Unit 6 Water Quality For Irrigation: Structure
Unit 6 Water Quality For Irrigation: Structure
Unit 6 Water Quality For Irrigation: Structure
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Quality Variation Based on Source of Water
6.3 Soluble Constituents
6.3.1 Maja nad Minor Soluble Conmtuenu
6.3.2 Salinity
6.3.3 Toxicity
6.3.4 Cxemical Analysis of Irrigation Water
6.4 Irrigation Water Quality Standards
6.4.1 Water Quality Rmngs
6.4.2 Variation of Ground Water Quality
6.4.3 Irrigation with Poor Quality Water
6.5 Salinity and Alkalinity of Soils
6.5.1 Effect on Crops
6.5.2 Land Reclamation Methods
6.5.3 Leaching Process
6.'6 Summary
6.7 Key Words
6.8 Answers to SAGS
The process of planning an irrigation scheme should lake into consideration not only the
quagty of water available for irrigaton but also its suitability for the plants or crops that
are proposed to be irrigated. It may be emphasised that the consideration of related
factors such as texture of soil, its drainage characteristics, salt tolerance characteristics of
the plant, and climatological conditions are equally important while determining the
suitability of water for irrigation in a given area for a given crop.
After completing this unit you should be able to :
conduct simple tests on water to determine the suitability for irrigation,
determine the suitability of water for a given crop to be grown at a given
location, and
suggest suitable remedial measures to overcome the deficiency, if any.
Sail - Water Plant three source groups i;'on~ which it 1s drawn such as :
Relatiomhip ie Irrigatiatioll
a) ground water lrom aridlsem-arid reglons having rainfall less thal500 l~znlper
illmum - pxt>>of Kajasthan, Gujarat and puts of Uttar Pradesh iue exallkp1ples.
b) ground water w i w e quality is influenced by the hydro1c)gical conci~t~onof high
water table caused by river basin imgation. Certain areas of Punjab. H:~ryana
ruld Uttnr Pradsh are salt affected by rise in water table, and hence Uierein the
ground waler IS also affected.
c) coastal regions where fresh water aquifers get salt affected due to sea water
intrusion, and also low lying ponds and lakes get flooded with sea water during
cyclnnic storm. Coromandel coast is an example in point.
6.3.2 Salinity
Total concentration of ions in irr~gationwater is usually called salinify. It IS sun] ot ill1 the
lonizzd (dissolved) salts In water without reference to the specific ions present. The
electrical conductivity (EC) of water is often used as a measure of salinity. w the ab111ty
of water to ccinduct electricity is directly related to the number of ions present 111 ~ t 1.1 is
measured as milli-mho per celltimetre (m-inl~o/cm)or decisiemens/metre (dS/m) One
(dS/ln) IS equal to one (111-lnho/cm). dS/m is the SI unit wheareas m-rnho/cm I S ;I
tradiuonally used unlt. Salinity 1s also expressed as concentration (mgn), or p;ul per
nlillion (ppn~).
'Ele primary eri'ect o f salin~tyis to restrict the availability of soil water to tlle pl:oit The
presence of salt in soil water increases the energy needed by plants to remove water trom
soil. Salinity intluences crop physiology and its yield. Physiological process llke cell
enlargement and division, production of proteins and the rate of increase ot pliu~rmass,
are all retarded at high levels of salinity. At extremely high salinity levels, v~sihlc~njury
symptoms like l e g f hurt1 are seen.
Figure 6.1 shows a typical relationship between the energy (bars) with which \ o ~ lIlolds
water and the percentage soil water content for various salt concentrations. I t Inay he seen
that for a given soil water content the plant has to exert itself increasingly harder through
increased energy consulnption to extract water with the increasing salt co1icL'rltr;llloll
Figure 6.2 shows a typical relationship between crop yield (in 5%) and salilllry ot the
irrigation water. When the salinity is below a threshold level, the crop yield 15
independent of salt concentration. This means that the presence of salts does not affect
the crop yield when the salinity does not exceed the threshold value.\Whell the salinity
exceeds this tllreshold value the crop y~elddecreases almost linearly. The salniity at zc>ro
yield level is an estimate of the maximum salinity that a crop can tolerate. Crop ,
production cannot normally be maintained when the salinity exceed the zero yluld value.
