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Final Examinationpa 101

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1st Semester, SY 2020-2021
January 25, 2021

NAME_ARNOLD B. OBENZA__________________ SCORE_______

PART I. TRUE or FALSE. Write the letters T or F in the spaces provided. (20 points)

T 1. Public Administration considered both a fields of action and a field of study.

F 2. Public Administration refers to the mechanics and structures through which
government policies are NOT implemented
T 3. Public Administration where it embraces the three organs of government being the
executive, legislative and the judiciary
T 4. Administration involves the mobilization, deployment and direction of human and
material resources to attain specified objectives.

T 5. Public Administration is that part of science of administration which has to do with

the government and thus concerns itself primarily with the executive branch where the
work of government is done
T 6. Laws are carefully established rules and regulations that are made to regulate conduct and
performance of individuals and groups as Public Administration is the administration of public

__T__ 7. Religion is one instrument of peace and obedience to constituted authority which
public administration symbolizes.
__T__ 8. Of all the approaches to the study of Public Administration, the judicial approach is
the oldest.
__T__ 9. Public Administration has the capacity to organise and direct human and material
resources to achieves set goals.
__T__10. It is said that Public Administration is the youngest branch of political science

__T__11. Organisation’s structure of authority, responsibility, assigning tasks, human and

material resources of the organization to specific role lead to the attainment of organizational
aims and objectives.

__F__12. A charting system for production scheduling is important in

13. A leader with this attributes (authority) is better able to use personal identification,
inspirational appeals, and rational faith to influence subordinates.
T 14. Organization culture correlates with the activities of all factors of production in the
organization with a view to achieving the organizational activities.
T 15. A formalized and systematized method of administration which emphasizes impersonal
relationship, hierarchy of command and control, rationality, merit, objectively and formal
T. 16. ensure that everything is done in accordance with the established rules and
expressed command

__T__17. Authority is based on belief in the legitimacy of the pattern of normative rules and
the rights of those appointed or elected to authority under such rules to issue command.
__T__18. People and their relationship in the organization emphasize increase in

__T__19. Under traditional authority, power is reposed on traditional institution.

T. 20. Organizing means directing the subordinates and making the staff do their work.

Multiple Choice: Select and encircle the correct answer (20 points)

1. He was another contributor to scientific management. His major works are: efficiency
as the basis for operational efficiency and wages
a. Max Webber c. Hamington Emerson
b. Chester Barnard d. Frank and LilianGilbreth
2. A German Sociologists, who is unduly acclaimed to have propounded the concept of
a. Max Webber c. Hamington Emerson
b. Chester Barnard d. Frank and LilianGilbreth
3. He was a disciple of Frederick Taylor’s idea of scientific management especially the
incentive system. He organized a charting system for production scheduling, called
Gantt Chart for which he is mostly remembered. The charting system is considered as
one of the management techniques.
a. Chester Barnard c. Max Webber
b. Gantt d.Hamington Emerson
4. He introduced social aspect into the analysis of administrative functions and
processes, though a theory of cooperation and organisations focused principally on
the role of human beings as the starting point for the success of any administrative

a. Chester Barnard c. Max Webber

b. Gantt d.Hamington Emerson
5. She initiated the ideal of contingency or situational approach when she spoke on the
“Law of the Situation”.
a. LilianGilbreth c. Mary Parker Foller
b. Elton Mayo d. Gantt
6. He compared the two ideal type of management philosophies along with the
a. Max Webber c. Chester Barnard
b. Elton Mayo d. Douglas Macgregor
7. Two great scholars that made significant contributions to behaviourism as an
approach to administration.
a. Max Webber and Elton Mayo c. Frank and LilianGilbreth
b. Gantt and Hamington Emerson d. Robert A. Dahl and Herbert Simon
8. He and his associates have discovered that when special attention is given to workers’
management, productivity is likely to increase regardless of actual changes in the
working condition, this one being illumination.

