Tunnel diode is a highly doped semiconductor device and
is used mainly for low voltage high frequency switching
applications. It works on the principle of Tunneling effect.
It is also called as Esaki diode named after Leo Esaki, who
in 1973 received the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering
the electron tunneling effect used in these diodes.
Circuit symbol
Varactor Diode
The varactor diode was named because of the variable reactor or
variable reactance or variable capacitor or variable capacitance
property of these diodes. A varactor diode is considered as a
special type of diode that is widely used in the electronics
industry and is used in various electronics applications. Varactor
diode is also a semiconductor microwave solid-state device, it is
frequently used in applications where variable capacitance is
desired which can be achieved by controlling voltage.
Varactor diode symbol
As the primary function of a varactor diode is as a variable
capacitor, its circuit symbol represents this. Sometimes they may
be shown as ordinary diodes, whereas more usually the varactor
diode circuit symbol shows the bar as a capacitor, i.e. two lines.