The Vikings
James Graham-Campbell and Dafydd Kidd
Distributed by
William Morrow and Company, Inc.
New York
Photographic Acknowledgments 6
Preface 7
List of Lenders 9
4 Viking Settlement 61
Index 190
The majority of the colour photographs have been taken specially for the
book by Lennart Larsen of the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen,
with a generous grant from the Charles Ulrich and Josephine Bay
Foundation given through The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
These photographs are the copyright of British Museum Publications
Limited; they are listed in italic type under the institution involved, whom
we thank photographs to be taken.
for their co-operation in allowing the
All other photographs are reproduced by kind permission of the following
institutions and individuals:
of Coins and Medals: 68m; Axel Poignant, London: 30; Reykjavik, The
National Museum of Iceland: 38, 45, 113, 114; Rudkobing, Langeland
Museum: 66; Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein Landesmuseum: 74, 79, 83,
84; Scandinavian Airlines SAS: 3 (Boberg), 29 (Brorson), 4-5 (Peterson);
Stockholm, The National Antiquities Museum: 8, i^a-b, 18, 19, 20,
21, 23, 24, 35, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 61, 64, 79, 80, S5, 87, 88, 91.
93, 100, 102, 108, 109, no, 777; 40. 98: courtesy of the Antiquities and
Topographical Archive, Stockholm; Stockholm, Royal Coin Cabinet,
National Museum of Monetary History: 68a; Trondheim Museum: 25,
York Archaeological Trust (M.
S3, 76, 78, 97, 104, 112; S. Duffy): 31,
65, 77; Mats Wibe Lund, Reykjavik: 33; D. M. Wilson & O. Klindt-
Jensen: 105; Uppsala Museum for Nordic Antiquities: 37.
The maps for the book were drawn by Hugene Fleury, and the diagrams
and illustrations by Jeremy Ford. Figure 4 was redrawn after K. Schict/cl,
fig. 5 after M. Stcnberger, fig. 8 after F. Rocsdahl.
Huns and the Goths. Curiously, they have also been invested with a
strange glamour which contradicts in many ways their fearsome image.
The wanton, healthy, cheerful, blond Viking has been a firmly established
literary figure since the early nineteenth century. The British Museum by
means of this book and the exhibition which it illustrates is trying in some
ways to redress the balance. In a brutal age the Vikings were brutal, but
their brutality was no worse than that of their contemporaries. It is not
without significance that the English word lazv has a Scandinavian root,
nor that some of the administrative divisions of England in use until the
middle of this century were established by Scandinavian settlers. The
Vikings were administrators as well as pirates, merchants as well as
The Scandinavians of the Viking Age had a strong and vital culture of
their own, although they were always ready to take up outside influences
and ideas. The culture of these people is indicated in this book, as is their
daring and adventurous spirit. The discovery of America, the acceptance
of Christianity, the creation of nation-states and the government of
colonies are all part of this story, as are a distinctive art and considerable
technical skill. It is to show all these facets of the Viking character that we
have mounted this exhibition and written this book.
It is unlikely that such an exhibition will ever be mounted again and the
British Museum's thanks are primarily due to the many museums in
different countries, both within Scandinavia and elsewhere, for lending so
many numerous lending institutions are listed
national treasures (the
below). The sponsorship Times Newspapers Ltd in association with
Scandinavian Airlines System must be acknowledged with gratitude; in
particular the names of Asbjorn Engen, Vice President at SAS Head
Office, Steen Larsen, General Manager SAS Great Britain and Ireland,
and Derek Jewell, Publishing Director Times Newspapers Ltd,
deserve a special mention. The generosity of SAS has been demonstrated
in most practical terms by the transport of material and people between
Norway, Sweden and Denmark and London. Priceless Viking objects -
national treasures of their countries- have been brought to the British
Museum with infinite care. A
major grant from the Cultural Fund of the
Nordic Council has immeasurably helped the exhibition organisers. It
would be invidious to name too many individuals but without the help and
active support of Sir Denis Hamilton, Kenneth Pearson, Ralph Cohen and
James Graham-Campbell this exhibition would not have been possible.
Further the co-operation of the Arhus Prehistoric Museum at Moesgard
and particularly the help of Professor Ole Klindt-Jensen and Holger
Schmidt in the reconstruction of a house from the Viking town of Hedeby
must be acknowledged with grateful thanks. In private duty bound I must
also thank two members of the British Museum staff, Dafydd Kidd and
Jean Rankine, for the energy which they have devoted to the preparation of
this exhibition.
This is the first Museum has arranged an exhibition
time that the British
together with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York where it will
be shown in the autumn), and we trust that the happy co-operation
experienced in this project will extend far into the future.
David M. Wilson
The authors wish to thank Mr H. Johannsen of the SAS London office and
Mrs E. Thorvildsen of the Danish National Museum First Department
for their good offices; Miss M. Archibald, F.S.A., of the British Museum
Department of Coins and Medals for her selection of coins for illustration,
and checking of the related text; Mrs G. Boyce and Mrs L. Leth-Larsen
for their help in preparation of this catalogue and Mrs V. Bottomley and
Miss V. Springett for their typing; Miss S. Beeby for her help.
List of Lenders
late Sih century Norwegians settling Orknej and late 8th century Ribe and Paviken flourish
Shetland Curie coins from Muslim world
Viking ships off S Hngland reaching E. Scandinavia
793-5 Lindisfarne, Janow and lona
Vikings raid near Dublin
799 S. W. France attacked by Vikings
808 Godfred destroys Slav town of
Reric and settles Hedeby
810 Godfred ravages Frisian coast
815 Denmark invaded by Empire
829 Ansgar's first Scandinavian
830s Raids on Ireland intensify mission
834 Danes plunder town of Dorestad
835 Beginning of 30 years' attacks on
England by Viking armies 839 Reference to Swedes in
840s Dublin established as Viking base Byzantium
845 Vikings burn Hamburg, ravage
Paris and Spanish towns
849 Ansgar's second mission
850 First church built at Hedeby
851 Danish army first winters in
c. 860 Scandinavian discovery of Iceland 860s Vikings raid N. Africa and Italy 860s Traditional dates for first Viking
865 First 'Danegeld' from England activity in Russia
867 York taken by Vikings Rus attack Bvzantium
870 Monk Rimbert writes life of
871-99 Alfred 'the Great' king of Wessex Ansgar
874 Commercial treaty between
876 Vikings divide up Northumbria Byzantines and Rus who accept
878 King Alfred defeats Guthrum bishop
882 Viking Oleg traditionally takes
885 Paris besieged by Vikings over Kiev
886 Treaty partitions England
Scandinavians settle Danelaw-
early 10th century' Decline of Kaupang 907 Rus attack on Byzantium
910-18 Beginning reconquest of Danelaw 911 Vikings granted Normandy 912 Vikings attack Baku on Caspian
by Anglo-Saxons 921/2 Ibn Fadlan describes Rus on
930 Icelandic republic established Volga
934 Germans capture Hedeby
935 New- mission to the Danes
950 Emperor Constantine writes
954 Eirik 'Bloodaxe' of York killed about Rus
England unified c. 965 Conversion of Harald 'Bluetooth' c.965 Sviatoslav of Kiev attacks
king of Denmark Bolgars
970s Decline of Birka and rise of Volga eastern trade disrupted
Sigtuna 972 Vladimir siezes power in
974 German Otto 11 seizes Hedeby Novgorod
980 Battle of Tara reduces power of
Viking kings of Dublin
980s Renewal of systematic Danish
raids on England
986 Eirik 'the Red' settles Greenland
985 6 First Scandinavians sight America
c 994 Olaf Tryggvason king of Norway
999 Iceland adopts Christianity 990s Bergen and Trondheim founded
1002 Danes massacred on St Brice's Varangian Guard at Byzantium
Day in S. England 1008 Olaf Skortkonung king of Sweden
1017—35 Knut the Great' rules Anglo- converted 1015-54 Jaroslav 'the Wise' king in Kiev
Scandinavian Kingdom c.1020 Lund founded
1030 Olaf Haraldsson (St Olaf) king of
Scandinavian mercenaries paid off Norway killed
by English 1064 Treaty separates Denmark and
1066 English defeat Norwegians at 1066 Hedeby sacked by Slavs
Stamford Bridge Superseded by Schleswig
English defeated at Hastings
1069 70 Sven Estridsson of Denmark
invades England but makes peace 1075-80 Adam of Bremen writes his
1085 Knut 'the Holy' fails to reconquer historv
2 above The Vikings as they and cruelty. The derivation of the name is uncertain: it has been linked to
may have appeared to their trading journeys, seafaring or dwelling in creeks and bays - all activities
victims: an Anglo-Saxon
based on the sea. And
go 'a-Viking' meant joining an expedition across
stone from Lindisfarne
the sea to gain riches and honour. Much of our contemporary written
information about the Vikings comes from their victims. In western
Fig. 1 opposite An outline Europe the activities of Norwegians and Danes were recorded by
of some principal events in cloistered, monkish chroniclers bewailing attacks on religious houses or on
Viking history.
Christian armies. Their dry, laconic lists of disaster after disaster contrast
with rhetorical outbursts. A twelfth-century Irish saga describes these
'ruthless, wrathful, foreign, purely pagan people'.
The unexpected and sudden nature of the early raids gave them an air of
mystery and the supernatural. A stone sculpture from Lindisfarne,
perhaps recalling the disaster of its sack in 793, shows one view of the
Vikings (2). The success of the Viking hit-and-run tactics gave rise to
reports of exaggerated numbers of men and ships. The extent of the
isorm y.ape
wash themselves after sex ..." wrote the fastidious Ibn Fadlan in the early
tenth century of a group of northern merchants.
Viking raids south across the Caspian Sea in the tenth century were
repulsed; western attacks on the Mediterranean Arab emirates of North
Africa and Spain were only moderately successful. It was largely in
exchange for fur and slaves that the Vikings obtained masses of silver from
the Arabs. In the east the Vikings appear as vagabonds of dubious
reputation. In conjunction with Slav forces from Kiev they sometimes
mounted sporadic sea-borne attacks in the tenth century to extort
commercial concessions from Byzantium, but were no serious danger
except when their attacks coincided with those from other quarters. The
Arabs and Byzantines were technically superior to the Vikings, whose
power was weak at such distances, and since they were politically more
centralised and united than western states they could defend themselves
successfully. It was the weakness of political control and the fragmentation
of western Europe which allowed the Vikings such easy success in their
early raids. But whenever there was a way out of a stern fight the Vikings
found it. They were more concerned with profit than empty glory.
From the Icelandic sagas recorded three centuries later than the events
described, we gain a view of the Vikings as men of a heroic age. The sagas
are a Nordic tradition, a reflection of the medieval literature of romance,
composed to entertain rather than as history. Against a background of
anonymous common people, striking characters appear, larger than life,
with comic foibles and exaggerated virtues and vices.
It has been the fate of the Vikings to be seen in an idealised or unrealistic
light. A single facet of their character or activities has too often been
isolated to make the moral or political point that they were savage,
destructive barbarians or - much later - a blue-eyed, fair-haired Aryan
master race. In reality there was never one Viking people. During this
period a northern version of the Germanic language was commonly
understood across Scandinavia, which enabled groups from different areas
to co-operate on joint enterprises. But within Scandinavia itself landscape
and environment imposed differences on the inhabitants, and their
political allegiances varied.
The home of the Vikings, Scandinavia, consisted of the three present-
day kingdoms of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and part of Finland.
Their^ombined land mass is huge, extending over twelve hundred miles
from north to south: northern Norway extends well inside the Arctic
Circle, and the original border of the Danish Viking kingdom was at the
Fis. 2 I 'iking- Age base of the Jutland Peninsula in what is today northern Germany. Massive
Scandinavia, erosion of some areas by Ice- Age glaciers, and deposition in others of
Hedeby derives from the exploitation of the overland and river route
across this neck between the North Sea and the Baltic. A narrow sea-
opening between Jutland and west Sweden controls the strategic but
dangerous entrance into the Baltic around the top of the Jutland Peninsula
from the North Sea. Apart from areas of bog, forest and desolate sandy
heathland the area is agriculturally rich. Transport is relatively easy, and
expanses of sea or deep penetrating rivers are links in communication
rather than barriers. The sea dominates the land, being never far distant.
1 Much of this south-west Baltic area formed an early political unit, the
kingdom of Denmark, because of
its relative uniformity and over-all
M of the passes. One of these linked Tr^ndelag, the west-coast area around
Trondheim, eastwards to the head of the Gulf of Bothnia and so to the
Baltic. Rich lowlands form an irregular fringe around the Norwegian
coast, penetrating deep inland along the fjord valleys, a stark contrast to
the barren uplands which form the mass of the landscape. The very long,
indented coastline is protected by lines of offshore islands. Natural land
barriers and the scattering of population over long distances make sea
transport essential. The warm Gulf Stream prevents the northern seas
!>** »
from freezing and affects local temperature well above the Arctic Circle,
making Norway habitable at very high latitudes. Sea access around the
'*} North Cape to the White Sea is also possible. Main natural centres are
'J 3 left A northern Swedish landscape: forests and lakes in Anger nianland.
4 OVERLEAF A Norwegian landscape: the Geiranger Fjord, penetrating deep inland.
situated in the lowland plains of the south and south-west. Around the
Oslo Fjordin the south arc a scries ol~ rich ship-burials and the town oi'
5 The Aland archipelago near local fortified refuges. In the fifth and sixth centuries particularly,
between Sweden and Finland, hoards of precious metals were deposited but never recovered. Imported
gold coin and silver looted from Roman provinces circulating in hoards of
cut-up fragments were reused in jewellery and other ornaments.
From the fifth century, there emerged over the Germanic world groups
of powerful men who were distinguished by burial with rich weapons, gold
or silver jewellery, and imported luxuries. The richest is the burial in a
ship of an early seventh-century East Anglian king, at Sutton Hoo in
Suffolk. Its best parallels are found in Uppland in east-central Sweden; the
East Anglian royal dynasty claimed Swedish antecedents.
In the seventh and eighth centuries there was a period of political
consolidation and relative peace in northern Europe. In England lay a
group of Germanic kingdoms; to the west, north and in Ireland, were
Celtic kingdoms, and in north and east Scotland the Picts. The Frankish
kings had united modern France and western Germany by conquests, and
their successors, the Carolingian dynasty, pursued an aggressive eastern
policy against Slavs and Avars. Their conquests along the North Sea coast
brought them into contact with the Danes, and they shared a frontier at the
base of the Jutland Peninsula. Along the south Baltic coast Slav tribes were
consolidating into leagues and more centralised political units. The Baits
on the south-east coast were organised into tribal units, while the Finns
formed an even looser political group along the north-east coast and along
the Gulf of Finland.
Stability encouraged an increasing volume of trade in Europe. In the
west there developed a series of undefended market and trade centres, and
regular traffic routes, especially on the coasts of the English Channel and
around the North Sea.
Some Scandinavian centres such as Ribe and Helgo (the predecessor of
Birka) were active before the Viking period. More important centres in the
west which the Vikings raided - London, York, Quentovic and Dorestad -
and others on the south Baltic coast were also of importance before the
Viking Age. Trade contacts with Scandinavia during this period are
reflected in scattered groups of rich material in burials and trading sites. In
the east, Swedes from Uppland and Gotland had already begun to settle on
the east Baltic coast during the seventh century and to explore further
afield. The literature is silent about these early-developed relationships,
and only archaeology can reveal the truth.
Thus during the eighth century Scandinavia was at the centre of an arc
of politically developing, economically active peoples to the west and
south, while immediately to the east lay poorer, rather less organised
groups. It was the sea which was the common link.
2 Ships and the Sea
ashore tor the night. His own tent-posts were included, along with six
beds, and also alternative forms of transport, consisting of a sledge and
three small rowing-hoats. These graceful craft are still unique survivals a
hundred years after their discovery and serve to fill out the lines of similar
small boats used in lesser ship-burials. All three were made of oak; two had
two pairs of oars and the other had three. They were steered with a side-
rudder fitted to the starboard side, like the big ship
itself. Experiments
been its protection in the ground, and can now be seen, reconstructed, in
the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo 6 Apart from the mast and the decking
made of pine,, most of the ship was built of oak with the keel consisting of
a singletimber, nearly 58 feet long. The over-all length is 76i feet, with a
width of 1 ~]\ feet amidships, but even when fully laden it would have drawn
only 3 feet of water. The clinker-built hull was lashed to the ribs with roots
of spruce to ensure the vessel's flexibility. The mast was seated in a massive
block of timber, attached to the keel, and could be raised or lowered as 7a below The simple outlines
required. When raised such masts were generally supported by a forestay of a ship scratched on stone by
and a pair of shrouds, as sketched by a Viking artist on a stone from a Viking on Shetland.
Jarlshof in Shetland r 7a;. The single rectangular sail was hoisted on a yard;
7b bki.ow right The sail is
the one on the Gokstad ship was nearly 40 feet long. Such a sail can be
lowered, but still the
seen lowered and furled in the sketch on the whetstone found at
helmsman stands to his rudder
Loddekoppinge 7b;, or raised and in use on the Smiss stone from in this sketch from southern
Gotland Hj. These pictures also illustrate the use of a side-rudder, as
found on all Viking ships. This was a device of great efficiency, much
praised by Magnus Andersen who captained the Atlantic crossing of the
1893 replica.
When sailing was impossible, the Gokstad ship would have been rowed;
there were sixteen oars a side and the oar-holes had hinged discs on the
inside to closethem when not in use. Since there were no fixed benches,
the oarsmen would have had to seat themselves on their own sea-chests.
With thirty-two oarsmen, the helmsman and the captain, the crew will
have numbered at least thirty-four. The ship was buried with a row of
shields along either side, overlapping each other and painted alternately
yellow and black. It could not have been rowed with the shields in this
position because they blocked the oar-holes, but they could have been so
displayed at anchor. The Oseberg ship, discovered in 1904, had a different
kind of arrangement. It had a special rack which enabled it to be rowed
with the shields on display so affording some extra protection to the
rowers . In the light of recent finds of more specialised vessels, the
Gokstad ship must be interpreted as a general-purpose sea-going ship. On
the other hand, the ornate Oseberg ship was much less seaworthy and
cannot have been used safely in other than sheltered coastal waters.
Its discovery, also in a large mound on the west side of the Oslo Fjord,
was one of the most dramatic events in the history of archaeology, for the
airtight mound had preserved for a thousand years a wealth of objects that
transformed all knowledge of life in the early Viking Age. The unusual
choice of a ship for a woman's burial suggests that its main occupant was
high-born. The young lady who was buried in a chamber built in the after-
part of the ship was accompanied to the grave by her maidservant, for the
body of an old and rheumaticky woman was also present. She was
provided with a complete cross-section of items, both large and small, that
she had used in life and might have use for again. Grave-robbers had
stripped the young woman of her finery, and one of the three chests buried
with her had been badly broken and emptied of its contents. What was left,
however, is amazing for its variety and, in many cases, for the quality of its
carved ornament.
The Oseberg lady must have been a keen traveller, for buried with her
was an ornate cart, three lavishly carved sledges (with a fourth workaday
example), and her saddle. The skeletons of at least ten horses and two oxen
were discovered. Then there were the posts for two tents and three beds,
together with their bedding and various textiles, including both clothes
and ornamental wall-hangings. Five animal-headed posts are master-
pieces of the wood-carver's art, but of unknown use. The variety of
household goods, kitchen equipment and textile implements can only be
appreciated by a visit to the Viking Ship Museum.
Like the Gokstad ship and all other major Viking vessels, the one found
at Oseberg is a large, open boat designed for both sailing and rowing. The
Oseberg ship is slightly smaller than the Gokstad and was provided with
thirty oars; it is altogether of lighter and less robust construction. But most
striking is the carved ornament of the bow and stern, with the strongly
curving prow ending in a serpent's head, recalling a poet's description of
such a ship as a 'snake of the sea'. The most usual poetic epithets, however,
concern horses, such as 'sail-horses' or 'sea-steeds'.
Both the Oseberg and Gokstad ships contained numerous movable
accessories, from remains of the sails and their rigging, to the ships' iron
anchors and their wooden gangplanks. Other important equipment for an
open boat were wooden bailers. The T-shaped crutches in the Gokstad
ship, which would have held the lowered yard with its furled sail, would
also have enabled awnings to be erected in harbour to provide some little
shelter. Medieval sagas refer to large skin bags which were used for storage
of gear and weapons during the day and which served as two-man
sleeping-bags at night. But whenever possible Viking sailors preferred to
follow coastal routes, where they could put ashore to cook and sleep each
night. On longer Atlantic voyages supplies of dried or salted meat and fish,
and of water, sour milk and beer would have to be carried; both ship-
burials were provided w ith casks for this purpose, although water might
9 Gilded vane for an sight, as would have the movements of birds and sea mammals. Taken
eleventh-century Viking ship. together with a knowledge of wind and current, preserved in memory,
such voyages could be made and repeated, even though the hazards
remained great. To us the achievements of these Scandinavian boat-
builders and navigators are a matter of great wonder and admiration, but
to them it was matter of fact. One version of the Icelandic Landndmabok,
originally compiled in the twelfth century, gives these simple instructions
for sailing directly from Norway to Greenland:
From Hernar in Norway one is to keep sailing west for Hvarf in Greenland and
then you will sail north of Shetland so that you can just see it in very clear
weather; but south of the Faeroes so that the sea appears half-way up the
mountain slopes; but on, south of Iceland so that you may have birds and whales
from it.
It is simple in the telling, but one should not forget that the first Vikings to
undertake such voyages were sailing into the unknown.
