additive Manufacturing: 181 Additive Manufacturing
Why standards lay the foundation for of aluminium parts by
continued industry growth Directed Energy Deposition:
As the metal Additive Manufacturing industry evolves
Possibilities and challenges
towards widespread use for series production, the need SAMOA, a European Union funded
for globally-recognised standards is also increasing. EIT RawMaterials project on
‘Sustainable Aluminium Additive
In this article, Prof Dr-Ing Christian Seidel, Chairman
Manufacturing for High Perfor-
of ISO Technical Committee (TC) 261 ‘Additive
mance Applications’, investigated
Manufacturing’ and Member-at-Large on the Executive
the processing of aluminium
Committee of the ASTM F42 ‘Additive Manufacturing’
powders by Directed Energy
Committee, outlines why standards are so important,
Deposition. In this report, Himani
presents an overview of the current AM standards
Naesstroem, Joerg Volpp, Stefan
ecosystem, and highlights current key areas of
Polenz, and Frank Brueckner
standardisation activity >>>
review the effects of processing
parameters and feedstock mate-
rial age, as well as presenting an
165 The advantages of Additive Manufacturing for industrial case study >>>
the processing of platinum group metals

There is growing interest in the use of metal Additive x

y Illumination
Coaxial powder
Manufacturing for the production of jewellery and luxury feeding nozzle

watch components. This interest is driven not only imaging camera

Powder grains
by the potential design innovation offered by Additive Laser beam
Melt pool
Manufacturing, but also by the recognition of the clad

environmental and economic advantages to be gained Substrate

from it.
In this in-depth report, Jochen Heinrich, Thomas 187 Euro PM2020 technical
Laag and Thierry Copponnex review the processing of review: Advances in process
platinum group metals by Additive Manufacturing >>> control for metal Binder
Jetting (BJT)
Within the programme of the
175 Obstacles to the adoption of metal AM by
well-received Euro PM2020 Virtual
small- and medium-sized enterprises
Congress, held October 5–7, 2020,
It is no secret that metal Additive Manufacturing still and organised by the European
faces significant challenges that stand in the way of Powder Metallurgy Association
broader adoption in industry. Aside from AM service (EPMA), a technical session was
providers, very few small- to medium-sized enterprises held on process control in metal
have brought metal AM in-house; many lack the Binder Jetting. In this article,
capabilities, knowledge and resources to do so, even Dr David Whittaker provides a
if the will is there. In this article, Olaf Diegel and Terry summary of two of the papers
Wohlers discuss the complex, and often multi-faceted, presented, which look at applying
obstacles that stand between AM and its wider global the Master Sintering Curve for
adoption, and how those obstacles can be addressed 316L parts, and process param-
and resolved in order to clear the path to achieving the eter optimisation for 17-4 PH parts
technology’s full market potential >>> >>>

Regular 9 Industry news >>> 198 Advertisers’ index &

features... 196 Events guide >>>
buyer’s guide >>>

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 7
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Leaders in MIM/AM Debind + Sinter.

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8 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Industry news
“The AM sector is developing fast
BEAMIT Group acquires 3T Additive and there is a need for dedicated AM
Manufacturing partners with specialist skills across
the AM valuechain, not to mention
the resources required to help indus-
The BEAMIT Group, Fornovo di Taro, are now more well equipped than ever, trial customers develop and launch
Italy, has acquired Additive Manufac- having consolidated and strengthened their AM programmes,” commented
turing service provider 3T Additive our AM service offering, established Kristian Egeberg, president of
Manufacturing, Newbury, Berkshire, a footprint in the UK and prepared for Sandvik Additive Manufacturing. “Not
UK, from AM Global Holding GmbH. further expansion and growth with our many AM service companies in the
This follows the acquisition by Sandvik customers in the coming years.” market are able to offer a complete
of a large stake in the BEAMIT Group The group has already transitioned end-to-end process for the additive
in 2019, which established a strong into serial production with OEM manufacturing of complex, high-end,
partnership across the AM value- customers, and produces upwards of components. With our investment
chain. The purchase of 3T Additive 10,000 high-end components every in the BEAMIT Group – now also
Manufacturing was made in order year. It has also integrated operations including 3T Additive Manufacturing –
to continue with the group’s plan of digitally, with certification require- we look forward to helping even more
further integration and industrialisa- ments such as IATF16949, AS9100 industrial customers create value
tion of AM for the serial production of and NADCAP. Alongside Sandvik’s through the application of AM.”
high-end components in demanding materials and metal powders knowl- www.beam-it.eu
industries. edge, 3T Additive Manufacturing will www.3t-am.com
3T Additive Manufacturing will be positioned to expand its Additive www.additive.sandvik
bring to the BEAMIT Group twenty Manufacturing capabilities across
years of industrial expertise and the value chain, including special Discover more about the BEAMIT
capabilities for metal AM, where it processes in advanced heat treatment, Group in our exclusive interview
holds some of the highest-quality NDT, as well as complex machining with Mauro Antolotti, on page
certifications for deliveries to and post-processing, complementing a 111 of this issue, conducted prior
aerospace (AS9100) and medical (ISO joint group R&D programme on next- to the purchase of 3T Additive
13485), and is an approved supplier generation materials and processes. Manufacturing.
for serial production by many leading
OEMs across the UK, the US, Europe
and Japan.
Following mergers with Zare,
Pres-X and Proxera®, 3T Additive
Manufacturing complements the
BEAMIT Group’s value chain with
established qualified operations
serving key industries such as
aerospace, industrial gas turbines,
medical and automotive. This acquisi-
tion represents the first planned step
towards the BEAMIT Group’s goal of
global expansion.
Mauro Antolotti, president of the
BEAMIT Group, stated, “BEAMIT has
spent some time looking into new
ways to leverage synergies, and the
3T Additive Manufacturing acquisition
adds great value and expertise into
this leap forward we are making. We Inside 3T Additive Manufacturing’s Newbury plant (Courtesy BEAMIT Group)

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 9
Industry News | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

Protolabs to acquire 3D Hubs in our customers,” commented Rob

Bodor, Protolabs’ current VP and
$330M deal GM of the Americas and incoming
president and Chief Executive Officer.
Proto Labs, Inc., (Protolabs) a global “The acquisition of 3D Hubs is part “Our combined organisations will
provider of digital manufacturing of the continued evolution of Proto- provide the market with an industry-
services headquartered in Maple labs as the digital manufacturing leading digital manufacturing
Plain, Minnesota, USA, has entered leader, serving more and more of solution to serve their needs from
into an agreement to acquire 3D our customer’s needs,” stated Vicki idea to prototype to full end-use part
Hubs, Inc., an online platform that Holt, Protolabs’ CEO. “Protolabs’ production. Together we can fulfil
provides engineers with on-demand leading in-house, technology-enabled nearly every custom manufacturing
access to a global network of approxi- manufacturing services combined need across the product lifecycle.”
mately 240 premium manufacturing with 3D Hubs’ global network of Founded in 2013, 3D Hubs has
partners. premium manufacturing partners facilitated the production of over six
Under the terms of the agreement, will yield the greatest value to our million custom parts and products
closing consideration of $280 million customers for years to come.” through its digital platform. 3D Hubs
will be funded with $130 million in The transaction is reported to provides customers with instant
cash and $150 million in Protolabs create the world’s most comprehen- pricing and design feedback, with
common stock. An additional $50 sive digital manufacturing offering orders fulfilled through thoroughly
million of contingent consideration for custom parts, providing Protolabs vetted premium manufacturing
is payable subject to performance- with a network of manufacturing partners in over twenty countries
based targets over two years after partners to fulfil a breadth of capabili- worldwide, offering vast manufac-
close, funded with 50% cash and 50% ties outside of its current envelope, as turing capacity and a broad range of
Protolabs common stock. Protolabs well as a broader offering of pricing manufacturing capabilities at a variety
has also established an employee and lead time options. of competitive pricing levels.
incentive fund payable to 3D Hubs “The addition of 3D Hubs provides “3D Hubs’ company culture
employees based on achievement Protolabs a platform to evolve our lives and breathes engineering and
of both financial performance and service model to provide unprec- fast-paced innovation; our team is
employee retention targets. edented manufacturing flexibility to very excited to partner with Protolabs
to build the best on-demand manu-
facturing solution imaginable,” stated
Brian Garret, 3D Hubs’ co-founder
and Chief Product Officer.
“The entire 3D Hubs team is
thrilled to join Protolabs and continue
to revolutionise the manufacturing
industry through innovation. At 3D
Hubs, our goal is to empower compa-
nies to create revolutionary products
through supply chain efficiency and
reliability,” added Bram de Zwart,
co-founder and Chief Executive
Officer at 3D Hubs. “We are confident
that partnering with Protolabs will
help us advance that mission.”
Protolabs offers a range of digital manufacturing services, including metal AM www.3dhubs.com
(Courtesy Proto Labs Inc) www.protolabs.com

Advertisers’ index / buyer’s


Advertisers’ index / buyer’s


Service bureau / metal

part manufacturers
AM Solutions - Rosler
www.solutions-for-am.com 11
Advertisers’ index &
www.indo-mim.com 87 3D Lab Sp. z o.o. . . . .

Looking for AM machines, metal powders or

buyer’s guide
. . . 80
Oerlikon Additive 3YOURMIND GmbH . .

Advertisers’ index &

www.oerlikon.com 12 . . . 24
Additive Manufacturing
Forum Berlin . . . . . .
Sintavia, LLC . 164
Additive Manufacturing
Our new advertisers’ index www.sintavia.com 26 Users Group . . . . . . .
serves as a convenient . 154
services, software and guide to suppliers of AM Alphastar Corporation
associated production machines, materials, part ...................
www.metal-am.com, or equipment. In the manufacturing Voestalpine AG . . 70
via the Metal Additive Manufacturing digital edition of Metal AM magazine, available www.voestalpine.com 54 AM Solutions - Rösler
the weblink to go directly app, simply click on a company at Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .

part manufacturing services?

to its website. name to view its advert, . . . 11
or on AMCM GmbH . . . . . . .
.... 4

AM machines
AML3D Limited . . . . .

buyer’s guide
. . . 74
Binder Jetting (BJT), AMPM2021 . . . . . . . . .
. . 176

Laser Beam Powder Material Extrusion (MEX) Sintering, debinding

Arcast Inc . . . . . . . . . .
Bed and other sinter-bas and Aviation Forum Hamburg
Fusion (PBF-LB) ed heat treatment systems 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AM processes Carbolite Gero Ltd . .

Discover suppliers of these and more in our new

. . . 20
AMCM GmbH Carbolite Gero Ltd Centorr Vacuum Industries
www.carbolite-gero.com 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
www.amcm.com 4 Digital Metal CM Furnaces Inc. . . .
8 ...................
www.digitalmetal.tech Centorr Vacuum Industries, . . . 36
Coherent, Inc Inc. CNPC Powder Group Co.,
49 www.vacuum-furnaces.com 59 Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
www.coherent.com Exentis Group AG 38
77 Coherent, Inc . . . . . .
www.exentis-group.com CM Furnaces Inc. ...................
Farsoon Technologies . . . 49
45 www.cmfurnaces.com 36 Digital Metal . . . . . . .
www.farsoon.com HP Inc. ...................
.... 8

advertisers’ index and buyer’s guide, pages 198-202.

www.hp.com 65 DSH Technologies DSH Technologies . .
GF Machining Solutions ...................
. . 117
Management SA 15/17 www.dshtech.com 117
www.gfms.com ECM Technologies . .
Incus GmbH ...................
. . . 40
Matsuura Machinery Corporation www.incus3d.com 66 ECM Technologies Elcan Industries Inc .
www.ecm-furnaces.com 40 ...................
www.matsuura.co.jp 50 . . 102
Rapidia Tech Inc Elementum 3D . . . . .
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, www.rapidia.com 28 Elnik Systems . . . 89
Ltd. www.elnik.com 34 Elnik Systems . . . . .
www.mhi.com 108 ...................
. . . 34
The ExOne Company
Equispheres . . . . . . .
Prima Industrie S.p.A. www.exone.com OBC LÖMI GmbH ...................
. . . 92
22 www.loemi.com 116 Euro PM2021 . . . . . .
www.primaadditive.com ...................
. . 163
Renishaw plc MUT Advanced Heating Exentis Group AG . . .
GmbH ...................
www.renishaw.com 60 Cold Spray www.mut-jena.de 97
Farsoon Technologies
. . . 77
Ningbo Hiper Vacuum . . 45
Shining3D Impact Innovations GmbH Tech. Co.,Ltd. Fehrmann GmbH . . .
84 37 www.hiper.cn 46 ...................
. . 31
www.shining3d.com www.impact-innovations.com
Formetrix Inc. ...................
Rapidia Tech Inc . . . . . 52
Sisma SpA 28 Formnext Connect .
www.rapidia.com ...................
www.sisma.com 63 . . 120
SECO/WARWICK, INC. Formnext + PM South
China . . . . Inside back
SLM Solutions Group
Directed Energy Deposition www.secowarwick.com 94 GF Machining Solutions
www.slm-solutions.com Management SA . . . 15/17


(DED) T-M Vacuum Products,
Inc HP Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . .
KG www.tmvacuum.com 109 . . . 65
www.trumpf.com 101 AML3D Limited Impact Innovations GmbH
www.aml3d.com 74 TAV Vacuum Furnaces 37
SPA IMR metal powder technologies
www.tav-vacuumfurnaces.com 48 GmbH . . . . . . . . 42
Incus GmbH . . . . . . . .
210 Metal Additive Manufacturing ...................
. . . 66
| Autumn/Fall 2020
© 2020 Inovar Communications more >>>
Ltd Vol. 6 No. 3
Vol. 6 No. 3 © 2020 Inovar Communications
Metal Additive Manufacturing
| Autumn/Fall 2020 211

10 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Powder Surface
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Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 11
we are
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metal powders | prototyping | series production

We are Oerlikon AM
We are integrating and scaling the entire Additive Manufacturing value chain
to handle your project from A to Z. We partner with pioneers like you to
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Come build with us. It’s time to rethink what’s possible in AM.


12 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Industry News

Velo3D to become public are excited to partner as they bring their technology to a
broader set of similarly innovative customers across the
company valued at $1.6 billion world,” added Barry Sternlicht, co-founder and chairman
of JAWS Spitfire. “Since commercialisation, Velo3D has
Velo3D, Inc, Campbell, California, USA, and the JAWS attracted an impressive customer base, showcasing the
Spitfire Acquisition Corporation, a special purpose seamless, cost-competitive production of previously-
acquisition company, have entered into a definitive unattainable designs. Velo3D is well-positioned for robust
business combination agreement. Upon completion of growth in an established and expanding market.”
the transaction, expected in the second half of 2021, the Velo3D is ready to release its newest Laser Beam
combined company will operate as Velo3D, listed on the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) offering, Sapphire XC,
New York Stock Exchange under the new ticker symbol expected to ship in the fourth quarter of 2021. Sapphire
VLD. XC is designed as a scale-up of the previous Sapphire
The transaction values the combined company at an machine and will support the production of parts that are
enterprise value of approximately $1.6 billion, at the $10 up to five times higher volume and three times lower cost
per share PIPE subscription price and assuming no public than existing Sapphire technology.
shareholders of JAWS Spitfire exercise their redemption Assuming no public shareholders of JAWS Spitfire
rights. Velo3D will receive up to $345 million in proceeds exercise their redemption rights, Velo3D’s existing
from JAWS Spitfire’s cash in trust and a $155 million shareholders will own approximately 72%, JAWS Spitfire’s
private placement of common stock at a $10.00 per share existing shareholders and sponsor will own approximately
value. The private placement will be led by strategic and 21% and PIPE investors will own approximately 7% of the
institutional investors, including Baron Capital Group and issued and outstanding shares of common stock, respec-
Hedosophia. tively, of the combined company at closing.
Upon completion of the transaction, Velo3D is set to The transaction was unanimously approved by the
benefit from a flexible capital structure with approximately boards of directors of both companies, though is still
$470 million of cash on the company’s balance sheet, subject to approval by JAWS Spitfire’s shareholders and
net of debt and assuming no redemptions are effected. other customary closing conditions.
Velo3D’s current management team, including founder www.velo3d.com
and CEO Benny Buller and CFO Bill McCombe, will
continue to lead the company through this next stage.
“Velo3D partners with the world’s most innovative
companies leading the future of space travel, transporta- Innovative Metal Paste 3D Printing
tion and energy,” stated Buller. “I am proud that such
visionary partners continue to trust Velo3D to build prod-
ucts through methods that were previously impossible.
With JAWS Spitfire’s long-term partnership, we expect
No de-binding process
to extend the reach of Velo3D’s technology and bring its
solutions to even more customers globally. As we scale save time and
our business and advance our growth strategy, we expect with our innovative
to expand the high value metal Additive Manufacturing feedstocks
market and strengthen our competitive position.”
Binders and
Velo3D’s financial model is asset light, backed by feedstock available
significant investments and positioned to rapidly scale to for most metals,
meet demand. The company’s growth strategy is to focus ceramics, glass
and aluminum
on specific products that are tailored to its abilities within
the $100+ billion total addressable market for high-value
Desktop printer
metal parts. The additional capital provided from this
suitable for most
transaction will allow Velo3D to make substantial environments
investments in engineering, product development, sales, no toxic fumes
marketing and customer support.
6 different sizes of
“Benny and the Velo3D team have placed technical machines available
innovation at the core of their business model, and we

Submitting news...
For truly global reach, publish your news in Pricing starting $28,000
Metal AM magazine. Contact Paul Whittaker: $33,500 with binder license agreement
paul@inovar-communications.com For more call (772)353-2819 or metallic3d.com

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 13
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Materialise acquires option to PyroGenesis

purchase Link3D Canada applies for
Materialise, headquartered in the overall adoption of AM for series
NASDAQ listing
Leuven, Belgium, has acquired an production in major manufacturing
option to purchase Link3D Inc., an industries, including aerospace, PyroGenesis Canada Inc., Montreal,
additive workflow and manufacturing automotive, consumer, medical and Quebec, Canada, a developer and
execution systems (MES) company energy. manufacturer of plasma atomised
headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, Additive Manufacturing continues metal powders and a supplier of
USA. The acquisition will allow to transform the factory floor as plasma-based metal powder produc-
Materialise to accelerate its roadmap companies increasingly turn to AM tion technology, has submitted an
to offer cloud-based access to its for large-scale production. However, application to list its common shares
integrated software platform. It as these companies scale their on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The
also is expected to broaden the AM processes and integrate these company will reportedly continue to
company’s industrial customer operations with existing production maintain the listing of its shares on
base across North America, Europe infrastructures, they are confronted the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX),
and Asia-Pacific, offering Link3D with increasingly diverse, complex and would trade on both exchanges
customers a seamless connection and distributed manufacturing under the ticker symbol ‘PYR’.
to the Materialise Magics 3D Print environments. Materialise and The listing of PyroGenesis’ shares
Suite. Materialise expects to exercise Link3D both offer MES solutions that on the NASDAQ remains subject to
the option before the end of 2021. help these organisations gain control the stock exchange’s approval and the
“By joining forces with Link3D, we over their manufacturing floor. satisfaction of all applicable listing
expect to be even better positioned “At Link3D, it has always been our and regulatory requirements. Based
to provide our customers with mission to help companies unlock on its typical review process, this
a solution to plan, manage and the full potential of AM into their usually takes 6–8 weeks, PyroGenesis
optimise their AM operations,” stated existing supply chains,” commented expects that its shares will be listed
Fried Vancraen, CEO of Materialise. Shane Fox, Link3D CEO. before the end of Q1 2021.
“This agreement exploits the synergy Vishal Singh, Link3D’s co-founder According to the company, there
between the two companies and and CTO, added, “By teaming up will be no concurrent financing asso-
will help us to remove some of the with Materialise, a global pioneer of ciated with this listing nor a reverse
complexity associated with scaling the 3D printing industry, we expect stock split. PyroGenesis has engaged
3D printing as part of a connected, to be able to offer our combined Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough
industrial manufacturing process.” user base access to a robust and LLP as its US legal counsel to process
Link3D offers additive MES comprehensive manufacturing suite the listing and, in connection with its
workflow software to help companies of solutions, enabling them to take application, the company states that
scale their digital manufacturing Additive Manufacturing to the next it will file a Form 40-F Registration
operations across complex supply level.” Statement with the United States
chains and IT environments. Its MES www.materialise.com Securities and Exchange Commission
and workflow solutions help bolster www.link3d.co (SEC).
“We believe the company is
entering a heightened growth phase
and the timing could not be better
for uplisting our shares to NASDAQ,”
stated P Peter Pascali, CEO & chair
of PyroGenesis. “We expect that
the move to NASDAQ will increase
awareness of PyroGenesis and its
offerings, both within the financial
community and amongst potential
“We believe this listing will
also enhance trading liquidity by
broadening our appeal to a larger
shareholder base, in the US and
internationally, as we execute our
business plan and drive long-term
shareholder value,” he concluded.
Materialise has acquired an option to purchase Link3D (Courtesy Materialise) www.pyrogenesis.com

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Markforged to be publicly listed Global Investors and Wellington

Management, as well as commit-
through merger with one ments from Microsoft’s Venture Fund
M12 and Porsche Automobil Holding
Markforged, Watertown, Massachu- Markforged’s ability to transform the SE, existing Markforged shareholders.
setts, USA, has announced it will way businesses innovate, but also Net transactions proceeds will
become a publicly listed company the brilliant, passionate employees support the company’s continued
through a merger with one, a special that make this company so unique.” growth across its key verticals
purpose acquisition company Kevin Hartz commented, and into new products, proprietary
sponsored by A-star and founded and “Markforged has already reinvented materials and expanded customer-
led by technology industry veteran the Additive Manufacturing industry use cases.
Kevin Hartz. The merger is expected and is well positioned for robust The transaction, already
to be completed in summer 2021. growth benefiting from the velocity unanimously approved by the boards
Markforged will retain its name and of digitisation. When launching one, of directors of Markforged and one,
will be listed on the New York Stock our priority was to partner with a will be subject to approval by both
Exchange under the ticker symbol company with exceptional founders, companies’ stockholders and regula-
‘MKFG’. visionaries and operators taking tory approvals, as well as other typical
Founded in 2013, Markforged is a differentiated approach in large closing conditions. Immediately after
reported to have products across and growing markets – Markforged the combination is completed, current
10,000 global facilities, with 170 ticked all of those boxes and more. shareholders in Markforged are
patents issued or pending, a full We’re thrilled to be working closely expected to hold 78% of the issued
suite of AM machines, widespread with the entire Markforged team, and outstanding shares of common.
use of its Digital Forge platform and comprised of highly engaged Following the transaction’s
a history of some 10 million parts founders, visionary leaders and completion, Shai Terem will continue
additively manufactured so far. world-class engineers, uniquely in his role as Markforged president
“When I co-founded Markforged, positioned to lead a revolution in and CEO, and Kevin Hartz will join the
our mission was to reinvent manu- modern manufacturing.” board. “Our mission and vision are to
facturing by driving innovation and reinvent manufacturing by bringing
creating products and technologies Transaction overview the power and agility of connected
that have the potential to transform The combined company, upon software to the world of industrial
an entire industry,” stated Greg Mark, closing, will have an approximate manufacturing,” added Terem. “Today
the company’s founder and chairman. equity value of $2.1 billion, with is a pivotal milestone as we progress
“I’ve been thrilled that Markforged over $425 million in gross proceeds towards making that vision a reality.
has thrived in its successful pursuit to Markforged, assuming no We’ve been at the forefront of the
of these ambitions with a growing redemptions by one shareholders. Additive Manufacturing industry, and
network of customers across major This includes $210 million PIPE at this transaction will enable us to
sectors and around the world. As we $10 per share from investors such build on our incredible momentum
take Markforged to the next level, we as Baron Capital Group, funds and and provide capital and flexibility to
have found the ideal partner in one. accounts managed by BlackRock, grow our brand, accelerate product
Kevin and his team recognise not only Miller Value Partners, Wasatch innovation and drive expanded
adoption among customers across
key verticals.”
“We’re focused on making manu-
facturing even better by capitalising
on the huge opportunity ahead, and
we are making this important leap
through our new long-term partner-
ship with Kevin Hartz and the entire
team at one, a group of seasoned
founders and operators with unparal-
leled experience. Their expertise and
guidance will be invaluable as we
continue to reinvent manufacturing
today, so our customers can build
anything they imagine tomorrow,” he
The Metal X system from Markforged allows users to print a wide range of www.markforged.com
materials, from stainless steels to copper (Courtesy Markforged) www.a-star.co

16 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Learn more at GFMSadditive.com

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Renishaw for sale following founders’ Uniformity Labs

decision to sell stake appoints former
Engineering company Renishaw, recognise that neither of us is getting
GKN Sinter Metals
headquartered in Wotton-Under- any younger. Now finding ourselves president Christon
Edge, Gloucestershire, UK, has
announced the commencement of a
in our eighties, our thoughts have
increasingly turned to considering
Franks to its board
formal sale process. The company the future of our shareholdings in
states that its founders, Sir David the company and how we can actively Uniformity Labs, Fremont, Cali-
McMurtry, Executive Chairman, and contribute to securing the future fornia, USA, has appointed Christon
John Deer, Non-Executive Deputy success of the business. With that in Franks, former president at GKN
Chairman, have indicated their inten- mind, we approached the rest of the Sinter Metals, to its board of direc-
tions to sell their entire combined board to indicate that we felt the time tors, further strengthening its group
shareholdings, totalling some 53% of was now right to discuss the best way of industry advisors. His appoint-
the issued share capital. to achieve this.” ment follows the additions of John
In considering its options, the “As the founders of Renishaw, Ferriola, former Nucor Corporation
board is reported to have concluded we understand the importance of CEO, and General Motors veteran
unanimously that it would be Renishaw’s culture, our place in the Alan Batey to the board.
appropriate to investigate the sale of communities in which we operate, Franks is a metals industry
the company. The board is seeking a our commitment to research and executive with more than thirty years
buyer which will respect the unique development, and the loyalty of of experience leading successful
heritage and culture of Renishaw, its our staff, our suppliers and the international businesses that indus-
commitment to the local communi- customers we serve; these together trialise product solutions for the
ties in which its operations are have been the foundation of our automotive, electronics, and general
based, and which will enable the success for almost fifty years. With industrial industries. He brings
company to continue to prosper in the board, we are, therefore, focused deep commercial and operations
the long-term. on ensuring that we find the right experience with a metals focus,
Since its beginnings in 1973, new owner for our business – one having led international companies
Renishaw has become one of the who respects and will continue to while residing in the USA, China, and
world’s leading engineering and nurture these important attributes.” Germany.
scientific technology companies, with The Takeover Panel has agreed Most recently, Franks served as
specialist knowledge in precision that any discussions with a third party president at GKN Sinter Metals,
measurement and healthcare. The will take place within the context of a position which he held for
company believes that, at the heart of a ‘formal sale process’ as defined eight years. In this role, he was
its activities, rests a culture of inno- in The Takeover Code, enabling responsible for GKN operations in
vation and a fundamental belief that conversations with interested parties North and South America, Europe,
success comes from patented and to take place on a confidential basis. and Asia. He also led the global
innovative products and processes, Neither Renishaw nor McMurtry commercial strategies for GKN
high-quality manufacturing and the and Deer are said to be currently in Sinter Metals and established the
ability to provide localised customer discussions with any potential offeror, path to market for new technology
support throughout global markets. or in receipt of a possible offer for the introductions such as Additive
Sir David McMurtry and John Deer company or for the shareholdings at Manufacturing.
stated, “We are both grateful for our the date of the announcement. “Chris is a highly respected and
continued good health, however we www.renishaw.com proven leader in the field of powder
metallurgy,” stated Adam Hopkins,
Uniformity CEO. “He brings global
commercialisation skills and deep
knowledge of the metal component
manufacturing landscape to our
board, which we will call on to help
us deliver the full potential of AM.
We have put together a team of
executives and advisors who are
some of the best technical and
commercial minds in the industry;
their experience will be invaluable as
Renishaw manufactures a wide range of metal Additive Manufacturing we continue to grow our business.”
machines (Courtesy Renishaw) www.uniformitylabs.com

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Desktop Metal completes Trine growth over the last three years — a
rate that is expected to continue
business combination, becomes over the next decade as the market

publicly listed grows from $12 billion in 2019 to an

estimated $146 billion in 2030.
Fulop added, “We believe the
Desktop Metal, Burlington, Massa- “Today is an exciting moment and AM industry is at a major inflection
chusetts, USA, has completed its major milestone for our company point and that Desktop Metal is at
business combination agreement with and for the Additive Manufacturing the forefront of this transformation.
Trine Acquisition Corp. (TRNE), and industry at large,” stated Ric Fulop, This market inflection is being driven
become a publicly listed company. co-founder and Chief Executive Officer by the emergence of AM 2.0 a wave
Trine is a special-purpose acquisition of Desktop Metal on the day of the of next-generation AM technologies
company led by Leo Hindery, Jr., and public listing. “With a broad portfolio that unlocks throughput, repeat-
HPS Investment Partners, a global of solutions offering revolutionary ability, and competitive part costs
credit investment firm. The resulting ease of use and productivity for with a focus on making AM an
company is Desktop Metal, Inc. and, the AM industry, Desktop Metal is easy to use, economic solution for
from December 2020, trades common uniquely positioned to disrupt how mass production. These solutions
stock and warrants under the new parts are made across a wide range feature key innovations across
ticker symbols ‘DM’ and ‘DM.WT’ on of industries.” printers, materials, and software
the New York Stock Exchange. “The capital raised through to pull AM into direct competition
The transaction was unanimously our transition to a publicly-traded with conventional processes used
approved by the Board of Directors company will accelerate our global to manufacture $12 trillion in goods
of Trine and was also approved at go-to-market efforts, enhance our annually.”
a special meeting of the company’s relentless efforts in R&D, and allow Leo Hindrey, Jr., Desktop Metal
stockholders on December 8, 2020. As us to capitalise on the tremendous board member and chairman and
a result of this transaction, Desktop growth opportunities we see over the CEO of Trine Acquisition Corp.
Metal has received approximately next decade as we integrate industry- commented, “Desktop Metal
$580 million of gross proceeds from leading technology and intellectual is poised to revolutionise the
Trine’s trust account and concurrent property with strong secular growth manufacturing industry by applying
equity private placements. trends around AM. We are excited transformative AM 2.0 technologies
Founded in 2015, Desktop Metal to bring Desktop Metal to the public to the products and industries that
has quickly grown to become a global markets as the only pure-play Additive will drive the economy in the 21st
enterprise offering a wide range of Manufacturing 2.0 company and offer century. The company has a distinct
Additive Manufacturing solutions. The everyone the opportunity to invest in first-mover advantage over competi-
company has distribution in more a company aiming to transform the tors and the injection of capital from
than sixty countries and adoption from manufacturing industry.” this transaction, a large portion of
leading companies in the automotive, According to Desktop Metal, the which will be dedicated to continuous
consumer products, industrial auto- AM industry grew at a 20% annual product innovation, will protect and
mation, medical devices, aerospace compound rate between 2006–2016, extend this first-mover advantage.”
and defence industries. accelerating to 25% compound annual www.desktopmetal.com

strongly believe in our global vision,

Expansion at VBN Components follows which makes me proud, and is very
fully-subscribed funding round motivating,” stated Johan Bäck-
ström, CEO. “Our expansion of both
sales channels and sales worldwide
Despite the challenges caused by the Thanks in part to the completion have begun to yield results, which
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, of its latest funding round, the shows that our offer is right on
hard material specialists VBN Compo- company plans to move to larger time.”
nents AB, Uppsala, Sweden, has premises this spring in order to VBN Components develops metal
continued with its planned expansion accommodate its growing workforce. alloys with extreme wear and heat
to meet the growing interest and The additional space will also resistance, including alloys such as
demand in its additively manufactured allow for investments in production Vibenite 290, said to be the world’s
Vibenite products. The company has equipment, thus increasing its range hardest commercially available
now expanded sales channels with new of services. steel, and Vibenite 480, an additively
distributors and sales representatives “The fully-subscribed funding manufactured cemented carbide.
in Asia, Europe and North America. round shows that our owners www.vbncomponents.se

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 21
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AM Ventures launches €100 million the Langer Group and managing

partners Johann Oberhofer and
venture capital fund for industrial AM Arno Held, KGAL has become a
shareholder in the newly formed AM
AM Ventures, Munich, Germany, has added, “After six years of success- Ventures Management GmbH.
announced the initial closing of its fully investing in AM-based startup “This is a perfect match,” stated
venture capital fund for industrial companies, we decided to jointly take Dr Klaus Wolf, Chief Investment
Additive Manufacturing. Along with our business to the next level and join Officer at KGAL. “The expertise
its major shareholders the Langer forces with the international asset of AM Ventures and KGAL ideally
Group, AM Ventures has partnered manager KGAL. I am thankful for complement each other. AM
with KGAL, Grünwald, Germany. This the achievements the AM Ventures Ventures, through their shareholder
closing brings the fund to nearly half team has made since we started base, bring in-depth knowledge of
of its targeted commitment. in 2015 and I am very happy to industrial 3D printing, thanks to their
The parties involved have stated now be working alongside my two long commercial presence in this
that this closing represents a strong former managing directors as new field; KGAL in turn has a proven track
signal, not only for the AM industry managing partners in the fund. This record in access to investors. Additive
itself, but also for investors looking step is a massive opportunity for all Manufacturing offers impressive
to benefit from the strong dynamic in AM startups around the world and potential to produce industrial
advanced manufacturing. The fund is will help to further accelerate the goods in a resource effective and
expected to continue to strengthen adoption of Additive Manufacturing.” sustainable way. Through this joint
support in seed and early-growth KGAL is a leading independent venture we are laying the foundations
stage hardware, software, materials investment and asset managers for for a long-term partnership and for
and applications in AM globally. capital investments in Europe. It has further funds in a strong growth
Dr Hans Langer, representative an investment volume of €15 bn and market.”
of the Langer Group and a founding more than 390 funds launched since www.amventures.com
partner of the newly-formed fund, its foundation in 1968. Alongside www.kgal.de

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Sandvik to focus on growth

following a challenging year
Sandvik AB, Stockholm, Sweden, has published its
Annual Report for 2020, highlighting a challenging
year with a number of strategic decisions which Stefan
Widing, president and CEO, believes will strengthen
and shape the future of Sandvik as it prepares for a
shift towards growth.
The group reported a total order intake of SEK
86,287 million, down from SEK 104,075 in 2019.
Revenues totalled SEK 86,404 million compared with
SEK 103,238 million in the previous year. An operating
profit of SEK 11,216 million was noted, down from the
previous SEK 13,386 million. A breakdown of revenues
by customer segment showed that 40% was generated
in mining; 23%, engineering; 11%, automotive; 10%,
energy; 8%, construction; and 5%, aerospace, with the
remaining 3% generated from unspecified segments.
By region, 35% of Sandvik’s 2020 revenues came from
Europe, 22% from North America, 20% from Asia,
and a further 9% from Africa/Middle East, 9% from
Australia and 5% from South America.
In 2020, the group acquired Allied Construction
Products, CGTEch, Summerill Tube Corporation,
Quimmico Centro Technológico and Miranda Tools;
an agreement was also signed to acquire DSI Under-
ground. Sandvik Materials Technology was made a
separate listing and reorganisations were made within
Sandvik Manufacturing and Machining Solutions, as
well as Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology.
During the year, Sandvik’s Board of Directors made
the decision to continue preparations for the distribu-
tion of the Sandvik Materials Technology business area
to its shareholders. The board’s intent is to propose the
distribution and listing of Sandvik Materials Technology
on Nasdaq Stockholm at a shareholders’ meeting
in 2022, provided that the circumstances at the time
are deemed to be right. “I am convinced that this is
the correct way forward, both for Sandvik Materials
Technology and for Sandvik as a whole,” added Widing.
In line with its goal of strengthening the group’s
offering, a new business area focusing on digital
solutions, Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions, was
established. Assets were also divested: the oil & gas
operations of Sandvik Drilling and Completions (Varel),
as well as an agreement signed towards the divest-
ment of its mineral exploration business.
Moving forward, Sandvik has set a growth target
of at least 5% (CAGR) through a business cycle. The
company aims to increase its acquisitions and add
products and technology, as well as services and
digital solutions, to its existing offerings. This growth
target means that Sandvik will become a SEK 115
billion company by 2025.

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Wayland Additive launches Calibur3

with NeuBeam metal AM technology
Wayland Additive, Huddersfield, UK, “It was a privilege for me to explain
has launched Calibur3, the company’s the genesis of our work at Wayland
first Additive Manufacturing machine, Additive and the ‘why’ behind the
using its NeuBeam® metal AM NeuBeam process and Calibur3,”
technology. During a virtual launch stated Will Richardson, CEO of
from its headquarters in Huddersfield, Wayland Additive. “All the hard work The Calibur3 metal AM machine
the full capabilities of the NeuBeam by the Wayland team that has gone (Courtesy Wayland Additive)
process embedded into the Calibur3 into the development of the process
were explained. and this new hardware platform has existing alternatives. In addition,
NeuBeam is said to represent a been realised today. I am so proud of Calibur3 promotes innovation, which
completely new system architecture our team and their dedication to the should be key to any advancement in
based on a stable, reliable and launch initiative. Now it is our mission technology. And because it overcomes
flexible Electron Beam Powder to really demonstrate the difference the compromises that most companies
Bed Fusion (PBF-EB) process. It is that Calibur3 can make for metal AM have to contend with when using metal
able to produce fully dense parts applications.” AM, they can now revisit applications
in a wide range of materials, many Peter Hansford, Wayland’s that were previously seen as trouble-
of which are not compatible with Director of Business Development some or impossible and/or begin
traditional electron beam or laser- expanded further on the potential development projects with a clearer
based processes, such as refractory for new applications and shared the view of the process and more room
metals and highly-reflective alloys. real opportunities Calibur3 brings to operate in. NeuBeam is a metal
As a result, the NeuBeam process for business. “The Calibur3 system AM process that saves both time and
can demonstrate vastly improved featuring the NeuBeam process offers money from end-to-end, one that can
metallurgy, without many of the a true third way that sits between benefit commercial objectives through
compromises that existing metal AM SLM & EBM systems, and provides true production partnerships.”
processes necessitate. a leap forward compared with any www.waylandadditive.com

Additive Industries expands leadership

team with new CEO and CFO
Additive Industries based in The company’s new CFO, Siebelt,
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, has joins Additive Industries from
appointed Ian C Howe as its new CEO Energyst CAT Rental Power where she
and Carlien Siebelt as CFO. worked in a variety of leadership posi-
Previously Head of the Precision tions. Siebelt is an experienced senior
Components Business Line at financial manager with twenty years
Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, part of experience in finance, thirteen of
of the Swiss Oerlikon Group, Howe those in the field of audit and assur- Ian C Howe is the new CEO (Courtesy
has experience leading and delivering ance at Big Four audit firms with a Additive Industries)
growth within high-technology client portfolio that consisted of large,
businesses. In a career spanning over international trading and production last year, I felt privileged to be part of
twenty-five years, he has developed companies. Siebelt has over seven the team again, albeit for only a short
and implemented growth strategies to years of experience as a manager at period. I’m glad we took the time to
address market and customer needs, a multinational’s finance department search extensively to find the right
as well as leading teams and people and has a master’s degree from additional leaders for the future of
towards a common goal. Nyenrode Business University, Additive Industries. Ian’s and Carlien’s
As well as his experience with Breukelen, the Netherlands. extensive experience in various
Oerlikon, Howe held management Commenting on the new aspects of our business makes them
positions at Höganäs AB and the GKN appointments, Jonas Wintermans, perfectly suited to support our growth
Group. He holds a master’s degree in co-founder and current CEO, stated, ambitions, together with our CTO
Engineering (Materials) and an MBA “We are proud to welcome Carlien and Mark Vaes, who has been with the
in Finance, Strategy and Marketing, Ian in the Additive Industries team. company from the start.”
both from The Open University. During a period of leadership change www.additiveindustries.com

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Gränges targets AM with new Gränges

Powder Metallurgy division
Gränges, a leading global supplier of growth within the fast-paced markets
rolled aluminium products for heat of powder materials and Additive
exchanger applications and other Manufacturing. The main production
Gränges Powder Metallurgy’s goal is
niche markets, headquartered in facility is located in St Avold, France,
to become a leading manufacturer
Stockholm, Sweden, has established with sales and technical development
of niche and custom AM-grade
Gränges Powder Metallurgy. based in Velbert, Germany.
aluminium powders (Courtesy
With a responsive organisation “We are a slim and flexible
and two powder production sites, organisation with focus on partner
Gränges sees great opportunities in and stakeholder management,”
the Additive Manufacturing sector and Filip Fernqvist, Managing Director powder producer and alloy developer,
believes that this newest division will at Gränges Powder Metallurgy, told able to produce powder in house, both
serve as an important platform for Metal AM magazine. “We are both a in France as well as in Germany.”
Gränges has stated that its
objective is to become a leader in the
manufacture of niche and custom
AM-grade aluminium powders for a
THE PERFECT HEAT TREATMENT range of applications. The company is
SOLUTION FOR targeting the aerospace and automo-
tive industries, which are undergoing
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURED PARTS the fastest growth, without losing
sight of other areas such as heat
exchangers and automation, where
the company still sees great potential.
Greta D’Angelo, Additive Manu-
facturing Business Development
Lead, told Metal AM magazine:
“Gränges has a combined experience
and in-depth knowledge in several
key areas – for example, Powder
Metallurgy, aluminium market and
alloy development for heat exchanger
applications. This heritage plays
an important role and puts us in a
position of competitive advantage. AM
powder is our core business, but we
are looking into engineering services
and down-streaming opportunities as
Wide range of standard and customized VACUUM FURNACES well for prototype production.”
for INDUSTRY and R&D LABORATORIES. Delivering premium powders of
Vacuum thermal processes: high quality with fast development
- DEBINDING & SINTERING times is one of Gränges’ core values.
- SOLUTION TREATMENT The company believes a key to its
- STRESS RELIEVING success is a close collaboration
Used in the most AM technologies: with customers and partners, which
ensures a strategic positioning within
Process gas: Ar, N2, H2 the AM ecosystem.
Vacuum level: from atmosphere to 10-6 mbar
“It is very important for us to be on
Temperature range: up to 2300 °C
METAL or GRAPHITE chamber the market with a competitive product
that is relevant to our customers,”
Fernqvist added. “That’s why we are
always on the lookout for partner-
Via dell’Industria, 11 - 24043 Caravaggio (BG) - ITALY ships and beta testers for our new
ph. +39 0363 355711 - info@tav-vacuumfurnaces.com
www.tav-vacuumfurnaces.com materials.”

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PST 1-3 advert FINAL.pdf 1 29/03/2021 12:1

Matexcel expands offerings to include

wide selection of metal powders
Matexcel, Bohemia, New York, USA, technology, we also have modern-
has acted as a service provider in ised testing laboratory that can
materials science since 2007 in the ensure the high quality and consist-
supply of polymers, nanoparticles and ency of the final products. Providing
natural materials. The company has professional solution of metal
announced it is expanding its range to powders to our customers is our
provide a selection of metal powders aims,” commented Johnson Brown,
for research requirements. one of Matexcel’s representatives.
Matexcel is now offering hybrid The company states its most
water/gas and plasma atomisation popular metal products so far
technology to meet the needs of include titanium alloys and
its customers working in Powder nickel-base superalloys, which
Metallurgy, metal processing and are atomised by a plasma rotating
Additive Manufacturing research and electrode process (PREP). Other
development. Bespoke manufacturing
strategy services are also offered by
available metal powders include
those based in Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pd,
Oxygen and
the company. metal oxide, pure metal powders
and more.
Humidity Analyzers
“Besides advanced production
equipment and standard production www.matexcel.com

for additive manufacturing

NanoAL signs agreement with Y

High sensor accuracy for

Mitsubishi Corporation RtM to bring

superior part quality.

Addalloy powders to Asia market


SIL2 Compliant with IEC61508
NanoAL, LLC, Boston, Massachu- Vo, CEO of NanoAL LLC. “In partner- for maximum safety.
setts, USA, has signed a Commercial ship with RtMJ, a wholly-owned
License Agreement with Mitsubishi subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation, Maintenance free, long-life
Corporation RtM Japan Ltd. (RtMJ), a global integrated business
Tokyo, Japan, to bring its Addalloy® enterprise, we will now be able to
sensors for maximum machine
family of advanced aluminium alloy reach across the globe to deliver uptime.
powders to the growing metal Additive the promise of our aluminium alloy
Manufacturing market in Asia. technologies’ excellent performance Compact design for easy
Addalloy is an aluminium alloy and economics.” integration into production
technology designed and developed Takehito Nagashima, General
for Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion Manager of New Business
(PBF-LB) Additive Manufacturing. Development and DX Office,
Currently, Addalloy consists of 5T, Mitsubishi Corporation RtM Japan
7S, and HX compositions, each with Ltd, commented, “We believe the
application-specific performance aluminium alloys developed by
levels tailored to the demands of the NanoAL are the essential materials
automotive, motorsports, aerospace, for the next generation to achieve
and industrial markets. Addalloy decarbonisation, electrification and
powders are reported to be suitable a circular economy. NanoAL and
for a number of platforms for metal RtMJ will play an important role
AM including EOS, SLM Solutions, in creating a cleaner and greener
Renishaw, Concept Laser, and many society by combining the advanced
others. technology of NanoAL with the Visit
“This announcement is an enor-
mous signal of the market need for
global business network of RtMJ.”
Addalloy powders,” stated Dr Nhon www.nanoal.com Industries/Additive-Manufacturing

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 27
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EOS and Audi expand range of can measure as much as 5 x 3 m. The

individual additively manufactured tool
applications for tool production segments in turn can be up to 400 mm
in length and weigh 120 kg.
Audi AG is reportedly relying on Addi- the design freedom advantages this The size and complexity of the tool
tive Manufacturing for the production production method offers. segments mean that construction
of selected tool segments at its Metal This outcome is the result of a times of up to twenty days are not
3D Printing Centre in Ingolstadt, longstanding cooperative relationship uncommon. AM makes it possible
Germany. Audi uses EOS GmbH’s between Audi and EOS in Ingolstadt. to create highly-complex cooling
metal AM technology to produce EOS provided support in the form channels configured for the specific
twelve segments of four tools for hot of technology and know-how before component within the tool segments.
forming, and plans for significantly and during the construction of Audi’s This provides contoured, more even
more segments to be additively AM centre back in 2016. Since then, cooling, making it possible to shorten
manufactured this way. Audi uses the experts from both companies have cycle times with outstanding quality –
tool segments, which are produced been making steady progress in the a critical point for series production of
using an EOS M 400 machine, in its use of AM, and Audi has established the actual vehicle component.
press shop to make body panels for an ideal application in the area of hot Matthias Herker, Technical Project
models, including the Audi A4. The forming for series vehicles. Several Manager at the Audi Metal 3D Printing
company plans to do the same for hundred thousand parts are said to Centre, stated, “From initial qualifica-
future electric vehicles. have already been produced using tion by EOS to internal further develop-
According to Audi, shifting part of the additively manufactured tools and ment and refinement of the entire
its tool segment production activities installed in selected models. process chain through to standardisa-
from conventional manufacturing to For hot forming segments and tion of a new production method, we
AM is an important step, highlighting high-pressure die casting tool are now reaping the fruits of years of
both the quality and reliability of inserts, the design department in development within Audi’s production
industrial Additive Manufacturing and Ingolstadt creates entire tools which organisation. Whenever conventional
manufacturing methods reach their
limit, we use Additive Manufacturing
– which lets us meet quality standards
and comply with production times.”
Markus Glasser, senior vice
president EMEA at EOS, added, “The
latest examples show that 3D printing
has become an established part of
operating materials production at
Audi. We’re especially proud that the
tool segments made using AM are
created exclusively using an industrial
3D printer from EOS. Audi is a partner
we can work with to continue to drive
the use of AM in automotive production
The EOS M 400 metal AM machine in Audi’s Metal 3D Printing Centre in – a key industry for us.”
Ingolstadt, Germany (Courtesy Audi AG) www.eos.info | www.audi.com

to post-processing or specialised
BASF Ultrafuse 316L Stainless Steel now manufacturing facilities for debinding
supported on MakerBot METHOD and sintering, which turns the part
into solid stainless steel. This process
MakerBot, a Stratasys company, With an open materials platform allows users to create stainless steel
headquartered in Brooklyn, New and a growing portfolio of advanced parts without investing in expensive
York, USA, has announced that the engineering-grade materials, debinding and sintering equipment.
BASF Ultrafuse® 316L Stainless Steel MakerBot states that METHOD is the MakerBot states that final parts
material by Forward AM, the AM only industrial desktop AM machine in can achieve up to 96% of the density
brand of BASF 3D Printing Solutions its price range with a heated chamber of pure 316L metal material. Users
GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany, has that can additively manufacture metal, can produce lightweight, hollow metal
been qualified for the MakerBot polymer and composite materials. parts with high tensile strength.
LABS™ Experimental Extruder for the Once the part is built with www.makerbot.com
MakerBot METHOD® AM machines. Ultrafuse 316L, it can be sent out www.forward-am.com

28 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Our journey with additive manufacturing started over 150 years ago – we just didn’t know it then. But the material and
process knowledge we’ve been gathering since, is crucial to control the entire AM value chain. Sandvik adds true value to
your business through 158 years of material expertise, world leading R&D, and the widest range of metal powders on the
market – including Osprey® titanium and nickel-based super alloys. Two leading AM service bureaus – BEAMIT and ZARE
– are also part of our family, making for an even stronger offering. We are metallurgists, world leading powder producers,
post processing- and metal cutting experts with all relevant printing technologies for metals in-house.
And for your every challenge – the right partner is everything.


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Additive by Sandvik: Material Matters - Interactive webinar series - additive.sandvik/webinar

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• Stainless steel 316L
and 17-4PH
• Tool steel DM D2
• Super alloys DM 625 &
DM 247 (equivalent to
Inconel 625 & MAR M247)
• Titanium Ti6Al4V

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Developed and
built in Sweden

High productivity, excellent surface quality, great Digital Metal offers advanced industrial 3D metal printers
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reliability which minimizes post processing and waste. We DIGITALMETAL.TECH
also provide additional equipment to help you limit manual
handling in high-volume production.


