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Vikings Colour Photographs

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1997 Carle Schulze & Torsten Verhlsdonk

This ediition publishcd in
1999 by The Crowood Press Ltd
Ramsbury, Marlbourough
Wiltshire, SN8 2HR

Designed by Tony Stocks/TS Graphics




The Common Warrior


Printed by Graficas Reunidas SA, Madrid

Edged Weapons


All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy, recording,
or in any information storage and retrieval
system, without the prior written permission
of the publishers.

The Viking Hersir


Armour & Helmets


The Varangian Guard


Bows & Bowmen


Rus: The Vikings in the East


Viking Battle Tactics


Viking Mercenaries


Ships & Seafaring


Clothing & Jewellery


The Viking Woman


Daily Life


Traders & Craftsmen




The Normans


Norman Cavalry


A CIP catalogue record for this book

is available from the British Library
ISBN 1 86126 289 2

Authors' acknowledgements
We would like to record our gratitude to all the
re-enactors and living history societies who
supported us, by word and deed, during the
preparation of this book, and all those who
kindly stood still while we took our pictures.
We cannot name these many individuals here,
but they know who they are. Special thanks are
due to Frank Wiedemann, who provided us
with background material and answered many
questions; to Miss Melanie Donus for supplying
additional photographic material; and to
Simone and Ivor Lawton of Dawn of Time
Crafts, 18 Anne Close, Brightlingsea,
Essex L07 OLS, UK, makers of early medieval
equipment for museums and re-enactment,
who kindly let us reproduce some of their
archive pictures.

hat do we know actually know about the Vikings?
Between the 8th and the 11th centuries they travelled throughout Europe, to parts of North
America and to the Middle East as traders, warriors and
colonists. They were feared as enemies by every people
they encountered. Yet we have much less reliable information about this group of Scandinavian peoples than we do
about more ancient cultures such as Imperial Rome.
Everything known to modern man about the Vikings is
based on three types of sources: archaeological finds;
written descriptions, which as a rule were not recorded by
the Vikings themselves; and the Nordic sagas - originally
oral traditions, usually written down for the first time in the
12th or 13th centuries.
From such major excavations as Haithabu, Moosgard,
Birka, Roskilde, Lindholm Hoeje, Gokstad, Skuldelev,York
and Gjermundbu we have abundant material remains
which, when compared with the written evidence, cast light
on many aspects of Viking culture, but which equally pose
new questions. Mistaken interpretations, and a glorification of some specific aspects of the Viking era, have planted
in the public mind an unbalanced picture of these peoples
which fails to do them justice.
In this book we try to introduce readers to Viking culture
by means of photographs taken at re-enactment displays
mounted by Viking "living history" societies, to create a
more intimate and human impression than they may gain
from "dead" archaeological finds. We hope to correct, at
least to some extent, the most ingrained of the mistaken
ideas about these vigorous, creative peoples, and to give
readers some insight into the period of European history
when the Scandinavian nations were dominant.
These re-enactors go to considerable pains to achieve high
levels of authenticity, taking into account all sources of
information. The hobby of "living history" does not simply
mean the exact reconstruction of known archaelogical
finds, but tries to bring a whole era back to life. Each reenactor creates a character, taking into account all available
knowledge and relevant finds; he or she reconstructs
clothing and equipment which may not have been found by
archaeologists in exactly that form, but which are typical for
the period. Old crafts have been revived (especially where
decorative elements are concerned), and new pieces have
been made in styles which have been dead for many
This is a challenging task. For instance, the problems
begin with the difficulty of obtaining the correct types of
fabric for making clothing; this must be authentically spun
into yarn, dyed, and woven into cloth. Re-enactors often
seek to work as closely as possible with museums and
archaeologists, but this is not easy - living history enthusiasts are rarely granted access to the finds which gather dust
in the reserve collections of scholarly institutions.
Although necessary for building interest and acceptance of
the hobby, the public shows at which re-enactors recreate
authentic life present their own problems. Whereas a
nearly perfect impression of, say, a craftsman might be
possible if enough trouble were taken, a convincing impression of a Viking age skirmish will always fail because of the

(Above) From the 8th to the

11th century all Europe trembled before the Scandinavian
sea-rovers who first ravaged
the coasts and later invaded
large areas in strength. Yet
the Vikings were not mere
looters; these most skilled
seafarers of their age were
also explorers, traders, and
colonists seeking new homes

at a time of exploding
population in their relatively
unproductive homelands.
Today European re-enactors
try to bring the Viking age
alive again at their public
performances, not only recreating the Viking warrior but
also offering an insight into
everyday life, crafts and trade.

necessary safety precautions. There are also few reconstructions of Viking age ships, for obvious reasons of cost
and logistics.
Despite these problems the Viking re-enactment movement puts on numerous events all over Northern Europe
every year, and succeeds in casting its spell over thousands
of spectators. These are not merely light-hearted costumed
pageants; they play an important part in correcting
mistaken historical impressions, particularly among the
young; and sometimes it even happens that the recreation
and practical use of pieces of period equipment can answer
questions for the historians.
The authors wish good luck to all the re-enactors whom
we met during the assembly of material for this book; we
made many friends among them. We also hope that the
future may bring improved co-operation between living
history re-enactors and historians and archaeologists, who
have a great deal to offer one another in their mutual search
for knowledge.


n the old Norse tongue the word viking meant something like raiding or piracy, and vikingr meant a raider.
Though today this word is used as a general term for
the Nordic peoples of the 8th to 11th centuries, it was used
more rarely in the early medieval period. Their fellow
Europeans used to speak rather of "Norsemen" - men from
the north (a term which lives on in "Norman", since
Normandy was founded by Scandinavian colonists). The
peoples of eastern Europe and the Balkans used the terms
"Rus" and "Varangians" for the Norse invaders, traders,
colonists and mercenaries.
Why did these Scandinavian peoples leave their homes
from the late 8th century onwards, to plunder the coasts
and river estuaries of Europe, and eventually to settle far
away - as many did in England, Ireland, France and
Russia? The main reason seems to have been overpopulation, leading to a severe shortage of land capable of
sustaining their farming communities. Even in the valleys
of these often mountainous and forested regions the soil
was not particularly fertile. This period of hardship and
want coincided with a Scandinavian mastery of seamanship outclassing that of all other European nations; so it
was inevitable that many sought to improve their lot by
raiding the richer Christian lands to the south.
At first these were summer raids, between seedtime and
harvest, sporadic and limited in size. Later, spreading
word of their success increased their numbers and
frequency as raiders bore home silver, slaves, farm stock,
and every other kind of booty. In order to dominate the

targeted areas more thoroughly they took to wintering

there in stockaded coastal camps. Later still, many were
attracted by the fertile and ill-guarded lands they raided;
they began to fetch over their families and goods to settle
permanently. Norwegians and Danes sought new lands
across the North Sea and the North Atlantic; the Swedes
wandered down the great rivers into the huge Slavic
wilderness of today's Russia.
The British Isles were greatly influenced by the Vikings.
Only 72 years passed between the first recorded raid, on
Lindisfarne by Norwegian Vikings in 793, and the
founding of the Danelaw - an area of permanent Viking
settlement which included most of the northern and
eastern third of England. Although the Anglo-Saxons
reconquered the Danelaw under King Edward the Elder in
the years up to 924, Viking settlers still came to England.
For example, it took the Saxons another 30 years to take
back York, reconquered by King Eadred only in 954. In
Ireland, too, though the Vikings were defeated in 902,
many of today's Irish cities are Viking foundations.
By the mid-10th century, both in England and Ireland,
many of the long-settled Vikings had converted from their
pagan religion to Christianity; and as the centuries passed
they merged their blood, and remnants of their language,
with the earlier inhabitants. In today's Russia, and in the
Carolingian Empire which then embraced much of
France, the Low Countries and western Germany, the
Viking settlers also mixed with the original populations.
Vikings who had converted to Christianity in their new
homelands returned to Scandinavia with missionaries.
These often began their efforts to convert the population
by concentrating on the local kings - and often they
succeeded. Some of these rulers had little difficulty in

persuading their peoples to convert to the new faith in

their turn; others tried too abruptly and forcibly. (Olaf
Tryggvasson's brutal missionary campaign in his kingdom
of Norway cost him his life at the battle of Svoldr, where
his fleet was defeated by an alliance of followers of the old
Unlike Denmark and parts of today's southern Sweden,
which formed a kingdom early in the 8th century, Norway
was forcibly united by Harald Finehair and was called a
kingdom only from 900 onwards. Vikings who fled
Harald's reign settled in Iceland, and formed a democracy
under the so-called allthing, a gathering of all free men.
Cnut the Great ("Canute"), who followed his father Svein
Forkbeard on the throne of Norway in 1014, was king of
England, Norway and Denmark. Coin finds show that the
Swedish people may also have regarded this mightiest of
the Viking kings as leader; but his kingdom broke up soon
after his death in 1035.
Their swift, shallow-draught ships allowed the Vikings to
cover long distances both on the high seas and up major
rivers. As the navigational skills of the Scandinavian
seafarers were superior to those of their contemporaries,
they often appeared without warning, mounting surprise
attacks straight from the edge of the water. Vikings sailed
whole fleets up all the major rivers of Europe; among the
cities they plundered were Paris, Aachen, Mainz, Trier and
Thousands of miles to the south and east, fleets of Norse
marauders terrorised the coasts of the Mediterranean, the
Black Sea, even the Caspian. Viking traders reached
Byzantium - the "Great City" on the coast of modern
Turkey, which had inherited much of the power of ruined
Rome - by way of the mighty rivers through Russia, often

(Far left) Apart from plundering the rest of Europe,

Vikings regularly faced each
other as enemies, on every
scale from a raid on a neighbouring village to the several
invasions of Norway by the
Danes. Struggles for a
crown, or attempts to impose
or resist the new Christian
religion, also led to fierce
internal battles.
(Left) At the Carolingian
and Norman courts of the
early medieval period
falconry was a common
pastime, and we can assume
that the Vikings knew it.
Since most Scandinavians
were more usually engaged in
a daily struggle to survive,
however, this hobby was
probably not widespread
before the more prosperous
Norman settlements of the
10th and 11th centuries.

(Above) Besides the longship

and the Danish axe, the
round shield is the third
well-known symbol of the
Vikings - although it was used
by nearly every European
warrior in the early Middle
Ages. This Viking might be
on sentry duty at one of the
countless camps that were set
up by Scandinavian raiding
parties during the years of
their devastation of coastal
Europe. In 860, for example,
the Vikings coolly encamped
on the island of Jeufosse close
to Paris, knowing that the
Frankish troops on the banks
of the Seine could not reach
them. Although on this occasion the Vikings did not carry
on up river, they came back
in 886 and besieged Paris.

dragging their ships over portages between one river and

another. In time many Vikings enlisted to serve the
Byzantine emperors as mercenaries, and this Varangian
Guard gained an elite reputation throughout Europe and
the Near East.
Viking settlement also resulted in the founding of the
duchy of Normandy, when in 911 the West Frankish king
gave land to a Viking army led by Rolf "the Ganger". The
Franks later tried more than once to drive out the
Norsemen, but they and their descendants quickly became
too powerful to be brought to heel by the French throne.
The Normans in their turn crossed the Channel to defeat
the Anglo-Saxons in 1066, and their Duke William the
Bastard won the title of King William I of England, "the
Conqueror". But even this grim soldier-monarch was not
immune to attack: in 1067 William, the descendant of a
Viking who had taken land instead of danegeld (protection
money), had to pay danegeld himself to King Svein
Estridson of Denmark. This was, however, the last
successful attempt to plunder England.
The Normans, one of the hardiest and most voracious
peoples in European history, spread their baronies to many
corners of the continent. The conversion of Scandinavia to
Christianity diminished the activities of the Viking pirates,
slave traders and raiders. Europe now looked east, to the
Holy Land; and the years 1096-99 saw the First Crusade,
with soldiers from Denmark, Norway and Sweden fighting
under the banner of the Cross alongside those of other
European nations.

(Left) Contrary to the

popular image, we know
today that only large warships
displayed the legendary
dragon-carved bow and stern
posts. This smaller, plainer
type of vessel, as reconstructed by the re-enactment
society Regia Anglorum,
probably represents a more
typical appearance. The
Bayeux Tapesty includes
interesting scenes of the
building of the ships for
William of Normandy's
invasion fleet in 1066 which
parallel what archaeologists
can deduce from Viking
ship finds.

(Above) The wolfish appearance of this re-enactor

convincingly suggests the
fearsome reputation of the
"Norsemen" throughout
Europe in the early Middle
Ages. The Scandinavian
peoples referred to themselves
simply as Swedes, Danes,
Norwegians, etc.; viking
described an activity - that of
raiding abroad - rather than a

(Above) A common sight all

over Europe during the early
Middle Ages: the ships of a
Scandinavian trading expedition have arrived up-river,
and the crews prepare to
land their cargo. Viking

traders were no less enterprising than raiders - indeed,

plunderers often targeted
some new area on hearing
tales of prosperity and weak
defences from returning

(Right) The Hollywood

image (based on 19th century
misinterpretations) of the
wild Viking with his bearskin
cloak and horned helmet
leaping from his dragon-ship
is now known to be inaccurate. Some of these cliches
have slight roots in archaeological evidence, but most are

completely false; the horned

helmet, in particular, flies in
the face of all evidence. This
man, like many, is too poor to
own a helmet. He wears a
padded gambeson over his
tunic, and is armed with a
spear with crosspieces and a
fransisca throwing axe, both of
Frankish origin.


First known Viking landing in England;

official sent by Anglo-Saxon King Beorthric
to question small landing party is killed.
Anglo-Saxon King Offa starts to organize the
defence of Kent against Vikings.
Norwegian Vikings destroy island monastery
of Lindisfarne off NE English coast in first
recorded raid.
Vikings raid Rathlin island and Irish mainland
Viking raids at the mouth of the Loire,
(800-900 Viking raids throughout century lead to
destructionof all Anglo-Saxon kingdoms
except Wessex.)
(c.806-865 Swedish Vikings under Rurik settle around
Lake Ladoga, N Russia, and take over
King Gottrik of Denmark destroys Slavic
trading centre at Reric and moves traders to
his nearby new foundation, Haithabu.
Danish Vikings attack Carolingian province of
Norwegian Vikings, by now established in the
islands off N Scotland, raid deep into Ireland.
(830-850 Continuous Viking raids on coasts of southern
England and of France.)
Annual raids on Dorestad in Friesia.
King Egbert of Wessex defeats Danish Vikings,
but other landings ravage Isle of Sheppey in
Thames estuary.
Vikings spend winter in Ireland for first time.
Viking fort established on banks of the Liffey
on site of modern Dublin; Vikings loot Rouen,
Vikings plunder Quentovic, France; sail up
Loire, attack Nantes, and winter in France for
first time.
Viking ships sail up the Garonne, France; and
also take Seville, Spain, but driven out
immediately by Moors.
Danish ships sail up Seine, attack Paris;
Frankish King Charles the Bald buys their
retreat for 7,000 pounds of silver - the first
danegeld of 13 payments by 926. Hamburg,
Germany, destroyed by Vikings.
Viking army winters in England for first time,
at Thanet; defeated by King Ethelwulf of
Wessex, which becomes heart of Anglo-Saxon
Swedish Vikings demand danegeld from








citizens of Novgorod.
Vikings winter on Isle of Sheppey, Thames
Danes loot Paris.
Swedish Vikings found Kiev.
Viking fleet loots cities on Mediterranean
Vikings attack Byzantium without success.
Norwegian Vikings discover Iceland.
Cologne, Germany, looted by Vikings.
Viking raid on Xanten, Germany.
Danish "Great Army" lands in England in
search of permanent conquest, and by 870 has
conquered large areas in north and east - "the
Kent pays first danegeld.
Salomon, Duke of Brittany, defeats Franks at
Brissarthe with aid of Viking mercenaries.
Harald Finehair unites Norway and becomes
sole king; King Edmund of East Anglia
defeated and killed by Danes.
Settlement of Iceland.
Danish Vikings defeated by Anglo-Saxons
under Ethelred I and Alfred of Wessex at
Sea battle of Hafrsfjord between Harald
Finehair and a union of north and west
Norwegian leaders; Danes take Anglo-Saxon
kingdom of Mercia.
After early setbacks, Alfred of Wessex defeats
Danes under Guthrum at Edington.
Viking raids on Aachen, Worms, Metz, Bonn
and Cologne.
Oleg the Wise unites Novgorod and Kiev.
Viking raid on Trier.
Danish attacks in Kent repulsed by Alfred,
who retakes London; Danes forced to accept
Peace of Wedmore, fixing southern border of
the Danelaw; Alfred the Great becomes king
of Saxon England.
Paris besieged for 11 months by 40,000
Vikings, 700 ships.
Vikings paid to fight Burgundian rebels by
Frankish King Charles the Fat.
Viking army defeated by East Franks in
King Alfred defeats Danish "Great Army"
from Europe and forces survivors to flee to
Danelaw or France; Saxon successes against
Viking ships in sea fights.
Danes and Orkadian Norwegians under Rolf

the Ganger raid and later settle between the

Loire and Seine, France.
Irish drive the Norwegians out of Dublin.
leads fleet down Dniepr to Black Sea,
clashes with Byzantine forces.
Vikings sail the Caspian Sea as pirates.
Rolf the Ganger granted Normandy as fief of
Frankish King Charles the Simple. Treaty
between Byzantium and the Rus is the first
written reference to Viking mercenaries in the
Byzantine army - by 988 the number of these
"Varangians" would increase to c.6,000.
Rolf of Normandy takes name Rollo on
conversion to Christianity.
Norwegians recapture Dublin; Vikings from
Ireland capture Danish centre of York.
Saxon King Edward the Elder reconquers
much of the Danelaw after 20-year
German King Henry the Fowler defeats
Danish King Chnuba at Haithabu.
Battle of Brunanburh - Olaf Guthfrithsson
leads Vikings from Ireland and Norwegian
parts of the Danelaw to defeat in two days'
fighting against Saxons and Viking
mercenaries under King Athelstan.
York remains temporarily an independent
Viking kingdom.
King Haakon the Good tries to convert
Norway to Christianity.
Eadred drives Eric Bloodaxe, last Viking
king, out of York; England once again under
Anglo-Saxon rule.
Harald Bluetooth becomes king of Denmark.
Harald Bluetooth re-establishes Danish
control over Norway; embraces Christianity,
and thereafter converts Denmark.
German Emperor Otto II captures the
Danewerk, a fortification on the FrankishDanish border. Harald Bluetooth reconquers
these territories in 983.
(c.980-1014 Renewed Viking raids on England; King
Ethelred II "the Ill-Advised" suffers repeated
defeats despite massive danegeld payments;
991, he mounts atrocious massacre of
English-born Danes.)
Battle of Tara - Irish-based Norwegians
defeated by Irish, and thereafter have to pay
c.982-985 Eric the Red explores Greenland; in c.985,
he leads colonising expedition of some

25 ships. Bjarni Herjolfsson fails to make

landfall in Greenland and reaches North
America instead.
Battle of Maldon -Wessex troops under
Ealdorman Byhrtnoth defeated by Viking
army under Olaf Tryggvasson and Thorkell
the Great.
Olaf Tryggvasson reigns as king of Norway
until defeated and killed in sea battle of
Svoldr by Danes and Swedes.
Following Bjarni Herjolfsson's tales, Leif
Ericson and his brother Thorwals explore
"Vinland" on NE American coast.
Danish King Svein Forkbeard recognised
by the Danelaw.
Irish under King Brian Boru defeat
Norwegian Vikings at decisive battle of
Clontarf. Cnut the Great, son of Svein
Forkbeard, defeats 'all the nobility of
England' at battle of Ashingdon; 1016,
establishes short-lived Anglo-Nordic
Olaf Haraldsson (St.Olaf) wins throne of
Olaf Haraldsson driven out of Norway, and
killed 1030 at battle of Stiklastad.
1035-1043 After death of Cnut the Great, Hardacnut
(1035-1042) becomes king of England &
Denmark and Magnus the Good
(1035-1047) king of Norway. 1042,
Magnus reunites Denmark and Norway;
1043, defeats Slavs at Haithabu.
(1047-1066 Harald Sigurdsson "Hardrada" reigns as
king of Norway;
1047-1074 Svein Estridson reigns as king of Denmark.)
Harald Hardrada destroys Haithabu.
Harald Hardrada invades N England;
defeated and killed by Saxon King Harold
Godwinsson at Stamford Bridge,
25 September. William of Normandy leads
simultaneous Norman invasion of
S England; Saxon army force-marches
south, but King Harold is defeated and
killed at Hastings, 14 October.
Svein Estridson raids England, William the
Conqueror pays danegeld.
Icelander Godred Corvan raids Isle of Man,
then subject to Dublin Vikings, and
establishes Norwegian rule.
Final Viking raid on England by Danish
King Cnut fails.