3 Traders and Looters
In 841 Rouen was attacked by Danish raiders who are said to have carried
everywhere 'a fury of rapine, fire and sword, they gave up the city, the
monks and the rest of the people to carnage and captivity. Some of the
monasteries and other places near the Seine they devastated, the rest they
filled with terror, having received much money". Such entries in Frankish
and other west European chronicles contain their exaggerations, but a
number of points emerge so clearly that there can be no reason to doubt
them. The Viking fury was unleashed not only against monasteries, but
also cities and villages. As a result, monks and others were carried off into
captivity, but Viking devastations were sometimes prevented by the
payment of 'much money", to make them depart with their captives and
their plunder.
Captives might be ransomed, if they were of sufficient importance to the
monastery or community from which they had been seized, and so
converted into cash. The others were destined for a life of hard labour in
the Scandinavians* homelands or their settlements overseas, if not
consigned for sale in the slave-market for silver or other goods.
Tribute was extorted in vast sums during the ninth century from the
Franks (as it was to be at a later date from the Anglo-Saxons). For instance,
in 845 Charles 'the Bald' is recorded as having paid £7,000 in silver to rid
the Seine Valley of Viking raiders. The total references in the Frankish
sources to such payments amount to 685 lb of gold and 43,042 lb of silver,
and if some sums are exaggerated, there are no doubt others that have gone
unrecorded. At the same time similar raids for loot, and occasionally for
tribute, were taking place in England. The numbers of the Vikings
involved in these attacks may not have been large, but there is no doubt of
the damage that they inflicted and the wealth that they secured for
Remarkably little of this treasure has been found in Scandinavia in the
form of the coins in which the tribute must have been paid. The ninth-
century Hon hoard from Norway (92^ contains Carolingian coins mounted
for use on a necklace, and among the other objects that go to make up its
weight of 5^ lb of gold is a large trefoil-shaped mount of Carolingian work
and an Anglo-Saxon finger-ring. Much of the gold and silver will have
been melted down to make ornaments, which would still have served as a
man's capital, but many Vikings may have used their new wealth to
purchase land, or to equip themselves with ships and other necessities to
x^ , , c
10 Anglo- .Saxon
, >
,„„, ,„
book-mown become merchants, or to set out as settlers to the new lands in the west.
looted bv aXorzve°ian Carolingian and Anglo-Saxon coins are thus found in the areas of
Viking. Scandinavian settlement in Celtic Britain and Ireland. The massive
have plundered in the Iberian Peninsula. The second lasted from 859 to
862 and much ol that time was spent in the western Mediterranean, with
ships raiding North Africa, the South of France, and Italy.
The main flow of silver into Scandinavia between the late ninth and the
late tenth century came not from the west, but from the east, in the form of
Arabic coins. The trading-links between Scandinavia and the Islamic
territory to the south and east oi' the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea arc
described below. Well over sixty-thousand such coins have been found in
Scandinavia, and others were passed on to reach the British Isles; some
have even been found in Iceland. But many more must have been melted
down to make neck-rings, brooches and all manner of other ornaments.
The circulation of so much treasure in and around the Baltic at that time
meant that home-based Vikings who wished to engage in piracy might
make fat pickings without having to stir very far afield in the process.
This supply o\~ Arabic silver dwindled to a trickle during the latter part
of the tenth century, when the trade-routes may have been interrupted.
But their silver-mines were anyway nearly exhausted and the supply to
Scandinavia dried up altogether at the beginning of the eleventh century.
The Vikings were forced to look elsewhere for sources of silver to supply
the quantities to which they had become accustomed. Fortunately for
Europe there were German silver-mines in the Harz Mountains that were
increasingly exploited from the mid tenth century. Some seventy
thousand coins from German mints have been found in Scandinavia,
dating to the late tenth and eleventh centuries, together with well over
forty thousand from England. Viking raids on England began again in
earnest at the end of the tenth century, leading ultimately to conquest.
Massive tribute was extorted over a thirty-year period amounting to tens
of millions of coins of which these finds are but the remainder.
With over a thousand hoards known from Scandinavia, we should ask
just what did silver mean to the Vikings, who went to such lengths to
acquire it in these quantities. Its one obvious function was for display, as
an outward sign of the success of its wearer. It was considered as family
wealth, like land, and no more than a small object or two would be buried
with the dead. It was used to reward retainers and to provide lavish
hospitality, for generosity in such matters was a quality greatly admired by
the Vikings and assured a man's esteem among his fellows. If spent on
land, it might enable a man to rise above his station as a freeman; for a
slave, it could mean his liberty.
National coinages did not become firmly established in Scandinavia
until the eleventh century. During the ninth and tenth centuries coins
were for the most part regarded merely as lumps of silver - occasionally
pretty enough to be worth mounting on necklaces (55) - that had to be
tested for purity by scratching or nicking their surfaces, and weighed in a
balance before use in commercial transactions.
Portable balances were carried by all serious merchants. These were
ingeniously designed to fold up, so as to occupy the minimum amount of
space when not in use. Their arms fold inwards and fit within one of the
pans, which in turn nests in the other; the whole is then protected by a
13 Ornamented weights for In such an economy, which required silver to be weighed before use in
Viking balance-scales. commerce, it was not necessary to keep all one's silver resources in the
form of coin. If. in mid-transaction, one suddenly found oneself short of a
small amount of silver to complete a deal, all that was necessary was to cut
the end off one's arm-ring or brooch to make up the desired weight. Here
then is the explanation for the fact that so many Viking silver hoards, from
Cuerdale (1) to Birka (18) and beyond, consist of a mixture of complete
ornaments and coins together with so-called 'hack-silver' - their cut-up
fragments. Hack-silver would have been in continuous demand all the
time that silver was valued by the Vikings for commercial purposes and
coins were not used as counted money. But silver, in whatever form, had to
be buried for safe-keeping in an age when there were no strong-rooms. So
today when hoards are found by chance, it is only because their original
owners died without having passed on their secret.
Carolingian and Anglo-Saxon merchants would have been reluctant to
accept handfuls of hack-silver in return for their commodities because
: '*•
Isle of Man
IRELAND f^fara
/Dublin incoin DANELAW II
LimenHc ngHam^J-«^L
£• Derbv-V* /£
l "}
*• -^)*
Ritjer L^T
Arctic Circle
^•Novgorod «£\
• Bolgar
Tashkent t
Samarkand •
• Gurgan
Damascus <%.
# Baghdad
• Jerusalem
The Norwegians were also prominent in the North Sea and Atlantic,
and theirmost important trading settlement in this area must have been
Dublin, a Scandinavian foundation that was exceptionally active and
successful in the tenth and eleventh centuries, as recent excavations have
shown. Dublin was the focal point on the western trade-routes that linked
the Atlantic islands with Scandinavia and western Europe. Its wealth
supported craftsmen and artists of many kinds (86). From about 997 it had
its own mint, the first in Ireland. Other important towns founded by the
mi: vikings
eastern Sweden of Cufic silver coins from the Islamic east, commenced in
the "90s and defines the beginning of the Viking Age in the Baltic. Many of
the several thousand graves at Birka have been excavated to reveal a
collection of rich and remarkable objects, including many from the east:
^lass, silk, trinkets, coins, and from the settlement deposits, fragmentary
remains of much more. In the late tenth century Birka's fortunes declined
(,as did those of Hedeby but an important silver hoard (18), buried about
Sigtuna to the north. Gotland came to dominate the Baltic trade. The
Swedes had over many centuries developed contacts with the east. The
runestones in the province of Uppland, in which Birka is situated,
commemorate expeditions to the east. A group of early eleventh-century
memorials record those who never returned from an expedition to
Serkland (the Caliphate of Baghdad), led by Ingvar 'the far-travelled'.
One of the band had interestingly 'been long in the west'.
The island of Gotland, lying centrally in the Baltic, was prominent in
trade with the east, and with the west Baltic, and supported a rich and
independent farming community. Shelving beaches made many natural
harbours suitable for traffic with shallow-draught vessels, allowing
naturally good communications to develop in all directions. Gotland was
an entrepot deriving its wealth from the handling and transit trade. All
over the island rich graves and buried treasures suggest independent
participation by Gotlandic farmers in this rich trade. Large amounts
of imported silver have been found as hoards of coins, hacked-up
silver objects or jewellery buried by men who never claimed them
again. Whether they died on the island or abroad is unknown, but
the 40,000 Arabic, 38,000 German and 21,000 Anglo-Saxon silver
coins which have been found there, are evidence of the activity of the
On Gotland and beyond have been found objects from other east Baltic
groups. Pieces of their jewellery are sometimes easily recognisable from
their characteristic form or decoration. A late Viking-Age silver chain with
large geometric pendants from Eidet in northern Norway is Finnish,
demonstrating trade contacts across the far north. The bronze horseheads
on a fire-steel from Ase in Norway are very typical of a Finnish
zoomorphic style of decoration. Scattered in the west Baltic area are a few
pieces of jewellery from among the Baits living between the Finns and the
western Slavs, on the south-east Baltic coast.
In the territory of the western Slavs (including present-day Poland
and the German Democratic Republic) the Vikings traded in native urban
communities along the southern Baltic coast, where craft activities were
similar to those in Scandinavian towns. Economic development had
1 8 Silver ornaments , coins
already taken place in these western Slav areas, and this provided a very
and hack-silver buried
useful basis for the Viking traders to exploit. Settlements and burials along together, about 975, in the
the coast and further inland suggest that Scandinavian mercenaries and Swedish town of Birka.
traders formed small groups in the larger communities, and that their role
was eomplex and changed over time.
Pottery among the Scandinavians was not highly developed, either
technically or aesthetically and high-quality material was occasionally
brought from Slav areas, such as a stamped pot found at the Danish ring
fort of Trelleborg which probably came from present-day Mecklenburg.
The south Baltic may have been a rich source of grain, as suggested by late
Viking-Age finds from Denmark, for it has been supposed that barriers
imposed by the emerging political units created unequal values even on
basic food commodities. It has also been suggested that peasant taxes
might have been tendered in high-quality grain which could then be
Dynastic marriages took place between western Slavs and Danes in the
late Viking period, and Slavs mounted piratical raids on Danish
settlements. Imports into Scandinavia from these areas included silver
jewellery of a totally different style from the native material. Earrings with
light openwork and delicate filigree decoration or with embossed globular
shapes are characteristic. Lunate silver pendants and hollow beads with
the most delicate of filigree and granulation work are outstanding (19).
The Slav earrings may have been looted or brought back as souvenirs, then
worn by a Viking's sweetheart; but the use of silver toe-rings by women is a
likely eastern custom, and the pair from the Danish site of Fyrkat
represents a fashion unlikely to have been adopted by Scandinavians.
At Birka an eastern warrior was buried, sitting in his chamber grave,
along with a hammer-axe, armour-piercing arrows and a fur hat with silver
tassels. His other possessions included a glass vessel, and scales. We may
imagine that other exotic foreigners lived and travelled in Scandinavia.
Anglo-Saxon moneyers are identified from their names on coins struck at
Lund. Arab and Jewish merchants and traders visited the emporia of
northern Europe and several of their written accounts survive. Ibrahim al-
Tartushi visited a town that was probably Hedeby about ad 950: 'the town
is poorly provided with property or treasure. The inhabitants' principal
food is fish which is very plentiful. The people often throw a newborn
child into the sea rather than maintain it.Furthermore women have the
right to claim a divorce; they do this themselves whenever they wish.
There is also an artificial makeup for the eyes: when they use it beauty
never fades; on the contrary it increases in men and women as well'.
From the later seventh century and continuing into the eighth, groups
from Gotland and Uppland began to settle on the east Baltic coast.
Transport over the massive distances involved in reaching eastern
trading-centres was along the river systems. Scandinavian settlements
were strategically placed to control the lower courses of these rivers
flowing through Estonia and Latvia into the Baltic. Later routes
southwards across Poland and western Russia, deep penetrating rivers
1 9 The delicacy of silver
such as the Dvina or Weichsel could lead to the Upper Dniepr, Kiev and
jewellery: ear-rings and a
the Black Sea. Later, land routes began to be used so intensively that pendant from western Slav
these routes and the settlements built on them started to decline. The main lands, and a crystal necklace,
route led from the Gulf of Finland via the River Neva to Lake Ladoga found in Sweden.
I 111 \ [KINGS
others put the goods ashore, and also the slaves who are chained, and walk
six miles until they have passed the cataract. Then they take their boats
past the falls partly by towing them, partly by carrying them on their
shoulders. There they embark and continue their voyage.' At the end of
the river journey, at Berezanji, the Black Sea was within easy reach, and
proof that Scandinavians did penetrate this far is provided by a runic
inscription from the area.
Recent research shows that much economic and social development had
taken place among the eastern Slavs before the Scandinavians arrived. It
seems likely that the Vikings stimulated and expanded trade here, as they
did in western Slav areas, extending the trade-routes to the Gulf of
Finland, and hence to Scandinavia. They supplied an existing demand by
ruthlessly exploiting the slave-trade, and systematically intensifying the
hunting of furs to satisfy an eastern luxury market. A group of spiral silver
armlets with polyhedral terminals, so-called 'Permian rings', after a forest
area in north Russia which produced many furs, may be remains of activity
in this sphere (20). Scandinavians were not alone in their activities, for the
Finns, an Ugrian-speaking people who occupied parts of the north
Russian forest zone, seemed to have actively engaged in trading
themselves. Their remains are found in the lowest level in the town of
Staraja Ladoga. In many sources the name 'Rus' is applied by Arabs and
Byzantines to foreigners trading from the north, and more particularly to
groups based at Kiev. While they are distinguished from Slavs, their exact
antecedents remain a problem. As in so many areas, the Scandinavians
probably adopted many native customs and became part of a vigorous
20 Silver neck-rings, and
mixed group involved in aggressive trading. spiral rings from Russia,
Places like Bolgar on the Middle Volga developed as bazaars, terminals buried together on O/and.
H ~V«ll'
^r» J,
• ^J
s\ &FC
TR" • •
^J* W
used for us original purpose in some Swedish longhouse. An interesting 24 Christian objects of
group of Byzantine objects from Hedeby raises several problems. The Kievan origin , found in
Byzantine lead seal is a difficult piece to explain. Was brought as a
souvenir, or attached to a bale? And did it come from across the Baltic and
along Russian river-routes, or via Italy? With the silver reliquary capsule-
on its chain from Allmiinninge and the Norsborg pendant cross, both of
Kievan workmanship, it is an open question whether the Scandinavian
wearers had been converted to the Christian faith this jewellery
proclaimed, or were insensible to it. The brightly glazed pottery egg from
Sigtuna is another piece of Kievan origin, related to the Orthodox
celebration of Easter. Several others are known from Lund, but whether
they served their primary purpose isunknown. Above all it was silver coins
that the merchants took back to Scandinavia from the Muslim Arab world.
During the later part of the period Viking trade with the east declined
and the shift of European trade-routes deprived the Baltic route of much
of its earlier significance. The Scandinavians maintained an active
interest in the east however; at the court of Byzantium Vikings had for a
long time served as mercenaries in the military. In about ad iooo they were
formally organised into an imperial guard. Membership of the Varangian
Guard, as it was called, would still earn a Viking much prestige at home.
With their conversion to Christianity, the Vikings forged new links and
when we read of Scandinavians making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, it is
clear that the Vikings had accepted a new life and had found ways of co-
existing peacefully with their fellow Christians from all over western
4 Viking Settlement
In the Viking Age, as before and long after, the vast majority of people in
northern Europe lived by tilling the land and grazing livestock. Urban
settlement depended on the production of a food surplus in the
countryside. Hunting and fishing were valuable resources and formed a
very important supplement to the diet; honey, eggs or wild plants were
gathered where possible. The relative importance of each activity
depended on the of each locality.
total resources
A range of artefacts connected with fishing survives. Stone sinkers and
bark floats were used with nets, and some fragments of them do survive.
Fish-traps are known, while hooks and small sinkers show that line-fishing
was practised; a whalebone line-winder from north Norway
finely incised
implies some long Spears and forks, often complex pieces of
lines (25).
iron-smithing, represent another method of fishing. At sea, seals and
walrus were hunted, and whales driven ashore. A variety of iron hunting
gear reflects the different quarry which was speared or shot with arrows.
Since furs and skins were widely sought, it was essential to do as little
damage as possible. But little organic material, such as traps and
containers, survives as evidence of these activities.
The tools of the farmer are the main evidence remaining for farming
methods but carbonised grain and animal bones have also been
preserved. After about ad 600 we can identify few typological changes
until the medieval period, and the precise date of many artefacts is
sometimes not known. However, while points of detail are uncertain the
outlines are clear.
A written source, possibly from the Viking Age, the Rigsthula, refers to
the farmer'slife: 'He tamed the oxen, tempered ploughshares, timbered
houses and barns for the hay, fashioned carts, and followed the plough'.
The forest had to be cleared by the axe, and brushwood burnt off; roots
were then dug out and stones cleared. Next, the field had to be ploughed.
The simplest plough was the ard, which had two handles to guide its
central beam and a symmetricaliron blade to cut the furrow. On light soils
this primitive instrument was adequate, but for heavy soils a stronger
plough was required with a coulter to cut, heavy share to lift, and mould-
board to turn the sod. A plough like this may have been used from the late
Viking period, as at Lindholm Hoje, where a field was blown over by sand
and partly preserved. Horses or oxen could be used for plough traction on
larger fields, but where land was scarce and small plots were cultivated, the
s P ade and hoe were important tools.
25 A whalebone line-winder
incised zvit lithe figure of a Crops such as rye, oats, wheat and barley were grown, their relative
bird, importance depending on local conditions. Grain was harvested by cutting
the ear from the stalk with a curved sickle, while a similar tool with a 26 Iron tools of the Viking-
straighter, serrated edge suggests that a sawing motion was sometimes Age farmer in Norway.
employed. After separating the grain from the chaff and drying it for
storage, it would be ground to flour by hand on rotary quernstones. Grit
from the heavy stones often tended to crumble into the flour, and ground-
down teeth were a result, as shown by examination of skeletal remains.
Grasses and hay would have been cut with a long scythe for use as winter
fodder and bedding for animals. Another source of animal foodstuff and
bedding was foliage and shoots from trees and shrubs, cut down with a
hook-ended leaf-knife. Keeping farm animals alive over the winter was of
crucial importance. Weak animals, and others for whom there would be no
winter fodder, were slaughtered to ensure adequate supplies for the rest.
Meat not eaten at the subsequent feasting would be preserved for the
winter by salting, drying or smoking.
Large numbers of freemen lived each on his own farm, working it with
his family, which often extended to several generations. Slaves or unfree
men might undertake the heavier labour, and free labourers might work
for their keep and a small reward, herding or minding the flocks and in less
specialised work. A rich man who owned a large estate would probably
employ numerous men and women in subsistence activities, such as cloth-
weaving. This would leave him leisure for part of the year to join raiding
parties or trade on his own account. The amount of land owned, and a
man's status, could change in a series of bad years when the smaller, less
prosperous farmer might have to borrow from his more fortunate
neighbour. Obligation in many forms would often bind a lesser man to the
protection of a greater, whom he in turn would have to support. And in
litigation over land inheritance or to exact redress, when force or the threat
of it was needed to execute a judgement, such mutual bonds were
The character of rural settlements and their distribution varied greatly,
depending on conditions. Temporary settlements were sometimes
established to work seasonally in high mountain pastures, for fishing in
rivers, or digging bog-iron. Caves might have been used for shelter, or
small clusters of rude huts. Main settlement areas were on the richer
agricultural land; the more productive it was the denser the settlement.
Usually each farming unit lay isolated, a cluster of dwellings, huts and
outhouses. Specialised activities such as iron-smithing or storage would
often take place in outbuildings. Although varying with the limitation of
building material, this general arrangement was widespread. Some farms
had only one building, but the more wealthy a community the more
complex was its organisation. In the late Viking Age groups of farms occur
in village-like communities, especially in Denmark.
In the eleventh-century settlement at Lindholm Hoje there was some
metalworking, and at Eketorp on the Swedish island of Oland
manufacturing and trading took place in the circular, defended settlement.
Trading and craft-working centres, which had rarely appeared in
Scandinavia before the Viking Age, increased in number during the period
(pp. 131-50). Their influence on the rural areas grew as their numbers
increased and their trading activity became more complex.
In the winter, waterways turned to ice and for traversing them a range of 27 Transport over the winter
bone skates and iron shoe-spikes are known (27). Spikes for the feet of ice: bone skates and iron
spikes, front Lund.
horses show that they, too, went over the ice. Skis were used to travel
across the snow, while a range of sledges could be used to transport loads
across snow, ice and grass. Wagons with sturdy wheels and a body that
could be unfastened from a frame transported bulk loads, and perhaps
important people. The most elaborately carved sledges and a wagon were
contained in the female burial at Oseberg. Some vehicles might be pulled
by oxen or horses, and a series of elaborate horse-collars (28) and jangling
iron fastenings are associated with this form of transport. Riding-gear
such as elaborate iron bridles, richly inlaid spurs and stirrups (66j, and
bridle mounts of exceptional artistry were a medium for the
expression of social prestige. Iron horseshoes begin to appear in the late
Viking Age.
It was with this background that in the late eighth, the ninth and the
tenth centuries Scandinavian peoples flooded eastward and westward
from their homelands. Part of their motive was to find new lands to settle,
where they could earn their living. They founded new settlements or
:* •'*»
arc Scandinavian. No aspect of the site can be linked with native Indian
Doubtless there were other Viking voyages to the North American coast
which are not recorded in the literature, and these perhaps resulted in
ephemeral settlement, but the salient point is that the discoveries were not
exploited. Although agriculturally rich and accessible by sea and inland
waterways, America was at the end of a very long chain of communication.