30 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Atomising Systems Ltd invests in • Compressibility and green

new laboratory facilities for rapid Discussing the increased
powder analysis capability of the quality depart-
ment, Dan Lodge, ASL’s Quality
Atomising Systems Ltd. (ASL), a been constructed, meaning ASL now Manager, stated, “We now measure
Sheffield, UK-based metal powder has three laboratories for different our laboratory turnaround time in
producer, has invested £150,000 types of powder testing. hours, while external analysis can
to upgrade its in-house chemical ASL reports that current staff have take up to a week. Rapid results
analysis facilities with the addition of now been trained and the equip- from the new equipment will allow
an ICP-OES system. The new equip- ment is performing well. It expects our Production department to be
ment expands the range of elements to employ extra staff as demand much more responsive and will
that can be reliably analysed in-house increases. also support our extensive R&D
and covers almost all alloys in regular This new facility now means that projects.”
production, such as stainless steels, ASL’s laboratories can test: Simon Dunkley, Managing
nickel and copper alloys, for Additive • Chemical composition via Director, commented, “We are
Manufacturing, Metal Injection ICP-OES and XRF pleased with this major investment;
Moulding, press and sinter Powder this is the first step in our current
• Powder oxygen, nitrogen, carbon,
Metallurgy, brazing, thermal spraying, expansion plans which by 2022
and sulphur by Eltra systems
etc. will see a 50% increase in capacity
To house the new equipment, some • Particle size by laser diffraction enabling more efficient production
of which involves the use of aggres- and sieving of high-grade powders for our
sive acids to bring such corrosion- • Particle shape by Hall and Carney increasingly demanding customers
resistant alloys into solution, a new funnels, density cup, tap density, in Europe and the USA.”
specially-ventilated laboratory has optical microscopy www.atomising.co.uk

Wohlers Report 2021 finds 7.5%

growth in AM industry despite
COVID-19 pandemic
Wohlers Associates, Inc., Fort Collins, grew in 2020. An increase in business
Colorado, USA, has published its by AM service providers supported
Wohlers Report 2021, marking the industry-wide growth. There was
twenty-sixth annual instalment of the a 7.1% growth from independent
industry-leading report on Additive service providers worldwide, resulting
Manufacturing. The study provides in nearly $5.3 billion of revenue from
trends, perspectives and forecasts as this group. Wohlers Associates, Inc has published
a tool for decision making, education The report includes commentary its Wohlers Report 2021 (Courtesy
and knowledge acceleration. The on seventy-four early-stage invest- Wohlers Associates, Inc)
report offers readers new to AM a ments and thirty-five acquisitions
comprehensive understanding of the and public offerings. Wohlers • Methods of AM part inspection
technology and industry, and veterans Report 2021 was created with the • Pandemic’s impact on the AM
of the technology can benefit from support of 124 service providers, 113 industry
up-to-date information. manufacturers of AM machines, and
• Compilation of expert reports
The 375-page report discusses the twenty-four producers of third-party
from thirty-four countries
impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) materials. Eighty-eight co-authors
on the AM industry, most notably that, and contributors from thirty-four • Tables of AM systems, software
despite the pandemic, the industry countries provided expert views and tools, service providers, and
expanded 7.5%, reaching near to perspectives. third-party materials
$12.8 billion in 2020. Growth was New and expanded features of The report includes fifty-four
down considerably, compared to the Wohlers Report 2021 include: charts and graphs, 104 tables, and
average growth of 27.4% over the 397 images and illustrations. It also
• Additive Manufacturing of food, includes eighty pages of supplemental
previous decade. Most established
medicine, and electronics online content available exclusively to
manufacturers of AM machines saw
a decline in equipment sales, but • Pricing of metals and polymers the buyers of the report.
many less-established companies and the hidden costs of AM www.wohlersassociates.com

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 31
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Desktop Metal launches new P-1 and The P-1’s open material platform
and inert process environment allow
Studio System 2 AM machines customers to use third-party Metal
Injection Moulding (MIM) powders
Desktop Metal, Inc., headquartered P-50. The new AM machine features across a variety of materials, making
in Burlington, Massachusetts, USA, a 1200 dpi print bar, advanced the P-1 suitable for cost-effective
has launched two new metal Additive printhead technology that supports a serial production of small and
Manufacturing machines, adding wide variety of binders, and an inert complex parts in addition to smaller-
the P-1 and Studio System 2 to its processing environment to allow both scale process development activities.
growing range. non-reactive and reactive materials,
said to be a key benefit for businesses Desktop Metal Studio System 2
Desktop Metal P-1 and research institutions looking to The Studio System 2 is a simpli-
The new P-1 Binder Jetting (BJT) experiment with a variety of mate- fied, office-friendly metal Additive
machine expands the company’s rials. As a result, materials research Manufacturing system aimed at
Production System™ range, sitting and new application development low volume, pre-production and
alongside its flagship P-50, and has conducted on the P-1 can be trans- end-use applications. The new system
already begun shipping, with the Ford ferred directly onto the P-50 to scale incorporates a new, two-step process
Motor Company cited as an initial to mass production. based on Desktop Metal’s Material
customer. Designed to serve as a Desktop Metal’s SPJ technology Extrusion (MEX) technology it calls
bridge from process development to used on the P-1 is designed to build Bound Metal Deposition (BMD). The
full-scale mass production of end-use each layer in less than three seconds, two-step process now eliminates
metal parts, the P-1 leverages the including powder deposition, powder the use of solvents, removing the
same patent-pending Single Pass compaction, anti-ballistics, binder debinding stage needed with earlier
Jetting™ (SPJ) technology as the deposition, and printhead cleaning. systems. All-new material formula-
tions allow parts to be transferred
directly from the printer into the
The Studio System 2 retains all the
critical features of the original Studio
System, first debuted in 2017, while
delivering advancements that are said
to make metal Additive Manufacturing
even easier, more reliable and acces-
sible. Vacuum sintering in the Desktop
Metal furnace, at temperatures of
up to 1400°C, produces parts and
mechanical properties that are similar
to castings and reportedly meet or
exceed Metal Powder Industries
Federation (MPIF) standards.
Desktop Metal’s new P-1 metal Additive Manufacturing machine (Courtesy
The Studio System 2 is launching
Business Wire)
with 316L stainless steel, but a broad
portfolio of additional materials, that
take advantage of the new streamlined
two-step process, is under develop-
ment. In addition, the Studio System
2 will be backwards-compatible
through the use of the debinder, with
all materials previously supported by
the Studio System, including 17-4PH
stainless steel, 4140 low alloy steel,
H13 tool steel, and copper.
The Studio System 2, which is
set to begin worldwide shipments in
the first quarter of 2021, will also be
available through an upgrade for all
The new Studio System 2 incorporates a two-step process, removing the existing Studio System customers.
debinding stage found in earlier systems (Courtesy Desktop Metal) www.desktopmetal.com

32 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Bodycote provides a complete service solution
for metal parts built by the additive manufacturing
process, including stress relief to minimise
distortion and residual stress, EDM to prepare
the component for hot isostatic pressing (HIP),
heat treatment or HIP to remove microporosity,
and associated quality assurance testing.

Reduction in rejection rates

and inspection costs
Fatigue properties on par
with wrought material
Significant improvement in
fatigue strength, fracture toughness,
and tensile ductility
100% reduction in porosity possible
Improved machined surfaces
and consistency in properties
Improved microstructure

the partner of choice for additive manufacturing

heat treatment | metal joining | hot isostatic pressing | surface technology

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34 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Nikon to acquire
majority ownership
of Morf3D
Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, has
acquired majority ownership of metal
Additive Manufacturing company
Morf3D Inc., El Segundo, California,
USA. Morf3D specialises in AM and
engineering for the aerospace, space
and defence industries.
Nikon reportedly manufactures
some of the most precise equipment in
the world, with its products being used Morf3D expanded its range of AM machines earlier this year (Courtesy Morf3D)
in applications ranging from advanced
semiconductor manufacturing and
mass production of panels for televi- brings a team of experts accustomed “Nikon’s investment and
sions and smart devices, to medical to partnering with customers to cutting-edge technology acceler-
systems, automotive and satellites. In achieve their unique requirements. ates Morf3D’s position as an
July 2019, the company established This combination is well-aligned innovation leader in advanced
its Next Generation Project Division to with Nikon’s vision for accelerating manufacturing for the aerospace,
accelerate the launch of new growth industrialisation of AM through space and defense markets,”
businesses, including materials innovation, and we look forward to added Ivan Madera, Chief Executive
processing technologies. working together to deliver exciting Officer at Morf3D. “Our unique
Yuichi Shibazaki, Corporate vice next-generation AM solutions to partnership is well-positioned to
president and General Manager of customers globally.” bring forth the highest level of
Next Generation Project Division of Nikon states that it intends to drive quality, service and technological
Nikon stated, “Morf3D has proven industrialisation of digital manu- advancements that will drive
leadership in metal additive tech- facturing by leveraging synergies the industrialisation of Additive
nology, a strong innovation pipeline resulting from strategic investments Manufacturing.”
and highly specialised aerospace and alliances with industry-leading www.morf3d.com
manufacturing qualifications. It also companies worldwide. www.nikon.com

Vulcan Technology launches new version

of VM120 PBF-LB AM machine
Vulcan Technology, a metal Additive development of its first commercial
Manufacturing company that offers one, the VM120 in 2019. The VM120
Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion has reportedly sold rapidly since
(PBF-LB) solutions, has launched a its launch, with many being utilised
new version of its successful VM120 successfully in dental laboratories.
metal AM machine. Cenk Sinirlioglu, Vulcan
The VM120 is a compact Laser Technology, stated, “For longer
Metal Additive Manufacturing than a year, many VM120 machines
machine developed mainly for the are working day and night, many
dental market, explains Vulcan times in a single day for our happy
Technology. It has a small footprint customers. Vulcan Technology
of 70 x 85 cm and enables a building develops its own electronics,
platform of 120 x 120 x 100 mm embedded programs, user
(X x Y x Z). interface and CAM software for this
Since 1999, Vulcan Technology technology. New Vulcan Technology Vulcan Technology has launched
has developed and produced machine models will also come on a new version of its VM120 metal
PBF-LB Additive Manufacturing the market soon.” AM machine (Courtesy Vulcan
machines and completed the www.vulcan-3d.com Technology)

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 35
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MPP Ltd 3D Metalforge starts trading on the

PM Solutions by Design
Australian Securities Exchange
Metal Additive Manufacturing in-house Additive Manufacturing
provider 3D Metalforge, with offices services from design and
in Singapore, USA and Australia,Additive Manufacturing
engineering, material advisory,
has commenced trading on the diagnostics and testing to building
MPP Ltd manufactures
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and post production.
both large andA part
following an Initial Public Offering smallis saidlots,
to be additively
Technical support to meet delivering
(IPO). The company raised AUD$10 powders
manufacturedin every eight minutes in
your powder requirements quantities as
thelow as 5kg
million before costs, with strong company’s Singaporean facility,

Ÿ Powders optimised for AM

through to multi-tonnage
support received from investors. supporting a growing blue chip client
A total of 50,000,000 fully paid base across the energy, maritime,
and other major processes ordinary shares at $0.20 per share
defence and manufacturing sectors.

were issued under the IPO and 3D
Metalforge listed with an initial
3D Metalforge has already generated
revenue of AUD$1.3 million in
Ÿ Spherical, free flowing, low Cobalt
market capitalisation of $38 million. 2019, providing a strong underlying
oxygen content powders Alto Capital acted as Lead Manager
commercial foundation for the
to the IPO. business, with the scope to scale

Ÿ We can arrange trials from

Funds from the IPO will be
directed towards revenue growth-
Matthew Waterhouse, 3D
R&D to pilot to production Silicon
initiatives, which include increasing Metalforge CEO, commented, “We
production capacity at the company’s are excited about becoming a listed
Singapore facility, and opening a company and welcome our new
new production centre in Houston, shareholders and thank them for the

USA. Following the ASX listing, 3D high level of interest and support.
Metalforge also plans to upgrade its We now have a robust capital base
Perth office and pursue opportunities to execute our expansion plans and
in the Australian energy, resources, are listing at a time when strong
industrial and defence sectors. industry tailwinds are driving growth
Founded in 2015, 3D Metalforge and innovation across the Additive
uses proprietary technology and
processes to offer a full range of
Manufacturing sector.”

Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies

HERMIGA - Vacuum Inert Gas
introduces AM subsidiary
Atomiser (VIGA) supplied by
Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies
(HMT), Moira, Leicestershire, UK,
metal deposition as well as polymer
& composite extrusion additive,
has opened a new subsidiary, Hybrid integrated with subtractive, and
Advanced Manufacturing (Hybrid AM). inspection.
Application of MPP Powders
Hybrid AM now offers Manufacturing- “We understand that many would

Ÿ Automotive
as-a-Service (MaaS) using HMT’s
expertise and equipment.
like access to our technology, but
do not yet have enough demand to
Ÿ Aerospace For over eight years, HMT purchase their own system,” stated
Ÿ Energy Storage has been working towards the Nickel
Dr Jason Jones, CEO & co-founder.
Ÿ Energy Generation transitioning of hybrid systems Superalloys
“This new division furthers our
Ÿ Medical into commercial realities. Despite mission to enable wider access to
industry disruption caused by hybrid technology. Our integrated
the coronavirus (COVID-19), HMT approach to digital manufacturing
was able to double the size of its drives untapped value for customer
Metal Powder & Process Limited facilities. This expansion houses applications not practical with other
the new AM division, headed by approaches.”
Tel: +44 (0)1323 404 844
info@metalpowderprocess.co.uk Peter-Jon Solomon, MSc, CEng. The Silicon
www.metalpowderprocess.co.uk Additive Manufacturing
division hosts capabilities for laser www.hybrid-am.com

36 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 HIP Automotive

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ITS Bilbao ECM Group launches ECM Lab Solutions

receives Nadcap
accreditation for The ECM Group, headquartered in
Grenoble, France, has launched
metallurgy & heat treatment, crystal
growth, semiconductor and renewable
heat treating ECM Lab Solutions, a laboratory energies.
furnace division dedicated to offering The group states that its laboratory
Isostatic Toll Services Bilbao SL solutions to laboratories and furnaces are the perfect tools to
(ITS Bilbao), Spain, recently received research centres. work on samples up to small-scale
Nadcap accreditation for its heat ECM Lab Solutions gathers production. The systems are based on
treating services. Nadcap provides all products from the ECM Group its industrial technology and equip-
independent certification for manu- that are designed and adapted ment from ECM Technologies, ECM
facturing processes for the aerospace to research and development for Greentech, Semco and Cyberstar.
industry. With over fifty subscribers four main fields, which include www.ecmlabsolutions.com
among the most relevant OEMs, the
Nadcap accreditation is seen as the
reference in developing industry-wide
audit criteria for special processes
and products, and the cornerstone in
quality supply surveillance and risk
mitigation activity in the industry.
ITS Bilbao, sister company of
Isostatic Toll Services (ITS), Olive
Branch, Mississippi, USA, is equipped
with an AIP52 HIP unit, with a hot
zone diameter of 1100 mm and depth GLOBAL. AHEAD. SUSTAINABLE.
of 2500 mm at 103 MPa. The AIP52 is
capable of processing large compo-
nents, such as engine blades, vanes
and integral rings used in the aviation
industry. The investment for a second
identical unit in Bilbao is said to have
already been confirmed and will be in
operation by October 2021.
“It is indeed a remarkable achieve-
ment to directly meet the stringent
requirements of Nadcap accredita-
tion, whose credit is shared among
all the people that with passion and
competence made this possible; the
US sister company, the manufacturer
of the HIP unit, the customers, our
specialised consultants, and our key
people on-site. One word among
many: Teamwork,” Fernando del Val,
Plant Manager in ITS Bilbao, stated.
with LMI and the cradle of 3D printing
In addition to its Nadcap and
ISO 9100 achievements, ITS Bilbao  Strong 3D network with access to highly qualified R&D partners
has received special approval from
 More than 200 developers working exclusively on AM
Rolls Royce, ITP, Safran, and Pratt
 Best price-performance ratio
& Whitney. Honeywell Aerospace’s
approval process is said to be
currently ongoing. The AIP52 unit can
currently HIP parts in aluminium,
titanium, and nickel alloys up to
3d.kurtzersa.com/en | Kurtz GmbH | Kreuzwertheim, GER | info@kurtz.de

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 37
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ValCUN raises €1.5 million to further “The COVID-19 pandemic made

it challenging to raise capital, but
develop its novel AM technology the approval for additional financing
will allow us to further expand our
ValCUN, a developer of a novel metal AM economically competitive for activities,” added Jonas Galle, CEO
Additive Manufacturing process all sectors of the manufacturing and co-founder.
based in Ghent, Belgium, has raised industry. The patent application ValCUN already has several
€1.5 million in capital to further for the technology – approved late pilot projects in the pipeline. The
develop its patented technology. 2020 – and the demonstration parts company’s prototype AM machine is
In contrast to many existing AM it has produced are reported to to be fine-tuned to meet the specific
technologies, ValCUN is reported to have convinced the investors. needs of target applications, such as
not use lasers or metal powder in its “ValCUN has touched me heat exchangers – crucial for battery
process. The company explains that with its passion, people and developments – and other near-net-
a more efficient heat input results in technology: a team with ambition shape products. The aim of which is
considerable energy savings, adding and a drive for innovation, and a to put ValCUN in prime position as
that shape requirements for the filler potentially ground breaking metal a supplier for the growing electric
material are non-existent. As a result, 3D print technology,” stated Piet vehicles market.
wire, granulates, residual flows, and D’Haeyer, a private investor in the The increasing need for higher
even recycled metal or previously- company. Other investors so far energy density and performance
additively manufactured parts are are reported to include government has a major impact on the need for
suitable as raw material. support agencies PMV and VLAIO cooling of components. The company
Through its innovative process, in Flanders, as well as various has also identified the potential in
the startup aims at making metal business angels. IT infrastructure, where there is a
growing need for heat exchangers for
data centres.
“We didn’t take the easy road,
developing a new technology and
new hardware simultaneously – a
combination that many investors
are opposed to,” commented Jan de
Pauw, co-founder. “We are steadily
pursuing our sky-high ambitions by
thinking globally and we see potential
at renowned companies such as
Google and Tesla. From the outset,
we have positioned ourselves as an
international company. To implement
this vision, we are currently looking
for business/customer development
The team at ValCUN has developed a unique metal AM process (Courtesy and engineering talents.”
ValCUN) www.valcun.be

Dr Chloe Cunningham joins Fehrmann distribution of standard powders

and data science for customer-
Alloys team to advance its alloy individualised Additive Manufacturing
development materials.
As part of her role, Dr Cunningham
Fehrmann Alloys GmbH & Co of Bath. She has previously worked will provide international Fehrmann
KG, Hamburg, Germany, recently for Renishaw, amongst other AM customers with technical support
welcomed Dr Chloe Cunningham to companies. and sales. The position also includes
its team as a Materials and Process Fehrmann Alloys is a joint venture market development in cooperation
Engineer, in order to advance its alloy of Fehrmann GmbH, a leading AM machine manufacturers and
development. Dr Cunningham brings developer of high-performance powder suppliers. “I want to be part
with her a PhD in Additive Manufac- aluminium and the Hamburg-based of the revolution in the materials
turing and a Masters in Mechanical trading firm Cremer. The venture is landscape for metal 3D printing,”
Engineering with Manufacturing and involved in the development of new added Dr Cunningham.
Management from the UK’s University high-performance alloys, global www.alloys.tech

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Sintavia publishes guide to powder going is just as important as the

proper preparation of each type of
condensate disposal procedures waste. As Sintavia has grown, we
have recognised that proper disposal
Sintavia, LLC, Hollywood, Florida, wet-vacuumed out of the chamber of all of our waste streams must
USA, has published an overview of (‘wet’ condensate, along with the melt be a priority. We have worked with
handling procedures for powder spatter removed at the same time). Triumvirate Environmental and other
condensate waste generated as part Both of these forms of condensate experts within the industry to manage
of the Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) may be hazardous and must be the final disposal of these streams
Additive Manufacturing process. The disposed of in line with applicable according to regulatory require-
article, ‘Overview of Disposal Proce- environmental regulations. ments.”
dures for Powder Condensate’ was As metal AM has only recently “We were pleased to work with
written by Ashley Wallace, Sintavia’s entered its maturity with regards the Additive Manufacturer Green
Quality & EHS Engineer, in collabora- to production, powder condensate Trade Association and Triumvirate
tion with the Additive Manufacturer as a waste stream was previously Environmental on this paper,” added
Green Trade Association (AMGTA) and neither a major concern for operators Brian Neff, Sintavia’s CEO. “By
Triumvirate Environmental, a provider nor widely studied. However, as sharing what we’ve learned with
of enterprise waste management and the production volumes increase other industry stakeholders, we
environmental services. industry-wide, manufacturers must hope these published guidelines can
Powder condensate is the term allocate increasing resources for the help other Powder Bed Fusion AM
used to describe solidified particles safe disposal of the material. In order manufacturers as they develop their
which result from the evaporation of to do so, powder condensate should own process to determine the safe
metal alloys during the PBF process. be classed as a separate waste and proper handling and disposal of
This condensate, a waste stream stream and appropriately documented powder condensate.”
unique to AM, is either deposited with cost-effective disposal methods. www.sintavia.com
into a collection chamber within the According to Wallace, “Knowing www.amgta.org
AM machine (‘dry’ condensate) or where each condensate stream is www.triumvirate.com


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40 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Formnext 2021 to take place with “In this way, Formnext can also
aid the economic recovery of a lot
in-person and digital elements of areas by serving as a catalyst of
Formnext organiser Mesago Messe booth concepts that are said to “We’re hoping that these two
Frankfurt GmbH reports that, make planning an entire trade-fair days provide an intriguing digital
following a year in which trade fairs appearance a simple affair without platform, especially for attendees
globally went almost entirely digital, any major additional effort. and exhibitors who can’t make it to
Formnext 2021 will include both “An array of highly innovative Frankfurt in November due to travel
in-person as well as digital elements companies from the various sectors restrictions,” Wenzler concluded.
in a hybrid concept. The in-person of this industry can’t wait to present Further information is available
event will take place in Frankfurt, their latest developments to our via the event’s website.
Germany, from November 16–19, audience in person,” added Wenzler. www.formnext.com
and the digital event will run from
November 30–December 1, 2021.
In planning its hybrid concept
for the upcoming trade fair, the
organiser is said to be building on
the experience it gathered holding
the digital Formnext Connect
2020 event last year. To offer a
counterpart to the in-person event
for the very first time, the Formnext
Digital Days are being planned to
run two weeks later for those who Sintervac® AM debind and sinter
vacuum furnaces for Additive
cannot attend in person. Hosted
alongside the trade fair will be a

Manufactured parts
conference organised by content
partner TCT, which will also have a
digital component.
“The feedback we’ve received Over 6,500 production and laboratory furnaces manufactured since 1954
from exhibitors, attendees, and the
exhibitor advisory board has made • Metal or graphite hot zones
it clear that a genuine in-person • Processes all binders for
event is essential to this industry. metals or ceramics
Everyone is longing to visit some • Sizes from 8-1500 liters
real booths and have some face-to- (0.3–54 cu ft.)
face conversations,” stated Sascha F • Pressures from 10-6 mbar to
Wenzler, vice president of Formnext Atmosphere
at Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH. • Precision heat treating post
“Digital elements can definitely processing available
complement Formnext, but they’ll • Vacuum, Ar, N2 and H2
never replace the real thing. Like • Max possible temperature
in years past, Formnext 2021 is 3,500°C (6,332°F)
scheduled to take place at the state- • Worldwide field service,
of-the-art facilities on the western rebuilds and parts for all
premises of Messe Frankfurt.” makes
In order to provide Formnext’s
exhibitors with as much flexibility as
possible in their planning, both the Sintervac® AM
related deadlines and the event’s
general terms and conditions have WorkhorseTM AM
been adjusted. It was stated that
exhibitors can, for example, cancel Centorr Vacuum Industries
55 Northeastern Blvd
their bookings free of charge until Nashua, NH 03062
the end of June. In light of the USA
Tel: +1 603 595 7233
current situation, Formnext 2021
is also offering modified, turnkey www.centorr.com Fax: +1 603 595 9220
Email: sales@centorr.com

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Holo introduces PureForm technology The ability to process this material

has enabled the company to focus on
for metal AM developing cooling solutions for the
rapidly growing high-performance
Holo, a volume production Additive Zarem, CEO at Holo. “We are lowering computer market, electric vehicles
Manufacturing company based the barriers to adoption by offering (inverters and e-motors), complex
in Newark, California, USA, has additively manufactured parts to our three-dimensional electrical
launched its PureForm™ metal AM customers and addressing the largest interconnects, RF antennae and heat
platform, ramping up production sector of the AM market with finished exchangers. Holo is now sampling
capacity to manufacture thousands parts.” stainless steels to customers,
of parts per month from its newly PureForm uses a patented opening up applications across a
opened facility in the Bay Area. The polymer binder compatible with a gamut of industries, from aerospace
company’s sinter-based AM platform wide variety of materials, including to medical.
is based on the Vat Photopolymerisa- metals and ceramics. Combined “The challenge today with metal
tion (VPP) process. with what is described as a proven 3D printing is that the technologies
“Most companies developing back-end processes based on Metal are either too expensive and unable to
additive technology are focused on Injection Moulding (MIM) technology, scale for production, or low resolu-
selling their printers,” stated Hal the platform provides scalable tion, which limit applications,” added
production tailored for high-volume Arian Aghababaie, co-founder and
manufacturing. Chief Strategy Officer at Holo. “Holo’s
The company’s first commercial PureForm technology enables us to
material is reported to be pure produce high-resolution components
copper. At over $170 billion, copper directly for our customers, at a
is the third largest material market fraction of the cost of existing AM
in the world – a material widely technologies and in production
used for its electrical and thermal volumes.”
conductivity properties. Although Holo is quickly ramping up volume
processing copper is challenging for and has begun supplying parts
certain metal Additive Manufacturing from its 1850 m2 production facility
technologies, Holo has developed in Silicon Valley, where it is said to
a 99.9% pure copper material that have the capacity to produce tens of
PureForm is a Vat Photopolymerisa- retains the bulk conductivity proper- thousands of parts per month.
tion-based technology (Courtesy Holo) ties of copper. www.holoam.com

Consortium formed to further Wire Arc The organisations committed to

Additive Manufacturing in industry • BOC, Guildford, Surrey:
industrial gas provider and
Seven specialist organisations have developing an economically feasible member of the Linde Group
come together, supported by £1.2 way of printing large scale, complex
• Cranfield University: post-
million in funding from Innovate designs at entirely new speeds,”
graduate university
UK, to launch High Productivity commented a spokesperson for the
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing consortium. “The critical funding • Foster + Partners, London:
(HPWAAM), an academic-industrial provided by Innovate UK reflects the international design studio
partner project. The business-led, credibility of the project as well as our • Steelo, London: lean manufac-
commercially-focused project will ambition to create future value for our turer of construction systems
commence using seminal research partners and the wider UK economy.” • WAAM3D, Milton Keynes,
carried out by Cranfield University as “3D printing has proven numerous Buckinghamshire: a spin-off
a basis to develop a novel solution for benefits over traditional processes in company of Cranfield University
the UK’s industrial sector. The project terms of speed, design, sustainability
• Weir Group, Glasgow, Scotland:
will focus on supporting an ecosystem and cost. This research will explore
global mining equipment
for the widespread adoption of AM the next generation of solutions that
technologies in industries such as High Productivity Wire Arc Additive
construction and resources. Manufacturing can unlock. We are • Wintwire, Sheffield, South
“This project is an exciting oppor- grateful for the full support of all our Yorkshire: specialist SME wire
tunity to focus on the distinct research partners as we embark on the next manufacturer
capabilities of our partners, towards chapter of Additive Manufacturing.” www.waam3d.com

42 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Evaluate the technology potential

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ExOne launches office-based metal AM materials are currently offered:

17-4PH and 316L stainless steels,
system in Rapidia partnership with other metals and ceramics to
follow soon.
The ExOne Company, North from package tracking technology “We set out to develop a simple,
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA, has to atrial fibrillation treatment. His environmentally-friendly system that
announced the launch of the ExOne popular YouTube series on prototyping creates the toughest, most intricate
Metal Designlab Additive Manufac- is used for instruction by several parts overnight,” added Gelbart.
turing machine and the X1F advanced universities. “Today, we’re excited to leverage
furnace in an exclusive partnership “We are delighted to partner with ExOne’s global marketing and sales
with Rapidia, a Vancouver, Canada- the visionary Dan Gelbart and the team to help customers around
based technology company. Deliv- Rapidia technology team to offer the world enjoy the benefits of our
eries of the new office-safe metal AM the new ExOne Metal Designlab and revolutionary technology. I also
machine and furnace are expected to X1F furnace,” stated John Hartner, expect a lot of innovation to come
begin in Q2 2021. ExOne’s CEO. “This technology is from combining the deep technical
Rapidia’s two-step AM technology, a true time-saving innovation that knowledge of both companies. Now,
developed over several years and first complements ExOne’s portfolio. Now, users can 3D print complex parts
revealed in 2019, sees water-bound researchers, educators, and industrial today without any thickness limita-
metal and ceramic parts go directly designers will be able to bypass days tions for solid parts and produce
from the build stage into a furnace, of waiting and produce high-quality high-strength parts overnight.”
without a debinding step. The parts without the limitations faced The new X1F furnace, with around
process is made possible by Hydro- by parts that require traditional 10 litres of usable volume, will also
Fuse, a water-based paste containing debinding.” be offered across ExOne’s Binder
metal or ceramic powders, which The ExOne and Rapidia teams Jet lineup, where it is seen as a
does not require debinding before are reported to be collaborating on complement to the Innovent+ and
final sintering. system and process enhancements, InnoventPro 3L or 5L printers.
HydroFuse paste replaces with more innovations expected. Two www.exone.com
98% of the typical binder used in
similar Material Extrusion (MEX)
AM processes with water, which
evaporates while printing. According
to ExOne, the Metal Designlab can
produce 100% solid metal of any
thickness, delivering maximum-
strength parts suitable for a wide
variety of demanding pre-production
and end-use applications.
Under terms of this strategic
partnership, ExOne has right of first
refusal for majority ownership of
Rapidia, founded by Dan Gelbart,
who will also become a technology
advisor to ExOne. Gelbart is an
electrical engineer who co-founded
companies such as Creo, Inc, a laser
technology company sold in 2005 to
Kodak for $1 billion, and Kardium, a The ExOne Metal Designlab is a two-step process, where water-bound metal
medical device company. He has 135 parts go directly from the build stage to the furnace without a debinding step
US patents for inventions ranging (Courtesy ExOne)


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Triditive closes $1.8 million seed funding “We are delighted to welcome
our new investors and thankful
round for industrial automated AM to our existing shareholders for
their continued support,” stated
Triditive, Gijón, Spain, has the factory of the future with the AM Mariel Diaz, CEO at Triditive.
completed a $1.8 million series seed industry at its heart. “This funding validates our
investment round, which will be The company provides advanced approach to industrialise Additive
used to provide automated Additive robotics powered by machine Manufacturing through automation
Manufacturing machines in order learning, bringing AM to the and enables us to expand our
to accelerate and support creating production floor and, due to its market presence.”
mass production and metal-polymer Sean Wright, Stanley
AM capacity, the cost of scaling Ventures Managing Director,
production is reduced. commented, “We see tremendous
The seed round was supported growth potential in the Additive
by new investors and industry Manufacturing industry. Triditive
leaders: Stanley Ventures (Stanley demonstrated its ability to innovate
Black & Decker), Techstars, Hunosa and create a novel product. We look
empresas, Fourth Funding, IDEPA, forward to working with the team
and a selected group of ‘business to extend our impact in the Additive
Triditive’s AMCell AM machine angels’ from Spain, France and Manufacturing industry.”
(Courtesy Triditive) Switzerland. www.triditive.com

Rusal America partners with helps North American companies

minimise environmental risks across
Mexican manufacturer Almexa for the supply chain and reduce their

low-carbon aluminium overall carbon footprint.

“Our partnership with Rusal
America has been the cornerstone
Rusal America Corporation durable and infinitely recyclable, of our new company growth
(RAC), Rye Brook, New York, has aluminium is the metal of the strategy,” commented Mike Otero,
announced its entrance into a future low-carbon economy. We are CEO of Almexa and a member of
five-year partnership with Almexa, proud to partner with Almexa, a the Aluminum Association Board of
a Mexican manufacturer of company that shares our commit- Directors. “Rusal America has helped
aluminium products, for a 100,000 ment to doing the right thing, and Almexa at every step of the process
ton low-carbon primary aluminium collaborating in a true partnership – from our initial conversations, to
slab contract. This deal is said to that will deliver innovation, value coordinating the first loads of slab
underscore the growing determina- and efficiency to its customer hitting the port of Veracruz, Mexico
tion among manufacturers to source end-users.” in record time. Our experience with
materials sustainably. To date, RAC The En+ Group, RAC’s parent Rusal America has been amazing
has delivered 4,800 metric tons of company, is the largest producer from not only the product perspective,
green aluminium slabs under its of aluminium outside of China and but also the delivery and technical
ultra-law-carbon brand, ALLOW. the second largest supplier of a follow-up. Almexa is proud to call
As well as its more traditional vital industrial commodity for North Rusal America a business partner
aluminium offerings, 2021 has seen American manufacturers, supplying and we look forward to growing with
RAC expanding into aluminium over 300,00 tons of environmentally- them as we triple our output over the
powders for metal Additive Manu- friendly, low-carbon aluminium next twenty-four months.”
facturing applications. The powders, to the US economy. This is largely The company has also announced
atomised from its ALLOW feedstock, facilitated by the group’s hydropower its goal of achieving net-zero
reportedly have a carbon footprint resource which generates 16 GW of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
75% lower than the global average. power – for comparison, the Hoover across all global operations by 2050.
“With the growing demand for Dam in Nevada generates 2 GW. It plans to achieve a 35% reduction
sustainable products, companies are The contract will provide Almexa in GHG emissions by 2030, said to be
sourcing materials that reduce the slabs to feed its plant in Mexico City, the most ambitious carbon reduc-
carbon footprint of their products positioning the company as one of tion targets yet seen in the global
across the entire value chain,” the greenest and most cost-compet- aluminium industry.
stated Brian Hesse, president and itive mills in North America. Rusal www.almexa.com.mx
CEO of Rusal America. “Lightweight, America’s low-carbon aluminium www.rusalamerica.com

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3D Systems accelerating the move from proof-of-

concept to industrial production. The
key elements of the business to
gain efficiencies, and to accelerate
announces additional customer collaboration innovation and customer adoption

expansion plans at space will provide an enhanced

environment for 3D Systems’ applica-
of Additive Manufacturing on an
industrial scale.”
South Carolina HQ tion engineers to help customers “Through our restructuring and
address their unique market needs. investment activities, we will bring
3D Systems has revealed expansion Advanced materials enable the new jobs to the area over the next
plans for its Rock Hill, South Carolina, design and manufacture of parts for five years which will contribute to
USA, headquarters, adding some a variety of applications including the economic development of Rock
9,300 m2 to its existing campus and medical implants, orthodontics, Hill and South Carolina,” Graves
enabling the company to consolidate aerospace, motorsports and appli- continued. The combination of
its materials manufacturing, quality ances. The company’s materials state-of-the-art facilities; renowned
and logistics operations with new innovation is driven by the desire to hardware, materials, and software
and expanded materials development meet new application challenges and our leadership in application
laboratories. The additional capacity presented by its customers, and as knowledge will be a catalyst for us to
is expected to improve operational part of the expansion, investment is take our innovation to new heights
efficiencies, accelerate solution planned in new laboratories to foster – providing Additive Manufacturing
development and reduce time to this activity. solutions for specific, high-value
market. “While 3D Systems is a global applications in growing markets.”
The company will also expand its company, our headquarters in South The activity is part of the
customer collaboration and training Carolina has been its centre for many company’s restructuring and organi-
facilities and its advanced manu- years,” stated Dr Jeffrey Graves, sation plans announced last year and
facturing capabilities for both metal president and CEO, 3D Systems. it is expected the expansion will be
and polymer components. These “This expansion of our Rock Hill completed in early 2022.
capabilities are said to be critical to campus allows us to bring together www.3dsystems.com

Ad_ARIEL_Inovar Communications_E_175x120_RZ.indd 1 13.01.21 21:43

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ExOne launches • InnoventPro™, which comes

to market in late 2021 with a
steel, Inconel 718, Inconel 625, M2
tool steel, titanium, and tungsten
online cost 3- or 5-litre build volume and heavy alloy.

estimation tool is a faster version of thme

Aluminium, which is already
qualified for R&D use on ExOne AM
ExOne’s complete family of Pro machines, has been fast-tracked for
The ExOne Company, North ExOne’s highest third-party qualifica-
series AM machines are capable of
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA, has tion status, explains the company,
Additively Manufacturing more than
launched a new online estimation which indicates general market
twenty materials, including eleven
tool for companies considering readiness. ExOne’s first aluminium
single-alloy metals, five composite
moving production of metal parts to alloys are expected to receive this
metals and four ceramics. Usable
high-speed binder jet (BJT) Additive status upgrade during 2021.
metals include 17-4PH, 316L, 304L,
Manufacturing. www.exone.com
cobalt chrome, copper, H13 tool
The ExOne Production Metal
Cost Calculator is designed to
provide manufacturers with a
per-part estimate for Binder Jetting
a precision metal part so they can
quickly compare the technology
to other forms of traditional and
Additive Manufacturing.
The company explains that
the new tool requires a few easy
inputs – material, machine, part
dimensions and volume – and is
based on the purchase of any one of
its four Pro series AM machines.
“As customers compare new
Binder Jetting options in the
marketplace, we wanted to provide
greater transparency into the
affordable costs of Binder Jetting
with ExOne technology,” stated
John Hartner, ExOne’s CEO.
“Our new estimating tool takes
a comprehensive range of costs
into account, such as initial capital
investment, throughput speeds,
material, binder, replacement
printheads, and more. Our team
is confident that our high-speed
systems offer the best value in
terms of build area, throughput,
consumable costs, material
flexibility, and experience.”
ExOne’s production-ready lineup

• X1 25Pro® large metal AM

machine, launched in 2019. It
offers a maximum build rate of
3,600 cm3/hr

• X1 160Pro™ extra-large metal

AM machine with a maximum
build speed of 10,000 cm3/
hr, which is in production at
ExOne’s German facility and
shipping to customers soon.

MAM Island Half Page Ad – Grow Profits – C Series.indd 1 2/8/21 2:37 PM

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Uniformity Labs closes $38 million managed by Orion Resource Partners,

a global alternative investment
Series B finance round management firm with approximately
$6.3 billion under management. Orion
Additive Manufacturing company businesses to greatly improve is one of the world’s leading investors
Uniformity Labs, Inc., (UL), based the 3D printing value proposition in the mining, metals processing, and
in Fremont, California, USA, has for major manufacturers,” stated metal commodity trading industries.
completed a $38.35 million Series B Adam Hopkins, founder and CEO of “Orion is pleased to make its first
funding round. It was stated that the Uniformity Labs. “What’s important investment into the Additive Manu-
proceeds will predominantly drive the about this round is the level of facturing and metals atomisation
expansion of its production capability commitment from new financial and industries through Uniformity Labs.
and the development of additional strategic industry investors, which We look forward to supporting their
specialised materials. It will also stands as an important endorsement growth within this rapidly evolving
fuel the growth of the senior team, of our technology and business industry,” added Oskar Lewnowski,
particularly in the sales and marketing model.” the Chief Investment Officer of Orion
function – a process that will ramp up The Series B funding round Resource Partners.
substantially over the course of 2021. included existing investors as well as Uniformity Labs develops material
“This marks a significant milestone new financial and strategic investors. and software solutions to accelerate
in our next phase of growth as we Michael Burychka, CEO of IP and expand global commercial/
scale our game-changing metal Group, Inc., commented, “As its industrial Additive Manufacturing
feedstock and print applications founding investor, IP Group is excited markets. Its patented technology is
to see Uniformity Labs poised said to enable significant cost savings,
to disrupt the AM market. Adam speed, and quality improvements
Hopkins and his team have done a across all mainstream AM machines.
tremendous job developing the core UL states that its feedstock materials
technology created in Professor and AM build processes dramatically
Sal Torquato’s labs at Princeton impact the value chain by increasing
University to unlock the potential of the reliability and efficiency of AM.
powder-based manufacturing. UL is Armory Securities acted as
an excellent example of our focus on exclusive financial advisor and
supporting the commercial develop- placement agent for UL for the Series
ment of innovative hard science from B round. Mercator Partners, an asset
premier research institutions like manager located in Princeton, New
Uniformity Labs completed a recent Princeton.” Jersey, USA, helped to arrange and
$38.35 million funding round (Courtesy An investment to finance plant close the financing.
Uniformity Labs) construction was made from a fund www.uniformitylabs.com

ASM’s titanium powder approved for from the mine direct to manufac-
turers, through the delivery of the
Additive Manufacturing Dubbo Project and the establish-
ment of our metals business,” he
Korean Additive Manufacturing group “This independent review of ASM’s continued.
HANA AMT, Cheongju, Korea, is titanium metal powder is a great vali- ASM’s metals business is
reported to have performed a detailed dation of our patented metal process, founded on a novel metallisation
analysis of titanium powder supplied confirming the high purity and the process that converts oxides into
by Australia Strategic Materials (ASM), environmental benefits of the metal high purity metals, alloys, and
headquartered in Burswood, Australia, ASM can produce for the manufac- powders using less energy than
confirming a purity of 99.918% and its turing sector in Korea,” stated David conventional methods. The pilot
suitability for metal AM. Woodall, ASM Managing Director. “We plant in South Korea has proven
The test 20 kg of titanium powder look forward to progressing negotia- the commercial scalability of the
was produced from a 75 kg run at tions and continuing discussions with process and is reported to have
ASM’s metallisation pilot plant in other potential off-take and strategic successfully produced a range
January 2021. ASM and HANA AMT partners during our time in Korea.” of high-purity metals and alloys,
signed a non-disclosure agree- “This is a promising start of the including titanium, neodymium,
ment (NDA) as they progress their year, with 2021 a foundation year praseodymium, dysprosium, and
negotiations towards an initial 1,500 for ASM, as we progress our vision zirconium.
tonne-per-year off-take agreement to become a fully integrated critical www.asm-au.com
for titanium powder. metals producer – supplying metals www.hanaamt.com

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Mantle launches cally faster new product introductions

while leveraging their proven mass
Similarly, a leading medical device
manufacturer reduced the lead time
precision metal AM production expertise.” for its tool by 80%. The built tool is

technology aimed Mantle claims that its TrueShape

process is the first AM technology
reported to have performed just as
well as tools made with traditional
at the tooling that can meet these requirements methods.

market because it combines both Additive

Manufacturing and subtractive
“Mantle is taking on the overlooked
$45 billion tooling market that is a
finishing into a single hybrid process bottleneck for innovation because it is
Mantle, an Additive Manufacturing to yield superior accuracy and surface a slow process that has not changed
startup based in San Francisco, finish. The process uses unique metal significantly in seventy years,” stated
California, USA, has launched its True- pastes that produce high-hardness Steve Vassallo, General Partner at
Shape™ technology, a proprietary AM steels that meet or exceed the tooling Foundation Capital. “Until Mantle, no
process to make high-precision metal industry’s demanding requirements. one has been able to develop tooling
parts, similar to Material Extrusion “Mantle’s TrueShape technology tech that is disruptive in either time
(MEX) AM processes. Having previously delivered the dimensional tolerances or cost, let alone both, which made
secured an unannounced $13 million and surface finish that are needed backing Mantle an easy decision for
investment by Foundation Capital, for the precision moulds we use at us.”
Hypertherm Ventures, Future Shape, L’Oréal,” commented Blake Soeters, Mantle’s TrueShape technology
11.2 capital, Plug and Play Ventures, Director Product Conception, L’Oreal. includes multiple tool steel materials,
and Corazon Capital, the company “We are excited because of the custom printing hardware, and a
has developed what it believes is the positive impact this technology will user-friendly software suite to deliver
most precise and efficient metal AM have on our ability to rapidly bring toolmakers a complete production-
technology for the tooling market. new products to market.” grade tooling solution. Further solu-
Historically, product development At the foundation of the TrueShape tions are expected for a wide range
cycles have been gated by tooling, process is a line of proprietary Flow- of applications in the $300 billion
since manufacturing companies able Metal Paste (FMP) materials. precision parts market, including jigs
cannot launch new products until the FMP materials incorporate metal and fixtures, low-volume industrial
exact moulds and dies to produce particles within a liquid to ensure machinery and spare parts and
them are created. These tools are safety and consistency during the high-volume part production.
made from high-hardness steel build process. Different particle types “Mantle gives you the superpowers
through a multi-step process that and sizes within the paste minimise to make Apple-quality mechanical
includes programming, cutting, and dimensional change during sintering parts in days, not months, and lowers
finishing the tools. This intensive and tailor the final metal for optimal your cost by orders of magnitude,”
process takes months and can cost material properties. added Tony Fadell, Principal at Future
tens to hundreds of thousands of Using a Mantle tool insert, a global Shape. “That speed and affordability
dollars. Mantle’s process takes just appliance manufacturer has already lets you iterate to get your parts to
days, which allows companies to produced over 200,000 washing perfection and still lets you launch
deploy new tools within a few weeks machine parts. The Mantle mould much earlier. I wish we had these
while cutting costs by at least half. component cost 67% less than the Mantle tooling breakthroughs for our
The AM industry has pursued the cost from traditional methods and Nest, iPod and iPhone projects!”
tooling market for many years. The was produced in 70% less time. www.mantle3d.com
sector requires precision, as a tool
that is too big or too small by just half
the width of a human hair can be the
difference between a product that
works and one that does not, Mantle
“Manufacturers require proven
part quality and performance. By
using Mantle printed tooling, they
can continue to use the same high-
performance thermoplastics and get
parts of equivalent or superior quality
in less time and at a lower cost,”
stated Ted Sorom, CEO and co-founder
of Mantle. “We help companies speed During the TrueShape process, tools are built, then shaped before a final
their products to market with dramati- sintering stage (Courtesy Mantle)

52 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Discover your
perfect powder

Finding exactly the right powder metal solution for your specific application
can be a challenge. It can be difficult to be sure that you’ve made the optimal
choice, but with Höganäs PowderFinder, you can make the right decision in
a matter of seconds.

Our smart web-based tool can show you the ideal solution for your business
based on the powder type required, the process used, the application, or any
combination of these factors. You simply select the parameters that apply to
you, and our system will present the best options available.

Höganäs PowderFinder

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Incus Hammer Lab35 metal AM

machine in production
Incus GmbH, Vienna, Austria, has into existing MIM production lines or
begun production of its Hammer research and development depart-
Lab35 metal Additive Manufacturing ments as an option for small-scale
machine. The lithography-based production and prototyping.
metal manufacturing (LMM) process, Two Hammer Lab35 machines are
defined as a Vat Photopolymerisation reported to already be in operation
process (VPP) by ISO/ASTM, has at the Institute for Precious and Incus has begun production of its
been developed by Incus to offer an Technology Metals at Pforzheim Hammer Lab35 metal Additive
economic method for developing University and its spin-off company, Manufacturing machine (Courtesy
prototypes and small-scale produc- Metshape. Within this cooperation, Incus GmbH)
tion of components in Metal Injection the process and system are reviewed
Moulding (MIM) quality. and tested, and new materials and “Our team is extremely proud to
The Hammer Lab35 was launched applications are being developed. have added 3D printing of metals
at Formnext 2019, shipping its first “Despite this challenging year, with lithography to the manufacturing
series Hammer Lab35 machine in we had great collaborations with landscape. We highly appreciate
March 2020 and continuing to grow its customers and have proven that the trust and patience of our first
network of customers and partners LMM has the potential to increase customers that have been helping
throughout 2020. performance and to reduce costs to develop our product and our
With a build speed of up to 100 for small and mid-scale production, company,” he continued. “We still
cm3/h and a lateral resolution as well as for manufacturing parts have a journey ahead to scale up to
of 35 µm, the Hammer Lab35 is featuring complex geometries,” mass-production, but we are eager to
designed to deliver high-quality parts. stated Dr Gerald Mitteramskogler, continue this path in 2021.”
The process can also be integrated Incus CEO. www.incus3d.com

sinterbased additive
next dimension of

heat treatment


sintering furnace
for high volume production


54 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Solukon expands business activities in cleaning results has grown a lot in the
last year all over the world. By estab-
Turkey with HASMAK-T partnership lishing HASMAK-T as our trusted
partner for the Turkish market, we
Solukon Maschinenbau GmbH, in order to respond to the increasing take the next step to ensure our
Augsburg, Germany, has entered demand of efficiency and safety in position as best-in-the-industry of
into a partnership with HASMAK-T, industrial Additive Manufacturing. depowdering solutions. All the best to
Istanbul, Turkey, in order to expand Michael Sattler, Global Sales Ufuk Bozkaya and his team.”
business activities in Turkey’s growing Director at Solukon, stated, “The www.solukon.de
Additive Manufacturing industry. demand for repeatable and reliable www.hasmak-t.com
Founded in 1988, HASMAK-T
serves as a consultant for tech
companies to optimise and speed up
their customers’ production lines and
manufacturing processes. It is one of
the largest distribution companies in
Solukon explains that the demand
for an automated and secure depow-
dering process for metal additively
manufactured parts is rising in the
Turkish market. HASMAK-T, with
Managing Partner Ufuk Bozkaya, will
help Turkish companies explore the
Solukon Smart Powder Recuperation®
technology and find the right depow- Solukon manufactures a range of depowdering solutions for metal Additive
dering solution for their application Manufacturing (Courtesy Solukon)

Microtrac MRB offers the widest range of particle analyzers for comprehensive characterization of metal powders.