The Common Warrior

nly a minority of the Viking

warriors who formed the
early raiding parties or the
later armies were wealthy enough to
have expensive weapons or armour.
The bulk of these forces consisted
of so-called karls, probably armed
only with a spear or axe and a
shield. These were free men,
perhaps owning a little farming
land, who had the right to carry
weapons. These men would volunteer to joining a plundering expedition mounted by a wealthier local
hersir or a noble jarl or, later, a
major undertaking led by a king;
there were also karls who were
bound by various kinds of allegiance to a hersir. To these peasants, originally very poor, a
successful raiding party could mean
real wealth; after deducting a major
share for the shipowner and
perhaps others for some privileged
members of the party, any loot was
divided equally among the crew.
The individual was responsible for
providing his own equipment, and
this would rarely have included
anything that was not available on
his own farm.
assume that every warrior going on
an expedition carried his personal
belongings in a wooden chest,
which served him as a rowing bench
aboard ship. While he was away his
wife would run the farm in his
stead, with any dependent male
relatives and slaves to do the daily
work and defend the land and

(Left) Most Vikings would only have been

armed with weapons available in their
households, such as an axe or a sax (a
heavy, single-edged knife). The surprise and
ferocity of their raids often made up for any
individual lack of equipment, however. To
protect himself this warrior carries a round
wooden shield, made of thin planks bound
with leather at the rim - metal binding and
fittings have also been found. A central iron
boss covers the hole which accomodates the
fist where it holds the handgrip fixed across
the rear. Finds show that shields were often
made from limewood, and some are only
about 6mm (0.2in.) thick for lightness. Size
varied between about 60cm and 100cm
(24ins-40ins), but the shield would always
cover the torso.

(Right) The sax is a weapon

which seems to have been
typical for Vikings of the
English Danelaw and Ireland,
who presumably adopted it
from the Saxons; few saxes
have been found among
burial goods in Scandinavia
itself, where the axe was the
everyday weapon and tool.
The hilt of the sax pictured
here is made of horn, and
shows an unusual brass crossguard - our common warrior
has probably looted it in
England or Ireland.

(Left) An undyed tunic and trousers are the complete summer

clothing for this Viking, though he will have owned a thick, warm
woollen tunic or a woollen cloak for the winter. His axe is decorated with carving. Around his neck he wears a comb and some
good luck charms on a leather thong; but he does not display any
jewellery, and the clasp with which he closes his tunic is of
simple quality.

(Right) Normally a poor

warrior would not own shoes,
but our subject wears a pair
made of goatskin in a form
following archaeological finds
at Norwich, East Anglia - a
so-called "turnshoe", closed
at the outside with two
leather toggles. Knee-high leg
wrappings protect him from
cold, mud and thorns.


Edged Weapons

he devastating victories which the Vikings

won all over Europe seem out of proportion
with their rather simple arsenal - it is not to
any significant superiority in weapons that we should
look for the secrets of their success. The warrior's
equipment was virtually the same right across
Europe in the 7th-11th centuries, and between any
two regions weapons usually differed only in details
of design and quality (though some areas seem to
show evidence of a traditional attachment to one
weapon or another). Viking weapons were fairly
simple, and except for the sword most could also be
used in everyday life at home - an axe for cutting
wood, spears and bows for hunting, and a singleedged knife for a multitude of household tasks. Only
the sword was developed solely as a lethal weapon.

Though historians and archaeologists still dispute
the question of the predominant weapon of the early
Middle Ages, it is very likely to have been the spear.
Spearheads needed only relatively little iron, were
cheap and easy to forge, and could be supplied in
great numbers; every owner could shaft his own.
The finds of spearheads in nearly every warrior's
grave indicate that they were common. They had
many uses, and we should distinguish between
different types.


Light spears or javelins were thrown. The warrior

usually carried several of them as a distance weapon.
The account of the battle of Maldon in 991 tells of a
Viking injured by an Anglo-Saxon javelin piercing
his ringmail shirt; this makes the point that the
impact of a spear thrown by a trained warrior could
force open the rings of riveted mail.
The impact of thrusts delivered with hand-held
spears must have been even greater. Controlled
single- or two-handed, they could not only be used
to thrust with the point but also to cut with the edges
of the spearhead, to deliver blows with the shaft, and
to block enemy blows. The so-called "winged"
spearheads, thought to have been a Carolingian
invention, feature two sideways projections from the
socket of the spearhead; these could be used to hook
behind shield rims and pull the shield away, but also
to hook the body of the opponent. (The reason for
the original design was probably that the projections
also prevented the spearhead penetrating so deeply
into the body of an animal or a foe that it was difficult to pull out.)
Spear shafts varied in length between about 150cm
and 300cm (5ft-10ft), with 20cm-60cm (8in-24in)
heads. The shaft was usually made from ash and had
a diameter of about 2.5cm (one inch). The socketed
heads came in a wide variety of shapes: long and
narrow, short, leaf-bladed, flat, round, or with a
triangular cross-section. Many recovered examples
are made from pattern-welded iron, often decorated
with silver wire inlays; but as most finds are from rich

(Left) Numerous spearheads of different shapes and

sizes have been found in graves and on battlefield or
settlement sites. Scandinavian spearheads are usually
long and narrow, like the two right hand examples
here - although the projecting "wings" are of
Carolingian origin. The spear second from left shows
another typical form, of Celtic origin but imported to
Scandinavia. The shapes of spearheads stayed nearly
unchanged throughout the whole Viking period.

(Right) This group of

warriors carry not only spears
but also a number of shorter,
lightweight javelins. Early
medieval paintings and tapestries show warriors carrying
three or four javelins; as soon
as they were thrown the
warrior would continue
fighting with his sword or axe,
which he carried at his belt.
Sometimes warriors are
depicted carrying the javelins
in the same hand as the
shield. Although the basic
spear was a relatively cheap
weapon it was by no means
carried only by poor men the jarl or hersir was as likely
to carry a finely decorated

(Left) This battlefield picture,

taken during a re-enactment
show at Trelleborg, Sweden,
shows the proportions of the
weapons used: a high number
of axes and spears, but only
two of the expensive swords.
The deformation of the shield
(left) shows the momentum of
a spear thrust. Whether they
were used one- or twohanded, spears were capable
of piercing both shields and
mail. The front line of a
battle array was composed of
warriors with axe or sword
and shield, and the spearmen
would thrust over their heads,
trying to stay behind the
"shield wall".

warriors' graves, this does not necessarily mean that

spearheads were normally decorated. When held
single-handed the spear was most likely wielded
overarm for a downwards thrust; this allowed stabs
to the head and body, and from this position it could
also be thrown without changing grip.

At the beginning of the Viking era both the normal
woodcutter's axe and the small "bearded" axe were
commonly used. Axes would be kept as tools in
every Nordic household, so they would be available
to even the poorest free-born warrior; but they soon
developed into a symbol of the terror the Vikings
spread among their enemies. They had 60cm-90cm
(2ft-3ft) hafts and cutting edges 7cm-15cm (3ins6ins) long. The fransisca, a small throwing axe probably developed by the Franks, was also used by
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings alike.
The later years saw the invention of the notorious
so-called "Danish axe" - long or broad axe - specifically a battle weapon, perhaps developed in response
to the more widespread use of ringmail armour. On
a 120cm-180cm (4ft-6ft) haft was mounted a large,
heavy blade with a crescent-shaped edge about
22cm-45cm (9ins-18ins) long. Swung by a strong
man, it could easily bring down a rider or smash
(Above left) The "Danish
axe" became closely associated with the Vikings all over
Europe - even in far-off
Byzantium, where the
Varangian Guard was
referred to as the "guard of
axe-bearers". This warrior
additionally carries a sword
from a belt over his right
shoulder; his superior armour
consists of a spangenhelm
helmet and a mail shirt over
his woollen tunic.


(Left) Examples of axeheads,

including the great "Danish
axe" (centre) - more properly
called a breidox, broad axe.
The symmetrically shaped
axes (centre & bottom right)
show thicker, harder steel
edges welded to blades made
from milder steel. The other
four are examples of "bearded
axe" - skeggox - with different
types of "beards". Note
projections of the socket to
give a better fit and prevent
breaking of the haft. It was
the Vikings who introduced
the axe to northern Europe
as a popular weapon.

(Right) Surprised while

looting a longhouse, Vikings
defend themselves. The
warrior wearing helmet and
padded gambeson tries ward
off his enemy's sword with his
axe; in the background his
comrade is getting into
trouble, as his opponent has
thrust his axe through the
shield and will now try to pull
it away. This picture reminds
us that the axe was not only
good for delivering blows but
also for hooking and pulling,
and the tips of its blade for

shields. It also allowed thrusts with the axehead and,

like the winged spearhead, it could be hooked behind
a shield and pulled to break an opposing "shield

The sax was another item in everyday use which was
also suitable as a weapon, and was probably carried
by warriors of all ranks. The Coppergate excavations
in York turned up 300 saxes; and though this was an
Anglo-Saxon find, York was long a Viking centre. As
indicated by the name, the origin of the sax lies with
the Saxons, and the Vikings most probably adopted it
from these peoples who were as often their neighbours as their enemies.
The sax is a single-edged knife of a length which can
range from about 7.5cm to 75cm (3-30 inches). We
can distinguish between two groups: short ones with
a length of 35cm (14ins) or less, and long ones of
between 50cm and 75cm (20-30 inches). Originally
the shorter knives were probably everyday domestic
tools, carried to war for camp use but also ready to
hand if a fallen enemy had to be finished off. The
long saxes were developed specifically as weapons,
but they could equally be used for more peaceful
chores, in the manner of a machete. Some long saxes
fitted with sword-type handles were found in the Irish
Viking burials of Kilmainham-Islandbridge.
Sax blades were straight and single-edged, the back
of the blade often broad and the blade thus quite
heavy; it was tapered to the tip, which was sharpened
to allow thrusting. The rare Scandinavian finds
feature a slightly downwards-turned edge. The sax

was carried in a scabbard of folded leather, which

might be decorated with copper, bronze or silver if
the wealth of the owner allowed. As with spearheads,
axes and swords, some finds show silver inlayed decoration.

The sword was the most expensive weapon a warrior
might carry, and hilts and crossguards were often
highly decorated with patterned copper or silver and
niello inlays to show off the rank and wealth of the
owner. The sword was not merely a practical tool,
but in this warrior culture was sometimes believed to
have mystic properties - individual swords were
named, and skilled smiths were believed to have
access to magic powers. In the small part of the town
of Haithabu which has been excavated to date the
remains of 40 swords of all qualities have already
been found.
The Viking sword had a double-edged blade about
72cm-82cm (28ins-32ins) long and perhaps 5cm
(2ins) wide. The hilt added another 7.5cm-10cm
(3ins-4ins), giving an overall length of just under one
meter, which seems to have increased towards the
end of the Viking era. A short crossguard protected
the hand; and at the end of the hilt a heavy pommel
acted as a balancing counterweight for the blade,
without which the sword - weighing up to 2kg
(4.51bs) - would have been difficult to control.
At the beginning of the Viking age pattern-welded
blades were thought to be the best: this was the
complex technique of welding and forging together
rods of pure iron and of carbonised iron, i.e. steel.

(Left) Reconstructions of
various saxes found in
England, Ireland and (lower
three) Scandinavia - the latter
showing the very slightly
down-curved blade shape.
The example (second left)
with a crossguard is not long
enough to be called a swordsax. Hilts were made from
wood, horn or bone, and
although some of the saxes
pictured here have a two-piece
riveted grip other finds have
the tang running up into a
pierced single-piece hilt.

The result is a hard but nevertheless flexible blade

which shows a beautiful surface pattern after it is
polished. Some blade finds have a pattern-welded
core combined with harder steel edges. One 10th
century English reference puts the cost of a sword of
superb quality at 15 male slaves or 120 oxen.
In the 9th century the European sword market was
taken over by Frankish smiths (although King
Charles the Bald tried to ban the export of these
"strategic weapons" from his territories). The Franks
had discovered that they could achieve better results
by using phosphorised steel; this did require
specialist knowledge in forging, but was quicker than
pattern-welding. The Scandinavian smiths, who had
not yet mastered this new technique, imported unfinished blades from the Franks and completed and
hiked them to the Viking taste. Blades of Frankish
origin have been found in Denmark, Norway,
Sweden, the Baltic states, England and Ireland.
The scabbards were made from wood covered with
leather and were usually lined with oiled material to
protect the sword from rusting; they usually had a
metal chape to protect the tip, and sometimes metal
reinforcement at the mouth. They were initially
slung from a belt which ran over the shoulder, held in
place by the waist belt; later in our period they were
often hung directly from the waist belt.
Vikings swords were used single-handed, combined
with a shield or sax in the other hand. When delivering a blow care had to be taken not to strike
directly onto the opponent's sword, as the steel - high
quality by the standards of their age, but rather brittle
by ours - would break easily.

(Above right) The longhafted "Danish axe" with its

crescentic blade became widespread at the end of the 1 Oth
century. The cutting surface,
which was between 9ins and
12ins long (there is one reference to an 18in example),
often had a welded edge of
higher quality steel. Like
Viking swords, axes were
sometimes named; female
names were apparently
favoured, and King Olaf
Haraldsson had one named
Hel after the Norse goddess of
death. In the hands of a tall,
strong man the long axe was a
devastating weapon, and there
are many tales of the dreadful
damage it could do, to
armoured men and their
horses alike.

(Right) This warrior is armed

with sword and shield but also
carries an axe in his belt. The
Arabian chronicler Ibn
Miskawayh described
Scandinavian warriors raiding
a trading post in 943; each
carried a sword, but fought
with shield and spear, and
also had an axe and/or knife
in his belt. Note the short
ringmail shirt of the early
Viking age, with its "dagged"
lower edge, and the mail
neckguard on the helmet.


(Above) The warrior in front

of this line is equipped with
helmet, ringmail, sword and
shield; his equipment is
similar to that found in a

Viking burial at Gjermundbu,

Norway, presumably the grave
of a wealthy 1 Oth century
leader. The grave also
contained a bridle.
(Left) Details of two reconstructed sword hilts, showing
the complex decoration of
pommels and crossguards.
The left hand example is
similar to a Jutland find; the
original was inlaid with silver
and brass. The right hand
sword was copied from a find
in southern Sweden, although
the original piece was made in
England in around 1000 AD;
the crossguard and pommel
mounting were made from
silver, gilded and decorated
with niello (the pommel was
missing from the original and
was speculatively reconstructed) . To the right the
fittings of a scabbard can be
seen, also richly decorated.


(Above) These three reconstructed sword hilts show

some of the many common
variants. The two to the left
are silver plated like the
splendid Haithabu sword
find; note two-piece wooden
grips. The right hand
example features a five-lobed

pommel, with silver inlay and

silver wire. This shape of hilt
is similar to one found in the
ship-burial at Haithabu and
dated to the middle of the 9th
century, though the original is
much more highly decorated.
(Left & right photos courtesy
Dawn of Time Crafts)

(Right) Although many

highly decorated grave finds
seem to tell a different story,
the typical Viking sword is
assumed to have been fairly
plain - few warriors could
afford craftsmanship in
precious metals, and the
owner would judge the value
of a sword by the quality of
the blade, not the amount of


(Left) The fact that he owns

helmet, sword and ringmail
corselet shows the considerable wealth of this warrior the latter, particularly, has
seldom been found in
Scandinavian burials. His
mail reaches the thigh and
has short sleeves, which
suggests a relatively early
date. It is fastened at the
upper back by leather lacing
sewn to the rings. Note also
the detail of the mail's
construction: each ring is
linked with four others. In
today's reconstructed mail,
for the sake of time and
expense, the rings are not
riveted or forged closed but
only butted over; there are
also period examples of this
method among the archaeological record.

(Right) The "dagged" lower

edge of the ringmail shirt; this
effect did not serve any practical purpose but was purely
decorative. (There is clear
evidence for its use nearly a
thousand years before by
Roman auxiliary troops.)
Under his mail and over his
woollen tunic our hersir wears
a quilted leather jerkin or
gambeson stuffed with hair,
wool or even hay.
(Left) Leather boots like
these were fastened with
toggles made from wood or
horn. Some additional strips
of leather are fitted to the
leather sole to give a sort of
clearing for a better grip. The
basic model for this boot is a
leather "turnshoe", of which
examples have been found at
many sites; a high leg could
be added to give better
protection in winter.

(Below) Our hersir carries at

his belt a sax, and two pouches
for small necessities. His
helmet has a mail neckguard;
and the sword hilt is a copy of
a find from Hedemarken
(Peterson type S).

his warrior could be a hersir, a term identifying a

wealthy farmer owning his own land and having
the status of a local leader or chief of a clan. At
the beginning of the Viking age the hersirs were the
organisers and leaders of raiding parties and settlements, but their influence decreased with the late 10th
century, when effective national monarchies evolved in
Scandinavia. Thereafter the hersir became a local representative of royal power.
The beliefs of our hersir seem to be at the border
between paganism and Christianity; he wears a
combined symbol of the cross and Thor's hammer
around his neck, decorated with a wolf's head - this
amulet originated in Iceland and is dated to the 10th
century, when Iceland converted to Christianity. The
painting on his shield pictures a scene described in the
Prose Edda by Snorri Sturlusson: two wolves chase the
sun and moon across the skies, and thus cause alternating day and night. If the wolves should one day catch
their quarry they will devour them, and Ragnarok will
come - the end of the world, according to the Nordic
pagan religion. Then the fallen heroes will leave Valhalla
to ride to their last battle at the side of the gods of
Asgard, fighting against the giants; and the death of the
gods will bring the world we know to an end.
Perhaps our hersir has even been baptised, though this
did not necessarily mean much to a Viking. Sometimes
they would receive baptism to improve trade with the
Christian peoples; sometimes they would accept it only
for the sake of the presents handed out to new believers;
sometimes the new faith was embraced in prudent
obedience to a king. Even if the convert attended
church while on dry land, he often continued to sacrifice to his old gods when sailing the seas.


Armour and Helmets

hose among the Vikings and their enemies

who could afford to do so wore several
different types of armour. This was a highly
desirable possession, since the wounds of edged
weapons could quickly prove deadly in an unhygienic
age ignorant of medicine. A cut just a centimetre
deep could easily lead to tetanus or blood poisoning,
and penetration wounds which carried dirty clothing
or other debris into the body were lethally vulnerable
to infection.
Some readers may assume that the ringmail shirt
(brynja or hringserkr) was the typical Viking armour.
As already stated, its cost in fact made it a rarity in
the 8th-10th centuries, but it was certainly used to
some extent. Contemporary depictions and the rare
archaeological finds confirm that at the beginning of
the Viking age in the 8th century mail reached to the
crotch and had short sleeves - e.g. the Gjermundbu
find from Norway, in which 85 fragments of a 9thcentury corselet were discovered.
During the 11th century - when the equipment of
the fighting men of most northern European peoples
became more similar - mail shirts grew longer. The
Bayeux Tapestry shows Norman and Anglo-Saxon
warriors of 1066 with mostly a knee-length mail coat
or hauberk, divided at both front and back from the
lower edge to the crotch to allow it to be worn on
horseback. In this final period of the Viking age additional pieces were also added to the original, simple
T-shaped mail corselet: coifs or mail hoods covered
the head, and ventails - rectangular flaps - were
fastened across the face with laces or hooks to
protect the area not covered by a helmet.
Depending on the size of the rings - which were
probably never the same from any two blacksmiths and on the length of the corselet, a single mail shirt
could contain anything from 20,000 to 60,000 rings.
The rings can be separated into two types: some were
punched like flat washers from a metal plate, and
others were made from drawn wire. The wire rings
also appear in two varieties - closed and open.
To construct a mail shirt, four of the closed rings
were hooked into one open one, which was then
riveted. These groups of five rings could then be
brought together with another open ring, assembly
continuing in all directions. The weight of an 11th
century knee-length, long-sleeved ringmail hauberk
was approximately 18kg (401bs), and it could take a
whole year to make. This explains why only wealthy
warriors could afford to buy one - we may guess that
the price might be comparable to that of a luxury car
It is difficult to say how rare they really were,
24 however. Mail seems seldom to have been buried

(Above) This warrior's ringmail shirt is of the 8th

century T-shaped type; the
lower edge reaches the thigh
and is dagged for decoration.
Some kind of protective
clothing like his padded
gambeson must normally

have been worn below the

mail to spread the impact of
blows. To make it easier for
the warrior to move his arms
this mail shirt has been left
open at the armpits - a tradeoff between flexibility and

with its owners; if properly protected from rust and

skillfully repaired when necessary it would last
almost indefinitely, and most likely these valuable
items were handed down over the generations. They
were far too precious to be simply lost, or to be left
on the battlefield in an age when plundering the dead
was commonplace. In the later medieval period,
when we know mail to have been common, battlefield grave finds are still most unusual, and more
formal Christian burials no longer included "grave
Below ringmail the warrior would wear a
gambeson, a tunic- like piece of clothing made from
two layers of wool, leather or linen stuffed with an
interlining of fleece, animal hair or some similar
material. The layers were then sewn together by
quilting. Its purpose was to spread the impact of
blows, to prevent crush injuries and to stop broken
ringmail from being forced into the flesh. If it was
made from leather it was in itself a good protection
against cuts, and was often worn instead of mail.
Another type of armour which should be mentioned

is lamellar, which was uncommon in western

Europe and had its roots in the Middle East. But as
the Vikings reached Byzantium on their raiding and
trading voyages, and are even thought to have visited
Baghdad, they are likely to have known this type of
armour. Lamellar consists of small steel scales lamellae - with holes punched through at the edges,
allowing them to be overlapped and laced together
into corselets. Lamellae of different shapes and sizes
have been found at the site of Birka, a trading, city in
central Sweden. Although tests show that these were
trade goods and had not been made up into armours,
what would be the sense in importing them over a
long distance if there were no use for them?
A final type of protection which may have been used
were vambraces (arm pieces) and greaves made from
steel splints, about 16mm (5/8in) wide and of varying
length, mounted on leather strapping and worn on
the lower legs and/or arms. The ancestors of the

Vikings are also thought to have had a similar type of

body armour, as suggested by interpretation of the
c.6th-7th century Valsgarde find in Uppland,

There is only one well-preserved find of a helmet
that is undoubtedly of Viking origin - that found at
Gjermundbu, dated to the late 9th century. The
helmet consists of a brow band to which two curved
strips are fixed to make a dome, one running from
the front to the back and the other from ear to ear;
at their junction is a small spike. The strips form a
frame for four concave triangular plates which fill in
the skull of the helmet. The face is partially covered
by a "visor" shaped like the frame of spectacles or
goggles, decorated with inlaid eyebrows; and a mail
neckguard was originally attached to the back and

(Right) Over his mail this

warrior wears lamellar armour
protecting his upper body. In
the eastern countries where
this type of armour originated
lamellae have been found
variously shaped at the lower
edges, including shield
shapes. (The contemporary
Slavs also had helmets of
laced lamellar construction).
Our warrior's helmet is
beaten from a single piece of
steel but has a riveted-on
nasal bar not unlike the
Olmtz helmet find. Beneath
it a leather-lined mail coif is
visible; these became
common in the 11th century.
Note the different mail ring
sizes and wire thicknesses there is plentiful archaeological evidence for this.