Conflict with the hostile natives proved too demoralising for the isolated
immigrants, and the period of dynamic Scandinavian expansion had
effectively ended by the time this New World was discovered.
In contrast to the western seaways followed by the Norwegians,- the
Danes were active in England, the Low Countries and France. From 835
there were almost annual raids, and after 851 armies began to winter in
England. In 867 York was seized and in 876 'Halfdan shared out the land
of the Northumbrians, and they proceeded to plough and support
themselves'. Territory in other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms was appropriated.
In 880 an army went from Cirencester into Fast Anglia and 'settled there
and shared out the land'. After a spirited resistance, led by King Alfred the
Great and based on the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, the country was
partitioned formally in 886. The Scandinavian part of Fngland later
became known as the 'Danelaw', that is, where Scandinavian customs and
law were current. The area lay very broadly north and east of a line from
Chester to London, and included Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Not-
tinghamshire and Yorkshire which had the densest settlement. The Danes
had been driven out of urban centres they had seized, such as London, but
the 'Five Boroughs' of Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Nottingham and
Stamford remained in their hands, while the Kingdom of York became the
main Anglo-Scandinavian trading-centre of the North Sea basin. The
Anglo-Saxons began to reconquer the area in the early tenth century, but
the influx of Scandinavian population added considerably to agricultural
wealth and prosperity.
The written sources are silent about the number of new settlers and their
relationships with the original population, which remained largely where
it was. The Viking kingdom of York, Jorvik, as it was known to the
Saxons got called Ingleby. Such names were different from those of the
Anglo-Saxons, and it is possible to distinguish linguistically between
plaeesnamed by Norwegians and Danes. The density of plaee-names of
Scandinavian origin may be an indieator o\' the density of Scandinavian
settlement - in the Mast and North Ridings of Yorkshire up to 40 per cent
of early recorded names are Scandinavian. By comparing the agricultural
Anglo-Saxon place-names with that of areas
potential of land in areas with
with predominantly Scandinavian place-names, it can be shown that the
newcomers sometimes settled poorer land. This implies that the Anglo-
Saxon farmers kept under cultivation the best land, or that the newcomers
did not change the place-names when they settled. In counties like
Lincolnshire the field-names are heavily Scandinavian, suggesting an
influx of \ 'iking peasant cultivators who actually worked the fields.
These scraps of evidence suggest that in England the Scandinavian
takeover of land was complex, and not simply brutal appropriation. It has
been suggested that silver acquired by looting in England, France and
elsewhere was used by men who wished to settle down in peace and
purchase a plot of land in the adopted country. But when there was a
general share-out of English land among an army some men who were
unwilling to settle left to carry on raiding in England and across the
Channel, where they resorted in force after reverses in England.
Around the coasts of northern France and Frisia in the ninth century,
there were a few scattered, short-lived settlements intended especially as
bases for raids inland. In Brittany the Vikings seized brief control in the
tenth century. In 911 Rollo gained formal recognition from Charles 'the
Simple' of his control of land which became the Duchy of Normandy.
Rapidly adapting to local language and religion, the Scandinavians settled
there, building a powerful state, the ruler of which in 1066 took over
control of the English kingdom by invasion and conquest.
By contrast, the Swedes were mainly active eastwards, where
settlements were planted from the late seventh century along the Baltic
coast and beyond. The earliest, such as Grobin, included settlers from
Gotland and Uppland and lay on the east Baltic coast in the territory of
Baltic tribal groups. In the western Slav territory Scandinavians settled as
traders in existing urban centres, where the range of activities was similar
to that developing in Scandinavia (p. 48). Their characteristic burial
practices can be found in small isolated cemeteries or in larger native ones.
Further inland there may have been small groups of mercenaries.
For several centuries there has been heated discussion concerning the
extent and effects of Scandinavian influence on the eastern Slavs in Russia.
Political and economic development, particularly in regard to the
formation of towns, has been ascribed by some to a Scandinavian
domination and by others to internal development. Numbers of
Scandinavians with their women formed groups in certain urban centres.
The men acted as traders and tax-gatherers to accumulate wealth, or as
mercenaries, and took political power as opportunity offered.
Burials along the great rivers and in natural centres of trade and
communication sometimes contain Scandinavian objects. Where contact
took place through trade the possession of Scandinavian jewellery and
weapons says little about the identity of the wearer. Some burials are
specialised in rite, such as near Yaroslavl, where clay representations of
animal paws were found in cremation burials; these have parallels only in
the Aland Islands. But it was characteristic of many Viking settlements
where there was an existing population that the Scandinavians integrated
with the local community and adopted the local burial rite.
From the ninth century onwards the town of Staraja Ladoga, known to
the Scandinavians as Aldeigjuborg, contained material of Swedish affinity
including a runic inscription. Situated on the south of Lake Ladoga, it was
a focus for trade-routes along the rivers, leading to the south and east (p.
52). In the neighbouring south Ladoga region there are numerous burials
containing Scandinavian objects. The situation of fortified towns
containing merchant settlements and craft workshops, with a scattered
Viking population outside the town, is similar to that in parts of western
Europe. Novgorod, known to the Scandinavians as Holmgardr, came
traditionally under Scandinavian political control during the ninth
century. At Gnezdovo near Smolensk there is evidence of a large urban
complex with a great cemetery near by, where there are relatively large
numbers of Scandinavian objects for male and female use.
Further south in the Middle Dniepr region lay Kiev, a great centre
owing its riches to trade with Byzantium and controlling a majorsource of
furs by taxing many of the Slavs in territories round about. There were
Scandinavian traders here, and Oleg, a Scandinavian, is traditionally said
to have taken over the city in 882 and begun to levy taxes systematically
from the neighbouring Slav tribes. In the tenth century Scandinavians
served here as mercenaries, and some scattered archaeological material
may provide evidence of this. Exiles such as Harald 'the Ruthless' from
Norway sometimes served there as mercenaries on the way to Byzantium
and in the later Viking Age marriage connections between the Scandinavian
and Kievan ruling families strengthened these links, for example, the
marriage between Yaroslav the Wise and Ingigerd, the daughter of Olaf
Russia was known in Scandinavia as Gardariki (the land of towns), and
clearly the Vikings were able to dominate commercial activities here to
their great advantage. But of many early Russian towns we know relatively
little, because they have been continuously occupied. Although the
many parts of the Viking world that the character and importance of
Viking towns has been strikingly demonstrated. The most successful
excavations have shed new light on the period by uncovering objects and
structures which greatly extend our understanding of such settlements,
and their relationships with the surrounding rural populace.
am iA*^
4 v ,
3 House and Home
storehouses, under excavation measures about sixteen by forty feet and is divided into rooms ,fig. 4 One .
in Coppergate. of the outer rooms contained a clay bread-oven, the size of which suggests
Fig. 4 leu Isometric
reconstruction of a ninth-
century house based on
excavations at Hedeby.
that the occupants may even have been professional bakers; the room at the
opposite end of the house is of unknown use. The living-room lies between
these two and has a central hearth made of stones topped with clay (32). On
either side of it low earth platforms have
been built up to act as benches for
sittingand sleeping, although in this case a wooden bed has been added,
based on one found in the Oseberg ship-burial. The loom stands ready for
use against the opposite wall, while the cooking-pot hangs over the hearth,
which provides both heat and light in this windowless house. More light
would enter through the hole in the roof provided for the smoke to escape,
but any detailed work would have been done outside, or by lamp-light.
Lamps were small bowls for burning oil and could be made of iron, in
which case they might have a spike for sticking into the floor, or of
soapstone, sometimes with suspension loops; potten lamps were being
made at Hedeby and might have been used in such a house as this.
There were larger houses at Hedeby, with up to about a thousand square
feet of floor space, but even more impressive in the Danish landscape
would have been the late tenth-century houses of the Viking ring-forts
(p. 1 24). The Trelleborg house, named after those in the most famous of the
forts, was built of timber. Its long walls were curved, producing a curved
roof-ridge and giving it a hog-backed' appearance. The Trelleborg
houses were stave-built and had buttresses; some were entered through
porches, one on each side, at opposite ends of the long walls. Inside they
were divided into three rooms, the central one being the largest, with a
hearth and benches in the case of dwelling-houses.
A Trelleborg-type house was among those excavated at the Jutland
village of Lindholm Hoje (50), and further examples have been turning up
during recent investigations of even larger Danish villages, also of late
Yiking-Age date. But at Lindholm Hoje there were in addition other types
of houses, including long rectangular houses and huts with sunken floors,
like those discovered at Hedeby. The most unusual was a square house
with a courtyard - a type that only became common at a somewhat later
In the Viking settlements on the Atlantic islands houses were built in
drystone, or in a mixture of turf and stone, or even in turf alone (although
this was placed on stone foundations). Such walls were massive in
construction, up to six feet thick, so that no external buttresses were
required; additional roof-support if needed was provided by two rows of
internal posts. The first Norse settlers at Jarlshof, at the southern tip of
Shetland, built themselves a farmstead in this manner in the ninth
century. The chief building was a seventy-foot-long, two-roomed
dwelling-house, with curved sides. Associated with it were the necessary
outhouses for a farm, including a barn, a byre and a small smithy, and also
what seems to have been a small bath-house, containing a hearth for a
steam-bath or sauna. As the settlement expanded, so extra dwelling-
houses were added to the original group to cope with the increased
Such arrangements seem to have been typical of the first settlements in
the Atlantic islands. For instance, a similar house with a barn has been
farms built in Iceland were of this type, but the settlers there soon
modified the basic hall-house and developed more complex buildings with
several smaller rooms. This new type of farmhouse is known particularly
well from a series of excavations carried out in a southern Icelandic valley,
devastated by an erupt ion oi the volcano Hekla in about 104. The sites
that were in use then were smothered in volcanic ash and had to be
abandoned. They were of the same general type, so that the one at Stong
Fig. 5 BELOW Plan of a turf-built Icelandic farmhouse at Stong, as it was when
destroyed by a volcanic eruption in about 1104, and 33 RIGHT a reconstruction based
upon it. .'•VA*
1 Entrance hall
2 Hall
3 Living room
4 Dairy
5 Lavatory
The furnishings of all these houses would have been simple, with the
fixed benches used for both sitting and sleeping. Tables and shelves but
not cupboards have been found, and also portable chairs and simple-
stools. An ornamented plank appears to be from some more elaborate piece
o\' furniture. Decorated bedheads belonging to free-standing beds are
known from the rich ship-burials, but these may have been intended only
for the use of wealthy travellers. Clothes and personal possessions would
have been kept in chests like those of the Oscberg burial), or hung on
hooks. Food was stored in wooden vats and tubs, in large soapstone bowls,
or in pots (34). Little attention was paid to floors, which would have been
of stamped earth, perhaps strewn with reeds or straw. But interior walls, if
panelled, might be carved or painted, or even decorated with woven
The central hearth was the focal point of the house, providing not only
heat and light, but also the stove for cooking. A
cauldron was suspended 34 BELOW Clay pots and
wooden utensils excavated in
over it for making porridge and soups, or for stewing meat. The finest and
most substantial of these cauldrons were made of iron (35); but soapstone
bowls with iron handles were also used. Meat was roasted on spits (72), or 35 RIGHT An iron cauldron
long forks, and iron grill-pans and griddles were also used. Alternatively, from Szveden.
meat and fish wore baked in holes in the ground, packed around with
heated stones. Food was eaten with a knife from a wooden treneher, or
with a spoon from a bowl (34). Wooden cups were used for drinking (34),
although horns were also used (with occasionally imported glasses for
The diet of many Vikings was varied and nourishing. Meat and fish were
dried or preserved in a number of ways, or eaten raw. Wild fruits and
vegetables supplemented the cultivated peas, beans and cabbage. They ate
bread made from barley or rye and porridge made from oats and barley;
grain was also important for brewing beer. Honey was the base for
fermenting mead, but the strongest drink available to the Vikings was
home-made wine from fermented fruit juices. True wine was certainly
imported but would have been consumed only by the wealthiest. Milk
would also have been drunk and all forms of dairy produce were an
important part of the diet. For those with few resources, however, the diet
must have been much less varied and particularly monotonous during
harsh seasons.
Cooking and brewing were, of course, a principal task of the Viking
women but they also had many other jobs, including spinning and
weaving. Much of the cloth they produced would have been for family
clothing but a great deal was also required for sail-making, tents, awnings,
wagon-covers and the like, including wall-hangings. Spindle-whorls of
many different materials are among the commonest of all archaeological
finds and the spinning of wool may well have been a communal task. But
first the shorn or plucked wool would have been cleaned and combed. The
spun yarn was wound into balls, or into skeins if it was to be dyed.
The wool was woven (as was linen) on an upright loom, leant against the
wall. This, with warps weighted at the bottom by stone or baked-clay
weights, was no different from the modern primitive loom. The skein, or
ball, of wool was passed from side to side without the aid of a shuttle, the
weft being straightened with a weaving batten - a sword-like object of
wood, whalebone or even iron. Detailed adjustments were made with the
aid of special weaving-combs and small pointed tools (pin-beaters) of
wood or bone. Other forms of textile work included tablet- weaving, for
producing ornamental borders and braids, and embroidery.
There was also sewing, mending and washing to be done. The large
whalebone plaques, sometimes found in women's graves, may have been
used as a form of ironing-board, with bun-shaped smoothers of glass.
These plaques seem to have been quite prestigious objects since they often
have finely ornamented tops (36). They could have been used for
smoothing linen, or maybe for pleating it. by folding and winding it round
the board while it was still wet, and then leaving it to dry.
Feasting was an important part of the life of the Viking community. Ale-
feasts celebrated religious festivals and with the coming of Christianity the
Vikings were unwilling to relinquish these and carried them over into their
36 Whalebone plaque from
new religion. Such occasions served to strengthen bonds of kinship, as well northern Norway,
as relieving some of the tedium of long northern winters. The hangovers ornamented with animal
would have been most debilitating, given the impurities contained in their heads.
drink! But, as always, this never stopped a man boasting of his drinking
prowess. 'I leave no ale in the horn, though the warrior brings me the horn
tillmorning' was the claim of Egill Skalla-grimsson, as distinguished a
poet as he was a Viking.
Poetry, games and entertainments undoubtedly accompanied feasts, but
such relaxations and pastimes were not confined to these occasions. Little-
is known oi~ Viking music, although a tew remains of stringed instruments
and pipes have been found. On the other hand there is much evidence for
board-games, even if it is not always clear what sort of game was being
played. Pieces were made of bone, amber or glass 37 one common type of ;
game used sixteen pieces of one colour against eight pieces and a 'king' of
another. The Baldursheimur bone figure from Iceland (38) is such a 'king',
and was associated with twenty-four gaming-pieces. forming a set of so-
called hneftafl. The best-preserved gaming-board to survive was made in
the tenth century in some Viking settlement, though found on a native
Irish site, at Ballinderry (39). This is for an old form of the modern game of
'Fox and Geese". Chess may have been known in Scandinavia by the end of
the Viking Age.
Outdoor pastimes in the winter would have been restricted, but skating
and ball-games on the ice were enjoyed. In the summer, as well as boating,
swimming, fishing and practising with weapons, there were thrilling
sports like horse-racing and horse-fighting where the spectators might be
as much in danger as the competitors.
Even the Scandinavians who stayed at home lived lives full of incident
and hazard, threatened by pirates, warring neighbours and family feud.
'Let the man who opens a door be on the lookout for an enemy behind if
was the poet's warning in HdvamaL a poem of Viking Age origin. Valour
was certainly not the ultimate Viking virtue, for at bottom it was the family
and home life that mattered the most. Those who wanted to stay alive
combined caution with their bravery. In Havatndl we are told: 'Praise not
the day until evening has come; a woman until she is burnt; a sword until it
is tried; a maiden until she is married; ice until it has been crossed; beer
39 opposite A tenth-century
wooden gaming-board from
6 Death and Pagan Gods
The early Vikings were pagans - they had not yet been converted to a belief
in Christianity. They acknowledged many gods and spirits who might be
invoked in different situations, according to their varying powers. For
some, Christ was one god tolerated among many others. Their looting of
churches and monasteries and seizing of plate, vestments and valuables
was not the result of organised, anti-Christian feelings, but appropriation
from a rich source of wealth protected by a ritual sanction they did not
recognise. Unlike the Christian Church, Viking religion did not support
the secular state in a formal way, although many chiefs had a religious
function as intermediary with the gods.
When Christianity was imposed on the Vikings, the Church pursued a
deliberate policy of destroying material and beliefs associated with pagan
observances. Some information we have about these beliefs comes down
through largely hostile contemporary observers. Sources such as the
Icelandic sagas contain much information on myths and legends current in
thirteenth-century Iceland, but the Vikings' original beliefs may have
become much altered. The accounts of both Arab and Christian sources
may have been distorted by a tendency to explain what they heard in terms
of their own practices. In any case, the corpus of Viking beliefs about death
and deities was the result of many centuries of complex development,
influenced from many sources.
Contemporary representations of gods and mythical scenes exist, and it
is possible to interpret some of them from fragmentary accounts available
to us. These range from legends about the creation of the universe,
through to the predestined destruction of the old order of the gods:
Ragnarok - the end of the world. Within this complex were stories of
dwarves and giants and monsters of evil, against which the gods were
constantly in combat. Myths of the mighty gods emphasised that they
were often human in their appetites and foibles, even if superhuman in
40 left Bronze statuette of their excesses. And they did walk abroad, influencing affairs in the world.
Freyr, the god of fertility,
Among statuettes which survive, some figures are easily identifiable by
from Rallinge, Sweden.
the way that certain features are emphasised. The god of fertility, Freyr,
I 111' VIKlMiS
arranged for the young by their elders, and where love played no pan in the
initial arrangements, fertility was the test of a successful union; perhaps
^^iin..», l .%iii«li^*jj%M ^o
belief in the protective power of amulets which may explain the shaping of
the broad battle-axe and the cross at the heads of some dress-pins found at
Jarlshof. Amber pendants from Hedeby in the form of an axe may
have the same significance.,and so may the silver miniatures - sword,
spear, fire-steel and staves - on a small ring from Klinta.
For the Vikings, the creatures and beings of the other world were not so
compartmentalised as they are for us. The world was constantly
threatened by demons and monsters, unseen but still lurking, who were
destined to destroy the world. These, with lesser deities and local spirits
were forces to be reckoned with. It is not difficult to see the animal
ornament on everyday objects as an expression of this world view, and in
studying the more elaborate pieces we may imagine stories being told
around the fire about the creatures who form the designs.
Even on the most functional of objects decoration may have a symbolic
significance. A soapstone furnace-stone from Snaptun is strongly incised
with a face-mask displaying prominent eyebrows and a moustache. The
lips are disfigured with lines across them which may represent stitches
(46). This may be a representation of the god Loki, who caused so much
dissension among the gods by his destructive jealousy and spite. Having
once wagered his head against that of Brokk the dwarf, and being about to
46 right Furnace-stone to
protect a bellows-nozzle,
incised with the face of the
god Loki, from Snaptun,
I 111 \ lKlN'CiS
lose ii. he saved himself by pointing out there had been no mention of his
neck in the bet' Enraged, the dwarves sewed Ins lips together. And since
later tradition accords .oki the position of a lire-being of the hearth, it is
appropriate thai this object would have been in the heat of the forge.
On Gotland was a long series of painted memorial stones with a variety
of tigural scenes, some of them involving complex
narrative. While they
must have had contemporary
significance for viewers, not all the scenes are
comprehensible to us. The stone from Smiss (8) depicts a ship full of
armed warriors, and a single combat between two swordsmen. This may
record an actual event, which led to the death of the man commemorated
by the monument, or may be a mythical scene.
An early Viking-Age stone from Lillbjars shows a mounted warrior with
conical helmet and pantaloon breeches, bearing an emblazoned shield
(47). He is met by a woman offering a horn of drink. This may be the
representation of the dead man riding from a field of battle to Valhalla
where he is met by a ministering Valkyrie. Those who fell in combat were
reputed to travel direct to this drinking-hall of the heroes, where they
remained in readiness until called upon by Odin to fight alongside the gods
at the end of the world. Below this, two mysterious cloaked figures with
jutting beards sail their lonely ship. One has control of the rudder while
the other appears to be a passenger - perhaps the dead passing over to the
spirit world. But who is it who stands alone, bearded, and with arm
outstretched towards someone or something not visible to us? All round
the border is a continuous running motif which echoes the interwoven
triangles in the main field, commonly found in scenes of mystery.
Panels on the eleventh-century grave cist found at Ardre are decorated
with scenes from myth but it is not certain if they are all related. What
story lies behind the appearance of a figure, who is armed prominently
with a sword and standing hemmed in at the centre of a scene dominated
by monsters (48)? On a fragmentary panel can be seen an eight-legged
horse ridden by an armed man, perhaps Odin riding his wind-swift steed,
Sleipnir. Above is a swordsman carrying a great spear in one hand, and
putting a horn to his mouth to sound a warning, as the watchman Heimdall
was to do at the end of the world. On one side-panel, a god-like figure is
seen between two long-necked, four-legged monsters. He is entwined in
mortal combat with a long serpent, aided perhaps by a lesser figure behind
him, while a free figure at the bottom of the scene is gripping the body of
one serpent. This may be yet another representation of the end of the
From Andreas on Man
fragment of carved slate, part of a
the Isle of a
tenth-century Christian monument, bears a detail from identifiable legend
(49). Originally the surface had carved on it a tall cross, with down its shaft
a typically Viking decorative motif, the ring-chain. Under one arm of the
cross stands Odin, one of the mightiest gods and the most mysterious. His
harbinging, all-seeing raven perches on his shoulder. Odin strikes
47 An early Viking memorial
downwards with his spear at Fenrir, the wolf, who gnaws at his leg, and stone from Lillbjars on
who is predestined to devour him. For when the world inevitably ends Gotland.
with Ragnarok, the destruction of the gods by ill-begotten creatures of ( The paint is modern.)