I CAMSIZER X2 – dynamic image analysis for I CAMSIZER M1 – static image analysis based I SYNC analyzer – combination of laser
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MRB-Advert-GB-PowderMet-175x120.indd 1 11.02.2021 13:02:36

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Sam O’Leary to replace Meddah and the additional strong talent

we brought into the company over
Hadjar as CEO of SLM Solutions the past eighteen months, we have
been able to put SLM Solutions back
SLM Solutions Group AG, Lübeck, edly been instrumental to SLM on a path of success. Importantly,
Germany, reports that Meddah Solutions significantly improving we were able to add the industry-
Hadjar, the company’s CEO and its product portfolio and all its defining NXG XII 600 to our product
member of the management board, production-related processes, as portfolio. The customer response we
informed the supervisory board that, well as overseeing the successful have received since its launch has
due to personal circumstances, he development of SLM’s NXG XII 600 exceeded even our high expecta-
would leave the company at the end Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion tions.”
of January 2021. The supervisory (PBF-LB) machine. SLM Solutions states that in
board unanimously approved the “Sam has played an integral part terms of further additions to the
appointment of Sam O’Leary as its in successfully rebuilding SLM Solu- management team, the supervisory
new CEO. tions since he joined the company,” board has started a process to find
O’Leary joined the company in stated Thomas Schweppe, chairman suitable candidates for the role
December 2019 as COO and his of the supervisory board of SLM of a Chief Commercial Officer to
deep experience in the Additive Solutions. “He is highly trusted take over some of Hadjar’s other
Manufacturing industry has report- among employees and customers responsibilities permanently.
alike and, as one of the global André Witt has been appointed to
leaders in the industry, Sam is the the management board temporarily
best person to drive SLM Solutions‘ until another member has been
growth and excellence to the next appointed. Witt currently serves as
level.” the company’s General Counsel.
In 2020, O’Leary agreed to extend Hadjar will remain connected
his management board contract until to SLM Solutions by becoming an
November 2024, and, in addition to advisor to the company and, based
his current portfolio, he will perma- on the support of SLM Solutions‘
nently take over the responsibilities largest shareholders and subject to
for Corporate Development, Strategy the nomination by the nomination
and HR. committee of the supervisory board
Meddah Hadjar (left) has not O’Leary commented, “I’m excited and confirmation by the share-
extended his contract as CEO of SLM to take over the leadership at such holders’ meeting, it is considered
Solutions and has been replaced by an exciting time for the company. that he will join the supervisory
Sam O’Leary (right) (Courtesy SLM With the changes to the organisation board of SLM Solutions Group AG.
Solutions Group AG) and key processes we have made www.slm-solutions.com

3D Systems completes sale of Cimatron Using a portion of the proceeds

from the sale, the company report-
and GibbsCAM businesses edly paid off approximately $21
million of outstanding balances
3D Systems Corporation, Rock Hill, focused on subtractive technologies, under its senior secured term loan
South Carolina, USA, completed was an important step in our plans facility. With the paydown of the
the previously announced sale to refocus our company on our core term loan, the company is now
of its Cimatron and GibbsCAM mission: To be the leader in enabling free of any outstanding debt, but
software businesses to a subsidiary Additive Manufacturing solutions for continues to have availability under
of ST Acquisition Co., an affiliate applications in growing markets that its senior secured revolving credit
of Battery Ventures, on January 1, demand high-reliability products. facility, which remains fully undrawn.
2021. The resulting purchase price These divestitures strengthened our The company also terminated the
of approximately $64.2 million, after balance sheet, enabling us to both previously announced at-the-market
certain adjustments and excluding pay off our debt and terminate the equity programme (ATM Program),
$8.9 million of cash amounts, were ATM Program much earlier than under which no shares of common
transferred to the buyer. originally planned,” stated Dr Jeffrey stock were sold during the fourth
“The divestiture of Cimatron and Graves, president and CEO of 3D quarter of 2020.
GibbsCAM, which were businesses Systems. www.3dsystems.com

56 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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and made
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Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021
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ROSATOM opens its first Additive a national scale, as well. There is a

lot of work ahead to create a whole
Technologies Center in Russia network of such centres, primarily
in the cities and regions of Rosatom
RusAT LLC, Moscow, Russia, an and production, including a Rusmelt enterprises operation.”
enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company and 300M, Rusmelt 600M and Rusmelt “The next such centre will be
ROSATOM’s integrator for Additive 600 RM for metal Additive Manufac- established in Novouralsk on the
Manufacturing, has opened its first turing using the Laser Beam Powder basis of NPO Centrotech, another
Additive Technologies Center (ATC) Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) process. The enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company,”
at the site of the Moscow Polymetal Rusmelt 600M machine has a 600 x he continued. “Development and
Plant. The ATC has been created 600 mm build area and all machines application of these technologies has
to showcase a facility combining feature Russian software with a great meaning for the entire nuclear
development, engineering and parameters and characteristics that industry. We have solutions for
manufacturing. It is said to be unique meet international standards. using Additive Manufacturing, from
for its combination of shop floors The second stage of the ATC separate elements of some products
for Additive Manufacturing machine facility will house machines for metal to essential supplies of equipment.”
assembling, manufacturing and post- and plastic Additive Manufacturing. Natalia Nikipelova, president of
processing, as well as the laboratory The range of testing and auxiliary TVEL JSC, added, “By introducing
for product research and sample equipment will also be expanded. additive technologies in our own busi-
testing. With this, RusAT engineers “Opening of the first Additive ness, we show an example for other
will be able to check the adopted Technologies Center underlines industries. In fact, we are creating
design and technological solutions the role of ROSATOM in creating a another new industry in Russia with
immediately after equipment launch new technological paradigm in our its own centres, expertise, staff and
and promptly make adjustments to its country,” stated Alexey Likhachev, linked universities.”
design. Director General of ROSATOM. “This www.rusatom-additive.ru
The ATC is equipped with AM is an extraordinary milestone not www.tvel.ru/en/
machines of ROSATOM’s own design just for the nuclear industry, but on www.rosatom.ru/en/

58 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Digital Metal adds pure copper to its

metals range
Digital Metal, part of Sweden’s copper alloys used in laser-based
Höganäs group and a global supplier machines.
of high-precision metal Binder “Printing with pure copper using
Jetting (BJT) Additive Manufacturing Digital Metal’s Binder Jetting tech-
machines for industrial use has nology is one of the most anticipated
added pure copper, DM Cu, to its material launches ever, and totally
material offering. new within Binder Jetting. Copper
The excellent thermal and has been high up on our customers’
electrical conductivity of pure copper wish list and timing is perfect with Pure copper bullhorn antenna built
make it perfect for a wide range of the demand for copper applications using Digital Metal’s BJT machine
applications, from electronics to soaring in fast growth areas such (Courtesy Digital Metal)
heat exchangers, heat sinks and as e-mobility and heat conductivity,”
engine parts. Additively manufac- stated Christian Lönne, CEO. for Digital Metal Binder Jetting.”
turing parts in copper also offers a “We have been developing the DM Cu pure copper is the latest
new freedom for designers, allowing process for some time internally, but addition to Digital Metal’s BJT
optimal functionality with few I would really like to emphasise the machine, other materials featured in
restrictions. Copper is also known value of the excellent cooperation the company’s range include stainless
for being antibacterial. with key customers in our fast- steel 316L and 17-4PH, tool steel DM
For its customers, Digital Metal growing Digital Metal User Group,” D2, superalloys DM 625 (equivalent to
believes it will see the benefit of he continued. “It has been a great Inconel 625) and DM 247 (equivalent
additively manufacturing with 99.9% help and we are now very pleased to to MAR M247) and titanium Ti6Al4V.
pure copper versus more traditional deliver a high-quality copper process www.digitalmetal.tech



Carbolite-Gero-Advert-GB-175x120.indd 1 04.06.2020 08:57:19

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we lead the

60 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Desktop Metal launches Desktop Health

for patient-specific AM applications
Desktop Metal, Inc, Burlington, and working on several of the
Massachusetts, USA, has launched company’s marquee brands, including
Desktop HealthTM, a new business line Botox® Cosmetic, JUVEDERM®
focused on accelerating the growth Collection and CoolSculpting®.
of Additive Manufacturing solutions “I am excited to join Desktop Metal
for dental, orthodontic and otolaryn- at such an important time in medical
gology applications, based in Newport technology,” Jafar stated. “I want
Beach, California, USA. to build on years of the company’s
Desktop Metal states that the research and development to bring
combination of new AM technologies, its core technology and advanced Michael Jafar has been appointed as
including bioprinting, high-speed materials to many healthcare president and CEO of Desktop Health
metal Binder Jetting, and the use of specialities. Desktop Health has a (Courtesy Desktop Metal)
advanced biocompatible materials mission to change the way patients
across polymers, ceramics and experience personalized healthcare,
metals, puts Desktop Health in a through innovation and science-based advance personal care,” added Jafar.
strong position to develop advanced solutions.” “Our technology is widely used for
healthcare applications. Backed by twenty years of customised in-office digital dentistry,
“Today the world manufactures research, more than 1,400 published makes customised metal implants
more than $85 billion in medical papers and 3D Bioplotter & Digital possible, and has enabled explora-
and dental implants each year,” Light Processing (DLP) technology, tion of applications such as bone
commented Ric Fulop, CEO and coupled with high-speed metal regeneration, cartilage regeneration,
co-founder of Desktop Metal. “We Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing and soft tissue biofabrication. We look
think a large percentage of these solutions, Desktop Health plans to forward to building on our success and
parts could be printed and made leverage proven technology to create ingenuity as we research extensions of
patient-specific before the end of the patient-specific solutions in the our core technology across cardiology,
decade, making this market a key medical field. orthopaedics, ophthalmology, derma-
opportunity for Desktop Metal. We “It’s a true privilege to work tology and plastic surgery.”
look forward to building a best-in- with leading technology alongside www.desktopmetal.com
class team to work with our industry physicians, surgeons and dentists to www.desktophealth.com
partners to bring patient-specific
solutions to the market at scale.”
To lead the new business initia-
tive, Desktop Metal has appointed
healthcare executive Michael Mazen
Jafar as president and CEO of
Desktop Health. Jafar brings nearly
twenty years of experience creating
and scaling breakthrough healthcare
Jafar most recently served as
Chief Commercial Officer of Evolus, a
performance beauty company, where
he oversaw the launch of its flagship
product, Jeuveau®. For sixteen years,
Jafar also led the ophthalmology Desktop Metal has launched new business line, Desktop Health which will
and medical aesthetics division offer AM solutions for dental applications. Technologies will include high-speed
for Allergan, culminating as VP metal Binder Jetting for high-resolution, customised medical and dental
Marketing, U.S. Medical Aesthetics, applications (Courtesy Desktop Metal)

Looking for AM machines, metal powders or part manufacturing services?

Advertisers’ index &
buyer’s guide Discover suppliers of these and more in our new advertisers’ index
and buyer’s guide, pages 198-202.

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 61
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Intech Additive Nair, vice president-Hardware Sales,

Intech. “All these machines must
Solutions expands be imported and are prohibitively

its range of large- expensive. There are other issues

like long lead times for support and
format metal AM spares, making Indian companies

machines ultimately settle for the less expensive

mid-sized machines. The iFusion LF
series amply fills this void.”
Intech Additive Solutions Pvt. Ltd., He added, “The system supports
Bangalore, India, has announced a wide range of materials like
Intech Additive Solutions has
the expansion of its range of metal aluminium, titanium, steel, Inconel
expanded its iFusion LF series
Additive Manufacturing machines with and Cobalt Chrome addressing
of metal Additive Manufacturing
the launch of the iFusion LF series, the needs of industries such as
machines (Courtesy Intech Additive
the company’s large-format range of aerospace, automotive, general
Solutions Pvt. Ltd)
metal AM machines with a high build engineering, tool & die and medical
rate for cost-effective manufacturing. market segments in India and
The iFusion LF series, developed abroad.” plans to promote various AM sector
and built at Intech’s facility in K S Swami, Director, Poeir Jets, verticals including machines,
Bangalore, has a range that starts commented, “The 3D printed parts materials, software, and design
with a single 500 W system and is from the iFusion series performed methodologies to leverage new and
upgradeable to a quad laser configu- exceptionally well during the testing untapped business opportunities.
ration, with 700 W and 1000 W lasers phases and proved to be of production This initiative will prepare the Indian
if required. The LF series of machines quality. Intech’s 3D printers helped manufacturing sector for Industry 4.0
are said to require the lowest initial us achieve the required scale for and evolve an integrated approach
investment to procure and install, commercialising manufacturing and towards this emerging technology.”
compared to other similar-sized ensuring lower cost per part. We “Intech’s range of metal 3D
metal AM machines, along with are now moving to printing parts on printers is indigenously designed and
locally available spares and support. Intech’s LF series of machines. The manufactured for both the Indian
The company explains that its AM LF’s larger build envelope suits our and global markets. In this regard it
machines are a result of extensive needs to print parts for our engine is ‘Made in India, Built for the World’
research, development and innovation and Hybrid Drones. This, coupled with and captures the essence of the
over a four-year period. The iFusion the lower costs compared to imported Aatmanirbhar initiative of the Indian
LF series, integrated with Intech’s systems, local spares and support Government. We have an excellent
software suite, have a build volume availability among other things, make team in place and are confident of
of 450 x 450 x 450 mm, and aim to it an automatic choice for us.” enhancing and growing the Indian
deliver robustness and productivity at “The Ministry of Electronics and AM ecosystem with our range of
a competitive cost per part (CPP). Information Technology has identified metal 3D printers, and end-to-end
“Indian companies have a huge Additive Manufacturing as a critical metal AM solutions,” concluded
interest in 3D printers that build parts focus area,” noted Sridhar Balaram, Balaram.
larger than 400 mm,” stated Pradeep CEO of Intech. “The lovernment www.intechadditive.com

One Click Metal releases evolution of important to us that we retain the

great advantages of the MPRINT,
its AM machine with the MPRINT+ but, at the same time, additionally
improve the existing modules of
One Click Metal, Tamm, Germany, the end part quality is said to be the new MPRINT+,“ stated Stefan
has released the latest evolution of improved in terms of density and Weber, CTO and co-founder.
its MPRINT metal Additive Manufac- surface finish, whilst reducing cost by The MPRINT+ is available with
turing machine with the MPRINT+, up to 40%. The MPRINT+ is reported the MPREP data preparation
part of its BOLDSERIES. Through to be similar in price to its previous software and the MPURE
the introduction of a fibre laser iteration, and users will benefit unpacking station with integrated
and a Galvo scanner, the MPRINT+ from any past experience they will automatic sieving unit is currently
reportedly allows a wider field of have gained with the MPRINT, with available at €100,000. The first
application and increased productivity its familiar operation resulting in machines have already sold, with
and precision. improved results. deliveries scheduled from Q2
With a focus diameter of 45 µm and “When introducing the fibre laser 2021.
a scanning speed of up to 3000 mm/s, into our metal 3D printer, it was www.oneclickmetal.com

62 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence

Upcoming AM Events
Join the Experts

5th Additive Webinar Series

Manufacturing May 26 ASTM International Conference
Center of Excellence Sinter-based AM: Principles
of Debinding and Sintering
on Additive Manufacturing

Snapshot Workshop June 17

Research To Application
Through Standardization
Register Now! Mulit-Material Processing in AM November 1-5, 2021
June 30 JW Marriott, Anaheim, CA
In Conjunction With ASTM F42
and ISO TC261 Principles of Polymer AM The 6th annual ICAM event brings
July 15 together leading experts from
Theme around the world to exchange the
Advancements in Materials AM Feedstock Part 1: Metal Powder
Characterization and Specification latest developments in the field
and Processes of AM related to standardization,
May 14, 2021 July 29 qualification and certification. ICAM
8:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. EDT | Virtual In-Situ Monitoring and Control 2021 addresses the entire AM process
in PBF Process chain with an emphasis on industry-
Presentations and panel discussion specific requirements and the
topics include: August 12
AM Processes: Principles of Wire Arc transition of research to application.
ͽ Process Control
AM (WAAM) - Part 1 ͽ 26 Symposia
ͽ Technology
August 26 ͽ Keynote Presentations
ͽ Processes
AM Processes: Principles of Wire Arc ͽ 10 Panel Discussions
ͽ Materials
AM (WAAM) - Part 2 ͽ Student Presentation Competition
www.amcoe.org/events www.amcoe.org/webinars ͽ Awards Ceremony

www.amcoe.org/icam 2021

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Rusal America in the aerospace and automotive

industries, as well as more broadly in
& 2 emissions). All powders come
with a third-party certified carbon
expands line general industry. certificate to promote transparency

of sustainable, The portfolio includes 100%

pre-alloyed and fully metallic powders
and accountability.
“From primary aluminium and
high-performance that exclude any ceramic- or nano- foundry alloys to billets and wire rod,

aluminium powders inclusions. Its RS-230 grade is a

heat-crack resistant Al-Cu alloy with
Rusal America is a trusted supplier
with a reputation for delivering
high-strength stability up to 250°C. unmatched high-quality, low-carbon
Rusal America, Rye Brook, New The RS-553 grade is a novel aero- aluminium products backed by
York, USA, has expanded its space Al-Mg-Sc alloy, with optimised customer and technical support that
aluminium product offerings to scandium content, that delivers is second to none,” stated C Brian
include a range of aluminium comparable properties at a lower cost Hesse, president and CEO of Rusal
powders suitable for Additive than similar Al-Sc AM alloys. America.
Manufacturing applications. The powders are atomised from “We are excited to deliver the
Its new powder portfolio is the company’s ALLOW aluminium same to customers new and existing
comprised of four traditional feedstock, said to have a carbon through our new line of innovative AM
Al-Si based casting alloys and five footprint 75% lower than the global powder alloys,” added Hesse.
speciality alloys designed for use industry average (smelter scope 1 www.rusalofamerica.com

ExOne and Ford collaborate to achieve “This is a breakthrough in

making 3D printed and sintered
high-speed, high-density aluminium parts for the auto industry,”

Binder Jetting process commented Harold Sears, Technical

Leader for Additive Manufacturing,
Ford. “While the 3D printing process
In a project co-funded by The ExOne Although some aluminium alloys is very different than stamping body
Company, North Huntingdon, can be additively manufactured panels, we understand the behav-
Pennsylvania, USA, and Ford Motor currently using lasers, the process iour of aluminium better today, as
Company, a team of engineers, developed by Ford and ExOne is well as its value in light weighting
material scientists and manufacturing reported to offer greater speed. The vehicles. High-speed aluminium
experts has developed a new patent- resulting process is expected to 3D printing paves the way for other
pending process for binder jet Additive increase Ford’s efficiency, allowing opportunities that we’re just now
Manufacturing and sintering of the company to affordably manufac- starting to take a look at because of
aluminium, which reportedly results in ture complex parts designed for AM, the ability to do complex parts with
components with properties compa- which will enable size and weight aluminium that previously weren’t
rable to those found in die casting. reductions, part consolidation and possible. It’s really opening doors
performance improvements. for other opportunities.”
“Developing a fast, affordable, and The relationship between ExOne
easy way to 3D print aluminium with and Ford dates back to the early
traditional material properties is a 2000s, when Ford purchased
critical step toward light-weighting several of ExOne’s first industrial
more products and delivering a sand AM machines in the US
more sustainable future,” stated in order to create sand moulds
John Hartner, CEO, ExOne. and cores for metal casting. The
“Our world-class engineers and joint development process of this
scientists are focused on solving the aluminium process began in 2019,
toughest problems with 3D printing with Ford leading the final material
technology, and this achievement is and repeatability testing to verify
This aluminium 6061 engine block a real win for all of us.” accuracy. The Ford/ExOne team
model demonstrates the high resolu- While the Binder Jetting process is actively working on designs to
tion and geometric control that can for sintering stainless steels was further utilise the process and
be produced in a new patent-pending well understood, ExOne states that resulting materials.
binder jet AM process developed achieving densities higher than 99% www.exone.com
by ExOne and Ford Motor Company for aluminium represents a signifi- www.ford.com
(Courtesy ExOne) cant achievement for the industry.

64 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Solukon launches Digital Factory assigned via the network. Regarding

the cleaning process, the OPC-UA
Tool to bring depowdering into AM interface enables the operator to

process chain start, monitor and modify the cleaning

program as desired. Machine state
and process progress are accessible
Solukon Maschinenbau GmbH, health, labour costs, powder recovery, in real time.
Augsburg, Germany, has launched the cleaning quality and process repeat-
Solukon Digital Factory Tool, a fine- ability. Maintenance management
tuned sensor and interface manage- The Solukon Digital Factory Tool The new sensor system monitors all
ment kit to enable its depowdering reportedly now allows easy integra- sensitive machine components and
systems to fit into holistic Additive tion of automated powder removal processes referring to lifetime of the
Manufacturing process chains. The into an overall digital AM process and machine. The operator, therefore,
company states that this launch is a includes the following features: can immediately recognise unwanted
crucial step towards fully integrated changes in consumption of inert gas,
automation and quality assurance in Production control compressed air, chamber atmosphere
AM. Since 2017, Solukon has equipped or energy to get an overview of
Since releasing its automated the SFM-AT800 with an OPC-UA the performance of the individual
depowdering system, the SFM-AT800 interface to enable central controlling machine components. In addition, the
in 2015, Solukon has become a leader and monitoring. The Solukon Digital system informs the operator in time,
in powder removal systems. The Factory Tool enables the operator when maintenance is required or
company’s Smart Powder Recu- to integrate all information into the when to procure wear parts.
peration (SPR®) technology is used dashboard of the machinery app.
to overcome a number of potential Data and parameters referring to Integration of automation
issues with depowdering, such as cleaning programs, such as running Flagship projects like HyProCell and
the risk of explosion, occupational time and batch number, can easily be NextGenAm provide an outlook of


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66 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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how automated AM production works, chamber, such as residual oxygen, “The Solukon Digital Factory Tool
where the integration of downstream humidity, pressure, temperature and marks a significant step towards
processes, in particular, are expected frequency of the vibrator, in a protocol automation in postprocessing and
to play an increasingly important file for quality assurance. Effective therefore towards integration into a
role. The SFM-AT800 is constantly evaluation of the recorded data helps holistic AM process chain,” stated
communicating with a control centre to validate the process in an overall Alexander Bauer, Applications
while being loaded by a robot. For this quality certificate and simplifies Manager at Solukon. “Especially
purpose, the SFM-AT800 has been process optimisation. The operator through process validation in
equipped with a special loading door may set limits to sensible values in one comprehensive protocol, our
and an automatic clamping system. advance so that deviations are noticed customers achieve an even faster,
and considered immediately and more accurate and easier certifica-
Process validation and quality quality defects are avoided in time. tion. The Solukon Digital Factory Tool
management Besides process data, even informa- is especially applicable to sensitive
The extended quality feature is said tion referring to the cleaning program industries like Aerospace and
to be the key element of the Solukon itself are recorded automatically. To Medical.”
Digital Factory Tool. Certification create a certification document for Solukon will offer the Digital
is a mandatory challenge for each project, the user has the oppor- Factory Tool as a new option for the
manufacturers of sensitive industries tunity to fill out a large and individual SFM-AT800 and the SFM-AT1000-S.
like medical or aerospace, and each composable input mask. The user Existing SFM-AT800-S systems can
step of production is supposed to can then collect data referring to their also be retrofitted upon request.
be clearly reproducible. The more build job in a flexible dialogue box. Solukon is currently cooperating
process data is recorded and logged, This includes for example type, batch with two leading manufacturers
the easier the certification. The and used material. In the end, the concerning process integration.
Solukon Digital Factory Tool provides user is provided with a final protocol Results of these projects will be
a fine-tuned sensor package to record as PDF, CSV or XML file to be stored presented soon.
relevant conditions in the process centrally or printed on paper. www.solukon.de


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Sintavia expands rocket capability with successful strategies employed on the

M400-4 will likewise work on these
two M4K-4 AM machines from AMCM new M4K-4 units. We are pleased that
we will be the first rocket printer in
Sintavia LLC, Hollywood, Florida, machines to expand its portfolio of North America to offer the expanded
USA, has acquired two new M4K-4 rocket thrust chamber design and footprint of the M4K-4 to our commer-
metal Additive Manufacturing manufacturing for the rapidly growing cial space customers,” added Neff.
machines from AMCM GmbH, an EOS commercial space industry. The design of the M4K-4 is said to
Group company based in Starnberg, The M4K-4 is described as a have been driven largely by demand
Germany. As one of the leading AM stretched version of the EOS M400-4 from commercial space launch
rocket parts producers in North machine, a Laser Beam Powder customers looking to optimise thrust
America, Sintavia will use the new Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) machine chamber assemblies with fewer
offering more powerful lasers and traditional joining steps. For most
an upgraded cooling system. Its four existing commercial rocketry currently
1 kW lasers can build single-unit in production today, the M4K-4 is
components with dimensions of 450 able to manufacture the entire thrust
mm x 450 mm x 1 m. chamber assembly as a single unit,
“Since the acquisition of our first including optimised regenerative
M400-4 three years ago, Sintavia has cooling passages, thereby dramatically
devoted tremendous resources to reducing manufacturing complexity
developing successful and repeatable and time.
operating procedures for the quad The two new machines are
laser printing of extremely thin walls, scheduled for delivery in June and
such as those found in the thrust July this year and will be set up to use
chamber of a rocket,” stated Brian high-performance copper and nickel
Sintavia’s new M4K-4 machines from Neff, Sintavia’s Chief Executive Officer. alloys.
AMCM will process Cu and Ni alloys “We now have eight M400-4 quad www.sintavia.com
(Courtesy AMCM/Sintavia) laser printers, and we expect that the www.amcm.com

Graphmatech’s graphene technology The research is being undertaken

by Professor Ulf Jansson’s research
increases the potential of copper AM group at Angstrom Laboratory,
Uppsala University, with PhD student
Researchers at Uppsala University, In the Additive Manufacturing Simon Tiden having recently been
Sweden, in collaboration with process, some metals, including awarded a poster prize at the Swedish
Graphmatech, also based in Uppsala, pure copper, can present a challenge Arena for Additive Manufacturing of
have demonstrated a potential due to their high reflectivity. At the Metals Conference for the work.
breakthrough in the use of copper wavelengths commonly used in “The new process developed to
in Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion PBF-LB process, only a small part coat metal powder with graphene
Additive Manufacturing (PBF-LB), said of the energy is said to be absorbed opens up very interesting perspec-
to significantly lower the reflectivity of by the material, which can result in tives for the design of new materials
copper powder to achieve denser AM low-density parts. in various applications,” stated
parts. To overcome the challenges in Professor Jansson.
PBF-LB processing of pure copper, Having already made significant
the researchers have identified advances in other graphene/metal
graphene technology as a solution. composites and coated powders for
“By modifying the surface of the Additive Manufacturing, Graphmatech
copper powder using Graphmatech’s is now actively scaling up this
patented graphene technology, we technology due to the potential for
successfully reduced the reflectance graphene in enhancing the process-
by up to 67%,” stated Dr Mamoun ability of powders and the properties
Taher, Graphmatech’s CEO. of AM parts. “This 3D printable hybrid
The graphene was also reported material has the potential to add
Copper powder coated using to survive the build process, positively value in a range of sectors such as
Graphmatech’s patented graphene affecting the density of the as-built e-mobility, electronics and defence,”
technology (Courtesy Simon Tiden / copper­-graphene parts by signifi- Dr Taher concluded.
Uppsala University) cantly reducing porosity. www.graphmatech.com

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Lockheed Martin to acquire Aerojet costs for our customers and the
American taxpayer,” stated James
Rocketdyne in $4.4 billion deal Taiclet, Lockheed Martin’s president
and CEO. “This transaction enhances
Lockheed Martin Corporation, and production. Lockheed Martin was Lockheed Martin’s support of critical
Bethesda, Maryland, USA, has the first organisation to be certified US and allied security missions and
entered into a definitive agreement to for Additive Manufacturing safety by retains national leadership in space
acquire Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, global safety science company UL and hypersonic technology. We look
Inc., El Segundo, California, USA, for a in October 2018, and in June 2019, forward to welcoming their talented
total transaction value of $4.4 billion. collaborated with Aerojet Rocketdyne team and expanding Lockheed
Aerojet Rocketdyne’s propulsion on a project to identify candidate parts Martin’s position as the leading
systems are already a key component in the F-35 fighter jet that could be provider of 21st century warfare
of Lockheed Martin’s supply chain and produced by Additive Manufacturing. solutions.”
several advanced systems across its In 2020, Aerojet Rocketdyne The transaction is expected to
Aeronautics, Missiles and Fire Control produced the RS-25 engines used to close in the second half of 2021
and Space business areas. propel NASA’s Space Launch System and is subject to the satisfaction
The proposed acquisition adds (SLS) rocket, a critical element of the of customary closing conditions,
substantial expertise in propulsion Artemis programme, which seeks to including regulatory approvals and
to Lockheed Martin’s portfolio, and land a man and woman on the moon. approval by Aerojet Rocketdyne’s
is said to expand on the foundation The RS-25 engines used on the SLS stockholders. A transition team will
built by Lockheed Martin and Aerojet are reported to contain multiple metal be formed to allow for seamless
Rocketdyne over many years. AM components. integration and ensure continuity
In partnership and separately, “Acquiring Aerojet Rocketdyne for customers, employees and other
Lockheed Martin and Aerojet Rocket- will preserve and strengthen an stakeholders.
dyne have both utilised metal Additive essential component of the domestic www.lockheedmartin.com
Manufacturing in part development defence industrial base and reduce www.aerojetrocketdyne.com

500 Park East Drive

Woonsocket, RI 02895 USA


Unique inert gas atomizing technology With partner Novamet
produces highly specified, spherical Specialty Products Corp.,
metal powders for MIM and AM Ultra Fine provides various
applications. Team with history of after treatments, coatings and
developing and producing fine gas other capabilities using Ultra
atomized powders since 1990. Fine’s high quality powders.

Specializing in sub 30 micron powders,

Ultra Fine has the technical capability to
work with you to develop and produce
the powder to suit your application. 1420 Toshiba Drive, Suite E
Ultrafine offers flexibility and quick Lebanon, TN 37087 USA
turn-around times. www.novametcorp.com

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TBGA appoints Jennifer

Coyne Associate Director


The Barnes Global Advisors (TBGA), headquartered in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, has announced the addition
of Jennifer Coyne as the Associate Director of Programs.
Coyne is a long-time collaborator of TBGA and will oversee STRESS RELIEVING, SOLUTION TREATMENT &
project development and execution.
“Jen is a tremendously valuable addition to our
ADDvisor® team,” commented John Barnes, TGBA founder Nickel, Titanium, Cobalt-Chrome-Molybdenum, Tungsten
and Managing Director. “Her depth of experience in heavy
transportation, multiple forms of AM and service minded
leadership aligns perfectly with our core mission to
industrialise Additive Manufacturing on a global scale.”
Coyne previously led the Global Additive Manufacturing AERONAUTICS,
Team for Wabtec Corp and oversaw Additive Engineering
Design, Prototyping, and Parts Production Wabtec’s
global AM efforts. She formed the original AM team at AUTOMOTIVE
GE Transport (now Wabtec) and led the launch of over
fifty production additive parts and opened four global labs APPLICATIONS
in the US and India with a range of metal polymer AM
capabilities. Throughout her career, she has also been the
Currently, Coyne acts as an SME Additive Manufacturing
Community Advisor. She has also received multiple awards, for MATERIALS PRODUCED BY 3D PRINTING
including one of Railway Age’s Top Women in Rail 2020,
2017 GE Transportation’s Women in Technology Award and • Specifically designed to avoid oxidation
the 2013 GE Transportation Innovation Engineering Award.
Prior to starting in Additive Manufacturing, Coyne • Perfect homogeneity thanks to its resistor’s design
led the PLM launch, held roles in Systems Engineering • Full metallic chamber allowing clean treatments
specialising in Locomotive Traction, Propulsion Systems
and Energy Storage Reliability. She holds a BS in Mechan- • Productivity increased thanks to accelerated neutral
ical Engineering from Grove City College, Pennsylvania, gas cooling
and an MS in Mechanical Engineering from the Georgia
Institute of Technology. She is a graduate of GE’s Edison • Compliant with robotics & Industry 4.0
Engineering Development Program and received intense

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Insertion MetalAM.indd 1 15/02/2021 09:47:20

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to treat parts, and finish metal

Rösler’s AM Solutions adopts surfaces, particularly in honeycomb
PostProcess Technologies’ metal AM structures, fine-feature details and
through channels.
surface finishing system Ubaldo Concilio, General
Manager of AM Solutions stated,
PostProcess Technologies Inc., Untermerzbach, Germany. The “With the DECI Duo, we have an
Buffalo, New York, USA has reported new post-build solution will expand additional innovative solution to
that its automated metal Additive the current portfolio of solutions develop tailor-made and hybrid
Manufacturing surface finishing used for finishing complex metal processes, delivering high-quality
system has been adopted by AM geometries, increasing the number finishing results for complex metal
Solutions SRI, Concorezzo, Italy, of possible finishing options for parts to our customers. It is our
the Additive Manufacturing brand of customer parts and enabling the main goal to deliver the top-tier
Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, set up of hybrid and tailor-made results that meet the unique needs
processes, explains AM Solutions. of our customers, and the new
The automated PostProcess™ finishing technology will help us to
DECI Duo™ is said to be in line with achieve these goals.”
AM Solutions’ objective to develop “We truly consider the DECI Duo
more replicable and high-quality to be a game-changer for consistent
finishes on treated parts. The additive metal surface finishing,
solution’s defining feature is its and are thrilled to see AM Solutions
Thermal Atomised Fusillade (TAF) – Manufacturing service partner
technology. Directed by Post- leverage its full power for its newly
Process’s proprietary AUTOMAT3D® opened service bureau in Italy,”
software, TAF combines exclusive added Bruno Bourguet, Managing
chemistries and suspended solid Director at PostProcess Technolo-
media to direct three axes of gies. “Together, we look forward to
motion while precisely controlling helping customers scale their metal
PostProcess Technlogies’ DECI Duo flow, heat, liquid, and air pressure. AM operations.”
metal surface finishing system for AM This technology will expand AM www.solutions-for-am.com
(Courtesy PostProcess Technologies) Solutions’ options of methods www.postprocess.com

3D Systems and Huntington Ingalls the alloy composition, design the

process parameter experiments, and
Industries to develop CuNi and NiCu qualify parts that include tensile and

alloys for marine applications other material testing. Newport News

Shipbuilding will then use metal AM
to produce replacement parts for
3D Systems, Rock Hill, South are currently produced by traditional castings, as well as valves, housings,
Carolina, USA, is collaborating casting methods. This requires and brackets.
with Huntington Ingalls Industries’ significantly long lead times, some- “We’re excited to continue our
Newport News Shipbuilding division times in excess of twelve months. If partnership with 3D Systems on
to develop copper-nickel (CuNi) these alloys were to be formulated these important shipbuilding alloys,”
and nickel-copper (NiCu) alloys for use with metal AM technologies, commented Dave Bolcar, vice
for Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) lead times for some of these parts president of engineering and design
Additive Manufacturing. These new could be reduced to a fraction of the for Newport News Shipbuilding,
materials could allow Newport News traditional procurement time. a division of Huntington Ingalls
Shipbuilding to additively manufacture “These new materials have the Industries. “We’re looking forward
parts that are traditionally cast, potential to redefine Newport News to expanding on these efforts by
reducing lead times by up to 75% and Shipbuilding’s innovation pipeline developing parameters that will allow
improving supply chain efficiency. enabling them to more efficiently us to further expand the use of Addi-
CuNi and NiCu alloys are ideal deliver high-quality parts,” stated tive Manufacturing into our platforms,
for marine applications due to their Chuck Hull, co-founder, EVP, Chief in order to improve both product
corrosion resistance. While marine Technology Officer, 3D Systems. quality, schedule, and performance
parts produced with these metals Through this material development for the fleet.”
possess high strength and toughness effort, 3D Systems is working with www.3dsystems.com
over a variety of temperatures, they Newport News Shipbuilding to select www.huntingtoningalls.com

72 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
RS -
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Innovative VIGA atomiser.

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Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 73
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GM opens Additive an integrated, enterprising approach

to adopting accelerated product
days versus weeks or months, at a
significantly lower cost.”
Industrialization development and tooling. Ron Daul, GM director of Additive

Center dedicated “The core component of GM’s

transformation is becoming a more
Manufacturing and Polymer Centers,
added, “GM is increasingly applying the
to AM for auto agile, innovative company, and 3D benefits of 3D printing, from prototype

sector printing will play a critical role in

that mission,” stated Audley Brown,
development to manufacturing tooling
and production vehicles. With the
GM director of Additive Design and opening of the AIC, we’ll continue to
General Motors (GM), Detroit, Materials Engineering. “Compared accelerate adoption of this technology
Michigan, USA, has announced the to traditional processes, 3D printing across the organisation.”
opening of its Additive Industrializa- can produce parts in a matter of www.gm.com
tion Center (AIC), a new 1,400 m2
(15,000 ft2) facility dedicated to
Additive Manufacturing for the
automotive industry located at
the GM Tech Center in Warren,
The facility houses twenty-four
AM machines that provide metal
and polymer solutions for a number
of processes, including Laser Beam
Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) and
Material Extrusion (MEX)-based
process Fused Filament Fabrication
The AIC aims to validate AM
technologies and applications,
focusing on evolving AM machinery
and equipment. GM Ventures
and GM R&D are collaborative The General Motors Additive Industrialization Center at the GM Tech Center
partners with the AIC, supporting (Courtesy Steve Fecht / General Motors)

nTopology launches new software to masking techniques regardless

of model complexity; the Masking
automate design of AM jigs and fixtures Fixture Module automates the design
of these fixtures and saves CAD work.
nTopology, New York City, USA, mating surfaces with tight toler- Users in the aerospace and
has released the newest feature ances during a painting, coating, or defence industries are said to see
of its FDM™ Fixture Generator, a bead blasting post-processing, for a potential in reducing scrap rate
collaboration between the company example. and increase throughput; a machine
and Stratasys, headquartered in Jigs and fixtures make up around shop creating medical devices and
Eden Prairie, Minnesota. The new 10% of all end-use parts being aerospace is said to plan on using this
Masking Fixture Module is said additively manufactured today, to protect faces during deburring and
to be able to automate 90% of the yet less than 1% of fixtures used abrasive processes.
design work required for additively in factories around the world are The Masking Fixture Module is
manufactured jigs and fixtures. produced via AM. nTopology believes the second output of the ongoing
Engineers can use this tool that this isn’t because manufac- collaboration with Stratasys; a few
to keep parts safe and clean turers couldn’t benefit from them, months back, the Assembly Fixture
throughout the manufacturing but, rather, that the industry needs Module, a workflow that automates
process without the hassle of automated Design for AM tools that the design of kitting trays, storage
designing one-off jigs and fixtures. can simplify the design of fixtures, cases, and other simple fixtures to
Early customer feedback reported making them more accessible to the support manufacturing operations,
several applications in which this factory floor. was released.
had proven useful: protecting Additively manufactured masking www.ntopology.com
critical faces, gaskets, holes or fixtures remove the need for manual www.stratasys.com

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Fraunhofer IFAM installs Tritone’s Finally, the surrounding mould is

removed, allowing the 3D-shaped
MoldJet AM system, Europe’s first green part to be taken for heat
treatment and sintering.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Manu- processes, allowing for the flexible Each additively manufactured layer
facturing Technology and Advanced production of customer-specific is checked by an inspection unit, where
Materials (IFAM), Dresden, Germany, parts. Firstly, a mould is produced as defects can be detected instantly,
is expanding its range of sinter-based a negative of the component geometry mechanically removed and the layer
Additive Manufacturing technologies from a wax-like polymer with remanufactured, if necessary. Data
with a new MoldJet® system from inkjet-like print heads. This additively on the manufacture can be collected
Israel’s Tritone Technologies, Ltd. manufactured layer of the mould is for continuous development of the
IFAM, the first European user of the then filled with water-based metal technology.
MoldJet process, has installed the powder paste in a slot-die process. Due to the nature of the mould,
new machine at its Innovation Center The process continues layer-by- surface quality is said to compare
Additive Manufacturing (ICAM). layer, allowing undercuts or even favourably to typical laser-based
The MoldJet process is described internal channels to be possible AM machines, and components can
as a synergy of two manufacturing without the use of support structures. be made from any sinterable mate-
rial – such as stainless steel, pure
copper, nickel-base alloys, titanium
and refractories, or ceramics. The
most significant advantage however,
is reported to be the high productivity
of the process. With six manufacturing
trays and six autonomous workstations,
up to 1,600 cm³/h may be achieved.
Fraunhofer IFAM’s ICAM brings
together a wide range of AM processes
and develops solutions for materials
and component geometries. Alongside
the MoldJet, the centre also hosts
capabilities for Electron Beam Powder
Bed Fusion (PBF-EB), 3D Screen
Printing, metal-based Fused Filament
Fabrication and Gel Casting.
The new MoldJet printing system from Tritone Technologies at Fraunhofer www.ifam.fraunhofer.de
IFAM, Dresden (Courtesy and Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden) www.tritoneam.com

MELD’s titanium certified to meet ASTM consistent with the feedstock material
and conforming to the requirements
& AMS standards of ASTM B265, ASTM B381, and AMS
MELD Manufacturing Corporation, Data has shown that the as-built “Optical microscopy and SEM
Christiansburg, Virginia, USA, has material exceeds minimum require- investigations produced images
released data confirming that its ments for yield strength, ultimate which revealed clean, defect-free
MELD metal Additive Manufac- tensile strength and elongation as material. The MELD deposited Ti6-4
turing machines produce titanium specified in ASTM B265, ASTM B381, is monolithic, as individual layers are
meeting the ASTM and AMS and AMS 4911 in all axes, including not visible during evaluations,” stated
standards for forged materials, as through the build layers. Ryan Henderson, Process Engineer.
built. ASTM B265 is the ASTM standard Ti6-4 is desirable because of its
The data was said to have been specification for Titanium and high strength to weight ratio and
generated through a programme Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and favourable balance of properties, but
with the National Center for Plate. ASTM B381 is the ASTM its prohibitive cost can prevent use
Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS), standard specification for Titanium in components that require a large
the Army Research Laboratory and Titanium Alloy Forgings. AMS amount of material to be machined
(ARL) and the Advanced Manufac- 4911 is the AMS specification for away. MELD enables use of this
turing, Materials, and Processes Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and alloy by manufacturing only what is
(AMMP) using Ti6Al4V material Plate, 6Al – 4V, Annealed. Chemistry needed.
(ASTM Grade 5) for the testing. analysis shows that MELD Ti6-4 is www.meldmanufacturing.com

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Specialized in AM metal materials

Ti Based
Ni Based Fe Based

Co Based



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Protolabs launches digital our customers to learn about their design analysis
and quoting needs, and then built our new quoting
quoting and design analysis platform around those needs. We then thoroughly tested

platform for US customers the platform with our customer base to refine it even
further. The result is a digital quoting system designed
entirely around an elevated user experience that
Protolabs, Maple Plain, Minnesota, USA, has launched a accelerates their product development cycle every step
new digital quoting and design analysis platform for its of the way.”
US-based customers, following a successful European With the launch Protolabs’ moulding, machining,
launch last year. The company explains that the new and AM services united in a single platform, users
platform has a modern, user-friendly interface that are offered easier quoting and ordering experiences.
enables engineers to better manage their project require- Injection moulding users can now view and discuss
ments, collaborate easier with colleagues and identify gate and ejector pin layout before ordering tooling and
new levels of transparency into their orders. Like the parts. With CNC machining, threading assignments
previous platform, its flagship feature – interactive design have been simplified to let users quickly assign required
for manufacturability (DFM) analysis – remains, but is said threads. AM customers can now see per-part pricing
to now be more intuitive. with itemised costs as well as self-select their desired
“Protolabs was founded on a digital manufacturing delivery date for each part within order at checkout.
model that would dramatically reduce the time it took “Unprecedented changes in many of our markets
to get parts – and it was a success,” stated Rob Bodor, are underway due to customer demand and the ongoing
Protolabs’ incoming CEO and current VP and GM of pandemic, but technological advancement in manufac-
Americas. “Twenty years later we’ve reinvented manu- turing are throwing the doors of innovation wide open
facturing once again with the launch of an all-new digital to allow suppliers and their customers to pivot quickly,”
experience to our customers that reaffirms our position as stated Rich Baker, the CTO who led the platform’s
the global leader in digital manufacturing services.” launch. “That agility is often the difference between
Mark Flannery, global product director for e-commerce success and failure.”
at Protolabs, commented, “We listened to hundreds of www.protolabs.com

Pace Maker
Levil, Virtual Foundry and
for High-End Sapphire3D offer complete
Precision metal AM lab
Levil Technology, Oviedo, Florida, USA, has partnered
with The Virtual Foundry, Stoughton, Wisconsin, and
Sapphire3D, Chicago, Illinois, to provide an all-inclusive
solution to set up a complete metal Additive Manu-
facturing Lab.The complete kit on offer includes the
Levil EDU-Mill, with its industry-grade dual-head AM
machine and a selection of Levil, FANUC, or Mitsubishi
control options; The Virtual Foundry’s proprietary metal
AM filaments, which come in a variety of materials; and
Sapphire3D’s furnace.
We set the pace to keep you a step “Levil Technology could not have asked for better
ahead of the competition. partners when it came to creating a metal 3D printing
solution for our customers,” stated Andres Leon, Levil’s
From 3D metal printing, robotics, machining to injection moulding, General Manager. “We wanted local partners that would
mould making and quality assurance – with toolcraft by your side, provide expertise and support to our users and not only
you can unleash the power of innovation.
did they deliver but also exceeded our expectations.
As your technology partner, we bring together additive and sub- Their products fit seamlessly with our space-conscious,
tractive manufacturing across the production process. This creates low inertia machines. We cannot wait to see what our
a unique consulting and manufacturing standard. end users create when they have all these tools at their
www.toolcraft.de/en www.thevirtualfoundry.com

78 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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ExOne to offer fine metal powders, but it also offers

other benefits, such as reduction
controlled of powder oxidation and enhanced

atmosphere X1 powder dispensing and spreading

through control of humidity.
160Pro for reactive ExOne has successfully been

metal powders Binder Jetting reactive powders in

controlled atmospheres, also referred
in 2022 to as inert or chemically inactive,
ExOne will offer a controlled-
for some years. On December 1,
atmosphere model of its X1 160Pro
The ExOne Company, North 2020, ExOne was issued a patent on
extra-large production metal Binder
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA, binder jet 3D printing in a controlled
Jetting machine in 2022 (Courtesy The
reports that it will offer a controlled atmosphere.
ExOne Company)
atmosphere model of its X1 160Pro™ The controlled-atmosphere X1
extra-large production metal Binder 160Pro model can reportedly be used
Jetting (BJT) Additive Manufacturing with nitrogen or argon and will be controlled atmosphere system to
machine in the second half of 2022. paired with accessories and ancillary process metal powders such as stain-
The controlled atmosphere update equipment also equipped with inert less steels. The company’s BJT AM
will enable high-volume production atmosphere features. These include technology is capable of processing
of aluminium, titanium, copper, and a curing oven, powder conditioning twenty-three metal, ceramic, and
several other materials using BJT. system, depowdering station, and composite materials, including a
The X1 160Pro features a build box transport device for moving the dozen single-alloy metals such as
of 800 x 500 x 400 mm (160 litres) and build-box between process stages to aluminium and titanium.
is the company’s tenth and largest ensure complete atmosphere control The current model is available to
production-ready metal BJT system throughout the process. be shipped from ExOne’s European
to date. The company explains that a ExOne will continue to offer the headquarters and production facility
controlled atmosphere is essential for original model of the X1 160Pro in Gersthofen, Germany.
the Additive Manufacturing of reactive for customers who don’t require a www.exone.com

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Xerox installs first ElemX Liquid Metal it acquired metal AM company Vader
Systems. With the acquisition of
machine at US Naval Postgrad School Vader, the company gained its liquid
metal process along with additional
Xerox, headquartered in Norwalk, “The military supply chain is Additive Manufacturing technology.
Connecticut, USA, has announced among the most complex in the world, With access to the latest AM
the installation of its first ElemX and NPS understands first-hand equipment, NPS faculty and students
Liquid Metal Additive Manufacturing the challenges manufacturers must will use the ElemX machine to
machine at the Naval Postgraduate address,” stated Naresh Shanker, conduct thesis research to develop
School (NPS), Monterey, California, Xerox’s Chief Technology Officer. “This new capabilities for the Navy and
USA. As part of a collaborative collaboration will aid NPS in pushing Marine Corps.
research and development agree- adoption of 3D printing throughout “As the Department of the Navy’s
ment, NPS aims to explore new ways the US Navy, and will provide Xerox applied research university, NPS
the technology can deliver on-demand valuable information to help deliver combines student operational experi-
metal parts and equipment, with the supply chain flexibility and resiliency ence with education and research
potential to dramatically transform to future customers.” to deliver innovative capabilities and
the way the military supplies its Xerox entered the AM market for develop innovative leaders with the
forces. the first time in February 2019, when knowhow to use them,” added Ann
Rondeau, NPS president retired
Vice Admiral. “This partnership is
about the strategic ability of the
Navy to have sailors on ships with
the capability through creativity and
technology to advance their opera-
tions at sea. Through collaboration,
NPS and Xerox are helping build a
Navy for the 21st Century.”
“Global supply chains leave
industries like aerospace, automotive,
heavy equipment, and oil and gas
vulnerable to external risks,” said
Tali Rosman, vice president and
General Manager, 3D Printing, Xerox.
“Our goal is to integrate localised 3D
printing into their operations, and the
real-time feedback from NPS gives
us actionable data to continuously
improve the ElemX.”
Xerox has installed its first ElemX Liquid Metal Additive Manufacturing machine www.nps.edu
at the Naval Postgraduate School (Courtesy Xerox) www.xerox.com

demonstrated robust, repeatable

Burloak Technologies awarded Boeing processes to produce flight compo-
approval for AM aluminium parts nents using Additive Manufacturing.”
Colin Osborne, Samuel’s president
and CEO, commented, “Achieving
Burloak Technologies, Oakville, programmes for existing and future this qualification further validates
Ontario, Canada, a division of components. Burloak’s position as a global leader
Samuel, Son & Co., Ltd., has been “This approval marks the comple- in the Additive Manufacturing space,
approved by The Boeing Company to tion of a qualification process that and clearly demonstrates our ability to
additively manufacture aluminium included a rigorous evaluation of commercialise this transformational
AlSi10Mg components to the Boeing Burloak’s capabilities by Boeing. We technology. This milestone also signals
BAC 5673 specification. Burloak would like to thank Boeing’s additive the increasing importance of Additive
Technologies is reported to be the manufacturing team for its collabora- Manufacturing within aerospace and
world’s first additive manufacturer tive approach,” stated Peter Adams, represents a step forward on the path
to achieve this qualification. Burloak Burloak’s founder and Chief Innova- to a greener future for aviation.”
and Boeing are now working to apply tion Officer. “Together, we developed www.burloaktech.com
the BAC 5673 specification to several a well-defined specification that has www.samuel.com

80 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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U.S. Metal Powders, Inc.