(Left) Those who could not

afford mail might wear a
padded gambeson alone, in
shapes similar to those of
mail corselets. Gambesons
depicted on stones, tapestries
and wooden figurines show
the lines of stitched quilting
in both square-set and diagonal patterns; this example of
the former is reconstructed
using woollen fabric.

(Below) This gambeson is

diagonally quilted, and split at
the sides so that despite its
knee length it will not hamper
movement when fighting. If
thick enough, padded leather
gambesons gave some protection from cuts; there is an
early 11th century reference
to reindeer hide gambesons
from Lapland giving comparable protection to mail.


sides. All parts of the helmet were riveted together.

Although this is a unique survival, documented
finds of visor pieces at a number of other
Scandinavian sites confirm its widespread use. It
appears to be a simplified development of a much
more elaborate helmet construction of the Vendel
age, 100-200 years previously. A number of these
lavishly decorated pre-Viking age helmets were
found at Vlsgarde, also showing both spectacleshaped visors and attached ringmail; these were
made from many small decorated metal plates held
together by metal bands forming a hemisphere.
From about 900 use of another type of helmet
became widespread throughout Europe: the spangenhelm, not unlike the Gjermundbu helmet but with a
more pointed dome, a straight nasal bar in front to
protect the face, and in-fill plates of steel, hardened
leather, or even horn. Runestone carvings show that
this type of helmet was worn by many Vikings.
Following not long after the spangenhelm came the
development of a similar conical helmet beaten from
a single piece of steel; good examples are the Olmtz
find and the "Wenceslas" helmet now in Prague.
Both have a nasal bar, although the Wenceslas helmet
has its richly decorated, cross-shaped nasal riveted to
the skull rather than drawn down from it in one
piece. Apart from the helmet types described a
multitude of varieties and combinations may be
imagined. One find features only the four triangular

(Left) The making of ringmail

was very time-consuming, but
required few tools, and could
be undertaken in virtually any
smithy. The making of the
rings started with drawing the
wire from hot or cold iron.
The wire was then wound
around a rod former in a coil,
and separated into single rings
with chisel cuts. A proportion
of these rings were then
forced through a cone so that
the ends of the wire met;
heated glowing red in the fire,
these could be forged closed
with a few hammer blows on
the anvil. Other rings had the
ends hammered flat and overlapping, a hole being punched
through these so that they
could later be riveted.

plates, riveted directly together without any frame.

The interior of the helmets cannot be reconstructed
exactly from archaeological evidence, but it is likely
that a leather band or lining piece was riveted to the
inside to which a chin strap or thongs were attached.
Many warriors would also have worn padded caps to
give a comfortable fit and extra protection against
blows. Although a helmet was a lot cheaper than a
mail corselet it is likely that only the richer sort
owned one during the earlier period. Others had to
protect their heads with caps of thick leather or fur,
which are often pictured on runestones.
Pre-Viking age helmets had been richly decorated,
but with the helmet becoming more common in 11th
century Europe decoration appears less often; even
those belonging to the wealthy usually had incised
decoration only on the skull straps, brow bands,
"eyebrows" or spectacles, and nasals. (There is reference, however, to the painting of "war marks" herkumbl - on helmets, presumably some form of
identifying sign.)
Finally, but importantly, we should emphasise that
- Hollywood notwithstanding - Vikings did not wear
horns on their helmets. This common error results
partly from mistaken dating by early antiquaries of
finds from other northern European cultures; and
partly from various crude depictions of warrior
figures who are dedicated to Odin. This is usually
marked by a raven - Odin's bird - on the helmet, with
the wings forming a circle to the left and right sides;
often decorated, these can easily be mistaken for
horns, especially as the raven's head often cannot be
distinguished in profile.

(Below) This re-enactor

wears mail of the early Tshape with a straight lower
edge, and is armed with a
"sword-sax". Fragments of a
similar corselet were found
together with the
Gjermundbu helmet; ring

diameter was about .85cm,

about four rings per square
centimetre (c.24 per square
inch). Note that the arms
were not made separately and
fitted to the torso, but were
fashioned as part of a single

(Opposite) This re-enactor

wears a mail coif under his
reconstruction of the "St.
Wenceslas helmet" found in
Prague. It was hammered
from a single piece, with a
cross-shaped nasal riveted to
the front, and is dated to the
10th century. The decoration
on the nasal suggests that the
helmet originates in a Nordic

(Above) This reconstruction shows the only

relatively well-preserved helmet of unquestionably Viking origin and date - that found at
Gjermundbu. It features a mail neckguard, a
"spectacle- shaped" visor protecting eyes and
nose, and a small spike at the junction of the
two bands forming the skull frame. These, the
brow band and the in-filling plates are riveted.
The helmet probably belonged to a Viking
leader who was buried in the 1 Oth century
together with his armour and sword. (Photo
courtesy Dawn of Time Crafts)


(Right) The original of this "Vendel age"

helmet was found at Vlsgarde in Sweden. It
cannot be dated with confidence, but was
buried with its owner approximately 100-200
years before the Viking age, i.e. c.6th-7th
centuries. Certain similarities to the 10th
century Gjermundbu helmet are obvious note the mail neckguard, and "spectacle"
visor, here with bronze "eyebrows". This
piece is richer in decoration and of more
complex construction than the later type:
embossed plates are fitted into edge pieces
which are riveted to a frame. The plates show
warrior figures carrying shield and spear and
wearing coats and tunics, and helmets with
"horns" - but these latter are probably meant
to depict the wings of Odin's ravens, Hugin
and Munin. The mail face- and neckguard is
hooked onto a wire running through loops at
the edge of the helmet; the maker of the
Gjermundbu helmet punched holes into the
edge for this purpose. (Photo courtesy
Dawn ofTime Crafts)

(Below) This picture shows a

range of helmet types worn in
Europe throughout the Viking
age. (Left) is reconstructed
after the Wenceslas helmet,
but is not as richly decorated
as the original. (Centre) is of
spangenhelm construction
with "eyebrows" and mail
neckguard, as probably worn
by the Vikings. (Right) is a
reconstruction of the
Gjermundbu helmet. Leather
or fabric liners and chin laces
are believed to have been fixed
inside virtually all ancient and
medieval helmets to enable
them to be fitted securely to
the head; some form of
padding (e.g. sheepskin or
quilted fabric?) would have
been necessary for comfort
and to protect against "blunt



(Above left) The so-called

Giecz helmet is dated to the
11th century, and features four
concave triangular plates
riveted directly to one another;
they are held together at the
top by a plate with a plumeholder and at the bottom by a
brow band. It is probably of
Slavic origin; and like so many
Viking age helmets, it has a

mail neckguard fitted.

Helmets of this construction
may well have been worn by
eastern Vikings such as the
Rus, and could have reached
Scandinavia as trade goods
from these settlements - thus
its use here in conjunction
with an eastern lamellar
corselet. (Photo courtesy
Melanie Donus)

(Above right) Many Viking

age warriors will have worn
this combination of gambeson
and spangenhelm. During
the 11th century this type of
helmet was the most common
in Europe. Runestones show

warriors wearing conical

headgear which could be
either spangenhelms, singlepiece helmets similar to the
"Wenceslas", or even simple
leather caps.

(Left) This reconstructed

spangenhelm has "eyebrows"
above the nasal, clearly indicating Scandinavian manufacture. Although no complete
helmet of this kind has been
found, "eyebrows" associated
with other helmet fragments
have been recovered from
many Viking burials,

supporting this assumption.

Note the leather edging to
which the helmet liner is
fitted; it is sewn through holes
in the brow band, which
could also have held a mail
neckguard. Note also the
long nasal, giving some
protection against cuts to the
face from the mouth up.

(Above) The helmet types

reconstructed here are not
originally Scandinavian, but
some could very well have
been imported, given the
Vikings' wide-ranging operations. (Upper left & right) are
of Norman make, similar to
the Olmtz helmet except
that the point of the skull is
inclined to the front; while
the Olmiitz helmet is dated to
the 11th century this type was
found in the 12th century.

(Centre) is a front view of a

Slavic helmet as perhaps worn
by the Rus and Varangians; at
the apex is a tubular holder
for a horsehair plume. (Lower
left & right) are two more
reconstructions of the
Wenceslas helmet. (Lower
centre) is a spangenhelm,
clearly showing the top plate
covering the junction of the
skull bands. (Photo courtesy
Dawn ofTime Crafts)

(Above right) Apart from

the typically Scandinavian
details like "eyebrows" and
"spectacles", this replica of a
pre-Viking age helmet has
cheekguards to protect the
face. These are a feature of
several Vendel age helmets,
and also of English finds of
early Anglo-Saxon helmets,
e.g. the Sutton Hoo and York

Coppergate examples. We
can assume that they were
still to be seen in the 8th and
9th centuries, as well as the
metal strip neckguards also
shown here; a combination of
cheekguards and mail neckguard, as on the Coppergate
helmet, would also have been
current. (Photo courtesy
Dawn of Time Crafts)

(Right) This shows a spangenhelm with nasal to which

cheekguards and a mail neckguard have been fitted; cheekguards might be attached
either by rings or hinges.

Note also the large clasp with

which our warrior fastens his
cloak, of a Viking pattern
dated to die 8th or 9th


The Varangian Guard

he Vikings fought not only as freelance plunderers and as the retainers of kings or local
leaders, but also as paid mercenaries. A wellknown example of this was the famous Varangian
Guard of Byzantium. Although Scandinavian mercenaries are recorded in Byzantium earlier, the Guard
itself was raised in 988 by the Emperor Basil II, who
received 6,000 warriors from Vladimir of Kiev. The
quality of Scandinavian fighting men was already well
known in southern Europe. Earlier sources tell of
400 men taking part in a Byzantine expedition to

Italy in 935; of at least 600 fighting with Byzantine

troops on Crete in 949, and of others serving in 955
against the Arabs in the battle of Hadath.
From 988 the Varangian Guard formed a hard core
unit of the Byzantine army, protecting the emperor,
to whom they swore allegiance. This may be the
origin of the term Varangian, perhaps coming from
the word var meaning a group of men who had
sworn allegiance. In Byzantium the Varangian Guard
were known as the "axe-bearing barbarians" or the
"guard of axe-bearers". Even today the names of

(Left) In Byzantium the

members of the Varangian
Guard were famous as men
with red hair and beards, "as
tall as date palms"; they were
also said to drink too much.
But the main symbol of the
Varangians was the longhafted Danish axe with its
crescent-shaped edge. This
guardsman wears ringmail, a
mail coif and splint limb
armour, and apart from his
axe is armed with a sword
and a knife.

(Right) In battle the

Varangian protected his head
with a mail coif and helmet.
This spangenhelm has a very
large decorated nasal with
"eyebrows" and is obviously
of northern origin, but similar
helmets of Byzantine make
would also have been widely
worn. Pictorial sources also
show ringmail worn under a
smaller corselet of scale or
lamellar armour. Note the
fixing of the swordbelt passing
over the right shoulder, as the
Varangians usually wore it.
Apart from Scandinavian
swords they also used singleedged weapons from
Byzantine armouries.


many Scandinavians who served in the guard survive.

In the 11th century Byzantine troops in Greece were
led by a guardsman named Ragnvald; and from 1035
to 1044 Harald Hardrada, who later became king of
Norway, served in the guard and commanded 500
The guardsmen were extremely well paid, and the
income of Harald Hardrada is said to have given him
the greatest personal fortune ever owned by a
northern European at that date. On campaign the
Varangian Guard also had the privilege of being the
first to plunder a conquered city. It is also said that
they were allowed to perform a ritual "raid" on the
emperor's chambers at his accession (though there
are other references to drunken guardsmen making
serious attacks on Michael VII and on another
The clothing of the Varangians was of northern style
but influenced by Slavic and Byzantine fashions.
Contemporary sources often emphasise the
Scandinavian drinking habits, their toughness and
their height. They are said to have provided their own
swords, but the bulk of their equipment would have
been issued from Byzantine armouries.
guardsmen were usually heavily armoured, wearing
both ringmail and lamellar armours.

(Above) Because of the

weight, the mail corselets of
the Byzantine army were
usually relatively short with
elbow-length sleeves. They
were therefore combined with
steel vambraces and greaves,
by both Byzantine troops and
the Varangians. The greaves
illustrated are made from steel
strips or "splints"; they are
bent at the top and bottom to
allow easier movement, and
for a better fit the maker has
used two different widths of


(Left) The vambraces are of

the same splint construction
as the greaves; note strips of
different length, the longer
ones running up the outside.
The sword belt supports the
leather- covered wooden
scabbard on the left hip, with
the waist belt passing over it to
keep it steady. The small
leather pouch to the right of
the scabbard might typically
contain a pair of scissors to
cut the beard and hair; a knife
also hangs from the belt.

(Right) The rear view of our

Varangian shows the fastening
of the greaves, the leather
mounting straps being
buckled behind the calf.
Under his ringmail he wears a
thick woollen tunic with triangular gussets for additional
width. To carry his personal
belongings he has a pouch
fastened with a horn toggle
slung from his belt; it might
carry flint, steel and tinder as
well as a spoon and a cup.


Bows and Bowmen

(Left) Originally the bow was
a weapon for hunting, and it
was probably to be found in
most Viking households. The
bow pictured here is typical
for the Viking period. Made
from a single straight wooden
stave (i.e. not glued together
from several layers), it shows
a D-shaped cross-section with
the flat side pointing to the
front, and is tapered at the
ends. The bowstring is made
of a strong twisted cord of
hemp or flax. Our bowman
wears a simple cap, woollen
tunic and trousers, leg wrappings and leather shoes, with
a belt for his knife, pouch and


(Right) This reconstruction

shows several different
methods of stringing a bow.
Like their modern counterparts, bows of the Viking age
were delicate instruments
needing careful maintenance
and handling; exposure to
damp or long periods of
strong sunlight weakened the
wood. This group of bowmen
are preparing for battle, with
arrows stuck in the ground
for immediate use. Note their
simple clothing and sidearms.

owmen were the "artillery" of the early

Middle Ages, and could be used effectively
out to a range of about 200 metres. Like most
cutting and stabbing weapons the bow had evolved,
and remained in daily use, as a weapon for hunting,
but it could equally be used in war. Bows were made
of yew, ash or elm and ranged from about 1.6 to 2m
(5.2 to 6.5ft) in length. A good example of a Viking
bow was found during the excavations at Haithabu.
It is of yew, 1.915m (6.2ft) long, and has a "draw
weight" of 40.8kg (901bs); similar bows made of elm
were also found at Haithabu. Apparently some bows
had a reinforcing wrapping of linen, leather, or even
strips of sinew.
The finds at Haithabu also included arrows. The
shafts were apparently 70cm-80cm (27.5ins-31.5ins)
in length and 8mm-10mm (0.31in-0.39in) in diameter, and already carried the three-feather fletchings
which stabilise an arrow's flight by spinning it. Apart
from blunt wooden tips as used for practice and for
hunting small game a wide variety of iron arrowheads
have been found all over Europe, as different in
shape as their intended use requires. Among many
other shapes there are long, narrow heads which
could pierce mail, and others with heads divided to
carry plugs of burning tow or other inflammable

Apart from his bow the Viking archer probably

carried only a knife or sax, and for sake of easy movement he was unarmoured. Although a bow was not
the cheapest of weapons, there is written evidence
suggesting that bowmen were usually too poor to
afford sword, helmet and armour. But the sagas also
speak of great heroes who preferred the bow to any
other weapon. The tale of the battle of Svldr
mentions one Einar Tambarskelve, who stood beside
King Olaf Tryggvasson. After he had narrowly
missed Eric Haakonsson, a leader of the enemy, his
bow was broken by an arrow hit. Olaf asked him
what had burst with such a noise: he replied, "It was
Norway, Sire, that sprang from your hands."
The archers' place in northern European battles of
the early Middle Ages seems usually to have been
directly behind the ranks of swordsmen and axemen,
and they seem to have shot at the enemy "indirectly",
i.e. at a high angle to fall into the enemy mass. The
battle of Hastings is a good example of their importance: here the Norman bowmen finally broke up the
Saxon defensive formation, which had defied cavalry
attacks, by dropping arrows into it from above. (It
may be significant that of the arrow strikes depicted
in the Bayeux Tapestry about one in four are head
wounds.) We also know from other references that
before close combat began the bowmen of both

(OVERLEAF) The value of

archery in any battle larger
than a skirmish between
handfuls of men depends on
the co-ordinated impact of a
number of bowmen shooting
together. Before closing in
hand-to-hand combat armies
of the Viking age usually
deployed bowmen and threw
light axes and javelins.
Norwegian and Swedish laws
of the period specify that
every levied warrior of the
leding was supposed to bring
his own bow and arrows
when taking the field.


attackers and defenders often shot at the enemy to

thin them out or goad them into unwisely breaking
Archers carried their arrows in quivers which (in
contradiction of so many "Robin Hood" fantasies)
were slung at the waist and not across the back - this
allows much quicker reloading.
It was not
uncommon to thrust the arrows under the belt
without a quiver, or even to stick them into the
ground ready to hand. Arrows were often picked up
and shot back during a battle.
Just as, say, reading and writing are today automatically mastered by virtually everybody, we can assume
that during the early Middle Ages most people were
familiar with the use of bow and arrow and practised
it from an early age by hunting.

(Below) These three arrowheads have socket fittings to

take the shaft. The upper two
are barbed - one of them
massively - to make them
difficult to pull out of the
wound without doing further


damage. The lower one is the

head of a fire arrow with, in
this case, a wickerwork holder
for oiled tow which would be
set alight immediately before

(Left) Archaeological
evidence suggests that the
force needed to draw a Viking
bow was around 40kg (901bs)
- a "draw weight" comparable
to that of later medieval longbows, and one which
imparted to the arrow a short
range penetrating power suffi-

cient to penetrate ringmail and

thin wooden shields. After
fitting the arrow to the string
the archer draws the bow
while lifting it, until the
drawing hand reaches his
cheek; he then looses quickly holding a drawn bow tires the
archer and impairs his aim.

(Below) An alternative to the

socketed head was the tanged
head, forged in one piece with
a spike which was driven into
the end of the shaft. Both the
heads and the fletchings of
arrows were doubly secured,
by glues such as birch-pitch
and by strong thread whip-

ping. Although the fashioning

of arrows was thought to be a
pastime fit for a warrior, in
fact it seems often to have
been done by the women of
the household. This arrowhead shows a cruciform

(Left) This bowman carries

his quiver at his belt - the
normal position throughout
Europe over several centuries;
a quiver could carry up to 40
arrows, and when these had
been shot off it was common
to pick up enemy arrows and
shoot them back. Our
bowman wears a gambeson,
and is thus rather more
heavily equipped than the
norm. On the Bayeux

Tapestry only one of many

depicted bowmen wears mail,
all the others having only a
tunic. Although inferior to
armoured warriors in handto-hand combat, each archer
could theoretically control
several enemies at a distance,
since his arrows could pierce
their armour and shields and
he could shoot a shaft every
few seconds.