48 far left Panels of a stone cist carved in the
eleventh-century Urnes style, from Ardre,
token o\~ the new which, more than the monsters of dark
spiritual order
places, was to destroy the fastness of the gods. In areas where there was
already a population oi~ Christians, such as the Isle of Man or northern
England, there grew up a fusion of pagan and Christian iconographies,
characteristic of the eclectic nature of Viking taste.
In contrast to the later Christian practice of burial in hallowed ground
often around a church, pagan cemeteries were close to the settlements they
served. Small, rural burial-grounds often lay in sight of the homefield asB
group of low mounds on patch of poor agricultural land. At Birka the
cemeteries lay close to the concentration of houses, beyond the rampart
which was constructed later. The size of the cemetery over three thousand
graves indicates the population and wealth of the town.
The simplest graves consisted of a hole in the ground, sometimes with a
coffin or hollowed-out tree-trunk and covered over with a low mound.
There seems to have been some belief that the dead resided in the place
they were buried. It was the pagan practice to bury women costume
with their jewellery, or men with weapons or tools. Each might have
treasured possessions and items showing their role and status in the
stratified Viking society. The poor had nothing. The practice suggests
some belief in an after-life, while the deposition of food may be seen as
token sustenance for the journey. The unburnt body buried in the ground
is, therefore, our richest source of information about the Vikings, until
in Iceland, for example, the element 'hof implies a building for pagan
worship. No been made from
positive identifications of a temple have yet
the archaeological finds, but since these consist only of ground-plans, a
normal timber building devoted to pagan practices might not be
identifiable. Lejre on Sjadland in Denmark, and Old Uppsala in Sweden
are mentioned as religious centres, and have been traditionally important.
Instead of there being a formal religious structure, it is possible that
natural features like a grim old tree or boulder were venerated. Weapons,
especially swords, have often been found in rivers, which may have been
places for sacrifice, but other explanations are possible for these
occurrences. Human and animal sacrifice to the gods are occasionally
mentioned in connection with pagan by Christian and Arab
authorities. In Iceland the ritual feasting upon horseflesh was ostensibly
pagan, and after the proclamation of Christianity could only be done in
private until it was outlawed. The burial of a horse beside the dead may
relate to its religious connotations of strength and fertility as well as being a
symbol of power and wealth.
Connected with both religious expression and memorials to the dead are
50 OVERLEAF A vietv over the runic inscriptions, although these also occur on simple objects to record
I cemetery at Lindholm
Hoje, northern Jutland; ownership (12 and p. 34). The runic alphabet is known as the 'Futhark'
across its stone grave-markers from the values of its first six symbols. Their over-all shapes are
can be seen the Limfjord. unmistakable, being ideal for incising or carving and for painting. One
— i
such alphabet is inscribed on a rib-bone from Lund (51). There are 51 Rib-bone from Lund
localised versions of the runic alphabet, and variations in the number o\~ incised with the runit
alphabet - the Jut hark.
symbols and their sound-values. In some cases, there is considerable
doubt about the reading and meaning of short inscriptions. Runes were a
form of writing common to the Germanic tribes and used in Scandinavia
from the first centuries after the birth of Christ. In the later Viking period,
we read of specialist 'rune-masters'. Runes were gradually superseded
from the late eleventh century by the Roman alphabet which spread with
Christianity, but they remained in use to the later medieval period.
The association of runes with the mystic is explained in the poetic myth
oi~ their discoveryby Odin, who hanged himself for nine nights on an ash
tree to gain the secret of wisdom. He became the god of magic. And, of
course, secret charms or curses would be scratched in runes. A fragment of
human skull from Ribe is incised with an eighth-century inscription which
today cannot be interpreted, apart from the reading of some names
including that of Odin himself. But many runic inscriptions record purely
everyday or public information, and this more general use begins with the
Viking period. A mid-eleventh-century Danish coin of Sven Estridsson
has its inscription in runic characters (68h). The most famous graffito is
probably that carved on the shoulder of a majestic marble lion, originally
in the Piraeus harbour of Athens, by a visiting Swede, perhaps in
Byzantine service. From Hedeby comes a four-sided stave with runes on
two of them. The meaning cannot be satisfactorily read but appears to be
in the form of a message, a letter one might almost say, dealing with an
everyday matter. The memorial cross fragment from Andreas (49), with its
wealth of carving has the name of its carver Thorvald recorded along the
side for all who could read it. On another carved masterpiece from St
Paul's Churchyard, we read in runes that 'Ginne had the stone laid and
Toke .
.' but the remainder is lost
. (101).
In the later Viking period, particularly in Denmark and in eastern
Sweden, there is a series of stone monuments inscribed with runes. Some
are grave- or memorial-stones, some are boundary-markers, others mark
fords. They often record events, travels and family relationships of the
people who lived there. It was inevitable with the extensive use of stone
memorials and graveyard monuments in Christian contexts, that runes
should be employed extensively in the late Viking period. One of the
earliest Christian Viking monuments from Ardre in Gotland has a runic
inscription with a Christian sentiment despite its pagan iconography: 'The
sons of Liknat have raised a good monument to the memory of Ailikn,
good wife, mother of Aivat, Ottar and Gairvat and Liknvi. May God and
God's mother be merciful to her and to those who raised the monument
the largest to be seen in Garda .
(48). These inscriptions and figural
7 Viking Dress
The dress and personal equipment of the Vikings was used to display their
wealth, for riches were the measure of status and success. Their love of
ostentatious display is revealed in the lavish goods found in pagan burials
and by the many ornaments buried in silver hoards. Ibn Fadlan described
a party of northern merchants whom he met on the River Volga:
Each woman carries on her bosom a container made of iron, silver, copper, or
gold - its size and substance depending on her man's wealth. Attached to the
container is a ring carrying her knife which is also tied to her bosom. Round her
neck she wears gold or silver rings; when a man amasses 10,000 dirhems [Arabic
coins] he makes his wife one gold ring; when he has 20,000 he makes two; and so
the woman gets a new ring for every 10,000 dirhems her husband acquires, and
often a woman has many of these rings.
What Ibn Fadlan does not tell us is that Viking men themselves liked to
wear such rings, and fine cloak-pins and brooches of gold and silver.
Indeed, the giving of rings was a traditional method by which a king
rewarded his retainers. Scandinavian poets of the Viking Age, in their
roundabout way, often praised their lords for hostility to gold - in other
words, for their generosity, for it was considered to be their duty to
distribute gold rather than to hoard it up.
Although the rich and successful could afford to wear rings and
brooches of precious metal, there will have been many freemen who would
have had to be content with ornaments of bronze for themselves and their
wives. But even these were gilt or tinned to imitate the finery of the rich
who drew their fashions from both east and west.
To reconstruct Scandinavian Viking-Age dress there are a variety of
sources to which we can turn, but none is as full or reliable as we might
wish. Medieval sagas provide the most extensive information, but current
fashions may have affected their descriptions of the dress worn by their
Viking-Age characters. Men and women are portrayed on the Gotlandic
'picture-stones' (8, 47), on the Oseberg tapestry, and in several miniatures
(41, 43); little detail is shown, but the general nature of their dress
emerges. Much can also be learnt from the study of grave-goods,
particularly when the body was buried fully clothed. Even though the
actual garments have perished in the ground, impressions of textiles may
be preserved in the corrosion formed on the brooches that once held them
together. Detailed study of such traces and surviving fragments of cloth
have revealed much information, particularly of female dress, to expand
considerably what can be learnt from contemporary pictures. But the
52 Brooches for a Viking gradual abandonment of the pagan practice of burying grave-goods means
woman, we are less able to follow changes in costume during the late Viking Age.
Vikings settled in the ninth and tenth centuries from the distinctive
brooches that formed an essential part of it. The brooches do, however,
change in detail as time passes so as to keep up with the latest style.
Viking women wore a long, sometimes trailing, garment of linen - a shift
or chemise - often finely pleated and with short sleeves, or no sleeves at all.
It was closed at the neck by ribbons or a drawstring (buttons and hooks
were not used). Over this was a woollen tunic held up by a matched pair of
bronze brooches, oval-shaped and four to five inches long (52). These oval
brooches were worn high on the chest to secure the loops or shoulder-
straps of the outer garment, which might be of fine and even ornamented
cloth. There is no evidence that women wore belts, so that it will have hung
straight, reaching nearly to the ground, or even trailing behind, as can be
seen from several representations of female figures (43).
The bronze oval brooches had hollow convex shells, with the pin fitted
inside so that the dress-loops would have been concealed in use. The
brooches are usually well made and can be very ornate (53), but most are
rather crudely ornamented in standard patterns, indicating mass-
production. In fact they get cruder and uglier as the Viking Age passes,
suggesting that they" were of declining importance, until they were
abandoned altogether by the end of the period. This trend might have
been caused by a growing fashion for wearing shawls, which would of
course have covered up such brooches when worn so high on the chest.
Between the oval brooches would be strung festoons of beads - of silver,
amber, crystal or carnelian, but most often of multi-coloured glass (76).
Elaborate necklaces are also known (55), which might be further
embellished by the addition of pendants of many types (55, 54), including
those of both pagan and Christian significance (45, 109). A number of
personal objects could be suspended from one of the oval brooches on a
chain - a knife, key, comb, toilet implements (43), small shears, or needles
in a case - bringing to mind Ibn Fadlan's description quoted above.
The use of a shawl required a third brooch to hold it in place, worn in a
prominent position on the middle of the chest (52). These brooches took
many forms during the Viking Age from round to oblong, or even in the
shape of stylised animals (103). They could be a single disc of cast silver or
bronze (102), or highly elaborate, composite objects of great value and
prestige (85). Common types of brooch have two symmetrical arms, or are
three-lobed (56, 52), both shapes that were originally inspired by Frankish
fashions. Other women proudly displayed an imported ornament as their
shawl-brooch, maybe converted from a piece of loot (11), so advertising
their men's success in ventures overseas.
The great majority of Scandinavian women clearly conformed to the
fashion for oval brooches, except for the ladies of Gotland who preferred pj g 5 Viking dress
smaller ones shaped like animal-heads. Their jewellers had also designed reconstructed.
w *ET
m M
.-at*" 9*--- -- V .
<* .--,
' SB Hi I ^^B
I ftl
55 v4 selection of glittering
and colourful necklaces for
the rich, from Sweden.
mm 1
m 0S
women alike. They form the principal ornaments that make up many of the
57 RIGHT Danish gold: disc-
hoards of silver and gold (18). The largest neck-ring known from the brooches of exceptional
Viking Age was ploughed up at Tissci in Denmark as recently as 1977 and splendour from the Hornelund
weighs about 4 lb of pure gold (58). It is so large and heavy, with a diameter hoard.
^ -i*.
of fourteen inches, that it could only have been worn by a man - and a very
stout one at that!
These rings were characteristically made of gold or silver rods that were
twisted or plaited together (59), but arm-rings were also made from broad
bands of silver, frequently embellished with stamped ornament. Once
again those from the independently minded (and extremely wealthy)
island of Gotland have their own and design.
special characteristics
In winter heavy cloaks and furs were worn which would have been tied
by thongs, but some brooches are so large as to suggest that they were
intended expressly for garments of such thickness - not forgetting the
extra opportunities so presented for display. Such a brooch as that from
Mollerlokken in Denmark (60) is very practical for such a purpose. Its
long, sharp pin would have pierced the thickest and toughest cloak, and a
great mass of material could be bunched within its broad ring. But then its
delicate gold ornaments suggest that it was only used on special occasions —
feast-days, for instance.
The Mollerlokken brooch represents a particularly elaborate example of
a brooch fashionable among Scandinavian men in the tenth century, but of
a form which was originally adapted from brooches produced by native
Irish jewellers in the late ninth century. Such western brooches and cloak-
pins, which were both practical and ornate, proved immensely popular
when introduced into Scandinavia, where they were imitated and
elaborated. They were generally worn on the right shoulder, so that the
cloak parted on that side, enabling a man to keep his sword-arm free.
Vikings with wealth to spare were most certainly fashion conscious in
58 left Treasure from Tisso: their dress and ornaments, the men as much as the women. Indeed, male
the most massive gold neck-
costume was more varied and often more luxuriously trimmed than that of
ring from the Viking Age.
their women. At Birka, it was the men's graves that produced most of the
59 below Danish arm-rings imported silks and multi-coloured braids and bands, with which their
of gold and silver. tunics and cloaks were edged.
1 11
62 LEFT Contrasting metals handed slashing weapon and had a blade about three feet long. To be ready
andstylised animals ornament for use., a sword was carried in a scabbard often finely ornamented with
a Xorzcegian sv:ord-hilt.
metal mounts, slung from a belt or a baldric across the shoulder.
Bows and arrows were used for fighting as well as for hunting; a massive
longbow recently excavated at Hedeby would have been a weapon of
considerable power. Some arrowheads were designed for maximum
armour-piercing force and one such may account for a hole in the iron
helmet from Gjermundbu. This Norwegian find is the only complete
\ 'iking helmet known to survive. In shape it is little more than a rounded
cap with a nose- and eye-guard, like monstrous spectacles. No horns, and
no wings., such as are frequently and mistakenly provided by all too
romantic modern imaginations! The truth of this is confirmed by the many
contemporary pictures of helmets, from those on the Gotlandic stone- -
47; to those of the Middleton and Sigtuna warriors 30, 64 .
The chief protection for the body was provided by the shield. These
were circular wooden boards, often painted., with a central iron boss to
protect the hand-grip. Mail-shirts are known there was one in the
Gjermundbu grave but were probably worn only by the rich.
66 right Silver-encrusted
riding equipment from
8 Kings and Coinage
The Viking Age resounds with the names of great leaders, and kings
bearing exotic-sounding nicknames. Some receive cryptic mention in
contemporary chronicles. Some appear larger than life in medieval
Icelandic sagas, composed long after the Viking Age was over. As
adventurers, exiles, leaders of raids or rulers of kingdoms they sometimes
move about the Viking world with startling speed. In modern terms many
died very young, and often by violence. Rarely were they safe from their
enemies or followers.
Until the late Viking period we know little definite about territorial
organisation and political control within Scandinavia itself. A few facts
relating to the earlier period are gleaned from accounts written by visiting
monks or merchants. Where the Vikings were active abroad some account
of their organisation survives, but some of the terminology employed may
not always be clear to us. The area about which most is known, Iceland,
67 Silver pennies of the was a republic from its formal establishment in 930 until 1262, and was
Viking kingdom of York.
effectively run by a few powerful families and their supporters, manipu-
e) below left Reverse of a may have achieved this position by status inherited at home or by prestige
penny of Anlaf Sihtricsson, acquired abroad.
showing a standard with a The chronicles often refer to kings, chiefs, or leaders of an army, but
cross (c. 942 J what the limits were on their power we do not know. Although in general
terms the stratification of society and differences in wealth are reflected in
f) below right Obverse of a
the contents of graves, it is not possible to equate the rich grave accessories
penny of Anlaf Sihtricsson,
showing a triquetra ornament directly with status. When the Scandinavian states were being established
(c. 942). under a central king, traditional territorial magnates, such as the earls who
about the year 825 (68a). Its coins were struck between two iron dies on pendant) struck at Hedeby,
thin silver blanks. Their designs copied and modified elements from the c. 825.
coins of the Carolingian Empire with which the town had strong trade-
links. Rarely found outside early trading-sites, they appear to have
been a short-lived issue. The first Viking coins in England were struck in
those Danish areas where there were strong commercial contacts with ihc
Anglo-Saxons who had a highly developed silver coinage. Dating from the
late 880s, after the partition of England, coins were struck in the southern
68b Penny of Guthrum after
Danelaw by King Guthrum (68b). They bear his baptismal name,
he was baptised Athelstan,
struck c. 888-90. Athelstan, which had been bestowed on him by the English King Alfred
afterhe defeated the Vikings in 878. Like many subsequent Viking issues,
they imitated contemporary Anglo-Saxon coins.
At Quentovic, a flourishing trading port on the Channel coast of Erance,
an imitative coinage was established by the Viking occupants copying local
Carolingian issues. The designs of the earliest coins from York, struck just
before 900, were also mainly Carolingian in inspiration, suggesting a
North Sea trading interest. But as relations with Anglo-Saxon England
grew stronger it was the designs of the Anglo-Saxon coins which were
more often imitated. As in the Anglo-Saxon coinage there were two
68c & d Obverses of a penny
denominations: the silver penny and halfpenny (68c, d).
and halfpenny of Cnut, struck
at York, c. 900. From 919 954 York was ruled periodically by Irish-Norse
elements from Dublin and by Norwegian and Anglo-Saxon kings. The
forging of an axis from Dublin and the Irish Sea across Lancashire, over
the Pennines to York and so the North Sea, became politically and
militarily significant in Norwegian plans for domination. Coins were
names of all three groups. That management of the coinage
issued in the
was a commercial non-political matter is shown by the
consecutive employment of some of the same moneyers despite these
changes in political control. In the circumstances of the tenth century
a reliable coinage was essential for the cosmopolitan trade-centre that
York became. In the area of the Five Boroughs the earliest Viking issues,
although they are blundered copies of Anglo-Saxon coins, are struck to a
lighter weight standard. At Lincoln rare coins bear the mint signature of
the town and a representation of the sword of a locally revered saint (68e).
Later, Derby issued coins for both Viking and Anglo-Saxon kings.
Curiously very few of these Viking coins are found in Scandinavia, being
used mainly in Irish Sea and Anglo-Saxon trade. This phase of Viking
68e Penny with the name of coinage was brought to an end when
954 Eirik 'Bloodaxe', the last
St Martin, struck at Lincoln, Viking King of York, was finally expelled, and the town incorporated into
c. 915. the English kingdom. There were no further independent Viking coinages
in England.
After 973, regular type-changes were an aspect of Anglo-Saxon coinage
administration. Changes of design were copied, one after the other, by the
Viking coinage of silver pennies that was started in Dublin in about 997
under Sihtric III 'Silkbeard' (68f). After 980 when the Battle of Tara
broke Dublin's political power, trade had increased in importance. The
purpose of the coinage was to facilitate trade around the Irish Sea,
especially with the Anglo-Saxon areas, whose coins had previously been
68f Penny of Sihtric III, used in large numbers. The early Dublin coins copied the current Anglo-
struck at Dublin, c. 997. Saxon type and when it was periodically changed Dublin followed suit to
make its own coins more widely acceptable. The waning commercial
fortunes of Dublin are reflected in growing lightness of weight, and the
jf* .
Viking coins are merely copied from Anglo-Saxon coins. Often the head 68g Penny with blundered
remains the same time after time while the name of the ruler changes. One legends, struck at Dublin,
possible concession to realism may be the head of Raienalt, ruler of York, c. 1065.
\orth Sea
Fig. 7 The earthwork on Horik was probably behind his granting royal permission in 850 for a
which may be of Viking date, while the barrier of wrecks deliberately sunk 69 The tenth-century Danish
near Skuldelev to block the fjord approach to Roskilde dates to the royal burial site at Jelling.
Dwelling house
Guard house
Fig. 8 The function of improve north-south land communications. While the dating of some of
buildings within the late is not precise enough to attribute them to Harald
the sites and earthworks
tenth-century ring-fort at
rather than his son, it is likely that Harald's organisation allowed rapid
Fyrkat, Denmark,
interpreted from excavation.
further growth in Denmark. His son, Svein 'Forkbeard' (c. 985-1014),
mounted massive raidson England from the 980s. The Danegeld was
70 Overleaf A
view of the systematically extorted - masses of silver in blackmail payment - largely in
reconstructed rampart. coin. It flooded into Denmark (including southern Sweden) and seems to
have stimulated the first regal coinage in the kingdom. After the massacre
of Danes on St Brice's Day 1002 by the English, among whose victims was
Svein's sister, he determined to conquer the country and in 1014 he was
accepted as King of England. Only weeks later he died.
With Knut Sveinsson 'the Great' (1 014-1035) there was a personal
union of England, Norway and Denmark. Nominally the area he
controlled stretched from the North Cape of Arctic Norway to south-west
England to south-east Sweden. The extent and nature of control over his
kingdom may be seen from the coinage: a regular network of mints to serve
local needs was established in Denmark on the Anglo-Saxon model, and
serve him [Harald] any longer when I don't even get my pay unadulter-
ated?/ to which the reply 'You did not behave decently when you threw
the money down on the straw the King regards this as an insult.' Hut
. . .
after a while he was paid in fine weighed silver. Harald died at the Battle of
Stamford Bridge trying to gain the kingdom of England in 1066.
For Sweden there is very little information about the early Viking
period. Accounts of Ansgar's mission to Scandinavia in the second quarter
of the ninth century name King Bjorn who controlled the town of Birka.
Like Hedeby, the town was imposed on an existing site, and was successor
to a previous trading and craft centre near by. In the tenth century it was
fortified with an earthwork surrounding about thirty acres and appears to
have had some harbour defences. Olaf Skottkonung 994-1022), who was
converted in 1008 to Christianity, instituted a native coinage but it
did not endure. Gotland, which was independent and without a ruler or
central urban site, continued to import masses of English and German
coins but did not mint independently.
The dates chosen to mark the close of the Viking Age vary from area to
area, but in Scandinavia it is often set about 1050. The eleventh century is
9 Viking Crafts
preserving meat and fish. Communities gaining their living by trading and
craft specialisation needed an outside surplus of agricultural produce to
support them. The circulation of luxury and urban manufactured goods
was a stimulus to producing readily exchangeable items. The range of
urban crafts, their quality and volume of production was quite distinct
from those of the countryside.