A M PA L | P O U D R E S H E R M I L L O N

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United States Metal Powders, Inc. has been a global leader in the production
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Metal Additive Manufacturing
A M PA L | P O|USpring
D R E S 2021
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Airbus additively manufactures 500 commented, “This is recognised as

the first large-scale deployment of
radio frequency parts for two Eurostar RF products using the ALM process,
Neo satellites and it puts us in an industry-leading
position for the technology’s applica-
Airbus has additively manufactured The two satellites, EUTELSAT tion in producing radio frequency
a total of 500 radio frequency HOTBIRD 13F and 13G, are expected components.”
(RF) components, composed of to reinforce and enhance Eutelsat’s Airbus’ manufacturing team in
multi-waveguide blocks and switch TV broadcasting services over Europe, Portsmouth developed innovative
assembly networks, at its Airbus the Middle East, and North Africa. designs for the Eurostar Neo’s
Defence and Space site in Ports- By utilising Additive Manufacturing multi-waveguide blocks and switch
mouth, UK, for two of its Eurostar for the satellites, Airbus stated there assembly networks to be additively
Neo spacecraft that will join the were major labour savings and a manufactured, taking them from
in-orbit fleet of Eutelsat, a leading significant reduction in the number of initial concept and patenting through
provider of satellite communications individual required parts. industrialisation and the comple-
services headquartered in Paris, Gareth Penlington, the HOTBIRD tion of a successful qualification
France. Payload Manager at Airbus, programme. The first EUTELSAT
HOTBIRD satellite’s communications
module was transferred in early
February from Portsmouth to the
Airbus Defence and Space facility
in Toulouse, France, where the
spacecraft’s full build-up will be
completed. Assembly of the second
HOTBIRD communications module is
now underway in Portsmouth, with its
testing scheduled this quarter.
Penlington added, “This is
recognised as the first large-scale
deployment of RF products using
the ALM process, and it puts us in
an industry-leading position for the
technology’s application in producing
radio frequency components.”
Airbus has additively manufactured 500 RF parts for two of its Eurostar Neo www.airbus.com
series satellites (Courtesy Airbus) www.eutelsat.com

Kanthal and Swerim invest in class research within this field

which is strategic both for Kanthal
atomising equipment for PM, AM and and for Sweden.”
HIP applications Jesper Vang, research leader
in AM and Powder Metallurgy at
Swedish heating technology company The joint investment lays Swerim, commented, “Sweden
Kanthal, part of the Sandvik Group, the foundations for a long-term is world-leading in the area of
and metals research institute partnership in which Kanthal powder metals thanks to our long
Swerim, Luleå, Sweden, is to invest receives access to Swerim’s sixty experience of in-depth research
€2 million in ultra-modern atomising years of experience in Powder and continuous development of
equipment designed for research and Metallurgy, metal AM, advanced materials, processes and products.”
development of both materials and structural analysis, testing and “The investment is a direct
the atomising process. modelling. result of increased demand for
The new equipment will allow the “The investment will enable research possibilities,” added
atomising of powder batches up to unique possibilities for us to Vang. “To keep the leading position,
approximately 85 kg, both for Additive develop materials for AM and Swedish companies have to be
Manufacturing and Hot Isostatic to get new products out on the in the forefront when it comes to
Pressing (HIP) applications. It will market, faster,” stated Dilip development of new materials and
be installed in Swerim’s site in Kista, Chandrasekaran, Head of R&D technologies.”
outside of Stockholm and is expected at Kanthal. “The cooperation with www.kanthal.com
to be operational by Q4 2021. Swerim will also allow for world- www.swerim.se

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gy Leaders in Aluminum, Copper

for Technology
niumTechnology Leaders
AdditiveLeaders in Aluminum,
in Aluminum, CopperCopper
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and Titanium for Additive
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Technology Leaders in Aluminum, Copper
and Titanium for Additive Manufacturing

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Freemelt announces multiple orders

for its AM machines from Swedish
research institute
Freemelt, Mölndal, Sweden has stated Ulric Ljunblad, CEO of
received two separate orders from Freemelt. “We are very pleased to
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, see that our products will be used at
Stockholm, Sweden, for its Electron one of the world’s leading synchro-
Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-EB) tron radiation facilities, as well as at
Additive Manufacturing machines. Sweden’s largest technical research
The orders for two PBF-EB machines
A Freemelt ONE system will be and learning institution. We look
will allow further study of advanced
housed at KTH in Stockholm for use forward to supporting KTH in their
materials and synchrotron radia-
in the study of advanced materials. A exciting research endeavours.”
tion studies of PBF-EB processes
modified PBF-EB system, based on Greta Lindwall, Assistant
(Courtesy Freemelt)
the Freemelt ONE technology, will be Professor at KTH, commented,
placed alongside the PETRA III at the “These E-PBF systems will
DESY research facility in Hamburg, strengthen our 3D printing research materials design for 3D printing. The
Germany, and used for synchrotron at KTH and we look forward to the modified system will enable in-situ
radiation studies of PBF-EB collaboration with Freemelt. The synchrotron X-ray studies to provide
processes in a joint Swedish-German access to a Freemelt ONE system fundamental insights in the E-PBF
project. will support our Research Initiative process.”
“These orders confirm our position on Sustainable Industry and Society Both machines are scheduled to be
as a prime supplier of 3D printers (IRIS) with focus on integrated delivered during 2021.
for cutting edge material research,” mechanics, components and www.freemelt.com

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84 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Rio Tinto and Amaero

collaborate on aluminium-
scandium alloy for AM
Rio Tinto, headquartered in London, UK, has signed an
agreement to provide aluminium-scandium alloy from
its North American operations to Amaero, a producer of
additively manufactured parts and AM service provider
based in Notting Hill, Victoria, Australia.
Under the agreement, Rio Tinto will deliver alloy
billets made of responsibly-produced, low-carbon
aluminium from its hydro-powered Canadian smelters Additive
and high-purity scandium oxide from its Rio Tinto Fer
et Titane (RTFT) metallurgical complex in Sorel-Tracy,
Quebec, Canada. The billets will be processed by
Amaero into powder for Additive Manufacturing and
offered to the market for high temperature applications.
Powder Metallurgy
The scandium oxide will be supplied from a
new plant in Sorel-Tracy, reportedly the first North Proficiency Testing
American supply source. The plant will use an innova-
tive recovery process developed by Rio Tinto scientists
to extract high-purity scandium oxide from the waste
streams of titanium dioxide production, without the
need for any additional mining.
The companies will also collaborate in the develop- Improve measuring techniques
ment of the supply chain and commercialisation of like apparent density, flow rate,
Amaero’s high-performance, high operating tempera- and particle size of metal powders
ture aluminium alloy, Amaero HOT Al.
used in 3D printing.
Rio Tinto Aluminium Sales and Marketing vice
president, Tolga Egrilmezer stated, “As a global leader
in aluminium, and the first producer of high-quality
scandium oxide in North America, Rio Tinto is uniquely
positioned to provide a secure source of aluminium-
scandium alloy to the market.” 2 Test Cycles per Year
“Aluminium-scandium alloy is the material of
choice where a lightweight, high-strength material
with thermal resistance and good welding properties
is needed, such as for defence and aerospace applica-
Every lab gets 1 kilogram of
tions. This first sale demonstrates our ability to develop metal powder for each test cycle -
products that meet our customers’ needs, drawing stainless steel and aluminum
on our technical expertise and world class assets,” for 2021.
Egrilmezer added.
“We are very pleased to enter this agreement with
Rio Tinto to purchase the first commercial batch of
aluminium scandium alloy from a North American
source,” commented Barrie Finnin, Amaero CEO. “This
is an important step in the commercialisation of this Next test cycle starts
high-performance alloy that will be used in our break-
through 3D metal printing technology. We look forward
soon, request your
to working with Rio Tinto to progress the production of samples today!
the alloy so we can commence the qualification process
with key customers in the aerospace sector and other
Register online

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MELD awarded manufacturing of naval metal parts

on-site at the shipyard.
additively manufacturing new parts
critical to the modernisation of the
$1.5M from US “We’ve received requests for a Navy’s fleet, where both repair and

Navy for metal AM number of parts in a wide range of

metal alloys from the Navy and ship-
manufacture will help to overcome
long lead times for forged and cast
and legacy repairs builders that are not able to be printed products. The L3 machine will provide
with any other technology,” stated Dr flexibility to use multiple materials
Developer and provider of metal Chase Cox, Director of Technology. whilst preserving the ability to create
Additive Manufacturing machines, “The range of need expressed to us and repair parts with newly-designed
MELD Manufacturing Corporation, really highlights the value of a MELD alloys.
Christiansburg, Virginia, USA, has machine, because unlike other metal “MELD solves the global problem
been awarded a $1.5 million contract printers, MELD can print metals the of long lead times for forged and cast
from the United States Navy following Navy truly needs at a size that is not metal products and provides large
the successful demonstration of otherwise possible.” scale components in all metals,”
its MELD AM process. The current The programme will repair commented CEO Nanci Hardwick.
contract will build upon naval legacy and obsolete parts, as well as www.meldmanufacturing.com
investments, including those by the
National Shipbuilding Research
Program for ‘Scaling Up 3D Printed
Steel Castings’.
The programme will support the
development of qualification data
for parts manufactured by MELD,
guiding naval use of the company’s
equipment. The contract includes
the purchase of a MELD L3 model,
planned to be housed in the Navy’s
Center of Excellence for Additive
Manufacturing at the Norfolk Naval
Shipyard in Virginia. The programme
is intended to further the Navy’s The MELD solid-state Additive Manufacturing process was chosen by the
support of critical operations by National Shipbuilding Research Program to reduce the lead times and effi-
delivering instructions for repair and ciency of large steel castings like this ship stem bar (Courtesy MELD)

ExOne adds USC Solutions to sales include inorganic binder systems

tailored for aluminium castings.
network to support growth in “We believe Binder Jetting comple-

Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia ments our customers’ portfolios

well because of its unique properties
allowing for material and application
The ExOne Company, North play a key role in strengthening our flexibility as well as safety and cost
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA, network for this ongoing expansion.” benefits,” added Riyaz Vehmi, General
has announced that USC Solutions USC Solutions is the latest to join Manager of USC Solutions Pte Ltd.
is now an authorised channel a growing number of distribution “USC Solutions is introducing
partner to sell ExOne industrial partners in the ExOne network ExOne’s binder jet technology to
solutions in Singapore, Malaysia across Asia. ExOne has qualified our existing Additive Manufacturing
and Indonesia. more than twenty metal, ceramic and customers to complement their
“We’re excited to have the composite materials for its Binder current systems. The wide variety of
experienced team from USC Solu- Jetting (BJT) process. More than half metal and ceramic materials address
tions represent us. We look forward of those materials are single-alloy key application needs within their port-
to leveraging their reputation of metals, such as 17-4PH, 316L, folios and it will be a useful addition
providing solutions in the local 304L, M2 Tool Steel, Inconel 718 and for them to increase their capabilities
manufacturing market,” stated Ben others. High-demand materials, in both research and manufacturing,”
Leung, ExOne, vice president, Asia. such as aluminium and titanium, are Vehmi concluded.
“ExOne continues to grow in Asia also being fast-tracked for qualifica- www.exone.com
and we expect USC Solutions to tion, whilst binder developments www.uscsolns.com

86 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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VDM® Powder 71
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Latest Alfa Romeo F1 car doubles the Sauber began its collaboration
with Additive Industries with the plan
amount of AM components to establish a metal AM competence
centre within three years. However,
The newly-launched 2021 Alfa Romeo lighter parts and higher productivity, the collaboration is entering its
Racing Orlen F1 race car, the C41, but also from having direct access to fourth year with four machines
manufactured in partnership with MetalFAB1 machines. already in operation, instead of the
Additive Industries, Eindhoven, the “By having the MetalFAB1 systems intended two machines within three
Netherlands, will take to the track in house, and not outsourcing years.
with 304 additively manufactured externally, it helps us to achieve an www.sauber-group.com/motor-
metal parts, more than doubling the important element of the cost cap,” sport/formula-1
number from 2020’s C39 race car. commented Jan Monchaux, Technical www.additiveindustries.com
The parts for the C41 were Director.
produced on the MetalFAB1 AM
machine from Additive Industries,
with some 22% of the 304 parts made
from Ti64Gd23, 36% from Scalmalloy,
40% built from AlSi10Mg and 2% in
stainless steel. The total combined
weight accounts for approximately
14.86 kg, a comparatively small
increase over last year’s 13.14 kg
considering the 113% parts increase.
Cost savings of up to 90%
per part, in comparison with
traditionally-manufactured parts, has
also been a major benefit for Sauber
Motorsport AG, the Swiss company
which manages and operates the
Alfa Romeo Racing Orlen team. The C41 has an increase of 113% of AM parts from the previous year’s 143
These savings come not only from (Courtesy Sauber Group)

European Patent for further control over particle size

distribution, thereby reducing overall
barrier to entry in the markets we
Office intends to costs. This patent has reportedly P Peter Pascali, CEO and Chair of

grant PyroGenesis been filed for patent protection in an

additional six different jurisdictions.
PyroGenesis, stated, “This European
patent will further strengthen our
plasma atomisation “European patents provide position as a leader in powder

patent protection not only in the thirty-eight

member states of the European
production not only in Europe, but
worldwide. We have seen a steady
Patent Organization, but also in two increase in demand for plasma
PyroGenesis Canada Inc., Montreal, extension states plus four valida- atomised powders and not only with
Quebec, Canada, reports that the tion states,” commented Pierre respect to titanium alloys. With an
European Patent Office has issued its Carabin, Chief Technology Officer of increased production rate and a
intent to grant the company a patent PyroGenesis. “This represents an higher yield, we can now open up new
based on its prosecuted application area with approximately 700 million markets where materials, that would
for a ‘Plasma Apparatus for the inhabitants. This new addition to normally have been too expensive to
Production of High Quality Powders our intellectual property portfolio consider in additive manufacturing,
at High Capacity’. This patent relates brings the total number of issued can now be used economically.”
to the production of high-purity and pending patents held by the “This type of innovation not only
spheroidal powders for use in Additive company to 124, which is a historical secures PyroGenesis’ position as a
Manufacturing, but can also be used high. We currently have 100 patent powder producer but, in manage-
in Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). applications in progress, covering ment’s opinion, significantly increases
The company explains that the nineteen families of invention. the overall market potential for
patent aims to provide a simplified When combined with our significant PyroGenesis’ powder offerings,”
device geared to increasing produc- know-how and trade secrets, we are concluded Pascali.
tivity while at the same time allowing continuing to create a formidable www.pyrogenesis.com

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Additive Manufacturing
The next dimension in tooling for the
plastic injection moulding industry

As a global steel and technology leader, we offer the full suite of production techniques
and services throughout the value chain, supporting and driving innovation and
development based on lengthy experience around materials and processing. Starting from
the alloy development and metal powder production, to design and manufacturing and
including post-processing. We offer the end-to-end solutions to reduce waste and mitigate
risk in the supply chain with the goal of being your trusted and reliable business partner.
We deliver tailormade solutions from concept to component.

voestalpine Additive Manufacturing

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Safina offers range

of metal powders
for Additive
With beginnings in the mid-19th
century, Czech company Safina
has a long tradition in the complex
processing and manufacture of Safina has developed its own master alloys to meet the standards for AM
products from precious and nonfer- production (Courtesy Safina)
rous metals such as thermocouple
wires, PGM wires, plates and tubing,
sputtering targets, labware, chemi- it started the external production of elements like NB, Cr, Ag or Zr, there
cals, powders and others. For many gas atomised powder for partners, is an improvement in that strength
years, the company produced silver which is currently a keystone of the while still preserving the high thermal
powders – prepared by reduction from company’s portfolio. conductivity at temperatures around
silver nitrate solution in a large range 700K. Generally, Cr and Ag nano
of particle sizes with dendritic shape. Powders from Safina precipitates offer higher strength,
These powders are commonly used in Safina’s powder range extends to while Zr acts as a grain refiner,
the fields of sintered contacts, carbon three main types: gas atomised; blocking coalescences of nano
brushes and EMI/RFI shielding. chemically precipitated; and its newly- precipitates, meaning precipitates
However, chemically-precipitated developed coated powders, which are have to be as small as possible to
powders, such as these, are not manufactured by hydrometallurgy. To maintain high mechanical properties.
suitable for technologies like Additive maintain the quality of its powders, Alloys like CuCr1Zr are common,
Manufacturing or cold spraying. Safina uses inspection methods such widely available as rolled semi-
Safina initially invested in cold sieving analysis, laser diffraction finished products (rods, plates and
spray technology in 2012 for the granulometry, dynamic image sheets). However, Safina found that
production of rotary targets for the particle analysis, Scanning Electron it had to overcome several obstacles
flat glass industry. Rotary sputtering Microscopy (SEM), chemical analysis to produce higher quality powder, as
targets produced from gas atomised by ICP-OES or EDX, gas content the quality of raw material was found
powder by cold spraying ensure measurement, tap and apparent to be insufficient for AM production,
superior properties like low porosity, density/flowability measurements. either Laser Beam Powder Bed
gas content, high purity – 4N, fine The company recently added gas Fusion (PBF-LB) or Cold Spraying.
and homogeneous grain size. In line atomised powders from ternary To ensure high, replicable quality
with this development, the company copper-based alloys to its range, of production powders, Safina
invested in a gas atomiser suitable meeting the needs of high-end developed its own high-purity master
for the production of silver powder for applications like the combustion alloys, as even several tens of ppm
cold spray technology. chambers in rocket engines or heat impurities are detrimental and can
Safina soon became aware that sinks in nuclear fusion reactors. cause Intermediate Temperature
its uniquely-developed processed While pure copper has good thermal Embrittlement (ITE). The most
powders have properties for cold conductivity, its strength, especially important elements to watch are O2,
spray and AM which the standard at higher temperatures, falls short. H, Bi, Sn, Sb, Pb, Te, Se, P and Fe.
powders did not. With this in mind, With the introduction of some other Safina has also altered the entire
process, from melt atomisation to
packing, in order to prevent oxygen
contamination and reach optimal
particle size distribution. This is
especially important for its copper
alloys, as copper powder is very
sensitive to oxygen exposure and
rapid oxidisation can influence its
mechanical properties, meaning a
proper handling procedure is vital at
both sides of the supply chain.
SEM images of CuCr1Zr powder (mag: 200x/500x/4500x) (Courtesy Safina) www.safina.cz

90 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Uniformity Labs and Desktop Metal sintering aids into the powders, using
binders containing expensive nanopar-
announce new aluminium powder ticles or diluting the aluminium with
metals such as lead, tin or magnesium.
Through a collaboration between automotive, aerospace and consumer Most importantly, Uniformity 6061
Desktop Metal, Burlington, Massa- electronics,” stated Ric Fulop, CEO also allows for the use of water-based
chusetts, USA, and Uniformity Labs, and co-founder of Desktop Metal. “The binders and has a higher minimum
Fremont, California, USA, a new global aluminium castings market is energy relative to other commercially-
powder enabling aluminium sintering more than $50 billion per year, and it is available 6061 aluminium powders,
for Binder Jetting (BJT) AM technology ripe for disruption with Binder Jetting resulting in an improved safety profile.
has been discovered. This comes AM solutions.” Over the coming year, Desktop
after a multi-year effort between the “The introduction of lightweight Metal and Uniformity Labs will continue
companies to develop a low-cost raw metals to Binder Jetting opens the their partnership to qualify the powder
material that yields fully dense, sinter- door to a wide variety of thermal and scale production for commercial
able 6061 aluminium with greater and structural applications across release. Once qualified, Uniformity
than 10% elongation, as well as industries,” added Adam Hopkins, 6061 will be available for use with
improved yield strength and ultimate founder and CEO of Uniformity Labs. Desktop Metal’s Production System.
tensile strength versus wrought 6061 “This innovation is a key step towards “These are the best reported proper-
aluminium undergoing comparable the adoption of mass-produced printed ties we are aware of for a sintered
heat treatments. aluminium parts.” 6061 aluminium powder, and we are
“This breakthrough represents a The Uniformity 6061 powder enables excited to make this material available
major milestone in the development the sintering of unadulterated 6061 exclusively to Desktop Metal customers
of aluminium for Binder Jetting and aluminium, said to be a significant as part of our ongoing partnership with
a significant step forward for the improvement over prior aluminium Uniformity Labs,” Fulop concluded.
AM industry, as it is one of the most sintering techniques, which required www.desktopmetal.com
sought-after materials for use in coating powder particles, mixing www.uniformitylabs.com

92 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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AML3D to supply industrial

components to key 3DPC client
AML3D Limited, Edinburgh, AML3D has reportedly received
Australia, has announced that it substantial interest from 3DPC
will supply a series of industrial clients hoping to overcome tradi-
components for evaluation and tional manufacturing constraints.
testing to a key client of Japan’s In one such case, a client’s wait
3D Printing Corporation (3DPC). time for traditional components
As an Additive Manufacturing is sixth months, whereas AML3D ALM3D is using its Wire Arc Additive
service, 3DPC, headquartered in components can be delivered in Manufacturing technology to support
Yokohama, focusses on enhancing less than two weeks. This client manufacturers hoping to overcome
the manufacturing capabilities of has submitted a purchase order problems presented by traditional
its clients with its unique AM supply for sample components, to test the manufacturing (Courtesy AML3D)
chain solutions. suitability of AML3D’s technology
“We are excited to work with for its needs. The trial, if successful, S DeVore, 3DPC CEO. “This first
3DPC with this purchase order, will result in a switch to the AM phase is qualifying a component that
highlighting the exposure we components, which is expected to frequently requires replacement due
receive in the Asia Pacific region. lead to business development in to harsh conditions and we expect
We are confident that the successful industrial and energy sectors. a cost savings of approximately
validation of the WAM [Wire Arc “By building a supply chain for 3D 700,000 USD per annum when
AM] technology will lead to greater printed industrial components, we AML3D’s WAM technology is fully
commercial opportunities in the are able to drastically reduce lead integrated.”
future,” commented Andrew Sales, time and inventory costs for our www.3dpc.co.jp
AML3D Managing Director. industrial clients,” stated Alexander www.aml3d.com

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 93
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ESPRIT CAM successfully tested for Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) Additive
Manufacturing with products that
Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing have been tested and validated
by industrial partners. Relying on
DP Technology, Camarillo, California, In 2020, teams from ESPRIT an established collaboration with
USA, developer of the ESPRIT continued to develop products Cetim, ESPRIT teams validated the
CAM system, a computer-aided to enhance the support of AM support of Binder Jetting.
manufacturing software that supports technologies and released a new By preparing data in ESPRIT
a variety of CNC machines, reports feature that adds support to several Additive Suite products, Cetim
that, through its existing partnership new slice formats such as 3MF was able to build a job made of six
with France’s Technical Centre for and Binary CLI, further improving impeller parts with a BJT machine
Mechanical Industry (Cetim), it has interoperability between software from Digital Metal, part of Sweden’s
successfully tested the ESPRIT CAM and machines. Höganäs group. Although ESPRIT
system with Binder Jetting (BJT) ESPRIT already supports both additive support for BJT technology
Additive Manufacturing. Direct Energy Deposition (DED) and is not yet commercially available, the
company states that this success
demonstrates what’s possible when
both teams collaborate closely.
“We used the ESPRIT Additive
PBF product to slice the 3D model
and produce a compatible file format
that would be readable by Digital
Metal’s machine,” stated Clement
Girard, ESPRIT’s Additive Product
Manager. “All data preparation was
done using a version of ESPRIT
Additive PBF that’s still in develop-
As built (left) and sintered (right) 40 mm impeller designed by Cetim, prepared ment.”
with ESPRIT CAM and additively manufactured on Digital Metal equipment www.cetim.fr
(Courtesy Cetim/ESPRIT CAM) www.espritcam.com

Relequa launches Moisture Profiling

software update for metal AM powder
moisture testing
Relequa Analytical Systems, a moisture test and moisture testing of
developer of moisture analysis AM metal powders.
instruments headquartered in The company states that
Dungarvan, Co Waterford, Ireland, its technology does not use
has announced an update to the heat or sample weight as proxy
Relequa has updated the Moisture
Moisture Profiling™ software in measurements of moisture. Instead,
Profiling software in its MP-1000
its MP-1000 system to test for based fundamentally on Water Activity
system for running in Additive
the presence of moisture in metal the technology measures moisture
Manufacturing moisture testing mode
Additive Manufacturing powders, and being directly released from the metal
(Courtesy Relequa Analytical Systems)
to research their behaviour in the powder. No sample preparation is
environment of AM processes. needed, the test is non-destructive
Founded in 2009, Relequa is and powders are tested directly within metal powders are in their moisture
committed to researching moisture the AM process area avoiding sample interaction behaviour. Relequa’s
behaviour to provide its customers handling and storage issues. updated Moisture Profiling protocol
with innovative products for moisture Dr Peter Moir, moisture expert was shown to distinguish between
analysis. It specialises in moisture consultant and CEO of Relequa, different metal AM alloy powders.
problem-solving systems for the recently presented at the INVIRTA Further information about the
pharmaceutical industry, moisture workshop: ‘Special Insight in Metallic updated Moisture Profiling software is
profiling analytical systems, moisture Powder Characterisation’. Data available via the company website.
ingress studies for packaging, rapid was delivered showing how unique www.relequa.com

94 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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List of services/topics
• Initial part review
• Part Feasibility Evaluation
• Design for Manufacturing
• Support/Setter design

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96 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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GE researchers developing portable

water-producing prototype using AM
The Defense Advanced Research of fuel and water. The prototype that
Projects Agency (DARPA), an R&D GE researchers are developing could
agency of the US Department of prove a transformational develop-
Defense (DoD), has selected a team ment, drastically reducing, even
from GE Research, GE’s tech develop- potentially eliminating, the need for
ment arm based in Niskayuna, New the distribution of water by providing
York, USA, to lead a new four-year, a ready source of clean water directly
$14.3 million Atmospheric Water where troops are stationed.
Extraction (AWE) project. Called The AIR2WATER device will be a
AIR2WATER (Additively Manufactured, compact, lightweight system that
Integrated Reservoir to Extract Water is able to be lifted by four people
using Adsorbents and Thermally- and produce enough daily water for
Enhanced Recovery), the programme around 150 troops. The key technolo- Test samples of different additively
will work to simplify the transport of gies being used to produce potable manufactured heat exchangers built
potable water to troops in the field, water are sorbent materials to absorb in the Additive Manufacturing Lab at
while addressing water scarcity the air and an additively manufactured GE Research in Niskayuna, New York,
around the world. heat exchanger that effectively draws USA (Courtesy GE Research)
According to the World Wildlife in heat over the sorbent materials to
Fund, more than 1.1 billion people do release water.
not have access to water; approxi- The team from UC Berkeley, led by design of and sorbent integration
mately 2.7 billion experience water Omar Yaghi, Professor of Chemistry, into the heat exchange, drawing from
scarcity. The selected team of GE will focus on the development of decades of experience producing heat
researchers, together with scientists sorbent materials. To help predict exchangers for aerospace applica-
and engineers from the University and inform the selection of the best tions and power generation turbines.
of California at Berkeley, University materials, the University of South David Moore, Principal Investigator
of Chicago, and University of South Alabama, led by Prof Grant Glover, and Technology Manager for Mate-
Alabama, will develop and design a will model the mass transfer and rial Physics and Chemistry at GE
highly compact, portable device that measure the adsorption kinetics, Research, stated, “By creating a
can produce clean, safe water out of while AI experts from the University of highly portable, compact device that
air. Chicago, led by Prof Laura Gagliardi, efficiently extracts water from the
As stated in an Army Environ- will utilise AI-guided molecular atmosphere, we can save lives.”
mental Policy Institute report, screening tools. www.ge.com/research
10–12% of United States Marine Core GE researchers will oversee these www.berkeley.edu
casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan developments and lead the overall www.southalabama.edu
were brought about in the delivery system integration, including the AM www.uchicago.edu

Norsk Titanium supplies titanium AM marks a significant increase in the

number of additively manufactured
components for Boeing Dreamliner parts previously manufactured
from titanium plate. It also is
Norsk Titanium US Inc, Plattsburgh, reduced raw material needs by over an important step towards our
New York, USA, has announced 40%. The Additive Manufacturing mission to provide an alternative
production deliveries of new Boeing process enabled Norsk to create to titanium forgings in aerospace
787 Dreamliner components to a near-net-shape design, while applications.”
Leonardo’s Grottaglie Plant, part of maintaining the stringent process The delivery is reported to
Leonardo’s Aerostructures Division, control and material properties add a third production customer
based in southern Italy. needed for structural applications to Norsk’s commercial aero-
Built using Norsk’s Rapid Plasma in Boeing aircraft. structures customer base, and
Deposition (RPD) process, a form “We are pleased to be represents Norsk’s first recurring
of plasma-based Directed Energy Leonardo’s supplier,” said Karl production order from a European
Deposition (DED), Norsk engineers Fossum, director of customer Union-based aerospace company.
designed Ti6Al4V preforms that programs for Norsk. “This delivery www.norsktitanium.com

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 97
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Equispheres adds systems from

Aconity3D and Granutools for
developing its metal AM powder
Equispheres, Ottawa, Ontario, Explaining the rationale behind
Canada, has added systems from each investment, Evan Butler-
both Aconity3D and Granutools as Jones, Director of Applications
part of the Equispheres’ lab expan- Engineering at Equispheres,
sion project. Last year, the company stated, “Normally the GranuCharge
closed a C$30 million investment system is used to conduct basic
round to support the lab expansion, research at academic institutions. The Aconity3D AM machine at
increase powder production and However, we use the tool as part Equispheres (Courtesy Equispheres)
continue research and product of our QA process. Quality parts
development of high-performance require quality powder, and that ourselves on our innovative metal
metal powders for Additive Manu- requires precise instrumentation powder solutions, and continued
facturing. and measurement systems. The innovation relies on research, testing
The company has selected an Aconity3D printer was chosen and data. We are providing our
Aconity3D AM machine equipped because of its increased precision, team of skilled engineers, materials
with a 1000 W laser to further high configurability and powerful scientists and metallurgists with the
research processes and techniques 1000 W laser. This printer best tools and systems to ensure
for faster part production. The enables us to conduct high-speed Equispheres and our customers are
company also acquired a Granu- production parameter optimisation set for success.”
tools’ GranuCharge system, which research and testing.” www.equispheres.com
measures the electrostatic charge Kevin Nicholds, CEO of www.aconity3d.com
created within flowing powder. Equispheres, commented, “We pride www.granutools.com


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Titanium spinal fusion cage produced

on Farsoon AM machine receives
China’s NMPA clearance
Huaxiang Group, a leading China- and Technology in the ‘13th Five-Year
based medical Additive Manufacturing Plan’ led by Shanghai Jiaotong
provider and Dr Wang Wenjun’s University’s Ninth People’s Hospital,
Spinal Surgery team from First with a team consisting of members
Affiliated Hospital of University of from the Chinese Academy of
South China, have received Category Sciences Institute of Metal Research,
3 medical device clearance from South China University of Technology, The additively manufactured porous
China’s National Medical Products Sichuan University, Xi’an Jiaotong spinal fusion cage portfolio featured
Administration (NMPA) for their University, Shanghai Institute of with a variety of geometries struc-
titanium porous spinal fusion cages Ceramics, Hubei University, Central tures (Courtesy Huaxiang Group)
produced on Farsoon metal AM South University, Farsoon Technolo-
machines. Farsoon Technologies, gies and Huaxiang Group.
headquartered in Changsha, Hunan, The goal of the project is to With the advanced capabilities of
China, reports that the spinal cage establish and extend the application metal AM, Dr Wang’s team together
is the first approved orthopaedic of Additive Manufacturing solutions with the Huaxiang Group, are able to
implant to be additively manufactured for advanced medical devices create a unique lattice design similar
by Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion including medical-grade material, to the trabecular micro surface
(PBF-LB) in China. AM machines, design software, structure featuring customisable pore
Compared to traditional cages, the medical device development & clinical size, porosity and elastic modulus that
additively manufactured porous spinal verification and medical supply are close to that of human bones. It
fusion cage offers an advanced solu- chains. reportedly helps to reduce the tension
tion for spinal conditions, including The spinal fusion cage portfolio of stress, promote bone in growth rate
degeneration, fractures, deformities is developed with a patient-tailored and long-term stability.
and tuberculosis. Being one of the key process from Dr Wang Wenjun’s With substantial input from
medical implant products identified by Spinal Surgery team for customised surgical design and metal Additive
the ‘3D Printing Technology Applica- volume batches. The development has Manufacturing, unique geometric
tion of Personalized Implant Device’ taken multiple iterations of structural structures with fully-customised
project, the NMPA recognised that optimisation throughout the years, anatomical endplates which feature
the implant showcased a combined with comprehensive research into curved angles and expanded contact
knowledge in medical-grade material, over thirty mechanical properties, surface topology are able to deliver the
AM, design software and medical physical & chemical performance, perfect anatomical match for a wide
device development & clinical biological evaluation and cytotoxicity, range of complex surgical conditions.
application. etc. During the clinical study phase, The surgeons are also said to benefit
The 3D Printing Technology Dr Wang’s team conducted 108 cases from significantly faster ‘on-demand’
Application of Personalized Implant in five Tertiary A hospitals across the development to the production cycle
Device project is an initiative country, before it received clearance for a high-quality, precise product by
supported by the Ministry of Science from NMPA. using Farsoon Technologies’ PBF-LB
machines, whereas the conventional
multiple-use device usually takes
months to manufacture.
“This is a ground-breaking day
for metal 3D printing in the Chinese
medical market,” stated Li Xinghua,
Head of Marketing from Huaxiang
Group. “I’m grateful for joining such
a strong team with Dr Wang and
industry Additive Manufacturing leader
Farsoon Technologies for this journey.
We are very proud to contribute our
effort to future patient-tailored spinal
implant surgeries with the application
The NMPA approved porous spinal fusion cage additively manufactured on a of SLM technology.”
Farsoon metal AM machine (Courtesy Huaxiang Group) www.farsoon.com

100 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Kurtz Ersa enters into metal AM market types of materials. Because the Alpha
140 is designed as a complete AM
with the Alpha 140 system, it also has its own software
for data preparation (either via preset
Kurtz Ersa, a producer of components, 140 is an ideal entry point into metal parameters or extensive manual
systems and equipment for the Additive Manufacturing. input), from component design to
optimisation of manufacturing simulation and generation of support
processes, headquartered in Kreuz- Optimised production process structures to data preparation,
wertheim, Germany, has entered the The Alpha 140 utilises a 140 W allowing the mapping of the entire AM
Additive Manufacturing equipment fibre-coupled diode laser, enabling workflow.
market with the release of its Alpha the production of fine details and
140 Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion thin wall depths, while the laser’s Cooperation with LMI
(PBF-LB) metal AM machine. gantry mounting enables a constant The Alpha 140 was developed by Laser
Said to combine innovative Additive focus diameter throughout the entire Melting Innovations GmbH & Co.
Manufacturing technology with simple installation space. Layer thicknesses KG (LMI), a spin-off from the RWTH
operation and lower system costs, between 30 µm and 90 µm allow for a Aachen University, where Additive
the Alpha 140 is aimed at small and component- and material-dependent Manufacturing has been an essential
medium-size companies, particularly optimised manufacturing process. part of development activities for
those in the moulding and tooling The spindle-driven axis system allows over twenty years. The cooperation
industries where the Alpha 140 is high positioning and repeatability of with Kurtz Ersa, with its access to a
ideal for complex geometric struc- the laser system, while a laminar- worldwide sales and service network,
tures such as moulds with internal, shielding gas flow creates optimised enabled the machine’s rapid market
near-contour cooling. The company processing conditions for both launch.
believes the Alpha 140 particularly protecting the laser optics and for the “In Aachen, the cradle of metal
shines with small batch sizes, inert welding process. Additive Manufacturing, more than 200
allowing users to save on tooling, The round build envelope of the top developers, specialists and young
something which may also prove machine measures 140 mm in diam- talents are continuously working on
attractive to universities and research eter with a maximum build height of the topic of Additive Manufacturing,”
institutes. 200 mm. With a footprint of just 170 commented Professor Johannes
During the machine’s develop- x 95 cm, and an optional integrated Henrich Schleifenbaum, one of
ment, engineers worked to meet nitrogen generator enabling self LMI’s founders. “In addition to
the desire for a simple, economical, sufficiency without an external processes and machines, we have a
and open architecture, as well as gas supply, the ‘plug and produce’ particular focus on the benefits for
allowing the user to process special machine is ideal for space-saving industrial users, from component
materials, produce customisable use in production environments and design through 3D printing and
designs and provide geometric research labs alike, where connection post-processing to the ready-to-use
freedom. With these specifications, by means of a cold appliance plug and component. Here, we have direct
and the comparatively low costs in optional air cooling enables simple access to a wealth of experience of
mind, Kurtz Ersa states that the Alpha installation. more than 1,000 man-years. We make
The components manufactured this available to our partners.”
on the Alpha 140 are said to reach After signing a cooperation agree-
strengths comparable to traditional ment in August 2020, the assembly
PBF-LB machines with densities of the initial AM machine began just
greater than 99.5%. Being up to 80% ten weeks later, with the first delivery
more economical, Kurtz Ersa states taking place in December 2020.
the Alpha 140 can offer a worthy Further machines have been installed
industry contribution to the European and are already in production – such
Green Deal’s goal of climate neutrality as those at the German Aerospace
by 2050. Centre (DLR) and the Fraunhofer IWKS
Available materials and parameter (Research Institution for Materials
sets for the Alpha 140 include stain- Recycling and Resource Strategies).
less steels (such as 1.4404), nickel- Orders for other Alpha 140’s have
base superalloys (IN625 and IN718), been confirmed, including one for the
tool steel and aluminium alloys Technical University of Cologne, or
The Alpha 140 is a result of a partner- (AlSi7Mg), with more materials upon are close to completion directly with
ship between Kurtz Ersa and Laser request. The open system design also industrial companies.
Melting Innovations (Courtesy Kurtz enables in-house material qualifica- “3D metal printing complements
Ersa) tions and the development of new our relationships in the manufacturing

102 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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The interior of the Alpha 140 shows the inert gas and axis An example of the particularly high degree of
systems. The spindle-driven axis system allows high positioning geometric freedom offered by AM (Courtesy Hans
and repeatability of the laser system (Courtesy Kurtz Ersa) Erlenbach Entwicklungen GmbH)

scene and fits perfectly with our The cooperation between the The Alpha 140 is manufactured
strategy ‘Global. Ahead. Sustain- companies is a classic win-win at the Kurtz Ersa production site
able.’, with which we present scenario. For Kurtz Ersa, the process in Kreuzwertheim. A 24-hour
ourselves as technology leaders knowledge of the LMI team in the field service is offered thanks to a global
in our respective markets,” added of Additive Manufacturing was the key presence, with live presentations
Rainer Kurtz, CEO of Kurtz Ersa. to entering this new business field. For being available in the the Kurtz Ersa
Together with Managing Director its part, LMI, as a young company, was Corporation’s demo centres. An
Uwe Rothaug, Kurtz was also able to utilise the sales and service Alpha 140 specific showroom is also
pleased with the “fantastically channels of the more established planned for LMI in Aachen.
short time to market” of the Alpha Kurtz Ersa as a perfect complement to www.kurtzersa.com
140. the roll-out of its metal AM technology.

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- Dipl. Ing Claus Aumund-Kopp, Group Leader for AM at the Fraunhofer IFAM Institute in Bremen; Claim your discounted fee by
- Dr Neilpresenters
Course Harrison, Materials
are: Development Manager at Carpenter Additive;
- Prof Mike Bradley, Director of the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology; referring to
• Dipl. Ing Claus Aumund-Kopp, Group Leader for AM at the Fraunhofer IFAM Institute
in Bremen;
• Dr Neil Harrison, Materials Development Manager at Carpenter Additive;
020 8331 8646
• Prof Mike Bradley, Director of the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology;

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AML3D and Austal Australia’s maritime can now follow a similar validation
AM crane receives verification from “This is a fantastic achievement

DNV by the AML3D team, Austal and our

other partners in this project,” Sales
continued. “Working with Austal’s
AML3D Limited, Edinburgh, Australia, verification statement was issued. vision for implementing Additive
reports that maritime AM parts The additively manufactured mate- Manufacturing has been a further
developed in conjunction with rial (davit) was subjected to extensive endorsement for our own business
global shipbuilder Austal Australia, testing by the John de Laeter Centre model and we’re excited for the
Henderson, Australia, have received and the Curtin Corrosion Centre future.”
formal verification from DNV, a risk at Curtin University, Australia. Andrew Malcolm, Austal Chief
management and quality assurance Researchers utilised advanced Digital Officer, added that the
provider based in Oslo, Norway. microanalysis instrumentation to successful collaboration with
AML3D produced an aluminium generate high-quality microstructural AML3D and Curtin University on
personnel recovery davit (crane), information and images. In addition, the AM project highlights the many
intended for naval applications the mechanical and corrosion opportunities to pursue emerging
with its proprietary WAM® Additive characteristics were assessed and technologies with the Australian
Manufacturing technology (a wire- compared against established marine industry. “Austal Australia has been
based DED process also known as grade metals. working with AML3D since 2019 on
WAAM), on behalf of Austal. Andy Sales, AML3D Chief Executive the development of hybrid manufac-
As part of the qualification process, Officer, stated, “We’re proud to have turing approaches that put robotics
a three-metre long personnel been able to partner with Austal and side by side with our highly skilled
recovery davit was designed and demonstrate the advantages of our tradesmen and women to fabricate
additively manufactured to meet inter- proprietary Wire Additive Manufac- large complex structures.”
national and naval specifications. The turing capabilities in the creation of “Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing,
assembly was then function tested to the Davit Arm. Additionally, we are or WAAM, has the potential to
more than twice its design working equally as excited to see this WAM enable a productivity step change in
load. Following the successful load printed component receive an official shipbuilding, able to 3D print marine
test, as well as non-destructive and verification statement by DNV. This grade metal structures at a scale well
destructive testing, the results were now offers a verification pathway for a beyond other commercially available
reviewed by all parties before the final much wider range of components that metal 3D printing technologies. This
DNV verification statement for the
AM-produced personnel recovery
davit shows that these Additive
Manufacturing processes can meet
our specification(s), which have been
developed to fulfil the requirements
to fit components to naval vessels,
and we are certainly encouraged
by the verification to pursue future
opportunities,” Malcolm stated.
AML3D sees this successful
collaboration with Austal as a
conduit to utilise the company’s WAM
technology across a wide range of
marine applications. Interest in AM
has reportedly grown strongly in the
sector due to inherently low produc-
tion runs and the specialised nature
of many marine parts. It is expected
that additional ‘proof of concept’
and accreditation processes will be
completed with the wider industry
Left to right: Austal Technology Project Manager Jeffrey Poon; DNV during 2021 that have the potential to
Representative Jude Stanislaus; and AML3D Chief Executive Officer Andy result in a significant order pipeline
Sales with a sample of the davit produced during the AM project (Courtesy for AML3D.
Austal Australia/AML3D) www.aml3d.com

104 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Headmade Materials enables high-end Scientific
titanium pedals for bikes Industries Ltd
Advanced Process Solutions
Headmade Materials GmbH, The sinter-based Cold Metal
Würzberg, Germany, has collabo- Fusion technology, developed
rated with Titanum GmbH, Hamburg, at Headmade Materials, uses a HERMIGA 75 Series
titanium feedstock that can be
to produce lightweight titanium
clipless bike pedals. Through the processed on widely available Research Atomisers
use of Headmade Materials’ Cold
Metal Fusion Additive Manufacturing
standard polymer PBF-LB
machines. Once the green part is
(2 - 5 kg furnaces)
process, the journey from initial built, it is debound and sintered to
contact between businesses to final obtain a fully-dense metal part.
design has taken only six months. Following the production of the
Rico de Wert, co-founder of first prototype, where the perfor-
Titanum, had been working on the mance was said to be outstanding,
design for the clipless pedals for only a few details were changed
a number of years, but technical before the patent was filed. The
feasibility and high-cost manufac- pedals have since been tested and
turing have held the project back. found suitable for both mountain Model 75/3 VI
Matthias Sharvogel, CEO of titanium bike and road use by bike special- Typical median
specialists Element 22 GmbH, based ists such as Ralf Holleis at Huhn (d50) 10 - 100µm
in Kiel, Germany, brought Titanum Cycles and Tom Sturdy from Sturdy Closed coupled
and Headmade Materials together in Cycles. die technology
mid-2020, a successful partnership www.headmade-materials.de
that has resulted in bringing the new www.titanum.bike
MyTi clipless pedals to market. www.element-22.com

Model 75/5 VI
Spherical free
flowing low
oxygen content
metal powder

The MyTi titanium clipless pedals will be available from summer 2021
(Courtesy Headmade Materials GmbH)

Model 75/2 CC
Cold crucible melting
for titanium and
other reactive melts

PSI Limited - Apex Business Park

Hailsham - East Sussex - BN27 3JU - UK
Tel: +44 (0)1323 449001
Many thousands of the clipless pedals will be additively manufactured each info@psiltd.co.uk - www.psiltd.co.uk
year (Courtesy Headmade Materials GmbH)

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Orbex commissions largest industrial begin in 2021 and the first orbital
launch expected in 2022.
AM machine in Europe for rapid Uniquely for a commercial rocket,

rocket building Prime is fuelled by bio-propane,

a clean-burning, renewable fuel
which reduces CO2 emissions by 90%
Orbex, a UK-based spaceflight automatic imaging-based inspection
compared to kerosene-based fuels.
company with headquarters, of AM components. To accommodate
The Prime rocket was designed to
production and testing facilities the new machinery, Orbex is
be re-usable, incorporating a novel
in Scotland, and design and expanding its factory floor space by an
recovery and reusability system. The
testing facilities in Denmark, has additional 1,000 m².
rocket has also been designed to
commissioned AMCM to build The new AM machine will build
leave zero debris in orbit around the
the largest industrial Additive rocket parts using a custom blend
Manufacturing machine in Europe, of metals, including titanium and
“Although our rocket engines and
allowing the company to rapidly aluminium, to create a lightweight
other critical systems are already
build complex rocket engines. The system designed to withstand the
quite mature after years of testing,
custom-made, large-volume system temperature and pressure extremes
a large-scale in-house 3D printing
will allow Orbex to build more than of spaceflight. Orbex will build
system like this gives us far greater
thirty-five large-scale rocket engine components such as rocket engines
speed and agility as we ramp up
and main stage turbopump systems as a single piece, eliminating the
production,” stated Chris Larmour,
annually, as the company scales weaknesses which can arise from
CEO of Orbex. “It means we can
up its production capabilities for joining and welding.
continue to iterate and drive up
launches. The AM rocket components will
performance even further. Longer
The multi-million pound deal was be critical parts of Orbex’s launch
term, as we get ready for multiple
signed with AMCM, an EOS Group vehicle, a 19 m long ‘microlauncher’
launches per year, it will give us
company that offers customised, rocket, designed to deliver small
greater control over our costs and
modified and enhanced EOS satellites into polar orbits around
supply chain. After exhaustive trials,
machines tailored to customer the Earth. Planning permission was
the results we’ve seen from AMCM
requirements, following a series of granted for Orbex’s home spaceport,
were very successful and we’re
successful trials building various Space Hub Sutherland, at the
confident that we’ve made the right
large-scale rocket components over A’Mhoine peninsula in Sutherland,
choice of partner.”
a number of months. AMCM will Scotland, in August 2020. The
“Investing in a large-scale 3D
deliver a complete AM suite, with A’Mhoine site is currently the only UK
printing system like this says a
post-processing machinery and spaceport to receive planning permis-
lot about Orbex’s ambition in the
‘Machine Vision’ systems, providing sion, with construction expected to
European spaceflight sector,” added
Martin Bullemer, MD of AMCM. “If
they are to lead the European market,
they need the production reliability
and speed that a large-scale 3D
printing system like this will give
them. And although this is a major
purchase, it will allow for significant
cost control for Orbex in the years to
Orbex recently announced that it
had secured $24 million in a funding
round led by BGF, said to be the UK’s
most active investment company, and
Octopus Ventures, one of the largest
VCs in Europe. The additional funding
brings significant new investment in
high technology employment oppor-
tunities and large-scale production
facilities in the Highlands region of
The new AM machine from AMCM will allow Orbex to build more than thirty- Scotland.
five large-scale rocket engine and main stage turbopump systems annually www.amcm.com
(Courtesy Orbex) www.orbex.space

106 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Alloys that redefine
wear resistance

With our patented Vibenite®
materials you get:
• exceptional wear
• extreme heat resistance
• complex geometry
Whether you choose the
world’s hardest steel or our
cemented carbide, you will
experience a new perfor-
mance in your application.


VIBENITE® 350 – Corrosion resistant,
but still with rather high wear resistance
and toughness. Hardness of ~60 HRC
(680–700 HV). High chromium content.
VIBENITE® 150 – Multipurpose mate­
rial, hardness range from 55–63 HRC
(600­780 HV).
VIBENITE® 280 – Suitable for multiple
wear applications and for cutting in
other metals. Hardness range from
63 to 70 HRC (780–1000 HV).
VIBENITE® 290 – The hardest com­
mercially available steel type in the
world, launched in 2017. Hardness
range of 68–72 HRC (940–1100 HV).
Perfect for cutting in other metals and
other high wear applications.
VIBENITE® 480 – Hybrid carbide
(cemented carbide/hard metal),
released in 2018. Hardness of ~66 HRC,
carbide content of ~65%, long­term
heat resistance of 750°C, corrosion
resistant. Recommended where high­
speed steels are not heat resistant
enough and where cemented carbides
are too brittle or need complex shapes.

Get in touch to learn more

about our unique materials.
Our material
Your application
A new performance
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Tekna begins as Lugard Road Capital (managed

by Luxor Capital Group), Norron,
Over the last thirty years, Tekna
has developed industry technology
trading on Andenæsgruppen, Blackcrane, and know-how to produce high-purity

Euronext Growth together with Storebrand and Delphi

metal powders for applications such
as Additive Manufacturing in the
Oslo “This IPO marks the start of a aerospace, medical and automotive
new and exciting chapter for Tekna sectors, as well as optimised induc-
Tekna Holding AS, Sherbrooke, as a publicly-traded company, and tion plasma systems for industrial
Quebec, Canada, has begun trading on propels us forward in our vision of research and production.
Euronext Growth Oslo, a multilateral taking a leadership position in three Morten Henriksen, chairman
trading facility operated by the Oslo multi-billion-dollar markets: Additive of Tekna Canada and Chief Execu-
Stock Exchange. The shares in the Manufacturing, printed electronics and tive Officer of Tekna Holding AS,
new issue were sold at NOK 27 (€2.7), energy storage,” stated Luc Dionne, commented, “Built on three decades
corresponding to a pre-money market Chief Executive Officer, Tekna Canada. of delivering excellence, Tekna
capitalisation of NOK 2.7 billion (€270 “Supported by a strong portfolio of has proven and commercialised
million) for the company. plasma-based technologies, we have a technology with a global network
The company explains that it wants proven track record of scalability, with of over 200 blue-chip customers
to invest in further growth and, prior over 80% recurring sales of advanced and an ambitious growth strategy
to the listing, Tekna conducted a materials. Our business model serves towards 2030. The listing on Euronext
private placement, raising NOK 750 as a solid platform for increased Growth is an important part of this
million (€75 million) in new equity. market shares and strong revenue growth strategy and we look forward
The placement was said to be multiple growth. This listing on Euronext to continue the Tekna journey as a
times oversubscribed and attracted Growth, combined with the successful listed entity.”
significant interest from domestic, private placement, provides us with a www.tekna.com
Nordic and international investors strong financial platform to accelerate
including cornerstone investors such our value creation strategy.”