0 5 10 15 20
Percent SoiC ~ o i s t u r e
Figure 6.1 : Welaliotrship between Energy (bars)to Hold Soil Water and Percentage
Soil Water at Different S J t Concentration
(Sower :'lm~fltir~n'. Edit. Pair. C. H. et d)
Figure 6.2 :Qpical alelation~hipbewecn Crop Yield and Salinity.
(Source :'Snlinity in Immga&dAgriculture: Hoffman et al -
ASAE Monographs)
What \ubstances constitute tbe "suspended" and "d~ssolvctl"m;llcrl;,l~
respect~vely,in irrigation water ?
6.3.3 Toxicity
During crop growth dissolved ions are absorbed through the roots along with soil water
. and are uansmitted to plant leaves where they accumulate. When the accumulation of
ions becomes large enough to cause leaf burn (drying of leave tissues), we say that
toxicity tmurs. A chemical alialysis of leaf is often needed to identify the offending toxic
- -
Sdl Water Plant
Rd#omhip in Irrigation
The most common plant toxins (phytotoxins) found in natural irrigation waters are
Sodium (Na), Chloridc (CI) and Boron (B). When reclaimed sewage waters are used for
irrigation, these are likely to contain many other phytotoxins.
Sodium and chloride concentrations in irrigation waters that may not cause toxicity
problems in furrow irrigation, may cause toxicity problems in foliar absorption irrigation
methods, such as, sprinkler irrigation, that wet the plant leaves, especially when
temperature is high and humidity is low. Sprinkler irrigated citrus is known to have been
damaged by water even with low concentration of sodium and chloride, though the same
level of concentr:ltion had no toxic effect when it was irrigated by the same water by
furrow or flooding method, in which water does not wet the leaves directly.
Thus, it is seen that salinity and toxicity effects are dependent not only on concentration
levels of the concentrated substances, but also on other factors We, the method of water
application, and weather conditions like temperature and humidity. The other, but minor,
toxic element of concern is Boron, which is contained in a few surface water sources.
6.3.4 Chemical Analysis of Irrigation Water
It is obvious that a chemical analysis of water needs to be carrikd out to assess its
suitability, vis-a-vis, a given crop grown on a given soil. Analypis of irrigation water can
be broadly carried out by methods that are classified into the three categories as indicated
below :
i) Gravimetric Method
This.involves a laborious process. First, the different substances contai~iedin
the water samples are to be separated by mechanical means (filtering,
decanting, centrifuge method, etc.). Then these are weighed separately. The
proportion of each substance with reference to the total sample cat1 then be
ii) Volumetric Method
In this method, exact volumes of che/nical solutions (Of standard strengths) are
added to measured parts of the water sample, to bring hbout specific well
established chemical changes - such a volumetric procedure is called trfrbtion.
The titration point at which the indicative chemical chdnge takes place as the
standard solution is being added carefully (in a controlled manner) to Wie water
being analyzed, is the end-point of titration. A few drops pf chemical indlicators
such a phenolphthalein or methyl-orange serve as indicbtors of the end+point
through change of colour. The amount of each of the miperal constituepq being
analyzed m the water sample is estimated directly from the volume of muh of
the corresponding standard solution required.
iii) Colorimetric Analysis
Colorimetric 'analysis is often used for detecting the presence of and measuring
the amount of iron in water. A given volume of water sample is treated with a
chemical reagent, and if iron is present, the colour of the sample chan b
colouf is then compared with the standard mixtures of water having d&~r$
h o w n concentrations of iron, which are treated with the same reagent resulting
in a set of san~pleswith different shades of colour.