The availability of slave or unfree labour on farming estates sometimes
released the owner from essential farm work, allowing him to engage in
other activities to supplement his income. In areas where the land was
agriculturally marginal and unproductive, this would ensure extra
security in providing essential supplies. The Norwegian, Ottar, is an
example of a farmer who also engaged in seasonal hunting and trading (p.
41. Hunting for fur to supply the luxury trade explains the expansion of
settlement into the forests and uplands of Scandinavia. Graves here
contain hunting equipment including specialised arrows with blunt ends
to prevent damage to fur, and broad blades to cut tendons.
A further stimulus to settlement in the mountain areas of Norway and
the agriculturally barren areas of central and northern Sweden was the
, , .
grave of a tenth-
in the
century Norwegian weapon- percolating ground-water with iron salts in solution. Because of the
smith, presence of forest timber the ores could be reduced with charcoal on the
spot to produce a spongy iron slag, which was then further refined. Heaps
of waste slag and burnt clay from the structures of furnaces mark these
primitive working areas. Iron ore was mined in Sweden during the late
Viking period but both the technology and exact date at which it
commenced is obscure. Copper ores may also have been mined.
Many farm estates provided their own iron from local bog deposits, but
iron had been traded since the fifth and sixth centuries to early centres
such as Helgo from more peripheral settlement areas. To supply the
demand for high-grade iron in large quantities, the sources of production
had to be expanded even before the Viking period. There was a growing
need for agricultural tools so that more food could be produced for an
expanding population, and, for example, for woodsmen's axes used in
clearing the forests. Specialised hunting equipment, riding-gear and
weapons for the prosperous farmers were widely in demand, and a whole
range of elaborate domestic items in iron began to appear, such as, for
example, the lamp from Hennum and the spit from Lund (72). The rich
graves in iron-extracting areas show that local smithing technology had
reached a high level of skill. An iron cauldron on a chain from Bengtsarvet
in the iron-rich Swedish province of Dalarna is an outstanding example
(35). Iron blanks in the rough shape of hoes, chisels or axes were produced,
perhaps representing a value or weight equivalent in various areas of
Norway and Sweden, and widely traded. A group of twelve axe-shaped
blanks on a spruce-wood carrying-stave found in eastern Jutland had been
imported from northern Scandinavia. Sites such as Hedeby have masses of
slag from iron-smithing, concentrated especially on the edges of the
densely packed settlement to avoid the risk of fire during working. The
massive iron anchor from the trading site of Ribe is a tour deforce of the
smith's craft.
The increased production of iron coincided with a greater specialisation
of iron tools used by various craftsmen. A range of basic forms was
successfully established and consequence varied little until the
Industrial Revolution. Much of the everyday wood- and iron-working on
the farm appears to have been done locally, but itinerant craftsmen,
competent to undertake a variety of specialist jobs and hawking some
items, travelled around the countryside. A wooden chest from Mastermyr
on Gotland contained the tools of one such man, lost perhaps while
crossing a frozen bog during the winter. The objects found imply a wide
variety of skills: heavy iron-smithing; light work involving nail-making;
the repair of bronze cauldrons (shears to cut the sheet patches were
included). He could also perform various woodworking tasks, including
joinery and carpentry, using the axes, adzes, light saws and plane, and
possibly also made barrels.
Legends and archaeology indicate the importance of the smith in the
community, particularly the specialist in weapon-making. From Bygland
in Norway, a tenth-century grave shows the wealth and status that a skilled
craftsman who specialised in mctalworking could acquire. The grave
contained four swords, four spears, shield-bosses, axes, arrows and knives,
and a range of riding-gear. Presumably these were part of the smith's
stock. The tools (71) suggest both heavy and light iron-smithing, and
T included specialist equipment for making axes. Recent research into the
technology and composition of iron objects has revealed great
sophistication and skill in craftsmanship. The making of weapons,
especially swords, was a highly skilled task. The finest, sometimes marked
with the maker's name, were imported from the Rhineland. where skill
had developed over centuries. The best Scandinavian and imported blades
were pattern-welded, that is formed of numbers of individual iron strips
twisted and welded together to form a composite whole. There was a long
process of building up the blade from welding together in a particular
sequence strips of metal in groups of different qualities. The finished
surface when polished showed a variegated pattern from the succession of
welds - this proved the quality of the workmanship and hence reliability in
battle. The process of complex hammering removed impurities which
would have weakened the metal, causing it to break with impact; and its
structure gave it great flexibility. The addition of carbon to the iron in the
furnace produced hard steel, which was used on the outer edges to form a
sharp cutting-blade.
A versatile soft and easily worked material which increased in
importance during the Viking period was soapstone, or steatite. This soft,
easily carved rock outcrops especially in south-west Norway and might
have been worked seasonally. Even large vessels were blocked-out in the
living rock and trimmed roughly to shape on the spot. Some of them were
transported in this state to Kaupang. where fragments show that they were
finished off there before being exported or redistributed in the
countryside. Vessels from Hedeby and Birka show that they were in use in
these trading-centres. One of the simplest forms was the hemispherical
bowl, often very finely finished with a rifling technique on the interior ^73).
Makers' or owners' marks on the rim show their value. Other more
complex forms included handled vessels or rectangular forms which
demonstrate the expertise of the carver.
The ability to carve soapstone into complex shapes resulted in a range of
artefacts often decorated on their surfaces, the furnace-stone from
Snaptun, for example (46). The delicate shaping of a tear-shaped line-
weight from Hedeby shows how aesthetically perfect a simple, functional
object could become. A further source of soapstone which was worked
intensively is in the Shetland Islands; on the site of Jarlshof a range of
simple vessels and artefacts such as spindle-whorls and miniature lamps
has been found. Objects of soapstone found at York may have been
imported from either source. A further source was in Greenland, and a
soapstone weight incised with a Thor's hammer from Brattahlid is
amongst evidence of its being worked in this remote area.
Other types of stone were used for making specialised artefacts, such as
delicately fashioned pendants from Birka; they were carefully selected for
their beautiful colouring. Some may have been amulets, while others
served as pin- or needle-sharpeners. The black stones could be used as
touchstones to test the colour and hence purity of gold. Larger whetstones
for sharpening iron tools were an important part of everyday equipment
and were widely traded, especially as varying degrees of quality in
sharpening were required to produce a finely honed edge from a newly
forged blade. Examples from Norway have been identified at York. A
Viking shipwreck near Kaupang had a group of whetstones among its
cargo. Whether there was a bulk trade in such items or whether they
represent sporadic individual initiative is not certain, but at Hedeby there
is a considerable quantity of Norwegian schist.
Raw materials such as carnelian and crystal may have been imported to
places like Hedeby working into beads, as well as being brought in as
finished items. Local amber was worked for costume jewellery, ornaments
and special possessions, for example, gaming-pieces. Ranging in colour
from a dark, reddish brown to a translucent straw, the colouring and tactile
properties of amber made it a treasured material long before the Viking
period. Amber is the fossilised resin from ancient pine forests, long
submerged under the sea. The material could be gathered irregularly
along the North Sea coasts of East Anglia, south-west Jutland and the
shores of the south Baltic, having been washed loose from its deposits by
sea currents, especially during violent storms. It was worked in specialist
workshops at Ribe, York, Hedeby and Birka, especially into small delicate
items (74). Workshop debris shows that it was cut, carved and turned with
many of the techniques used in working jet and bone. Shapes such as the
axe pendant from Hedeby (74) and the cat from Birka may be charms. A
small group of amber statuettes and animal representations in the round
show how expertly the craftsmen made the most of its particular 74 above right Amber:
unfinished and finished items,
worked at Hedeby.
The ivory tusk of the walrus was also a prized material, and well suited
to three-dimensional carving. The seated figure from Lund, which may be
75 BELOW RIGHT Walrus-
of the god Freyr and is possibly a gaming-picce, is a delicate example of the ivory figure from Lund.
possibilities presented by its surface texture and quality (75). It was much
in demand in western Europe, and was a valuable export from the northern
Scandinavian settlements, especially Greenland.
In complete contrast is jet. This is another
the black lustrous surface of
fossilised deposit, closely related to shale. It exposed in cliffs near
Whitby in eastern Yorkshire, and some was worked at York during the
Viking period. This appears to have been the only source, so that finds
from Scotland and Norway are evidence of internal trading. The lightly
incised gaming-piece from Bawdsey in East Anglia is one of the larger
worked pieces, while armlets from Castletown in Scotland and Hoyland in
Norway show the versatility of the medium. Pendants in the form of a
coiled snake (16) and lathe-turned beads occur. One outstanding piece of
three-dimensional carving in jet comes from Tresfjorden in Norway (16).
The treatment of the two bears gambolling is naturalistic, and may be
considered along with other unusual representations, like the amber cat
and elk-antler bird from Birka.
A completely different technique is the use of glass for small trinkets and
ornaments. Most glass vessels were imported. Broken fragments of such
vessels may have been used as raw material in Scandinavian glass-
working. At Paviken on Gotland and at Birka glass mosaic cubes have been
found which were imported, perhaps from as far away as northern Italy.
Originally used for mosaic floor and wall coverings, they were now melted
down and reused. Glass was worked at Hedeby, but the details of this are
obscure. Excavations at Ribe have uncovered a local workshop which
produced multi-coloured glass beads. The mosaic effect of this kind of
glass was achieved by a series of minutely complex actions. Each different
pattern was the result of fusing composite coloured glass rods in varying
combinations, and these rods themselves were formed by bunching and
folding over others, then drawing out the hot glass into the form of a
narrow rod. A necklace such as that from Eidem (76) can be seen as the
product of great expertise and skill, as well as being an intrinsically
beautiful piece of costume jewellery. Simpler glass beads and glass paste
were also made on Viking urban sites. Other trinkets of glass such as
finger-rings were made by Anglo- Scandinavian craftsmen in Lincoln and
Clay was used to make a range of everyday items. Baked clay weights for
the weaving-loom, and small spindle-whorls used in making thread are
common on Viking sites. Crucibles for melting metals, and crude discs to
guard the bellow's nozzle from the heat of the furnace were specialised
uses of clay in metalworking. But a developed mass-production industry
for pottery was lacking over much of Scandinavia until the very end of the
Viking period and when it did appear, in Lund was under
for instance, it
strong Slav influence (34). Imported pottery vessels were costly and not in
general use, being largely restricted to towns and other trading-centres.
Soapstone, bronze and iron fulfilled some specialised functions, but
leather and wood must have been the principal everyday materials. Lathe-
76 A necklace of richly
turned vessels such as the mug and platter from York are representatives of coloured glass beads from
one form of specialised manufacture. The stave-built tub from Lund with Eidem, Norway.
78 A bone pin lightly incised Sophisticated and professional working of antler occurred on all urban
iL-itli j)i eleventh-century Mtcs. Where evidence exists it suggests that antlers of the red deer were
Urnes-style animal, from
normally gathered after being shed, rather than being taken from hunted
animals. They must have been traded to the towns by the country-dwellers
of the hinterlands. Many different kinds of artefacts were made from
antler, skilfully and economically utilising its naturally occurring shapes
and contours, to use as much of their raw material as possible. A whole
series of fine tools would have been necessary to undertake delicate work,
as in making composite combs. The long comb is a
pieces, especially
characteristically Viking artefact and, although varying in detailand form,
was constructed on very similar lines in towns as diverse as Trondheim
and Hedeby. A pair of long plates ran the length either side to form the
back of the comb, between which were riveted a «eries of rectangular
tablets; into these the fine teeth were cut. The teeth were sometimes
protected by a composite comb-case, which could be worn suspended, as
the example from York. Waste material from the processes of manufacture
abounds on urban sites, especially resulting from failure to saw the teeth of
the comb successfully.
Zoomorphic art of the highest order occurs on the finest antler work.
The antler and bronze casket from Cammin, lost in the war, had large
outer decorative panels carved with Mammen-style ornament. The lower
guard from a sword-hilt found at Sigtuna is a classic expression of the style
(98) and also exemplifies a specialised range of fittings manufactured at
Birka. The carved elk-antler fitting from Sigtuna, perhaps from a casket,
which terminates in a man's head, stands at the peak of this art (64).
Antler was also used for making tools, such as a light hammer-head from
Birka, perhaps used in fine gold-work. It can be seen in the jaws of a clamp
from Hedeby to hold delicate antler or fine metal during the finishing of an
object. Antler moulds for casting ornaments, and dies for impressing gold
or bronze foil, form a link to another complex of craft activities - that of
fine metalworking. For not only did the Vikings adapt imported items such
as coins or mounts for costume jewellery, but developed their
craftsmanship to the highest standard in creating a range of jewellery and
ornamented vessels from imported metals - bronze, silver and gold.
10 The Jewellers Craft
The gaudy ornaments so loved by the Scandinavian men and women of the
Viking Age were produced by jewellers expert in many skills. That their
achievements still command our admiration and respect rests on the
excellence of their design and the technical mastery that they display.
Many of the techniques of the Viking-Age jewellers can now only be
imagined, but it is possible to reconstruct some of the processes they used.
These appear not to have been very different from those recorded in the
Middle Ages and are techniques that are much the same as those practised
by traditional craftsmen today.
Jewellers' workshops are known from pre-Viking Scandinavia at Helgo
in Sweden, where there was mass-production of bronze brooches cast in
clay moulds. The Helgo excavations have shown that the activities of early
Viking- Age metalworkers at places like Ribe, Kaupang, Birka and Hedeby
were no new development, although the standardisation of much Viking-
Age jewellery, and its wide distribution, suggests that much greater mass-
production developed during this period.
Coins, ingots or scrap-metal were melted in small crucibles on charcoal
hearths, heated by bellows. The bellows would have been made of skin and
wood so that it is not surprising that they do not survive. However, bellows
had to be protectedfrom the furnace by a guard fitted over the end of the
nozzle. Soapstone was much favoured for this purpose and these bellows-
guards could be ornamented, although rarely as interestingly as the one
found on the beach at Snaptun in Jutland (46).
Crucibles had to be made of fine clay and the best-quality ones were
imported from the Rhineland. The poor clay available for locally made
crucibles was often less well-suited for that purpose, as it reacted badly
with the molten metal, producing a heavily encrusted appearance on use
(79). When the metal had melted, the crucibles were lifted from the fire by
means of long-handled iron tongs (71) so that the contents could be poured
directly into the moulds of clay or stone. These were generally made in two
parts, lashed together in use, with a funnel-like opening at the top, through
which the metal could enter (79).
The majority of moulds were made with the design impressed by means
of a specially prepared model or, more simply, by a finished object. For
more elaborate objects the cire-perdue, or 'lost-wax', technique was used.
In this method a model is made from wax and surrounded with clay to
form the mould; it is then heated, so melting the wax, which is poured
79 Dragon 's head mould from
Birka, with moulds of stone
away to leave the mould empty and ready to receive the molten metal. Such
and antler front Hedeby, and moulds have to be broken to remove the cast object when cold. Stone
crucible from Lund. moulds are also known (79). Soapstone was often chosen for open moulds
for casting ingots, or other simple objects such as Thor's hammers and
cross-pendants. Also found at Hedeby are moulds carved from antler
which were used for the mass-production of cheap brooches of pewter, an
alloy of tin and lead (79). Experiment has shown that these seemingly
fragile forms could have been reused repeatedly without suffering damage.
After casting, the objects would have been filed and polished to remove
casting seams and other flaws, and then further decoration might be
applied by means of a graver or punch. On the other hand, many mould-
fragments show that the finely detailed ornament was reproduced during
casting, only needing to be tidied up afterwards (this will have been the
case with many of the silver and bronze objects illustrated). Engraving
was, nevertheless, much practised in the Viking Age, often with great skill,
as may be seen on the gilt-bronze vanes from Heggen and Soderala (9, 99),
or the silver bowl from Lilla Valla on Gotland (105).
Punching and stamping were also favourite Viking-Age methods of
decorating metalwork. Punches are simply blunt-ended metal rods, struck
with a hammer to form depressions in the surface of the metal: they can,
however, be engraved with simple patterns to form decorative stamps.
Many arm-rings have only punched ornament for decoration (80);
particularly favoured motifswere based on triangles, often arranged in
hour-glass form. A punch like that formed part of the equipment of the
Mastermyr craftsman, together with a lead stamping-pad. Punching and
80 above left Elaborately
stamping were also combined with other types of ornament, for instance, arm-ring from
sta))iped silver
on the borders and animal bodies of some of the Broa mounts (88), or as the Sweden.
background to the engraved ornament on the vanes (9, 99), and Lilla Valla
bowl (105). 81 BELOW LEFT A gold arm-
ring from Virginia, Ireland.
This fluted bowl from Lilla Valla was hammered up from sheet-metal,
rather than being cast. Other relatively simple objects, such as band-
82 below Tenth-century
shaped arm-rings, were also hammered out from cast ingots, as were the metalworker 's die, from
large rods that were made for plaiting and twisting into rings of all sizes Mammen for impressing
(81). Thus hammers of various dimensions and types were important tools metal foils.
for Viking- Age craftsmen; they ranged from the heavy sledge-hammers of
the blacksmith (72), to very light ones which were intended for jewellers'
use, such as the one made of elk-antler from Birka. Gold and silver foils
which were hammered out and stamped with dies were used in a variety of
ways. Foils like those from Hauge (41), for example, may be complete in
themselves, but during the Viking Age embossed foils were more often
used to support elaborate filigree work of the type described below. The
solid bronze die from Mammen, with its stylised animal ornament, would
have been used for just such a purpose (82).
It is difficult today to imagine fully the effects that Viking-Age jewellers
would have achieved on their newly finished objects. Burial destroys the
surface appearance of bronzes which take on patinas ranging from leather-
brown to olive-green. The jewellers probably knew how to create such
effects, but one imagines that bronze was generally used in an unpatinated
state to show off its golden colour; this has been re-created on a few pieces,
like the Asen brooch (53). Gilding was used on the finest silver and bronze
objects the Broa mounts and Heggen vane, for example; 87, 99), either to
create the impression that the object was actually made of gold, or simply
to introduce a contrasting colour into the over-all decorative scheme.
Several gilding techniques were in use, and mercury, used in the fire-
gilding process, has been excavated at Hedeby. Other bronze objects were
coated in white metal (generally tin) to provide cheap imitations for
ordinary men and women of the silver ornaments worn by rich and
fashionable Vikings.
Silver itself was applied to the surface of base metal objects in a number
of different ways: by means of thin plates, by encrustation (when silver is
hammered into engraved lines;. The two latter methods were the ones
used to ornament the Viking warrior's finest iron equipment, from sword-
and spurs, the silver
hilts (62, 83) to stirrups being contrasted with copper
and brass form elaborate multi-coloured patterns. Objects of silver, or
those encrusted with silver, were often engraved with patterns that were
inlaid with a pure black substance known as 'niello' - usually silver
sulphide; its blackness provided the perfect contrast to the silver surface
(e.g. 100).
/ m
could be embossed to provide raised platforms for more ambitious 86 'Trial-pieces' from the
patterns, in the manner used on the top and sides of the Martens brooch Dublin excavations.
Such pieces illustrate the skills of the Viking- Age jeweller better than
words, but the jeweller was more than just a highly skilled craftsman; he
would have been his own designer - often a true artist. Nowhere is this
better demonstrated in the Viking world than in Dublin. Recent
excavations of the Viking-Age town have produced a remarkable
assortment of so-called 'trial-pieces' (86). These are animal-bones, and
occasionally stones, on which a wide variety of patterns has been carved -
consisting of stylised animals and interlace motifs inspired by the tenth-
and eleventh-century Scandinavian art-styles described in the next
chapter. The exact purpose of these designs is unknown. Some are clearly
practice pieces on which an artist has tried out new patterns; some may
have been used for training apprentices. Others have fully finished designs
and could have been used for impressing wax models for use in making
moulds, or even in the manner of modern pattern-books to attract
prospective customers.
Dublin was clearly an artistic centre of importance and the widespread
impact of Scandinavian art-styles on the native art of Ireland, in the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, must be ascribed to this influence. Skilled
craftsmen anywhere would have chosen to be based in towns, where they
would have been readily accessible to their patrons and where their
materials would have been available. Others concerned with mass-
production would equally have preferred to be urban based, selling their
wares to middlemen for distribution in the countryside. Yet others would
have travelled, seeking commissions where they could find them.
The maker of any object was known as a smith, whether silversmith or
iron-smith. To many Vikings the weapon-smith was most important of all
such craftsmen, but the rich inheritance left by their artists and jewellers is
likely to place them first in our modern estimation.
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11 Art and Ornament
Vigour and vitality imbue the best of the Vikings' art; in this respect their
arteould be seen as a direct reflection of their character. Its intricacy and
complexity were characteristics shared by Scandinavian poetry oi the
Viking Age. But by the end of the period, their art developed a smooth
elegance that is almost decadent in its refinement, at a time when the
outward energy of the Vikings seems to have been spent.
Viking art is based throughout on animal forms, in a tradition that can
be traced back to the art of the Late Roman Empire. At the same time it is
limited in that it was largely a decorative art, applied to a wide variety o\
objects used in daily life. One should not belittle its quality on this
account, for the Vikings loved ornament and valued the artist's skills. But
the result is that Viking art is difficult for the modern student to appreciate,
except by careful study of its conventions. This can, however, be a
rewarding experience, for it remains one direct approach to the spirit of the
age. If in theend its contents escape our understanding, we may yet retain
deep admiration for its quality and technical skill, and for the culture that
produced it.
Animals in many guises form the main motifs of Viking art. A
continuous development in the treatment of their contorted and
convoluted bodies can be traced throughout the Viking Age, so helping to
define its changing art-styles. This obsession with stylised animals as a
basis for ornament had its roots in the last days of the Roman Empire.