FAU invests in Civan’s Dynamic Beam new possibilities in material

processing, and are very excited
Laser for metal AM research to start using this groundbreaking
technology,” stated Prof Dr-Ing
After being selected by the German sequence and focus steering to Michael Schmidt, chair of the FAU’s
Research Foundation to invest €2.25 eliminate spatter, and increase Institute for Photonics Technology.
million into the study of industrial welding power and speed. With these “Dynamic Beam Shaping brings
metal Additive Manufacturing advanced beam-shaping capabili- novel capabilities that will allow us
processes, Friedrich-Alexander- ties, FAU sees this technology as a to achieve major progress creating
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), possible pathway to countless new never-before-seen capabilities for
Germany, has selected Israel’s Civan applications. next generation 3D printers.”
Advanced Technologies’ OPA-20 “We strongly believe that www.fau.eu
Dynamic Beam Laser for its research Dynamic Beam Shaping will open www.civanlasers.com
into Directed Energy Deposition
Dr Eyal Shekel, Civan’s CEO and
founder, commented, “We are proud
and honoured to have our laser
placed in the leading institute under
Prof Schmidt’s management and
become a part of such a unique and
important journey. I would also like to
thank the Israeli Innovation Authority
for supporting the development of this
technology and product.”
Civan is reportedly the only
company in the world offering the
Dynamic Beam Laser technology,
which allows manufacturers to Fraunhofer IAPT and Fiat Chrysler’s additively manufactured wheel carrier with
control beam shape, frequency, integrated brake caliper (Courtesy Fraunhofer IAPT/ Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)

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Messe Frankfurt Group

16 – 19 NOVEMBER 2021


the impossible!
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Where ideas take shape. #formnext

110 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Mauro Antolotti and BEAMIT:

The story of Italy’s leading
AM parts producer and its
founder’s view on the industry
From machine producers to part manufacturers and end-users, the
Additive Manufacturing industry is rich in success stories that are the
result of one person’s vision of what the technology could deliver. In
the case of BEAMIT, Italy’s largest metal AM parts producer, it was the
vision of the company’s founder, Mauro Antolotti. Here, Luca van der
Heide interviews Antolotti for Metal Additive Manufacturing magazine
and explores the company’s development, his view of the industry, and
ambitions for the future.

BEAMIT, an Additive Manufacturing “There is no doubt that AM one that is available to everyone.”
company founded in 1997 when AM processes will very soon become This vision is of a more affordable and
technologies were in their nascency, more accessible to the wider public,” automated AM value chain, leading to
is today the largest AM manufacturer stated Antolotti, “but, first, we will mass production and the replacement
in Italy and one of Europe’s leading have to navigate a crucial transition, of more inefficient and restrictive
players. Born from the vision of from a technology that is still a industrial processes. But how will
its founder, Mauro Antolotti, and prerogative of the richer markets to BEAMIT get there?
sustained by careful planning and
a strategic vision, the company has
not only been able to survive the
coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, but
to more than double its revenues
throughout the period, culminating in
an increase of 130% in 2020.
At the root of BEAMIT’s success
is Antolotti, the ‘heart and soul’ of
the company, who shared with Metal
Additive Manufacturing magazine
how the business’s current situa-
tion is the result of many years of
experience in the industry, careful
timing, and well-planned choices.
After recent acquisitions and a
major international partnership,
Antolotti and his team are now eager
to face the challenges of a market
which is anticipating an increasingly
widespread use of AM technology in Fig. 1 Mauro Antolotti founded BEAMIT in 1997. Today the company is one of
industry. Europe’s leading manufactuerers of metal AM components (Courtesy BEAMIT)

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Fig. 2 A selection of metal additively manufactured parts produced by BEAMIT (Courtesy BEAMIT)

The BEAMIT story 2020, BEAMIT then acquired a share he is involved with. Since his modest
in the startup company Pres-X, which beginnings in the small town of
Based in Emilia-Romagna, one specialises in post-processing for Fornovo, Antolotti has spent much
of Italy’s wealthiest regions and a metal AM, and the same year it fully of his life in search of innovations
globally recognised centre of industry, acquired its main competitor in Italy, that would allow him to differentiate
BEAMIT has grown from a startup the AM service provider Zare. himself from the competition. When
with just a handful of employees to a The business has been built on ground-breaking surface coating and
company with more than a hundred solid foundations that are grounded heat treatment technologies first
employees distributed across five in research and development. This arrived in Italy from the USA, making
plants, as well as commercial offices has allowed it to focus on both its it possible to extend component
in France, Germany, the United technical capabilities and quality durability and improve quality, he
Kingdom and Japan. management. Recently, it received its seized the opportunity and became
Motivated by the commercial and seventh NADCAP certification for its an expert in these special processes,
technological opportunities in what is aerospace related activities. Financial quickly extending his experience
still a relatively new industry, BEAMIT stability has also been a consistently in the following years to a range of
opened its doors to international high priority, with the company sectors, including aerospace.
collaboration in 2019, when global having received CRIBIS Prime In 1997 Antolotti recognised the
engineering group Sandvik acquired Company certification in recognition potential of Additive Manufacturing
a significant stake in the company. of the highest levels of stability and and invested. “BEAMIT has reached
Sandvik has more than 150 years of reliability in its business activities, where it has today because it
advanced materials expertise and something that has been granted benefitted from strategies learned
offers what is believed to be the to only 7% of six million candidate over many years of special
widest material range for Additive companies. processes and application develop-
Manufacturing on the market. By Such achievements are not the ment,” Antolotti commented. “My
joining forces, the two companies now result of mere business acumen, but, experience in special processes
have leading expertise across the AM rather, of Antolotti’s near fifty years taught me that, with technologies
value chain, which is crucial to the of expertise in the industry and a such as AM, it is crucial to have
industrialisation of the technology. In close familiarity with the processes every variable under control, at

112 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Fig. 3 Kristian Egeberg, president of Sandvik Additive Manufacturing, and Mauro Antolotti at the signing of the
partnership between the two companies in 2019 (Courtesy BEAMIT)

every stage of the value chain, and It wasn’t until around 2014–2015 up with a strong industrial partner
to recognise that, in this market, that the technology was finally with an international reputation,
only those who innovate and keep accepted into the market, stated which had a strong metallurgical
innovating can survive the fierce Antolotti. That’s when BEAMIT’s background, a shared ethos, and
competition.” consistent efforts to innovate proved that could bring longevity and
These words seem to encompass to be a winning strategy. “You credibility to the business.
the whole of Antolotti’s philosophy can have as much capital as you Sandvik, which already had a
and entrepreneurial agenda: need,” said Antolotti, “but, if you world renowned metal powder
Innovation. In 1997, BEAMIT was in a do not spend it on innovating, you manufacturing business as well
research phase and could only work will be out in no time. Important as advanced metal AM research
with polymeric products. However, international customers see activities, proved to be an ideal
as soon as the Additive Manufac- a reliable partner as one who match, and acquired a 30% stake in
turing of metals became possible, continues to offer the latest BEAMIT in July 2019. “Sandvik came
around 2004–2005, BEAMIT did not available materials and technology, to us spontaneously,” said Antolotti.
hesitate to set up its first metal AM because they know it will give them “They came to visit our facilities
facility. This was not for the purpose the edge they need to differentiate and it was love at first sight. They
of doing business, since there was themselves from their competitors. are honest, respectful people and,
no business to be made, but rather This is especially true in times of after one year and a half, we are as
to develop the technology and get it crisis.” committed as ever.”
ready for market. “The market was As 2019 approached, a year that Partnering with Sandvik was the
only going to open its doors to the would turn out to be pivotal for the qualitative leap they were looking
technology if we could demonstrate company, BEAMIT realised that the for. “Many doors opened at a global
that its mechanical characteristics objective of becoming one of the level and, by assimilating our market
were reliable and repeatable. To leading AM manufacturers in Europe strategy to that of a business with a
achieve this goal, we worked in was close, but that a leap of faith 150 year-long history of successes,
close contact with universities and was needed. Antolotti knew that to we know we have consolidated
research centres for ten years,” reach the next level required more a future for our company. In this
explained Antolotti. than just capital: he needed to pair sector, you are chosen not only

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 113
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companies found themselves with

idle machines, especially the small-
and medium-sized companies that
did not have enough capital to spend
on innovation. Some manufacturers
started struggling to draw efficiency
and profitability from the machines
they had invested in and, as a
consequence, machine suppliers
aren’t selling so many machines.”
Reducing costs is, therefore,
the number one priority. “There
are technological barriers,” stated
Antolotti, “but the world today has all
the resources necessary to overcome
them. We at BEAMIT have run and
keep running simulations of mass
production projects. However, mass
production is not sustainable in the
long run at today’s technology costs.
There is sometimes a gap between
what the client wants to spend and
the actual cost of production. The
technology, therefore, must become
more cost efficient if industrialisation
can be possible in other industries
than, for example, aerospace and
Fig. 4 A motorsport exhaust system component designed for AM and built from medical.”
a nickel-base superalloy (Courtesy BEAMIT) Hindrances to the wider adoption
of AM in the industry do not seem
to be related to misconceptions of
on the basis of your technical The state of the AM the technology itself, but rather the
resources, but also of financial lower costs of the main competitor,
stability and the guarantee to still be
industry and its biggest the foundry. Casting processes are
around in twenty, thirty years.” challenges today completely automated and
With the capital provided by cost much less. “Unlike casting, the
Sandvik, BEAMIT proceeded to Despite recent major techno- process that is most widely used in
acquire its main competitor, Zare, logical advances and the success industry,” Antolotti explained, “AM is
and the startup Pres-X. With these of companies such as BEAMIT, heavily dependent on human opera-
two acquisitions, the company Antolotti believes that the overall tors, and there are a number of tasks
boosted every aspect of the AM AM sector has also been under that cannot be automated today.
workflow, maximising customer serious financial stress for the past This is the next crucial innovation:
care and value through a fully-inte- year and a half. “Since many of the to design machines that are self-
grated value chain and optimised industry’s gurus sang the praises sufficient and independent of human
post-processing solutions. of this market five or six years ago, monitoring, that can operate day
Although these developments predicting extremely positive growth and night, with the same degree of
stem from the same drive to provide rates and future trends, it has been reliability, but much faster and, most
all-round customer support and a gold rush. After years of continued importantly, that can be cheaper
the highest product quality that growth, 2019 saw a deceleration for to purchase and operate. In other
was established many years ago, everybody: small, medium-sized and words, the smart AM factory. This
they are also part of a master large enterprises. This tecnology means that the machines should be
plan to push the boundaries of is, still today, a technology for rich entirely re-designed in the direction
AM processes and overcome the markets so, after years of economic of automation and given many more
compartmentalisation of expertise boom, this was just the logical lasers per machine so as to dramati-
that, according to Antolotti, is consequence. Impressive production cally reduce build times. The whole
currently preventing the technology capacity was created, but since the range of post-additive processes
from expanding into true industri- market was not yet large enough should also be industrialised. Right
alisation. to justify such capacity, many now, they are far too disjointed.”

114 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | The BEAMIT story

Antolotti believes that automating

AM processes would considerably
lower overall costs, with the result
that the companies that are still
forced to use casting processes
because of their low cost could make
the move from the more wasteful,
environmentally polluting and
high-CO2 emitting foundry to a more
efficient and cleaner technology.

Major markets and


It should come as no surprise that Fig. 5 A heat exchanger, originally developed in partnership with Politecnico di
the markets that profit most from Milano, produced as a single piece in an aluminium alloy for high-performance
AM technologies are those that motorsport applications (Courtesy BEAMIT)
particularly benefit from its unique
potentialities and are resourceful
enough to absorb the costs. These
are, for the most part, rich markets
where time savings in develop-
ment, sustainability and efficiency
concerns are absolute priorities.
For the gas turbine and aero-
space markets, AM processes have
the two-fold advantage of curbing
the environmental impact of turbines
and aircraft engines, while allowing
companies to reduce costs. “Where,
with old processes, a turbine
burned as much as 300 litres of oil,”
explained Antolotti, “by utilising AM
technology they consume around 260 Fig. 6 Some of the first metal AM applications were in the area of medical
litres, producing the same energy implants. This tibial implant is produced in Ti6Al4V and CNC machined
with about 15% reduced waste. (Courtesy BEAMIT)
Financial advantages also come into
play, as aircraft burn less fuel and,
in turn, airlines see considerable
cost savings. This proves that, even
though the technology is expensive,
the companies that can afford it end
up saving money in the long term,
while reducing carbon emissions at
the same time.”
Another crucial contribution
to sustainability in the aerospace
sector is weight reduction. “The
aerospace sector is constantly
searching for ways to reduce the
weight of aeroplane components.
We have produced components
via AM whose final weight is up to Fig. 7 Additive Manufacturing can be used for complex geometries with
60% lighter than production via extremely small and intricate internal channels that would be difficult, if
conventional technologies, and this, not impossible, to obtain with traditional technologies. This AM aerospace
of course, represents a massive component has been cut open to show such internal channels
difference.” (Courtesy BEAMIT)

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Fig. 8 EOS M 400-4 Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion machines at BEAMIT (Courtesy BEAMIT)

In comparison with conventional money and time. “AM machines allow Smaller markets and the
manufacturing technologies, our customers to obtain very complex Italian manufacturing
AM also represents a huge step components in very little time,” said landscape
forward for both design freedom Antolotti. “Let’s take, for example, the
and time efficiency. The possibility world of motor racing. Before Additive Whilst the majority of BEAMIT’s
for engineers to create complex Manufacturing, a team had to design larger customers are the industrial
gas turbine, space, aerospace and
defence, motor racing, biomedical
“Let’s take, for example, the world of and general industrial sectors, they
are not the only markets that benefit
motor racing. Before AM, a team had to from AM. There are a multitude of
small and medium-sized companies
design a component for the following that also use the technology, albeit in
season, and it would take around ten a more occasional, selective way.
“If there were doubts on whether
months to end up with the part. Now, AM is a technology worth investing
they can have the same part available in in, they remain in the past,” said
Antolotti. “Today, everyone seems
two to three weeks...” convinced of the advantages of
Additive Manufacturing and every
major company now appears to have
designs through the use of specialist a component for the following season, an AM expert. However, AM is utilised,
software means that there are and it would take around ten months for the most part, in an extremely
virtually no limitations for designers to end up with the part. Now, they can selective way: only for small and
when coming up with innovative have the same part available in two to special components, and only when
products. At the same time, no tools three weeks; development times are a company has the funds to invest in
or moulds are needed, saving a lot of drastically shortened.” higher-quality products. At BEAMIT

116 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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we have more than 350 active

customers, many of which could be
categorised simply as industrial busi-
nesses. Individually, such businesses
take up a relatively small percentage
of our workload but, collectively,
their output adds up to an impressive
quantity of ‘niche’ AM applications.
An example is the packaging sector,
a very important sector in Italy and
one of the strongest industries here
in the Emilia-Romagna region.”
The Italian market has grown
considerably in recent years,
becoming an important market for
big OEMs, as well as maintaining its
historic reputation for excellence in
small and medium-sized industry.
Antolotti notes that BEAMIT’s
success hasn’t been by chance,
Fig. 9 SLM Solutions PBF-LB machines at BEAMIT (Courtesy BEAMIT)
but has, instead, been greatly
affected by its position in the very
active and innovation-thirsty Italian
manufacturing landscape. “In Italy,
we have a proliferation of curious
entrepreneurs with a strong drive to
innovate and to be major creators
of technological breakthroughs.
Unfortunately, despite the recent
success of leading manufacturing
companies like us, Italy is still greatly
undervalued. However, I do hope
that, in the light of the evident fast
expansion of major Italian capabili-
ties, as well as the recent mergers
and acquisitions, Europe will finally
recognise the importance of Italy in
the international marketplace.”

Machines and
Fig. 10 View of the AM production area at BEAMIT (Courtesy BEAMIT)
To grow the recognition of Italian
industry in the global AM market is
even more relevant as 2021 begins,
with BEAMIT now showcasing one fifteen more AM machines, bringing the type of materials they can be used
of the largest AM machine instal- its total capacity to around fifty. to process. Whilst both can be used
lations in Europe. The company Today, the company offers both to produce nearly 100% fully dense
has nurtured relationships with a Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion metal components, PBF-EB is able
number of AM machine makers since (PBF-LB) and Electron Beam to process alloys such as titanium-
the technology first became avail- Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-EB) aluminides that simply cannot be
able. In 2017, the company signed Additive Manufacturing. Antolotti manufactured using laser-based AM.
multi-machine, long-term deals to explained that whilst there are The company’s operations are
purchase an increasing number of fundamental technical differences designed to be highly efficient,
state-of-the-art machines in the between PBF-LB and PBF-EB operating around the clock with
following years. Last year, BEAMIT processes, from a customer advanced process monitoring.
signed a letter of intent to purchase perspective the main relevance is Extensive post-production services

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Fig. 11 A large format Concept Laser X Line 2000R PBF-LB machine (Courtesy BEAMIT)

and quality systems ensure that the the customer from start to finish. personnel,” he stated. “This calibra-
company manufactures products that BEAMIT’s experts work side by side tion is certified, registered and
are always flawless and faithful to the with the customer on an applica- archived, always at hand in case of
customer’s vision. tion’s design, providing ongoing need. We have to keep traceability of
It is worth stating that, as well support every step of the way to everything: from powder production
as enabling applications that offer
improved efficiency and sustainability,
Additive Manufacturing is also a clean
technology in itself. AM machines “Antolotti could not stress enough how, in
consume significantly lower levels
of electricity than conventional
order to ensure the correct functioning of
manufacturing processes. As opposed the machines and maximise the potential
to casting and other subtractive
industrial processes, AM machines of the AM process, it is fundamental to
obtain finished products not by keep every variable of the process under
removing, but by adding material,
dramatically minimising waste. control and to guide and support the
PBF-LB machines consume relatively
low amounts of electricity, around 4–5
customer from start to finish.”
kW per hour.
Antolotti could not stress enough
how, in order to ensure the correct ensure that a final product is as to laboratory tests, every process
functioning of the machines and optimised as possible, and according that happened in the last thirty years
maximise the potential of the AM to the client’s specifications. is documented. This is a necessary
process, it is fundamental to keep “Our responsibility is to make safety measure to make sure that, if
every variable of the process under sure the machines are constantly a problem arises, we can immediately
control and to guide and support calibrated by highly-specialised call the technicians and solve it. If

118 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | The BEAMIT story

something is slightly off, the quality

system of the company notices right
away, and intervenes.”
“This is why it is not just impor-
tant, but decisive, to be involved in
the complete process, from machine
development to post-processing,”
continued Antolotti. “BEAMIT has
the most integrated value chain, and
this will be further expanded in the
coming years. This is the only way
that we can guarantee complete
reliability to the customer. We want to
have the entire process in house, so
that security can be further improved,
and customer care elevated to the
highest possible standards.”

The present and future

It is thanks to this resilient and

advanced value chain that BEAMIT
was able to face the coronavirus
pandemic and come out of it stronger.
While the effects of the pandemic
have made, and are still making,
many companies suffer, the AM
sector has been impacted only
indirectly: many companies had to
shut down not for a reduction in
demand, but because it was impos-
sible for them to react quickly to the
crisis. If BEAMIT was able to see
constant growth and even an increase Carboni e Metalli: BEAMIT and Bercella explore
on its profitability, it was in large part combining metal AM and carbon fibre composites
thanks to careful planning and its
consolidated position as a leader in As part of the ‘Carboni e Metalli’ traditional niches of the aerospace
the industry. venture of Bercella SRL and and motorsport industries.
“When the pandemic struck,” BEAMIT, The Lunar Project, The Lunar Project is based
said Antolotti, “we were seen as a created to celebrate the 50th on a reimagining of an old
positive example of how to survive anniversary of the first steps KTM 250 GS motorbike with a
such a crisis thanks to our integrated taken on the moon, explores the futuristic approach, combining
value chain, and we were therefore potential of combining carbon fibre vintage details such as a steel
asked to contribute in a more composites and metal Additive frame and a massive 2-stroke
substantial way to the biomedical Manufacturing. engine with the most advanced
sector. For this reason, in January Behind this project are two current technologies: a carbon
2021, we launched a new brand, friends: Massimo Bercella, CEO fibre sub-frame, carbon fibre/AM
Proxera®, with a dedicated facility at Bercella, and Michele Antolotti, titanium rear swingarm, and AM
specialised in highly-advanced son of Mauro Antolotti and Head aluminium front fork mounts, to
biomedical and dental applications. of Engineering and R&D at name a few. The bike has been
When the demand came, we were BEAMIT Group. The Lunar Project presented at bike festivals around
able to respond quickly, because represents not only their common the world.
we were already equipped to do so passion for design, but also their More information:
and had already proved to have a interest in promoting and exploring www.bercella.it/en/stories-en/a-
credible, sustainable solution. At the the use of composites and Additive story-of-ordinary-technology-the-
same time, we were greatly helped Manufacturing outside the lunar-project/
by the fact that, at the end of 2019,

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Fig. 12 Light alloys such as aluminium are ideally suited to single-piece AM engine blocks for motorsport
(Courtesy BEAMIT)

we already had orders planned for Although Antolotti remains Contacts

the whole of 2020. So, even though discreet when it comes to future
the flow of incoming orders did slow projects for the company, he has open Giuliana Massimino
down, our turnover has kept growing and clear ideas on the future of the Head of Marketing and Communica-
dramatically in the last year.” technology. “The goal of achieving tions
Thanks to its position in the a completely automated, smart AM BEAMIT Group
market, BEAMIT benefits from an factory is not that far away – but in g.massimino@beam-it.eu
important competitive advantage, order to unlock the technology’s true www.beam-it.eu
and Antolotti predicts another year potential, it is necessary to bring
of growth for 2021. “As soon as the together the areas of expertise that Lena Berg
marketplace returns to a normal remain, at this moment, disjointed. VP Marketing and Communication
and steady pace, there will be many Today, there is no company that Sandvik Additive Manufacturing
opportunities to seize. The future has all the expertise needed. We lena.berg@sandvik.com
is full of potential for organic and are aware of this and vouch to act www.additive.sandvik
inorganic growth, as well as global as a promoter and facilitator of this
market expansion.” process in the coming years. Everyone
Together with Sandvik, the BEAMIT has a part to play. Now, we have to
Group already offers an end-to-end continue our journey to put all the
process covering the full AM value pieces together.” In our fast moving
chain, as one of very few specialist AM industry...
service providers. “We now continue
to build for a future where we will Author As this issue of Metal AM
add increased customer value and magazine was going to press,
productivity through further factory Luca van der Heide news broke of BEAMIT’s
automation and digital integration, Luca is a writer and English teacher, purchase of UK-based metal
thereby taking the lead in terms of published both at an academic and AM parts producer 3T Additive
helping the AM industry reach the personal level. He is the author of Manufacturing. Read the full story
plateau of productivity it needs to four novels, the last one published in on page 9 of this issue.
reach.” June 2020. lucavdheide@gmail.com

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122 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Why do we need Women in 3D

Printing? The what, the who,
and the why of the blog that
became a movement
Since 2014, Women in 3D Printing has grown to become a highly visible and
influential international organisation. But what does the movement stand for,
why is it proving to be so popular, and where does it go from here? Metal AM
magazine's Emily-Jo Hopson-VandenBos spoke with the group's founder,
Nore Toure, and fifteen members about their views of the organisation and
the current status of women in the industry. These conversations reveal not
only the challenges that we face to improve diversity in its broadest sense,
but also the tangible benefits that members are seeing at both the personal
and organisational level.

Between January 27–28, 2021, the of the content offered at some digital 3D Printing, of only 13% women, and
TIPE Women in 3D Printing confer- events has, to some extent, diminished with only 11% of businesses owned or
ence hosted 147 women speakers collective enthusiasm. managed by women, the organisers of
on its programme of over forty The TIPE conference, however, saw TIPE filled two days of high-level pres-
presentations, and was attended a renewed level of enthusiasm for entations with a 100% female speaker
by 1,600 participants. Across the all involved, speakers and attendees list. Compare this to the programmes
two-day programme, supported by alike. Why? Perhaps this can be put of the majority of industry events and
120+ participating companies, could down to the speaker list: In an industry it becomes clear where TIPE found the
be found a who’s who of AM industry made up, according to the most novelty factor to engage a somewhat
talent: from the five women appearing recent statistics held by Women in fatigued AM community.
on the ‘Being a CEO in AM’ panel on
day one (Fig. 1), to leading figures in
aerospace and automotive AM, to a
crop of high-level global researchers.
It would be fair to say that, for the
first conference held by non-profit
organisation Women in 3D Printing
(Wi3DP), the scale of success and
surrounding industry buzz was a
surprise to many.
Since the spread of coronavirus
(COVID-19) early in 2020, leading to
widespread travel bans and industry
disruption, the vast majority of
industry events have moved online,
with mixed results. While the energy Fig. 1 Screenshot from TIPE Women in 3D Printing conference panel Being a
and willingness to attend events from CEO in AM. From left to right: Moderator Debbie Holton (Managing Director,
home was high in the early months Industry Events, ASME), Melanie Lang (CEO, FormAlloy), Christina Perla
of the pandemic, twelve months on, (CEO, Makelab), Ellen Kullman (President and CEO, Carbon) and Kay Matin
‘Zoom fatigue’ and a rather jaded view (President, AlphaSTAR) (Courtesy Women in 3D Printing)

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many of whom had come from

outside the AM industry and brought
with them diverse, cross-industry
experience. This aim is still central
to Women in 3D Printing: each week
since its founding, the organisation
has highlighted one woman in AM,
building an extensive library of female
leaders in the industry – including
engineers, business professionals,
teachers, researchers, artists,
designers and others – in interviews
which highlight their achievements
and offer them the opportunity to
Fig. 2 Screenshot from TIPE Women in 3D Printing Conference panel Power share their viewpoints, ideas and
Women, featuring, from left to right: Moderator Sarah Goehrke (Founder, advice on AM.
Additive Integrity), Marie Langer (CEO, EOS), Sonita Lontoh (Global Head of Since 2014, Women in 3D Printing
Marketing/CMO, 3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing, HP), Michelle Bockman has branched out into eighty global
(CEO, 3D Control Systems) and Vicki Holt (CEO, Protolabs) (Courtesy Women in chapters, with regional chairs and
3D Printing) ambassadors worldwide hosting
regular chapter meetups which range
from networking socials, in-person
and via Zoom, to discussion panels
This is not to criticise those other TIPE didn’t appeal only to the indus- and company tours. Women in 3D
events in the calendar: AM as an try’s women; of the attendees, a large Printing further aims to facilitate
industry consistently produces some portion were male, and feedback a more inclusive and diverse AM
of the most engaging technical and from all genders was overwhelmingly workforce by hosting a packed job
business conferences in the manufac- positive and receptive to the change board and female industry speakers
turing space, with high-level speakers that the event represented. database on its website, and moni-
and content in no short supply. The Though TIPE entered the calendar tors gender diversity in AM through
availability of 147 women speakers at as a brand new feature, Women in industry surveys and an annual statis-
TIPE, however, the majority of whom 3D Printing has been around, and tical report. More recently, its efforts
had never appeared on the same growing, since December 2014. The have expanded to focus on filling the
programme, represented a ground- organisation was founded by Nora oft-spoken of talent gap in AM through
breaking moment for the industry, Toure, at the time General Manager & the establishment of a youth initiative,
Wi3DP Next Gen, headed by Janet Kar,
Head of Marketing at Wi3DP and SVP
Digital Transformation at Link3D.
“By nature of the industry’s gender make-
up, on a typical conference programme of Criticisms faced by Wi3DP
As with almost any social or political
approximately 150 speakers, comparatively movement, the sharp growth in the
few women are featured – indeed, the visibility of Wi3DP from its inception to
the present has exposed its founders,
existence of a single all-woman panel at a ambassadors and proponents to
criticism from certain spheres of the
typical industry conference is notable.” Additive Manufacturing community,
typically in the realm of social media.
The strongest criticism Toure and her
and women in AM in particular. Director of Business Development at ambassadors face is the accusation of
By nature of the industry’s gender Sculpteo and now serving as Director, ‘reverse sexism’, with some ques-
make-up, on a typical conference Sales and Service Factory Operations tioning, for example, why there is no
programme of approximately 150 at Fast Radius, Inc., a global manu- ‘Men in 3D Printing’, and noting that
speakers, comparatively few women facturing services company based in the existence of such an organisation
are featured – indeed, the existence of Chicago, USA. would be seen as outdated and sexist.
a single all-woman panel at a typical Toure founded Women in 3D Other critics might dismiss the
industry conference is notable. It is Printing, initially, to share the stories need for the movement, believing that
clear that the shake-up offered by of the women shaping the space, women are well-enough represented

124 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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in the industry as it stands, or that

a lack of female visibility is due
either to a lack of merit or interest in
careers in AM, as opposed to a lack
of opportunity. Some may even brush
the organisation off as little more than
a social club: a chance for women
to drink wine and have a chat once
a month on the company expense
In the period from January to April
2021, I interviewed Nora Toure and
fifteen other members of Women in
3D Printing, who shared how they
would respond to those critics, their
respective experience of the organisa-
tion’s benefits, their perception of
the number and status of women in
the industry, and how Women in 3D
Printing is helping to promote AM to a
new generation of talent. The women
interviewed here are employed in a
range of positions in the AM industry,
and include the presidents and CEOs
of major businesses; sales and
marketing professionals; academics;
application engineers; research
and development professionals;
recruitment specialists and private
Fig. 3 Nora Toure, founder and principal of Women in 3D Printing (Courtesy
Women in 3D Printing)
As a woman in AM myself, I
can’t claim an unbiased view of this
debate; the experiences related by
the interviewees in this article reflect the occasion. Calling in from her she recalled. “I thought, ‘woah, I think
experiences that I have shared, home in Denver, USA, Toure spoke I get that – that’s pretty cool.’ I wanted
and the discussions which Wi3DP’s to me about the experiences which to do that.”
founder, members and ambassadors drove her to establish Women in 3D While some of the other companies
have had with the group’s detractors Printing, the current status of the at which internships were offered
closely echo conversations I have had organisation and the AM industry, and were far more established, Toure
with people both in- and outside of her plans and hopes for the future. followed her gut, took the risk, and
the industry on the same issues. Like many in this industry, Toure joined Sculpteo, where she set about
It is my hope that, in sharing the did not pursue AM as a career, but getting to grips with a new technology
insight gained from these interviews, found her way into the field somewhat and industry. “I was lucky to have
I can offer a space for the organisa- by chance in 2010. “It was mostly a really good team around me who
tion’s members to explain and, luck. I had no idea what 3D printing helped me, and whose engineers
perhaps, justify the group’s existence was,” she explained. In fact, French- were patient with me and taught me
to those who remain dubious of its born Toure had recently graduated everything I knew about 3D printing in
value or place in the industry. law school in Paris when her interest my early days. Customers, too, were
shifted to a career in sales and busi- really generous in sharing about their
ness. After returning to school for a projects, and I absorbed it all.”
The story of Women in 3D master’s degree in business manage- Though her experience at Sculpteo
Printing ment, she was offered the option of in France was overwhelmingly
pursuing end-of-year internships at positive, it was on moving to the USA
I spoke to Nora Toure on a Zoom call a number of companies, one of which in 2012 to open the company's first
shortly after International Women’s was Sculpteo, the online Additive North American facility that the seed
Day 2021, as the latest in a barrage Manufacturing service platform, now of Women in 3D Printing was planted.
of interviews which had kept her a brand of BASF. “When I saw the “The first two years I was in the US,
busy leading up to, through and after printer, it was really appealing to me,” it was basically just me – we had a

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Fig. 4 Pictures from just nine of eighty Women in 3D Printing chapters around the world (Courtesy Women in 3D Printing)

few people coming in and out to help can have at conferences, and I was a It was almost too much. “I told
us, and I had the support of the team woman.” While she was unsure which my husband I wanted to quit the
in France, but physically, it was me, of these factors was predominant in entire industry – not because of
in San Francisco, working from a making her feel unwelcome, Toure my company, I loved working for
co-working space," she explained. explained that, as a woman, “I had Sculpteo, but I didn’t know what
"Developing my personal network so a few awkward situations – really I was doing here, I had no idea it
that I could be representative of the awkward situations – which were not would be so hard, and I felt like
company and develop the business necessarily pleasant.” nobody was helping me.” Toure’s
was harder than I thought it would be; While she is quick to clarify husband’s response was simple –
being twenty-four and coming from that none of these situations were “He told me, ‘you’re not a quitter,
Europe, I thought I knew everything “particularly dramatic,” Toure recalls you’re going to find a solution, you
about the USA and would just have to the overwhelming impression she just have to think about it.’”
do everything I’d done in Europe, but I received. “You don’t feel in your Toure thought about it, stopped
had no clue.” right place. You think, ‘I’m not sure I trying to build a network in places
As she sought to build her belong here.’” A recurring trade show where she felt unwelcome, and
network, Toure attended every experience Toure recalls will be all began to build a network on her
conference she could think of, too familiar for many women reading own terms. “I started talking to the
and was surprised to find it an this article: “A number of times, I had few people I had in my network,
often-uncomfortable experience. a male intern with me and found that even in competing companies, who
“I didn’t necessarily feel welcome,” when I tried to engage with men and were feeling the same as I did and
she stated. “I believe there were a women, they would say, ‘no, it’s ok, talking about it. It hit me that we
number of reasons for this: I was a I’ll talk to the engineer over there.’ He were mostly women, who shared the
foreigner, I was young, I was a little wasn’t an engineer, he was my sales feeling of being the only woman in
bit shy and unsure of my place, I intern. This was really frustrating the meeting room, or the experience
was not an engineer and could not then, and though it happens a little of being at a trade show where
necessarily pick up on some of the less than it used to, it’s still really visitors want to talk to the male you
engineering-level conversations you frustrating now.” are attending with.”

126 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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From discussing these shared

experiences and recognising the odd,
sometimes alienating experience of
being a woman in AM – or any STEM
field – emerged the idea of Women in
3D Printing. Initially, Toure’s ambition
was small: she started a blog on
which to share the stories of women
who had come to the AM industry
from non-engineering backgrounds,
with the aim of encouraging other
women from outside the industry to
consider roles in AM as an option.
“I wanted to show that AM isn’t as
opaque as it seems from the outside,”
she explained.
While much more than a blog now,
Women in 3D Printing still shares the
stories of women in AM, and encour-
ages women from all backgrounds to
consider joining the industry. But how
exactly did a blog started in 2014 grow
into the global organisation, boasting
a 23,000 strong membership, that we
see today?
To begin with, Toure planned
on writing one interview a month. Fig. 5 Women in 3D Printing’s Diversity for Additive Manufacturing 2020 Report,
Her original network of women in a special edition on racial diversity and the representation of minority groups in
the industry comprised only twelve the industry (Courtesy Women in 3D Printing)
members; by interviewing one a
month, she would treat the blog as
a one-year project, wrap things up
with the twelfth, and move on. But across the world; of course, now it’s Wi3DP Next Gen, the youth
interest quickly grew: “Before I knew a bit more organised, and we have initiative which Toure described as
it, I had women from all over the official ambassadors, but this is how “almost a subsidiary” of Women in
world coming to me to say, ‘this is it started – purely organically.” 3D Printing due to its rapidly growing
awesome, I want to share my story.’ size and ambition, was developed
I soon had a waiting list of over 300 based on repeated requests for
names.” Now, Women in 3D Printing
Drawing on Wi3DP’s talent information on how the organisation
publishes new interviews every week, pool: Past, present and was supporting the youth population
in AM. “We had nothing in place until
and the waiting list is still growing. future
As Toure came into contact with Janet [Kar] came in," Toure explained.
more women in AM, she began to Many of Women in 3D Printing’s "Janet said, ‘I want to do something
meet with some of the individuals she current activities are drawn directly for youths, let’s try to put things
had interviewed and who were part of from the volunteered expertise of its together,’ and, before I knew it, she
her network in San Francisco; these members. On the board of directors, was putting a plan together; we now
informal meetups eventually evolved industry journalist Sarah Goehrke, have a team of more than twenty
into official Women in 3D Printing with a background as a research young men and women volunteering
gatherings for women who wanted to analyst, is behind the organisation’s for that specific part of Wi3DP.
invite their own industry connections, semi-annual Diversity for AM report, Now it has more than four different
enabling yet more women to build which seeks to expand beyond the programmes. It’s becoming huge."
their networks. “Before I knew it, basic employment figures provided Toure added that she is “pretty hands
I had someone in Paris telling me in the majority of industry reports to off” with Wi3DP NextGen, preferring
‘hey, I want to do the same here, is more closely study diversity in the to leave it in Kar's capable hands
it ok if we say it’s a Women in 3D AM industry, initially via discussion of (Fig. 6).
Printing gathering?’ Months later, gender parity, but, more recently, in “Everything we’ve done so far has
London was doing the same. Now, we a special edition on racial diversity in grown like this, from requests from
have something like eighty chapters the industry (Fig. 5). volunteers who say ‘hey, I want to join,

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“Up to now, I was mostly talking

to marketing departments at all
company sizes. More and more, I
am now dealing with the HR depart-
ment, and seeing new titles emerge
in the industry like VP of People,
Chief Transformation Officer, Diver-
sity and Inclusiveness Officer. These
are new titles that did not exist
even a year ago. This is awesome,
but makes me realise that what
we are offering as a community
to those companies might need
to differ a little bit from what they
expect; we know what we want to
offer for marketing managers and
for marketing efforts, but we still
need to figure out how we can help
companies who have those kinds
of people in place and are really
making [diversity] a priority.”
Fig. 6 Janet Kar, Head of Marketing at Wi3DP and SVP Digital Transformation
In the coming year, this is the
at Link3D (Courtesy Janet Kar)
work that Wi3DP will focus on;
growing the number of companies
it works with that make diverse
“It’s really a community built for, and by, hiring practices a priority, aiding in

the community. Of course, we have some the development of their diversity-

focused programmes and policies,
roadmaps now that we are becoming bigger and encouraging more companies
to adopt this attitude.
and more structured – we know what we Wi3DP is also expanding its
want to work on and prioritise for the year, focus increasingly from gender
diversity to encompass racial and
but we will always keep a level of flexibility sexual diversity. Toure is clear

for anything new...” that she does not only want to

see the industry achieve a gender
balance in future, but also a colour
and this is an idea I have, what do you TIPE’s success makes the balance, from meeting rooms to
think?’" she explained. "Most of the establishment of further Wi3DP- conference programmes. Due to a
time, we say ‘bingo, let’s try’ – some- led conferences something of a lack of reporting within companies,
times it’s successful, sometimes we no-brainer, though Toure is clear statistics on diversity in Additive
fail and do something else or reshape that an event on the scale of TIPE Manufacturing are hard to come
it, but this is how we grow." This is 2021 will only be held once annually. by, but, as an example, Toure noted
an ethos Toure is keen to maintain She is conscious of the need to let that while only 13% of individuals
going forward. “It’s really a community Wi3DP’s global chapters ‘breathe’ employed in AM are women, it is
built for, and by, the community,” she in the meantime, making sure that estimated that fewer than 5% of
stated. “Of course, we have some the chapter events held every month industry employees of any gender
roadmaps now that we are becoming have enough visibility and are well are Black.
bigger and more structured – we know supported. In one of its first race-focused
what we want to work on and prioritise On the roadmap for the future events, on April 20, 2021, the
for the year, but we will always keep a of Women in 3D Printing, Toure has organisation hosted a panel titled
level of flexibility for anything new that an immediate goal of developing Wi3DP Against Asian Hate, tackling
comes from the community. I want us a number of new programmes to anti-Asian harassment. “We want
to make sure we keep this bandwidth respond to the changes she is seeing to make a statement that we’re
and open-mindedness about things in the AM industry. supportive of all communities,
that we aren’t thinking of now or the “The last year has been interesting because we want our community to
real needs from the community that for everyone, even more for our be diverse.”
we need to tackle.” community,” Toure commented.

128 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Women in AM on the benefits

of Wi3DP
So, what are the key benefits offered by
Women in 3D Printing to its members,
both new and established in the AM
industry? For Toure, the first thing
that comes to mind is the immediate
professional network Wi3DP offers.
“We are a very welcoming community:
membership is free and as simple as
getting our newsletter. As a member,
you have access to the network, and
are able to get to know the women
and men [who make up approximately
30% of the membership globally] in
the community, and be part of an
organisation which shares the same Fig. 7 Melanie Lang, CEO and co-founder of FormAlloy (Courtesy FormAlloy)
As a developing industry, AM often
involves a degree of collaboration that
can be global, or at least cross-organ-
isational. Wi3DP also functions as an
enabler of innovation and knowledge
transfer by connecting industry
professionals across all levels of AM,
at various stages of the workflow. “We
have panels on aerospace, on health-
care, on fashion – we tackle every sort
of industry we can think of, so, as well
as the network, you also have access
to the knowledge shared there,” Toure
stated. As founder, she also noted
that she receives daily requests for
introductions and recommendations
from members keen to leverage the
global network they are part of. “This
can lead to new opportunities for both
of them; I don’t need to know what, it’s
none of my business.”
I asked the women I interviewed Fig. 8 Marie Langer, CEO of EOS GmbH (Courtesy Ritsch/EOS)
what they identified as the key benefit
of their association with Wi3DP.
spoke to, in all sectors: Wi3DP offers enabled many of my connections and
Melanie Lang a gateway to an invaluable community relationships, including suppliers,
Co-Founder & CEO of FormAlloy and network in an industry to which customers and dear friends.”
Melanie Lang recalled how Wi3DP many come as newcomers, and which
supported her transition into AM. can easily overwhelm. “I was instantly Marie Langer
“Several years ago at a RAPID event, empowered with a network,” Lang CEO of EOS GmbH, Marie Langer,
I was new to the scene. I was in the remembered, “and the confidence has also found that the greatest
aerospace industry and a hobbyist, so I that I had a support system to embark benefit of membership is the
didn’t have many relationships in AM. I on my AM journey.” But Wi3DP did not network offered by Wi3DP. “I truly
met Nora and she instantly invited me only provide Lang's initial points of enjoy participating and engaging with
to join the (much-smaller at the time) contact; it remains a valuable tool for the Wi3DP community as it is a great
Wi3DP, which introduced me to some her and for FormAlloy to the present. way to connect with a wonderful
of my first contacts, now friends.” “My network and the amazing people community, committed and excited
This sentiment was echoed univer- that surround me are my greatest about the prospects of 3D printing,”
sally by every industry professional I asset,” she stated. “Wi3DP has she stated.

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Fig. 9 Tali Rosman, vice president and General Manager Fig. 10 Stacey DelVecchio, a long-time champion of
of 3D Printing at Xerox (Courtesy Xerox) gender equality in STEM who began her engineering
career in 1989 (Courtesy Stacey DelVecchio)

Fig. 11 Lynda McKinney, VP of Communications at Fig. 12 Alison Wyrick Mendoza, Senior Product Manager &
Desktop Metal (Courtesy Lynda McKinney) Product Marketing at GE Additive (Courtesy GE Additive)

Tali Rosman in her time in manufacturing before environment,” she stated. “Yes,
As vice president and General taking on the role of AM Product there’s good programming, but
Manager of 3D Printing at Xerox, Tali Manager at Caterpillar Inc. from the environment of a supportive
Rosman explained, “Being involved 2014–2019. She is a former president group of like-minded women in the
with Women in 3D Printing has been of the Society of Women Engineers, same industry is where I see the
an excellent experience for me so and currently serves as a member most advantage. I have connections
far. Being exposed to the incredible of the SME Additive Manufacturing through Wi3DP that I would not have
network of women in this industry has Advisory Committee and president made previously; I feel like I have an
facilitated some important networking of her AM consultancy, StaceyD ‘in’ through our mutual engagement
that will hopefully lead to some Consulting. Her book, Women in 3D with the organisation.”
interesting partnerships down the Printing: From Bones to Bridges
road for us.” and Everything in Between, will be Lynda McKinney
published by Springer as part of its McKinney, VP of Communications at
Stacey DelVecchio Women in Science and Engineering Desktop Metal and co-ambassador
Long-time gender equality champion series in June this year. “Personally, for Wi3DP’s Boston, Massachusetts
Stacey DelVecchio began her career Wi3DP is a place for me to stay chapter, shared her views on the
in 1989 and served in various roles connected in a safe and supportive benefits of membership in Wi3DP at

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both a corporate and personal level:

“I chose to join Wi3DP as both a
member and co-ambassador to help
change the face of the industry as
well as foster the fact that women can
and do make a difference across all
disciplines – engineering, software,
marketing, HR,” she stated. “While
there’s a huge lack of diversity in
the tech industry, there is also a
huge need for talent. By joining the
tech industry at this critical time,
women can make a lasting impact
on the future of the industry and
the technology we use every day.
Not only can women change the
industry, but we can change what the
industry produces and ensure that the
technology being developed today is
created with both men and women in
“More than just an organisation,
Wi3DP has become a global move-
ment of members who share the
same values and same mission of
striving for an inclusive technology Fig. 13 A meeting of the Boston Chapter of Women in 3D Printing, of which Lynda
industry,” she continued. “We will McKinney is co-ambassador, at Desktop Metal HQ (Courtesy Desktop Metal)
succeed by tackling it as a global
community together. Much like the
way the Additive Manufacturing
industry is changing the way parts
and products are manufactured, so
too is this same community joining
“More than just an organisation, Wi3DP
together to make a lasting change in has become a global movement of
our collective work cultures. While
we may compete in the market, members who share the same values
as members of Wi3DP we are
colleagues, not competitors, working
and same mission of striving for an
together for a common purpose – to inclusive technology industry.”
educate, empower and celebrate
women. For companies to recruit top
talent, it’s important that they show
the importance of inclusion and a true the networking aspect, of course. But share. For me personally, I have been
commitment to closing the gender the ability to be part of an organisa- able to make connections with women
gap in the workplace. One way to tion that influences – through action who are interested in advancing
do that is to join Wi3DP, where they – opportunities for young women to their careers within the industry. It is
are showing they, too, embrace and pursue and succeed in STEM roles is, exciting to see more women become
celebrate this movement.” perhaps, the greatest benefit.” involved at all levels and disciplines
within Additive Manufacturing.”
Alison Wyrick Mendoza Jennifer Killingback
Mendoza, Senior Product Manager Additive Manufacturing recruitment Dr Laura Cordova
& Product Marketing at GE Additive, specialist Jennifer Killingback, Dr Cordova, a researcher in metal
and one of the most recognisable Director North America of Alexander AM who previously served as Project
faces in Additive Manufacturing Daniels Global, stated, “Wi3DP is Manager Additive Manufacturing
on social media under the handle a great resource for the Additive at the Fraunhofer Project Center,
Additive Alison, expanded on this Manufacturing industry as a whole. University of Twente, the Netherlands,
sense of a community working toward A wealth of knowledge, different before joining Chalmers University
a common goal, saying, “I really enjoy backgrounds and experiences to of Technology in Sweden as a

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Fig. 14 Dr Laura Cordova, a researcher in metal AM (Courtesy Chalmers University of Technology)

researcher in March 2021, recalled: reconditioning, rejuvenating and on the topic with industry experts. My
“I came across Women in 3D Printing storage on the process development participation in this event, with plenty
online events such as happy hour and quality of metal parts. This is of networking opportunities, resulted
which were fun and inspiring; a great key for metal AM users to control in contacts and collaboration for
opportunity to meet women with the process repeatability and part future R&D projects.”
similar and relatable backgrounds reliability. In fact, understanding “In my current position at
from all over the world. Having relo- very well all the powder-process Chalmers University of Technology I
cated several times around Europe interactions helps to take decisions focus on the sustainability component
and worked in many industrial fields towards a more cost-efficient and of AM,” she continued. “Here, I
and academia, these connections sustainable process,” she noted. “In research aspects of the powder life
were very valuable. In one of the first one of the international events, I met cycle for AM processes: from powder
events, I met Valeria Tirelli and Elvira Sherry Handel, Executive Director production, to the efficiency of powder
Leon. They are truly an inspiration to at the Additive Manufacturer Green utilisation during AM, powder rheo-
me, their spirit and passion for 3D Trade Association (AMGTA). She logical characterisation, and material
printing is contagious.” was interested in my research, we recycling. The Wi3DP network
Of the members I interviewed for connected on the importance of provides great opportunities to
this article, it was, unsurprisingly, having more control on the material connect with professionals at organi-
those employed in research and life cycle. This has been positive in the sations both in Europe and worldwide
development and those new to AM later development of my projects on with an interest in improving their
who had benefitted the most from this topic.” process cost-efficiency while reducing
the knowledge-sharing facet of “In my previous job at the the ecological footprint.”
Wi3DP. As Dr Cordova explained, “The University of Twente, I worked on
connection of R&D with industry is projects with materials typically Lisa D Block
vital to maintain an innovative and used in aerospace such as Inconel Director of Global Sales and
fast-growing ecosystem. I think the 718, Ti6Al4V and Scalmalloy," she Marketing at Hybrid Manufacturing
Wi3DP network plays an important continued. "My experience in this Technologies, Lisa D Block is a
role in this. The last four years I have industry was key to my participation newcomer to Wi3DP and has found
worked with the influence of powder as a panellist at the first TIPE confer- the knowledge-sharing aspect the
handling activities such as reuse, ence; I could exchange experiences organisation’s most useful offering

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to both her and the company she

represents. “I have only been a
member of Wi3DP for a short time,
but I believe it has absolutely been a
benefit to my company,” she stated.
“I gained a client at the [TIPE] confer-
ence and have personally benefitted
from all the knowledge and personal
experiences shared via the various
speakers and events.”

