Fineness of Portland Cement by The Turbidimeter: Standard Test Method For
Fineness of Portland Cement by The Turbidimeter: Standard Test Method For
Fineness of Portland Cement by The Turbidimeter: Standard Test Method For
E 3.0 1⁄ 8 X 38 11⁄2
F 28.6 11⁄8 Y 15.9 5⁄ 8
microammeter shall be between 50 and 150 V . The microam- not affect the linearity of readings at the light intensity levels encountered
meter shall not be mounted upon a working surface containing in a Wagner turbidimetric determination of fineness.
or consisting of iron or steel, or near other magnetic influence. 4.4 Source of Current—A 6-V automobile starting and
4.3.2 Digital Microammeter: lighting storage battery or a source of constant emf shall be
NOTE 2—A meter with a range of 199.9 µA is satisfactory for use and used for supplying current to the lamp.
enables the operator to read the theoretical I0 directly without supplemen- 4.5 Sieve—The sieve shall conform to the requirements of
tary devices. The high internal resistance of the digital microammeter does Test Method C430.
4.6 Stirring Apparatus—The stirring apparatus shall consist t = time of settling, or time of flow, s,
of either (1) a cylindrical brush, 19 mm [3⁄4 in.] in diameter and h = viscosity of kerosine at the temperature of calibra-
about 45 mm [13⁄4 in.] in length, with an end approximately tion, P,
fitting the contour of the bottom of a 22-mm [7⁄8-in.] diameter r1 = density of cement particles, Mg/m3(g/cm3) = 3.15 for
test tube, or (2) any other stirring device that will be equally portland cement (Note 4),
efficient in dispersion as measured by specific surface deter- r2 = density of kerosine, Mg/m3 at the temperature of
minations on a standard sample. The stirring apparatus shall calibration,
rotate at a speed of approximately 3500 r/min. h = depth of suspension to level of light, cm, and
4.7 Timing Buret—The time of settling for the different- d = diameter of particle, µm.
sized particles shall be obtained by use of a buret from which Values of h/d2 are given in Table 2.
kerosine is allowed to flow. The buret shall consist of a glass Fill the buret with kerosine at the calibrating tem-
tube having a capillary tube fused into the lower end. The perature, start a timing clock at the instant the kerosine in the
upper end of the large tube shall be flared to serve as a funnel buret drains past the zero line, and mark on the buret the levels
for introducing kerosine into the tube. The buret shall conform reached by the draining kerosine for each of the time intervals,
to the limiting dimensions given in Table 3. The graduation t, calculated as described above. At these marks, etch perma-
lines on the buret shall be complete circles. A filter made of nent lines and numbers on the buret indicating the correspond-
45-µm (No. 325) wire cloth shall be used with the timing buret ing diameters (Note 5). The construction and the graduation of
and a cover shall be placed over the top of the buret when it is the buret shall be such that at the temperature of calibration the
not in use. time required for the kerosine to pass the permanent lines of the
4.8 Weights and Weighing Devices, shall conform to the buret agrees with the calculated time of settling within 1
requirements of Methods C114. percent, except that the permissible variation shall be not less
than 1 s.
5. Materials NOTE 4—The density of portland cement does not vary greatly and in
5.1 Suspending Liquid—Clear white kerosine shall be used this work it is considered constant at 3.15. A variation of 0.15 from this
with the turbidimeter apparatus. The kerosine shall not be value when substituted in Stokes’ law gives a variation of 2.5 % in the
reused. diameter of the particle measured.
NOTE 5—By using the calibrated buret the apparatus may be used
6. Test Specimen or Sample within the normal range of room temperatures without further correction,
the change in rate of flow of the kerosine from the buret automatically
6.1 Size of Test Sample—Select the size of the sample of compensating for change in viscosity of the suspension due to tempera-
cement for test so that the initial microammeter reading is ture. The temperature of the kerosine in the buret and that of the
between 12 and 20 µA. suspension should be kept the same within 0.5 °C [1 °F]. This condition
will ordinarily exist if the supply of kerosine is kept in the same room as
NOTE 3—The following approximations will be helpful in many in- the apparatus.
stances in selecting the size of sample: 0.25 g for normal fineness cements Care must be taken to ascertain that only clean kerosine is used in the
and 0.20 g for high fineness cements. buret, and, in addition, the capillary should be examined frequently to
make sure that no small pieces of lint or other foreign material have
TABLE 3 Buret DimensionsA become lodged in it.
Permissible 7.1.2 Calibration of No. 325 (45-µm) Sieve—Calibration
cm shall be made in accordance with Method C430, basing the
percentage sieve correction on the difference between the test
Length of large tube 38 64
Inside diameter of large tube 1.9 60.2 residue obtained and the assigned residue value indicated by
Length of capillary 17.5 62.5 the electroformed sheet sieve fineness specified for the stan-
Diameter of capillary 0.09 60.005
Top of buret to zero line 7 61
dard sample, expressed as a percentage of the test residue.