Motifs were borrowed by Germanic artists from late Roman provincial
art, but attempts at naturalism were rapidly rejected in Scandinavia.
During the fifth to eighth centuries over much of the Germanic world
(including Anglo-Saxon England), the original animal and human figures
became increasingly disjointed and distorted, with results that are
unintelligible to the inexperienced eye. The same is true for much of
Viking art, but it can be deciphered with patience and practice. The initial
impression is of chaos, often brilliant and dramatic, but underneath the
crowded surfaces are carefully controlled schemes of ornament using
standardised, but changing motifs. Viking art was self-assured and little
affected by that of the rest of Europe until the end of the eleventh century,
except for borrowing occasional motifs or patterns; but finally it
succumbed to the Romanesque art of western Europe.
Throughout these pages are illustrations of weapons, brooches and
tools, all elaborately decorated as, indeed, are all the finest Viking
87 Gill bronze bridle-mounts
artefacts, be they ships or churches, tent-posts or tombstones. The
from Broa: a Gotlandic
masterpiece from the ornament often covers the whole available surface, for there was an
beginning of the Viking Age. ostentatious and flashy aspect to the Viking character that we find realised
The meaning of such scenes and figures is generally lost, for we lack the
contemporary documents that might have explained them to us. It is
speculation to identify them with the pagan gods and heroic deeds
described in later literary sources, although occasionally identifications
can be made with some certainty, as on the Kirk Andreas stone 49 But .
for the most part we have to admit that the significance of such narrative
scenes and semi-naturalistic figures including that, if any. of the animal-
ornament is lost, or at best obscure.
The beginning of the Viking Age is not marked by the sudden
appearance of a new art-style, but saw the continuation of one that was
current in the eighth century, with the addition of one new and highly
significant motif. This earliest Viking art-style, as found at Oseberg, is
*9£f^£' difficult to date, but it was clearly most popular at the end of the eighth
century and during the early part of the ninth. It employs three main
motifs which can be conveniently described from their use on a series of
gilt-bronze bridle-mounts, found in a man's grave at Broa on Gotland.
These twenty-two mounts 8~ have been described as *one of the most
brilliant series of objects of the Scandinavian Viking Age" and of a
technical quality "as fine as that of any collection of metalwork known from
contemporary Europe". Despite the variety in their designs, they are
clearly the product of a single workshop - most probably of one man.
active on Gotland in the early ninth century.
The design of the mounts themselves, with their use of geometric
frameworks, should be considered before the actual motifs are looked at in
detail. In some cases these frameworks divide the surface so that one
animal fills each of the fields; alternatively a framework may be
superimposed over an animal e.g. 88 which then appears to be behind an
openwork screen. In other instances the animals are superimposed on the
framework, which is gripped by them with their paws. Whatever the
approach chosen by the Broa master the framework was carefully designed
by him to be more than just a border; it is intimately related to the variety
and composition of the animal-ornament itself.
The first motif to note is the elongated animal viewed in profile fig. 9a;
see ill. 88; it has a sinuous double-contoured body, with a small head, a
prominent eye and a frond-like pigtail. The body is pierced at the neck and
hip by heart-shaped openings through which tendrils are threaded. The
second motif is an animal more compact than the first, lacking its double
contour fig. 9b; see ill. S~ . In other respects it is very similar to the first
motif, although it often takes the form of a bird; some of those conceived
by the Broa master have splendidly puffed-up breasts. The third motif is
the 'gripping beast" fig. 9c; see ill.
"Gripping beasts" take their name from their most obvious characteristic
- the paws that grip the frames around or under them, that grip
themselves, or even each other several beastsmay be interlocked together
in compositions resembling wild melees These vigorous animals are the
Sweden, ornamented with shown by the fact that some pendants in this style (already old) were
Borre-style 'gripping-beasts
'. apparently mounted with a few coins to form a necklace in about 855-860.
These various pendants form part of the Hon hoard from Norway, the
largest gold hoard known from Viking Age Scandinavia; the necklace as
Reconstructed ninth-century
necklace of beads and
shown here consists of a modern selection of pieces from this rich find (92).
pendants, from Hon in The Borre style was very popular throughout Scandinavia and in the
Norway. areas of Scandinavian settlement in Russia, where the pendants in the
f ' • '»
hoard from Varby, Sweden, may have been made (93). Its influence was
felt to a lesser extent in Britain and Ireland; the ring-chain appears on
stone sculpture in the north of England and on the Isle of Man (49), but
also in other materials, such as a bone trial-piece from the Dublin
excavations (86), and a wooden gaming-board (39) from Ireland.
The Borre style did not go out of fashion until the second half of the
tenth century, so that for much of its life it was contemporary with the so-
called 'Jellinge style', which was popular from the late ninth until the late
tenth century. One need not be surprised then that the two styles are
occasionally found on the same object. The metalworker's die from
Mammen in Denmark, for instance, combines Jellinge-style animals with
Borre-style interlace (82).
The Jellinge style, so calledfrom the ornament of a small silver cup
found in the Danish royal burial-mound at Jelling in Jutland (69), has as its
chief motif an animal with a ribbon-shaped body, such as those which
ornament the horse-collars from the same grave as the Mammen die (28).
These animals can be seen more clearly on one of the pendants (93) from
the Varby hoard, which was buried about 940. The S-shaped body is a 93 below Pendants from the
Varby hoard display both
double-contoured ribbon; the head is shown in profile, with a long pigtail
ribbon-shaped animals of the
and a curlicue on the upper lip; the hip is often marked by a spiral. Such and a Borre-
Jellinge style
ribbon-like bodies presumably descend from the Borre-style gripping style 'gripping-beast '.
beasts ias on other pendants in the Yarby hoard,, while the layout of the
animal is from the early Viking Age. The Jellinge style is thus very
mueh 'in the mainstream of Scandinavian art".
The Jellinge style was introduced into England by Scandinavian settlers
who found there an art that was also based on highly stylised animals and
which in fact went back to common Germanic origins. In the north-east
they encountered stone sculpture for the first time. They rapidly adopted
for their own use the Anglo-Saxon tradition of memorial crosses which
were often decorated with animal ornament. An unfinished grave-slab
from York 7- shows the standard that tenth-century Anglo-
Scandinavian sculptors could achieve in a metropolitan centre, by drawing
on the Jellinge style for inspiration.
Yet elsewhere in Britain the Jellinge style was practised with skill and
originality. The terminals of some silver brooches, concealed in about 950
as part of a large hoard at Skaill, on Orkney, are engraved" with very late
Jellinge-style ornament fig. 10; see ill. 94" paralleled in stone sculpture
, on
some Yiking crosses in the Isle of Alan. Here again are to be seen the
vigorous and assertive qualities of all that is best in Yiking art. The late
feature of the Skaill ornament is the tendency for leaf-like tendrils to
sprout from various parts of the design, giving it a florid quality more
characteristic of the following Mammen style.
Familiarity with the animal-ornament of the Jellinge style should make 95a, b Silver disc brooches
it possible to take up the challenge presented by such objects as a silver disc from Norway and Denmark,
ornamented above in the
brooch from the Traen hoard, buried in Norway during the last decade of
Jellinge style and right
the tenth century. This filigree-ornamented brooch (95a) is in the same Borre style.
tradition as the Borre-style brooch from Nonnebakken, already noted
(95b), with the animals translated into the Jellinge style. The initial
interlacing in and out of the parts of the neighbouring animal. Its neck and
body are formed by similar ribbons, arranged in the manner of the
Nonnebakken Borre-style beasts - forequarters to the right and hind-
quarters to the left (with a tail). A single limb emerges from each joint,
terminating in a foot represented by a U-shaped element. In the end, every
strand will be seen to have its place in a balanced composition. If the over-
all impressionis one of restlessness, it could be said that this is another
The two subjects displayed on the Jelling stone are both new to
Scandinavian art and, taken together with the introduction of foliate
patterns, show that the Mammen style represents a phase not only of
continuity but also of innovation. Firstly, the figure of Christ testifies to
the introduction of Christianity and to the copying of European models
seen also in the acanthus motifs . Secondly, the 'great beast' motif
^ combined with its snake or serpent marks a new stage in the development
of Viking animal had not previously been used in this way
art. for a single
to create a full composition. Other finds, however, show Mammen-style
animals used in the traditional way. as elements of a larger composition,
such as on a cylindrical bone mount from Arnes in Norway fig. 1 1 see ill. ;
style, hut far larger and with antler panels. It was preserved in the treasury
of Cammin Cathedral in Pomerania, hut was destroyed in the Second
World War. Also in antler is a sword-guard from the early Swedish town
of Sigtuna, finely ornamented with Mammen-style motifs having some
Ringerike-style elements (98). The Mammen style at its best displays an
exuberance not seen in Viking art before. This exuberance is carried over
into the Ringerike style, which grew out of it, although the latter is more
disciplined in its design.
The Ringerike style is so called after the geological name for the
sandstone beds in the Oslo region of Norway which provided the material
for a small number of finely ornamented slabs. Western European
influences are again felt in this style, plant-ornament gaining ground at the
expense of the animals. The latter were liable to be subordinated to
clusters of elongated tendrils, such as the classic examples on the gilt-
bronze vane from Heggen in Norway (99), springing from the head and tail
of the 'great beast'. A row of similar tendrils forms the outer border to the
composition. A vane from Soderala Church in Sweden is a brilliant
example of the late Ringerike style, with its strong and direct appeal.
A most elegant and classic design of Ringerike-style lobes and tendrils is
engraved on the Flatatunga panels from Iceland (114), while another
version of them can be seen in gold filigree on one of the disc brooches from
the Hornelund hoard, Denmark (57).
As illustrated by the Heggen and Soderala vanes, the three main motifs
of the Ringerike style are thus: elongated tendrils (often with the addition
of lobes), the 'great beast' and a snake (with the latter two often engaged in
a conflict). They can all appear separately. Examples of Ringerike tendril
patterns have just been noted, but they were put to many uses, as witness
the treatment of Christ's hands on one of the two crucifixes found in a
silver hoard, hidden in about 1035 in the Norwegian town of Trondheim
The 'great beast' appears alone on top of the Heggen and Soderala
vanes, cast in the round; in both cases it stands proudly on guard, staring
out over the horizon. A further three-dimensional animal-head in this
style forms one end of an arm-ring from Undrom in Sweden, which is in
the form of a coiled snake, with rows of alternating tendrils and lobes inlaid
in niello down its back (100). However, the principal use of a single snake
in the Ringerike style was on Scandinavian runestones where its body was
used to form the band that carries the runic inscription.
The Ringerike style proved particularly popular in England and Ireland
where, in both cases, it possessed strong appeal for native artists. There are
in fact few more successful expressions of the style than that on the end-
slab of a stone box-tomb found in the churchyard of St Paul's Cathedral,
London (101), described as 'one of the finest examples of Viking stone-
carving known outside Gotland'. The 'great beast' has tendrils encircling
upper 98 Mammen-style patterns
its body, and a lesser beast around its front leg; lobes sprout from the
cover both sides of the lower
corners of the field. The 'great beast' had a blue/black body covered in
guard of a sword-hilt carved
white spots and the stone still bears traces of the original paint. A design so from elk-antler, found at
uniquely Scandinavian, deriving ultimately from that on the Jelling stone. Sigtuna.
fine disc brooch from Sweden, concealed about 1055 in a hoard at Gcrctc
on Gotland (102). The design of the Dublin trial-piece (it uses two animals
instead of the three at Gerete) appears in almost identical form on the gilt-
bronze panels at either end of an Irish book-shrine - that of the Cathac -
made in the late eleventh century.
As with all other Viking art-styles it is difficult to provide accurate dates
for the beginning and end of the Ringerike style. It isclear that its period of
high fashion was during the first half of the eleventh century, but in
101 LEFT A 'great beast' and Ireland it remained popular until later. Its origins in the Mammen style lie
serpent fill the end-slab of a presumably in the late tenth century.
Scandinavian tomb from St
An early tendency noted in the Ringerike style was the elongation of
Paul's Churchyard. London.
Mammen tendrils. This process of refinement was one that continued
102 above Silver disc brooch throughout the development of the style, leading eventually to the
with interlaced animals from emergence of a new and ultimate Viking style. This was the Urnes style,
an eleventh-century which may have developed in Sweden where many transitional pieces have
Gotlandic hoard.
been found, both in stone and metalwork. Swedish sculptors and rune-
masters, having finally taken up the idea of stone memorials, set to work in
an experimental vein bringing their art to a high point with the Urnes
style. There can be few finer illustrations of their achievements than the
rectangular tomb from Ardre churchyard on Gotland (48).
The Urnes style, however, takes its name from the decoration of a small
church that was built about 1060, on a remote farm at Urnes in western
Norway. Parts of the original Urnes Church were reused in its twelfth-
century successor, which still stands today, and to this we owe the survival
of a true masterpiece 115. Fragments of wood ornamented in the Urnes
style are known from elsewhere, such as Trondheim, but there is nothing
else, even metalwork, to prepare us for the brilliant artistry of
in stone or
the Urnes sculptor with his dramatic compositions and. on the west portal,
almost three-dimensional relief. This is a further reminder of the wealth of
Viking wood-carving that must have been lost to us.
The Urnes master ornamented the west portal with a composition
created from three animal motifs whose gently swelling and tapering
bodies, interlaced with narrow lines, form an undulating design. These
three Urnes-style motifs are refinements of Mammen and Ringerike
beasts: four-legged animals of greyhound-like proportions, a serpent-like
animal with a single foreleg, and snakes that are but thin ribbons with
animal-heads. The animals interlace together, biting each other in a
'combat' motif that is transformed from its Ringerike predecessor.
Everywhere a new delicacy and elegance may be observed, particularly in
the treatment of animal-heads, with their huge pointed eyes, their
curlicued upper-lips and downward curled lower jaws. Plant motifs are
less frequent than in the Ringerike style, but are not abandoned altogether.
A similar motif forms the basis for a series of openwork brooches; on
some one animal with a single foreleg and a tapering body splitting into
two is entwined with a snake (as for example, the brooch from the Danish
settlement of Lindholm Hoje; 103). Such brooches are known throughout
Scandinavia and were certainly being produced in Lund in the early
twelfth century. A related brooch in the form of a bird (104) was concealed
as part of a Norwegian silver hoard at Gresli in about 1085. It is an early
Urnes piece (the motif and certain details are carried over from the
Ringerike style), as is the ornament on the beautiful bowl from the Lilla
Valla hoard, buried on Gotland about 1050. The restrained use of
ornament on this fluted bowl gives it an immediate appeal to all who
otherwise find Viking art over-elaborate. Around its rim runs a frieze of
animals, linked by pear-shaped lobes, and within it on the base is a single
interlaced animal (105).
Such finds as the Lilla Valla bowl, and evidence of manufacturing from
Lund allow the Urnes style in Scandinavia to be dated to the period
between about 1040 and 1 140. In Ireland it may have lingered on longer as
the Ringerike style before it did.
The animals on the Lilla Valla bowl, with their sinuous bodies, single
forelegs and split tails, have already been noted as characteristic of the
Urnes style. The same beast appears in England on an openwork disc
103 ABOVE LEFT OpeniVOrk
brooch found in the churchyard at Pitney, Somerset (106), where it forms
brooch in the form of a part of the familiar 'combat' motif. In fact, the Urnes style is rare in
stylised beast, excavated at southern England (in contrast to the but there appears to
Ringerike style),
Li nd holm Hoje. have been a northern school of which the recently excavated mount from
Lincoln provides a good example (106).
104 BELOW left A bird-
In Ireland the Urnes style caught the native imagination as the
sfiaped brooch of gilt silver
from an eleventh-century Ringerike had done earlier. The best-known piece in the Irish Urnes style
Xoruegian hoard. is undoubtedly the Cross of Cong, dated by inscription to about 1123.
Preserved in Boher Church, County Offaly, is a large gabled shrine of St 105 ABO ve Fluted silver bozvl
Manchan (107) richly ornamented with metalwork; it has a central cross from Gotland with a gilded
rim and interior roundel
with boss-shaped ends and is covered with Urnes-style animals, which
incised zvith intertwined
suggest that the two pieces were made in the same workshop. An unusual a>u Dials.
feature of this shrine is the series of half-round human figures on its front.
The shrine is undated, but must be contemporary with the Cross of Cong.
Other Irish objects suggest that the style continued to be used into the
106 TOP RIGHT A mount
third quarter of the eleventh century.
from Lincoln and centre
In Ireland, as in Scandinavia, this last Viking art-style gradually waned RIGHT a brooch from Pitney
although elements of the native tradition could still be found in display the English Urnes
Scandinavian folk-art until recent times. The world of the Vikings had style at its best
are not actual gravestones, but many are memorials raised to men and
women buried elsewhere, for with the introduction of churchyards, the
dead were no longer buried in the traditional cemeteries, located among
the living. However, memorials might still be raised there. In some areas
in the eleventh century we find churchyards dignified with stone box-
tombs standing over the graves, in the same way as the house-shaped
tomb-covers set up in the tenth century by Viking settlers and Anglo-
Scandinavians in the north of England. Simple shaped slabs were also
placed over Christian graves (sometimes with decorated stones at either
end) and the Coppergate fragment found in the York excavations was
apparently being carved for such a purpose when abandoned (77).
The finest stone box-tombs known are from Sweden, that from Ardre
on Gotland (48) being high among them in the quality of its design and
workmanship. The Urnes-style ornament dates this monument to the late
eleventh century, while its runic inscription tells how it was erected by the
sons of Liknat, to the memory of Ailikn, a good wife and mother. The St
Paul's Churchyard stone from London (101) is from a similar type of
monument, although its Ringerike-style ornament places it early in the
eleventh century.
From the beginning of the Viking Age Scandinavians had direct contact
with Christianity in several ways. Their raids on western Europe led to
g many
Christians being captured as slaves.
We hear of early missionaries to
Archbishop Unni of Hamburg-Bremen (919-36), comfort-
ing Christian captives, while St Rimbert on a visit to Schleswig is said to
have given his horse with its gear to free a fettered nun from a slave-gang.
Of greater influence than the presence of Christian slaves in Scandinavia
were the contacts with Christian merchants. Heathens wishing to do
business with Christians had to receive the cross-mark, prima signatio,
which was the first rite of initiation into the Christian Church. The
tolerance and lack of organisation of Scandinavian paganism certainly
hastened its collapse in the face of Christianity, but one is left wondering to
what extent shrewd business sense lead to rapid conversions, particularly
in those areas like England and Ireland where Scandinavians settled
among Christian peoples. Merchants and mercenaries in the east will
likewise have come into direct contact with Christianity in the form of the
Orthodox religion of the Byzantine Eastern Empire and the Slav-
Byzantine Church of South Russia (24).
The first Christian missionaries to Scandinavia were active in the eighth
century in Denmark, but met with little success. The Helgo crosier-head
(108) has been taken as evidence for an unrecorded mission, but one
cannot be sure that this eighth-century Irish object arrived in the hands of
a missionary. It could equally well have been loot taken on an early Viking
The first successful apostle of Scandinavia was St Ansgar, a German
monk, sent by the Emperor Louis the Pious on a mission that led him by
way of Hedeby to Birka in 829 or 830, and then again about the middle of
the century. But the work of Ansgar, who became the first Archbishop of
Hamburg, later Hamburg-Bremen, and that of his followers in Sweden
crosses from the Birka graves, the finest of which is a small crucifix of silver
(i09)-an excellent example of tenth-century Scandinavian filigree-work.
The first Sweden reigned in the eleventh
Christians to be kings of
century, with the first bishop in the kingdom being established about 1050
in Sigtuna. The nobles and wealthy farmers among Sweden's converts of
the eleventh century have left us many demonstrations of their faith in the
form of cross-bearing runestones. Such stones commemorate their dead
relations, or even themselves, by advertising their own good deeds. Such
deeds took many forms, but the building of bridges is particularly often
mentioned. These were generally causeways across marshland, or
improved fords. Their construction was considered a suitably charitable-
act to benefit the builder's soul, or that of a relation, because it opened up
access to churches and made it easier for priests to visit the sick and dying.
Among surviving inscriptions we can read, for instance, cut into a rock-
face at Nas in Uppland had the bridges made for his soul's
that 'Livsten
health and for that of his sons, Jorund and Niklas and Luden'. Or
elsewhere in Uppland, on a stone set up at Eggeby, that 'Ragnalv had this
bridge made in memory of Anund, her good son. May God help his spirit
and soul better than he deserved'.
Such inscriptions provide good evidence for the spread of Christianity
in Sweden and as such are supported by several finds of silver crucifixes in
eleventh- and early twelfth-century hoards. One from Gotland and one
from Oland are illustrated (no, in), both depicting Christ as bound
rather than nailed) to the cross. The former is cast and is rather coarse
work, but the latter (which is in fact a hinged reliquary is delicately
^'ii incised and inlaid with niello.
The first ^candlpavian country to be officially converted to Christianity
wasTJerinrarJ^^King Harald's proud boast on the Jelling stone that it was
he wRoTiad 'made the Danes Christian' stands as evidence. Harald became
Christian himself between 960 and 965. although as early as 948 sees had
been established at Hedeby. Ribe and Arhus. with German missionary
bishops sent by Hamburg-Bremen, the archdiocese founded with the
purpose of bringing the faith to the north. By the early eleventh century
VST there were also bishops at Odense and at Roskilde, with another in Skane.
Their number grew further in the eleventh century, but it was not until
1 104 that the first Dane was consecrated as an archbishop, with his see
based on Lund. Only then did the Scandinavian Church escape the
domination of Hamburg-Bremen.