Maddie Frank
An Additive Manufacturing profes-
sional and recent graduate from the
Electrical Engineering programme at
UW-Milwaukee, as well as owner of
AM consulting firm W1 Consulting,
LLC, Maddie Frank explained that
prior to becoming familiar with
Wi3DP, she hadn’t previously taken
an interest in other ‘Women in...’
organisations due to less-than
positive experiences with university-
level groups. “In my university, a lot
of ‘Women in...’ groups didn’t do a
lot, or what they did was based on Fig. 15 Lisa D Block, Director of Global Sales and Marketing at Hybrid Manu-
saying ‘these are all the horrible facturing Technologies (Courtesy Lisa D Block)
things you can expect when you get
into the workplace: men are going to
do X, Y, Z and you’re going to have no
choice but to take it,” she explained.
“For me, I’ve always been in a male-
dominated field of study in sports, so
even in work now it’s like – yeah, you
get this every once in a while, but for
me it hasn’t been fully systemic.”
However, once she began to
take an active part in Wi3DP, with
access to the network of contacts
the organisation offers, Frank quickly
saw the benefit of membership. “I
will say that [before joining Wi3DP]
I did not know very many women
in this industry. I can show you my
Rolodex up until July, and it was
pretty much just fifty-five-year-old
men – who I love, they’re absolutely
fantastic – but I pretty much only
interacted with men in this industry,
and Wi3DP, just by nature, brings
together a lot of women who work
in the industry that you might not
necessarily know about, or who
maybe you see on LinkedIn and
think, ‘who are you and what do you
do?’ So it really provides a great way
where you can speak and connect Fig. 16 Maddie Frank, Additive Manufacturing professional and recent graduate
with women.” of Electrical Engineering at UW-Milwaukee (Courtesy Maddie Frank)

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Fig. 17 SJ Jones, Additive Manufacturing Application Engineer at Siemens Energy (Courtesy SJ Jones)

Frank cited another benefit which SJ Jones in opening my eyes to being an

she noted might ‘get her some flack.’ A full-time Additive Manufacturing immigrant and a small business
“A lot of times, when you’re the single Application Engineer at Siemens owner in the US. On another hand,
woman in the engineering field, you Energy and another well-known face Amy Alexander has brought up
have your niche and you’re good at it, in the AM Twittersphere, where she discussions with me about the role
and then another woman comes in and tweets under the handle @inconelle, of 3D printing in patient-specific care
‘encroaches’ on your space, and you SJ Jones joined Wi3DP roughly a and its direct impact outside of just
feel like – ‘Oh, shoot.’ [...] Not many year into her Additive Manufacturing surgical metal implants. I’ve also
people admit it, especially if you’re a career. Jones shared how the been fortunate to meet women from
all over the world. Alex Kingsbury,
from Australia, gives a different

“Success isn’t linear, and I think that perspective to how she approaches
AM by getting companies competi-
‘success’ in AM is multi-faceted. Being tive in innovation with newer AM
able to hear the stories of these women “Success isn’t linear, and I
and the different journeys that they have think that ‘success’ in AM is multi-
faceted,” she added. “Being able to
taken is inspiring.” hear the stories of these women and
the different journeys that they have
taken is inspiring. Failing is easy,
woman, but I will: I initially didn’t like connections she has made through but getting back up and finding the
women that came into my space, but the organisation have impacted her courage to try again? That’s the hard
Wi3DP has allowed me to go out there on both a personal and professional part. But hearing their stories makes
and really get to know these women, level: that hard part just a tad bit easier
see that they’re actually just really “I’ve hugely benefitted from because it’s a burden we all share.
cool people, and understand and start meeting women not only at all levels, In our group, we all want to see each
training myself against that initial but also across different industries. other succeed and there’s a stronger
knee-jerk reaction.” Christina Perla has been amazing sense of camaraderie.”

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Filling the talent gap: How Doctoral degrees, by field and gender, 2016–2017
the AM industry can benefit Females per
Field Male Female
from a wider talent pool 100 males
Arts and humanities 46.8% 53.2% 113.7
As a rapidly-developing new field,
Additive Manufacturing’s growth Biological, agricultural sciences 47.4% 52.6% 111.0
and industrialisation is, to an extent, Business 51.1% 48.9% 95.7
reliant on the recruitment of new Education 31.2% 68.8% 220.5
talent into the industry, whether from Engineering 76.6% 23.4% 30.5
other fields or education. But, as SJ
Health and medical sciences 29.7% 70.3% 236.7
Jones pointed out to me, “there’s a
Mathematics and computer sciences 74.9% 25.1% 33.5
leaky pipeline in getting more women
into the talent pool. We comprise Physical and Earth sciences 65.9% 34.1% 51.7
50% of the population. As a whole Public administration 24.4% 75.6% 309.8
[taking into account all subjects], Social and behavioural sciences 38.9% 61.1% 157.1
more women are earning PhDs than Other fields 47.6% 52.4% 110.1
men – outpacing them in education
Total 47.0% 53.0% 112.8
by 137 to 100 (Table 1, [1]). This
means that there are vastly more
qualified female candidates than male Master’s degrees, by field and gender, 2016–2017
candidates, right? Unfortunately, in Females per
Field Male Female
a microscopic world like AM, you see 100 males
the industry has yet to catch up to the Arts and humanities 41.2% 58.8% 142.7
reality. I think I saw a statistic in the
Biological, agricultural sciences 43.9% 56.1% 127.8
Alexander’s Global survey last year
that stated only 11% of the industry Business 56.2% 43.8% 77.9
was female – that’s barely one in Education 23.1% 76.9% 332.9
ten” (Fig. 18). Engineering 74.6% 25.4% 34.0
To some extent, this may be Health and medical sciences 20.0% 80.0% 400.0
because AM shares the image
Mathematics and computer sciences 66.8% 33.2% 49.7
problem of most STEM fields in that
Physical and Earth sciences 57.6% 42.4% 73.6
it appears, from the outside, to be a
male-dominated field – whether this Public administration 21.8% 78.2% 358.7
is true or not. Social and behavioural sciences 37.4% 62.6% 167.4
“The image problem definitely Other fields 41.7% 58.3% 139.8
exists,” stated Nora Toure, “and Total 42.7% 57.3% 134.2
it’s the product of a representation
problem that is not just related to
gender diversity, but diversity in Total graduate school enrolment, by field and gender, Autumn/Fall 2017
general – if you don’t see someone Females per
Field Male Female
who looks like you doing something, 100 males
it’s really hard to put yourself in that Arts and humanities 43.8% 56.2% 128.3
person’s shoes, or skin. This has been Biological, agricultural sciences 45.5% 54.5% 119.8
a problem forever; it was a problem
Business 54.2% 45.8% 84.5
when I was younger and choosing my
career path, and it’s a problem now.” Education 25.0% 75.0% 300.0
I asked the women I connected Engineering 74.8% 25.2% 33.7
with to what extent they believe Health and medical sciences 22.1% 77.9% 352.5
this image might be damaging the Mathematics and computer sciences 67.9% 32.1% 47.3
industry’s ability to recruit new talent,
Physical and Earth sciences 62.3% 37.7% 60.5
why we need diversity in AM, and
Public administration 22.7% 77.3% 340.5
how far they think Wi3DP, and the
industry, have already come in terms Social and behavioural sciences 37.0% 63.0% 170.3
of addressing the image problem and Other fields 41.4% 58.6% 141.5
promoting the hiring of more women. Total 42.1% 57.9% 137.5
Highlighting a potential lack of
awareness, at an industry level, of the Table 1 Enrolment and graduation from graduate studies at US universities by
damage done by the misconception gender (Courtesy Council of Graduate Schools) [1]

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most qualified for the job. Ultimately,

Gender balance in the AM workforce the company and the industry will
suffer as a result of people’s hesi-
tancy to apply.”
Dr Melissa Orme, Vice President
Boeing Additive Manufacturing,
added her perspective: “I think that
11% there have been great advances
in promoting diversity in STEM in
general. That said, long-standing
societal biases still exist that tend to
guide many young girls away from
STEM areas. I think these biases need
to be addressed at the early ages of
education and development, as they
affect the choices that girls make in
school that ultimately impact their
professional direction. Once on a
Men certain path, it is difficult to ‘correct’
89% without having the proper academic
preparation. At Boeing, we are
paying close attention to improving
the representation and inclusion of
Fig. 18 Statistics vary, but a recent Alexander Daniels Global survey puts the
women throughout the organisation
percentage of women in the AM workforce as low as 11% [2]
– particularly in STEM careers and
leadership. The underrepresentation
of girls and women in STEM fields is a
of AM as a ‘male field’, SJ Jones “Prior to my experiences with global challenge.”
observed, “I don’t think that most see Wi3DP, the women I interacted with Melanie Lang sees great strides
it as damaging. When you’re part of were very few,” stated Lisa D Block. being made in improving the outside
the ‘in’ crowd or the overwhelming “In fact, the TIPE conference was the perception of AM among prospective
majority it’s harder to notice who is first time I was able to see so many talent. “Wi3DP has improved the
‘missing’ from the room. As a woman, female engineers and executives perception that manufacturing in
it feels very isolating as you walk into in the same place, but it was so general is male dominated by creating
a room and every face echoes how refreshing to see. I think that when a powerful and well-respected
community of all genders that work
together to solve some of the most
impactful and interesting challenges
“When you’re part of the ‘in’ crowd or the of our time, and that’s what it’s really

overwhelming majority it’s harder to notice about – people working together to

bring the best ideas and experiences
who is ‘missing’ from the room. As a woman, to move the industry forward. The
organisation has also removed the
it feels very isolating as you walk into a room myth that the talent pool is male
and every face echoes how much you don’t based and most of the experts
are male; there is a large group of
belong there. I think Wi3DP has come far in qualified, experienced experts that

addressing this perception...” are not only male.”

Alex Kingsbury, Additive
Manufacturing Industry Fellow and
Engagement Lead at RMIT University,
much you don’t belong there. I think there is any group that could appear and Women in 3D Printing’s Regional
Wi3DP has come far in addressing to hold a monopoly on any industry, Chair for Oceania, stated, “The great
this perception in giving women the it makes people that don’t fit the thing about AM is that it is a relatively
space to be themselves and to be the predetermined description less likely new field that is less shackled
majority in a room on a subject we are to apply for those positions, leaving to the traditional manufacturing
all incredibly passionate about: 3D the company to just select anyone image, which is seen as more
printing.” versus the person that may be the male-dominated. Before Women in

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3D Printing started, I only knew a

handful of women who worked in the
field, but now I know hundreds! And
I only need to go to the Women in 3D
Printing website to see a huge range
of interviews with women who are in
3D printing from all over the world.”
“One thing we know for sure is
that diverse teams deliver better
results, and this shows in the bottom
line, so there are very good business
reasons for creating and retaining
diverse teams,” she continued. “What
we want is a diversity of viewpoints,
experiences, approaches, and
thinking styles. The way we control
for that is through these diversity
markers, or social indicators.
When women consist of 50% of
the population but only 13% of the
workforce in AM, then we know we
have a gender diversity issue that
we should be addressing. There are
plenty of reasons why and how we
socialise girls and women to not
choose certain career paths, but part
of the solution is to promote and
Fig. 19 Dr Melissa Orme, Vice President Boeing Additive Manufacturing
highlight women who are working in
(Courtesy Boeing Additive Manufacturing)
the industry – if she can see it, she
can be it!”
This, of course, is where Wi3DP
excels. “You only need to look at
the recent TIPE 3D conference to
see how much of a good job Wi3DP
does in promoting and highlighting
talented women in 3D printing,”
Kingsbury continued. “I was blown
away by the depth and breadth of the
speaker line-up!”
“From many stories I’ve heard,
having access to the Wi3DP network
has been just the encouragement
that was needed to pursue 3D
printing, or to remain in the field
when things get tough,” she noted.
“Just seeing someone that looks
like you in 3D printing can be a
huge source of inspiration and
encouragement for those coming
through the ranks. It can be a little
lonely and isolating when you’re the
only woman in a meeting room, or
in your team, but having a strong
network of women sitting outside
of those teams, who are also often
the only women in their meetings, is Fig. 20 Alex Kingsbury, Additive Manufacturing Industry Fellow and
sometimes the only thing you need Engagement Lead at RMIT University, and Women in 3D Printing’s Regional
for the world to feel right again.” Chair for Oceania (Courtesy Women in 3D Printing)

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shows that it’s possible to be a

woman in this industry and reach very
senior positions. Those of us involved
can serve as role models for that
next generation of women joining the
industry, which is still often perceived
as a male-dominated one.”
Rosman further stated that she
had not seen a significant increase in
the number of women in the technical
or manufacturing fields in the last
few years, noting that there is still
work to do in addressing the gender
gap. “However, we are starting to see
women take key leadership roles in
the 3D printing industry; for example,
the CEO of EOS being a woman is
encouraging. But we still haven’t seen
the spike we were hoping for just yet.”
Fig. 21 Jennifer Killingback, Director, North America, Alexander Daniels Global From a recruitment point of
Inc. (Courtesy Jennifer Killingback) view, however, Jennifer Killingback
stated that she believes things are
improving. “The presence of women
Stacey DelVecchio echoed Kings- means is easy to search for women in with the Additive Manufacturing
bury’s perspective on the importance 3D printing and see role model after industry has definitely increased and
of diverse hiring practices in AM. “We role model. Visibility is huge when improved since I began my career
care about gender diversity in additive you’re talking about changing the in January 2015. It is exciting to see
as all the research shows that diverse public’s perception, and Wi3DP has hit more technical and senior level
teams come up with more innovative the mark here.” roles being achieved by women from
solutions. And innovation abounds in “Whether perception or reality, I all around the world in all areas
additive, so why wouldn’t you want a believe this issue is prevalent in many of Additive Manufacturing. Many
diverse team? I like to think as gender industries, not just additive,” stated things have changed since I was first
diversity as ‘Diversity 101’. Let’s start Alison Wyrick Mendoza. “What the interviewed by Nora at Wi3DP in June
with gender diversity so we can move Wi3DP organisation does well is make 2017. From my experience, many in
on to some of the more complex it easy for those outside the circle our industry have been very proactive
facets of diversity.” to really see just how many women in the selection and promotion of
“STEM fields, especially engi- we do have in the industry currently, women within Additive Manufacturing.
neering and manufacturing, definitely how many are joining every year, and It is exciting to see more women move
have an image problem with being demonstrate tangible results from into STEM-focused roles as well.”
mostly male,” she stated. “More often all their many collective efforts to Melanie Lang agreed that there
than not, it’s the reality, not just an increase representation of women. It has been a positive increase in the
image. It’s damaging, as young girls puts all those efforts in the spotlight, number of women employed in AM in
tend to opt out of these kinds of fields bringing validation and promoting recent years. “From my first experi-
at a young age, simply because of continued proactive behaviours.” ences with AM several years ago to
the image. They don’t see women Tali Rosman echoed the general where we are today, I am glad to say I
going into the STEM careers, so they consensus. “The risk here when it notice a more diverse community and
don’t think it’s for them. When I first comes to recruiting new, up-and- am proud to be a part of an organisa-
entered the world of additive in 2014, coming talent is that, because of tion that has truly helped drive this
I was shocked there weren’t more this perception, women may be shy change. From business leadership
women,” she recalled. “I thought about applying for these roles or and technical experts to speakers
this new, rapidly-growing industry going after them. A key reason why and attendees at conferences, there
would be a natural fit for women. I we don’t have more women in our are more women participating and
was surprised it wasn’t. While it’s team is because I get fewer CVs from thriving.”
difficult to measure progress, there is women. Organisations like Women Women in 3D Printing provides a
no doubt in my mind that Wi3DP has in 3D Printing serve a crucial role in valuable resource for Killingback’s
made an impact on the visibility of the helping to promote the AM industry recruiting activities in AM. “Wi3DP
women in the industry. The organisa- to women. For women contemplating has a strong LinkedIn presence,
tion is very connected virtually, which entering the AM industry, Wi3DP which I am a part of, and, on occasion,

138 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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I have had referrals from other group

members on candidates seeking new
careers. The primary benefit for me
has been the exceptional networking
opportunities offered by Wi3DP,
which are instrumental in my work
as a recruiter. Most recently, I was a
speaker during the TIPE conference
on the Youth Track.”
SJ Jones, speaking from a rela-
tively early stage in her AM career,
compared to many of the women
interviewed here, added that she
values the trust which Wi3DP builds
between associated recruiters and
companies, and potential job candi-
dates. “I feel that in this era where
diversity is a hot button topic, hiring
a woman in any capacity is desirable
for a lot of companies. However, it is
significantly easier to trust or accept
an invitation for a role when it comes
at the recommendation of another
member of Wi3DP. Members are fairly
aware of each other’s interests, so
they can better match or recommend
candidates for certain positions.” Fig. 22 Meera Ravi, Director of Digital at Viyoma Manufacturing (Courtesy
Maddie Frank also commented Meera Ravi)
on the value of Wi3DP as a job
candidate, stating, “Wi3DP, like
any other organisation in AM, is Tackling the image problem: embed herself in the community,
basically a microcosm in itself. I initially by volunteering for AMUG.
have met people within Wi3DP that
Wi3DP Next Gen “I saw that if you join a community,
I’m like, ‘Your company’s really cool, and you’re open to supporting that
can I work with you guys?’ and got Still in its early stages, Wi3DP’s Next community’s growth, there are a lot of
interviews through those companies, Gen youth initiative is the key weapon amazing opportunities that arise from
not necessarily because of Wi3DP, but in its arsenal as it tackles AM’s image that – not only friendship, but people
because of the people I’ve met within problem and seeks to entice new who will tell you what’s real, what’s
the organisation. The networking that talent into the industry. I spoke to not real, how to solve a problem, how
is happening within this organisation Janet Kar and Meera Ravi, Director to grow your career, etc. People in 3D
has definitely made me a more of Digital Viyoma Manufacturing and printing are really there to help you
valuable candidate in having those a Mentorship Community Manager grow.”
introductions.” for Wi3DP, about Next Gen’s develop- “In university, I participated in a lot
This value is only enhanced ment, and what it was about their of extracurricular student community
in the current landscape, where experience in the industry that made groups and saw the power of how they
in-person networking opportunities them so keen to create a support can help students develop confidence,
are so limited. “When I’m coming programme for youth in AM. learn to network and learn how to
out of school, especially in this new “When I joined the 3D printing build their plan for whatever future
COVID world – and this applies to industry about four years ago, I was they want," she explained. "Exposure
all students – to have the ability to pretty quiet – I didn’t know anybody,” is so important; if you’re not exposed
network with industry people and Kar recalled. “Until I met one male to something, you will never do it.
not have to go to AMUG or RAPID, mentor who told me, ‘this industry Knowing that the 3D printing industry
but just literally jump on a call with is all about who you know and the is in dire need of more talent, I felt
their Wi3DP chapter or attend a relationships you’ve built. There’s a pulled to explore how we could bridge
conference, like the TIPE conference, lot of vapourware, people don’t know all of these pieces together, help
or go to a 3D Printing Happy Hour, what’s true and what’s not, and they accelerate the adoption of 3D printing
it allows you to basically go out want to work with people they trust.’” and convince great people to enter
and meet people.” From then on, Kar worked hard to and remain in our industry. I felt

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be?” asked Kar. “A lot of schools have

“A lot of women [...] around the age of 3D printers, but universities don’t
really teach it, unless you’re exposed
14–15 don’t feel like they get the support through an additive programme or as
part of a welding programme.”
for STEM, and then just drop it. Even in Through a number of programmes
the professional world, I recently spoke to – including, in the near term, a series
of AM curricula taught by women in
someone who was doing 3D printing, she under-served communities; teaching
was the only girl, and she was about to leave tools to highlight career opportunities
in AM, such as the distribution of
because it didn’t feel like an environment career cards highlighting profes-
sionals in the industry and Ask Me
she wanted to be in...” Anything (AMA) interviews with
women in AM designed from a high
school perspective; the support of
like Women in 3D Printing was very recent Deloitte study, around the age Wi3DP school clubs; a mentorship
much set up to help that. I want to be of 14–15, don’t feel like they get the programme featuring both male
working with amazing people, and I support for STEM, and then just drop and female mentors; company tour
want that for everyone else, as well.” it. Even in the professional world, I opportunities and virtual and local
Explaining what drew her to Next recently spoke to someone who was Wi3DP events – Next Gen hopes to
Gen's Mentorship Program, Ravi doing 3D printing, she was the only increase the visibility of female role
explained, “I’m transitioning in my girl [in her company], and she was models in the industry, thus inspiring
career from the social impact sector about to leave because it didn’t feel young people from middle or high
to engineering, leading my family- like an environment she wanted to be school, as well as those already at a
owned business, a manufacturing in. After she met some people from university level, to view AM as a viable
service provider. So I was reading a the New York chapter [of Wi3DP], it career path.
lot of articles and came across Janet, changed her life – she found people “Originally, we wanted to focus on
who was very generous in connecting she could bounce ideas off of, who the group that’s most in need, which
with me and inviting me to come and were going through the same things is underestimated girls in areas that
be part of the community. I was drawn and who were able to relate and don’t have access to 3D printing,” Kar
to the Mentorship Program because support each other. That kept her in stated. “But with COVID, it’s pretty
I had previously run one for a large the industry.” hard to get a teacher to want to help
social enterprise in New York City, But can these negative experi- students and stay in school longer
focused on immigrant integration. ences be prevented in the first place? with afterschool programmes! It’s not
For me, I felt at home working with Perhaps, by providing the same level very feasible, so we decided to switch
the community and supporting of support women find in their local gears.”
early-career professionals or anyone Wi3DP chapters to girls at a much Now, the short-term goal for
looking to transition to 3D printing.” earlier stage in their AM journey. Wi3DP Next Gen is to grow its
“Looking at what Women in 3D “How can we replicate the same thing network and community. “We’re really
Printing does best, we realised it has for girls going through this process in good on the professional side, but our
an amazing professional network of STEM, as well as providing them with reach for students isn’t as clearly cut
vendors, engineers, etc – everyone is an awareness of what 3D printing can and defined,” Kar explained. “When
here,” explained Kar. “So we came up
with three main key areas for Wi3DP
Next Gen to focus on: How can we
increase the adoption of 3D printing? “With the support of Wi3DP school clubs,
How can we increase awareness of
career opportunities in 3D printing?
a mentorship programme featuring both
And how can we provide a community male and female mentors, company tour
that can help students support their
growth?” opportunities and virtual and local Wi3DP
“What we found in our research events, the programme hopes to increase
and through conversation with
different professionals was that the visibility of female role models in the
it’s often a very lonely experience,
working in engineering and 3D
printing. A lot of women, from a

140 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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we’re talking about students, what

is the age range? We’d love to cover
it all, but our current programmes
are designed for high school and
university students first, because we
need help to create that data.”
Next Gen’s first digital event, ‘Meet
the Stars of 3D Printing’, welcomed
about 270 delegates (Fig. 23). At the
time of writing, there are around 750
students in the Next Gen network,
a number which continues to grow
with each new event and activity the
group organises. “We wouldn’t have
been able to have this reach if not
for the amazing brands who are also
trying to close the gender gap and
Fig. 23 Speakers at Wi3DP Next Gen’s first Meet the Stars of 3D Printing event
create a supportive network for their
(Courtesy Women in 3D Printing / Youtube)
employees,” Kar noted. The organisa-
tion will continue to hold ‘Meet the
Stars’ events, each showcasing a
different end-user industry for AM.
As well as student programmes, underway, running for one quarter Why is there no ‘Men in 3D
Kar explained that the Next Gen and featuring sixty-six pairs of
programme includes a number mentors and students; a digital Printing’?
of workshops to help educators kick-off event was held in late March
understand the process of Additive (Fig. 24). “We’re looking forward to In light of the criticism which Wi3DP
Manufacturing and the career learning from the pilot programme sometimes faces from certain
opportunities offered therein. “What and seeing what we can do in terms of members of the AM industry, I asked
we have learned is that teachers enhancements for subsequent cycles,” Toure and the other Women in 3D
are exhausted,” Kar stated. “They stated Ravi. “At the very minimum, Printing who spoke to me how they
love their students, they want to give the Mentorship Program requires would respond to that most common
the best support for them, but they the mentor to meet with a mentee of criticisms which ambassadors of
also want to be recognised for their for three sessions. We also provide Wi3DP see levelled at them on social
work, and a lot of times they aren’t support through the community of media and/or in the workplace. Why is
remembered. We want to provide a volunteers, offering resources to there no Men in 3D Printing?
stage for teachers to showcase their facilitate continued engagement and “We are not a women’s club,” said
work, get recognised by industry, support with mentee-specific goals, Toure. “I’ve said it quite a number
get recognised by other teachers so that if at the end of the quarter they of times, and it’s true. Yes, we’re a
and bounce ideas off each other so decide to pursue an internship, an platform to promote women in the
they can provide the best version of expert is available to help them with industry, but everyone is welcome,
their educational programme to their that.” and we’re actually starting to promote
students.” Next Gen also has another a few male allies that we want to
To support teachers with this programme in the making, one which recognise. In terms of our events,
goal, the Next Gen team is currently Ravi hopes will make it possible to everyone is welcome – they’re not
working on an Additive Manufacturing connect students with internships. woman focused, they’re industry
curriculum vetting programme, As Kar explained, “We’re looking at focused, it just so happens that all of
through which teachers can showcase ways to add value. Students don’t the speakers are female.”
their programmes. Judges will vet the know what job opportunities there are; “When you think of it, how many
submitted programmes and decide mentorship is one way to support their events have only men as speakers?
on a winner, after which Next Gen will career path.” Another way, she added, Less and less, but we still have a
repackage and scale that curriculum is to work with corporate sponsors to number of panels with men only
to make available to the wider highlight the true potential of AM for on them,” she pointed out. “This
teaching network. students coming from schools where wasn’t shocking to the industry up
At the level of young enthusiasts the majority of their exposure to AM is until we started to have woman-only
and university students seeking based on very small-scale, polymer- panels, at which point the idea of a
careers in AM, the first pilot of based 3D printers of the kind used by single-gender panel suddenly became
Next Gen’s Mentorship Program is makers and hobbyists. shocking.”

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Fig. 24 Speakers at Wi3DP Next Gen’s Mentorship Program Kick-off Event (Courtesy Women in 3D Printing)

On whether the aims of the domains,” answered Marie Langer. Maddie Frank, who grew up in the
organisation are indicative of ‘reverse “However, the same access is not as American Midwest, is familiar with the
sexism’, she explained, “We want readily available for women, people of kind of thought process which leads
50/50 representation in the industry – colour and a myriad of other groups. people to criticise Wi3DP. “I grew up
we don’t want more than that. It’s not As such, a group like Wi3DP is in a white manufacturing town, so I
get where people are coming from.
Even my dad will say ‘Why don’t they
have a Men In 3D Printing? And to
“...in the world we live in, men are some extent I’d think, ‘yeah, it does
automatically awarded space in all public seem rather exclusionary,’ but if you
think about it, a lone woman going
and professional domains,” answered into a room with five men is just as

Marie Langer. “However, the same intimidating as one man going into
a group with five women. So, we’re
access is not as readily available for all here on the same page, if you
just think about it from the other
women, people of colour and a myriad of person’s perspective; everyone gets
other groups.” intimidated when they’re not in a
group of people that looks like them
or talks like them. You need to lower
a big ask. Ideally, we wouldn’t need merely trying to create a space where the boundaries somewhere, and
Women in 3D Printing, because every women can thrive and become more Wi3DP does that.”
panel would be, as much as possible, visible to enable women's advance- In SJ Jones’ view, the fact that
gender balanced.” ment in a professional setting. I feel some detractors still believe a
“I assume that we all understand these are positive efforts that are women’s organisation should be
and agree that in the world we live trying to help us create more diversity justified to them is indicative of the
in, men are automatically awarded and inclusion in our small and young larger societal problems faced by
space in all public and professional industry.” women, and the industry. “I think

142 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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that the fact we need to justify the

existence of an organisation dedicated
to supporting women – who make up “Fellas, if you’re feeling a little left out,
half the Earth’s population – speaks
volumes about the AM industry. From
please don’t, as you’re most welcome to
my perspective, the purpose of Wi3DP come to a Women in 3D Printing event. These
is to provide a gender-inclusive space
for people to come and be themselves
are ‘female friendly’ spaces, and they may be
in a supportive, nurturing environ- a bit different to the usual networking event
ment where we all treat each other
with respect. In Wi3DP we are freed scene, but they’re certainly spaces where you
from the gender norms expected of
us in our day-to-day work lives – we
will feel welcome nonetheless.”
don’t have to be submissive, we don’t
have to pander to the male ego, we
don’t have to watch what we’re saying While we remain a minority group, I connecting with someone who looks
or how we say it in fear of coming think it’s important that we still have like you. And, hence, the need for a
off as too ‘bossy’ or ‘aggressive.’ We a network that provides support and group like Wi3DP. So why isn’t there
can just be ourselves, and that is a advocacy. I also think it’s important a Men in 3D Printing organisation?
privilege we don’t get anywhere else.” to respect and acknowledge our non- There doesn’t have to be, as all the
On the differing expectations faced binary and trans folk in 3D printing. men need to do is look around any
by women in AM in comparison to Women in 3D Printing is often a space company or group they are in and they
their male peers, she shared that, “It where they can feel comfortable as will see people that look like them.
was recently brought to my attention well, due to the inclusive nature of It’s almost like they have a ready-built
that I am one of the few women in the organisation and the events we Men in 3D Printing group available.”
industry working directly with the run. So, why isn’t there a Men in 3D “I will admit that I was not initially
metal printing machines. Upon Printing? Because there’s simply no sold on women’s organisations as a
further research and reflection, I think need. Men are the majority group in whole in the workplace because I did
I’m the only one that does not hold a our industry.” not want to be recognised as the first
PhD. As I scrolled through the TIPE However, Kingsbury echoed woman anything, or the first Black
conference agenda, I counted the Toure’s statement that these events woman anything,” reflected Lisa
number of PhDs that make up Wi3DP are in no way exclusive of men in the Block. “I wanted to be recognised as
and began to wonder how many industry. “Fellas, if you’re feeling a the best in class, best in my industry,
women had to put Dr in their title little left out, please don’t, as you’re just the best, because I was the best,
to be taken seriously enough in the most welcome to come to a Women not because I was a woman. However,
world of men to achieve the heights in 3D Printing event. I think it’s worth that opinion quickly changed when
of their current positions or roles in mentioning though, that these are I realised that men are hired and
AM. It reinstates this feeling that we ‘female friendly’ spaces, and they compensated at numbers more
must be twice as good or twice as may be a bit different to the usual than double the rate of women for
smart to have our own seat at the networking event scene, but they’re the same position. I can remember
table. Sharing that burden in our certainly spaces where you will feel being taught that I had to be smarter,
small band of sisterhood at Wi3DP welcome nonetheless.” harder and faster than my male
can sometimes make it feel more Stacey DelVecchio echoed the counterparts to even be allowed in the
bearable. Being able to be vulnerable, notion that, as a minority group room, let alone to be compensated at
to ask each other for advice – not in the field, it is important that the same rate.”
just about 3D printing, but about how women have a network to provide “My years working hand in hand
to navigate this male-dominated support, advocacy, and simple social with Human Resources showed me
landscape – I think is one of the networking. “It’s not unusual for that it was a real problem, and no one
greatest and most impactful qualities women to be the only one in their was talking about it,” she continued.
of this organisation.” work group. For the men in the “This experience changed my mind.
“It would be great if we could industry, it’s difficult to understand And thank goodness for the men who
one day get to the point where we that it can be lonely if you’re the only were willing to teach me that lesson,
decide we don’t need a Women in 3D woman in the room. That’s not to say because every lesson I have learned
Printing, but, unfortunately, we’re not that the men aren’t welcoming or in business, positive or negative, I’ve
there yet,” explained Alex Kingsbury. that they don’t respect us as women; learned from men. For 90% of my
“With women only consisting of 13% they usually are welcoming and they career, I have worked in environments
of the industry, we are still very much usually do respect us. But there’s where I was the only female, or one
an underrepresented minority group. also something comforting about of a few. I am truly blessed to be

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in an environment now where I am its core, asks only for 50% of the Lisa D Block
supported not only in words, but some Earth's population to be represented lisab@hybridmanutech.com
of my male counterparts actually equally as 50% of the workforce.
attended the TIPE conference with me This goal remains a long way off, but Maddie Frank
as well.” by encouraging their employees to maddiefrank1012@gmail.com
“Wi3DP is addressing institution- get involved in Wi3DP and showing
alised, unjust treatment of women the organisation their support, AM SJ Jones
in the workforce based on outdated companies can demonstrate their sj.jones@siemens-energy.com
societal norms,” agreed Melissa investment in the wellbeing and
Orme. “It is the organisation’s intent development of their staff, as well Dr Melissa Orme
to provide women with opportunities as their open-mindedness, and melissa.e.orme@boeing.com
to network with other women and encourage applications from yet more
men in all aspects of the 3D printing diverse talent. As noted by Nora Toure Alex Kingsbury
value chain and to be a resource and echoed by others throughout this alex.kingsbury@rmit.edu.au
to industry to increase diversity in article: gender is just the beginning.
the workplace. The organisation Janet Kar
welcomes male membership as well, janet@link3D.co
as men play a critical role in creating Acknowledgements
a more diverse workforce through the Meera Ravi
My thanks to the Additive Manufac-
recruitment activities sponsored by meera@viyoma.in
turing industry professionals who
took time out of their busy schedules
to speak to me about their experi- Author
Conclusion ences and opinions as women in this
industry, and without whose time and Emily-Jo Hopson-VandenBos
So, what are the benefits of an organi- input this article would not have been Deputy Editor & Features Writer
sation like Women in 3D Printing? possible. Metal AM magazine
How do we justify the existence of emily-jo@inovar-communications.com
an organisation which, by its nature, Nora Toure
highlights one social characteristic noratoure@gmail.com
over another? References
It is clear from the experiences and Melanie Lang
statistics reported in this article that melanie.lang@formalloy.com [1] 'Women earned majority of
women remain very much a minority doctoral degrees in 2017 for 9th
group in the AM industry, and that this Marie Langer straight year and outnumber men
can have a significant impact not only marie.langer@eos.info in grad school 137 to 100', by Mark
on the career prospects and wellbeing J Perry, The American Enterprise
of individual women in AM, but on our Tali Rosman Institute, www.aei.org/carpe-diem/
industry's ability to attract the talent tali.rosman@xerox.com women-earned-majority-of-doctoral-
it so badly needs if it is to tackle the degrees-in-2017-for-9th-straight-
challenges of industrialisation and Stacey DelVecchio year-and-outnumber-men-in-grad-
truly scale AM to meet the needs of staceyd.in.3dp@gmail.com school-137-to-100-2/
large-scale manufacturing. Using
Wi3DP as a marketing tool to reach Lynda McKinney [2] Alexander Daniels Global, Additive
young women and girls at early stages lyndamckinney@desktopmetal.com Manufacturing Salary Survey 2018,
of their education, the industry stands www.alexanderdanielsglobal.com/
a far better chance of filling this talent Alison Wyrick Mendoza the-salary-survey-2018/
gap than it does in a landscape where alison.wyrick@ge.com
the group most highly represented
in higher education is the least Jennifer Killingback
represented in engineering [1]. jennifer.killingback@alexanderdan
Study after study has shown the ielsglobal.com
benefits that diversity, not just in
gender, but in all forms, brings to Dr Laura Cordova
businesses. Gender diversity, at laura.cordova@chalmers.se

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manufacturing technologies, has batch size reduction – have been Currently, compared with the
been around for decades. The first demonstrated in some cases, but $170 billion-per-year casting
commercial metal AM machines not fully realised. industry, metal AM generates less
arrived on the market in the 1990s. Except for a handful of examples than $2 billion. If we assume the
When GE entered the market in where geometries are complex, technology adoption cycle for metal
2016 with the acquisition of Concept asset values high, and volumes low, AM is a leisurely twenty years, the
Laser, and later Arcam, there was the technology is not commonly industry should be generating closer
an expectation that the technology used for production. Instead, it is to $14 billion in revenue.
would experience rapid adoption and
usher in a period of robust competi-
tion, price reductions and a supplier Current PBF-LB part production cost breakdown
Current part production cost breakdown
ecosystem of third-party services
and products.
It has been roughly five years
since then and there are now a
considerable number of players in
the market offering AM machines,
feedstock, part manufacturing Labour
services, post-processing equip-
ment, and software solutions, for AM
an array of production technologies. Powder machine
Although this active ecosystem and process
of suppliers has developed as
expected, metal AM technology is yet
to be widely accepted as production-
ready. The advantages metal AM
offers manufacturers – design Fig. 1 Relative contribution of business inputs to part cost for PBF-LB

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 147
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the higher rates are seen in the

automotive industry, where cost is
the more dominant factor. Even at
the higher build rates of 50 cm3/h, it
takes a PBF-LB machine nearly an
hour to produce a 100 g component,
at a cost of about $40–50. If that
same part were made using casting
technology, it would cost approxi-
mately $1–5, with an average price
of about $1.50.
In fact, many industry experts
have stated that, if metal AM costs
could be reduced by a factor of
ten, the technology would compete
economically for a significant
portion of the casting market, and
a wide range of applications would
become viable for mass production.
For aluminium, this would mean
targeting a cost of less than $5 for
a 100 g component. Attaining this
lower cost target would spark a
market disruption cycle and trigger
rapid adoption of the technology as
manufacturers rushed to leverage
the advantages of AM.

New technologies promise

higher speeds
There are some exciting higher-
speed developments on the horizon.
New metal Binder Jetting (BJT)
Fig. 2 SEM photograph of Equispheres monodisperse powder (top) compared machines from companies such as
with a competitor’s conventionally atomised powder Desktop Metal, HP and ExOne use a
binder deposition process followed
by sintering to fuse powder particles,
instead of a laser beam, and are
The relationship between the manufacturer needs to recover advertising speed increases orders
speed and cost the cost of the AM machine (which is of magnitude greater than those
in the order of $1-2 million) through offered by standard PBF-LB. More
Why the slow uptake? In a word: Cost. the quantity of parts produced. radical technologies, such as the
The cost to additively manufacture a These machines are understandably ‘area printing’ process in develop-
part is dependent upon the applica- expensive, as they are complex, ment by Seurat Technologies, also
tion (e.g., part design/geometry, precise devices. The problem is that hold a lot of promise.
desired mechanical performance, most current Laser Beam Powder Importantly, standard PBF-LB
surface finish, material, post- Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) machines machines have been improving their
processing). The relative contribution are very slow. Agonisingly slow. For production speeds as well. Additive
of each business input to overall cost example, when processing aluminium Industries and SLM Solutions have
for an aluminium part is provided in alloys, one can expect to achieve build recently announced new machines
Fig. 1. These data were derived from rates (on a single-laser basis) in the that are packed with, respectively,
information presented by BMW at range of 25–50 cm3/h. ten and twelve powerful 1 kW lasers
Formnext 2019. The lower production rates are – a far cry from the 100–200 W
As depicted, the largest cost by far more common in demanding aero- single- and dual-laser machines
is the AM machine and associated space applications, where mechanical that were the standard just a few
processing costs. As a general rule, performance is paramount, and years ago.

148 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Equispheres: The need for speed

Powder quality not only 100.00

determines mechanical 99.95
properties, but also speed 99.90

Relative density [%]

While working towards the
99.95 99.80
economics necessary for industry
disruption, AM is demonstrating 99.75
400 W
impressive advances in other, 99.85
Relative density [%]
700 W
less obvious ways. One of these99.80
powder quality. It is well known that
99.75 99.60
the quality of the powder used in 400 W
PBF-LB systems is important to 99.70
the 99.55 700 W
mechanical properties and consist-
99.65 99.50
ency of the final part. 99.60
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
What is not well understood is that Build rate [cm3/h]
the powder can also have a signifi-
cant impact on production costs, and
99.50 Fig. 3 Monodisperse powders maintain high density across a wide range of
20 30 40 50 60
has the potential to increase produc- build rates and provide a70large80processing
90 100 110
window 120 130
Build rate [cm3/h]
tion speeds by a factor of four whilst
reducing part costs by 50%. In this
way, using an optimised powder in Thin oxide layer laser scan speed and hatch distance
existing PBF-LB machines can move Oxides in the powder can lead to without requiring an increase in
the industry halfway to the target for defects in the final part, which impact laser power. Additionally, the wider
industry disruption of a tenfold cost mechanical performance. processing range allows for further
reduction. To achieve these speeds Many of the identified features increases in speed (in some cases,
and cost reductions, powder must can be readily seen in the SEMs up to 60%) with minimal impact on
exhibit certain characteristics. These of monodisperse powder from density or mechanical properties.
are as follows: Equispheres versus conventionally When combined with the effect
atomised powders (Fig. 2). It is our of increased layer thickness, this
Spherical and monodisperse experience that these attributes provides a significant advantage.
Near-perfectly-spherical particles can only be achieved by a carefully- Successfully increasing layer
with a uniform size (i.e., tight controlled atomisation process that thickness is dependent on the
particle size distribution) pack has been designed specifically to stability of the meltpool in each
30% more densely and flow twice produce powder particles for AM layer. The chaotic nature of the
as quickly. This ensures dense, applications. meltpool that results from standard
evenly-distributed powder layers that Of particular importance for AM powder means that achievable
can efficiently absorb laser energy. production, monodisperse uniform density rapidly decreases with
Importantly, the narrow particle powder absorbs laser energy increasing layer thickness, even as
size distribution avoids the issue of uniformly, melts uniformly and laser power increases. The meltpool
overheating the smaller particles resolidifies uniformly. This translates stability achieved with a more
and the loss of critical but volatile to a very large processing window uniform powder allows for layer
elements such as magnesium. and allows for two important and thickness to increase well beyond the
multiplicative speed improvements: current limits, with minimal effects
Fine-free, agglomerate-free on density.
Small particles (i.e., under 10 µm) 1. Faster scanning speeds in the Fig. 3 shows the densities
are pernicious and interfere with the horizontal X-Y direction achieved at various single-laser build
flowability and spread density of the 2. Thicker powder spread layers, rates for current 400 W and 700 W
powder. enabling a faster vertical build in systems. Data are from a parameter
the Z direction space investigation and the scatter
Smooth surface area is therefore expected. As shown,
Powder particles with a smooth Tests by service bureaus and the monodisperse powders display
surface adsorb half the moisture of a industrial partners have repeatedly a large processing window and
traditional powder (and desorb twice demonstrated that Equispheres’ maintain high density across a wide
as efficiently). Adsorbed moisture powder requires approximately 20% range of build rates and power levels.
can result in hydrogen porosity in the less energy input to achieve optimum Of course, density is only a
final build and can become a failure density and mechanical properties. proxy for mechanical performance;
initiation point. This provides the ability to increase Equispheres is presently building

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Users with more powerful lasers

UTS (MPa) YS (MPa) Elongation (%)
can opt for even higher build rates.
Minimum 436 274 6.8 A 700 W single-laser system can
Mean 437 276 7.0 produce > 99.85% dense parts built
at 100–120 cm3/h. In all cases, if
Standard Deviation 1.2 1.3 0.1 a manufacturer has slightly lower
Table 1 Mechanical results for 80 µm layer AlSi10Mg build density requirements, these speeds
can be increased significantly. For
example, with a density threshold of
99.5%, a 700 W laser machine can
tensile coupons to verify perfor- Optimising for current achieve single-laser build speeds in
mance at these higher build speeds. machines excess of 130 cm3/h (Fig. 4).
Tensile data for specimens built with Interestingly, with these higher
80 µm layers, shown in Table 1 and Equispheres has been working scanning speeds, the recoating time
obtained just prior to the publication to tailor-build parameters for its becomes significant, and other less
of this article, demonstrate positive aluminium powders based on the obvious technologies designed to
results. While more data will be intended use case (e.g., aerospace, improve production efficiency – such
forthcoming, it is important to note automotive) and machine capability. as the ‘to the edge’ recoater system
the very tight variance around the Equispheres’ baseline spread used in Trumpf’s PBF-LB machines,
mean, indicating excellent build layer thickness is currently 60 µm, which aims to squeeze out every
consistency. which is becoming common in second of wasted build time – become
Depending on the class of the industry, and, depending on important.
machine available and its associated available laser power, the end-user
laser power and systems, there can opt to build using a range of
are distinct optimisation strategies speeds. Using the readily available Optimising for high-power,
the industry can use to achieve the 400 W laser machines at the 60 µm high-speed machines
fastest build speeds with the best layer thickness, a 45 cm3/h, > 99.9%
results. Work conducted by Equi- dense part is easily attained. Moving PBF-LB
spheres has demonstrated that a up to 500 W laser power allows for Following the introduction of PBF-LB
twofold speed increase over typical > 50% faster scanning speed with machines with more powerful lasers
build parameters – without impact no impact on tensile properties, and advanced optics (which allow
on mechanical performance – is and build rates as high as 80 cm3/h. defocusing), spread layers of 120 µm
readily achievable, and a fourfold For those end-users who desire suddenly become practical. Early
increase is possible. The effects higher build speeds but are limited tests by Equispheres using a 120 µm
on speed are most noticeable with to 400 W laser power, an 80 µm spread layer, but limiting laser power
higher-powered machines capable spread layer might be the better to 700 W, show that densities > 99.7%
of taking advantage of the meltpool option; > 99.9% density is achievable are achievable and the nature of the
stability provided by monodisperse with an 80 µm spread layer on that porosity suggests that a higher power,
powder to combine faster scan class of machine, with a 50 cm3/h defocused beam will likely be key to
speed with higher layer thicknesses. build rate. optimising the meltpool.

Fig. 4 Optical micrographs with relative densities above 99.85% at (a) 40 cm3/h, (b) 80 cm3/h and (c) 120 cm3/h build

150 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Current part production cost Part production cost breakdown with

breakdown performance powder
Current part production cost breakdown

Overheads Overheads

AM machine
Labour Labour and process
savings from
AM powder
Powder machine Powder
and process

AM machine
and process

Fig. 5 Potential of monodisperse powder to reduce cost by ~50%

These speed results are exciting. products in favour of aluminium exciting prospect and Equispheres
Productivity improvements and lower due to its high strength-to-weight is working with multiple industrial
costs can be readily achieved without ratio that enables lightweighting, partners to achieve this objective.
new capital investment or special thereby reducing greenhouse gas In that regard, Equispheres
processing. Instead, simply using emissions. continues to refine the character-
powder with the right attributes can Fortunately, the same powder istics of its powder for different
enable higher build rates at various properties that enable fast PBF-LB applications. The atomisation
power levels. Even if one assumes speeds (spherical, smooth, fine- technology used by the company
no other improvements related to free, etc) also facilitate aluminium can be tuned and powder charac-
the cost of the machine, powder, sintering. As shown in Fig. 6, dense teristics such as, but not limited
overhead or labour, the improved microstructures can be achieved to, particle size distribution can be
economics that can be achieved without compaction or the use of modified to best support objectives
from a superior feedstock range sintering aids. Bringing aluminium such as sintering, precision builds
from 25–30% with a clear potential alloys to the BJT market is an and high production rates.
for 50% part production cost reduc-
tion in PBF-LB machines (Fig. 5).

Powder characteristics also play
a role in the new high-speed BJT
machines, which produce green
parts that are then sintered to final
density. The process is quick and
inexpensive and works well with
steels and other industrial metals.
Sadly, the process struggles with
aluminium, which is difficult to
sinter due to its thick oxide layer
and low melting temperature. This
is unfortunate, as aluminium alloys
are the second most commonly
used industrial metal and are in
demand from the transportation
sector. Specifically, automotive
manufacturers are rapidly changing
the metal composition of their Fig. 6 Sintered dense microstructure without compaction or sintering aids

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Field trials in progress Engineering Leader and Lead Metal- Authors

lurgist at Divergent 3D, stated, “As a
technology startup company in the
Field testing of the potential speed Doug Brouse BSc
automotive sector, we are seeking
improvements achievable using Doug is Equispheres’ Vice-President,
disruptive technology that provides
Equispheres’ powders are currently Strategic Partners and Alliances.
superior products at a superior
underway with key industrial users Doug has a long history of success-
price. We are excited to be testing
including aerospace, automotive fully introducing disruptive technology
Equispheres’ material against our
and AM machine OEMs. PBF-LB to the marketplace. As co-founder
goals in build speed, mechanical
and BJT machine OEMs have a keen of Mxi Technologies, he focused
properties and cost.”
interest in improved productivity on providing technology-intensive
In addition to the cost-focused
and are exploring the use of the products and services to the aero-
automotive sector, the aerospace
powder to increase speed. Severin space industry. Later, he assisted the
market has also taken an interest
Luzius, Head of Application and National Research Council of Canada
in the material. Frank Palm, Senior
Consulting Additive Manufacturing in developing and executing strategies
Researcher at Airbus Central
at Trumpf, commented, “We are to transfer innovative research to
Research & Technology, explained
continually seeking ways to improve industry.
that, “The unique characteristics
the productivity of our systems to
of the powder are intriguing, and
reduce the cost of production for Dr Martin J. Conlon, PhD, MEng,
we and other industrial partners
our customers. Obtaining a speed BEng.
are currently conducting tests
increase from Equispheres powder is Martin is Equispheres’ Chief
to determine the impact these
definitely worth exploring.” Technology Officer. Martin has
attributes may have on potential
ExOne is a well-established over twenty years of academic and
future products as well production
BJT machine manufacturer with a industrial experience including a deep
large installed base worldwide. The knowledge of metallurgy and a wide
company is extending its material background in a variety of advanced
portfolio to aluminium and has been Conclusion technologies. Martin obtained his
assessing the use of Equispheres’ PhD from Carleton University and,
powder. “There is enormous It is important to note that other prior to joining Equispheres, worked
demand for aluminium alloys in cost improvements are on the way in for the National Research Council of
mass-production applications,” Additive Manufacturing. In addition Canada for eleven years, where he led
stated Patrick Dougherty, Director to continued AM machine hardware the research into various gas turbine
of Commercial R&D. “The unique efficiencies, machine and powder technology advancement projects.
characteristics of the Equispheres prices are expected to drop and new
Doug and Martin collaborate closely
powder are one potential route to technologies to minimise pre- and
in the development of metal powder
meet this need.” post-processing will be developed.
specifically designed to meet the
Divergent 3D is a California-based In the meantime, simply utilising
unique needs of Additive Manufac-
startup aiming to disrupt the improved powder has the potential
automotive sector with a technology to bring the market for aluminium
platform to reduce the complication parts halfway to the targeted goal of Equispheres
and cost in automobile production. a tenfold reduction in price. Suite 4100, 500 Palladium Dr.
A key component of its approach The industry is gathering Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
is the use of AM to produce car momentum toward the tipping point Tel: +1 613 903 5855
chassis, suspension and subframe that will bring about technological info@equispheres.com
components. Simon Pun, Materials disruption. Brace for it. www.equispheres.com

152 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 FOR
Vol. 7 No. 1
2021 Inovar Communications Ltd
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Standards for Metal AM

Metal Additive Manufacturing:

Why standards lay the
foundation for continued
industry growth
As the metal Additive Manufacturing industry evolves towards widespread
use for series production, the need for globally-recognised standards is
also increasing. In this article, Prof Dr-Ing Christian Seidel, Chairman of
ISO Technical Committee (TC) 261 ‘Additive Manufacturing’ and Member-at-
Large on the Executive Committee of the ASTM F42 ‘Additive Manufacturing’
Committee, outlines why standards are so important, presents an overview
of the current AM standards ecosystem, and highlights current key areas of
standardisation activity.