It has earlier been mentioned that the sum of all ionized dissolved salts in water
determines the salinity level and that the electrical conductivity'(~~) stated usually in
terms of m-mhoslcm, is ;I simple measure of salinity. The pH value of natural water (or
soil) is a measure of its alkalinily or acidity. More specifically stated, it is measure of thk
hydrogen ion-concentration in water. Water molecules (H20 or HOH) have a mild
tendency to break down into ions. Ions which are atoms or grougs of atoms carrying
positive (H+) or negative (hydroxyl OH-) charge are formed when water molecules
breaks down. In distilled water, the number of H ions formed is such that their
concentration is expressed by a pH value of 7. Mathematically, this is the logarithm, to
the base 10, of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration in pure water. Thus,
pH = 7 indicates a neutral water, that is neither acidic nor alkaline. A pH of 7.5 to 8.0
usually indicates the presence of carbonates of calcium (Ca) or magnesium (Mg). and a
pH of 8.5 and above usually ipdicates appreciable exchangeable sodiuni (Na): hence
indicating alkalinity.
Equivalent weight of an element or radical is its combining capacity with hydrogen. It is
the weight in gram of an ion or a compound that combines with or replaces one gram of Nnter Qudity for
hydrogen and is given by the following basic relationship in Chemistry :
Equivalent Weight =
Atomic Weight ...
Equivalent weight of cau = 1 = 20
39.1 -
K+= -
Equivalent wight of - 39.1
= 6400 pprn
Soil -Water Plant
Soil-plant-water complex has to have an optimum balance between its three constituents.
Given a soil matrix for a given a o p , water has to have its quality parameters conforming
to set standards, or it requires appropriate management practice.
1) Deep black soil and alluvial soil, with clay Semi tolerant 1.5
nlore than 30%)and soil 1110deratelydrained
Tolerant 7.0
4) Light textured soils with clay less than Semi tolerant 6.0
- 10%; excellel~tinternal and surface
drai~~age Tolerant 8.0
It is a useful guide to match soil, crop, and salt level for better results.
I)ate palm
Bitter g~)ur!l
Po~~~egranzLe J
1 Guava
Pear Ii
Len1011 i
L --L.I-
iii) Irrigation Management
While irrigating tvitll poor quality waler, accumulatiia~of :;;:its increases with
fi~renessof soil texture (Rcfer also (6.1) first colua~m.nanlely nature of
Soil). So, it is rleccssary that t l ~ concentzalion
e 01' salinity a t Lhe root zone is kept
to a rninirllum. For this purpose the quantity of waicr and liequency of
irriyatinn are st? adjusted, thzt they vr~ould.:'atisfy tllv icaching requirement of
:soil salts apart from meeting tlle consuj~~plive ust:: 01p1mLs.
Cnrion E~c.h(m,reCnpncity (CEC) : The total quantlty of caLion. ~?;t::ch the sdll can
absorb by ca111)nexchange. is usually expressed as rnillcq~ia~aIr~~~;x
j-rt-r i00 gnl.
Exchangecfile Sodiunt F'ercentugc. (ESP) : It is the degree of sali!rnllon c,l' G k coil which
cm he effectively exchnngcd with sodium and is expressed as.
Exchangeable Sodium (meq per 1002111 -- o f SI 1::.
ESP = lu9
Cation exchangc capacity (~neqper 100 gm cd soil)
,- >(
. . . (6.2)
Saline Soil : A soil which has EC of the saturatiorl extract (ECe) more than 4 m-rnho/cm
at 25OC. ESP less than 15. and pH of the standard paste usually less than 8.5.
Alkalirtij (or Sodic*)Soil : A soil that contains sufficient excl~nngeahlcsodium to interfere
- -
Soil Water Plant with the plant growth. ESP of 15 is the lower limit and the pH of the saturated paste is
Relationship in Irrigation
higher than 7, say between 8.5 and 10, and EC less than 4 m-mholcm.
Salinc-Alkaline Soil : A soil with EC of saturation extract greater than 4 m-mnhoslcm, and
ESP greater than 15 and pH of saturated paste may be 8.5 or slightly more.
Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) : It is the ratio used to express the relathe activity of
sodium ions in exchange reactions with the soil, and is defined as :
SAR = -
+ ?