Ansgar had been able to build a church at Hedeby although it was
closed in the mid ninth century during a period of anti-Christian feeling,
or perhaps because of indifference), but this and its successors must have
been situated in an area of the town not as yet excavated. In comparison
with Birka, the many graves at Hedeby are poorly furnished. This is partly
109 top left The Birka crucifix. 1 10-1 1 bottom left and top right Eleventh-
century silver crucifixes from Sweden, and 112 centre right and bottom right
from Trondheim, Norway.
due to the pagan graves of the Viking Age are generally less well
fact that
equipped in Denmark than in Norway and Sweden. However, the
Christian influences were felt more strongly there. From among the
Christian objects found in the town, one might pick out what is in fact a
perfectly ordinary disc brooch, but heavily gilt and ornamented with a
strikingly simple representation of the Crucifixion.
The first Christian king of Norway was Hakon 'the Good', who died in
960. He had been brought up in England and became a popular and
successful ruler, except in his attempts to convert his people. He met with
such resistance that he himself relapsed into paganism before his death.
The conversion of Norway was finally achieved by the two Olafs, Olaf
Tryggvason (995-1000;, and Olaf Haraldsson (1014-30), and by force
rather than gentle persuasion. Olaf Tryggvason came to the throne a
Christian and during his short reign is credited with the conversions of
Norway, Orkney, the Faeroes, Iceland and Greenland. Such a conversion
as that of Norway, enforced at sword-point, is unlikely to be effective in the v^-
long term, and it fell to Olaf Haraldsson to complete the task. It was
probably during his reign that were made the fine pair of filigree
ornamented crucifixes found in Trondheim (112). He was killed in battle
at Stiklestad in 1030. Such had been his Christian zeal during his life, and
such were the miracles arising from his death, that within a year his relics
were enshrined and he was canonised - the first of the Scandinavian patron
saints. It is probably his figure that we can recognise in quite another
Christian context: the man with the forked beard, holding an axe, in the
row on the front of the Irish reliquary of St Manchan, set among its
consecrated in 1056, by Bishop Adalbert of Bremen. Isleif 's see was based
on the family estate at Skalholt, which was later given by his son Gizur,
also his episcopal successor (1 082-1 118), to be the seat of Iceland's bishop
113 Eleventh-century bronze built at some distance from the houses. There she and the others who had
staff-head (tau-cross) from accepted Christianity said their prayers. From the time Thjodhild adopted
the faith, she refused to have intercourse with Eirik, and this he disliked
very much A discarded soapstone weight on which is
. .
.' incised a crude
Thor's hammer bears witness to the paganism of those first settlers at
Thjodhild's church was a tiny chapel with curved walls built of turf, for
building timber was a rare commodity in Greenland. In Iceland and
Scandinavia the earliest churches were of timber. The first stone churches
cannot be seen as direct products of Viking civilisation. Although the stone
cathedral at Lund was started in about 1080, it is an expression of the
European tradition of Romanesque architecture. As such, both it and the
other stone churches of Scandinavia fall outside the scope of this book. On
the other hand, the wooden churches belong to the native architectural
tradition and have a particular character of their own.
The first missionaries, like Ansgar at Hedeby and Birka, were concerned
to get churches built even if they had to do it themselves. Then the first
generations of Christians in built small churches for
household use on their family Despite the fact that these must have
existed in large numbers - Adam of Bremen mentions that there were
three hundred churches in the province of Skane when King Sven
1047-74; established a bishop in Lund to administer them - only a
handful of excavated examples are known, together with some fragments
surviving because they were incorporated into later buildings.
The Flatatunga panels 1 14) have survived because they were reused as
boarding in a succession of farmhouses in northern Iceland. In 1 897 it was
arranged that they should be removed and transferred to the museum, but
before this could happen the five best panels, which formed part of the roof
of the pantry, were destroyed by fire. Now only four panels remain,
rescued from the roof of the living-room, but all in excellent condition
despite their chequered history.
Their foliate ornament, in classic Ringerike style, has already been
commented on, suggesting a date about the middle of the eleventh
century. Below this ornament is a row of saints and so it seems unlikely that
they were originally made to decorate a Viking hall. If the Flatatunga
panels were carved for a small household church and Flatatunga might be
expected to have had one, being among the biggest farms in Iceland), then
they are the earliest examples of church decoration surviving from the
Scandinavian world.
The ornament of the Urnes Church portal in western Norway (115),
which survived because it was incorporated into its twelfth-century
successor, was described above. The first church at Urnes has been
excavated and found to be a standard example of a group of eleventh-
century 'stave-churches' known in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and even
England at Greensted in Essex;. Stave-construction means that the walls
are made of upright planks, as seen in secular contexts earlier in the Viking
Age at, for instance, Hedeby and Fyrkat. These churches have a
rectangular nave and an approximately square chancel. Two have been
excavated in Lund of which one, dating from about 1060, may have been
the original cathedral. The church built by Harald at Jelling was also of
this type: placed between the two great mounds, its traces lie beneath its
stone replacement 69 .
5 The twelfth-century
stave-church at Urnes in
western Norway incorporates
part of an elegantly
ornamented earlier building.
k \
__, ~
1 k \
. - - * «
The theme of the Conversion of the North has taken us well beyond the
end of the Viking Age. But then there is no particular moment at which the
period can be said to have ended. It fades away. Settlers in England and in
Ireland, in Normandy and in Russia, had gradually been absorbed into the
native cultures of those areas. The Norman conquest of England in 1066
cannot remotely be described as a Viking invasion of a Scandinavian state.
The Anglo-Saxons had previously regained control of their own lands,
only to succumb to the Norman French. The invasion of England by
Harald 'the Ruthless' had failed with his death earlier in 1066 at Stamford
Bridge, and the invasion planned by St Knut of Denmark in 1085 proved
abortive. Such events brought England's Viking Age to a close.
Elsewhere outside Scandinavia there were settlers still developing their
Norse heritage. Orkney and Shetland remained Norwegian until 1468-9.
Iceland remained an independent state until 1262-4, when the Norwegian
King Hakon Hakonsson took control. The rise of the Norse settlements in
Greenland was only beginning as the Viking Age was drawing to an end.
At the same time developments within Scandinavia meant that, by the end
of the eleventh century, the homelands from which most of these settlers
had once set out had undergone significant changes.
Scandinavia had been drawn into a new cultural sphere - that of the
European Christian community - with all the changes which that had
entailed for the spiritual and legal basis of society. At the same time the
trend had been towards centralised authority and the sole rule of kings. It
was the Viking Age that saw the birth of the Christian nation-states of
Scandinavia, that deeply influenced the history of the British Isles, that
peopled the Faeroes and Iceland, and that, by chain of settlement, first
brought America into direct contact (however briefly; with northern
From the Greenland Sea to the Caspian was a wide stage across which
strode many remarkable figures during the \ 'iking Age. Much of what they
achieved depended on the skills, courage and endurance of ordinary men
and women whose activities and experiences can now only be chronicled
by archaeology, but every year brings new discoveries to shape and adjust
our knowledge and appreciation of the many outstanding achievements of
the \ iking Age.
Select Bibliography
D. M. Wilson. The 'ikings and Their Origins Thames & Hudson, 1970)
More exhaustive accounts with extensive bibliographies and guides to more specialised literature:
P. G. Foote and D. M. Wilson. The Viking Achievement Sidgwick & Jackson, 1970) 1
M. Dolley. I'iking Coins of the Danelaw and of Dublin British Museum. 1965)
S. Jansson. The Runes of Sweden Phoenix, 1962)
G. Jones, The Xorse Atlantic Saga ^Oxford University Press, 1964
D. M. Wilson and O. Klindt-Jensen, I 'iking Art George Allen & Unwin. 1966
E. Roesdahl. Viking-Age Denmark 'British Museum Publications Ltd; provisional title, due for
publication 1980).
A selection of modern translations of the Icelandic Sagas can be found in the Penguin Classics
For Children:
A. Civardi and J. A. Graham-Campbell. The Time Traveller Book of Viking Raiders (Usborne.
S. Hadenius and B. Janrup, Hotc They Lived in a Viking Settlement ( Lutterworth, 1976)
A complete and exhaustive description of all the items figured in this book is to be found in:
Figures in roman refer to page numbers and Bridges 64, 124, 181 Faeroes 31, 65, 67, 78, 182, 188
figures in italics refer to illustrations Broa, mounts 145, 155, 158; fig. 9; 87, 88 Fejo, cup 38; 14
Brokk 89 Fenrir, wolf 90; 49
Brooches 34, 36, 37, 52, 101, 102, 108, in, Finger-rings 33, 136
143. 145, 146, 150, 153, 158, 163, 168, Finland 15, 23, 50
173, 175, 182; fig. 10; //, 52, 53, 56, 57, Fishing 61, 63, 69, 84; 25
Abyn, incense-burner 55 60, 84, 8s, 91, 94, 95, 102, 103, 104, 106 Fittja, coin hoard 55
Adalbert. Bishop of Bremen 182 Burial customs 25, 73, 87-98, 101, 119, 120. Five Boroughs 70, 121
Adam of Bremen 117, 184 123, 124, 145, 154, 158, 162, 179; 30, Flatatunga, panels 138, 154, 168, 184; 114
Agriculture 20. 61-5. 69, 72, 77, 82, 131; 50,69, 71 Foss, pendant 88, 179; 45
fig. 5; 26 Bygland, tools 132, 146; 71 France 11, 23, 25, 33, 34, 36, 65, 70, 72,
Alborg 129 Byzantium 11, 15, 21, 52, 55, 58, 73, 180; 22 119, 121
Alcuin 25 Freyr 87, 134; 40. 41
Alfred 'the Great' 4.1, 70, 121 Cammin. casket 141, 168 Frisia n, 72, 122
Allmanninge. reliquary capsule 58; 24 Carolingian Empire 1 1, 23. 38, 113, 121 Furniture 26, 27, 29, 77, 80, 132
Althing 67, 182; 29 Exports 14, 15a, 15b Furs and skins 21, 29, 55, 73, 143
Alvkarleby, silver bowl 21 Caspian Sea 15. 36, 52, 188 Fyrkat 50, 124, 184; fig. 8; 70
Amber 21. 45, 84, 102, 134, 136, 154; 74 Castletown, arm-ring 136
America 1 1, 26. 65, 69, 70, 188 Cathac, book-shrine 173 Gaming 84, 134, 136, 162; 37, 38, 39
Andreas, cross fragment 90. 98: 49 Chester 38, 70 Gardariki, see Russia
L'Anse-aux-Meadows 69
Ansgar 122, 129, 180, 181, 184
China 55 Gatebo, reliquary crucifix
Christianity 21, 58, 64, 70, 82, 87, 94, 95-8, 87; 41
Antler 113, 136, 138, 141, 145, 168; 64, 79, 102, 121-3, 128, 129, 154, 163, 167, Gerete, brooch 173; 102
98 168, 173-5, 176, 179-88; 12, 24, 30, 45, Germany 15, 21, 23, 128
Ardre, cist 90, 98. 173, 180; 48 48, 49, 107-15 Gizur, Bishop of Skalholt 182, 183
Arhus 128, 181 Clontarf, Battle of 67 Gjermundbu, helmet 115
Arm-rings 34, 37, 52, 108, 145; 18. 20, 59, Clothing 29, 55, 80, 101-17, 131, 154; fig. 6; Glass 21, 38, 41, 51, 55, 82, 84, 102, 120,
80, 81, 100 8,41,47 136, 146; 15a, 37
Arnes, mount 167; fig. 11:97 Coins 21, 23, 33, 34, 36, 37, 48, 50, 55, 58, Godfred, king of Denmark 122
Ase, firesteel 48 69, 120-2, 125, 128, 141, 143; 18, 67, 68 Gokstad 25, 26, 27, 29, 158; 6
Asen, brooch 145, 158; 53 Combs 82, 102. 113. 141 Mounts 90c
Aska Cong, Cross of 175. 176 Greenland 11, 31. 65. 69, 134, 136, 182, 183,
Arabic inscribed flask 21 Constantine Porphyrogenitos 52 188
Silver pendant 42 Cooking equipment 25, 29, 77, 80, 132; 35, Greensted church 1 84
Axes 89, 115, 116. 117, 132, 167, 182; 63 72 Gresli, brooch 175; 104
Copenhagen, shrine 34; 12 Grytoy, whalebone plaque 36
Baghdad, Caliphate Serkland> 48, 55 Coppergate, York 180; 31, 77 Guthrum. king of East Anglia 121; 68b
Baldursheirour. gaming-piece 84; 38 Cork 45, 67
Ballateare. skull 94 Cremation 73, 95, 119, 179 Hasrvej 122; fig. 7
Ballinderry. gaming-board 84; 39 Cuerdale. hoard 1 1 , 34, 37; 1 Hakon 'the Good' 182
Baltic 17. 21. 36, 41, 45, 48, 50, 58, 72, 128, Halldor Snorrason 128
134 Danegeld 125, 128 Hamburg-Bremen 180-2
Bamberg, casket 167 Danelaw 70, 121 Hameenlinna, necklace 55
Bawdsey, gaming-piece 136 Danevirke 122, 123; fig. 7 Harald 'Bluetooth' 123. 125. 167, 181, 184;
Beads 41, 102, 134, 136 Defences 41, 45, 63, 70, 122-5, I2 9; fig- 7- 96
Bengtsarvet, cauldron 132; 3s fig. 8; 17, 70 Harald 'Finehair' 67, 128
Berezanji 52 Derby 70, 121 Harald Klak 122
Bergen 30. 41. 129 Dniepr 50, 52, 73 Harald 'the Ruthless' 73, 128, 129, 188; 68m
Birka Dorestad 1 1 , 23 Hauge, gold foils 87, 145; 41
Site 17, 45, 48, 94, 120, 129, 179, 180; 17 Dublin 11. 13, 38, 45, 65, 67, 75, 120. 121. Hazamdl 84, 113
Objects 34, 37, 38, 48, 50, 55, 108, ill, 122, 150, 173; 68f,68g, 86 Hebrides the 'Southern Islands'; 65, 67
117, i33> 134, 136, 138, I4i> 143. 145. Hedeby
146. 181; 15a. 18, 43, 56, 61, 79, 109 Ear-rings 49; 19 Site 17, 41, 45- 5°' 75> 77- 122, 123, 128,
Hjarni Herjulfsson 69 Egill Skalla-grimsson 84 129, 132-4, 179, 180, 181, 184; fig. 4,
1 1 j 1
Hoards 23, 33, 34, 37, 48, 55, 67, 101, 120, London 23, 70, 95, 115, 167, 168, 180; 63. Romersdal, pendant 44
154, 158-64, 168, 173-5, 181; /. 18, 20, 101 Romf0, brooch 34; //
23,57,92, 112 Longva, jet snake pendant 16 Roskilde 29. 124, 129. 1X1
Holland, armlet 136 Lund Rouen 33
Holmgardr (Novgorod) 73 Site 129, 181, 183, 184 Runic inscriptions 34, 48, 52, 66, 69, 73,
Hon, hoard 33, 158, 92 Objects 55, 58, 87, 98, 113, 128, 132, 134, 95-8, 179, 180, 181; 47, 48, si, 96, 10
Horn 82, 84, 88, 90, 138; 43, 47 136, 175; 22, 27, 34, si, 68/1, 681, 72, Russia n, 15, 21, 36, 50, 52, 65, 72, 73, 119,
Hornelund 75,79 158, 180, 188; 20, 24
Brooches 146, 168; 57
Arm-ring S9 Magnus 'the Good' 128 Sacrifice 21, 94, 95, 179, 182
Horses 29, 61,63,64, 84,90,95, 117, 182 Mammen Sagas 15, 29, 69, 1 19, 128
Horse-equipment 64, 117, 132, 146, 155, Embroidered silk 55 Saint Manchan, shrine 176. 1X2; 107
158; 28, 66,87,88, 90, 190 Die 145; 82 Saint Paul's Churchyard, stone 98, 167, 168,
Horse-collar 158, 162; 28, 89 180; 101
Ibn Fadlan 15, 94, 101, 102, 108 Mammen style 163, 165, 167, 168, 173. Saint Rimbert 180
Ibrahim al-Tartushi 50 175; fig- n; 97-98 Sandby, silver hoard 20
Iceland 13, 31, 36, 65, 67, 78, 84, 95, 154, Markland 69 Schleswig 128, 129, 180
168, 179, 182, 183, 184, 188; fig. 5; 29, Martens, brooch 150; 8s Scotland 23, 34, 37, 45, 65, 136; 7a, 13
33, 38. 45. 113, 114
Mastermyr, tool chest 132, 138, 145, 146 Serkland, Baghdad, Caliphate of 48
He de Groix 119 Mediterranean 21, 36 Shannon 25, 34, 67
Ireland 13, 34, 38, 45, 65, 67, 121, 150, 162, Mercenaries 48, 58, 65, 72, 73, 128, 180 Shetland 26, 31, 65, 77, 89, 134, 154, 188;
173, 175, 176, 180, 188; 39, 68f, 68g, 81,
Middleton, cross 70, 115, 117, 179; 30 7a
86, 107, 108
Mollerlokken, brooch in, 146; 60 Shields 27, 90, 1 17, 1 19, 132, 154; 8, 47
Islandbndge 65 Ships 23, 25-31, 52, 90, 94, 117, 1 19, 123,
Isle of Man 67, 90, 94, 138, 162, 163, 179; Necklaces 36, 55, 102, 108, 158; 19, ss, 76, 153,6,7a, 7b, 8, 47
49 92,93 Sigtuna 17, 48, 58, 115, 129, 154, 168, 181;
Bishop of Skalholt 182, 183
Isleif, Neck-rings 36, 101, 108, m;
18, 20, s8 24, 64, 98
fslendingabok 67 Newfoundland 65, 69 Sihtric in 'Silkbeard' 121; 68h
Italy 36, 58,136 Nonnebakken, brooch 146, 158, 164; 9sb Silk 55, in; 22
Ivory 41, 134, 136, 154, 165, 167, 173; 7S Normandy 72 Skaill 163, 165; fig. 10; 94
Norre Longelse, riding equipment 66 Skalholt 182
Jarlshof 26, 65, 77, 89, 134, 154; 7a Norsborg, cross 58; 24 Skara 129
Jarrow 1 Nottingham 70 Skates 45, 64, 84, 138; 27
Jatten, scales 37 Novgorod (Holmgardr) 73 Skuldelev 29, 30, 124
Jelling 123, 162, 167, 168, 181, 184; 69. 96 Slate 67, 90, 138; 49
Jellinge style 162-5; fig. 10; 28, 93, 94, Odense 129, 181 Slaves 21, 33>36, 52, 55^63,67, 94, 113,
95a Odin 90, 98; 49 131, 180
Jerusalem 58 Olaf Haraldsson (St Olaf) 128, 182 Slavs 15, 21, 48, 50-8, 72, 73, 122, 123, 128;
Jet 45, 134, 136, 154, 158: 16 Olaf Skotkonung 73, 129 19, 20, 24
Jewellery 48, 50, 73, 94, 95, 101-13, 141-3, Olaf Tryggvason 30, 128, 182, 183 Sleipnir 90
150, 154, 164; 43, 56 Orkney 65, 67, 163, 182, 188; 94 Smiss, memorial stone 26, 90, 113, 154; 8
see also individual items Oseberg25, 27, 29, 34, 64, 77, 94, 101, 113, Snaptun, furnace-stone 89, 134, 143; 46
Jorvik, see York 128, 138, 154, 155 Soapstone 41, 69, 77, 80, 133, 134, 136, 143,
Oslo 26, 41, 129, 168 \%y, 46,73
Kaupang Oslo Fjord 20, 25, 27, 41, 128 Soderala, vane 145, 168
20, 34, 41, 133, 134, 143
Kiev 11, 15, 50, 52, 58, 73, 120; 24 Ostra Paboda, Carolingian mounts 1 sb Somhovd, line-winder 25
Kilmainham 65 Ottar (Othere) 41, 131 Spain 15, 36
Kiloran Bay. weights 37; 13 Spindlewhorls 69, 82, 134, 136
Klinta, pendant 89 Paviken 45, 136 Stamford 70
Knut 'the Great' 125, 126; 68 Pendants 50, 88, 102, 134, 145, 146, 158, Stamford Bridge 129, 188
Knut 11 'the Holv' 128, 188 Staraja Ladoga (Aldeigjuborg) 52, 73
179; 16, 19, 23, 42, 44, 45,54, 67a, 74,
Kvivik 78 84, 93, 109-12
Steinsvik, sword 158; 62
Pins 69, 89, 101, in; 61, 78 Stiklestad, Battle of 182
Piraeus, harbour 98 Stone memorials 90, 95, 98, 116, 138, 154,
Labrador 69
Pitney, brooch 175; 106 155, 163, 167, 168, 173, 179, 180, 181;
Lamps 77, 132, 134
2, 8, 30, 47, 48, 49, 77,
Poland 21, 48, 50
Landndmabok 3
Stong78;fig. 5; 33
Pottery 38, 41, 50, 55, 80, 95, 136, 143; 75a,
Landvikvannet, soapstone bowl 73 Svein 'Forkbeard' 125
Lead 21,34
37, 58, 145; 13 Sven Estridsson 98, 122, 128, 184; 68h
Leather 75, 113, 117, 136; 6s Swords 21, 38, 55, 89, 95, ill, 113, 115,
Leif 'the Lucky' Eiriksson 69, 183 Quentovic 23, 121
117, 132, 133, 141, 158, 168; 62, 63, 83,
Lejre 95 Quernstones 41, 62
Lilla Klintegarda, crucifix pendant no
Lilla Valla, bowl 145, 175; /05 Ragnarok 87, 90
Lillbjars, memorial stone 90, 1 13, 154; 47 Raienalt, king of York 122; 67b, 67c Tara, Battle of 13, 67, 121
Limerick 45, 67 Rallinge, figure 154; 40 Tents 26, 29, 82, 153
Lincoln 45, 70, 121, 136 Ravning Enge 124 Textiles 21, 29, 30, 58, 63, 80, 82, 101. m,
Mount 175; 106 Rhineland 38, 113, 133, 143; 15a 119, 136, 138, 154
Coin 68e Ribe 23, 45, 98, 132, 134, 136, 143, 181 Thames 25, 115; 63
Lindholm Hoje 61, 63, 77, 95; so Rigsthula 61 Thingvellir 183; 29
Brooch 175; 103 Ringerike, style 167, 168, 173, 175, 180, Tau cross 113
Lindisfarne 11, 13, 115; 2 184; 114 Thjodhild69, 183
Loddekoppinge, whetstone 26, 154; 7b Ringome, pendant 146; S4 Thor 87, 88, 179
Loki 89, 90: 46 Rinkaby. brooch 146, 158; 91 Thor's hammer pendants 122, 134, 145,
Loom 77, 82, 136 Rome 128 146, 179, 183; 44, 67a
Thorfinn Karlsefni 69 Varby
Tin 101, 145 Mounts 55. 162, 163
Tisso. neckring 108; 58 Pendants 23. 93
Tools Vessels 21, 38, 50, 55, 77, 80, 82, 120, 133,
Agricultural 20, 61. 62. 63. 94. 132; 26 136, 143, 145, 162; /5a, 21. 34. 73. 105
Craftsmen's 20, 94. 119. 120. 132, 133. Vinland 69
136, 143. 145. 146. 150, 153, 162, 179; Virginia, gold arm-ring 81
71, 82 Volga 52, 94, 101
Traen, brooch 146. 164; 95a
Trelleborg 50, 75, 77 Wagons 28, 64
Trendgaarden, mould 179 Wales 65, 67
Tresfjorden. jet figures 136, 158; 16 Wallstena, "killed' sword 95
Trondheim 17, 30, 41, 129, 138, 141, 154, Wax 55, 143, 150
168, 175, 182; 78, 112 Weapons 20, 21, 23, 29, 61, 69, 84, 89, 90,
94, 95, 115, 117, 119, 120, 124, 146,
Undrom, arm-ring 168; 100 153, 158; 2, jo. 63, 63
Uppland 17, 21, 23,48, 50, 55, 72, 119, 181 see also individual items
Uppsala 95 Whetstones 26. 41, 134; 7b, 49
Urnes Whitby 45. 136
Church portal 138, 154, 173, 175, 184; William. Duke of N'ormandy 128
US Wine 21, 38,82,84; 15a
Urnes style 1^3, 175, 176. 180, 182, 183; Woodworking 29, 30, 75, 80, 123, 124, 132,
48, 78, 106, 107 136, 138. 154: fig. 4: 32. 34. 39. 114. 115
Valhalla 88, 90 York (Jorvik, 11. 23, 45, 70. 75, 113, 117,
Valkyrie 88, 90; 43. 47 121, 122, 134, 136, 138, 141, 163, 180;
Valsgarde 55, 119; 37 31, 65, 67, 68c, 68d, 68j, 77
Vanes 30, 145; 9. 99
List of Exhibits
The exhibition number is followed by an identification of the object, its materials, findspot and
country, principal dimensions, museum and registration number 'where available;.