In recent years, more and more and is now available and, on the other of industry standards is a requisite
organisations have started to hand, a large number of relevant if this is to remain the case. Most
develop standards for Additive standards is already available. recently, Additive Manufacturing
Manufacturing. This is because the technologies have gained significance
size of the industry has now reached as production technologies. Originally,
a level where effective business is The need for standards in the only field of application for AM
only possible on the basis of a reli- Additive Manufacturing was the time-efficient production of
able and complete set of accepted prototypes – also known as Rapid
industry standards. The Additive Manufacturing industry Prototyping. During the last five to
I write this article as Chairman as a whole is rather niche and still in ten years, a significant increase in
of ISO Technical Committee (TC) its infancy. However, the market has applications for direct part production
261 ‘Additive Manufacturing’ and recorded high growth rates in recent can be observed, especially in the
Member-at-Large on the Execu- years and has, therefore, received a aerospace and medical industries, as
tive Committee of the ASTM F42 lot of attention. A comprehensive set well as in general engineering.
‘Additive Manufacturing’ Committee.
These two committees have been
cooperating since 2011 to provide
the Additive Manufacturing industry
with the needed standards. In this
article I intend to outline recent Market Market
potential potential
progress and some fundamental Prototyping Tooling
aspects of standards. An overview on Market Potential
Direct Manufacturing
the organisation of ISO/ASTM joint
standard development is provided,
and the current strategic direction of
standardisation is introduced.
What readers will discover is that,
on the one hand, a powerful struc- Fig. 1 Market potential of the prototyping, tooling and Direct Manufacturing
ture for international standardisation application of Additive Manufacturing (qualitative, size indicates market
has been built up in recent years potential)

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 155
Standards for Metal AM | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

Guidelines Standards collaboration. In the field of Additive

e.g. ISO/ASTM TR Regulations Laws
e.g. ISO/ASTM standards
(Technical Reports) Manufacturing, standards are a
 Helpful  Relevant  Most relevant  Most relevant key enabler for the upscaling of the
 Provide insight  Technical  Define how  Define what industry. However, standards should
into best consensus on things needs to needs to be done not be confused with laws and regula-
practices best practices be done  Compulsory
tions; compliance is not compulsory
 Use ‘could’,  Normative  Compulsory compliance
‘should’ etc. compliance (Fig. 2).
 Use ‘shall’,
 Typically ‘need to be’,
withdrawn if a ‘have to’ etc.
standard on Ecosystem of international
same topic is
standardisation for AM

We are currently seeing a lot of

standardisation activity, with various
Standards Development Organisations
Fig. 2 Simplified ranking between laws, regulations, standards and guidelines (SDOs), certification bodies and asso-
ciations being active in the field of AM.
Fig. 3 provides a partial overview of
This extension in application eliminating technical barriers to this, but, nevertheless, only contains
from prototyping to manufacturing trade. Standards serve as a common an extract of the worldwide activities.
is crucial to continue the growth language that promotes the flow of In general, a distinction can be made
rates seen in recent years, because goods between buyer and seller and between standardisation activities that
prototyping often does not require the protects their general welfare. Typical are intended to bring national added
production of more than ten parts. benefits of standardisation in the field value: for example, in Germany, the
However, to achieve a double-digit of AM comprise: German Welding Society, versus those
compound annual growth rate over intended for international recognition,
• Providing a common language such as ISO/TC 261 and ASTM F42 on
the coming years and to further
(e.g., terms & definitions) Additive Manufacturing.
mature Additive Manufacturing
technologies, it is necessary to • Assisting users with the Furthermore, it makes sense to
identify and exploit business cases assessment of different AM picture SDOs, certification bodies and
within small- and medium-scale processes, resulting in the use associations within one umbrella, as
series. As a result, machine and of appropriate technology for there is a close link between these
material sales will increase and specific product demands organisations. SDOs intend to develop
Additive Manufacturing technologies • Specifying requirements for technical regulations, which are
will further establish themselves as processes, materials, design, and then used by certification bodies to
production technologies. test methods develop their certification procedures.
Fig. 1 is intended to show, • Standardising data formats, Associations serve as the voice of the
qualitatively, that the market potential structures and metrics for AM industry and provide both SDOs and
for direct manufacturing is many models certification bodies with information
times greater than that of prototyping on the needs of their members.
• Providing guidance on
and tooling. In addition, the growth In addition, standards only become
environment, health and safety
potential in prototyping applications of value when applied in industry. For
has largely been exploited at this that reason, Associations also serve
point. Standards can be seen as • Providing qualification schemes as information and marketing chan-
a key enabler for the transition and defining requirements for nels for SDOs as part of a win-win
towards direct manufacturing; personnel qualification situation.
economic utilisation of AM processes • Standardising the process chains In Fig. 3, the text blocks are
in a production environment on an of AM technologies, securing marked with logos or flags that indi-
increasing scale simply isn’t possible functionality, compatibility and cate the origin of the above groupings.
without a comprehensive set of easing the design of efficient The upper row shows the situation for
industry-specific standards. global and local supply chains Germany, where, primarily, the DIN
• Communicating guidance and and VDI are promoting standardisation
possible courses of actions in the area of AM. The middle row
The role of standards contains information on AM-relevant
• Documenting best practices.
committees within the ISO organisa-
The foremost aim of international Thereby, standards can help tion and the EU. The bottom row gives
standardisation is to facilitate the accelerate the adoption of new an insight into the standardisation
exchange of goods and services by technologies and ease international landscape in the USA.

156 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
Category AM
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Standards for Metal AM
ods Specific to material
category or process
c. category

Sand .1 AM plastics, .2 AM metals, .3 AM ceramics, .4 Public relations, .5 Legal aspects,

.6 Occupational safety
Specialised AM
Standards Others, such
as: VMDA, DIN NA145-04 Several sub-committees NA 145-04-0X-0Y consisting of cross-discipline committees
Specific to material, FPM, BDLI AM-Steering Com. between chemistry, welding, mechanical engineering, aerospace, plastics etc.
process, or DGM (GRAT)
cal ISO TC261 CEN TC 438 ASD-STAN D4/WG14
ISO TC261 has Several Working Groups
liaisons with ca. 25 on terminology,
other ISO TCs, such processes & CECIMO Various associations, such
as on surgical materials, test as:
implants, plastics, methods, design & EASA, ESA, ECSS
materials, automation data, aerospace,
systems and plastics, EHS
integration EWF


ASTM, e.g.: ASME, e.g.: Others, such

E04, E07, E08, E28, E29, Y14-SC 46, Y14- SAE AWS as: IEEE, IPC,
F04, Center of Excellence SC41-1, Y14-SC48, AMS-AM D20 MITA, NASA,
SCs F42.0X and F42.9X
(CoE) B46, V&V SC50 FAA, FDA
AMSC – Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AmericaMakes – ANSI)

Fig. 3 Selected worldwide standardisation activities covering selected associations, certification bodies and SDOs.
This test to go in caption!
Arrows indicate formal cooperation. TC =Technical Committee; FA & NA = German for Committee; AM = Additive Manu-
facturing; EHS = Environment, Health and Safety; PSDO = Partner Standards Developing Organization; SDO = Standards
Development Organizations
Arrows indicate (Source USA: AMSC Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing, Version 2.0, June
formal cooperation
2018, based on a graphic developed by Joerg Lenz, former chairman of ISO TC261)
TC =Technical Committee
FA & NA = German for Committee
AM = Additive Manufacturing EHS = Environment, Health and Safety PSDO = Partner Standards Developing Organization
SDO = standards development organizations Source USA: AMSC – Standardization Roadmap for Additive Manufacturing, Version
2.0, June 2018
Introducing ISO/TC261 teen ISO standards were published, The structure of ISO/TC261 is
with an additional 31 were under characterised by Working Groups
ISO, the International Organisation for development, most of which were (WGs). As of Q1 2021, five Working
Standardization, is a legal associa- joint ISO/ASTM standards. The most Groups are available (Table 1).
tion, the members of which are the current information on published Currently, there is no WG5 – this gap
National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of documents and ongoing work can be is a result of a renumbering of so
some 140 countries - organisations found at [1]. called Joint Working Groups (JWGs),
that represent a country’s social and
economic interests at the interna-
tional level. ISO is supported by a Area
Working Groups
central secretariat based in Geneva,
Switzerland. In total, 23,413 interna- WG1 Terminology
tional standards have been published
by ISO as of October 2020, covering WG2 Processes, systems and materials
almost all aspects of technology and WG3 Test methods and quality specifications
manufacturing. In 2020, 792 Technical
Committees (TC) and subcommittees WG4 Data and Design
took care of standards development. WG6 Environment, health and safety
ISO TC261 is the technical
committee within ISO on Additive TC261
Manufacturing. The scope of ISO Joint Working Groups
TC261 is stated as, “Standardisation Joint ISO/TC 261 – ISO/TC 44/SC 14 WG: Additive
in the field of Additive Manufacturing JWG10
Manufacturing in aerospace applications
(AM) concerning their processes,
terms and definitions, process chains Joint ISO/TC 261 – ISO/TC 61/SC 9 WG: Additive
(Hard- and Software), test procedures, Manufacturing for plastics
quality parameters, supply agree-
Joint ISO/TC 150 – ISO/TC 261 WG: Additive
ments and all kind of fundamentals.” TC150/JWG1
Manufacturing in surgical implant applications
As of Q1 2021, ISO TC261 had
twenty-five participating and eight Table 1 ISO/TC261 ‘Additive Manufacturing’ – Working Groups and Joint
observing members. Moreover, nine- Working Groups

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the thousand member mark in

F42 Subcommittee Area
late 2020, with over twenty-eight
F42.01 Test Methods countries contributing actively to its
F42.04 Design AM standards development work.
The F42 committee meets in person
F42.05 Materials and Processes twice a year, typically in conjunction
F42.05.01 Metals with ISO/TC261, and there have been
twenty-two meetings since 2009,
F42.05.02 Polymers
ten outside of the US. To date, F42
F42.05.05 Ceramics meetings continue to attract large
F42.06 Environment, Health, and Safety industry interest and participation
from the AM community, including
F42.07 Applications representatives from government
F42.07.01 Aviation agencies, industries, academia
and trade associations. Besides
F42.07.02 Spaceflight
the biannual meeting, members
F42.07.03 Medical/Biological within each working group attend
regular conference calls to progress
F42.07.04 Transportation/Heavy Machinery
standard development.
F42.07.05 Maritime Generally, each main committee
F42.07.06 Electronics in ASTM is composed of subcommit-
tees that address specific segments
F42.07.07 Construction within the subject area covered by
F42.07.08 Oil/Gas the technical committee. F42 follows
the same structure and is composed
F42.07.09 Consumer
of the subcommittees listed in
F42.08 Data Table 2. The general set-up is,
F42.90 Executive intentionally, similar to the structure
of ISO/TC261.
F42.90.01 Strategic Planning
F42.90.02 Awards
ISO/ASTM collaboration
F42.90.05 Research and Innovation
F42.91 Terminology In 2011, ISO and ASTM signed a
cooperative agreement to govern
F42.95 US TAG to ISO TC 261
the ongoing collaborative efforts
Table 2 F42 Additive Manufacturing subcommittees between the two organisations to
adopt and jointly develop interna-
tional standards that serve the global
marketplace in the field of Additive
Manufacturing. The purpose of
which operate as a collaboration Introducing ASTM F42 this Partner Standards Developing
between two committees to Organisation (PSDO) cooperative
mutually benefit from domain- ASTM International is a Standards agreement is to eliminate duplication
specific expertise. Cooperation Development Organisation (SDO) and of effort while maximising resource
with other ISO/TCs has always has been developing standards for allocation within the industry.
been in the DNA of ISO/TC261 in more than ninety industry sectors ISO/TC 261 and ASTM F42 are
order to meet application-specific since 1898. Currently, there are striving for ‘dual logo’ standards,
AM needs. For this reason, the more than 12,800 ASTM standards ‘ISO/ASTM’-standards, that reflect
three JWGs shown in Table 1 have operating globally [2], including 140 a strong international consensus,
been established so far. In addition, technical committees with more than allowing these standards to be used
around twenty formal liaisons were 30,000 volunteer members repre- by companies worldwide. For the
established with other ISO/TCs and senting more than 140 countries. development of these joint stand-
relevant organisations in order to The ASTM F42 Technical ards, a ‘Three Level Approach’ has
ensure exchange of information Committee on Additive Manufacturing been developed, as shown in Fig. 4.
and a foundation for collaboration. Technologies was formed in 2009. Ideally, generic and generally
F42 is one of the technical commit- relevant ‘general top-level AM stand-
tees within ASTM and it passed ards’ are developed in all subject

158 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Standards for Metal AM

Qualification System Performance Round Robin

General AM Terminology Data Formats Guidance & Reliability Test Protocols General Top-Level
Standards AM Standards
Design Guides Test Methods Test Artifacts Safety Inspection Methods etc.
 General concepts
 Common
Feedstock Materials Process / Equipment Finished Parts  Generally applicable
Material Category-Specific Process Category-Specific All Finished Parts
Metal Powders Ceramic Powders
Powder Bed Fusion Mechanical Test Methods
Category AM
Photopolymer Polymer Powders
Binder Jetting
Directed Energy NDE/NDT
Resins Deposition
Material Bio-Compatibility Test Methods Specific to material
Metal Polymer Sheet Lamination
Rods Filaments etc. Extrusion category or process
Chemical Test
Vat Photopolymerization Methods etc. category

Material-Specific Process-Material-Specific Material-Specific

Titanium Steel Rods Powder Material Titanium Alloy Paper Sand
Alloy Powders Bed Fusion Extrusion
with Nylon with ABS
Nylon Powder Nickel-Based
Alloy Powders Powder Bed
Nylon ABS Aluminum Alloy
Specialised AM
Directed Energy
Deposition with Fusion with Steel Nickel-Based Alloy etc. Standards
ABS Filament etc. Titanium Alloy etc. Specific to material,
process, or
Application-Process- application
Application-Material-Specific Material-Specific Application-Material-Specific
Aerospace Medical Aerospace Medical Aerospace Medical
Automotive etc. Automotive etc. Automotive etc.

Fig. 4 The three-level approach of joint standard development between ISO/TC261 and ASTM F42

areas at the beginning. Building on • Cooperate and collaborate standards [3] and 50+ joint standards
this, the development of ‘category AM with relevant players in the AM [4] under development. For 2021,
standards’ should then begin, which industry projects will increasingly address
apply to specific material or process • Serve as a 'melting pot' for the standardisation requirements of
categories, for example. ‘Specialised international AM community. the automotive, construction and
AM standards’ can then be developed space industries, as well as other
for specific needs, building on the first As of Q1 2021, there are now sixteen sectors such as oil/gas, etc. To
two levels. It is important to highlight published joint ISO/ASTM AM meet standards demand from the
the ‘etc.’ - boxes in Fig. 4: since ISO/
TC 261 and ASTM F42 aim to serve all
industries’ current needs, the topics
mentioned in the chart are meant as
examples. The fact that technologies
Strain gauge
are developing rapidly, as the latest
research results on smart parts
shown in Fig. 5 demonstrates, means
that standardisation must also be Temperature
organised in an adaptable manner sensor
and driven by market demand.
The objectives of this collaboration
can be summarised as follows:

• Deliver ISO/ASTM-standards
needed for industry
• Consider worldwide standard Conductor path
• Deliver comprehensive sets of Fig. 5 Demonstrator for a sensor-integrated smart part, built on a modified
industry-specific standards PBF-LB machine, courtesy Fraunhofer IGCV, Augsburg, Germany

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Extrusion Material Jetting Binder Jetting Sheet Lamination

Directed Energy
Vat Polymerisation Powder Bed Fusion
Deposition © Fraunhofer IGCV

Fig. 6 Additive Manufacturing process categories defined by ISO/ASTM 52900:2015 (Courtesy Fraunhofer IGCV)

automotive industry, Joint ISO/TC technical exchange is possible. For included in upcoming amendments,
261 – ASTM F42 Group ‘Qualification this reason, terminology was also such as the Draft International
for AM processes in automotive addressed by the first standardisa- Standard update as of 2020.
applications’ was established in tion project in the field of Additive
late 2020. Manufacturing. In 2015, the result
Spotlight on selected
international Additive
Manufacturing standards
“When a new technology emerges, the
first topic to which technical regulations As mentioned above, currently nine-
teen standards have been published
are devoted is always terminology. This by ISO/TC261. Fig. 7 allocates
selected documents in a generic AM
is established practice, since without process chain and teasers in which
a common terminology, or language, areas the international standards
could be applied. The following is a
no in-depth technical exchange is brief introduction to the standards
possible.” published in 2020.

Material Extrusion (MEX)

With ISO/ASTM 52903-1:2020 and
Introducing terminology was published as ISO/ASTM 52900 ISO/ASTM 52903-2:2020, the first
standard ISO/ASTM 52900 ‘Additive Manufacturing – General international standards on Material
Principles – Terminology’. Within Extrusion processes are now
When a new technology emerges, ISO/ASTM 52900:2015, for example, available. Part 1 covers feedstock
the first topic to which technical seven process categories were intro- material and Part 2, corresponding
regulations are devoted is always duced to classify AM technologies process equipment. This is a
terminology. This is established (Fig. 6). Furthermore, new terms significant milestone to enable
practice, since without a common emerging from the further work extrusion-based technologies to
terminology, or language, no in-depth in Additive Manufacturing will be further gain market relevance.

160 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Standards for Metal AM

Pre-process In-Process Post-Process

 Use design standards, cf. e.g.  Check machine capability by  Non-destructive testing:
ISO/ASTM 52910:2018 (general) using test artefacts; cf. ISO/ASTM AWI TR 52905 Non-
ISO/ASTM 52911-1:2019 (metal) cf. ISO/ASTM 52902:2019 destructive testing (NDT) of
ISO/ASTM 52911-2:2019 (polymer)  Powder, cf. ISO/ASTM 52904:2019 additive manufactured products
ISO/ASTM TR 52912:2020 (multi- and monitor work of Joint ISO/TC  Post-processing methods:
material) 261-ASTM F 42 Group 71: Powder cf. ISO/ASTM AWI 52908 Quality
 Use AMF-File Format 1.2 instead quality assurance assurance and post processing of
of STL – perfect fit to AM powder bed fusion
requirements, cf. ISO/ASTM

 System performance and reliability

ISO/ASTM 52941:2020 Acceptance tests for laser-based powder-bed fusion machines for metallic materials for
aerospace application
 No own machines? “Buy Scenario”
Check ISO/ASTM 52901:2017 for Requirements for purchased AM parts
 Qualification Principles
Qualification of machine operators: cf. ISO/ASTM 52942:2020 (aerospace) and ISO/ASTM 52926 series part 1 to 5

Fig. 7 Selected standards put into perspective with regards to generic AM process chain

System performance and reliability specifically designed for the needs for several profiles. ISO/ASTM
ISO/ASTM 52941:2020 covers an of Additive Manufacturing processes. 52942:2020 is the first published
acceptance test for Laser Beam It is technically more suitable than international standard of a series of
Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) the quasi-standard format STL, by qualification principle standards to
machines for metallic materials for far, but has not yet gained industrial be followed in 2021. ISO/ASTM 52942
aerospace application. Therefore, significance. With the 2020-released covers requirements for machine
it eases and supports certification AMF version 1.2, described in ISO/ operators of PBF-LB machines and
procedures in the aerospace ASTM 52915:2020, this is likely to related equipment used in aerospace
industries. Though being specifi- change. applications.
cally developed for the aerospace
industry’s needs, it can also be used Qualification principles for Additive Design
in other industries, if suitable. Manufacturing ISO/ASTM TR52912:2020 is an
As Additive Manufacturing international Technical Report that
Data format technologies are increasingly used provides an overview on functionally
ISO/ASTM 52915:2020 is an interna- in production, there is a demand for graded Additive Manufacturing. As
tional standard covering a specifica- qualified staff. For that reason, six an ISO/ASTM Technical Report (TR) it
tion for the Additive Manufacturing international standards are currently is an informative and non-normative
File Format (AMF), version 1.2. AMF under development within ISO/TC document. An example multi-
is a standardised open data format 261 to provide qualification principles material part is shown in Fig. 8.

Advertisers’ index & Advertisers’ index / buyer’s guide

Service bureau / metal AM

Advertisers’ index / buyer’s guide

buyer’s guide
part manufacturers Alphabetical
AM Solutions - Rosler Group
Indo-MIM 87 3D Lab Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3YOURMIND GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Advertisers’ index &

Oerlikon Additive 12
Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin . . . . . . . 164

buyer’s guide
Additive Manufacturing Users Group . . . . . . . . 154
Sintavia, LLC 26
www.sintavia.com Alphastar Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Voestalpine AG 54 AM Solutions - Rösler Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Our new advertisers’ index serves as a convenient guide to suppliers of AM machines, materials, part manufacturing www.voestalpine.com AMCM GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
services, software and associated production equipment. In the digital edition of Metal AM magazine, available at
www.metal-am.com, or via the Metal Additive Manufacturing app, simply click on a company name to view its advert, or on AML3D Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
the weblink to go directly to its website. AMPM2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Arcast Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30/44

AM machines Binder Jetting (BJT),

Material Extrusion (MEX)
Sintering, debinding and
heat treatment systems
Aviation Forum Hamburg 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Carbolite Gero Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Laser Beam Powder Bed and other sinter-based Centorr Vacuum Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Carbolite Gero Ltd 20
Fusion (PBF-LB) AM processes www.carbolite-gero.com CM Furnaces Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

CNPC Powder Group Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Centorr Vacuum Industries, Inc. 59
AMCM GmbH 4 Digital Metal 8
www.vacuum-furnaces.com Coherent, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Looking for AM machines, metal powders or part manufacturing

www.amcm.com www.digitalmetal.tech
CM Furnaces Inc. 36 Digital Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Coherent, Inc 49 Exentis Group AG 77
www.coherent.com www.exentis-group.com DSH Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
DSH Technologies 117 ECM Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Farsoon Technologies 45 HP Inc. 65 www.dshtech.com
www.farsoon.com www.hp.com Elcan Industries Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
ECM Technologies 40
GF Machining Solutions Management SA 15/17 Incus GmbH 66 Elementum 3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
www.gfms.com www.incus3d.com

Elnik Systems 34 Elnik Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Matsuura Machinery Corporation 50 Rapidia Tech Inc 28 www.elnik.com Equispheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
www.matsuura.co.jp www.rapidia.com
LÖMI GmbH 116 Euro PM2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 108 The ExOne Company OBC www.loemi.com
www.mhi.com www.exone.com Exentis Group AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
MUT Advanced Heating GmbH 97
Prima Industrie S.p.A. 22 Farsoon Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Fehrmann GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Renishaw plc 60 Cold Spray Ningbo Hiper Vacuum Tech. Co.,Ltd. 46

Discover suppliers of these and more in our new advertisers’ index and
www.hiper.cn Formetrix Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Impact Innovations GmbH 37 Formnext Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Rapidia Tech Inc 28
Shining3D 84 www.impact-innovations.com
www.rapidia.com Formnext + PM South China . . . . Inside back cover
SECO/WARWICK, INC. 94 GF Machining Solutions Management SA . . . 15/17
Sisma SpA 63 www.secowarwick.com
www.sisma.com HP Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Directed Energy Deposition T-M Vacuum Products, Inc 109
Impact Innovations GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
SLM Solutions Group AG 73
(DED) www.tmvacuum.com

buyer’s guide, from page 198.

www.slm-solutions.com IMR metal powder technologies GmbH . . . . . . . . 42
TAV Vacuum Furnaces SPA 48
TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG 101 AML3D Limited 74 www.tav-vacuumfurnaces.com Incus GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
www.trumpf.com www.aml3d.com more >>>

210 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Autumn/Fall 2020 © 2020 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 6 No. 3 Vol. 6 No. 3 © 2020 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Autumn/Fall 2020 211

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How to get involved?

The standardisation network is

constantly growing and welcomes
new interested experts. There is
no defined group of experts that
develops standards for everybody – it
must be demand-driven and “for
users, by users”. Fig. 9 shows a
flowchart of how interested parties
can get support if they are looking
for a standard or wish to develop a

1 cm
Prof Dr-Ing Christian Seidel
Fig. 8 Multi-material part, consisting of tool steel (1.2709) and a copper alloy
(Courtesy of Fraunhofer IGCV) Prof Dr-Ing Seidel is Chairman of
ISO/TC261 ‘Additive Manufacturing’,
Member-at-Large, ASTM F42
Demand for standards
‘Additive Manufacturing’ Executive
expressed to either… Committee, Professor Manufacturing
Technologies and Additive Manufac-
turing at Munich University of Applied
…ISO TC 261 …ASTM F42
(Chair / Working Group or (Chair / Sub Committee Sciences, and Head of Additive
Lead) Chair) Manufacturing at Fraunhofer IGCV
Define target deliverable as document type:
Redirected to existing published ISO/ASTM-Standard (normative)
standard or ongoing project1 ISO/ASTM Technical Report (informative)
ISO/ASTM Technical Specification References
Start of the standard development project, which gets
assigned to existing or new ISO/ASTM Joint Working [1] https://committee.iso.org/home/
Group (JG)
Access to 1,000 experts Develop document until [2] www.astm.org
from ISO and ASTM, as it is ready for public
required commenting/balloting [3] https://www.iso.org/
Ballot initiated by Ballot initiated by [4] https://committee.iso.org/home/
ISO TC 261 ASTM F42 tc261
Resolve received comments
within JG, update document
accordingly, re-ballot if

Publish standard


Fig. 9 How to get involved? [1]

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Giving you the full picture of

MIM, CIM and sinter-based
Additive Manufacturing
From markets and
applications to technology
and materials, download the
latest issue from

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164 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | The AM of platinum group metals

The advantages of Additive

Manufacturing for the
processing of platinum group
There is growing interest in the use of metal Additive Manufacturing for
the production of jewellery and luxury watch components. This interest
is driven not only by the potential design innovation offered by Additive
Manufacturing, but also by the recognition of the environmental and
economic advantages to be gained from it. In this in-depth report, Jochen
Heinrich, Thomas Laag and Thierry Copponnex review the processing of
platinum group metals by Additive Manufacturing.

Alloys of platinum group metals PGM alloys used in this applications. It offers excellent
(PGM) show outstanding characteris- study chemical resistance, as well as
tics for jewellery and watch making: thermal and mechanical stability.
they are precious, strong and white. A selection of representative alloys
Technical users appreciate their have been used for the experimental Pt950Au
biocompatibility and unrivalled resist- work in this study. In the following, This is a universal Pt jewellery alloy,
ance to corrosive or thermal wear. At three major alloys are briefly hallmarkable by 950‰, with high
the same time, these alloys represent described: strength and extraordinary casting
the most challenging materials with performance. It is a four-component
respect to processing, refining and Pt800Ir200 alloy with 95 wt.% platinum content
high costs in capital. This is a well-established platinum and gold, indium and ruthenium used
The powder metallurgical alloy with 20 wt.% of iridium, and is as alloying elements to adjust the
processing of PGMs is a practice widely used for medical and technical desired properties, such as a high
essentially different from conventional
manufacturing. This paper gives
an insight into the processing of
platinum and palladium alloys by
Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion
(PBF-LB) Additive Manufacturing
Many indicators show that using
AM provides an opportunity to
make production more efficient,
environmentally friendly and
customer-oriented. It is clear that
the combination of AM with CNC
machining offers resource-efficient
manufacturing for high-quality
jewellery and watches, as well as for Fig. 1 Cuff link additively manufactured from Pt950Au, with an integrated clasp,
technical or medical applications. produced together in a single process

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 165
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Alloy (weight‰) Pt950Au Pt950CuGa Pt950Ru Pd500Rh500 Pt800Ir200

Hardness (HV) 165-270 160-235 125-210 185-350 190-260
UTS (MPa) 500-1000 430 410-800 680 630
Yellowness Index (YI) 10 13 9 8 -

Table 1 Properties of selected PGM semi-finished products

hardness, a perfect white colour, a machining, including a recycling loop for processing metals with lower
low melting range, a fine microstruc- of scrap, if possible, and end-of-life melting temperatures, which can
ture, and high biocompatibility and refining. End-of-life refining is much process large amounts of metal at
ductility. more complex than that required low cost. Because cost-effective
for gold [10]. While the underlying graphite crucibles are not suitable
Pd500Rh500 hydrometallurgical processes are for use with PGM alloys (due to the
This is one of the most outstanding selective for gold, the refinement reaction of platinum and palladium
alloys for high-end jewellery, with a of PGMs takes place in complex alloys with carbon), costly zirconia
hardness of up to 350 HV and a tensile separation processes, with dissolving ceramic crucibles must be used [1].
strength of up to 680 MPa. The alloy, and precipitation treatments taking The cost and effort involved in
with 50 wt.% rhodium, is perfectly place afterwards for purification. The producing semi-finished products
white like rhodium-plated products effort involved is much higher, and from platinum or palladium alloys
(yellowness index of 8). Pd500Rh500 the whole recycling process requires is high, mainly due to the limitation
is difficult to process traditionally, due special equipment and knowledge, of the batch process, the resulting
to its high hardness and its liquidus intricate analytical methods and more amount of scrap from removing
temperature of 1800°C, requiring energy. In addition permission from sections with shrinkage cavities
powerful casting equipment and hot local authorities may be needed, as and from surface machining to
forming or forging. On the other hand, well as environmental emissions produce defined surface finishes.
powders of the alloy behave like any monitoring. Consequently, the material input
other Pt powder. These characteris- Additionally, the time required to factor and the amount of recycling
tics make Pd500Rh500 ideally suitable obtain pure PGM, as the outcome of is high in conventional processing of
for PM technologies like AM. the refining process, is significantly PGM alloys.
Significant quantifiable properties longer, which is also an important As a result, the manufacturing
of the alloys are listed and compared cost factor. Thus, it is highly desirable of PGM alloy parts follows one
with literature data for other common to reuse scrap and to reduce end-of- of two paths. One is investment
alloys in Table 1. life scrap to a minimum. casting to produce parts close to net
The production of semi-finished shape. This is, again, a multi-step
products is a multi-step process process, where the quality of the
Conventional processing of starting with the alloying and casting part is determined by the quality of
PGM alloys of ingots or bars. Typically, vacuum each step. Investment casting is a
induction melting furnaces are used challenging task, in particular for
Conventionally, the processing of to reach the high melting tempera- the manufacture of platinum parts.
PGM alloys includes the production of tures of PGMs. These melting units Many studies have been carried out
semi-finished products, the manufac- are fundamentally different from the in the past to control the quality
ture of products by punching and CNC continuous casting machines used and to understand the occurrence

Fig. 2 Scrap from stamping (left) vs a near-net-shape AM watch case (right)

166 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | The AM of platinum group metals

of casting defects. Extensive work

in recent years, by Klotz et al. [2],
Frye et al. [3] and Maerz et al. [4], 2
reported the effects, problems and
opportunities for quality improve-
ment of platinum castings by Hot
Isostatic Pressing (HIP), the preven-
tion of crucible reaction, special gate
and sprue design or correct choice of
Ma 1 1
alloy and investment sand. Another
problem is the embrittlement of the
material due to contamination by
the ceramic crucible during melting.
Ma 1
Refining of residues is essential in
ensuring part quality. The bottom 3
line is that the casting of platinum
is more difficult than casting gold or Ma 1
The second manufacturing path is
based on the processing of semi-
finished products by CNC machining.
When following this route, material
quality is primarily determined by
the quality of the semi-finished
Fig. 3 Laval-type nozzle used in the Nanoval process [5]
product. PGM semi-finished products
are produced on an industrial scale
according to quality standards. The
material input factor is also high for production steps, the need for melts for production of precious
this path, since milling from solid or special machinery and tools, a high metal powders is the method of
stamped parts involves a high level input factor of pure material, and a choice. The gas atomiser with the
of material and tooling investment long and complex refining process. most spherical powders uses the
(Fig. 2). A certain proportion of PGM Consequently, the traditional Nanoval process [5]. Such systems
scrap is recycled in a closed-loop processing of PGM alloys is expen- are capable of atomising the whole
production cycle; this requires sive and material-intensive. range of precious metal alloys,
clean and dry scrap, without any including high-melting PGM alloys
extraneous materials or chemical with Ir and Rh.
contamination. Pure PGM scrap is Powder metallurgical The process is based on a
fairly easy to recycle and turn into processing of PGM alloys Laval-type nozzle placed concentri-
new products, using vacuum melting cally below the heated feeder of
and recasting, at low risk. End-of-life Powder-based processing of PGMs a melt stream at the opening of
refining of PGM scrap, however, in opens a fundamentally different a pressure chamber (Fig. 3). The
contrast to recycled scrap, requires window of opportunity to create a nozzle’s converging cross section
a complex and time-consuming lean production route at improved accelerates the inert atomisation
hydrometallurgical refining quality. The overall process is gas to the velocity of sound, while
process. Chemical substances in shorter, with a significantly reduced the melt stream is compressed
the PGM recovery process need to material input factor and quantity to to a thin filament. The filament
be handled cautiously, resulting be refined. finally atomises at the transition
in high standards with respect to to the diverging cross-section of
operational safety, waste gas and Powder production the nozzle. This setup creates very
water treatment. The specialised Starting with the production of fine droplets with very little convec-
facilities required are subject to very PGM powders, there are various tion, to provoke the formation of
high federal legislative requirements, techniques for producing metal powder particles without undesired
as well as regulations and a code of powders according to their metal- satellites. While powder batches
practice by the Responsible Jewel- lurgy, configuration and costs. produced by free fall or coaxial
lery Council (RJC). As processing technologies like (close-coupled) nozzles have mean
In summary, the traditional AM and Metal Injection Moulding particle diameters (d50 = d(Q3 =
processing and refining technology (MIM) usually require powders of 50%)) of down to 30 µm to 70 µm,
of PGMs is characterised by many high sphericity, gas atomisation of respectively [6, 7], using the Nanoval

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Cum. PSD Freq. PSD

(%) (%)

80 Laval-nozzle 8

Free fall 6

40 4

20 2

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 (μm]

Fig. 4 Gas atomised Pt powder particles at high resolution Fig. 5 Typical particle size distributions for different
atomiser types

process reduces that value to as qualification for a PBF-LB process, throughput, i.e., low classification
little as 15 µm (Figs. 4 and 5). a PSD with a range of 9–53 µm rates. On the other hand, cuts
The consequent classification (lowest particle diameter d1% = containing larger particle sizes are
of the powders is inevitable for 9 µm to cumulative upper size limit limited by the basic principle of
further utilisation. Each method d99% = 53 µm) achieves the best drag, centrifugal forces and rotation
and application requires a specific combination, with regard to density, speeds versus the density of the
particle size distribution (PSD), surface roughness and feature size particles. Smaller cuts can be done
such as a fine range for highest of AM parts made of Pt950Au. The by air classification, while large PSD
resolution, optimised sintering yield for this PSD is about 80% of an cuts are executed by sieving.
performance or a yield-optimised atomisation batch. The typical classification rate is
range. The small particle size of The sizing process can be done 5–10 kg/h for air classification and
powders, produced by atomisation by sieving or air classification. The up to 15 kg/h for sieving. Tumbler
using the Nanoval process, already limiting factor for selecting either screening machines have even
correlates well with the desired method is not only the cut size, but higher rates, although the focus of
PSD of powders for use in AM and the density of the powder and the batch sizes and flexibility of system
MIM, resulting in a high yield after practical classification rate. Cuts changes need to be taken into
classification. containing small particle sizes are consideration.
Fig. 6 shows the typical PSD of a predestined for air classification,
Pt950Au alloy qualified for PBF-LB. because fine sieves are limited to a
According to experience in material mesh size of ≥ 25 µm and very low Additive Manufacturing
with PGM powders

The AM parts shown in this work

Q3 (%) p3 (%)
were produced by PBF-LB. The
process development and material
80 qualification process included
70 7 optimisation of the process
parameters of hatch, contour, and
60 6
support strategies, based on the
50 5 specific metallurgy of the alloy, PSD
40 4 of the powder and design of the part.
Major parameters to be considered
30 3
were slice thickness, laser power,
20 2 scanning speed, scanning order,
10 1 hatch distance, field offset, border
distance and platform material – in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 xc_min (μm) total more than ten essentially
individual parameters. Fundamental
Fig. 6 Typical PSD of a Pt950Au powder for AM issues are:

168 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Fig. 7 Technical application example made of Pt800Ir200

Energy specifically designed for precious support of overhanging surfaces,

Modern systems with several metal applications are usually small thermal conductivity and a steady
hundred watts of actual output and are not engineered to have the connection to the substrate material.
provide enough energy for building same temperature control of the Various requirements can result in
a melt pool, even for materials with powder bed as can be found in larger an impossible build job, e.g., a bulk
a high liquidus temperature like Pt. systems. The resulting temperature section requiring strong, large-area
However, the quality of the melt pool fluctuations can reduce part quality supports at a position difficult to
is influenced by material-specific tremendously in terms of density and access for finishing, or easy-to-
reflectivity, absorption and thermal accuracy. remove thin supports for a bulk part
conductivity. For example, the with insufficient heat dissipation and
reflectivity of a 1070 nm (red) laser Design weak connections. In some cases,
wave by Pt is about 75% and more Although PBF-LB systems can scanning pauses or a change of
than 90% by Au, Ag and Cu. PBF-LB provide high energy outputs, bulky or substrate material can help. Copper
machines with a green laser source filigree designs have different limits or bronze substrate plates are
(wavelength 535 nm) reduce the in energy dissipation. While bulk recommended for processing most
reflectivity to about 70% for Pt and sections can be built at high building precious metal powders. Design
Au [8]. rates, small features or thin-walled optimisation might also be necessary
structures need a reduced energy - even inevitable.
Ambient conditions input to avoid pores and deformation A unique advantage of AM is
Unavoidable smoke during the due to residual stresses. These the freedom of design, allowing
process needs to be dragged away issues can be addressed through extraordinary geometric designs
reliably without disturbing the energy design optimisation for AM, different to be produced. Even functional
input and contaminating the powder parameter sets with scanning strate- features can be integrated, where
bed. Additionally, the partial pressure gies dedicated to certain features, usually assemblies would be needed.
of oxygen needs to be limited to 0.1% and software that calculates risk Examples are the technical parts
for PGM powders to reduce porosity, depending on parameters such as shown in Fig. 7, featuring built-in
according to recent studies. With heat gradients due to slice-by-slice cooling channels, or the cuff links
this limit, powder is reusable many scanned volume changes vs part with an integrated clasp shown in
times without an oxygen enrichment orientation. Fig. 1, produced in a single step. The
exceeding 100 ppm. C Pogliani et al Support structures need to assembly of a multipiece casting
recommend a limit of 0.15% for 18K be adapted to the part design, and finding is no longer necessary.
gold alloys [9]. PBF-LB machines considering requirements such as Although, there are certainly limits

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Fig. 8 Watch case and hollow bracelet links made of Pt950Au produced by PBF-LB and CNC machining

in terms of feasibility, size and production, injection moulding processes meet requirements with
accuracy, as well as limits imposed machines and tools, and the heat a minimum material density of
by the high quality standards of the treatment steps need to be covered. 99.9% and a very fine-grained and
target industries, the combination of Of course, it is beneficial to have highly-ordered microstructure due
AM with other technologies opens up similar designs of the same mate- to the digital process. The grain
new opportunities. rial that can be produced in one size is usually significantly lower
For instance, the combination of production line, including the extra in comparison with traditional cast
AM with CNC machining not only step of green body milling. The yield materials (examples are shown in
facilitates the serial production of offered by MIM cannot be beaten by the micrographs in Fig. 9). Grains for
parts to high accuracy, but also conventional processing techniques, as-built pieces of Pd500Rh500 are
allows the use of Additive Manufac- as MIM produces complex parts to about 50 µm and can be as small as
turing at high build rates without near-net shape, and even sprues can about 20 µm, as seen for Pt950Au
the need to spend a large amount be recycled immediately, resulting (Table 2). However, grains can grow
of time on contours and support in a minimum of end-of-life scrap much larger in the vertical direction
structures. At the same time, the needing to be refined. A proof of with sizes up to several millimetres,
hybrid manufacturing method of CNC concept with different PGM alloys as seen in cross-sections of
machining of AM near-net shape was performed in earlier studies [10]. PBF-LB parts, which are built at
products with a material allowance disadvantageously high energy
of about 0.3 mm significantly inputs (Fig. 10). The columnar grain
reduces the chipping volume, tool Material properties and shape is promoted by unfavourable
wear, time and refining efforts, influences high temperature gradients during
and, ultimately, the total cost. Just the scanning process and material
imagine the difference in volumes Property values can vary significantly purity, reminiscent of epitaxial
when compared to punching grids as a result of only slight changes in growth or the growth of single
or machining off solid semi-finished the material, such as powder shape crystals by zone melting. The
products. Manufacturing of hollow and classification, as well as AM resulting non-uniform microstruc-
applications is an extreme example processing parameters, like scan- ture can cause anisotropic material
for material and weight saving: ning strategy and heat treatment. behaviour.
applying a hollow construction to the The development and monitoring of The mechanical properties of
strap links of a luxury watch made these key parameters is unavoidable additively manufactured specimens
of platinum saves 40% compared for the successful application of slightly exceed those of castings. An
to solid bracelets. Final finishing the technology and to fulfil quality overview of typical properties is given
achieves flawless, perfectly shiny standards. in Table 2. The hardness of AM parts
surfaces and guarantees tolerances The requirements of the jewellery is about 10% higher in comparison
of down to a few micrometers (Fig. 8). and watchmaking industries are to castings, due to the fine grain
Metal Injection Moulding comes probably the most challenging size of the ‘digital’ microstructure.
into play for the production of with regard to material defects This behaviour also applies to
larger series. Costs for feedstock and surface quality. Qualified tensile strength. Although work

170 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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hardening is not an option for AM

parts, age hardening mechanisms
are available. Heat treatments can
influence the properties significantly,
especially HIP. HIP increases part
density up to 100%, age hardens and
alters microstructures.
As an example, HIP studies
of Pt950Au showed grain growth
resulting in a highly uniform
microstructure, with globular grains Fig. 9 Microstructures of etched samples made by casting vs PBF-LB
having a mean grain size of about
70 µm (Fig. 11). Ductility is increased
considerably, and the workability of Method PBF-LB
the material should further improve. Material Pt950Au Pd500Rh500 Pt800Ir200
Short treatments for densification
Density (%) 99.97 99.95 99.97
do not necessarily cause a relevant
reduction in hardness. On the other Grain size (µm) 21 12 -
hand, long HIP runs can further Hardness (HV) 186 240 207
coarsen the microstructure, and
specimens show significantly lower UTS, z (MPa) 578 682 598
mechanical properties compared YS, z (MPa) 443 588 481
with as-built samples. It needs to be
noted that the yield strength (YS) of Table 2 Typical properties of PGM specimen additively manufactured
Pt950Au is reduced from about 75%
of UTS to about 50% UTS and the
hardness is reduced to about 80%
during an unfavourably long HIP run.

Conclusion and summary

Qualified powders of major PGM

alloys are available for various
metallurgical manufacturing
methods. This opens up the oppor- Fig. 10 Microstructure of PBF-LB samples at different high energy inputs
tunity to use AM methods for leaner
and less expensive manufacturing of
PGMs in comparison with conven-
tional processing.
PBF-LB processes can be used
for the serial production of precious
metal products, as well as the
tool-free production of pilot series,
small series and intricate designs.
The combination of AM with CNC
machining is a powerful hybrid
manufacturing processing chain for
the serial production of parts to high
accuracy. MIM can also serve as a
supplementary processing method
for larger series. Prices do not scale
greatly for AM, in comparison with
MIM, where equipment and mould
costs are considerable, meaning the
process only becomes economical
when used to produce much larger Fig. 11 Vertical cross sections of a Pt950Au PBF-LB sample at different magni-
numbers of pieces. fications without and with HIP-treatment

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Comprehensive characterisations finishing. Of course, part geometry Manufacturing Technology 2016,

of additively manufactured parts and the required number of pieces ed. Eddie Bell et al. (Albuquerque:
confirm both a high density and has a strong influence on these Met-Chem Research, 2016).
competitive mechanical properties. calculations. In any case, the capital [5] Patent DE 10 340 606 B4,
The densities of PBF-LB parts employed, and refining efforts, are ‘Vorrichtung zum Verdüsen eines
produced in Pt950Au, Pd500Rh500 directly related to the yield. For Schmelzstrahls und Verfahren zum
and Pt800Ir200 achieve values of up PGMs – being an expensive material Verdüsen von hochschmelzenden
to 99.97%. The remaining porosity group and costly to refine – the use of Metallen und Keramikschmelzen,’
of 0.03% is comparable with cast PBF-LB is highly recommended, as Nanoval GmbH, Germany.
products. Polished surfaces are flaw- long as the size and geometry of the
[6] Patent DE 4102101 C2, ‘Einrich-
less, suggesting that residual porosity part is suitable.
tung zum Herstellen von Pulvern aus
is negligible. With additional HIP
Metallen,’ ALD Vacuum Technologies
treatments, PBF-LB parts can even
reach 100% density, eliminating any Authors AG, Germany.

defects and risks for the extremely [7] Patent DE 10044364 C1, ‘Zerstäu-
high requirements. Jochen Heinrich and Thomas Laag bungsaggregat zum Zerstäuben von
The PBF-LB process produces C.HAFNER GmbH + Co. KG Precious Schmelzen,’ ALD Vacuum Technolo-
parts with a ‘digital microstructure’ Metals + Technology gies AG, Germany.
and extraordinarily fine grains, having Maybachstr. 4, [8] Günter Beck et al., Edelmetall-
sizes down to 20 µm. These values 71299 Wimsheim Taschenbuch, 2nd ed. (Heidelberg:
are impossible for cast products. Germany Hüthig-Verlag, 1995): 172.
The homogeneous microstructure www.c-hafner.de
[9] Christina Pogliani and Alberto
produced is ideal for polishing and Albertin, ‘Case Study of Problems and
Thierry Copponnex
machining, and properties can be Their Solutions for Making Quality
tailored, to a certain extent. The Jewelry Using Selective Laser Melting
Route de la Galaise 11,
mechanical properties of these parts (SLM) Technology,’ The Santa Fe
Espace Tourbillon
typically slightly exceed the properties Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
1228 Plan-les-Ouates
of castings. Additional age hardening Technology 2016, ed. E. Bell et al.
to strengthen the material is also (Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research,
possible. It needs to be emphasised, 2016).
however, that seemingly slight
[10] T Laag and J Heinrich, ‘Advan-
changes to processing parameters
tages and Challenges of Platinum
can have a significant influence on References Group Metals Powder Processing’
part quality. The highest qualities are
The Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry
only achievable when using a three [1] G L Selman et al., ‘Carbon in Manufacturing Technology 2018
way optimisation of powder, equip- Platinum and Palladium’ Platinum ed. Eddie Bell et al. (Albuquerque:
ment and process. Metals Rev., 1970, 14-20 Met-Chem Research, 2018).
Yield, being a crucial factor for
[2] U E Klotz et al., ‘Platinum Invest-
economic success, is an advantage of
ment Casting: Material Properties,
AM over the traditional processing of
Casting Simulation and Optimum
PGM alloys. In a typical business case
Process Parameters,’ The Santa Fe
of watch parts, the yield was approxi-
Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
mately 10–20% for traditional casting,
Technology 2015, ed. Eddie Bell et al.
rolling, punching and machining,
(Albuquerque: Met-Chem Research,
approximately 50–60% for PBF-LB
and up to 75% for MIM. The material
input is about five times higher for [3] T Fryé et al., ‘The Effects of Hot
the traditional vs the AM route, i.e., a Isostatic Pressing of Platinum Alloy
factor of five in cost. Castings on Mechanical Properties
The material allowance for and Microstructures,’ The Santa Fe
punched parts is about three times Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing
higher than for AM pre-products, Technology 2014, ed. Eddie Bell and J.
resulting in twice the chipping volume Haldeman (Albuquerque: Met-Chem
in subtractive CNC-finishing. The Research, 2014).
end-of-life refining scrap volume of [4] J J Maerz and T Laag, ‘Platinum
all processing steps totals a factor Alloys, Features and Benefits:
of five higher for conventional vs AM Comparing Six Platinum Alloys,’ The
processing in combination with CNC Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry

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Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 
© 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Obstacles to the adoption of AM

Obstacles to the adoption

of metal AM by small- and
medium-sized enterprises

It is no secret that metal Additive Manufacturing still faces significant

challenges that stand in the way of broader adoption in industry. Aside from
AM service providers, very few small- to medium-sized enterprises have
brought metal AM in-house; many lack the capabilities, knowledge and
resources to do so, even if the will is there. In this article, Olaf Diegel, Noah
Mostow and Terry Wohlers discuss the complex, and often multi-faceted,
obstacles that stand between AM and its wider global adoption, and how
those obstacles can be addressed and resolved in order to clear the path to
achieving the technology’s full market potential.

According to the data collected and – 0.004 in) in thickness. To estimate small parts due to shrinkage that
analysed for publication in Wohlers build time, one can multiply the occurs during a secondary sintering
Report 2021, the Additive Manufac- number of layers in a part by the time process. For small parts designed for
turing industry grew by 7.5% in 2020 it takes to process one layer. this process, it has the potential for
despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) Binder Jetting (BJT) is another wide acceptance due to the promise
pandemic. When examining the metal AM process receiving consider- of high processing speeds and lower
growth across the broader industry, able attention. It is used mostly for costs.
the bulk of metal AM expansion has
been by large companies. Except for
service providers, few small- and
medium-sized enterprises have
adopted metal AM. The Additive
Manufacturing industry faces
challenges that stand in the way of
broader industry adoption of metal
AM. Most of these challenges are
complex and involve multiple factors;
some obstacles have sub-challenges
that interconnect with one-another.
Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) is
currently the most popular method
of metal AM. The process involves a
laser or electron beam energy source
that scans across layers of powder
and selectively melts the material.
The scanning is a linear process in
which the laser must ‘hatch’ all mate-
rial that needs to be melted. A part is
made up of hundreds or thousands Fig. 1 384 LED headlight heatsinks produced in a single build on a PBF-LB
of layers, typically 20–100 µm (0.0008 machine (Courtesy Betatype)

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Speed, cost and scalability neither approach is an option, most and performance of a part by making
companies will revert to conventional it lighter and stronger, with features
The start-to-finish metal AM process methods of manufacturing. such as improved cooling.
is slow compared to most conven- Manufacturers are working hard to The first step to adopting metal
tional methods of manufacturing increase the speed of systems. This AM effectively is understanding its
metal parts. Ten hours is considered is usually achieved by adding more strengths, limitations, and when to
a short build time for a batch of powerful and/or a greater number use it. Due to the associated speed
parts using AM. This excludes the of lasers. In the past few years, the and cost, it is important to evaluate
time needed to prepare the machine, newest machine models often offer a part or assembly to determine
remove the parts after manufacturing four or more high-powered lasers. whether it is a good candidate. If
and post-process them. Build Last year, SLM Solutions introduced AM does not offer sufficient value to
times can often be 40–100 hours, a twelve-laser system. Meanwhile, overcome the higher manufacturing
sometimes stretching to hundreds of EOS is developing a polymer process costs, it is probably not a viable
hours. called LaserProFusion in which a option. Design for Additive Manufac-
Post-processing is also often a million diode lasers are used to melt turing (DfAM) can significantly impact
slow and labour-intensive process. the material. this decision-making process and
Research and development The cost of systems, materials, can make the difference in building a
programmes are underway to ancillary equipment (e.g. CNC business case on whether to use AM.
automate parts of the process. The machining and heat treatment), and One of the primary goals of DfAM
relatively slow build speed of PBF-LB experienced personnel prevents many is to reduce the time-intensive
melting of material. It is the inverse
of designing for CNC machining, in
which as little as possible is machined
“The relatively slow build speed of to minimise the required time.