(Below) There is no evidence

allowing the exact reconstruction of a Viking "shooting tab"
to protect the bowman's
drawing fingers from the
cutting of the bowstring, but

we may assume its use;

without such protection the
repeated drawing of a 40kg
bow would become a torture,
even to long-practised men
with calloused hands.

(Left) Details of several

arrowheads and two nocks,
typical of examples found all
over northern Europe. (Left
to right) The cruciform head
illustrated opposite, its two
blades set at right angles; two
broad, flat heads, one chiselshaped and one conventional
- these make long, deep
wounds which cut muscle
and cause great loss of blood;
and two sharply pointed
pyramid section heads - their
impact concentrated into a
tiny area, they can burst open
the rings of mail. For
hunting birds and small game
there were also arrows with
ball-shaped wooden tips,
which brought down the
quarry by impact without
tearing up the flesh.



Rus The Vikings in the East

iking traders, mainly from Sweden, reached

Byzantium via the Baltic Sea, the Neva, Lake
Ladoga, the Volkov, and Lake Ilmen; from
there the ships had to be dragged or rolled on logs
over a portage to be launched again on the Lovat,
sailing on down the Dniepr and finally into the Black
Sea. The Vikings even reached the Caspian Sea and
Baghdad by travelling via Stavaja Ladoga and
Novgorod to reach the Volga.
The eastwards-questing Vikings started to settle
along these trading routes, and quickly conquered
the local populations. Kiev, for example, originally a
Slavic foundation, was ruled by Vikings from 858,
and every year traders assembled there before
making the journey to Byzantium together.

(Left) The Viking routes to

the east were long and
arduous, and crossed areas
populated by nomadic
warriors; the warrior- traders
had to be capable of
defending themselves. Our
Rus is one of the richer
traders. He wears two tunics
over his "Turkish" trousers, an
undertunic of linen and an
upper tunic made from

Friesian wool cloth; both are

finely woven and dyed. His
leather cap and his coat are
trimmed with fur, and he
wears high leather boots. He
carries a brass-decorated axe used both as a tool and a
weapon in the wild Russian
interior - and a decorated
horn and pouches complete
his belongings.

(Above) These high boots

fastened with leather toggles
are reconstructed from originals found at Ladoga and

Haithabu. His legs are

covered with cloth wrappings
up to the knee.

(Left) Bracelets like the one

illustrated here were worn by
both men and women; they
served not only as jewellery
but also as currency. For this
purpose they could even be
hacked to pieces if small
amounts of silver were

needed. Often the twisted

silver wires were decorated
with animal head motifs;
some finds are also made
from different precious
metals, e.g. combinations of
silver with bronze or gold.

The Rus - as the Slavs called the Vikings - undertook these long, arduous river voyages not only for
trading reasons: fleets of warships also carried them
south and east on raiding expeditions. The Vikings
and their ancestors had been exploring these rivers
since the 7th century, but their first major attacks
were recorded in 852, when a Swedish army
demanded high danegeld from the inhabitants of
Novgorod. Two failed raids on Miklagard, as the
Vikings called Byzantium, also started out from Kiev
in about 900, and more followed in 907, 941 and
By this period the Vikings were already mixing with
the local Slav population and assimilating to their 43


culture. The name Rus lived on, as it does today in

"Russia"; it may be derived from the Swedish name
Roslagen, an area near Stockholm, or equally from
the Scandinavian word for "rowing" - often necessary
on the eastern rivers. As they did in other areas of
settlement, the eastern Vikings often copied local
ways and fashions in dress. It is probable that the
wide "Turkish" trousers which slowly became
common in Scandinavia have their origin in the
eastern settlements. But the Vikings also left their
marks in Russia; archaeologists have found Viking
cemeteries near Smolensk, Kiev, Grezdowa and
The Vikings who travelled east - so-called "traders
with the sword" - often collected their trade goods
along the way by looting and taking Slavs as prisoners, to exchange for silver, spices and salt. Apart
from slaves they offered honey, wax, weapons and
furs. An intense trade is also proved by the many
items of obviously eastern origin that have been
found in Scandinavia - among them a small Buddha
statue, and a mosque-shaped basin.

(Left) Although many depictions show Vikings with

simple leather caps we can
assume that fur trimming was
common. At Birka, a centre
for Swedish trade with the
east, fragments of fur and
leather were found which may
have come from a leather cap

like this. Coats can be reconstructed from textile finds at

Haithabu and from frequent
depictions, e.g. on the plates
of the helmets found at
Vlsgarde. Worn by the
wealthier sort, they did not
have fastenings and were
closed with the waist belt.

(Below) The original pattern

for these trousers most likely
came from the east, but the
fashion quickly conquered
Scandinavia. Arabian traders
nicknamed the Vikings "the
people with the trousers made
from 100 spans of cloth",

suggesting that they were well

known for needing large
amounts of fabric to make
such garments. The legs were
gathered into a band slightly
below the knee. Note the
leather boots, this pair
fastened with horn toggles.

(Left) This pouch is closed

with a leather toggle and fixed
to the belt with two straps. It
would carry the trader's items
of daily use such as a purse
and small scales. The rich
decoration shows a beast
fighting with a snake which
has wound around its head
and body; head and tail run
into leaved branches, a feature
common to motifs of the
Mammen style. The original
pattern was found on a
memorial stone set up by
King Harald for his parents at

(Below) This pouch is decorated in the manner of Jellinge,

another of the many identified
Viking decorative styles; it is
characterised by heads
pictured in profile, spiral
shapes, S- shaped bodies with
decorating ribbons and
branch-like protrusions.
Purses like this, both decorated and undecorated and in
many sizes, have been found in
all areas of Viking settlement.

(Right) This Rus, obviously

less wealthy, wears the wide
trousers in coarser material
and less bright colouring.
His cap is made from felt
with fur trim. Instead of a
coat he wears a caped hood
against the cold.


Viking Battle Tactics

he Vikings initially gained the decisive advantage over their opponents by surprise attacks.
Their raiding parties usually landed over sea
beaches or after slipping up river estuaries under
cover of darkness or bad weather. The old Roman
concept of the "standing army" had quite disappeared from northern Europe since the 5th century;
in the face of these hit-and-run raids the local
Friesians, Anglo-Saxons or Franks had no time to
identify the threat and assemble large defensive
forces. The targets of these attacks were also picked
to guarantee success, especially the monasteries although often used as depositories of treasure, these
were badly guarded.
At first these local plundering raids were mounted
by only a few score men in a handful of ships.
However, with the spreading reports of their success,
and with the simultaneous appearance of more
powerful and unified kingdoms in Norway and
Denmark, larger and larger Viking armies landed and
stayed ashore longer, eventually over-wintering and
later settling for good in their captured territory.
Often they caught horses locally to give themselves
greater mobility and range. This was the method by
which Vikings from the occupied Anglo-Saxon
province of East Anglia attacked York in 866.
From 850 Danish Vikings began to stay in England
during the winter, taking danegeld in return for
promises to keep the peace. Kent paid a large sum
in 865, but was nevertheless the victim of a great raid
soon afterwards. After 870 the Vikings ruled a great
swathe of middle England from coast to coast; for

generations various Anglo-Saxon leaders tried to

recapture this so-called Danelaw, with varying
fortunes. These attempts often led to open field
battles, like Brunanburh in 937 and Maldon in 991,
where the Vikings proved that they were equal to
pitched battles on dry land. Brunanburh is of special
interest because it saw Vikings fight on both sides: an
Anglo-Saxon army with support from Danish mercenaries met Norwegian rebel lords from Ireland and
the eastern Danelaw.
Field battles in northern and western Europe were
mainly fought on foot in the early Middle Ages; the
battlefield use of mounted troops was rare before the
11th century, although the Franks did have some
good quality cavalry. (Such troops were an important
element of Byzantine armies in southern and eastern
Europe throughout our period.) The Vikings themselves saw the horse as a means of transport and
communication. They were defeated by, e.g., the
Franks at Saucourt in 881, and the Byzantines at
Slistria in 972 because of the superiority of the
opposing cavalry. There is no rule without its exceptions, however: in 888 the Vikings themselves
deployed horsemen at Monfaucon in France, and in
968 at the battle of Solcoit in Ireland there is written
evidence of Viking cavalry.
Sometimes the time and place of a battle were actually settled beforehand, and the limits of the agreed
battlefield marked by hazel branch fencing. To leave
this field or to break the arrangement was thought
dishonourable, as was the pillaging of the enemy's
lands once the challenge had been accepted but
(Left) The shield wall was
the basic formation in Viking
age battles; spear thrusts and
blows with sword and axe
were delivered over the overlapping shields. The formation illustrated here is
advancing, and the warriors
hit the rims of their shields
with their weapons to demoralise the enemy - a common
practice of the time, which
makes a deafening noise.
Viking shields are thought to
have been painted in various
solid colours or simple
geometrical patterns, red
being the most often
mentioned, followed by
yellow, black, white, green
and blue.


(Right) Warriors stood

shoulder to shoulder as they
came together, and as soon as
the two shield walls clashed
each side tried to break
through. The pressure on the
front ranks was sometimes
so great that dead men could
not fall, but were swept along
held upright in the crush. If
one side broke through they
tried to widen the gap; at this
point formations broke up,
with small groups and individuals fighting one another
as defeat turned into rout.

before battle was joined; the Anglo-Saxons sometimes made use of this custom to win time to
assemble their forces, as at Brunanburh.

The shield wall

The main battle formation was the "shield wall" or
skjaldborg. The warriors stood side by side and held
their shields rim to rim, or even overlapping; but
overlapping the shields does not allow for wide
swings with sword or axe, so the front rank were
perhaps limited to thrusting or parrying the opponents' spears. Behind the shield-bearers stood
spearmen and warriors with long axes, to strike and
thrust over the shoulders of their front rank; the
terrain could be decisive, the side holding the higher
ground having an advantage. Depending on the size
of the army there might be several shield walls one
behind the other.
There is evidence to suggest that javelin-throwers
and bowmen were deployed both before and after
the armies made contact, to create weak spots in the
opposing shield wall. Then the front ranks would
clash together, the warriors thrusting and hacking at
each other until one side managed to break through.
In the course of this melee it seems probable that the
gaps between the shields opened up somewhat as
individuals traded axe and sword blows. Weak spots
might be attacked with a special wedge-shaped
formation known as svynfylking, in which two
warriors formed the point, three the second row, five
a third row, and so on; the warriors at the outside
carried overlapping shields and the spearmen inside

thrust over them as they forced their way forward.

If the integrity of a shield wall was decisively broken
it was not unusual for the losing force to dissolve into
chaos. Now was the moment when the leader had to
show his ability and force of character by rallying and
regrouping his warriors, or by bringing in reinforcements which he had withheld up to then. The early
medieval Viking army included three types of fighting
men: the individual freeborn man who was obliged to
do service when summoned; the wealthier hersir who
owed allegiance to a jarl (or later to a king), and who
brought with him other armed men from his lands;
and the leader's sworn bodyguard of retainers, whom
he maintained permanently at his own expense. The
main target in battle was the leader of the opposing
army; if he was killed the common warrior was
considered free of his duty, and normally these men who were hardly trained - were quickly cut down if
they did not flee the field. However, honour
demanded that the leader's sworn liegemen fight on
around him until they too fell.

Sea fights
The sea battles of the Vikings were fought according
to the same principles as battles on land. Each side
roped most of their ships together side by side to
make a platform on which to form a shield wall. The
attackers tried to storm this platform, as e.g. in the
battles of Hafrsfjord in 872, Svldr in 1000 and Nissa
in 1062. Ship after ship was taken and then detached
from the formation to drift away. Both fleets used to
keep some ships outside the formation to manoeuver;


these were used to attack the enemy by going alongside and boarding, in a hailstorm of arrows, stones
and spears from both sides. If the defenders
succeeded in killing the attacking rowers, or if the
oars of the attacking ship were broken, the attack
often failed through inability to
However, the elements of a real naval battle of the
Classical age - outmanoeuvering, ramming, forcing
the opponent to sail against the wind, or the use of
catapults - were unknown among the Vikings. Most
sea battles took place in quiet coastal waters or river
mouths, where there was no space for such tactics.

Viking armies
The size of Viking armies varied enormously,
growing steadily between the late 8th and 11th
centuries. An Anglo-Saxon manuscript of the preViking age calls a group of 35 or more warriors an
"army", and we can assume that the first Viking raids
were performed by such small bands. Even later
battle descriptions rarely mention the number of
men; the size of a Viking force was usually given in
ships, and the number of crew members on a ship
could vary according to the number of oars. The
quoted strengths for the siege of Paris in 886 40,000 men and 700 ships - give an average of just
under 60 oars per ship; but crew sizes must have
varied (and anyway, all figures from early sources
should be treated as "impressionist" rather than
mathematically exact).
The early raids were usually led by a local leader,
with the aim of capturing land at home or valuable
booty and slaves abroad. His crews were recruited
from men of the same family or clan and perhaps
some neighbours, all of them bringing their own
equipment, and hoping for eventual reward in the
form of shared plunder. Often they were both
warriors and traders, selling at one place what they
had looted from another. They usually had an agreed
leader, but important decisions were often discussed


(Above) The Vikings seem

seldom to have attempted to
take fortified positions; but
an attack with scaling
ladders, as reconstructed
here, is not unlikely. We
know that Viking armies took
cities like York, Paris and

Bremen, although it is questionable whether these fell to

true assaults or surrendered
after sieges. The common
fortifications of the Viking age
were walls and enclosed
encampments protected by
wooden palisades.

(Left) At the beginning of the

9th century a small group of
raiders like this, making a
surprise attack on a poorly
defended village or
monastery, was already being
termed an "army" remember that few of their
victims had ever before seen
any large armed force.
However, numbers increased,
and Hardrada led at least
10,000 to England in 1066.
The high proportion of
spearmen is quite authentic; a
spear was much cheaper than
a sword, and more generally
useful. The two bare-chested
men at the front may be

among the whole group. Some might be as young as

15 or even 12 years when they first went a-viking;
every boy learned strength, dexterity and swiftness
from an early age by hunting, and the fighting skills
taught by his father were practised with his friends.
(Below) This free peasant,
fulfilling his duty to the leding
or levy, would probably prefer
to be at home tending his
farm. His clothing and
equipment are typical for the
poor warriors who formed the
main body of the Viking
armies; he has no protection
except for his shield, which he
has strapped to his back, and

his weapons are a spear and

some javelins. He looks as if
he is contemplating one of the
stanzas from the Havamal, a
collection of Viking proverbs,
which reads: "Better living
than not living./ I Only the living
hold wealth./ I saw a fire blaze
up in a rich man's home,/ But
death stood outside the door."

(Above) The dead and

wounded were routinely plundered after battle, and sometimes even while the fighting
was still going on. Money
and jewellery would have
been much less common loot

than armour and weapons;

the Bayeux Tapestry shows
corpses stripped to the skin.
This humble warrior seems
likely to fulfill at least the
modest ambition of going
home wearing a pair of shoes.

The uniting of Norwegian and Danish territories

into kingdoms changed the structure of armies. For
national defence the Scandinavian kingdoms
adopted the so-called leding or levy: a conscription
system whereby every free man owning land had to
provide men, equipment, ships and weapons, the
numbers depending on the size of his holding. Later
the leding was replaced by a tax from which professional soldiers were paid. The king led his forces and
was guarded by the hird, his personal bodyguard,
every man of which had sworn allegiance to him.
Even given a necessary scepticism over quoted
figures, genuinely large armies were not uncommon
in the later Viking age. The Norsemen are supposed
to have lost at least 8,000 men at Saucourt in 881.
The army led by King Harald Hadrada to defeat at
Stamford Bridge in 1066 had allegedly crossed in
between 240 and 300 ships. OlafTryggvasson raided
Maldon in 991 with a fleet of 93 ships, to make
money to finance his attempt on the Norwegian


(Left) Before engaging in

hand-to-hand combat both
sides tried to weaken the
enemy ranks with arrows and
javelins. Depictions on
jewellery and stones show
warriors with shield and spear
carrying additional short
javelins in their shield hand.

throne. Here the army was made up from groups of

hersir owing allegiance to a jarl who, in his turn,
owed allegiance to the king.
On occasion some kings - e.g. Harald Bluetooth would provide a proportion of their troops with
weapons and even armour. The raising of mercenary
troops was another factor; a good example is the
army of Thorkel the Great, serving only themselves
and the man who paid best.

There are some known Viking age fortifications, like
the "wall castles" (defensive enclosures) at Fyrkat,
Aggersborg, Trelleborg and Nonnebakken, and of
course the Danewerk. This great earthwork in
southern Jutland - 2m high by 12m wide (6.5ft by
39ft), and revetted with timber - connected natural
obstacles with each other to provide protection
against the Slavs and German raiders. The first parts
of this system had been built by 737, and the last
work is dated to 968. In the overall length of 30km
(18.6 miles) there was only one gate, through which
ran the road to Viborg. Haithabu, one of the most
important trading cities of the age, was in the vicinity
of the Danewerk. But even the Danewerk could not
prevent the Germans under Emperor Otto II from
conquering the greater part of southern Denmark in
974 (they were driven out again in 983).
The four Viking fortresses named above were all
built in the second half of the 1 Oth century and are
all similar in construction, only the size varying.
Each features a circular wall and ditch, and two main
roads cutting the interior into quarters. At
Trelleborg, Fyrkat and Nonnebakken there were 16
(Right) "Deliver us, O Lord,
from the fury of the
Norsemen. . ." This Viking's
shield already shows the
marks of battle; shields were
50 made thin for lightness, and

presumably did not last

longer than one or two
battles. The metal boss could
be reused, and wood and
rawhide would have been
cheap and plentiful.

large longhouses in four symmetrical groups;

Aggersborg has twice the diameter of the others and
three times as many buildings. Outside the main
walls there were additional enclosures and buildings,
the arrangement varying from site to site. Although
a military use cannot be ignored, the main purpose
of these fortified sites seems to have been the protection of the local population, and equally to provide
suitable accomodation for the Danish king's representatives. They might also have been used to house
groups of warriors assembled for training or for a
campaign, however.

(Left above) If they were

attacked with arrows or light
spears the Vikings could take
cover behind their shields,
arranging them as shown
here; there are clear references
to such tactics in both land
and sea battles. With enough
men gathered, some could
even hold their shields over
the heads of the group rowers were protected in this
way when closing to board at
sea. The photos in this
chapter show the broad
variety of shield designs.

(Above) The two battle lines meeting here both

show a high proportion of spears. During this early
stage of a battle warriors armed with sword or axe
could do little more than try to parry enemy spear
thrusts from behind the shield wall, while their own
spearmen tried to create gaps in the enemy's shield
wall for exploitation by swordsmen and axemen.
(Right) The first and third shields in this wall show
clearly their construction from individual planks.
The fourth shows the leather rim binding sewn on,
and on the third the rawhide is nailed - though in
those days of individual hand forging nails would
have been relatively expensive.
Simple colour washes were presumably more
common than complex motifs, but the latter are
found in some sources. The shields from the Gokstad
ship find were painted plain black or yellow; the
Oseberg Tapestry shows one with a cross design;
those of St.Olaf's men supposedly bore crosses in red
and blue on white; and Gotland picture stones show
many with radial wavy lines or divisions.

Viking Mercenaries
n 9th and 10th century Scandinavia there are
descriptions of brotherhoods of mercenaries Vikinge-lag - who lived together under special
codes of conduct. These experienced fighters did not
seek to take land on their own account, but hired
themselves out for paid military service. One of the
most famous of these brotherhoods were the
Jomsvikinge-lag or Jomsvikings, who were probably
established in the fortified camp and harbour of
Jomsburg - today's Wollind, at the mouth of the Oder
in Wendland - in the 980s by the exiled Harald
Bluetooth of Denmark. Led by one Jarl Sigvald, a
Scanian noble, they quickly inspired the admiration
of minstrels, and they are mentioned in accounts of
Viking battles.
According to later sagas, a Jomsviking had to be
between 18 and 50 years of age and stronger than the
average warrior. When living at Jomsburg the
members of the brotherhood were expected to keep
the peace among themselves, submitting any serious
dispute for judgement by the commander. They were
not to leave for more than three days without permission; women were not allowed inside Jomsburg, and
no Jomsviking was allowed to take a woman or child
prisoner. All loot was divided equally between the
brotherhood; and members were expected to avenge
each other's deaths. They were not to show any signs
of fear in battle, and were only permitted to retreat if
obviously outnumbered (Sigvald is described as a
"prudent" man). Violation of these laws meant
immediate expulsion.
The Jomsvikings were the subject of their own saga,
which was written down in Iceland in about 1200.
They are also mentioned in other sagas: that of King
Olaf Tryggvasson states that hiring them was a question of prestige (although they seem to have been on
the losing side in a number of important battles).
The brotherhood was fading away by about 1010,
and the remnant was destroyed by King Magnus of
Norway in 1043.

