Chapter 3 Special Purpose Diodes
Chapter 3 Special Purpose Diodes
Chapter 3 Special Purpose Diodes
The basic function of zener diode is to maintain a specific
voltage across its terminals within given limits of line or load
change. Typically it is used for providing a stable reference
voltage for use in power supplies and other equipment.
This particular zener circuit will work to maintain 10 V across the load.
Zener Diodes – Operating Range
A zener diode is much like
a normal diode, the
exception being is that it
is placed in the circuit in
reverse bias and operates
in reverse breakdown.
This typical characteristic
curve illustrates the
operating range for a
zener. Note that its
forward characteristics
are just like a normal
Operating range
Zener Diodes – Regulation Ranges
The zener diode’s Zener zone Diode zone
breakdown characteristics
are determined by the
doping process. Low
voltage zeners (<5V),
operate in the zener
breakdown range. Those
designed to operate >5 V
operate mostly in
avalanche breakdown
range. Zeners are
available with voltage
breakdowns of 1.8 V to This curve illustrates the minimum and
200 V. maximum ranges of current operation that the
zener can effectively maintain its voltage.
Zener Diodes – Breakdown Characteristics
Note very small reverse
current (before “knee”).
• Zener exhibits a
near constant
voltage, varied by
current draw
through the series
resistance Z Z.
• As Iz increases, Vz
also increases.
Zener Diodes – Characteristic Curve
• Iz thru Zz
produce this.
• Power ratings
• Temperature
• Vz nominal
• Impedance
Zener Diode - Applications
Regulation When VIN changes
In this simple illustration of zener regulation circuit, the zener diode
will “adjust” its impedance based on varying input voltages. Zener
current will increase or decrease directly with voltage input changes.
The zener current, Iz, will vary to maintain a constant Vz.
Note: The zener has a finite range of current operation.
Zener Diode - Applications
Vin IZ Vout
Vin IZ Vout
Determine the minimum and maximum input voltages that can be regulated
By the zener diode
Zener Diode - Applications
Regulation When Load Current Changes
In this simple illustration of zener regulation circuit, the zener diode will
“adjust” its impedance based on varying input voltages and loads (R L) to be
able to maintain its designated zener voltage.
The zener current will increase or decrease inversely with varying loads.
Again, the zener has a finite range of operation.
See Ex.3-8
Optical Diodes
The light-emitting diode (LED) emits photons as visible
light. Its purpose is for indication and other display
solutions. Various impurities are added during the
doping process to vary the color output.
Optical Diodes
Electroluminescence, the process of
emitting photons from a parent material
(substrate), is the basis for LEDs.
Colors result from the choice of substrate
material and the resulting wavelength;
Todays LEDs (green,red, yellow) are based
on indium gallium aluminum phosphide
Blue uses silicon carbide or gallium nitride
White uses Sapphire
IR (infrared) – GaAs (gallium arsenide)
LED Biasing: 1.2V to 3.2V is typical. A strong Forward bias
encourages conduction-
Note: Some newer LED’s run at higher band electrons in the N-
voltages and emit immense light energy. material to leap the
Applications: Traffic signals junction and recombine
Outdoor video screens with available holes
Runway markers releasing light and heat.
LED – Spectral Curves
(the range of wavelengths human EYE can perceive, approximately from 390 nm to 750 nm)
Germanium or Gallium
Tunnel Diodes
Tank circuits oscillate but “die out” due to the internal resistance. A
tunnel diode will provide “negative resistance” that overcomes the
loses and maintains the oscillations.
The LASER diode (light amplification by stimulated emission of
radiation) produces a monochromatic (single color) “coherent”
light. Laser diodes in conjunction with photodiodes are used to
retrieve data from compact discs.
Forward bias the diode and electrons move thru the junction,
recombination occurs (as ordinary). Recombinations result in
photon release, causing a chain reaction of releases and
avalanching photons which form an intense laser beam.
Although precise power supplies typically use IC type
regulators, zener diodes can be used alone as a voltage
regulator. As with all troubleshooting techniques we
must know what is normal.