a. Max Webber c. Chester Barnard

b. Elton Mayo d. Douglas Macgregor
9. He published a book in 1911 titled “The Principle of Scientific Management” in
which he enunciated his thoughts on management and administration.
a. Frederick Taylor c. Henry R. Towne
b. Gantt d. Douglas Macgregor
10. He initiated the search for a science of management.
a. Frederick Taylor c. Henry R. Towne
b. Gantt d. Douglas Macgregor
11. Which in the following are not the scope of Public Administration?
a. formulation and implementation of public policies
b. executive arm of private sector
c. involvement of problems concerning human behavior at government level
d. a field that is differentiated in several ways from private administration.
12. Public Administration is considered as the total performance of government functions
or organizational functions by those placed in position to do so.
a. Comprehensive Approach
b. Administrative Process Approach
c. Scientific Approach
d. Historical Approach
13. This approach states that public officials should become sensitive to the needs,
desires and aspirations of the public.
a. Administrative Process Approach
b. Scientific Approach
c. Historical Approach
d. Equity Approach
14. This approach assumes that Public Administration carried out primarily by the
executive organ of government is nothing more than the implementation of rules and
regulations as passed by the legislature.
a. Comprehensive Approach
b. Administrative Process Approach
c. Judiciary Approach
d. Equity Approach
15. In this approach a distinction is drawn between specialized professional and the
“generalists” or the administrative staff.
a. Conventional Approach
b. Scientific Approach
c. Historical Approach
d. Judiciary Approach
16. This means that each member of the organization should receive order from only one
a. Unity of Direction
b. Unity of Demand
c. Division of Labour
d. Equity
17. It involves orderly arrangement of group effort to provide for unity of action in the
pursuit of common purpose.
a. Division of Labour
b. Unity of Direction
c. Span of Control
d. Authority and Responsibility
18. This means kindness and justice based on pre-determined conditions which must be
known to all workers.
a. Span of Control
b. Authority and Responsibility
c. Equity
d. Espirit-de-Corp
19. The power and authority linkage order and power must flow from the top to the
bottom in an unbroken order that makes for proper communication of decision taken
at each level of authority.
a. Social Necessity
b. Organisation
c. Public Relations
d. Chain of Command
20. People are informed about the policies and intention of the government.
a. Social Necessity
b. Organisation
c. Public Relations
d. Chain of Command

ENUMERATION: (30 points)

1-14 Fayol:s 14 functions of management

 Division of Labour
 Authority and responsibility
 Discipline
 Unity of Command
 Unity of Direction
 Subordination of individual interest to general interest
 Payment for work done
 Centralisation
 Scalar chain
 Order
 Equity
 Stability of tenure
 Initiative
 Espirit-de-Corp.
15-21 Components of the Communication Process

(1) sender (2) ideas (3) encoding (4) communication channel (5) receiver (6) decoding and (7)

22-24 Three types of Authority

 The first type discussed by Weber is legal-rational authority. ...

 The second type of authority, traditional authority, derives from long-established
customs, habits and social structures. ...
 The third form of authority is charismatic authority
25-27 Three Bodies of Government

legislative, executive and judicial

28-30 Three Classifications of Public Corporations

 Public/Statutory;

 State-owned; and

 Public/Private Partnership

Discussion (5 points each)

1. Define Public Administration.
Public administration, the implementation of government policies. Today public
administration is generally seen as collectively with additionally some responsibility
for discovering out the insurance insurance policies and applications of governments.
Specifically, it is the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling of
government operations.
2. State and explain the salient features of the scientific management theory.
It is a systematic approach to handle management problems. It implies scientific
techniques in method of work, recruitment, selection and training of workers.
3. Discuss the significant contribution of different management school of thoughts to the
development of Public Administration

There is a near division of work and the accountability between the management and
the workman. ... three The Contributions of the Scientific Management School to the
Development of Public Administration It endorsed management with the aid of
systems and requirements and production as its important concern.
4. Make a distinction between private and public administration
Public administration deals with public policies, state affairs, government functions,
and providing of various services to the general public; but private administration
deals with the management and operations of private organizations usually business
5. Name and explain five characteristics of Max Weber’s ideal bureaucracy

Heirarchy of Authority

 The power structure and authority that increases at higher levels in the hierarchy.
The person at the top is most powerful and makes the final decision.
Rules, Regulations and Procedure
 Rules and regulation and procedure provide the space for righteousness, work
regularly and consistently in the operation of the organization. If organizational
goals and objectives are to be achieved, policy and regulation is to control
employee behavior patterns in the organization. This will help to link the
activities to the hierarchy and also ensure the uniformity of employee behavior.
 Impersonality is an attempt by large formal organizations to protect their
members. Large business organizations like Walmart often situate themselves as
bureaucracies. This allows them to effectively and efficiently serve volumes of
customers quickly and with affordable products.
Written Records and Documentation
 it is The management of modern organization places great importance on written
records and documentation It allows community decisions, adequate planning
Career Orientation
 This refers to the technical competence in handling specific responsibilities in the

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