(Above) The pommel and

guard of this sword show rich
silver and bronze inlays, and
the scabbard has decorated
fittings. The sagas often
mention individual weapons
being named, sometimes in

reference to special details of

the weapon but usually to
invoke success in battle: some
examples are Shield-Notcher,
Foot-Biter, Head-Reddener,
Redbeak and Bluetongue.

(Left & below) A spangenhelm with a long nasal and a

mail neckguard, and a leather
gambeson, make up the
armour of this warrior taking
a refreshment break. There is
no archaeological evidence
for the leather lining to the
neckguard, but some figures
in the Bayeux Tapestry show
lines which might suggest it.
He is armed with a sword and
a sax and his shield is slung

on his back. Note that this

gambeson only covers the
torso and offers insufficient
protection in battle. The
description of the battle of
Stamford Bridge tells us that
Vikings would sometimes
leave their heavy mail on
board ship if they needed to
move fast across country, or
might even take it off in
battle if frustrated by its


Ships and Seafaring

he Vikings were outstanding shipbuilders,

navigators and sailors. In other European
countries seafaring generally meant skirting
along the coasts; but the Vikings made direct crossings of the North Sea and Baltic, and ventured far
out across the North Atlantic. Today any sailor can
check his position to within a few metres thanks to
GPS; our 19th century great-grandfathers could con
themselves around the globe with sextant and
chronometer; but it seems miraculous to us that a
Viking captain, braving some of the world's roughest
seas without instruments or charts, ever reached his
destination. Yet Viking navigation was reliable
enough for regular crossings to Iceland and
Greenland, providing the new colonies with all the
supplies upon which they depended for survival.
Sometimes, inevitably, a captain would miss his
landfall - like Bjarni Herjolfsson, whose supply
voyage to Greenland in about 985 went astray,
carrying him on to North America. He probably
sighted the coast of Newfoundland; he did not land,
but made his way back to Greenland. Some years
later Leif Ericsson, inspired by Bjarni's story, led an
(Left) A sight which struck
terror throughout Europe in
the 9th and 10th centuries: a
Viking ship approaching the
beach. Although the reconstructions illustrated here are
necessarily of small vessels,
this angle shows to advantage
the high prow and low

gunwale characteristic of all

sizes. With a top speed of
about 11 knots (12.6mph,
20kmh) a ship like this could
make nearly 500km (310
miles) in a single day on the
open sea, where sailing
continued day and night.

(Right) The side-mounted

rudder was fixed to the uppermost plank at the right rear;
the horizontal tiller bar could
be controlled by a single
helmsman. The rudder was
deeper than the keel, and on
approaching the beach it was
simply taken aboard - our

picture shows this procedure.

It was held in position by a
leather strap running through
slits in the hull. Note also the
clinker construction of the
hull, with each row of planks
nailed to overlap the one

expedition to try to settle this promising new country

of "Vinland".
Frustratingly, we do not know how the Vikings navigated the high seas, but the most likely guess is that
they sailed on a fixed latitude until they reached a
coast and then turned north or south. In the areas
where the Vikings sailed the North Star can always be
seen, and to keep the latitude they only had to make
sure that it stayed at the same height above the
horizon. The distance covered could be roughly
calculated from elapsed time and estimated speed.
These assumptions are based on the fact that in the
sagas ships usually lose their way in bad weather, i.e.
when the North Star was hidden for long periods, the
direction of the wind changed quickly, or strong
winds carried the ship along faster than estimated.

Viking ship finds

Even today Viking ships fascinate us by their elegant
lines as much as by their epic voyages. Hardly any
book on the subject appears without a frontal view of
the vessel found at Gokstad in 1880 (this was neither

(Left) The reconstructed

rigging; note also the characteristic hanging of the crew's
shields along the gunwales,
confirmed by many depictions
and by archaeology. The front
and rear stays run to the prow
and stern, the shrouds to the
side planks. From the lower
corners of the sail ropes run to
the deck allowing it to be
tightened, and from the tips of
the yard two more control the
angle of the yard. Viking
ships were rigged to sail
mainly before the wind or with
the wind abeam, but also
handled surprisingly well close
to the wind.

a trader nor a warship, but probably a kind of yacht

or leader's barge). The Gokstad ship, studied in
comparison with the Oseberg ship (which was used
in a 9th century burial), and the finds in the
Roskildefjord at Skuldelev (where several 11th
century vessels were scuttled as block-ships), enables
us to trace the development of Viking shipbuilding.
The general characteristics had already evolved in
pre-Viking times, as the Anglo-Saxon ship burials at
Sutton Hoo prove; but the Vikings perfected the
The sagas mention a variety of names for different
types of ships; it is difficult to match names to categories, but the main division was between cargo
vessels and warships. The building method was identical for both classes, but the dimensions show that
they were meant for different functions.
A warship was built to be swift and manoeuverable,
to carry many men, and to move quickly even
without sails. It did not have to be completely oceanworthy; raids were made in summer, and there was
time to wait for good weather if open sea had to be
crossed. The speed was achieved by a 7:1 ratio of
length to width, manoeuverability by a curved keel
which allowed it to turn around its central axis. To
guarantee a high speed without sails there was room
for many rowers on a straight deck running along the
full length. There were probably so many crewmen
that the oars could be manned day and night.
Trading ships were built to give plenty of room for
cargo, to be manoeuvered by a small crew, and to
56 cope with bad weather. They were more beamy, with

a length-to-width ratio of only 4:1, higher sides, and

an open hold in the middle with deck planking and
oars at bow and stern only. They were meant to be
driven mainly by sails; it must have been tedious to
row them with such a small crew. The 16.3m long
(53.5ft) Skuldelev 1 - a completely seaworthy trading
ship - was manned by about a dozen sailors, whereas
the 18m (59ft) warship Skuldelev 2 had a crew of
about thirty.

No matter what the ship's function, the construction
techniques were the same; and the most striking
feature is that the planking was built directly onto the
keel, stem and stern posts with the inner ribs added
only later.
The process began with stem and stern posts cut
from one treetrunk and a keel cut from a second always of oak, even when suitable oak trees became
scarce and other parts of the ship were built from
pine, ash, birch, alder or willow. The planks were
then fitted along the keel row after row, each overlapping the one below (i.e. clinker-building). Iron

(Right) During their great

raiding voyages through
Europe the Vikings often penetrated far up the great rivers;
they rowed up the Volga, the
Rhine, the Seine, the Loire,

the Thames, the Liffey, and

many others to plunder inland
cities. Most of the time they
had to row against the current
for days, camping on the
banks at night.

(Above & right) This picture

shows how the keel of a ship
was cut from a single trunk;
the shipwright uses an adze.
Axes, adzes and wedges were
the main tools used in shipbuilding; others were gouges
to cut caulking grooves into
the planks, knives and shaves

to fashion the smaller pieces,

pliers, and nails (if the planks
were nailed together) or
augers to drill holes for
wooden pegs. Prow and stern
posts, and sometimes the
upper run of planks, were
often decorated with carving.

nails were used in Scandinavia; in the eastern settlements shipbuilders used wooden pegs into which a
wedge was hammered. Each row of planks was
caulked, in Scandinavia with tarred tow or rope, in
Russia with moss and tar. The planks were relatively
thin; on the bigger ships they measured about 25mm

(1in) below and 43mm (1.7ins) at the waterline, and

small skiffs found with the Gokstad ship have 15mm
(0.6in) planks. Viking ships were nevertheless strong
enough to transport horses.
When the hull was finished the inner construction
was added. First ribs were fitted crosswise to the
keel, but connected only
to the hull; this gave the
structure great flexibility
to "work" with the
waves, but at a price - a
Viking ship was never
really watertight, and
the crew were always
having to bale her out.
During the early period
the ribs were tied to the
planks (through extensions left on the planks
when they were cut)
using spruce roots; later
the ribs were nailed to
the planks.
Above the ribs horizontal crosstimbers were
fitted, connected vertically and horizontally to
the hull with L-shaped 57

(Above) Today we can hardly

imagine how the Vikings
crossed the Atlantic in open
boats like this. Freight ships
had at least partial decking at
prow and stern but an open
central hold; warships had a
low deck running along the
whole length and gave no
shelter at all against the


weather. As the crew of a

warship probably numbered
more than twice the number
of oars, and each warrior took
along his whole equipment,
space must have been very
tight. Cargo ships had a
smaller number of sailors, but
more than half of the ship was
filled with trade goods.

pieces of wood tied or, later, nailed in place. A

second, and on the largest ships a third layer of horizontal timbers could be attached. To these the deck
planking was fitted; the deck had no direct connection to the hull, again for flexibility.
The mast was fixed to the keel by means of the "keel
pig", a big L-shaped oak block whose vertical piece
supported the base of the mast at the front; and a
strong horizontal strut, the "mast fish". Comparison
of archaeological finds shows steady development;
e.g. the keel pig of the Oseberg ship was too small
and showed signs of repair, while later ships have
bigger keel pigs and even dispense with the mast fish.
Treetrunks were split and wedged apart radially to
make planks. Where possible curved and angled
parts were cut from naturally shaped timber, along
the grain; the keel pig and other L-shaped pieces
could be cut from a section of trunk at the junction
of a large branch. The most important tools were the
axe and adze, and it is fascinating to see how the
most exact work was carried out with these simple
blades - there is no evidence of sawn timbers.

It is difficult to reconstruct the rigging ofViking ships
because we only have finds of hulls. Today's reconstructions are based on contemporary depictions
such as coins and the Bayeux Tapestry. The mast was
probably no longer than could easily be stowed inside
the ship. Taking down the mast was quite common,
and the construction of the keel pig allowed it to be
laid backwards, thus limiting the length of the mast
to about half the length of the ship.
Some surviving pictures show shrouds and stays ropes which support the mast to the sides, front and
rear - but the fixings of these ropes cannot be reconstructed. The rectangular sail was fixed at the top to
a horizontal spar or yard, the lower edge sometimes
being manipulated with another pole called the
beitiass when sailing close to the wind; it was

(Left) The shallow draught

allowed Viking ships to sail
close inshore, and raiders took
advantage of this to appear
suddenly and disappear with
equal speed before a defence
could be organised. Even the
less manoeuverable and
deeper-draught trading ships
were often beached if the lie

of the coast allowed it, as

confirmed by the scratches on
the keel and planks of the
Skuldelev 3 ship find. To
beach a ship with such a thin
hull - with any hope of its
swimming again afterwards must have taken impressive
skill and experience.

(Left) The Gokstad ship had

T-shaped poles forward and
aft of the mast on which the
yard could be laid when the
sail was taken down; here the
sail is reefed to the yard for
stowage. If the oars had to be
used the sail was most probably always taken down - at
such times it was not only
useless but actually worked
against the rowers.

controlled with ropes running from the tips of the

yardarms. Despite the simple rigging sailing against
the wind was apparently possible, though if time
allowed the captain usually waited for a more
favourable wind.
In 1893 a Norwegian captain crossed the Atlantic
from Bergen to Newfoundland in a reconstruction of
the Gokstad ship, proving that Viking ships really
were seaworthy. His reports of the crossing show his
astonishment at the sailing qualities of the ship, and
record top speeds of 11 knots, i.e. about 20km/h. He
also praised the steering. Viking ships had a rudder
fitted to the right side of the stern; this makes the
ship tend to the left, but the Viking shipwrights gave
the rudder a profile similar to an aircraft wing, thus
both correcting this bias and also preventing pressure
building up on the rudder - even in heavy seas it
could be manned by only one helmsman.

These beautiful Viking ships were the result of

centuries of experience in shipbuilding and seamanship, and were clearly superior in most respects to the
wallowing, barrel-hulled "cogs" that succeeded
them. It was their small cargo capacity which led to
their replacement during the later Middle Ages by
larger but infinitely less graceful vessels.

(Right) Small dinghies or

skiffs were built following the
same principles as oceangoing ships. One obvious
difference is the fact that each
rower has a pair of oars
instead of one. The number
of oars gave the type of boat
illustrated its name: faering or
"four-oared". The number
of oars was the common way
of describing the size of a


Clothing and Jewellery

Materials and methods

he basic material of Viking clothing was wool.

Rich or poor, everyone wore woollen cloth but the quality varied between different
groups in society. Imported cloth was worn to
display wealth; Friesian and Anglo-Saxon weaves
were particularly desirable. Bright colours might also
suggest wealth, as some were usually achieved by
difficult dying techniques using expensive, imported
raw materials - e.g. indigo and purple. The mass of
poorer folk had to be content with cloth which could
be woven at home and coloured with the extracts of
local plants (though these were varied and versatile see below).


(Above) The women at left

and right wear the hangerock
or "apron-skirt" over one or
more tunics; at centre is a
thick winter tunic and a separate caped hood. The basic
material throughout was wool
of different weights and qualities, though richer women
often wore linen undertunics
in summer. Woven patterns,
such as these stripes (right),

were popular. Note the paired

brooches fastening the front
and back panels of the apronskirt in front of the shoulders,
and braid strips trimming the
lower edges of the tunic (right).
The lantern - reconstructed
from an 11th century original
found in Gotland - is made
from a wooden frame covered
with a pig's bladder, enclosing
tallow candles.

Some of the sheep kept in Viking times did not have

to be sheared, as they lost their wool through natural
moulting; but whether it had to be sheared or only
picked up, all the wool had to be cleaned first of all.
This was done carefully so that the natural oil was
not removed - wool retaining its natural lanoline is
easier to comb and spin and is more weatherproof.
After cleaning the wool was combed to align the
fibres and prepare it for spinning. If a fine yarn was
needed to make a tightly woven cloth the short fibres
were removed by combing, leaving only the stiffer
upper hairs; for a thick felted cloth the shorter fibres
would also be spun into the yarn.
The process of spinning twists the fibres to make an
endless yarn. From the invention of spinning perhaps 12,000 years ago - until the invention of the
spinning wheel in the 13th century, there was only
one tool for this: the hand spindle. The simplest type
consisted of a stick; by the Viking age the spindle had
acquired a weight fitted to one end to make it twist
more evenly.
To spin yarn, some fibres are pulled from a mass of
fleece, twisted together to form a starting thread and
fixed to the end of the spindle. The spindle is
lowered towards the ground, rotating on the end of
the lengthening yarn which is created by its twisting
motion as more wool is fed on to it through the
hands. When the spindle reaches the ground the
spinner pauses, winds the new yarn onto it in a spool,
fixes the last of this to the top of the spindle again,
and repeats the process. The lighter the spindle, the
thinner the yarn; but the spindle will not run as long
as a heavy one and has to be restarted more often. A
heavier spindle runs longer, but the weight makes it
more likely that the yarn will break. If the fibres are
very short the technique described cannot be used;
the spindle has to be rested in a bowl, or simply
turned by rolling it over the thigh.
When the yarn had been spun - a tedious and
unpopular job - it had to be woven into cloth. Most
Viking cloth was woven on vertical weighted looms:
simple frames that lean against a wall. Some of the
warp or vertical threads are tied to the top of the
frame and tightened with weights; others are fixed to
a horizontal bar by which they can be pulled to the
front. Through the resulting gaps between the two
groups of warp threads, the weft or crosswise yarn is
threaded, crossing over and under differing numbers
of warp threads, and then pushed tight against the
edge of the already woven section.

(Left) Poor women like farm workers or the

even lower-ranking slaves would probably wear
only one simple tunic, and often did not even
own a pair of shoes. In summer they would go
barefoot, in winter they wrapped leather, fur or
pieces of cloth around their feet. Owning a
belt buckle and a knife is already the beginnings of relative wealth; the knife also indicates
that she is not a slave.

(Right) In contrast, this woman wears richly

decorated clothes and jewellery; the style is
that of Finland. Over the white tunic she
wears a blue apron-skirt of a completely
different type from other Scandinavian regions,
cut like a Greek peplos; also unique to Finland
was the true apron worn over it. She has three
fine "tortoise" brooches with metal chains and
pendants in Finnish style - local finds show
brass spiral motifs. Note that her knife, scissors
and keys are suspended from the brooches; the
pouch seems to hang from a belt, but this is
actually the apron string.

The appearance and durability of the cloth depend

on how many warp threads the weft crosses before it
passes under a warp thread. Viking cloth was mainly
woven to give a compromise between durability and
softness, not unlike modern denim; this allows a
broad variety of weaving patterns, e.g. rhomboids or
"herringbone" patterns - the latter a Viking favourite.
The warp was usually woven tighter than the weft.
The invention of the so-called horizontal loom,
which allowed the groups of warp threads to be
moved by a pedal action, brought a four-fold increase
in productivity; and the discovery at the Haithabu
site of a shaft roll, a part of this type of loom, proves
that this invention took place during the Viking age.
However, it is questionable whether this new device
reached the remoter areas of Viking settlement; even
at Haithabu - a relatively cosmopolitan centre of
international trade - a single shaft roll find is accompanied by large numbers of weights from the old
pattern loom.
After weaving the cloth was often "fulled"; the
Vikings favoured a finish similar to modern loden.
This procedure lifts the nap to make the cloth
"hairy" and gives better protection against rain, and
some finds at Haithabu show cloth fulled to such a
degree that it almost looks like fur. The Vikings also
made woven "fake fur" - roggvarfeldr, a shaggy weave
incorporating tufts of unspun wool; this was used for
cloaks and other garments as well as for trimming the
edges of clothing.
Often the cloth or its raw materials were dyed,

sometimes with plants which could be picked locally,

sometimes with materials imported at great cost.
The variety of colours that can be achieved without
modern chemical dyes is surprising, and it is quite
mistaken to assume that vegetable dyes necessarily
produce dull shades. Such "natural" colours are not
limited to greens and browns, but include bright
yellows, reds and blues. Brighly coloured clothes
were worn by whoever could afford them. On the
whole, Viking clothing was more sophisticated and
made to higher standards than might be expected
from looking at the simple tools with which it was
made. The finest examples of preserved fabrics
count more than 50 threads to the centimetre, and
the variety that could be achieved by different
weaves, treatments and colourings is impressive.
Apart from wool the Vikings also used linen to some
extent; but as this is woven from a plant fibre, it had
to compete for scarce fertile land with the plants
needed for food, whereas sheep would live in areas
that could not be cultivated. To grow linen meant
that you had more land than you needed to feed your
family, so it was a sign of wealth. Moreover, linen is
less warm and thus less versatile than wool; a man
who could afford only a few pieces of clothing would
not have chosen linen. It can be spun to a very fine
thread and gives thin cloth, so it was often used for
underwear; a special weaving technique gave it a
pleated look which made it outline the figure.
Silk was a prized material throughout Europe
during the Viking age - a very expensive luxury which 61

(Above) Spinning woollen

yarn from fleece was one of
the never-ending chores of
women and children, and one
not regarded highly, despite
the fact that it demands skill
and concentration as well as
patience. Note the weight at
the lower end of the spindle,

ensuring an even spin; this

one seems to be made from
soapstone, but clay was the
most common material. Our
spinner wears a linen undertunic, wool upper tunic and
linen hangerock. The lower
edges of upper tunic and
hangerock are hemmed up

with an embroidery stitch.

(Above) A vertical weighted
loom with work in progress.
The vertical warp threads are
spanned by loom weights.
The horizontal bar rests on
the two Y-shaped arms when it
is pulled to the front. The

upper boom can be rotated in

quarter-turns to roll up the
finished cloth. The rests for
the horizontal bar and the
lower boom can be moved up
and down the frameby means
of pegs. Viking age looms were
built for cloth approximately
120cm (47ins) wide.
(Left) A dyer at work; usually
the yarn was dyed, not the
finished cloth. A high intensity of colouring is not
achieved by simply leaving the
wool in the dye for a long
time, but by several short
baths. The result of a dying
process depends on many
factors, some of them hardly
controllable, like the soluble
minerals present in local water
- the same basic ingredients
can give completely different
colours with two different
"hardnesses" of water.


(Above) This woman is

making tablet-woven braid.
Note the square tablets with a
hole in each corner, and how
the weaver threads in the
weft; the next step will be to
push it back with a wooden
stick and to turn the whole
(Above) All the yarns in this
basket were dyed with materials that were known and
available in the Viking age;
their variety and intensity especially the reds and yellows
- give the lie to our restricted
modern ideas about the

colours which could be

achieved with "natural"
ingredients. Combinations
of common colouring agents
and mineral mordents gave
medieval dyers a wide palette
of subtle shades,limited only
by local availability.

(Below) Some typical examples of tablet-woven braids,

clearly showing the short
repeat - in all these lengths a

change of direction is marked

by a vertical symmetrical axis.
(Photo courtesy
Melanie Donus)

block of tablets by 90
degrees, in whichever direction is dictated by the pattern.
The patterns of tablet-woven
braid are simple due to the
"short repeat", but an inventive weaver will always be able
to think up a new variant.

had to be imported over great distances from Asia.

