RBC Asset Allocation Guide
RBC Asset Allocation Guide
RBC Asset Allocation Guide
R B C W ea l th M ana g ement
A ss et Allo ca t io n Gui d e
This publication provides guidance and direction on asset allocation from the Canadian Investment Committee, including
updated thoughts and recommendations for various asset and sub-asset classes. It can be used to help investors tilt their
own strategic asset mix in a direction that reflects the 12–18 month investment views at RBC Wealth Management. The
Guide will be updated quarterly or on an ad-hoc basis should an asset allocation view change.
Global Domestic
Cash 2% 2% ●
Emerging 4% 4% ● Maintain Neutral. EM bonds have posted positive total returns of late as lower
markets government bond yields have more than offset a further widening in credit
spreads. While EM bonds now exhibit spreads that are at their widest levels
since 2016, we refrain from adding to positions at current levels as we think
our risk budget is better spent elsewhere.
2 Asset Allocation Guide | January 2019
Asset allocation
balanced profile
Current qualitative
Long-term targets recommendations
Asset class % of portfolio – = + Commentary
Global Domestic
Canada 20% 33% ● Maintain Neutral. Valuations remain discounted relative to the U.S., which
we believe provides appropriate compensation for domestic-specific
challenges (e.g., the impact of higher interest rates on highly-leveraged
households, constrained oil pipeline capacity, and waning economic
competitiveness). Resolution of free trade negotiations with the U.S. and
Mexico appears poised to reduce uncertainty; however, the agreed accord
must now be passed into law. Bank valuations have contracted but better
reflect expectations for slower earnings growth. Mandatory production cuts
should alleviate a glut of crude in storage, but visibility on increased pipeline
capacity remains limited.
U.S. 20% 12% ● Maintain Neutral. U.S. stocks have buckled under persistent concerns about
tightening monetary policy, signs of slowing global growth, and domestic
political discord. With most data indicating the domestic economy remains
on a solid footing, and our recession risk indicators not flashing any warning
signals, we retain a modestly constructive view towards the U.S. market.
While valuations have cheapened following the latest downdraft, we refrain
from upgrading given a higher-than-normal hurdle for positive earnings
surprises in the near term and unusually high uncertainty surrounding both
fiscal and monetary policy.
Developed 10% 6% ● Maintain Neutral. Brexit remains a worrisome overhang on European indexes,
international which comprise more than 60% of the market cap of international developed
markets. Japanese bourses offer relatively more attractive opportunities,
in our view, thanks to a combination of compelling valuations, improving
shareholder-friendly behaviours, and decent earnings growth. That said, we
believe the higher representation of cyclical sectors in these regions’ indexes
leaves their overall earnings outlook relatively more vulnerable to the global
trade and manufacturing soft patch. We maintain a bias towards high-quality
companies with global franchises and a structural growth runway.
Cash + 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Fixed Income – 78% 78% 63% 63% 43% 43% 28% 28% 0% 0%
Core + 78% 78% 52% 52% 32% 32% 17% 17% 0% 0%
+ 30% 32% 19% 21% 9% 11% 4% 5% 0% 0%
IG corporate
– 38% 40% 23% 26% 13% 16% 8% 9% 0% 0%
Global bonds
+ 10% 6% 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% 3% 0% 0%
Non-core = 0% 0% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 0% 0%
= 0% 0% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0% 0%
preferred shares
High yield – 0% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 0% 0%
Emerging markets = 0% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 0% 0%
Current Very Aggressive
view conservative Conservative Balanced Growth growth
Global Domestic Global Domestic Global Domestic Global Domestic Global Domestic
Equities = 20% 20% 35% 35% 55% 55% 70% 70% 98% 98%
Canada = 10% 12% 15% 21% 20% 33% 24% 41% 31% 58%
‒ = +
UW Modest UW Neutral Modest OW OW
Interpreting sub-asset class (i.e., within Equity or Fixed Income) recommendations above:
Relative % (of asset class) -40% -20% +/- 5% 20% 40%
Research resources
This document is produced by the Canadian Investment Committee within RBC Wealth Management. This group consists
of members from various investment areas at RBC Capital Markets and RBC Wealth Management, including RBC Dominion
Securities and RBC Global Asset Management. It meets monthly and is responsible for providing views on asset allocation,
fulfillment selection, portfolio construction, and management for the firm’s investment advisors. The Committee leverages the
firm’s vast resources, including asset allocation, asset class, manager, and individual security research from RBC Global Asset
Management, RBC Capital Markets, and third-party resources.
Canadian Investment Committee members:
Mark Bayko, CFA – Chair, Head of Portfolio Management, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Jim Allworth – Investment Strategist, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Sarah Bewley, CFA – Senior Analyst, Global Manager Research, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Siân Canavan, CFA –Manager, Multi-Asset Advisory & Portfolio Practice Management, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Imran Dhanani, CFA – Senior Mutual Fund Analyst, Mutual Fund Advisory, RBC Global Asset Management Inc.
Janet Engels – Head of Portfolio Advisory Group - U.S., RBC Wealth Management, RBC Capital Markets, LLC
Christopher Girdler , CFA – Portfolio Advisor, Fixed Income Strategies, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Erwin Go, CFA – Senior Mutual Fund Analyst, Mutual Fund Advisory, RBC Global Asset Management Inc.
Brent Hubbs, CFA – Senior Portfolio Consultant, Multi-Asset Advisory, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
David Jean-Philippe , CFA – Senior Manager, Investment Analytics, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
John MacIsaac, CFA – Senior Analyst, Global Manager Research, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Patrick McAllister, CFA – Portfolio Advisor, Canadian Equities, Portfolio Advisory Group, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Gopa Nair, CFA – Portfolio Advisor, U.S. Equities, Portfolio Advisory Group, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Mikhial Pasic, CFA – Portfolio Advisor, Fixed Income Strategies, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Carolyn Schroeder – Associate Portfolio Advisor, Multi-Asset Advisory & Portfolio Practice Management, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Michael Schuette, CFA – Senior Analyst, Managed Portfolio Strategies, RBC Wealth Management, RBC Capital Markets, LLC
Peter Scott – Portfolio Analyst, Multi-Asset Advisory, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Joseph Wu, CFA – Portfolio Advisor, Portfolio Advisory Group, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Arete Zafiriou – Associate Portfolio Advisor, Multi-Asset Advisory, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.