MR /2
(m-moln) "
in which ionic concentrrtions are expressed as meqA. I
Based on the value of EC and SAR, soils ate classified into four categories such as :
i) Noml
ii) Saline
iii) Sodic or Alkaline
iv) Salhl:-alhline1Saline-sodic
Table 6.3 gives the usual ranges of the values of EC and SAR and the soil classification.
Table 6 3 :Classification of Soil by EC and SAR
(Cuenca, Richard H., 'Irrigation System Design')
Criteria EC (m-mholcm) SAR
Normal <4 < 13
Saline >4 < 13
SodicIAlkaline 14 > 13
Saline-alkaline >4 > 13
Example 6.3
A soil sample was analysed, giving the following results :
EC = 2.53 m-rnholcm
Example 6.4
Analysis of 5 gm of a soil sample showed that the concentration of exchangeable
cations is 1.25 m.eq/l and that of exchangeable sodium is 0.8 m.eqn. Estimate CEC
and ESP.
Total exchangeable cations in 100 gm of soil :
1 25
-x100 = 25
3 .o 2.0 0
3.8 216 10
5.1 3.4 25
7.2 4.8 50
'MIWater - Llant 2) Sugar beet
in Irrigation
Table 6.5 : Yield Variation in Sugar-beet with E(:
EC of Irrigation Wnty
% Reduction in Yirlcl
0 I
It is obvious that Citrus, out of above five crops, is the most tcdel iult
List out any three effe~-tsof salinity/alk:;'i~iit!, 01' soil w:Wr on irr~g:~li:il
Wtth the help of Table 6.8. place. in ortler 01 loleriuncc to S ~ I ~ I I ~\v,~li'r.
L' 111,:
Ii Gypsum
Grain Yield (quintalslha)
i 1 Paddy Wheat Rarley
S d :Water .'nmt Reclanation of saline-alkali soils can be done in two stages as described below :
Relationship in Irrigation
i) Leach out the excessive salts that give an EC 6 to 8 m-mho/cm,
ii) Remove excessive exchangeable Na by gypsum.
At both these stages, adequate drainage is necessary to wash down both the excess salts
and the released Na +
in which, Dd is depth of drainage water (cm), Di the depth of water infiltrated ill r cm).
and ETr is the loss of water in evapotranspiration of the crop (cm).
If la, is the infiltration rate in cnl per day, and cia,, is the irrigation water applietl In
cmlday, we can write for time period, ti :
Di = la, ti
or, I)i = ciV t; ,whichever is less . . , (6.5)
It is also assunled herein that the entire root zone is characterised by a ul~ltorlnsalt
concentration, which is constant over the period of time, ti . Ayers and Westcot (FAO).
have worked out a formula, to overcome any inappropriateness in the assumption laildt:
above, such as :
Exa:qple 6.5
For the following data :
ECiw = 3.2 ~-m&i)/cin (saline)
22'2 cm
ti = = 17.1 hours
1.3 cm/h
In a ten days cycle, 17.1 hours of imgaion is required.
c It is assumed that the salt content is uniform over the depth and over tl~eentire
b) Using Ayers and Wescot (FAO) method':
3.2 m-mholcm 3'2 - 0.15
LF = -
((5 x 5) - 3.2) m-mho/cm 21.8
wl~ereasLF in 0.64 inthe first method wherein it is assumed that the salt content
is uniform over the depth and over #e entire period.
1n this iinit we have studied the salient quality parameters of irrigation water and the soil
watepthat influence various aspects of plant life. We have also classifi~dsoil and water
quality paranieters into different categories such that the suitability of water for the
growth of a crop, and measures to be adopted for the reclamation of soils can be assessed.
Salinity : Amount of salts contained in a sample of water.
Alkalinity : Amount of alkaline substances (like, caustic soda and
ammonia etc.) in a sampe of water.
Leaching : The process of removing soluble matter from soil by the
action of percolating water.
Soil Amendment : It refers to the reclamation of soil (by the methods that are
available) to bring it to normal productive conditions.
Ion : An electricallj charged particle (positively or negatively)
resulting from the breakdown of atoms through a solution
I in water.
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