Only the very wealthy could afford silk, which was in
any case too vulnerable for everyday use in the robust
daily lifes of even the richest Vikings. It was most
often used for decorative braiding and embroidery; a
Haithabu find of a half-finished piece of tablet
weaving is believed by archaeologists to have originally included golden wefts and silken warps.
Cotton was worn in the contemporary Byzantine
Empire, and had reached southern Spain with the
Moors, but there is no evidence for its use in
Scandinavian clothing.

Specialist techniques
The Vikings knew two textile techniques which are
worth special mention, as they are nearly forgotten
Since the early Iron Age, tablet weaving was used to
make decorative braiding. In this technique the warp
does not run over a bar but through holes in the
corners of small square tablets made from wood or
bone. Rotating these tablets twists the warp into a
yarn; many of these tablets laid side by side will give
many yarns lying side by side, which are held
together by a weft running through. The finished 63

cut straight and with added sleeves. To give more

width at the lower edge gussets might be incorporated, sometimes of a contrasting colour. The
woman's tunic was ankle length, sometimes long- or
half- sleeved, sometimes sleeveless. It was typically
worn with a long overgarment made from rectangular lengths of material front and back, joined by
straps and brooches at the shoulders (identified for
the purposes of this text as an "apron-skirt", for lack
of any more descriptive English term).
The man's tunic reached the knee, and was worn
over trousers. Trousers seem to have been cut in
various shapes: full-length, straight and loose; tighterfitting in the manner of later medieval hose; kneelength, with separate, cross-gartered leggings below;
and - for the relatively wealthy, given the amount of
material needed - in the baggy Rus style. These
garments, made from woollen cloth and normally
loose enough for easy movement, were often the only
clothing a Viking owned apart from a simple woollen
cloak, and a belt to which small possessions might be

(Above) In contrast to most

warriors or traders pictured in
this book, this labourer is
obviously poor; but he is
wearing a knife, so cannot be
a slave. Apart from some

good luck charms dangling

from a leather thong around
his neck, this seems to be his
only possesion. He does not
own shoes, and his clothes are
made from undved cloth.

braid will show the colour of the uppermost thread;

if threads of different colours are used in the same
tablet, patterns can be made. While most examples
show repeating geometrical or wavy shapes, quite
complex patterns can be produced if the direction in
which the tablets are rotated is changed at planned
intervals - flowers, figures, even Viking ships.
Knitting and crocheting were unknown to the
Vikings, but to make cloth which had to be elastic e.g. for stockings - they used a technique called naalbinding. A long thread is laid into loops with a thick
needle which is threaded through the last row of
loops, giving a result not unlike knitted work. Even
large garments such as cloaks could be made in this
fashion, but are thought to have been uncommon.

The basic garment for both men and women in the
64 early Middle Ages was the tunic, a simple shirt-shape

(Below) This woman's long

coat was a common female
garment. She protects herself
from the winter cold by
several layers of clothing;
under the coat the lower edges
of an undertunic, a tunic and
an apron-skirt can be seen.
The belt she uses to close the

coat also serves to hold knife,

scissors, pouch and drinking
horn; the coat is also fastened
at the throat with a brooch.
Just visible at the right wrist is
one of the twisted silver
bracelets which typically
served both as jewellery and

Signs of relative wealth might include an undertunic

of pleated linen, and outer garments tailored to a
tighter fit. The wealthy Viking woman might combine
a linen undertunic with a tight apron-skirt and a coatlike outer tunic. Her husband might wear an outer
tunic cut to fit at the chest, a thigh-length cloak with
overlapping front, and trousers confined by putteelike leg wrappings below the knee.
For protection against bad weather there were cloaks
and tunics of fulled wool, or cowls - hoods with capes
covering the neck and upper chest. Some special
winter clothing was doubled, and sometimes even
had a filling of down.
As mentioned above, a wide variety of coloured dyes
were used, the wealthier sort displaying imported
fabrics or expensive colours, the poorer wearing
homespun either undyed or coloured with readily
available agents (e.g. a Haithabu find dyed dark
brown with walnut, which also had a disinfecting
property). Viking clothing was often decorated at the
lower edges either with applied braiding or with
embroidery, and outer clothing was often trimmed
with fur; the degree of decoration, too, was an indicator of wealth.
The same was true of the style and material of the
brooches and pins used to fasten the garments. A
rich Viking wore cloak brooches of gold or silver at
shoulder or hip, and his wife fixed her apron-skirt
with a pair of richly decorated brooches linked by
chains or beads; but a poor man would carve a button
from wood or horn. The design and material of the
belt, its buckle and any metal strap end also depended
upon the owner's resources.
The typical Viking shoe was an ankle-high "turnshoe" fastened with laces at the side, and usually
made from goatskin. Higher boots were also worn,
some with ankle flaps fastened by toggles. Footwear
was sometimes decorated with embroidery.

Although some of it was made to be broken up and

melted down, Viking jewellery shows a high standard
of craftsmanship, employing nearly all techniques
that are still in use today. The pieces were cast or
hammered from a flat piece, the surfaces decorated
with engraving, filigree work or niello inlay - the only
unknown technique seems to have been enamelling.
Many bronze and silver artefacts were gilded.
Through their widespread trading the Vikings had
contact with many other cultures, and such influences are evident in their jewellery. The Celtic motif
of entwined beasts was imported from Ireland, but
the Vikings substituted their beloved dragons for the
human and dog figures of most Irish originals.
Frankish influence can be seen in the trefoil brooches
made mainly in Denmark; in Gotland Slavic forms
were copied.
Apart from their functions as decoration and means
of exchange, many pieces obviously had everyday
uses. Pins, clasps and brooches were needed to keep
garments together, the most striking being the large
"tortoise" brooches with which Viking women
fastened their apron-skirts. These were always in
matching pairs, often linked by chains of glass beads.

(Below) Children's clothes

were no different from those
of adults; these boys wear the
same combination of tunic,
trousers and cloak as their
fathers, although less decorative. It is likely that the
clothes of fast-growing young
children were hardly ever

dyed - that the boy at right

wears coloured clothes and
even leather shoes shows that
his parents must be wealthy.
The embroidery at the edges
of his cloak serves to fix the
hem, whereas that of the cloak
at left is purely decorative.

Jewellery was a flourishing trade. Pieces made by
silversmiths and goldsmiths, bronze casters, bone
carvers and glass bead makers were used for display,
as a store of wealth and as currency. Viking age
Scandinavia had few coins; payment was often by
barter, and if no exchange of goods could be agreed
then payment could be made with an appropriate
amount of precious metal - especially the necklaces
and bracelets typical of the period, either whole or cut
into smaller pieces. There was clearly no hesitation
about cutting up such "works of art"; so many Viking
hoards contain parts of larger artefacts which have
been broken up that archaeologists use the specific
term "hacksilver".


(Left) A selection of reproduction belt buckles and strap

ends as worn by the Vikings,
modelled on original finds.
The larger buckles incorporating a trefoil design are
probably Viking copies of
Irish originals; there was

much trade and contact

between Norway and the Irish
settlements, originally via the
Orkneys and the Hebrides.
Viking belts often had not
only a buckle and strap end
but also belt mounts - small
metal plates punched into the
leather strap.

Trefoil brooches were used by women to fasten a

short, shawl-like cape; cloaks were fastened with a
simple pin, a big ring pin, or a silver or bronze
Another piece of jewellery in everyday use was the
amulet, meant to protect the bearer and bring him
good luck. The most famous contemporary charm is
the "Thor's hammer", made from a variety of materials and in many styles - in bronze, silver or gold,
and/or combined with a chain - and apart from the
well-known abstract form there are also miniature
copies of real hammers. Other types of amulets are
also known. Christian Vikings wore crosses; a small
amber leg found at Haithabu is thought to be a good
luck charm; and there are finds of amber axeheads
and coiled snakes from Scandinavia, Ireland and the

(Left) Children making felt

balls. Felt is related to loden,
but the fibres are fulled
without spinning and weaving
them first. Rubbing wool
fibres in soapy water and
beating them into a mass
eventually produces, after

(Right) This felt trader's

display of goods shows how
many items in everyday use
can be made from felt - caps
with and without fur trim,
socks, shoe soles, toys and
lengths of cloth can be seen.
Felt was probably more often
home made than widely


drying, sheets of material

which can be handled like
woven cloth. The Vikings
made both felt and loden.
Most likely felt balls were as
common a toy as the wooden
animal figurines found at
Trondheim in Norway.

(Left) These brooches show

two different Viking decorative styles. The upper one is
copied from a find at
Lindholm Hoeje, and shows
the Urnes style - a development of the Ringerike style,
characterised by fluidly
curved lines of varying
widths. The Urnes style developed in the 11th century, and
did not feature the leaf motifs
of other Viking styles. The
lower brooch, of Jellinge style,
shows the "gripping animal"
motif so beloved by the
Vikings - an intertwined beast
grasps with its claws at its
own body or other elements
of the motif, such as the

(Below) Reconstructed
pendants of both Christian
and pagan origin. The upper
row show the most famous
symbol of Viking paganism,
the "Thor's hammer", found
in a wide variety of styles
both abstract (as here) and in
the form of realistic hammers.
Bottom left and right show an
interesting intermediate form,
reversed here: the cross was
actually worn like a Thor's
hammer, with the long arm
upward. The wolf's mask
which shows at the bottom
here was the point where a

(Left) A caped hood - of

which originals have been
found at Haithabu and other
sites - was the ideal complement for a tunic in bad
weather, covering the neck
and giving excellent protection; this basic design
survived all over Europe for
many centuries. A lining of
looser-woven cloth was not
uncommon; some even had a
filling of down between the
two layers.

chain or thong was threaded

through; the wolf was an
important pagan Viking
symbol. Bottom centre is from
an original found at Ribe,
Denmark, and depicts a
warrior with two birds on his
helmet - perhaps dedicated to
Odin, or even meant to represent Odin himself; two ravens,
two wolves, and an eightlegged horse are among
Odin's attributes. The shape
hints at the traditional misinterpretation of Viking helmets
as "horned".

(Above) Naalbinding, a
process using a long, thick
needle to loop a thread, gives
a result not unlike knitting equally elastic, though slightly
thicker. This woman wears a
simple linen tunic (presumably used as an undertunic

for most of the year) closed at

the neck with a small silver
pin. The linen is undyed, but
the silver bracelet and Thor's
hammer, amber necklace and
glass beads indicate that she is
not poor.


The Viking Woman

he Viking girl was married off early; the fact that

an Icelandic law fixes the marrying age for girls
at 12 years or more suggests that previously it
was not unknown to marry even younger. Questions of
relationships between clans played an important part in
arranging a marriage, which might cement an important regional alliance. This could bring more influence
in the thing or assembly, as the two clans were now
expected to support each other and to vote together.
The bridegroom had to pay a certain amount of money
to the father of the bride, as well as proving that he
could maintain his wife.
The clothing of the Viking woman was not inferior to
that of the men in decoration and material, a fact which
shows that they enjoyed high social status. Apart from
organising all aspects of the domestic life of the homestead and preparing the meals, the production of
clothes was their main task; the necessary techniques,
from spinning the yarn to dying and weaving, were
mainly practised in the home. If one keeps in mind that
a skilled spinner needs approximately ten hours to spin
the yarn for one simple tunic, it is clear which task filled
most of the woman's time.

(Left & above right) The

typical clothing of the Viking
wife. Here she wears a linen
undertunic, which would be
covered in colder weather by
a similar woollen tunic. Over
all she wears the suspended
"apron-skirt", the hangerock,
here in green with simple red
braid edging. The straps
attaching the front and back
panels of the hangerock are
fastened at the shoulder with
oval "tortoise" brooches. In
wintertime a doubled outer
tunic or coat could be worn
over the other clothing. Most
garments were of ankle
length, and some depictions
on runestones and jewellery
show even longer, trailing
dresses. The tunic could be
long-sleeved, short-sleeved or
sleeveless; a woman's arms
were considered a point of
attraction, and young women
probably preferred to show
them off when appropriate.
Married women tied their
hair up in a knot and covered
it with a headscarf; unmarried girls wore it loose, or
simply confined
with a piece of braid.
This woman has fixed
chains of glass beads and
amber pendants to her

"tortoise" brooches; amber

was thought to have magical
properties. The centrepiece of
the chains is a silver pendant
in the style of Jellinge,
showing the "gripping
animal". Pendants of this
type, made in various styles
and from gold, silver and
bronze, have been found in
Scandinavia, England, Ireland
and Russia.
The brooches themselves are
copied from a find from a
woman's grave in Norway.
The Jellinge-style pierced
decoration shows three interlaced ribbon-shaped beasts
with their heads in profile.
Most women must have
owned a pair of brooches to
fasten the hangerock, and
many different forms are
known; this particular style is
rather rare, however.
(Inset left) Among the many
duties of the Viking woman
was holding the keys for doors
and chests. These keys could
be hung by a thong or, as
shown here, a chain from one
of the "tortoise" brooches or a
separate brooch. The brass
key belongs to a chest; the
steel bar-key at right opens a
Viking-style padlock. The

illustrated scissors are typical

for the early Middle Ages;
finds range from a few
centimetres long, for needlework, to large clippers for
shearing sheep, and most are
forged from a single piece of
steel. Scissors have been
found among the belongings
of both men and women, but
small ones like these appear
only in the graves of women.
(Below) Reconstructions of
various clasps and brooches
worn by the Viking age

woman. The concave

"tortoise" brooches (top left &
right) are found nearly everywhere Vikings settled and in
all styles. The trefoil (top
centre) was used to fasten a
shawl at the breast. The
circular brooches below this
are characteristic of Finland,
and were also worn in pairs.
Animal mask brooches (bottom
left & right) were associated
with Gotland but are also
found elsewhere; apart from
these all the others are decorated in the Jellinge style.


Daily Life among the

Slaves and Free Men

iking society was divided into two groups: free, and

slave. Free men were allowed to carry weapons and
to own land, which gave them a vote in the thing or
assembly. These rights were denied to slaves; a slave was
the property of his master, who could kill him without
punishment as long as he openly admitted it. On the other
hand, the master was responsible for the slave's maintenance. A Scandinavian of the Viking age could be a slave
by birth, or could descend into slavery. Contemporary
authors tell of Vikings who lost home and hearth by
gambling, and risked their freedom as the last stake. A
woman could also lose her free status if she had relations
with a slave.

(Below) For the poorer class

the table may rarely have been
so well furnished. Hunger was
a constant threat; bad harvests
were common, and even in
good years the crop was only
twice the seed. Nevertheless,
in good times there were two
meals per day from the meat
of domesticated cows, sheep,
pigs, goats and horses as well
as from game such as deer,
boar, bear, elk and reindeer.
The kitchen garden gave peas,

onions, garlic and cabbage; in

the woods could be gathered
wild cherries, blackberries,
raspberries and strawberries,
and nuts. The milk of cows
and goats was used to make
butter and cheese; chicken
and geese gave both meat and
eggs. Fishing was naturally of
great importance to the
Viking table; the York excavations even discovered a sort
of production line for fish

(Above) A Viking child was

formally accepted into the
family only when the father
took it on his knee and called
it by its name. Sometimes a
family who could not feed a
newborn child would abandon
it; this was not actually
forbidden by law, but was
tolerated only if the child was
deformed or had not yet been

accepted into the family. This

infant is certainly in no
danger of such treatment; his
mother has taken trouble to
decorate his clothes and to
naalbind his socks. The
woman's headcloth or wimple
shows Anglo-Saxon influence;
perhaps this family live in the

Although a slave was not normally allowed to carry

weapons there were exceptions to this rule: if a farm was
attacked the slaves often fought in its defence at their
master's side. Sometimes slaves were given a share of the
harvest of the land they worked, and could buy their
freedom sooner or later. Even if they did, however, they
were hardly better off than before in terms of their daily
lives: without any land or capital they had no choice but to
hire out as labourers, doing the same work as before. Only
slaves who were given a piece of land or a greater sum of
money on being set free by their masters had a real chance
of improving their lot.
There is no information on how often slaves were set free
or bought their freedom, but it happened at least often
enough for there to be laws governing the procedure. The
Norwegian Frostathing law, written down in the 13th
century but probably regularising earlier custom, states
that the former slave must prepare a feast for his former

master; if the master did not come the seats of honour were
left empty. The freed slave and his family owed allegiance
to his former master for several generations, but could buy
himself out of this duty.
The price for a slave was calculated by age and strength
and also, for a female slave, by good looks. A boy cost three
goats; a grown man of good health and strength, a pound
of silver; and a beautiful woman much more.
The status of a free Viking depended on several things. A
landowner was regarded as superior to a landless man
serving another; a rich man was superior to a poor one; and
a member of an important family counted more than the
child of a less influential clan. Relationships were important to the Vikings; having the right connections assured
them of help in time of difficulty - the clan was obliged to
stand by its members. Fortunes and land were usually
inherited by family members so that they did not leave the
clan, and if a Viking was forced to sell his land out of need
then his relatives had the right to make the first bid.

Women's rights
As already mentioned, marriages were a question of family
policy, arranged at a clan level and fixed by contract rather
than being solely a private decision for bride and groom. It
was only in the Christian period that the Vikings accepted
that the bride should be asked for her consent; even so,
women's respected social status and their often robust
character suggest that forcing a betrothal against a
woman's fixed objection might be a perilous business.
Originally the bridegroom simply paid a price to the father
of the bride; later this sum was passed on to the bride as an
inheritance; and finally, the sum was given directly to the
bride by the bridegroom. This may have been the reason
why daughters received a lesser share of their fathers'
inheritance than sons, since their portion was partly settled
on marriage.
The fact that marriages were arranged should not be taken
to mean that the Viking woman was without rights; the
sagas are full of strong and fearless women. The housewife

(Above right) Inside the

house the cooking cauldron usually circular, with a round
bottom - was hung on a chain
from the roof; out of doors it
would hang from a tripod.
Note the construction of
interwoven, riveted iron

straps. In most Viking households the meals were cooked

over the fireplace in the hall,
at the centre of daily life.
Some finds at longhouse sites
show evidence of separate
rooms being used as kitchens.

(Right) Young boys started to

train in the handling of
hunting and fighting weapons
at an early age. Our little
Viking holds a children's
shield made from wickerwork,
and probably also owns a
wooden sword. During
winter, when most men

stayed close to home, fathers

taught their sons all they
needed to know to join a
raiding party when they were
thought ready - perhaps as
young as 12, and often by the
age of 15 years. However,
finds of toys prove that there
was still enough time for play.


was the unquestioned ruler of the household, and the keys

for all locks which she carried with her were the symbol of
her authority. Women had their own money, and could
inherit from their parents, husbands, or sons if these died
without wife or children. A widow was free to decide
whether she wanted to remarry or stay independent.
The Landnamabok, a saga of the settlement of Iceland,
tells the story of Aud, whose husband died. She then
married off her daughters to husbands on the Orkneys and
Faroes, and set of on an expedition with 20 free Vikings to
settle in Iceland. She seems to have been a historical
person around whom many tales were later invented; but
the core of all these tales is a free and independent woman
taking her fate into her own hands, and respected for it.

Most of the Scandinavian population gained their livelihood by farming, and due to the shortage of good land
their steadings were usually scattered quite far apart. Such
a farm consisted of a main building sheltering both man
and beast; combining the house and the byre had the
advantage that in winter the animals' presence would help


(Above left) Viking household goods included tableware and kitchenware made
from wood, iron, earthenware
and - among the rich precious metals and imported
Frankish glass. Our picture
shows several wooden bowls,
spoons of wood and horn,
pottery cups, a wooden chest,
a pan and a knife. The

Vikings also knew the cooper's

trade; note the tall cup and the
large bowl leaning against the
chest, the latter with iron
hooping. Small silver cups like
the one on the small box were
used by the wealthy even
before the Viking age, probably
for strong fruit wine; the original for this cup was found at

(Middle left) Frying pans

were made from an iron plate
with a light rim riveted onto a
long handle; the original of
this reconstruction was found
in Telemark, Norway. In the

foreground is an eating knife;

food was taken with the hands
or a spoon, and the knife was
used to cut meat. (Forks
would not become part of the
personal cutlery for centuries.)

(Left) During the winter the

Vikings spent their time in
carving, among other
pastimes, and items of daily
use were often decorated in
this way - it has been said that
"the medieval world abhorred

an undecorated surface".
One spoon found at Haithabu
features a dragon's-head
handle; this collection gives
an impression of how
personal spoons might be

(Right inset) The starting

positions of the tafl game; the
dark pieces are the defenders,
the larger one in the middle
the king. Boards were usually
made from wood, pieces from
clay, bone, walrus ivory,
amber, glass and other materials; there are finds from
Trondheim and the Faroes
among other places.

(Far right inset) A board

near the end of a game; here
the corners are not specially
marked, suggesting a game by
a variant of the rules under
which the king only has to
reach the edge of the board.