PBF-LB is one of its biggest barriers This results in parts with excessive
amounts of material. With AM, more
and a primary contributor to its high material means longer manufacturing
times and higher cost per part.
cost, making it difficult to justify it for One way to reduce build time is to
anything but relatively small parts and/ consolidate two or more parts into
one, digitally, prior to manufacturing.
or limited production runs.” This is one of the most important
considerations of DfAM and a way to
justify the use of AM.
is one of its biggest barriers and a companies from investing in metal Other ways to reduce material and
primary contributor to its high cost, AM. Even so, a doubling of machine scan time are topology optimisation
making it difficult to justify it for speed could substantially expand and generative design. Both methods
anything but relatively small parts the size of the market, which is why involve the use of mathematics to
and/or limited production runs. speed is so important. Increasing optimise the strength-to-weight ratio
The scaling of production volumes build speed does not impact the costs of a part, thus using the least amount
is impacted greatly by machine speed. associated with data preparation and of material required for the applica-
Suppose it is possible to produce 100 post-processing. These steps can tion. Another method of material
parts on a machine in twenty-four represent up to 40% of the total cost, reduction is to use lattice, mesh, or
hours; if the project requires 1,000 according to our research for Wohlers cellular structures inside the walls
parts per day, the job would need the Report 2021. of a part. At its most basic, DfAM
capacity of ten machines. The average is about considering whether the
selling price of a metal AM system material serves a useful engineering
was $467,635 in 2020, according to Design practices function.
Wohlers Report 2021, so the job would Post-processing is a major
require in the range of $4.7 million in Many companies approach metal AM obstacle of metal AM, which requires
equipment. Another approach might as a direct replacement for conven- sacrificial support material. These
be to design the parts so they can tional manufacturing, but in most supports, also referred to as anchors,
be stacked vertically to fit more into cases, this is not an effective use of serve as a heatsink to the build plate.
the build volume (Fig. 1). This is not AM. It is vital that good approaches to They are used to help secure the part
an option for many designs because design are applied when preparing to and prevent it from distorting due
the parts are attached (i.e. welded) produce parts by metal AM. This not to stress caused by heat while it is
to one another, making post- only improves build speed and cost, built. Downward facing surfaces will
processing difficult or impossible. If but it often improves the functionality have a rougher surface finish than

176 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Obstacles to the adoption of AM

Areas that would have

required support
material are replaced
by permanent walls

Fig. 2 A hydraulic manifold with 65% weight reduction and minimal use of support material

upwards facing or vertical faces. If AM. As this field grows, it will become are the best option. Many times,
not designed correctly, a part may part of mainstream design and engi- these decisions are based on what
require substantial post-processing neering education. We will continue to has been done in the past. Engineers
to achieve the required engineering see a more skilled workforce emerge and managers tend to be risk
tolerances or cosmetic surface finish. which, in turn, will help increase the averse: if something has worked well
An approach that works for acceptance of metal AM. previously, they will continue using
some parts is to design a part so that process and material, even if the
the support structures become design and its performance can be
permanent features, which reduces We have always done it improved with AM. Changes inher-
the time and expense of removing this way ently cause hesitation.
what would otherwise be support AM supports the notion of
material. With experience, it is Product design decisions, including designing products in entirely new
not difficult to achieve, although the design of materials and features, ways, such as features that reduce
determining whether it is an option are not always chosen because they weight or improve the transfer of
must be done on a case-by-case
basis. The hydraulic manifold shown
in Fig. 2 provides an example of what
is possible. It also reduced weight
“As this field grows, it will become part
by 65%, compared to the machined of mainstream design and engineering
Over the past few years, DfAM has education. We will continue to see
risen in importance, with hands-on
courses on the subject being
a more skilled workforce emerge
conducted around the world. These which, in turn, will help increase the
courses help to educate and train
professionals on how to design for
acceptance of metal AM.”

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 177
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heat. If a part is designed for AM, Questions associated with the substantial value to their product
it may use substantially less of a health and safety of metal AM, offerings. Manufacturers continue to
more specialised material, such as particularly with the handling of improve the speed of their machines.
titanium, compared to a conventional powders, are valid. Fine powders, This, coupled with DfAM and automa-
design. This may improve the such as titanium and aluminium, are tion, will help increase the acceptance
strength, reduce material and weight, explosive. Preventing accidents is a of metal AM as a viable mainstream
and/or increase performance without matter of following well-established method of production.
increasing its cost. safety protocols. Most manufac-
turers have documented guidelines
for working with their systems and Authors
Qualification, certification for handling and storing metal
and health and safety powders, as well as for disposing of Olaf Diegel, Noah Mostow and
used materials. Terry Wohlers
Qualification and certification Wohlers Associates, Inc.
are also obstacles to adoption. Fort Collins
However, the actions involved are not Conclusions Colorado 80525
entirely different from conventional USA
manufacturing: if a part must include Innovation often comes from looking www.wohlersassociates.com
specific characteristics, they apply at things differently. For effective
irrespective of how it is made. applications of metal AM, one
Unquestionably, the exact procedures must consider new approaches to
of certifying metal AM parts differ a design. This new way of thinking
from those made conventionally. Once can also improve our approach to
these steps have been established, conventional design and manufac-
it is a process of rigorously following turing.
them. Many organisations in the AM Companies worldwide face
industry have worked hard to create challenges related to the adoption
repeatable processes that help to of metal AM. The potential it offers
ensure quality. to companies of all sizes can add

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180 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | AM of aluminium parts by DED

Additive Manufacturing of
aluminium parts by Directed
Energy Deposition: Possibilities
and challenges
SAMOA, a European Union funded EIT RawMaterials project on
'Sustainable Aluminium Additive Manufacturing for High Performance
Applications', investigated the processing of aluminium powders
by Directed Energy Deposition. In this report, Himani Naesstroem,
Joerg Volpp, Stefan Polenz, and Frank Brueckner review the effects
of processing parameters and feedstock material age, as well as
presenting an industrial case study.

Aluminium and its alloys have been the latter of which can use powder (Fig. 1). Since aluminium material
utilised in numerous industries for or wire as a feedstock. Typically, DED forms a natural oxide layer, the
many decades, as its properties – a offers higher deposition rates, as well powder particles carry oxides into
high strength to weight ratio, malle- as lower costs per unit volume, when the processing zone, which means
ability, electrical conductivity, and compared to PBF-LB. that, in the processing of aluminium,
corrosion resistance – make it invalu- During the DED process, feedstock there is a risk of oxide inclusions in
able in the aerospace, automotive, material is fed into a laser-generated the deposited clads. In addition, the
biomedical and electrical industries. meltpool. For most three-dimensional risk of degassing elements and the
To date, conventional manufacturing applications, a ring-slit or multi-jet formation of porosity and cracks is
processes such as casting, sheet coaxial nozzle is used to feed powder high [4].
metal forming, and some subtractive
processes like machining, are the
most commonly-used production
technologies for aluminium alloys.
During the last few years, however,
scientific studies regarding various AM y Illumination
x laser
technologies, as well as developments Coaxial powder
towards their industrial applications, feeding nozzle
have made the news. High-speed
When compared to materials like imaging camera
steel or titanium, the processing
of aluminium using a laser beam Powder grains
has some challenges. Aluminium Laser beam
has a high reflectivity towards the Deposited
Melt pool
typical fibre laser wavelength [1], clad
high thermal conductivity [2] and vclad
a low melting point [3]. Among the Substrate
laser-based AM processes, the two
most-used processes are Laser Beam
Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) and Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the DED process along with process observation
Directed Energy Deposition (DED), through high-speed imaging

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Power Travel speed Deposition rate

2 kW, 1 m/min, 2.75 g/min 4 kW, 0.5 m/min, 2.75 g/min 4 kW, 1 m/min, 1.38 g/min

2 mm 2 mm 2 mm

4 kW, 1 m/min, 2.75 g/min Powder flow


Laser beam
Solidified track

Melt pool

Substrate 2 mm

6 kW, 1 m/min, 2.75 g/min 4 kW, 2 m/min, 2.75 g/min 4 kW, 1 m/min, 5.5 g/min

2 mm 2 mm 2 mm

Fig. 2 Frames from high-speed imaging of the DED of AlSi10Mg for increasing laser powers, travel speeds and deposi-
tion rates

During the DED of AlSi10Mg change in laser power, travel speed The main difference in the AM of
powder using a fibre laser (with a and deposition rate, can be seen in aluminium compared to many other
Gaussian distribution and a 3 mm Fig. 2. In all shown scenarios, the metals is that aluminium forms a
spot) on EN-AW 6082 substrates, the deposited track demonstrated good natural oxide layer; in most cases,
main possibilities and challenges of attachment to the substrate. In the the meltpool is almost entirely
aluminium powder can be visualised: lowest power scenario shown (2 kW covered with a thin, solid skin. This
the process characteristics, effects of laser power), the clad track deposited phenomenon is unique to aluminium,
the dominant processing parameters showed a lumpy appearance and unobserved during processing of
and ageing of the powder.

Effects of processing “The main difference in the AM of

parameters aluminium compared to many other
The Directed Energy Deposition metals is that aluminium forms a
processing of aluminium is stable natural oxide layer; in most cases, the
at a wide range of parameters for
the first layer, which was visualised meltpool is almost entirely covered with
using high-speed imaging at a
recording frequency of 10,000 fps,
a thin, solid skin”
allowing the process to be replayed
at a rate thousands of times slower was not stable. All other parameter most other metals, such as steel
than reality. The laser-generated sets resulted in a stable process or titanium, which form this skin
meltpool and the incorporation with minimum dynamic effects such along the edges of the meltpool [5].
of single-powder particles in the as spattering. The process is more The oxide skin was seen to affect
meltpool can be observed in the DED complex when building several the incorporation mechanism of
process; frames from high-speed layers, or larger volumes, using some powder particles into the meltpool
imaging, showing the influences of a aluminium alloys. during DED. Often, the powder

182 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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particles rest on the surface of the 5.0

skin and are slowly incorporated 4.5
into the meltpool, resulting in longer
incorporation times. If the meltpool
under the oxide skin solidifies before
the particles incorporate, they will be 3.0

Track width (mm)

slightly attached to the outside of the 2.5
skin [5, 6]. 2.0
For aluminium processing, a direct
incorporation seems unlikely due
to the oxide skin on the meltpool.
However, it can be seen from the 0.5
high-speed videos that this skin 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
can break on impact of the powder. Power (kW)
In some cases, there are areas not 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
covered by a solid oxide skin, where Speed (m/min)
high energy densities (such as with 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deposition rate (g/min)
high laser power, low travel speeds or
low deposition rates) are applied. In Fig. 3 Widths of the deposited tracks for increasing laser power, travel speed
these cases, the meltpool is exposed and deposition rate
and the full incorporation of powder
into the meltpool is more likely and
faster. All powder particles that
Fresh powder Laser beam
arrive outside the meltpool are not
incorporated and do not contribute Area of melt pool
to the formation of the track, not covered by Powder flow
emphasising the importance of using solid oxides
an appropriate nozzle for the chosen Solidified track
laser beam characteristics to enable
directed powder guidance into the Substrate Melt pool 2 mm
Powder aged 24 hours
Some general trends regarding the
widths of the deposited tracks can
be observed in Fig. 3. An increased
energy input (high laser power or low 2 mm
travel speed) led to better wetting and
Powder aged 44 hours
more efficient particle incorporation,
generating wider tracks. An increase
in the deposition rate shows a slight
increase in track width followed by a 2 mm
slight decrease. There is an increase
in the volume deposited, to an extent, Fig. 4 Frames from high-speed imaging showing the process for fresh and
after which the volume decreases, aged powder for the same processing parameters (laser power 6 kW, travel
likely due to the attenuation of speed 1 m/min and deposition rate 2.75 g/min)
the laser beam by the fed powder

the workstation or the robotic arm artificially aged at 80˚C without an

Effects of feedstock may lead to a non-negligible amount inert atmosphere, using an oven for
material age of powder spillage. One strategy to 24 hours and 44 hours. It is clearly
reduce powder waste is to sieve the visible in Fig. 4 that the ageing of the
The DED process has a high powder spilled powder and reuse it in the powder had a significant effect on
utilisation. Often, over 85% – in process. the resulting processing and track
optimised cases, up to 90% – of the In order to simulate the reuse appearance.
fed powder is used in the clad tracks of powder stored for a long time, The exposed area of the meltpool
deposited [7]. However, due to the or previously used for processing (not covered by the skin) is smaller
time taken to stabilise the powder in a controlled manner, fresh in the case of the aged powder
flow after starting it, movements of powder from a sealed container was batches, with a further decrease

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Fresh powder Aged 24 h Aged 44 h The effect of the increased oxida-

5.0 tion can also be seen in the decreased
4.5 widths of the deposited clad tracks for
4.0 the batches of aged powder compared
Track width (mm)

3.5 to the fresh powder (Fig. 5). For all

3.0 steps of DED, the track widths are
2.5 higher for the fresh powder. Using
2.0 aged powder brings additional oxides
1.5 into the process, directly affecting the
1.0 characteristics and track morphology.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example of an industrial
Laser power (kW) application
Fig. 5 Influence of powder age on track width for three steps of laser power
In the passenger transport and logis-
tics sector, reductions in the volume
of materials used offers enormous
between the batches aged for 24 and compared to those deposited using potential. In addition to saving mate-
44 hours. This reduces the fraction fresh powder. Ageing seems to rial while maintaining functionality,
of the powder grains that are directly increase the oxygen content of the the weight of transport may increase
incorporated into the meltpool. powder particles. The oxides are whilst energy is saved. One possibility
Additionally, the clad tracks deposited transferred into the meltpool, leading to achieve this is through stiffening
with the powder aged for 44 hours to an increased formation of the oxide structures on thin-walled sheet metal
are geometrically non-uniform, as skin on the meltpool. components. In the SAMOA project
[8], these structures are built and
tested using DED of AlSi1Mg on a
substrate material made of EN AW
6082. A first dummy part can be seen
in Fig. 6.
Die-cast parts are frequently
used in automotive applications and
can be rapidly and cost-effectively
manufactured on large-scale serial
production lines with fixed part
designs. Compared to this, AM
requires more processing time, but
enables very high geometric freedom
from part to part. Hence, the combi-
nation of technologies can offer high
productivity in tandem with increased
geometrical flexibility.
In the first processing step, casting
is performed and acts as a basis for
the subsequent laser metal deposi-
tion, in which, for example, clamping
elements or reinforcing structures
are applied to the component. The
cast components, once designed, can,
thus, be adapted to different product
versions at low cost. This reduces
the lead times for series changes
or possible modifications. Small
series can also be produced on the
basis of low-cost series parts with
reduced tooling costs. This leads to
an extended market access of the AM
Fig. 6 Stiffening structures potentially used in automotive and railway systems by saving production time with high

184 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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geometric flexibility. The component

shown in Fig. 7 consists of a die-cast
AlSi12Cu1(Fe)-substrate component
with additively built reinforcement
structures and connecting elements
made of AlSi1MgMn [9].


Thus far, the importance of

aluminium and its alloys in manu-
facturing has been seen, chiefly, in
conventional manufacturing methods.
Despite the challenges inherent to
the processing of aluminium with
laser beams, laser beam DED has
demonstrated its potential as a
possible processing choice for the
metals. Directed Energy Deposition of
Fig. 7 Die-cast substrate component with additively manufactured reinforce-
aluminium can be a stable process,
ment structures and connecting elements
albeit one currently in need of further
research to overcome the formation
of oxide skins over the meltpool.
Bearing this in mind, the DED of
aluminium may lend itself to joint use References https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-020-
with conventional manufacturing for 05117-z
industrial applications. [1] Bergström D (2008) The absorption [6] Siva Prasad H, Brueckner F,
of laser light by rough metal surfaces. Kaplan AFH (2019) Powder catch-
Luleå University of Technology ment in laser metal deposition. J
[2] Kawahito Y, Matsumoto N, Abe Y, Laser Appl 31:022308. https://doi.
Katayama S (2012) Laser absorption org/10.2351/1.5096130
The work discussed in this article was
funded by EIT RawMaterials project of aluminium alloy in high brightness [7] Mahamood RM, Akinlabi ET (2016)
SAMOA No. 18079. In addition, the and high power fibre laser welding. Processing Parameters Optimization
authors gratefully thank the support Weld Int 26:275–281. https://doi.org/1 for Material Deposition Efficiency in
of the Agent-3D programme funded 0.1080/09507116.2011.590667 Laser Metal Deposited Titanium Alloy.
by BMBF. [3] Holman SW, Lawrence RR, Barr L Lasers Manuf Mater Process 3:9–21.
(1896) II. Melting-points of aluminium, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40516-015-
silver, gold, copper, and platinum. 0020-5
Authors London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos [8] SAMOA project homepage, http://
Mag J Sci 42:37–51. https://doi. samoaproject.eu/, 04.02.2021
Himani Naesstroem1, Joerg Volpp1, org/10.1080/14786449608620888
Stefan Polenz2, Frank Brueckner1,2 [9] Agent-3D_CastAutoGen project
[4] Svetlizky D, Zheng B, Buta T, et al. homepage, https://agent3d.de/
himani.naesstroem@ltu.se (2020) Directed energy deposition of castautogen_EN, 04.02.2021
jorg.volpp@ltu.se Al 5xxx alloy using Laser Engineered
stefan.polenz@iws.fraunhofer.de Net Shaping (LENS®). Mater Des
frank.brueckner@iws.fraunhofer.de 192:108763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
Department of Engineering Sciences [5] Siva Prasad H, Brueckner F,
and Mathematics, Luleå University of Volpp J, Kaplan AFH (2020) Laser
Technology, 97187, Luleå, Sweden metal deposition of copper on diverse
Fraunhofer IWS, Winterbergstrasse metals using green laser sources. Int
28, 01277, Dresden, Germany J Adv Manuf Technol 107:1559–1568.

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186 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Euro PM2020 technical review:

Advances in process control
for metal Binder Jetting (BJT)

Within the programme of the well-received Euro

PM2020 Virtual Congress, held October 5–7,
2020, and organised by the European Powder
Metallurgy Association (EPMA), a technical
session was held on process control in metal
Binder Jetting. In this article, Dr David Whittaker provides a summary of two
of the papers presented, which look at applying the Master Sintering Curve
for 316L parts, and process parameter optimisation for 17-4 PH parts.

The Master Sintering Curve function of the logarithmic sintering contributing transport mechanisms)
work ϴ(t, T), which incorporates the by minimising the perpendicular
and its application on 316L
whole sintering profile T(t). In most distance (error) to the average
steel produced by Binder
cases, the sintering profile T(t) is too residual squares R by varying of the
Jetting complex for an analytical integration, apparent activation energy QMSC. A
because the corresponding simple estimation for the activation
This paper was presented by Markus antiderivative cannot be found. Only energy for self-diffusion/sintering
Schneider, Philipp Gabriel, Simon for isothermal conditions, T(t)=const, Qs is based on the Engel-Brewer
Hoeges and Christopher Schaak (GKN can the integral be solved. However, theory, in which the activation energy
Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH, the integral can be solved numerically is related to the crystal type and the
Germany) and addressed the benefits by the summation of the sintering absolute melting temperature Tm.
of using the Master Sintering Curve work increments if the sintering In the study, gas (argon) atomised
(MSC) approach in optimising the profile T(t) is partitioned into time austenitic 316L stainless steel powder
sintering of 316L stainless steel in increments of width Δt. was used for all tests. Typical values
Binder Jetting [1]. The main hurdles Several applications of the of the skewed powder particle size
in BJT are the achievement of the MSC approach are focused on the distribution Q3(d) were in the range
required final sintered density ρs and estimation of the apparent activation of d10=4.85 µm, d50=12.74 µm and
a proper control over the sintering energy QMSC (an average of all d90=24.24 µm.
process. The Master Sintering
Curve approach is a helpful tool to
understand the sintering kinetics and
to predict the resulting final sintered “The Master Sintering Curve approach
density ρs from simple dilatometry
experiments. In the reported study,
is a helpful tool to understand the
different industrial sintering profiles sintering kinetics and to predict the
T(t) were numerically integrated to
obtain the MSC.
resulting final sintered density ρs from
The MSC approach assumes simple dilatometry experiments.”
a sigmoidal evolution of the
densification parameter Ψ as a

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the final sintered density ρs values

were measured using Archimedes
1600 principle. The average value of ρg=4.47
g/cm3 was taken for the further
1400 calculations and the derivation of the
densification parameters Ψ in Table 1.
1200 Several MSCs, derived for fine MIM
powders, can be found in the litera-
ψ (1)

ture, and these results could be taken

800 as a reference to compare the MSC
based on the computed values from
600 Table 1. The sigmoidal evolution of the
densification parameter Ψ as function
of the logarithmic sintering work ϴ(t,
200 T) can be described with different
functions, with a very common
0 fitting function being an exponential
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 type. Dilatometry results from the
t (s) literature on MIM 316L (push-rod
dilatometer with a 100% H2 atmos-
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 1 phere) are plotted in Fig. 2, together
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 2 with the authors’ own results. It can
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 3
be seen that the derived data points
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 4
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 5 reduce to a common curve.
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 6 Some industrial sintering profiles
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 7 T(t) were repeated (No. 1, No. 2, No. 7
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 8
and No. 8). The reproducibility was not
Industrial sintering profile T(t), 9
very high, due to slightly different vari-
ations of the chemical composition
Fig. 1 Industrial sintering profiles T(t) which were numerically integrated with between the powder lots (even within
a time increment of Δt=10 s to obtain the corresponding sintering work ϴ(t,T) the tolerances). However, the derived
values, a heat transfer coefficient of α→∞ W/m2K was assumed to link the data points are clustered in a narrow
furnace sintering profile T(t) to the component sintering profile T(t)comp [1] range. More data points are needed
at very low and very high densification
parameters Ψ to approximate the
MSC progression more accurately.
For the proof of concept of components). Therefore, the real Therefore, there is uncertainty
the MSC approach, nine different sintering profile of the components regarding the fitting function shown in
industrial sintering profiles with T(t)comp would have been shorter and Fig. 2, and the authors recommended
thirteen different runs/replications without sharp dwell time plateaux, the use of in-house, systematic
were followed. The recorded industrial resulting in smaller sintering work laboratory dilatometer sintering runs
sintering profiles T(t) are shown in ϴ(t, T) values. to investigate the sintering kinetics in
Fig. 1. The local measurement of the The full density of 316L was more detail.
component temperature/sintering assumed to be ρ0=7.93 g/cm3, to Since the sintering response
profile T(t)comp was not possible in the derive the densification parameters depends strongly on powder particle
batch sintering furnace. Therefore, Ψ in Table 1. With its face centred size distribution Q3(d) and chemical
the first boundary condition for the cubic austenitic crystal type and its composition, in-house dilatometer
heat transfer (heat transfer coefficient melting temperature of Tm=1673K sintering runs were needed. These
α→∞ W/m2K) was assumed. This (1400°C), the activation energy for runs were performed with a hori-
was not fully correct, since the self-diffusion/sintering Qs could be zontal, single push-rod dilatometer
heat transfer, primarily through estimated with the Engel-Brewer in a 100% H2 atmosphere. Three
convection and radiation from the theory as 264 kJ/mol. This estimate different heating rates, ΔT/Δt, were
furnace walls to the components, was was quite close to the measured and applied (3 K/min, 6 K/min and 10 K/
neglected. As a result, the industrial published value of Qs=280 kJ/mol. min). A dwell time of t=3600 s (1 h) to
sintering profile T(t) of the furnace The initial green density ρg values remove the binder at T=673 K (400°C)
was assumed to be identical with in Table 1 were measured using was introduced (debinding plateau).
the component sintering profile the volume V and mass m of the Beyond that plateau, the temperature
T(t)comp (no thermal inertia of the binder jetted component, whereas T(t) had been increased to the final

188 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Sintering profile ρg (g/cm³) ρs (g/cm³) ψ (1) θ(t, T) (s/K) log θ (log (s/K)) ln θ (ln (s/K))
1 (#1 run) 4.42 7.49 0.872 6.51579E-08 -7.186 -16.546
1 (#2 run) 4.40 6.45 0.573 6.51579E-08 -7.186 -16.546
2 (#1 run) 4.56 7.17 0.780 3.53937E-08 -7.451 -17.157
2 (#2 run) 4.46 6.40 0.556 3.53937E-08 -7.451 -17.157
3 4.35 6.96 0.718 2.54723E-08 -7.594 -17.486
4 4.40 6.21 0.504 2.39614E-08 -7.620 -17.547
5 4.47 6.94 0.715 2.39304E-08 -7.621 -17.548
6 4.47 4.36 -0.032 1.27693E-19 -18.894 -43.505
7 (#1 run) 4.47 5.09 0.180 2.41029E-10 -9.618 -22.146
7 (#2 run) 4.49 5.16 0.201 2.41029E-10 -9.618 -22.146
8 (#1 run) 4.52 7.19 0.787 4.37732E-08 -7.359 -16.944
8 (#2 run) 4.53 6.87 0.695 4.37732E-08 -7.359 -16.944
9 4.65 7.59 0.902 6.3616E-08 -7.196 -16.570

Table 1 Initial green densities ρg, final sintered densities ρs, densification parameters Ψ and corresponding sintering
work ϴ(t, T) values generated with the given sintering profiles T(t) from Fig. 1 on BJ 316L samples [1]

sintering dwell time of t=3600 s (1 h) MIM 316L d10=1.62 μm, d50=2.97 μm, d90=4.85 μm, QMSC=223 kJ/mol (taken from Park et al)
MIM 316L d10=2.10 μm, d50=4.16 μm, d90=7.64 μm, QMSC=352 kJ/mol (taken from Park et al)
at T=1653K (1380°C) with the same MIM 316L d10=3.10 μm, d50=8.04 μm, d90=19.94 μm, QMSC=395 kJ/mol (taken from Park et al)
three heating rates. The cooling rate BJ 316L d10=4.85 μm, d50=12.74 μm, d90=24.24 μm, Qs≈264 kJ/mol (that study)
ΔT/Δt was not defined (free cooling).
For the correction of the thermal 1.2
expansion, a constant coefficient of
thermal expansion of α=18*10-6 K-1 1.0
was assumed for the binder jetted ψ=1 (ρs=ρ0)
316L. Small cylindrical specimens 0.8
were additively manufactured with
a layer thickness of x=70 µm to a 0.6
ψ (1)

green height of h≈7 mm and a green

diameter of d≈5 mm. Due to their 0.4
small size, the dilatometer sintering
profile T(t) is identical with the 0.2 constant parameter for sigmoid curve
a (In (s/K)) b (1)
component sintering profile, T(t)comp.
MIM 316L -34.6029 2.3289
For the identification of potential 0.0 MIM 316L -31.8677 1.7854
build anisotropies, two different ψ=0 (ρs=ρg) MIM 316L -20.7965 0.8897
BJ 316L -18.9499 2.1096
building directions were studied -0.2
(Z-direction vs XY-direction). -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
A green density of ρg=4.218 g/cm3 In θ (In (s/K))
was achieved for both building direc- Fig. 2 MSCs of MIM 316L with different powder particle size distributions Q3(d)
tions after Additive Manufacturing. [and the result of the study of BJ 316L with n=13 data points (the full density of
The green density ρg was measured BJ 316L was assumed to be ρ0=7.93 g/cm3 to harmonise the current MSC with
using Archimedes principle. The pycnometer density measurements reported in the literature) [1]
full density of 316L was assumed
to be ρ0=7.93 g/cm3. However, the
real full density ρ0 depends on the shrinkage Ɛ) occurs above T≈1273 the definition of the densification
chemical composition and on the K (≈1000°C). Densification was parameter Ψ, the measured linear
resulting microstructural phases typical of the intermediate sintering shrinkage was converted into
(heat treatment history). From stage II. Therefore, the dominating the corresponding final sintered
the dilatometer sintering runs, it transport mechanism seems to be density ρs, assuming isotropic
was seen that densification (linear lattice (bulk or volume) diffusion. For shrinkage.

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 189
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the authors’ six in-house dilatometer

ε (%), built in Z-direction and ε (%), built in XY-direction and
ΔT/Δt sintering runs (using three different
ρs (g/cm3), measured with the ρs (g/cm3), measured with the
(K/min) heating rates with two different
Archimedean principle Archimedean principle
building directions).
10 -23, 7.48 -13, 6.04 All derived sintering work ϴ(t, T)
6 -24, 7.44 -13, 5.99 values for one building direction fall
onto a common curve, independent
3 -26, 7.79 -13, 6.07
of the applied heating rates. Due to
Table 2 Achieved magnitudes of the linear shrinkage Ɛ and the corresponding the incorrect final sintered density
final sintered densities ρs (measured using Archimedes principle) as a function ρs, the true response will be located
of the building direction [1] between the two MSCs (Z-direction
and XY-direction). This confirms the
1.8 correctness of the MSC approach.
Qs≈264 kJ/mol The very good agreement between
Fig. 2 (industrial sintering runs in
1.4 a batch furnace) and Fig. 3 (experi-
mental dilatometer sintering runs)
ψ=1 (ρs=ρ0) is remarkable. This means that most
1.0 of the densification occurs between
final sintering ln ϴ=-20 ln (s/K) and ln ϴ=-15 ln
ψ (1)

0.8 stage III (s/K). Moreover, the second plateau

0.6 (asymptote, final sintering stage III)
sintering stage II
of the sigmoidal shaped MSCs is
not reached. It seems that a super-
0.2 imposed debinding/sintering effect
ψ=0 (ρs=ρg)
hinders further densification. Further
initial sintering stage II research is needed to investigate if
-0.2 trapped gas, grain or pore coarsening
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
or a debinding effect could explain
In θ (In (s/K)) this phenomenon.
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=10 K/min (Z-direction)
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=6 K/min (Z-direction) A step towards a robust
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=3 K/min (Z-direction)
Binder Jetting technology:
Fit over all dilatometer sintering runs (Z-direction)
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=10 K/min (XY-direction)
Process parameter
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=6 K/min (XY-direction) optimisation for 17-4 PH
BJ 316L, ΔT/Δt=3 K/min (XY-direction) steel to increase powder
Fit over all dilatometer sintering runs (XY-direction) bed homogeneity
BJ 316L, industrial sintering runs
The final paper in the session came
Fig. 3 MSCs of BJ 316L from the different dilatometer sintering runs with nt=96 from Asier Lores, N Azumendi and
data points (the full density of BJ 316L was assumed to be ρ0=7.93 g/cm3 to Iñigo Agote (TECNALIA, Spain) and
harmonise the current MSC with pycnometer density measurements reported Unai Andres (MIM-TECH ALFA,
in the literature) [1] Spain) and reported on a process
optimisation exercise for binder jetted
17-4 PH stainless steel to increase
The highest achieved magnitudes recognised between the two building powder bed homogeneity [2].
of the linear shrinkage Ɛ and directions and this anisotropy The inhomogeneity in the proper-
the corresponding final sintered results in a difference between the ties of parts manufactured by Binder
densities ρs are given in Table 2 as a calculated and the measured final Jetting is one of the main concerns
function of the dilatometer sintering sintered density ρs. As a result, the for the industrial adoption of the tech-
profile T(t) or heating rate ΔT/Δt densification parameter Ψ exceeds nology. The latest trends are towards
and as a function of the building its maximum value of one in Fig. 3 the use of finer powders in order to
direction. A large anisotropic (Z-direction). This underlines the improve green part sinterability. As
shrinkage is evident from the data incorrect assumption of isotropic a by-product, however, the additive
points in Table 2, although the shrinkage; the shrinkage in the manufacturability of the powders
reason for this anisotropy is not yet lateral direction must be smaller. becomes compromised, as flowability
understood. A factor of two can be Fig. 3 shows the MSCs based on and powder packability deteriorate.

190 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Process control in Binder Jetting

Chemical Analysis (wt %)

Fe Ni Cu Si Nb Mn Mo P N O C S
Balanced 4.5 3.9 0.4 0.32 0.8 0.1 <0.01 0.07 0,09 0.03 0.003
Particle Size Distribution (µm)
D10 D50 D90
5.6 14.9 27.5

Table 3 Chemical composition and PSD of the 17-4PH stainless steel powder supplied by Atomising Systems Limited [2]

Apparent density Tap density Hausner ratio Carr’s index Flow

(ρb) (ρt)(g/cm3) H=ρt/ρb (%) characteristics
(g/cm3) % (g/cm3) %
3.96 50.77 5.00 64.10 1.26 20.8 Passable

Table 4 Powder density, Hausner ratio and Carr’s index for the 17-4PH powder [2]

Currently, powder deposition and

spreading technologies are evolving 25
rapidly, with new double-roller 20

spreaders, ultra-sonic powder 15

vibration systems and enhanced
powder monitoring techniques. These
5 a)
new developments are focussed
largely on the improvement of powder 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
packing and the homogeneity of the
Rotating speed (rpm)
AM process.
In the reported study, a single 45
roller powder spreading system has 35
flow angle [°]

been used, along with a pneumatic 30

vibration-based powder deposition 25
hopper system. With this type of 20
system, it has been observed that 10 b)
parts manufactured in the same 5
build job present some deviations in 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
density and dimensional accuracy.
Rotating speed (rpm)
Therefore, the authors tried to shed
some light on the control of BJT Fig. 4 Powder analysis with GranuDrum: (a) cohesion coefficient, (b) flow angle
process inhomogeneities by studying vs rotating speed [2]
the effect of some major parameters
on the dispersion of green part
In this study, gas atomised 17-4PH The authors’ powder character- entrapment during atomisation. The
powder, supplied by Atomising isation tests showed that most of particle size distribution showed
Systems Limited, was used. The the powder particles had a diameter a typical, one sized log-normal
powder composition and charac- between 10 μm and 20 μm and a distribution, with a D50 of 17 μm.
teristics given by the manufacturer near-spherical morphology with Table 4 and Fig. 4 show the
are shown in Table 3. A relatively some satellite particles bonded results related to powder packability
small powder particle size (D90: to the surface. Spherical particles and flowability properties. According
27.5 μm) was selected, due to the enhance powder packability. Powder to the computed Hausner ratio value,
higher achievable packing densities, cross-sectional examination revealed the powder has a ‘passable’ flow
allowing higher densification after the the presence of pores within a capability, similar to other powders
sintering process. few particles, probably due to gas used for Binder Jetting purposes.

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 191
Process control in Binder Jetting | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

450 500 500

Deviation from STL (μm)

Deviation from STL (μm)

Deviation from STL (μm)

400 a 450 b 450 c
350 400 400
300 350 350
250 300 300
250 250
200 200 200
150 150 150
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80 40 50 60 70 80
Binder Saturation Level (%) Binder Saturation Level (%) Binder Saturation Level (%)

Fig. 5 Dimensional deviations from STL file of binder jet additively manufactured green parts with different BSLs in the
three directions a) X, b) Y and c) Z [2]

BSL (%) 70 60 50
BSL (%) 70 60 50
Average green density
Average green density (%) 57.257.2 59.9
59.9 59.0
Std(%) 0.48 0.71 0.56
Std (%) 0.48 0.71 0.56
Fig. 6 Green density distribution along the powder bed in Binder Jetting as a function of binder saturation level [2]

The cohesive index and repose angle the green mass with a high precision the thirty-six printed and tested
also rank the powder as ‘passable’. balance. The experimental study was samples, while the error bars
Moreover, the cohesive and repose attempted in two different stages. In correspond to the standard devia-
angle response to a variation of the first stage, the Binder Saturation tion. These results clearly show a
rotation speed will keep the powder’s Level (BSL) effect on the green part reduction in the deviations from the
flow properties stable for different dimensional deviation and green STL file with the reduction of the
dynamic conditions, thus meaning density was studied. In the second BSL. Moreover, the reduction of the
that the powder behaviour may stage, the effect of the deposited BSL also reduces the deviation of
be suitable for a wider processing powder amount and part location the samples from the same printing
parameter window. along the Z-axis was evaluated. This process. Despite the fact that the
An ExOne Innovent BJT machine second stage was performed using reduction of BSL can improve the
was used for green part build. a L4 fractional factorial Design of part dimensional homogeneity, it
Thirty-six small cubic samples Experiments (DoE) arrangement, in should be noted that an excessive
were uniformly distributed on the order to detect possible parameter reduction will lead to significantly
printing layout in order to study the effects and interactions. decreased green part strength and
dimensional and density differ- Fig. 5 shows the dimensional surface quality.
ences along the powder bed. The deviations from STL nominal values As could also be observed, the
dimensions of the green parts were as a function of the BSL. Each effect of the deviation dispersion
measured with a digital calliper and point represents the average of reduction is less significant in the

192 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Process control in Binder Jetting

a) 61.00 b) Parameter effect

Low deposition
60.50 11.20
60.18 High deposition
ratio 11.18
60.00 11.16
Green density (%)


S/N ratio
59.50 59.29 11.12
90.67% 1.02%
59.00 11.08
58.50 11.04
Low High Bottom Top
Bottom layer Top layer Deposition ratio Layer

Fig. 7 a) Green density values of the stage 2 experimental trial showing the differences between part location and the
amount of material used for powder layer generation; b) parameter effects in green density improvement [2]

Y-direction, which is parallel to the in front of the roller thus increases, with low powder feeding settings
print head motion and drop deposi- influencing the powder packing was 59.14% with an std of 0.66%,
tion direction. The asymmetric drop behaviour and, therefore, the green while, for the high powder feeding
deposition, along with the different part properties. ratio, 60.06% with an std of 0.63%.
kind of powder bed alterations The influence of the amount No significant difference in green
driven by the dynamic interaction of deposited material for powder part density was observed as a
behaviour between the droplet and layer creation and the effect of part function of part location in the
the powder bed, explains the slight location along the Z-axis on green Z-direction. Additionally, the
increase of the part dimensional part densities are shown in Fig. 7, measured dimensional deviations
dispersion in the Y-direction. together with the parameter effect from STL values has remained
Fig. 6 shows the green density influence obtained from ANOVA essentially unchanged between
distribution of the powder bed and analysis. As can be observed, there the different printings. Therefore,
the mean values as a function of the
BSL. As can be observed, the highest
average green density achieved
corresponded to the 60% saturation “As can be observed, the highest average
printing, although this printing green density achieved corresponded
parameter also showed the highest
density deviations. The green density to the 60% saturation printing, although
dispersion along the powder bed
does not seem to follow a common
this printing parameter also showed the
pattern between the different highest density deviations.”
printings. On the one hand, the error
propagation in the geometric green
density measurement could hinder
the appreciation of slight patterns is a correlation between the green there has not been observed any
or differences in the powder bed. On density and the amount of deposited detrimental effect in the dimensional
the other hand, there are multiple powder. According to these results, accuracy from the rise in powder
process parameter interaction where the higher S/N ratios indicate feeding ratio.
effects that can dramatically affect a green density increment, the Parts built with a high material
the green part density and the higher the amount of powder used deposition ratio and 50% BSL were
green part dimensions and, thus, for layer generation, the higher the selected for sintering, as they
these effects may change the green obtained green density. The amount showed the best green properties,
density distribution along the powder of deposited material also has a 90% with reference to green density
bed. The roller spreads the powder effect on the green density variation, and dimensional deviations. A
from the right to the left side of the meaning it is an influencing factor. relative density of 98.62% was
powder bed in the X-direction. The The average green density for parts obtained, similar to MIM values,
size of the powder wave generated binder jet additively manufactured with a standard deviation of 0.58%.

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 193
Process control in Binder Jetting | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

The obtained microstructure was References Euro PM2020 Proceedings

composed mainly of two phases:
martensite and δ- ferrite. Finally, the The full proceedings of the Euro
[1] The master sintering curve and its
measured hardness was 32 ± 1 HRC, PM2020 Virtual Congress are avail-
application on 316L steel produced
which is a typical value for as sintered able to purchase from the European
by Binder Jetting, Markus Schneider,
17-4 PH stainless steel. Powder Metallurgy Association.
Philipp Gabriel, Simon Hoeges and
In future work, the authors plan to www.epma.com
Christopher Schaak. As presented at
study the interaction between more
the Euro PM2020 Virtual Congress,
process parameters and their influ-
October 5–7, 2020, and published
ence on powder bed inhomogeneity
in the proceedings by the European
Euro PM2021
patterns, in order to build a precise
Powder Metallurgy Association
dimensional deviation prediction The Euro PM2021 Virtual Congress
model. & Exhibition will be held online
[2] A step towards a robust Binder from October 18–22, 2021. Planned
Jetting technology: Process param- presentations will be prerecorded and
Author and contacts eter optimisation for 17-4PH steel to available for the duration of the event.
increase powder bed homogeneity, Papers will be published as usual and
Dr David Whittaker A Lores, N Azumendi, I Agote and the proceedings will be available for
Tel: +44 1902 338498 U Andres. As presented at the Euro sale in October.
whittakerd4@gmail.com PM2020 Virtual Congress, October
5–7, 2020, and published in the
[1] Markus Schneider, GKN Sinter proceedings by the European Powder
Metals Engineering GmbH, Germany, Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
[2] Asier Lores, TECNALIA, Spain,

Keep up to date POWDER

with the latest PM METALLURGY
industry news REVIEW
Subscribe to our
weekly e-newsletter

www.pm-review.com INOVAR

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Events guide | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

Industry events
Hannover Messe AM Summit 2021
Home of Industrial Pioneers [ONLINE EVENT] June 15, Copenhagen, Denmark
April 12–16 www.amsummit.dk


Dyndrite Developer Conference 2021 [ONLINE EVENT] June 20–23, Orlando, FL, USA
April 20–21 www.ampm2021.org

PowderMet2021 [ONLINE/IN PERSON]

AMUG 2021 June 20–23, Orlando, FL, USA
May 2–6, Orlando, FL, USA www.powdermet2021.org

Tungsten2021 [ONLINE/IN PERSON]

PM China 2021 June 20–23, Orlando, FL, USA
May 23–25, Shanghai, China www.tungsten2021.org

EPMA Powder Metallurgy Summer School

HI-AM Conference 2021 [ONLINE EVENT] July 19–23, Ciudad Real, Spain
June 1–2 www.summerschool.epma.com

Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin 2021

July 21–22, Berlin, Germany

Formnext + PM South China 2021

September 9-11, Shenzhen, China

Additive 2nd Annual Middle East User Conference

and Awards Exhibitions 2021
September 13–14, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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and Android devices...

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Metal AM magazine is dedicated to driving awareness and development of metal Additive Manufacturing
and its related technologies. Key to this aim is our support of a range of international partner
conferences. View our complete events listing on www.metal-am.com

Rapid + TCT 2021 Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2021

September 13–15, Chicago, IL, USA November 3–5, Vienna, Austria
www.rapid3devent.com www.mamc2021.org

EPHJ Trade Show Space Tech Expo Europe 2021

September 14–17, Geneva, Switzerland November 16–18, Bremen, Germany
www.ephj.ch www.spacetechexpo.eu


September 28–30, Birmingham, UK November 16–19, Frankfurt, Germany [In person]
www.tct3sixty.com November 30–December 1 [Online]

Space Tech Expo USA 2021

October 6–8, Long Beach, CA, USA Hagen Symposium 2021
www.spacetechexpo.com November 25–26, Hagen, Germany
AMTC – Advanced Manufacturing Technology
October 12–14, Aachen, Germany 4th International Symposium
www.amtc.community/amtc/en/ Additive Manufacturing [ONLINE EVENT]
December 7–9
October 18–22

ICAM 2021
ASTM International Conference on AM
November 1–5, Anaheim, CA, USA

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back issues for free!

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Advertisers’ index
& buyer’s guide
Our advertisers’ index serves as a convenient guide to suppliers of AM machines,
materials, part manufacturing services, software and associated production equip-
ment. In the digital edition of Metal AM magazine, available at www.metal-am.com, or
via the Metal Additive Manufacturing app, simply click on a company name to view its
advert, or on the weblink to go directly to its website.

Laser Beam Powder Bed

Fusion (PBF-LB) machines
AMCM GmbH 4 Binder Jetting (BJT),
Material Extrusion (MEX)
Eplus3D 34
www.eplus3d.com and other sinter-based
Farsoon Technologies 91 AM machines
3D Potter, Inc. - Metallic 3D 13
GF Machining Solutions 15 www.metallic3d.com
Digital Metal 30
Kurtz Holding GmbH 37 www.digitalmetal.tech
The ExOne Company OBC
SLM Solutions Group AG 19 www.exone.com

Renishaw plc. IBC

Directed Energy Deposition
(DED) machines
AML3D Limited 40

Hybrid AM machines
Matsuura Machinery Ltd 51

198 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
| contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter | Advertisers’ index / buyer’s guide

Sintering, debinding and

heat treatment systems Alphabetical
Carbolite Gero Ltd
Centorr Vacuum Industries, Inc. 41
3D Lab Sp. z o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3D Potter, Inc - Metallic 3D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
CM Furnaces Inc. 84
www.cmfurnaces.com Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin . . . . . . . . 164

ECM Technologies 71 Additive Manufacturing Users Group . . . . . . . . 154

www.ecm-furnaces.com AM Solutions - Rösler Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Elnik Systems 8 AMCM GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
American Isostatic Presses, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Mut Advanced Heating GmbH 54
www.mut-jena.de AML3D Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

ASTM International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63/85

T-M Vacuum Products Inc 66
www.tmvacuum.com ATM Qness GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

TAV Vacuum Furnaces SPA 26 Blue Power Casting Systems GmbH . . . . . . . . . . 75

Bodycote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Carbolite Gero Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Centorr Vacuum Industries, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Atmospheres, gas CM Furnaces Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
generation & gas analysis CNPC Powder Group Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

NEL ASA 49 DCM Tech Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

www.nelhydrogen.com Digital Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Process Sensing Technologies 27 DSH Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
ECM Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

EDM Performance Accessories, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 101

Elcan Industries Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

AM powder removal
Elnik Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
& post-processing
Eltra GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
technologies Eplus3D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

AM Solutions - Rösler Group 11 Euro PM2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

Farsoon Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
DCM Tech Corporation 93 Formnext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Formnext + PM South China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
EDM Performance Accessories, Inc. 101
www.edmperformance.com GF Machining Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15/17

GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH . . . . . . . . 43

GF Machining Solutions 17
www.gfmsadditive.com Headmade Materials GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
RENA Technologies Austria GmbH 47 HI-AM Conference 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
more >>>
Solukon Maschinenbau GmbH 57

Vol. 7 No. 1 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 199
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Metal powder production

Höganäs AB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Hunan Hualiu New Materials Co.,Ltd.. . . . . . . . . 109
3D Lab Sp. z o.o. 99
Indo-MIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Isostatic Toll Services, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Blue Power Casting Systems GmbH 75
Kurtz Holding GmbH & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 www.bluepower-casting.com
Kymera International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Phoenix Scientific Industries Ltd. 105
Material Technology Innovations Co., Ltd . . . . . . . 77 www.psiltd.co.uk

Materials Solutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Matsuura Machinery Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Consulting, training
Metal Powder and Process Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
& market reports
Metalpine GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Microtrac Retsch GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 ASTM International 63/85

Mimete s.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
DSH Technologies 95
Mut Advanced Heating GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 www.dshtech.com
NEL Hydrogen AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
The Barnes Global Advisors 145
Oerlikon Additive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 www.barnesglobaladvisors.com

Ophir Optronics Solutions Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Wohlers Associates, Inc. 122

Osaka Titanium Technologies Co.,Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 58

Parmatech Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Phoenix Scientific Industries Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

HIP systems & services
PM China 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 American Isostatic Presses, Inc. 96
PowderMet2021 / AMPM2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Bodycote 33
Praxair S.T. Technology, Inc . . . . Inside front cover www.bodycote.com

Isostatic Toll Services, LLC 96

more >>>

Pressure Technology, Inc. 22


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200 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1
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Part manufacturers /
Pressure Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
service bureaux
Process Sensing Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
AM Solutions - Rösler Group 11
RENA Technologies Austria GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Renishaw plc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover
GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH 43
www.gknpm.com Sandvik Osprey Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Headmade Materials GmbH 39 Sino-Euro Materials Tech. of Xi’an Co., Ltd. . . . . . 92

www.headmade-materials.de Sintavia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Indo-MIM 69 SLM Solutions Group AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Solukon Maschinenbau GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Materials Solutions 60
T-M Vacuum Products Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
TANIOBIS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Oerlikon Additive 12
www.oerlikon.com/am TAV Vacuum Furnaces SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Parmatech Corporation 65 Tekna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TCT 3SIXTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Sintavia, LLC 20 The Barnes Global Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
The ExOne Company . . . . . . . . . . Outside back cover
toolcraft AG 78
www.toolcraft.de The Wolfson Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

toolcraft AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
VBN Components AB 107
www.vbncomponents.se Ultra Fine Specialty Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

voestalpine Additive Manufacturing 89 United States Metal Powders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

VBN Components AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

VDM Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Toll debinding & sintering voestalpine Additive Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Wohlers Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

DSH Technologies 95

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Advertisers’ index / buyer’s guide | contents | news | events | advertisers | website | e-newsletter |

Metal powders for AM Metal powder processing,

CNPC Powder Group Co., Ltd. 24
classification, analysis
www.cnpcpowder.com and testing
Höganäs AB 53
ATM Qness GmbH 67
Hunan Hualiu New Materials Co.,Ltd. 109
Elcan Industries Inc. 79
Kymera International 83
Eltra GmbH 98
Material Technology Innovations Co., Ltd. 77
Microtrac Retsch GmbH 55
Metal Powder and Process Ltd 36

Metalpine GmbH 23
Laser technology and
Mimete s.r.l. 73 calibration

Oerlikon Additive 12 Ophir Optronics Solutions Ltd 48

www.oerlikon.com/am www.ophiropt.com

Osaka Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd. 58


Praxair S.T. Technology, Inc IFC

www.praxairsurfacetechnologies.com Events
Sandvik Osprey Ltd 29
Additive Manufacturing Forum Berlin 164
Sino-Euro Materials Tech. of Xi’an Co., Ltd. 92
Additive Manufacturing Users Group 154
ASTM International 63/85
Tekna 6
Euro PM2021 174
Ultra Fine Specialty Products 70
Formnext 110
United States Metal Powders, Inc. 81
Formnext + PM South China 180
VDM Metals 87
HI-AM Conference 2021 121

PM China 2021 186


PowderMet2021/ AMPM2021 173




The Wolfson Centre 103


202 Metal Additive Manufacturing | Spring 2021 © 2021 Inovar Communications Ltd Vol. 7 No. 1

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3D printing metal starts and ends here.
• The ExOne Metal Designlab™ and X1F furnace is the world’s fastest bound-metal office 3D printing system
• Parts are 3D printed with HydroFuse™, an innovative water-based paste containing metal powders
• This true Print Today, Parts Tomorrow™ technology by Rapidia begins shipping in the second quarter of 2021
• The ExOne family of production metal 3D printers, shown below, can process 20+ metals and ceramics
• InnoventPro™, shipping by year-end, will be the most advanced entry-level binder jetting system for metal

Pictured left to right: InnoventPro™, X1 25Pro®, X1 160Pro™ and X1D1 automated guided vehicle.

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