7.1.3 Determination of the Proper Light Intensity, Ir:
Since glass tubing of desired dimensions is not always obtainable, the wide
permissible variations listed above allow selection of dimensions to produce a Fill the sedimentation tank to the mark with clear
buret having a duration of flow which will permit calibration as described in 7.1.1. kerosine.
NOTE 11—The procedure described for oscillating the suspension shall NOTE—Values shown are for purpose of illustration only.
be carefully followed. The procedure used in shaking a cocktail shall not Sample identification sample X
be employed. Passing 45-µm (No. 325) sieve, r, corrected, T 90.4
Calibration factor, K 33.9
NOTE 12—The lid to the tank shall fit so that no kerosine drains down
Meter reading through filter alone, µA:
the outside faces of the tank. The faces of the glass tank shall be clean Before test 17.5
when the suspension is added, and care shall be taken to avoid the After test 17.5
necessity of cleaning the faces until the determination is complete. Weight of sample tested, g 0.25
8.3 Operation of Turbidimeter—Operate the turbidimeter Particle
I, µA log I
Size, µm
apparatus in accordance with the following procedure:
8.3.1 With retarding filter and sedimentation tank contain- 50 17.3 ... 1.238A
45 17.4 1.241
ing approximately 100 mL of clear kerosine in the light path, 40 17.6 1.246
adjust the light to the intensity, Ir, as determined in 7.1.3 by 35 17.9 1.253
taking repeated readings at 1-min intervals until an unchanging 30 18.4 1.265
25 19.1 1.281
value indicates that the lamp and the photoelectric cell are in 20 20.1 1.303
equilibrium. Remove the tank, check, and record the intensity 15 21.6 1.334
of the lamp. 10 23.9 1.378
7.5 25.6 ... 1.408A
NOTE 13—To protect the microammeter, the lamp shall be turned on 0.75 3 1.408 = 1.056
only with a suspension or the retarding filter in position to reduce the light 1.500
Sum = 12.857
intensity to a value within the range of the microammeter. A freshly
9.5 3 1.238 = 11.761
charged storage battery should be momentarily short-circuited to reduce Difference = 1.096
the voltage to constant value. If the microammeter indication continues to S = (33.9 3 90.4 3 0.762)/1.096 = 2131 cm2/g
fluctuate, look for loose connections in the lamp and photoelectric cell 2 2
(Round to 2130 cm /g or 213 m /kg)
circuits, see that the rheostat contacts are clean, and make certain that the A
For convenience in calculation, log I50 and log I7.5 are recorded in a separate
lamp, socket, and reflector are rigidly fixed in their mounting. column.
8.3.2 Weigh the sample of cement in the appropriate amount
and record the weight to the nearest 0.0002 g. Prepare a
suspension in accordance with 8.2.
8.3.3 Place the shelf level pointer at the 30–50 µm position. F r~2 2 log I50!
S 5 K 1.5 1 0.75 log I 1 log I 1 log I
7.5 10 15
8.3.4 Fill the buret to the predetermined height with kero-
sine from the same lot and at the same temperature as the
... 1 log I45 – 9.5 log I50 G (2)
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 For research or comparative purposes particle-size tion of particle size distribution.
distributions to a minimum of 7.5 µm may be of value.
X1.2 Calculate the particle size distribution as follows:
The form shown in Table X1.1 is suggested for the calcula-
TABLE X1.1 Illustrative Form for Calculation of Particle Size Distribution from Recorded Turbimetric Test Data
Average Weight, %
Particle d1 3
I,µ A logI Difference Particle
Size, µm Difference Fractional Cumulative
Size, d1
50 17.3 1.238 0.003 47.5 .143 2.34 90.4
45 17.4 1.241 0.005 42.5 .213 3.49 88.1
40 17.6 1.246 0.007 37.5 .263 4.31 84.6
35 17.9 1.253 0.012 32.5 .390 6.39 80.3
30 18.4 1.265 0.016 27.5 .440 7.21 73.9
25 19.1 1.281 0.022 22.5 .495 8.11 66.7
20 20.1 1.303 0.031 17.5 .543 8.89 58.6
15 21.6 1.334 0.044 12.5 .550 9.01 49.7
10 23.9 1.378 0.030 8.75 .263 4.31 40.7
7.5 25.6 1.408 0.592 3.75 2.220 36.36 36.4
(0) (100.0) (2.000) ...
F = r/Sum (d1 3 diff) = 90.4/5.520 = 16.377
% fraction = F(d1 3 diff)
Committee C01 has identified the location of selected changes to this test method since the last issue, , that
may impact the use of this test method. (Approved February 1, 2010)
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