(Left) This re-enactor is

pictured in her larder. She
stores her supplies in pottery
jars, covered with pieces of
cloth weighted with glass
beads so that no vermin can
enter. The housewife was
responsible for storage and

supervision of the food

supplies, and had to plan
them so that they would last
over the winter. Often the
midwinter feast was the last
time before the spring thaw
that there was enough to eat
for everybody.

(Below) Pottery was a desirable traded item, and was

even imported from the
Rhineland. These pottery
bottles are just one example
of the large range of crockery
wares used in a Viking household for storage, preparation

and serving. The Vikings

used built-up coil techniques
for potting, or hollowed out
lumps of clay. The use of a
potter's wheel late in the
period is proved by a find
from Haithabu.

heat the building. In addition to the main building there

were often smaller houses for labourers, sheds and workshops; these might be partially dug into the ground so that
less material was needed to build them. The construction
of the main building depended on the available resources
of the area. If timber was plentiful locally then the houses
were log cabins. If trees were sparse, a framework of beams

Board games
The Vikings enjoyed
games and were
group of table-top tafl - games, played
between 7x7 and
seem to have been
very popular with
all classes. Many
boards and pieces
have been found, of qualities from the simplest to the
most precious; and one poem refers to the world as
"Odin's tafl-board".The rules do not survive completely,
but re-enactors have devised a reconstruction which
seems to work well.
The attacker, starting at the edges, tries to break the
defender's lines and capture his king, which starts in the
centre. The defender tries to take his king to safety by
moving him onto one of the four corner squares. Players
move their pieces alternately, the attacker usually
starting. Pieces may be moved horizontally or vertically
for any distance, but cannot jump over other pieces of

either side. The central square is the "throne" where

only the king may rest; all other pieces have to stop
before it or move across. The king is the only piece
which may move onto one of the corner squares.
Players "capture" the opponent's pieces by
surrounding them. A normal piece is captured if the
opponent positions one of his pieces on each of two
sides, either directly in front and behind or to the left
and right; or traps the piece up against the throne or a
corner square. The king has to be surrounded from all
four sides to be captured.


would be filled in with wickerwork, moss or peat, and clay;

and peat would replace logs as the main fuel. Daily life
went on around a central fire which served for heating and
cooking alike; a Viking's importance in the household
could be guessed by the distance of his sleeping place from
the fire. The furniture consisted of chests, benches and
stools, but it is impossible to say how they were distributed
in the house. There is mention of closed off cupboard-beds
used by married couples, but privacy for most was probably limited to curtains. For light there were lamps with oil
(Below) Women and men
were equally respected, but
their areas of life were strictly
separate. Spinning, weaving,
sewing, embroidery, brewing
and cooking were a woman's
daily round. Women's graves
contain kitchenware, spindles
and other household goods,
whereas weapons, hunting
and fishing items and tools
are found in the graves of
men. This hard-working

young wife, her hair modestly

covered by a scarf, wears the
simplest clothes and does not
own brooches or other
jewellery - yet: if her husband
gets a place on a successful
raiding expedition he will be
proud to bring her adornments. Incidentally, one Arab
traveller mentions Viking
women wearing attractive eye

(Above) Bread was not a

daily food to the Vikings, and
gruel was a much more
common way of eating
cereals. Made without yeast,
their unleavened bread could
not be stored as it quickly
went stale. Apart from barley,
the most important baking
flour of the Vikings, the

Ringsthula also mentions thin

wheaten bread eaten in the
houses of the rich; and a
bread find from Sweden
includes pea and pine bark
flour. Baking was a woman's
task at home; this Viking
baking his own simple flat loaf
is probably on a journey.

or simple tallow dips, later tallow candles, and for the rich,
wax candles.
The household goods would include pots of iron, earthenware and soapstone for cooking the two daily meals, iron
skewers, earthenware storage pots, wooden or horn
spoons, plates and bowls of wood or earthenware, and in
the richest households cups of silver or imported glass although Vikings commonly used a horn for drinking.
Knifes were not part of the household goods but belonged
to the individual, being carried at all times; they are found
in both women's and men's graves. For food there was the
meat of wild and domestic animals, fish, beans and peas,
greens, nuts, berries, and of course cereals, which were
cooked as gruel or hand-milled for flour to bake bread.

The beliefs of the pagan Vikings - a complex mythological
structure which can only be touched upon here - featured
a multitude of gods and goddesses divided between two
groups, the Aesir and Vanir. The Aesir, who lived in
Asgard, were the lords of the world; the Vanir dwelt with
them as a mixture of hostages and guests. The supreme

(Above) There are finds of

Viking age tents, used during
journeys, seasonal fishing and
gathering expeditions, etc.
(Top) These end frames,
decorated with beast-head

carvings, are taken from the

tents found with the Oseberg
ship. (Bottom) These carved
frame ends probably represent
Odin's ravens Hugin and

god of the Aesir was Odin, the One-Eyed, the Traveller, the
Spear-carrier, the god of heroes; he granted the warrior
luck in battle, but every so often he decided to withdraw his
favour, in order to gather the fallen hero to his own hall.
He knew that one day he would have to face his last battle
against the giants and the forces of darkness, and therefore
tried to gather all great heroes to the hall Valhalla, to feast
and prepare for the final battle - the Ragnarok.
With Odin stood Thor, the god of farmers, ruler of wind
and rain, thunder and lightning. Unlike the mysterious
Odin, who would do anything and suffer anything to
achieve his ends, Thor was honest, straightforward and
fearless, though sometimes destructively boisterous; he was
viewed with affectionate humour as well as awe. His
magical hammer Mjllnir enabled him to win every fight.
Loki was the element of chaos in the Nordic myths, not
only the trickster figure but tirelessly plotting the fall of the
gods. Baldur, the purest and most beloved of the gods,
died at the hands of a blind innocent tricked into it by
Loki. Loki was the father of monsters who would fight
against the gods at the Ragnarok: the Fenris wolf, chained
up for now at the price of Tyr the Swordsman's sacrificed

(Above) From the sagas we

know that the leader or ship's
captain used to sleep in a tent
when ashore while his crew
slept round the campfire in
the open. The reconstructed

furnishing of this tent is luxurious for the Viking age.

Apart from a bedstead, a
stool and a sea chest it has
a tapestry hanging, and furs
are strewn on the floor.

right hand, but destined to kill Odin; the Midgard serpent,

which would die under Thor's hammer in the last fight but
would kill him with its venom; Hel, the goddess of the
dead, half-woman, half-corpse. . .
Among all these dark apocalyptic visions the lovers Freyr
and Freya, brother and sister, stood out. They were Vanir,
members of an older and more peaceful race of gods; they
did not grant luck in battle, cleverness, success or power,
but presided over love and fruitfulness.
We know little about the ritual practices of the heathen
Vikings. They did not build temples but did homage to
their gods under the open skies; reports of these rituals are
often obscure and distorted, not least because they were
written largely by Christian monks. Adam of Bremen
described the great pagan holy place at Uppsala in about
1070, writing that a major ritual was held every nine years
at the spring equinox. During nine days nine male specimens of "every living creature" were sacrificed, and their
bodies hung from the trees of the sacred grove, "dogs and
horses side by side with men". In the end the number of
sacrifices totalled 72.
Other chroniclers also write of human sacrifices as the


highest form of homage accorded only to the most important gods; but they claim that Freyr preferred a stallion.
This may have been the reason why eating horseflesh was
explicitly forbidden to the early Scandinavian Christians;
the sacrificed animals were usually eaten by the celebrants
in the pagan sacrifice, the meat being believed to be a gift
in return for the life which the god had received.

Christian conversion
Scandinavia made contact with Christianity in the early
years of the Viking age, and attempts to convert the Vikings
were soon made, both at home and in their settlements
overseas. These missionaries met with little success, and
often enough with martyrdom. However, the Vikings
became interested in trading with Christians; and as these
equally interested potential trade partners were often
forbidden to do business with pagans, a solution was found
in the "first blessing". The Viking in question would be
told of the Christian beliefs and would receive a blessing;
this made him acceptable to Christians for business
purposes, but - since he had not been baptised - he could
continue to follow the old gods without any problems of
When the Scandinavian countries were united as kingdoms the Christians pursued their usual tactic: they
converted the king - for example, Harald Bluetooth, king of
Denmark, in 965 - and left it up to him what method he
chose to spread the new faith among his people. If he tried
to convert them at the point of the sword, then on his soul
be it; there were a number of bloody revolts over forced
(Below) It is not unlikely that
this girl would have spun the
wool for her grey-dyed tunic
herself - this was often children's work. She would
certainly have known how to
cook and bake, and might

have had her first practical

lessons in weaving. Her
parents might already have
their eyes open for a suitable
boy of influential family to
marry her when she reaches
her mid-teens.

(Above) This woman checks

whether her pot is watertight
- it would have been treated
with a mixture of dairy products to achieve this. Note the
riveted plate construction
and the dished lower plate.
Against the cold she wears
a leather cap with fur trim,

and a caped hood made from

cloth of different colours.
Although today's re-enactors
camp in their tents even in
winter, this was not the Viking
custom. Parties who had to
winter on a strange coast built
themselves houses, as told in
the Greenland saga.

mass conversion. By c.1000 Norway, Iceland, Greenland,

Orkney and the Faroes were all nominally converted.
Only in Iceland did Christianity come peacefully, by a
vote of the allthing, and at first the old believers were only
asked to serve their gods out of sight. Several years later
paganism was banned by another vote of the assembly.
Nevertheless, the Nordic religion lived on in Scandinavia
until the 12th century, Finland becoming the last bastion
of the followers of Thor and Odin.

(Above) This well-dressed

Viking child enjoys watching
some game or competition perhaps wrestling or skill at
arms among the menfolk;

perhaps dancing, which was a

common part of Viking festivities; or perhaps she is just
listening to a skald - minstrel recounting a saga.

(Above left) This highly

carved drinking horn (foreground) might have been used
at Viking feasts; some drinking
horns were richly mounted
with silver rims and tips. The
usual alcoholic drinks were
mead, fermented from honey,
and a beer made from water
and malt only. Viking drinking
habits are suggested by the

fact that both drinking horns

and "turn-over cups" could
only be put down when they
were empty. A Swedish runestone depicts two men at a
game, one of them drinking
from a horn. The plainer horn
in the background represents
those blown to sound alarms
or pass signals at a distance, in
war, hunting or travelling.

(Middle left) Millstones were

made from basalt; especially
desirable was the black basalt
of the Eifel region, imported
from the Franks. Analysis of a
surviving piece of Viking age
bread from Sweden included
many small stone fragments,
presumably worn off the mill-

stone. Preparing large

amounts of flour with hand
mills like this is tedious and
tiring work - which is perhaps
part of the reason why the
Vikings usually ate gruel, for
which the cereals only have to
be ground coarsely.

(Left) Leather bottles like

these were used to carry water
on journeys. To make a bottle
like this two pieces of leather
were sewn together round the
edge and soaked in water; then
they were filled with sand, and

left to dry. Afterwards the

sand was removed and the
bottle was filled with wax,
which was later melted out
again; this makes it completely
watertight. Stoppers were of
wood or rolled leather.


Traders and Craftsmen

t cannot be repeated too often that although the

Norsemen earned their fearsome reputation by
looting and killing, Scandinavian traders travelled as widely as raiders throughout this period.
Plundering could bring a quick fortune, but only
peaceful trade could ensure a steady supply of the
desired goods. One of these was Arabian silver, for
which the Vikings traded slaves, furs, honey,
Norwegian soapstone, wax and weapons - either
manufactured in Scandinavia or acquired by force
during their long trading voyages. They bartered not
only raw materials and finished goods but also tools
and "blanks" for later finishing.
Their intensive traffic along all main trading routes
between Iceland and the Caspian Sea also brought to
northern and eastern Europe luxury goods from
western European, e.g. Friesian cloth, black basalt
from the Eifel, wine, and glass, as shown by many
finds on the sites of the Viking trading centres at
Birka, Kaupang, Gotland and Haithabu.
Many traders should more correctly be termed
"trader-farmers"; they often owned productive land

in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland or Greenland,

as well as settling along the trading routes to found
new Viking villages and trading posts where materials
were worked or finished.
The first Viking trading centres had already reached
their prime by the 9th century, and often came under
the special protection of the Norwegian, Swedish and
Danish kings.
Some of the later centres, like
Haithabu, were even founded by kings, because the
taxes paid to them by the traders quickly paid for the
investment. At Birka, for example, the Swedish king
had a three-day option to buy all newly imported
goods, ensuring him the best quality and good prices.
Haithabu, one of the main European trading centres
between 800 and 1066, counted about 1,000 inhabitants at its peak. Situated close to the Danewerk, the
border between Denmark and the Slavs and Franks,
it connected western Europe to the trade routes
across the Baltic Sea. A nearby port on the North
Sea, only 20km (12.4 miles) away, made it unnecessary for Irish and English traders to sail around the
Jutland peninsula.
Gotland is supposed to have been the centre of trade
in the Baltic Sea. Here archaeologists have found
about half of the total number of 20,000 silver coins
of Frankish, Arabian and Anglo-Saxon origin recovered in all Scandinavia. The inhabitants of Gotland
had extraordinary seafaring skills even by the standards their fellow Vikings and were famous for the
high quality of their ships, allowing them to range far
afield - and their ships were fast enough to escape
pirates. Excavations at Birka near Stockholm in
Sweden, a trading city connecting Eastern trading
routes with Haithabu in the 8th to 10th centuries,
have recovered trade goods including wine, pottery,
bronze dishes, weapons and silk, and iron was probably traded here too. However, the main income of

(Left) With luck a Viking

trader could earn a fortune
within a short time, and he
would show his wealth by
wearing expensive clothing
and jewellery. The quickest
and most dangerous way of
getting rich was the slave trade
with Arab countries; the
"stock" was usually collected
by force on the way down the

Russian rivers to Byzantium.

Our trader wears a highly
decorated red tunic, and a
cloak made of so much cloth
that it can be doubled at the
shoulders. Mainland
European merchants thought
Viking traders shifty and
untrustworthy, but admired
their skills.

(Above) Reconstruction of
the folding scales used by
Viking traders. Although they
were probably of Eastern
origin, these scales were used
from Russia to the British
Isles and have been found at

Smolensk and Dublin, among

other sites. This pair is rather
plain; Viking scales were often
richly ornamented, with
engraved decoration to the

the Birka traders was from the fur trade. Birka had
its own assembly; and - as indicated in manuscripts
by missionaries who tried to convert the local population - it had connections to Dorestad, a trading
centre in today's Netherlands.
In addition to the big trading centres a large
number of seasonal market places catered for more
local trade; examples are Kaupang in Norway and
Moosgard in Denmark. Here goods from England
and Ireland - including jewellery, found in many
local graves - were bartered for furs, raw hides,
walrus tusks and walrus hide ropes with traders from
the north. With their capture of York the Danish
Vikings also took over an important and long-established Anglo-Saxon trading centre. The Vikings also
founded many trading posts in their conquered territories, e.g. Dublin, Limerick, Cork, Wexford and
Waterford in Ireland.
Haithabu is thought to be the birthplace of
Scandinavian coinage. Silver was the preferred
medium of exchange, and coins came to Scandinavia
from the Arabs and Franks. Their value was calculated by their weight in silver, so cannot be compared
to modern currencies. As already mentioned, the
Scandinavians used jewellery such as rings, bracelets,
chains and pendants as currency - whole, or cut into
pieces. Many Viking hoards found at former trading
posts contain large quantities of this "hacksilver"
together with foreign silver coins. For example, ten
chickens cost a gram of silver; two pounds of grain,
3g; a coat, 12g; a shield and spear, 140g; and a mail
shirt, 820 grams.
Wherever traders settled they would be accompa-

(Above) Viking trader using

his scales to weigh payment.
As coins were not yet
common in Scandinavia the
medium would often be
precious metals, which had to
be weighed on the spot. The
weights used for this were
usually transported together
with the scales in a special

leather bag or box. One such

box found in Sweden bears a
spell threatening that the
"corpse cuckoo" will feed on
the body of any thief. Our
trader probably hails from the
Danelaw, as he wears a
"Phrygian" cap in AngloSaxon style.

nied by a variety of craftsmen adapting their work to

the requirements of the merchants, who supplied the
necessary raw materials if they could not be found
locally. Viking craftsmen were highly skilled and
developed a variety of different styles over the
centuries, which can be seen in surviving woodcrafts
and jewellery. The styles of Bro, Oseberg, Borre,
Jellinge, Mammen, Ringerike and Urnes have been
distinguished, evolving from one another and influenced by encounters with non-Scandinavian 79

(Left) Glass beads were

popular as jewellery and as
trading goods. To make them,
raw glass was melted in pots
and cast into sticks. These
were then heated again and
wrapped around an iron rod
to make a bead - it is this step
which is illustrated here. To
make multi-coloured beads

several sticks of different

colours were combined or
threads of coloured glass were
inserted (the technique
termed today millefiori). On
the board at the upper left we
see pieces of raw glass, as they
were found in Jutland and
Gotland; these were probably
imported from northern Italy.

western Europe, heated, drawn into long strings, and

then cut into beads; often glass of different colours
was mixed to give more colourful beads. Amber from
the Baltic Sea and jet from northern England - both
believed to have magic properties - were used both
for jewellery and for small items like pieces for tafl


The Vikings had blacksmiths, potters, bone and
horn carvers, stonemasons, makers of glass beads,
bronzesmiths, silversmiths, weavers, dyers, and
tanners. To make glass beads - an expensive jewellery
in the Viking age - broken glass was imported from
(Right) During the Viking
age Scandinavia began to
strike coins, which were
already in longtime use in
western Europe. It was in
around 825 that the first coins
were minted in Denmark,
probably to ease trade with
the Franks. The tools shown
here include several coin dies
and blanks. The blanks were
placed between two dies
which were struck with a
hammer. Sometimes the
blanks were so thin that they
could only be struck on one
side because the punched
pattern would go through to
the other side (coins of this
type are termed bracteats by


Many crafts were known in almost every household

and practised during the long, hard winters in areas
of Viking settlement. Archaeological finds show us
women making wool and linen cloth and men
making baskets or carving wood and bone. The
carving of bone and walrus ivory was very widespread, producing belt buckles, strap ends and
combs. Finds of bone combs of Viking origin all over
Europe show the popularity of these items; some,
carved from deer antlers, are made of several separate pieces - side plates, teeth plates, etc. - and are
found with a case also made from antler. (There is

(Right, above & below)

Smithies, to meet everyday
requirements, are found at the
majority of Scandinavian farm
sites. In Norway blacksmiths'
graves have yielded several
types of chisel, files, hammers
of different sizes, sledge
hammers, anvils, and tools for
making nails and wire and for
casting. One blacksmith was
buried with his products
including four swords, four
spearheads, seven axes, two
shield bosses and 13 arrowheads; the pattern-welded and
silver-inlaid spearheads show
that even complex techniques
were known to a simple
village blacksmith. Raw iron

was stored in the form of

bars; another Norwegian find
shows 137 of these bars in
varying sizes. Large finds of
slag prove the production of
iron in Norway, and the trade
in raw iron and unfinished
items like axeheads or sword
blades is proved by a find of
12 axeheads with a pine staff
threaded through all of them;
these were washed ashore in
Jutland and are thought to
have been produced in
Norway. Here one of our
blacksmiths is blowing up his
furnace with bellows, while
the other forms the tang of a
knife on his anvil.

an Anglo-Saxon text which complains about the

Vikings' unfair advantage in attracting Saxon women
due to their vain habit of bathing and dressing their
hair every week...)
Almost all households, especially isolated farms, had
their own smithies where everyday tools could be
forged. Finds prove that tools, wire, nails, hinges and
other fittings could be made and repaired in these
household smithies. The blacksmith's tools included
anvils, hammers, pliers, files, metal shears, chisels
and punches as well as special tools to make nails and
draw wire. Professional blacksmiths, whether travelling journeymen or established at a trading centre,
often specialised in a single technique such as making
mail or weapons.
(Below) The original of this
hearthstone is thought to be
from Norway or southern
Sweden. The face is assumed
to represent the god Loki, who
was the god of fire among
other things and therefore had

a special relationship to blacksmiths. The lines through his

mouth are an allusion to a
tale in which Loki got his
mouth sewn closed because of
a lost bet.


(Below) Fishing equipment,

including all the tools necessary to spin yarn and to make
nets - spindles, spools of
thread, shuttles and scissors.
Hooks were made from wood,
horn or metal, and several
were fixed to one line. At
right foreground are five

weights as used to hold down

nets which spanned rivers.
Little fishing kit has survived
from the Viking age, but
textual references prove that
fishing was practised with rod
and line as well as with nets,
at sea and on the lakes and

(Left) Fishing was a major

source of food for the
Scandinavian peoples. The
population of Haithabu are
known to have had more than
20 different sorts of fish on
the menu, including both
fresh water and salt water
varieties. Fish was preserved
by salting, drying or smoking,

which allowed it to be traded.