The full title of museums or loaning institutions can be found by reference to the complete list
of lenders on page 9. The following abbreviations have been made in this list:
22 Rectangular bowl, soapstone 48 Spindle whorl, antler. Birka BE
Finstad Nor Sue
Ships and the Sea
. .
LUHM. D 7-5 cm. SHM L 154 cm. SHM 5208:1081.
L 106 cm.
L 32 cm. Sch Hb.63S6. 3092. 50- 1.39. L 6-1 cm. SHM 5208:1532.
11 Boat model, wood. Dublin (Ire).
l 11 cm. Dub E8 1 14228. Bowl and spoon, wood. Lund Swe). 57 Weaving tablet, antler. Birka BE
L 195 cm. Kult 53436:1093 and 793. Swe .
W 42 cm.
70 Playing-pieces, bone and gilt-bronze. 92 Two pins, bone. Jarlshof (Sco). SECTION 5
Birka grave 624 Swe). Max. L 128 cm. Ed HAS 7 and The Vikings
Max. h 3 cm. SHM. HAS 124.
137 Scabbard chape, bronze. Mansala Oval brooch pair, bronze. 173 Strap fittings, gilt-bronze. Lejre
Fin . L ic cm. 174 Den .
L 8-6 cm. York 55 1.49. 4-. Forty-five beads, glass and bronze. 1 7-1 cm. BM MLA 56,7—1,1474.
L 62 cm.
139 Shield boss. iron. Haen N'or 176 Strap-end. bronze. York Eng
D 145 cm. Oslo C14535 152 Disc brooch, silver. Allmanninge [4i)im York 19-3.24.
Swe .
140 Shield boss. iron. Hedeby Ger . D 93 cm. SHM -29:7. 177 Strap-end. gilt-silver. Winchester
D 163 cm. Sch 12302. Be 1 . Eng
153 Disc brooch, bronze. Dublin Ire . 1 4 cm. Winchester CG.72.
141 Chain mail. iron. Lund Swe . D 32 cm. L - cm. Dub £43:2086. 1
142 Helmet, iron. Giermundbu N'or d 42 cm. Wisbech 1.1846. L 61 cm. Cop I A3-635.
h 23- cm. Oslo C2 - 3i - k.
155 Disc brooch, pewter. York Eng . 1 "9 Toilet implements, bronze. Hedebv
143 Pair of spurs, iron with silver inlay. D 36 cm. York 652.48. Ger .
Norre Longelse grave 2 Den . Max. L <;-2 cm. Sch Hb. W131 and
Max. l 21 3 cm. Rudkobing C4S9. 156 Disc brooch, pewter. YAT Eng W145 "
144 Stirrup, iron with brass inlay. 180 Toilet implement, gilt-silver and
Thames at Battersea Eng .
157 Disc brooch, gold. Hedeby Ger . Birka grave so - Swe
niello. .
h 239 cm. BM MLA 54.4-24.1. D 26 cm. Sch Hb.~6. surface find. L 69 cm. SHM
145 Pair of stirrups, iron with silver and 158 Box-shaped brooch, gilt-bronze. 181 Knife-blade, iron with bronze inlay.
copper inlay. Thumby-Bienebek grave Valla Swe . Lund Swe .
SHM 5208:14-.
Two brooches, gilt-bronze and Max. L 18-5 cm. SHM s2oS:~si and
enamel. 162 Oval brooch, bronze. Hovindsholm 564.
Max. L 29 cm. (Nor .
L 94 cm. Oslo Ci 2. 186 Comb, antler. Dublin Ire
L 36 cm.
L ii-i cm. Ed IL 221
Chains and suspension plates. 191 Bail-headed pin. bronze and gold.
bronze. 16- Oval brooch, gilt-bronze. Nordland Birka grave 832 Swe .
149 Trefoil brooch, bronze. Norway. L 7-9 cm. Oslo C2 _ 220n. 195 Ringed pin. bronze.
W 8-1 cm. Oslo C4-30. Gnupverjaafrettur Ice .
171 Pair of toe rings, silver. Fyrkat grave L 185 cm. Reyk 5396.
150 Necklace: twenty-seven mosaic beads. 4 Den .
Eidem Nor . Max. d 1-5 cm. Hobro Di-0-1966. 196 Stickpin, bronze. Dublin Ire .
Trond 8293.
L 3- cm. L 85 cm. Dub £43:551.
172 Armlet, bronze. Birka grave 108
151 Female grave group: Loppasanden Swe 197 Two pins. bone. Jarlshof Sco .
199 Pin. bone. Thames, London (Eng). 221 Neckring. gold. Tissqi (Den). 247 Cup. silver and gilt. Lejre :
l 17 cm. BM MLA
93,6-18,72. D c 35 cm. Cop I Dnf /77.
. 1 d 59 cm. Cop I 1 1373.
200 Pin, bone. Trondheim (Nor). 222 Box-shaped brooch, gold, silver,
L 131 cm. Trond N37383. niello and bronze. Martens (Swe). SECTION 7
D 75 cm. SHM
Trade and Loot
201 Necklace, glass, silver, etc. Birka
grave 632 (Swe 1. 223 Disc brooch, gold. Hedeby Ger).
D 39 cm. Sch KS 10596. 248 Selection of grave goods. Paksujoki,
l 43 cm. SHM.
Zaljuscik, 1 USSR).
202 Necklace and
disc brooch, glass and 224 Two disc brooches, gold. Hornelund Male grave B
gilt-bronze. Birka grave 948 (Swe). (Den).
cm. Cop C7144 and Horse-bit, iron.
L 90 cm. SHM. Max. D 8-6 I 5.
l 21 cm. Hel 1675:17.
203 Necklace, crystal, silver and glass. 225 Two neckrings. silver. Ytlings (Swe). Sword, iron inlaid with silver and
Lilla Rone 'Swe). Max. D 13-4 cm. SHM copper.
Max. h 33 cm. SHM 8315. L 965 cm. Hel 1675:1.
226 Armlet, silver. Bryungs (Swe).
d 9 cm. SHM Spearhead, iron.
204 Collar of thirty-two pendants, gilt- 15903.
bronze, silver, gold. Krasse Swe .
l 468 cm. Hel 1675:2.
W 23 cm. 6387. SHM 227 Armring, silver. Skaill fSco). Spearhead, iron.
D 1 1 cm. Ed IL 22. L 278 cm. Hel 1675:3.
205 Pendant, gold. Hedeby (Ger).
228 Armring, gold. Oxna (Sco). Axe-head, iron.
D 32 cm. Sch.
l 155 cm. Hel 1675:7.
d 7-5 cm. Ed FE 71.
206 Pendant, gold. Ringome (Swe).
H 7-4 cm. SHM 229 Armring, gold. Virginia (Ire).
Female grave Bi
D 7-2 cm. BM MLA
49.3-1.2. Oval brooches, bronze and iron.
207 Pendant, gilt-silver. Saffron Walden Max. L 1 cm. 1675:22 and 23.
215 Penannular brooch, silver and gold. D 98 cm. Dub £71:9007 and 8.
254 Two ingots, silver. Cuerdale (Eng).
Hatteberg Nor). BM MLA 41.7-11,10 and 103.
1. 21 cm. Ber 8377c.
240 Armring, gold. Ornum Den). (
Lii'9 cm.
D 71 cm. Cop I C7146. Sch Hb. 3480.60087.80,0.70.
217 Penannular brooch, silver and gold.
Mollerlokken (Den 242 Armring, gold. Wipholm (Ger). 256 Group of hacksilver. Cuerdale
1. 312 cm Cop I 16370. D 9 cm. Sch LMS KS.6421. Eng . BM MLA
218 Thistle brooch, silver. Newbiggin 243 Armring, silver. Brahesminde Den ;.
(Eng 1.
D 8-6 cm. Cop I Dnf 14 .48. 257 Armring. silver. Skaill (Sco).
51-2 cm. BM Ml. A 1909,6-24,2.
1 Max. n - - cm. Ed IL 30 and 31.
244 Two armrings. silver. Ireland.
219 Penannular brooch, silver. Skaill Max. D 6-9 cm. Dub W'62 and W63. 258 Counterfeit armlet, bronze and tin.
(Sco). Tystebols Swe
1 38 cm. EdILi. 245 Armring. silver. Ivo(Swe). 132 em. SHM 16835.
260 Cufic coin hoard, silver. Fittja Swe . 281 German silver coins Sweden. 304 Caucasian silver dirham. found in
KMK. SHM 18744 thu Cuerdale hoard Eng
Max D 2 > cm.
Otto or penny, struck 965-83,
261 Bucket, bronze and wood. Birka grave
! 11
BM CM [841,7-10,1436.
507 Swe .
h 18 5 cm. SHM. Henry 11 penny, struck 985-^5. 305 Samanid silver dirham. struck
Regensburg. 906--. Goldsborough hoard Eng .
284 Earring, silver. Runsberga Swe 8
D 26 cm. Sch 13-10.
Nor .
Pendant h 115 cm. Tromso 4400a. 309 Pendant whetstone, slate. Birka
D 8-8 cm. Tromso 4052b. grave 644 Swe .
Swe .
Allmaninge Swe . 311 Rock crystal, in various stages of
L 31 cm. SHM. L 26 cm. -29:1. SHM working. Hedeby Ger Sch. .
270 Anglo-Saxon silver pennies found 290 Pendant cross, silver. Norsborg 312 Playing-piece. jet. Bawdsey Eng .
L 13-5 cm. Kult 53436:51-. KM 320 Mosaic and other fragments, glass.
Paviken Swe .
(Den). Ribe.
277 Quern, lavastone. Hedeby Ger .
2-8 Selection of imported glass 301 Flask with Arab inscription. 324 Finger rings, glass. Lincoln Eng .
280 Sword-blade fragment with Max. 158 cm. Sch Hb. 1935-38,
maker's mark. iron. Saaksmaki Fin . 303 Glazed cup. Hemse Swe . and 1 969. and
L 22 cm. Hel 2~6
D 62 cm. SHM 5035 Hb.69N26.50-;- 5 - -:—96.5CIII.
326 Comb. Hedeby (Ger). 351 Eight blanks, iron. Somdalen (Nor). 379 Borre style ring-chain, bone.
L 209 cm. Max. L 302 cm. Oslo C2264-5. 149 cm. £122:6567.
332 Sword pommel and lower guard, l 17 cm. YAT 1972. 21. 5156.
BE (Swe).
antler. Birka
384 Silver penny, St Edmund Memorial
Max. L 94 cm. SHM 5208:542 and 362 Pattern-welded spearhead, iron. issue, struck c. 895. BM CM
Valkjarvi fFin). 1838,7-10-771.
L 455 cm. Hel 3870:2.
385 Silver penny, Siefred, struck c. 896,
333 Arrow-head, antler. Hedeby (Ger). York. BM CM
Lund 1838,7-10-1233.
l 49 cm. Sch Hb.66N22. 65016. 70X. 363 Shoe, leather. (Swe).
l 21 5 cm. Kult 66166:1045.
386 Silver penny, Mirabilia fecit issue,
334 Cleaver, whalebone. Tisnes (Nor).
l 1 2- 1 cm. Troms0 799. 364 Shoe, Ribe fDen).
struck c. 900, York. BM CM
L 298 cm. Ribe D 6100. 1838,7-10-1410.
404 Silver penny. Hedebv group, struck 430 Shovel, wood. Danevirke Ger .
struck 9^5. Hedebv. KMK. D 43 cm. Ribe D 7877 and 8. 456 Stirrup, iron Nordgard Nor
w 131 cm. Oslo C575.
406 Silver penny. Harald 'Bluetooth", 432 Ploughshare, iron. Fume-- Nor
struck c. 91S-C. 980. Jelling. l 20 8 cm. Oslo Ci69a. 457 Horse bit. iron Bj Nor
BMCM 1925.2-4-30. L 28 3 cm Oslo C10716.
433 Farmer's tools from a hoard, iron.
407 Silver penny. Olaf "Skotkonung". Skarud Nor
struck c. 99S-1000. Sigtuna. Max. L 448 cm. Oslo C341--21.
BMCM 1 840.3-1 1-1 1.
c. 1017-25. 2185.
436 Bell, bronze. Asheim (Nor).
1 195 cm. Sch.
410 Silver penny. Harald 'the Ruthless", H 6-8 cm. OSI0C25885C
Ingot, bronze. Lund Sv.
struck c. 104--55. OUMK. 459
cm. Kult 53436:614.
437 Shears, iron. Aker Nor .
411 Silver penny. Harald 'the Ruthless', L 323 cm. Oslo C4718.
460 Ingot, bronze. Birka BE Swe
c. 1055-65. OUMK.
438 Two fish hooks, iron. Lund Swe .
L 1-5 cm. SHM
412 Silver pennv. Olaf Haraldsson. struck L 65 cm. Kult 53436:226.
1019-28. OUMK
FC 200. 461 Crucible, clay. Lund Swe).
H 40 cm. Kult 53436:199.
439 Line-winder, whalebone. Somhovd
413 Silver penny. Olaf 'the Quiet", struck Nor .
1067-80. OUMK. L 20 cm. Trond 13471. 462 Three crucibles, clay. Hedebv Ger .
c. 1067-80. OUMK
FC 1159-60. H 42 cm. SHM 5208:2484.
442 Weight, stone. York Eng .
443 Net-stick, wood. Lund Swe .
419 Silver penny. Cnut. struck c. 1020- 445 Leister, iron. Rise (Nor).
L 95 cm. Cop C23184.
c. 1030. Lund. BM CM
1925.2-4-33. L 30 cm. Trond 7319.
H 46 cm. SHM 5208:2497.
L 9s cm. Sch
421 Silver penny. Cnut. struck c. 1028, Hb.68N18.600229.60YH.
470 Scabbard chape, bronze. Astad
Sigtuna. KMK. Hb.68N39.s00213.10Ym and Swe .
423 Silver penny. Cnut. struck L 8 cm. Oslo K1960. M.O. Br.Bl.s.a.
c. 1024-30. Winchester. BMC 581. 448 Two spearheads, iron. Estuna Swe .
Max. L 25- cm. SHM 27761. 472 Thistle brooch, bronze. Marum
424 Silver penny. Harthacnut 103^-42 .
Lund. 1956.4-8-69. 449 Ski. wood. Muolaa Tin). D 6-8 cm. Oslo C11285.
L 194 cm. Hel KM 7406.
425 Silver penny. Harthacnut. struck
473 Trefoil brooch mould, clay. York
1035-7. London. 450 Two skates, bone. Lund Swe .
BMCM 1935.11-1--614. L 22 cm. Kult 66166:1044 and 2261. L 107 cm. YAT 19756 448.
426 Silver penny. Sven Estridssen. struck 451 Crampon, iron. Lund Swe .
474 Trefoil brooch, gilt-silver and gold.
c. 1044-". Lund. w 46 cm. Kult 66i66:~64. Mosnes Nor .
BM CM 1 906. 1
-3-5 1 42. W 7-8 cm. Ber 4342.
452 Two crampons, iron. Lund Swe .
427 Silver penny. Sven Estridssen. struck Max. H 6 5 cm. Kult 53436:571 and 475 Pendant mould (and modern
before c. 106s:. Lund. 1131. impression), sandstone. Hedebv
BM CM 1956,4-8-87. Ger . Sch.
453 Rattle and hooks, iron. Nordgard
428 Silver penny. Sihtric in. struck Nor .
476 Pendant mould, -oapstone. Hedebv
c.997, Dublin. BM CM
1838,9-19-9. l 23 cm. Oslo C576-7. Ger
L 5-3 cm. Sch KS D203.
429 Silver penny. Anonvmous issue. 454 Horse harness bow. gilt-bronze and
struck c. 1065. Dublin. BM CM modern wood. Elstrup Den .
477 Ingot, lead. Kaupang Nor).
195-.6-12-36. L 48 cm. Sch. L 8-7 cm. Oslo K1962-C.
478 Trefoil brooch mould fragment. 501 Nine strap mounts, bronze and gilt- 525 Disc brooch, gilt-bronze. Pitney
clay.Hedeh\ Ger . bronze. Gokstad 'Nor . Eng .
L 54 cm. Sch 13710. Max. L 53 cm. Oslo. D 39 cm. BM MLA 1979, 11-1, 1.
479 Trefoil brooch, pewter. Hedeby 502 Necklace and pendants, gold and 526 Mount, bronze. Lincoln Eng I
Ger). glass. Hon Nor Oslo C747-9. . 61 cm. Lincoln Arch. Trust
D 52 cm. Rinkaby Swe).
Sch Hb.64N15-2o095-1oc.II. L 275 cm. SHM 4578. SECTION 11
Sch Hb. 3480.500158.50:0. 20. D 63 cm. Cop I C6271. 1 ~3'8 cm. Reyk 15296a and b.
482 Hammered ingot, bronze. Lund 506 Patrice, bronze. Mammen Den). 529 Crucifix, silver. Birka grave 660
(Swe). H 63 cm. Cop I C1067. (Swe).
L 18 cm. Kult 66166:770. H 34 cm. SHM.
507 Disc brooch, silver. Traen (Nor).
483 Patrice for disc brooch (and D 7-3 cm. Oslo 21858a. 530 Crucifix, silver Aspinge Swe).
modern impression), bronze. H 58 cm. 6620:1.SHM
Hedebv Ger Sch Hb.38. Bachbett, .
508 Horse harness-bow, gilt-bronze and
Sch 8. modern wood. Mammen Den .
531 Crucifix, silver. Trondheim Nor .
Gotland (Swe).
Max. h 46 cm. SHM 4516. H 82 cm. SHM 980.
485 Armlet, silver.
D 73 cm. BM MLA 1921,11-1,305.
510 Disc brooch, gilt-silver. Honsi Nor .
533 Reliquary cross and chain, silver.
Draw plate, iron. Mastermvr (Swe). d 32 cm. Ber 709. Gatebo Swe).
L 137 cm. SHM 21592.
W 62 cm. SHM
Med Dep 100.
511 Thistle brooch terminal, silver.
487 Wire, bronze. Tystebols (Swe). Skaill Sco;. 534 Cross, silver. Birka grave 480 Swe .
Max. 1 54 cm. Oslo (.1804. w 3 2 cm Aalborg 129X 1397 Portal replica I rnes (Nor). Ber.
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