Fishing was performed by
throwing nets from small
boats or, if local tidal streams
made it feasible, by setting
nets across the waterway to
catch fish at low water.
Bigger fish were also speared
from the banks of the rivers.

(Above) This net made from

a forked branch is used for
landing fish caught with rod
or line. In the left back-

ground stands a small lidded

wooden tub of the type used
in Scandinavia for holding all
kinds of small odds and ends.

Evidence of metal casting has been found by

archaeologists at all major trading posts. The variety
of produced items ranges from rare and expensive
gold and silver jewellery to cheap mass produced
wares. The metal was melted in a charcoal furnace
powered by bellows. The piece was first formed from
wax and this master was embedded in clay. When the
clay mould had hardened the wax was melted out
and the resulting space was filled with molten metal

(Below) Bone and antler

were much used for everyday
items. The bones used
included those of whales,
from which large, flat pieces
could be cut. The deer
antlers used for carving did
not have to be from hunted

game, but could be simply

collected in the forest after the
annual cast. The tools
pictured here are suitable for
carving bone and wood: saw,
whetstones, hammer and

(Above) Comb carved from

bone (bottom centre), plane,
whetstone, knives, file and
auger. The bone carver used
the auger to drill fixing holes
into belt buckles and strap
ends; to make an openwork
carving he would first drill a
hole through his material and

then continue carving from

there. The comb illustrated
has a fitted case made similar
to the comb side plates.
Combs of this type are found
all over Europe, and were one
of Scandinavia's main

(Below) Some established

trading posts even boasted
small huts which new arrivals
could rent for a time; but
normally the trader would
simply raise his tent, or sell
his goods directly from the
ship. Here a traveller has set
out his various trade goods
including furs, shoes, blankets
and weapons; his wife guards

the stock while he is off

scouring the camp for
customers. The tent form is
typical for the Viking age: two
triangular frames linked by
three parallel horizontals, the
canvas fixed to the frame with
ropes. This type of tent was
originally found on the
Oseberg ship.


- the so-called lost wax method. When the metal was

cold the clay was broken off, and the piece finished
by filing, adding pins, gilding, etc. Simpler items
could themselves be pressed into clay to make
moulds for mass produced castings.
Viking craftsmen were very inventive, always developing new products, styles and methods of production. But it often took a hundred years or more for
a new technique to be spread across the borders of
the region by travelling craftsmen and traders, so
technological progress was slow. Indeed, craftsmen
often deliverately held back from spreading new
inventions so as to avoid competition for their wares.

(Above) Every item seen here

was made from bone, horn or
antler. The list ranges from
weaving tablets, needles,
combs, rings, needlecases and
a "weaving sword" to strap
ends, jewellery and dice.
Finds have also included bone
beads, belt buckles, buttons,
chess pieces, knife handles,


cloak pins, tools for

smoothing cloth, sword crossguards, and chest panels for
fitting into a metal framework. In the early medieval
period all Europeans made
from bone the thousand and
one small items of daily
necessity which today we
make from plastic.

(Below left) This craftsman

owns a tool which was relatively rare in Viking times: a
saw. The only craft for which
this was absolutely necessary
was comb-carving; other
craftsmen could make do with
various straight blades. The

chests in front of him were

used both as sea chests and
rowing benches by travelling
Vikings, which accounts for
the trapezoid-shaped sides;
they could be fastened with a

(Below) A woman's sewing

kit. Pins and needles were
made from bone and would
only become smooth with
regular use. Because needles
broke easily, especially at the

points, the Vikings made

needle cases from long bones
- that illustrated here was
made from the foreleg of a

(Above) On the farm shoemaking was a homecraft, but

there is plentiful evidence that
at the major centres it was a
commercial trade performed
by specialists; Haithabu and
(Right) Various reconstructed
shoes of the 7th to 11th
centuries. (Top left) High
boot, as originally found at
Haithabu. (Centre, left to
right): Decorated, side-laced
ankle boot from Starja
Ladoga; shoe from Haithabu;
ankle-high shoe from
Norwich, the flaps to be
fastened with toggles. (Bottom
left to right); Similar to
Norwich example, the original
found at York; decorated shoe
found at Ballymacob; shoe
from Middleburg, lined with
lambswool. Varying shapes
and decoration suggest that
shoes, as well as clothing,
were influenced by local
custom and styles, although it
is quite unrealistic to speak of
"fashion" in the modern

Birka have provided many

finds of shoes and leather
offcuts. Our shoemaker is
putting the upper leather of a
shoe onto a last to make it fit
the form of a foot.

(Above) The shoemaker's

wife is perforating the edges
of the sole to make it easier to
sew to the upper. Footwear
of this period were "turnshoes", i.e. the seams were on

the inside. Although fitted

only with a simple leather sole
these shoes are warm enough
to be worn in winter if
provided with a felt inner sole;
they also give a good grip.


he Vikings had an oral tradition; their system of

runic characters was originally used mainly for
magical inscriptions and for the shortest texts. It
was only later contact with Christianity which introduced
literacy to Scandinavia. The interpretation of pagan Viking
culture is thus a problem for historians, as there are few
written documents.
Runestones are among the most important textual finds
of the Viking age because - in contrast to the major texts
such as the Landnamabok, Iceland Saga and Prose Edda,
which were written down after the actual Viking age to
record tales which had only been passed down orally up to
then - runestones were genuinely contemporary. They
were carved by the Vikings themselves as a permanent
record of events, as memorials to the dead, or to make
other types of formal public statement.
Of course, even the analysis of all known surviving runestones would not give us a complete picture of Viking
culture; but each stone illuminates some small aspect of a
society which we would otherwise know only in the words
of its enemies and victims.
For example, a Viking woman is recorded as setting up a
runestone in memory of her missing son: this shows us that
she could undertake an independent, public project and be
reported as its initiator, and that she was wealthy enough
to pay the craftsman to carve the inscription. Moreover, in
times when men disappeared on raiding parties never to
return, the setting up of a memorial stone may have
marked an official declaration of death for inheritance
purposes. The circumstances of a violent death, which are
often set down on such stones, also throw light on the
sense of honour governing behaviour among peoples who
were often dismissed by (not unnaturally) biased
foreigners as barbaric and treacherous.
Their reputation for anarchic individualism is also contradicted by the number of runestones set up to record a
public service. In Scandinavia there was no centrally


organised road construction, and the individual was

responsible for maintaining the roads crossing his land. A
Viking taking the trouble or expense to build a bridge or a
length of new road would set up a runestone so that the
public knew who deserved the credit. (The carver of the
stone itself also usually recorded his name.)

The runic alphabet

The interpretation of runestones is made especially difficult
by the fact that the alphabet of 16 runes used by the Vikings
does not have enough characters to cover all the sounds of
the Nordic tongue. A single rune served for several sounds;
and, as there was no standard notation but every word was
written phonetically, a single word can have several rune
notations - and these are often influenced by dialects.
Moreover, double consonants were often contracted to a
single mark; e.g. if one word ended with N and the next
word started with N, only a single N-rune was marked.
To add to the difficulty, runes were often integrated into
pictorial carvings; the most typical are snakes and dragons
with the runes engraved along their entwined bodies. If the
artist had miscalculated the length of the text the remaining
runes were squeezed somewhere in between - and the
chaos for the translator is complete. It is hardly surprising
that translations of the same text by different scholars often
include not only slight differences in wording, but
completely different meanings, neither one of which is
obviously the less convincing.
The runestones do clearly demonstrate that the Vikings,
despite their oral culture, were by no means completely
illiterate. There is no sense in setting up a public
announcement which none of your neighbours can understand. Those who went to the trouble and expense of
erecting them presumably expected that a considerable
number of passers-by would know how to read them, or
would know somebody else who could. However, neither
such stones - nor the carved sticks which were used to pass

runic inscriptions from

hand to hand - were a suitable medium for recording
the details of personal or
family history at any
length. For such a purpose
the ancient oral tradition of
heroic poetry, passed down
the generations by bards,
was both more practical
and more appropriate to
the Viking character - they
would have had little
sympathy for the Roman
historian Tacitus' declared
goal of recording the cold
facts "with neither anger
nor enthusiasm".

(Right) All over northern

Europe archaeologists have
identified the runestones used
by Vikings as a permanent
record of some public
announcement or important
private event. After the runic
characters were chiselled into
the stone they were often
coloured to make them stand
out; and sometimes words
were distinguished from one
another by the use of alternating colours. One of the
most famous and eloquent
examples is a marble lion
statue which used to stand in
the Greek port of Piraeus
near Athens. It bears two
lines of a Norse runic inscription, now almost completely
worn away, but once
scratched into the stone as
graffiti by some Viking
mercenary fighting for
Byzantium - a vandal, but not
an illiterate one. . .


The Normans

he major Christian power at the time of the emergence of the Vikings from their northern mists was
the so-called Carolingian Empire. Founded in the
mid-8th century by the Frankish King Pepin, this was led
to its greatest prestige by King Charles the Great
("Charlemagne"), who was crowned Holy Roman
Emperor in 800. From its heartland between the Rhine
and Meuse it had spread to embrace most of continental
western Europe, from the Atlantic to Bohemia and from
the North Sea to Rome.
Trading connections between Scandinavia and the Franks
via Friesia on the North Sea coast predated the first Norse
raids on the empire; but an attack by King Godfred's
Danish Vikings on Friesia in 810 started a plague which
would afflict the continent for a century and a half. From
the death of the Emperor Louis I in 840 central authority
weakened; from 887 the empire formally split into French
(Left) Most speculation
about the early Norman
fighting man is based on the
Bayeux Tapestry depicting the
conquest of England in 1066.
Norman knights are shown
heavily armoured with nasal
helmets, mail hauberks with
coifs, and carrying the long
kite- shaped shield which

became common in the 11th

century. The 11th century
ringmail hauberk was kneelength or even longer, split
front and back for riding,
with sleeves at least to the
elbow; there is also some
evidence for mail leggings to
protect riders' legs.

and German kingdoms; Frankish military preparedness

decayed, at exactly the time when it was needed most.
In 834 Dorestad was devastated; in 841, Rouen; in the
years which followed cities far up the Garonne and the
Seine were plundered, among them Paris in 845, 857 and
886. Like the Anglo-Saxons before them, the Franks under
Charles "the Bald" tried to buy peace by paying danegeld to
the Vikings; just the first of 13 payments recorded between
845 and 926 amounted to 3500kg (7,7001bs) of silver.
Predictably, these subsidies only bought a short respite;
Hamburg was plundered by Vikings in 845, Cologne in
862/863, and Trier in 882. Neither was the Atlantic coast
(Below) While light troops
like bowmen, and some
poorer mercenaries, still went
into battle wearing tunics or,
at best, padded gambesons,
the bulk of the battle line
would now have been
equipped with ringmail. We
can assume that William the
Conqueror provided at least
his own household troops
with this expensive piece of
equipment. Although some
of these re-enactors still wear
the old-fashioned shorter

corselet, the second and third

from the left show the longer,
split-skirted defence. Their
helmets are a variety of
different spangenhelms, all
with nasal protection. The
Saxon huscarls, too, would
have worn ringmail and
helmets, and many were
armed with the long Danish
axe. On the Bayeux Tapestry
most Norman knights are
armed with swords and
spears, only a few carrying
axes and saxes.


of the empire safe: in 835 an island monastery in the mouth

of the Loire was plundered, and ten years later the Vikings
rowed up the river to pillage Nantes.
In the middle years of the 9th century the Christian inhabitants of the empire suffered repeated massacre, pillage
and destruction, to the extent that large areas of the
Frankish kingdoms became depopulated by mass flight.
Although the empire could field the first seeds of what
would become the classic heavy armoured cavalry of
western Europe, it was weakened by the collapse of central
authority; by a strained exchequer after it ceased its earlier
wars of expansion and conquest; and by the simultaneous
distraction of a Moslem threat from the south.
Payment of danegeld developed into the actual ceding of
Frankish territory for Viking settlement. In the mid-9th
century the island of Walcheren in Friesia was granted to
the Danes in return for protection against further Viking
attacks. In 911 Rolf, the leader of a Viking army which had
plundered northern France, was granted the area between
the rivers Bresle, Epte, Avre and Dives as a fief from King
Charles III "the Simple" of the West Franks, in return for
his sworn loyalty and military support. Rolf converted to
(Left) Although many variations of detail are probable,
the most typical helmet for
the era of the Norman
Conquest was probably the
spangenhelm with nasal, as
depicted in many period
sources; its construction
would have been quicker and


cheaper than a helmet

"drawn" over a stake by
hammering a single sheet of
metal. This reconstructed
example is worn with a close
mail coif which leaves only
the face exposed, though
protected by the broad nasal.

Christianity, taking the name Rollo, and Normandy served

as a buffer zone against further Viking attacks. His son,
Duke William I, received further territory.
The new settlers from Scandinavia mixed with the existing
Gallo-Roman and Germano-Frankish strains. This was
achieved more readily in the central region around Rouen
than on the coastal fringes, and Normandy was not finally
unified until 1047, when a rebellion by coastal lords was
put down by Duke William II "the Bastard" and King
Henry I of France. Henry's attempts to conquer his overmighty Norman vassal in 1054 and 1057 failed, cementing
William's position.
The death of the Anglo-Saxon King Edward "the
Confessor" in 1066 sparked the events leading to a Norman
expansion all over Europe. Duke William had been
promised the throne of England by his kinsman Edward;
when his claim was usurped by the great Saxon magnate
Earl Harold Godwinsson, William landed an invasion force
on the south coast of England on 28 September 1066. A
competing attempt was made by "the last of the Vikings",
King Harald Hardrada of Norway, who landed on the
Yorkshire coast. Harold Godwinsson defeated the Viking
army, then force-marched south to meet the Norman
threat. The last Saxon king of England was killed and his
army defeated at Hastings on 14 October; the Norman
duke - descended over a few generations from the pagan
Viking raider Rolf, but now a Frankish nobleman in all but
name - was crowned King William I of England on
Christmas Day in Westminster Abbey.
From the mid-11th century their extraordinary energy,
hardihood, greed and quarrelsomeness spread the rule of
restless Norman barons across a great part of Europe.
Though they had long forgotten their ancestral culture,
men who could trace their paternal blood to Rolf's plunderers seized power as far south as Sicily and the Balkans;
Norman knights put an end to Byzantine predominance in
the Mediterranean, and launched the First Crusade in the
Holy Land. A new age of the world was growing out of the
long confusion of post-Roman Europe; and with every
generation the Vikings receded further into heroic legend.

(Above) This Norman reenactor can be seen to wear a

gambeson beneath his mail - a
necessary defence against the
impact of blows ("blunt
trauma"), since the rings
themselves only give protection against cuts. Without

padding to cushion and spread

the impact, the crushing force
of, e.g., a Danish axe - which
could actually dismember men
and horses - would still break
major bones, and force split
mail rings deep into the flesh
(Left) Period depictions show
what re-enactors have learned
for themselves: that the only
comfortable way to carry a
mail shirt is slung on a pole
through the sleeves. The
special dynamics of the
distribution of its weight also
make a long hauberk very
difficult to put on or pull off
without help. Note here the
split upwards from the hem
to allow riding, and an added
flap of mail on the chest
which was laced upwards to
protect the face.


(Above) The so-called "kite"

shield, which slowly replaced
the old round type throughout
much of Europe during the
11th century, covered the
whole front of the bearer's
body from chin to ankle, with
a slightly dished cross-section
to give even better protection.
It was made from several
glued planks, and probably

covered with leather and

rimmed with leather or iron
to stop the wood from splintering. Contemporary depictions show shields both with
and without bosses. Shield
decorations on the Bayeux
Tapestry feature the Christian
cross as well as dragons,
griffons and floral motifs.

(Above right) The long

shield was carried by a
number of leather straps that
could be gripped in different
ways to lift and move the
shield. The weight of the
shield could be transferred to
the shoulders by a sling.
Although it is most likely that
the shield was carried vertically in the fight, pictures also

show warriors holding it horizontally. There are no 11th

century finds of such shields,
and reconstructions are based
on contemporary pictures
and 13th century originals.
To make carrying the shield
more comfortable padding
has been added here to the
inside surface under the
leather straps.

(Right) A slight variation of

the shield grips; and detail of
a reconstructed Norman
sword. These were longer
than their Viking predecessors;
often used from horseback,
they had to give a longer
reach. The larger crossguard

and pommel, which were slid

onto the tang of the sword
and welded in place, balance
the weight of the longer blade
around its centre of gravity,
making it still controllable
with one hand.

(Above & right) Three

stages in donning the typical
Norman head protection.
Some kind of padded cap is
the necessary first step, made
from thick woollen cloth,
leather or linen; it performs
the same protective function
as the gambeson beneath the
mail corselet, and also stops
the wearer's hair getting
caught in the mail coif or
hood worn over it. In the

11th century this was already

seen attached permanently to
the hauberk, but separate coifs
were also in use. The lower
face is then covered with a
square flap of mail, attached
to the breast along its lower
edge and - presumably - laced
up to the coif. Finally the
helmet is put on, this example
being the typical European
spangenhelm with nasal.


Norman Cavalry
t the decisive battles of Val-s-Dunes in 1047 and
Hastings in 1066 the Normans successfully deployed
their knights as cavalry. The hard core of William the
Conqueror's army can rightfully be called "knights", as the
feudal system was already entrenched: a pyramid of mutual
obligation based on sworn loyalty and land tenure, the land
grant providing the revenue which equipped the vassal knight
to fulfill his military duties when summoned by his lord, and
freeing him from most mundane daily concerns.
During his childhood the future Norman man-at-arms was
trained for war both formally and by hunting from horseback
in rough terrain. By about 12 years of age the son of a knight
was familiar enough with the handling of horses and weapons
to begin his duties as a squire, the servant/apprentice of a
knight. He might be knighted by his lord at around the age of
21; if an elder son, he might marry and settle down on his
family land; if landless, he might take paid service with a lord.
It was this type of young men who followed William to England
in 1066 to seek their fortunes.
The cavalry was probably deployed in groups of 25 to 50
riders; and during the early Middle Ages these units operated
with much less co-ordination, once launched into battle, than
would satisfy later ideas of "command and control". The individual fighting man would use his weapon according to his
own judgement. The spear was probably used for stabbing
both overarm and underarm, rather than levelled for the coordinated frontal charge of later periods.
Cavalry were mainly used for flank attacks, or for exploiting
gaps hacked in the enemy formations by the infantry, to turn a
moment of wavering into rout and defeat. Frontal attacks on
an unbroken enemy force would be costly; the unarmoured
horses were vulnerable to arrows, and at close range to javelins
and spears. It is, in any case, almost impossible to make a
horse charge right into a standing formation like a shield wall;
at Hastings the Norman cavalry would have been reduced to
riding up and down in front of the Saxon shields, stabbing
down with their spears or throwing them like javelins in
attempts to break the line.
Once the fighting opened out, however, a horse's herd
instincts would make it run with the others, and with foot
soldiers; and once the enemy were put to flight cavalry were
ideal for pursuing the fugitives to prevent them from rallying,
cutting them down left and right. Riders were also used for
reconnaissance, as foragers to commandeer supplies, and as
raiders to ravage the enemy's territory.
Training and maintenance of war horses was costly, and
cavalry were precious to a commander; therefore they were
usually held back behind the foot troops out of range of missile
weapons, and only deployed when they were sure of a decisive

(Left & inset) The 11th century

Norman cavalryman probably did
not look very different, in terms of
clothing and armour, from any
other fully equipped northern
European warrior. Judging by the
Bayeux Tapestry he was armed
with both lance and sword
(though there is an isolated image
of an armoured rider with a bow).
His armour consisted of helmet
and ringmail hauberk, and a slung
kite-Shaped shield protected his
whole left side down to the foot.
Such evidence as we have suggests

that shield motifs at this date were

purely decorative; the complex
medieval system of heraldic identification had not yet appeared.
When fighting he controlled his
horse with one hand and by the
pressure of his legs and spurs.
The detail shows the stirrup, here
reconstructed with a leather
socket laced on for resting the
ferrule of the lance while riding.
Simple iron spurs of the era
recovered by archaeologists are
straight with small pointed tips.

(Above) Seen from behind, our

cavalryman shows the necessity
for the central splits from the hem
of the mail hauberk - they allow
the mail to fall smoothly over the
thigh when the rider is in the
saddle. Some knights are also
shown wearing protective mail

leggings. Note the neckguard of

the helmet; some images in the
Bayeux Tapestry show this type of
rear bar protection. The clothing
of our man-at-arms is simple,
consisting of a tunic, trousers, leg
wrappings and ankle-length
leather shoes.

(Below) This spangenhelm has no

brow band; the rivets around the
bottom presumably secure an
adjustable leather lining cap. The
helmet has cheekpieces, a frontal
nasal and a similar bar at the back

to protect the neck. Helmets with

exactly this combination of
feature's have not been found, but
each can be proved for our period,
so the existence of such a helmet
is likely.


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